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Friday, April 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Choose your Metaphor

“in bed together” or “howl with the wolves”?

As the world learns more about the secret machinations of the NSA – and USA – we are again gently reminded of just how unfortunately accurate Billy Meier’s prophetic information has been.

As Edward Snowden states that NSA spies are “in bed together with the Germans and most other Western states”, we merely need to click on those old, reliable Henoch Prophecies again, where Billy Meier colorfully states, “At first, many countries will howl with the wolves of the US, partially due to fear of American aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other countries.” We note that he specifically even mentions the Germans (Germany), like Snowden did.

Ah, just another coincidence, as the skeptics would be quick to claim. And should this be fulfilled as well, “Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction. The cause for this will be manifold. With her global conflicts which are continuously instigated by her and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against her, worldwide, in many countries. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes, which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning,” I guess they’ll just chalk it all up to…coincidence as well, right?

So whaddya like, “in bed together” or “howl with the wolves”?

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They both suck if you know what I mean.


Sh*t. I got a metaphor, ‘We’re f*%$@#.’ Damn you Michael and your depressing reminders/updates.

Kelsey Bryant Anthis

I am curious to what BEAM has to say about the supposed UFO’s that are leaving the earths mantle thru the ocean, reportedly announced by Edward Snowden. I heard he has alot more information that he is waiting to release, hopefully soon. Either way would be nice to see what BEAM says perhaps in the Ask Billy Forum that is being answered once a month on . Here is a link to it

Kelsey Bryant Anthis

Note allegedly now, I had read this on a few other websites and this is the one that says allegedly leaked this information. It may be nonsense like some of the news is in USA.

Kelsey Bryant Anthis

It may be he ET’s that are mentioned in Contact Report 532.

Dyson Devine

Hi all,

This new Snowden/UFO thing is interesting in light of this link I posted here recently:

Mexican TV news shows ET craft entering active volcano

WHO KNOWS how far down they’re going? Bizarre idea. A river of magma as a medium of transportation.

Edward Snowden’s a very hot potato. Because of that, if asked, I’d guess that Christian might say something like, “Billy says he is not knowing a person called Edward Snowden.” Or maybe Billy’s hanging out for the question so he can tell us something astounding. Worth a try. You never know.

The article states, “the former telecommunications information systems officer [Snowden] is unconsciously referencing a false flag ET invasion scenario.”

(Among other things!) If so, he’d be talking about this:

This BBC doco about state-run terrorism is very good:

UFOs as “species”? One shot down & retrieved related in the Disclosure Project testimony of U.S. Marine Lance Corporal John Weygandt in October 2000 sounds like it. I think Billy mentioned that some UFO’s are biological.

My favourite wolf metaphor for our bloodthirsty elected rulers: “Wolves in shepherds’ clothing.”



Dyson, I would like that all of the work from Billy Meier’s material have shown and set the standard on what real “ETV” crafts could potentially operate rather than a potentially fictional account given by a “witness” or “whistle blower” (not necessarily just Mr. Snowden) ridiculously claiming government x, y, or z is being helped by extraterrestrials. It would be nearly impossible to swindle people with money from the Meier material as there is nothing like it on Earth … literally … unless you change the story and claim other things to make is sound more “believe-able” (double pun intended).

This is before the context of knowing ultra secret beyond top secret information became en vogue which actually do not hold a candle to even the most basic demonstrations by the Plejaren in the film footage going at slow motion (not their alleged normal speed). The most remarkable one being the beam ship in the frame skipping from one side of the sky to another while literally showing half on one side of the sky and half on the other, on the same film slide. This is the measuring stick with which I go after the UFO community with. Flying Triangles, Honeyboos, and Vegetables got nothing like that!

I should add that the most basic of stuff missing from the Plejaran description of their craft, not only how they go about building their craft, are what materials it is made out of. That was intentional in the contact notes to give the reader a good idea just how fake and hollywood-like the capabilities of such craft have compared to the “real deal” without really explaining or giving anything away. The evidence itself is the measuring stick, not imagined capabilities of things that do not exist, or believed to be currently existing, which I hopefully want to put forth to the general reader.

Not surprisingly, the alleged whistleblowers and insider information championed in the UFO Community equally have no clue how to build it either or what materials it is made out of, let alone it lasting for a measly one thousand years. This is regardless of who they know, what entity channeled that information, or supposed “contactee” information they have. At least Phil Langdon tried, the rest of the UFO Community is just as clueless (and jealous).

Lastly, the Meier material leaves the UFO Community in the dust by actually recommending things that last a long time before we of the Earth figure out how the make things last more than a lifetime. I am namely referring to energy needs being met by geothermal energy that is a renewable method of energy for all of humanity. This is in stark contrast to the largely unproven and probably logistical nightmare of a poorly made belief-in-a-box zero-point energy prop.

But I digress.

Dyson Devine

Hi Duke,

” … the largely unproven and probably logistical nightmare of a poorly made belief-in-a-box zero-point energy prop.”

What are you smoking?

How do you think those antigravity craft the cabal stooges use to abduct people are powered? Gasoline?

I know neither where you’re coming from with all this opposition to the DP, about which you seem SERIOUSLY inadequately informed, nor where you’re headed with it, but you seem to be inexplicably (?) conflating the suborned, idiotic “UFO community” with the bona fide ex-military-type technicians, etc. like me, who not only DO know their stuff, but are prepared to testify, under oath, before open Congressional hearings – at the risk of perjury! – to the demonstrable truth of it.

The consequences of a claim that something is true are entirely irrelevant to the issue of whether the claim is true.

Some of us guys, being those with the very highest security clearances stateside, were judged trustworthy enough to be held responsible for the oversight of the USA’s inconceivably dangerous thermonuclear arsenal. (!) We’re not the dimwit, pimply-faced adolescents sitting in their pyjamas in their parents’ houses, at their laptops, eating cold pizza, picking their snotty noses and typing about imaginary space aliens on their favourite moronic UFO forums. OK? We’re the greying USAF ATC radar technicians, etc., who loath the ridiculous “UFO community” even more than you, because they don’t discredit YOU, they discredit US. And so do you here with your continual chipping away at the DP witnesses, Duke. Please either familiarise yourself with the material enough to provide an informed opinion for Michael’s readership or desist.

In so far as the design diagrams of beamships are concerned, I don’t recall seeing any within the Meier material – with which I’m quite familiar. Nor are the P’s forthcoming with either any construction details or theory. Tom Bearden, on the other hand, provides all the theory, and practical historical examples of experimental prototypes, that you could ask for. And I can’t think of a better-credentialed supporter of the Disclosure Project than him, unless you want to count the astronauts.

Right? Let me put it to you even more simply for the sake of clarity. The “UFO community” wants to talk endlessly about lights in the sky. The DP (not CSETI!) want to tell U.S. Congress how the ETs’ free-energy, superluminal, electrogravitic spacecraft actually practically function – for reasons which should be apparent.

And let’s please all not lose sight of the fact that Billy and the Plejaren repeatedly tell us that they won’t do it for us. We have to do it all ourselves. And that’s exactly what we in the DP have been trying to do since the turn of the last century, no thanks at all to the majority of inadequately informed citizens with the sort of negative attitude you have, bro.




Hi Dyson, I think we both mean to say the same-thing but come across differently. I understand the defensiveness but I never critcized directly the actual witnesses themselves directly (the real messengers) but rather the entity known as the “Disclosure Project” that appears to use the witnesses as a springboard for other projects of much more dubious and lesser quality of information (CS swamp gas). It is, afterall, a project of CSETI, not of its own accord, and is made clear in the beginning of the 4-hour dvd posted on youtube.

Generally speaking, no one should easily swallow everything that is said upfront no matter the stage that is set or what credentials they have. More importantly, everyone should question the one directing it, especially one with a directorite-personality, who never held a top level security clearance (contrary to what is implied), and clearly not in contact with extraterrestrials (regardless of the suggestion or experiences outside Mt. Shashta). That’s all I am trying to come across essentially. The “Disclosure Project”, being itself a separate entity than the individual witnesses themselves, does behave in a manner that I would deem insufficient. It actually has nothing relating to the work that you did in that Project or others that put in the amount of free time into it. I went through the 4 hours of witness testimony and I don’t really remember anything other than the suppositions and fanciful wording by a certain someone that somehow makes himself bigger than the project itself.

Ultimately, if the Project can misquote a dead person like Eisenhower, what chance does a living person on tape have?

I could go on about the actual technology but most of that, which should not be surprising, is in comparison to the Meier material. In some cases, the Meier material gives clues where one would not expect. For example, in Contact Report 11:

50. It only concerns atmospheric disturbances, which will dissolve in a few months.
50. Es handelt sich nur um atmosphärische Störungen, die sich in einigen Monaten wieder auflösen werden.

51. They come from your system satellite Saturn, which currently influences the Earth’s atmosphere.
51. Sie kommen von eurem Systemtrabanten Saturn her, der gegenwärtig die irdische Atmosphäre beeinflusst.

52. Through these disturbances, particularly the antenna’s conducting beam and the energy collecting beam as well as the regeneration radiation become visible.
52. Durch diese Störungen werden insbesondere der Antennenleitstrahl und der Energiesammelstrahl sowie die Regenerierungsstrahlung sichtbar.

53. The antenna’s conducting beam and the energy collecting beam appear as a fine line of energy over the beamship, while the regeneration radiation becomes visible beneath the ship in various hues.
53. Der Antennenleitstrahl und der Energiesammelstrahl erscheinen als feine Energielinie über dem Strahlschiff, während die Regenerierungsstrahlung unter dem Schiff in verschiedenen Farbtönungen sichtbar wird.

You speak of regeneration radiation. Is the captured energy regenerated again after consumption?
Du sprichst von Regenerierungsstrahlung; wird denn die eingefangene Energie nach dem Verbrauch wieder regeneriert?

54. The energy only becomes used and regenerated again for the radiation drive.
54. Die Energie wird für den Strahlenantrieb nur ausgenutzt und wieder regeneriert.

55. It is not consumed, however, as you said.
55. Sie wird aber nicht verbraucht, wie du gesagt hast.

56. Our whole technology is aligned toward natural rectification, but not toward destruction.
56. Unsere gesamte Technik ist auf natürliche Gleichrichtung ausgerichtet, nicht aber auf Zerstörung.

I understand; the natural principle is, thus, implosion and regeneration, rather than explosion and destruction.
Ich verstehe; das natürliche Prinzip heisst also Implosion und Regeneration, statt Explosion und Zerstörung.

57. You certainly couldn’t have expressed it more precisely.
57. Sicher, genauer hättest du es nicht ausdrücken können.

Why would the alleged extra-terrestrial known as Semjase on point #56 compare with their technology when according to Plejaran convention she could have remained silent on it? This isn’t per-se about ‘beamship technology’ but ‘radiation drives’ which does not sound like a healthy thing to be around.

Of course, the better information is giving in Contact 4 by Semjase (sadly does not have the german on the right side).

This is very detailed and illuminating, but can you give me the technical details for the construction of such a device?

87. I am not allowed to do that, unfortunately, but I can assure you that your scientists are already working on the basics of such devices, and the day is not far when they will manufacture them.

88. However, it lies in the framework of evolution that the Earth human must first develop more in consciousness and spiritually before he will solve these secrets and not use them simply to hurt others.

89. But even then, the great danger exists that the barbaric earth people will use their technical knowledge and capabilities and their technical inventions viciously and greedily to satisfy their lust for power.

90. This has happened before and will happen again, not only with terrestrial humankind but other human beings on other worlds, as well.

91. But when the time comes that man attains the required technology to fly not only to Earth’s moon, but to other planets, he may not do so carelessly and with hopes of remaining victorious at all times.

In ‘hopes of remaining victorious at all times’ does not sound like the supposed secret craft we have can really do all that much except conduct a light show not far from the Earth thanks to the craft’s own quirkiness. They sound somewhat error prone! Not only that, this is in 1975. What does that say about all previous UFO sightings and “top secret” craft (like the Honeyboo, Lemon-Flyer, and Vegetable)?

Luis Badano

Truth is like dawn or water.

Darcy Carlile

The Plejaren told Eduard Meier that they are leaving in the year 2029, for good. Okay strike one we blow up planet Malona, we move to Mars but it too loses its life giving abilities so we move to Earth, but now it is strike three and we are out of a planet to reincarnate/live on if we keep repeating our behavior.

Marco K.

Hi Darcy,

I don’t know, where you are getting your information from, but I noticed that it is not correct, in more than one of your comments. The Plejaren did not tell Meier that they are leaving in 2029. They left their bases on Earth in 1995. When Meier dies, which will be around 2015-2021, the contacts will end. If “we” blow up the Earth, our spirits will “migrate” to another planet suitable for human evolution.


The most dramatic metaphor would be “in bed with the wolves”.

Dyson Devine



My metaphor is excellent? It is hard for me to discern it, but perhaps you just expressed it correctly. It is excellent. Absolutely (undividedly) excellent.


Humans are just idiots. Not only American gov. behavior, but all countries are same. Why people can not learn proactively. World wars are just on the corner, and nobody can do nothing.

Tyler Litchfield

I disagree that nobody can do anything its just doing it right like a puzzle. Good post michael

Darcy Carlile

Hi Marco, read contact report 194 and I don’t know where you got that info on when BEAM dies. I was not referring to contacts ending, but to when the P’s leave for good, with some minor exceptions. The Plejaren are still here and so, and so, 1995 is also not what I was talking about. We are not going to blow up the Earth because it is a directive that will be prevented for life and for spirit. My calculations predict that the Plejaren leave after the world war. So they told Albert Meier 2029 is the time they will leave and my logic tells me that’s when Apophis meteor arrives and perhaps that is a good time for them to leave Earth. They have very good timing abilities because they can tell time better than us do to their spiritual intelligence and technologies.

Marco K.

Hi Darcy,

I must have missed Contact Report 194 for some reason, very strange. It would be good if you could add the source Contact Report for the information you write about here, if you can remember it, like this one. I’ll try to do the same. I can’t remember the Contact Report from which I roughly calculated Billy’s date of death though. It must have been from the late 70s, when Semjase told Billy that roughly half of his life is over. I think he was 39 or 40 back then, so my thinking was 39×2 = 78, 42×2 = 84, which leads to the years 2015 – 2021. It’s highly unlikely that he will get older than 84 with all the medication he has to take to be able to live and Semjase’s remarks about being at the half point of his life would be incorrect in my view, unless the Plejaren don’t like precision as I do. Well, 2029 is not only the year when Apophis will fly by but also the year when the Age of Aquarius really starts, on February 3rd, to be precise, Billy’s birthday. I agree with you that we will not blow up the planet. Humanity is stupid but something like this will always be prevented. I’m very curious about the end of this year though. Will Vesuvius erupt? Will the Pope have to flee? Will WWIII start? What about ISON? A lot more world-changing stuff has already happened in the first half of 2013 than in the whole last year.

Darcy Carlile

Correction do should read due.

Marco K.

Wie ich sehe, übst du fleißig Deutsch, Michael, sehr gut. 🙂