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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Excerpt of the 705th Contact Regarding “Elites” – by Larry Driscoll

This is an unofficial translation of a FIGU publication.

N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.  Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.

Excerpt from the 705th official Contact Report of Wednesday, March 14, 2018, pages 6-7, as presented at the internet website ‘Sign of the Times’ , Number 91, April 1, 2018 (FIGU-ZEITZEICHEN, Nr. 91, April/1 2018) webpage:
Auszug aus dem 705. offiziellen Gesprächsbericht vom Mittwoch, 14. März 2018

German to English translation by Larry Driscoll
Date:    June 5, 2018

Bermunda Darüber soll ich dir berichten, nämlich was Zafenatpaneach und Yanarara nun ganz klar herausgefunden haben. Tatsache ist, dass die sehr unerfreulichen Störungen und Zerstörungen, die in deinen und nun auch in den Computer von Bernadette eingebracht werden, ohne jeden Zweifel über … hineinmanövriert werden. …
Die Art ist eine Form des gezielten ‹Hackens› durch ‹Hacker›, wie ihr diese Vorgehensweise nennt, wodurch eine Infiltration in deinen Computer erfolgt, und zwar durch technisch hochversierte Fachkräfte in bezug auf Hardund Softwarebeherrschung. Es handelt sich beim Ganzen nicht um Schwachstellen in deinem Computersystem, denn das unbefugte Eindringen in deinen Computer und die Veränderungen und Zerstörungen deiner wertvollen Arbeit entsprechen einer gesteuerten Funktion, um zu verhindern, dass du die Wahrheit des weltweiten Betruges und der Lügerei der Religionen und Sekten bezüglich eines imaginären Gottes und seiner angeblichen Gesetze, Gebote und der sonstigen Albernheiten, Sinnlosigkeiten und der Absurditäten offenbarst. Weiter soll damit aber auch verhindert werden, dass du die Verlogenheit und Hinterhältigkeit der Politik offen nennst und die wirkliche Wahrheit der weltpolitischen und militärischen sowie geheimdienstlichen achenschaften in der tatsächlichen Weise offen und unzensiert nennst, wie sie wirklich sind und wie wir sie dir derart nennen, wie sie in keinen irdischen Medien genannt, sondern verschwiegen werden. Grundsätzlich ist damit auch die Bemühung dieser Gruppierung verbunden, dich mundtot zu machen, was auch aussagt, dass im Laufe der letzten rund 50 Jahre die auf dich verübten 23 Mordanschläge durch diese Gruppierung gesteuert waren. Sowohl aus politischer als auch aus religiöser und sektiererischer Sicht betrachtet, jedoch auch aus der Sicht der Waffenindustrie, Geheimdienste und diverser Organisationen mancherlei Art, sind wir zu sehr unerfreulichen Erkenntnissen gelangt.
Diese zeigen sehr klar auf, warum du im Sinn der Religionen, Sekten und Politik, des Militärs, der Geheimdienste und einer grösseren Anzahl verschiedener Organisationen an der Verbreitung der wirklichen Wahrheit gehindert wirst. Und das Ganze dient einzig dazu, dass in den Politik-, Religions-, Sekten-, Wirtschafts-, Geheimdienst-, Banken- und Organisationseliten die Geld- und Machtgier weiter grassieren und weder Frieden, Gerechtigkeit noch wirkliche Freiheit auf der Erde und Gleichheit und Hasslosigkeit unter allen Völkern werden können. Das waren auch die tatsächlichen Gründe dafür, dass alle Regierungen und öffentlichen Medien seit deinem Wirken schon ab den 1940er Jahren alle deine Aufrufe, Mahnungen und Warnungen sowie Voraussagen an die irdischen Regierungen und namhaften Medien nicht beachteten und nicht verbreiteten. Und das tun sie auch noch heute, machen dich lächerlich und bezichtigen dich des Luges und Betruges, während sie zudem Beschimpfungen, Lügen und Verleumdungen über dich verbreiten. Also wird alles unternommen – von einer Gruppierung, die wir …, die jedoch gemäss unserem Verstehen sowohl religiös, sektiererisch und politisch, wie auch militärisch, wirtschaftlich und geheimdienstlicher Form … –, um durch das Modifizieren deines Computergerätes oder das Hinzufügen von falschen und fehlerhaften Komponenten deren Funktionen gezielt zu stören und zu verändern, oder um zerstörenden Schaden anzurichten. Grundsätzlich besteht keine Einschränkung, in welcher Art deine Geräte gehackt und manipuliert werden, denn die Spanne reicht von einfachen elektrischen Geräten, wie beispielsweise
Küchengeräten, bis hin zu hochkomplexen weitentwickelten technischen Produkten wie Spielkonsolen oder Smart-Home-Produkten usw. Diese für uns bisher noch geheime Gruppierung, die unserer Erkenntnis gemäss einer effectiv weitumfassenden Organisation entspricht, ist in technischer Hinsicht usw. sehr weit entwickelt und hat einen äusserst kreativen Umgang mit der hoch-elektronischen Technik. Ihre Aktivitäten betreiben sie, um die Macht der Eliten der Politik, Religionen und Sekten, der Wirtschaft, Waffenindustrie, Geheimdienste sowie der Banken und ins Ganze involvierten Organisationen zu erhalten, wobei es auch gilt, den Unfrieden zu erhalten, wie auch die Unterdrückung der Völker, der Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit. Diese uns noch unbekannte Organisation wirkt weltweit, wie die von Yanarara und Zafenatpaneach festgestellten elektro magnetischen Wellen resp. sehr kraftvollen Schwingungen beweisen, die auch friedenbeeinträchtigende und hassfördernde Sequenzen in sich tragen, die rund um die Erde die Menschen treffen und bösartig beeinflussen, von Grund auf alle Bemühungen für Frieden herabsetzen und ihn verunmöglichen. Zudem werden durch diese Wellen resp. Schwingungen im Software- und Internetzumfeld Manipulationen bezüglich der Hardware betrieben, die hinterhältig darauf ausgerichtet sind, durch die Televisions-, Radio-, Computer- und Internetsysteme alle Völker derart suggestiv zu beeinflussen und auszurichten, dass sie in bezug auf die Machenschaften der oberen Eliten willenlos hörig werden.
Dadurch kann weiterhin durch die mächtigen Eliten der Politik, Religionen, Sekten und der Waffenindustrie, Wirtschaft, der Banken, Geheimdienste sowie aller gleichartig handelnden Organisationen usw. der Frieden, die Gleichheit sowie die Freiheit aller Menschen im einzelnen ebenso verhindert werden wie auch in der ganzen Welt. Und dies wird in der Art und Weise betrieben, indem rundum bei allen Völkern der Hass hochgetrieben wird, sei es durch Religionen, Sekten, die Politik und alle sonstigen Machenschaften irgendwelcher Elemente, die Hass säen und jede Bemühung einer Friedenbringung und das Tragen und Ausüben der Selbstverantwortung ebenso im Keim ersticken, wie sie auch jeden Anflug von Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit zerstören.
Bermunda, I should report to you actually what Zafenatpaneach and Yanarara now quite clearly have discovered about this. The fact is, that the very unpleasant disturbances and destructions which were caused in your, and now also in the computer of Bernadette, without any doubt were put into them. This behavior is a form of ‘targeting hacking’ by ‘hackers’, as you describe this way of action of them, whereby there occurred an infiltration into your computer, and specifically, by technically, highly experienced, professionals in regard to hardware and software mastery. The whole of this matter is not about a weakness in your computer system, because the unauthorized intrusion into your computer and the changes and destructions of your valuable work corresponds to a controlled function, in order to hinder the fact, that you reveal the truth of the worldwide deceptions and lies of the religions and sects regarding an imaginary god and his laws, recommendations and the other silliness, senselessness and absurdities of these. Further should then also be prevented, that you frankly describe the mendacity and underhandedness of politics and the actual truth of world politicians and the military as well as their secret-like machinations in their real ways, and in an uncensored manner, as they actually are and how we describe them so to you, like they are not described in the terrestrial media, and who are silent about them. Fundamentally, is the effort of this grouping allied, to silence you, such that in the course of the last approximately 50 years, 23 committed assassination attempts were sent at you. When both political and also religious and sectarian views are considered, however also from the view of weapon industries, secret and various organizations of various kinds, we are presented with very unpleasant discoveries. This shows very clearly, why you are hindered from spreading the actual truth in the sense of religions, sects, and politics, of the military, of the secret services and a large number of various organizations. And the whole matter of this situation only serves the fact, that in the politics-, religions-, sects-, economics-, secret services-, banks-and organization- elite, the greed- and craving for power, further rages and from this, there can never be, peace, justice nor real freedom on the Earth and equality and hatelessness among all peoples. This was also the real reason, why all governments and media since your work already back in the 1940s, did not heed and did not spread all of your appeals, admonitions and warnings as well as predictions to the terrestrial governments and the notable media. And they still also do this today, to make fun of you and accuse you of lies and deceptions, while they furthermore spread insults, lies and slander about you. Thus everything is undertaken – from a grouping, that we .., which however according to our understanding is both religious, sectarian and political, as well as also military, financial and secret service forms. -, through the modification of your computer devices or the additions of incorrect and defective components purposely intend to destroy and change their functions or to cause destroying damages in them. Basically, there is no restriction in what way your devices are hacked and manipulated, because this ranges from simple electrical devices, like, for example, kitchen appliances, up to highly complex further developed technical products like gaming consoles or smart-home-products, etc., This, for us up to now, still secret grouping, which according to our discoveries corresponds to an effective world-wide organization, is in technological respects, etc., very highly developed and has extremely creative dealings with high electronic technology. They carry on their activities in order to preserve the power of the elite of politics, religions, and sects, the industries and commerce, weapon industries, secret services as well as the banks and the total of all of involved organizations, whereby is also valid, to preserve the lack of peace, as well as also, the suppression of people, freedom and justice. This, to us still unknown organization works worldwide, like the electromagnetic waves, respectively, very powerful swinging waves detected by Yanarara and Zafanatpaneach showed, which also carry in themselves freedom inhibiting and hate promoting sequences, which hit and in evil manner influence, humans all around the Earth, in order to fundamentally disparage efforts for peace and make it impossible. Furthermore, through these waves, respectively swinging waves, in the software- and in the internet environment, manipulations are carried out regarding the hardware, which underhandedly accomplishes then, through television- radio, computer-and internet systems, the alignment and influencing of all people so suggestively, in such a way that they, willlessly submit in regard to the machinations of the upper elite. As a result, through these powerful elites of politics, religions, sects, and weapons industries, economics, banks, secret services as well as all similar acting organizations etc,, the peace, equality as well as freedom of all humans can continue to be hindered individually, as well as in the entire world. And this is pursued in a way, everywhere all around when, hate is driven up in all peoples, be it through religions, sects, the politics and all other machinations of any elements, hate is sown and every effort of a peace bringing and the carrying and exercising of self-responsibility likewise is nipped in the bud, as well as also is destroyed any trace of justice and freedom.











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matt lee

Wow that’s incredible Matt all that long ago.
First time I heard of it was back last decade as a fully grown adult so it must have left a deep impression on you as a child.
‘many here may have had to negotiate some stormy psychological waters on the path to the truth I’m sure.’
Yeah matt I agree wholeheartedly just based off of my own experience and I gather that it had to be this way for everyone of us aquainted with the truth now where its par for the course a prerequisite to attaining that elusive enlightenment of the truth.
So how would you rate your suffering to have gotten this far?

Matt Knight

It’s OK matt lee, re. my suffering and off and on with much less extremes these last two decades and as time goes by and I read, think and apply the info from Billy, which isn’t just about being the most spiritual, but, following through with the advice in REAL life, writing letters where they count, standing up for truth and freedom where it counts, giving up driving for the last 10 years (and I love driving), not moving somewhere just for my benefit, but, contributing to the good outcomes for my home nation, fighting illogical acts and lethargic consciousnesses, etc.

Re. the BBC thing: I walked to and then out of the door of the TV front room and thought of them as being like the voice of the Mysterons from the show ‘Stingray’ and so probably up to no good, or, to be trusted.

matt lee

Good for you Matt.
It seems to me that our lives somewhat parallels that of the prophet’s life where the theme of it is essentially the same.

Andrew Grimshaw

“you reveal the truth of the worldwide deceptions and lies of the religions and sects regarding an imaginary god and his laws, recommendations and the other silliness, senselessness and absurdities of these.”

What we have here is the inability of some very unintelligent “humans” to cognite on when it would be best to shut the @&#$ up and learn how to learn! The 1st lesson being the purpose of life in the Universe you find yourself in. 🙂

Sheila Clark

Matthew Deagle, do you feel that maybe you are a Targetted Individual?

Daniel Leech

It’s in the FIGU glossary Sheila, he’s a TI over! Over and out see eye ay.

Matthew Deagle

Not really sure what that means, but jf you are referrjng to gangstalkjng or whatever, jt’s ejther hysterja or jllusjons produced by the MJB, and happens jn the latter case very rarely, and can only affect someone who beljeves jt js really the CJA, some cult or whatever that jt js surely not.

So no, then.
J’ve seen MJB b*****t, but they seem to have gjven up on me just as they djd wjth Bender, because, erm, they have more pressjng thjngs to attend to, whjch mean nothjng cute for humanjty on thjs planet

Daniel Leech

Hi Matthew, we all rebel against the code of conventions for all sorts of reasons at all sorts of times in our lives. About that replacing of I with J you have there, I’m guessing your not from a European school. Read up about why language has silent letters and allow someone who has been educated properly in it educate you and in the reason it goes back thousands of years to the time of jmmanuel and while at it get them to explain why American English is a philistine.

Anthea Williams Cossette

Hello Daniel,
Matthew explained that the “i” on his keyboard is broken so he has to use the letter “j” in place of it right now.

Please refrain from attacking/inflaming type comments. We are moderating and will edit / refuse to publish comments if we see that discussions are degenerating into disrespectfulness etc.

Thank you
Anthea WC – Moderator

antonio pereira

so how can negative swinging waves be cancelled out individually as well as collectively? or, at least, how can one protect oneself?

Anthea WC - contributor/moderator

Hi Antonio, that’s a great question. Further to Michael and Melissa’s answers I’d like to add that as it happens I’m working on s translation of a contact excerpt where Billy also provides an answer that is applicable to your question, especially in view of this time we’re living in. The translation is almost complete and I hope to have it published here on They Fly Blog very soon!


Matt Knight

Interesting Anthea,

I’m assuming effects of the swinging waves can be reduced through ones thinking and by being aware of ones thoughts and by remaining neutral to what passes the mind and especially the gut, what we think and feel; seeing these external swinging waves as being like an external thinking/feeling radio station that permeates most public spaces and, in varying degrees, affects our moods and thoughts and that we must toughen our thinking and move ourselves regularly to natural places and to meditation and by studying the spiritual teaching to become aware of how the fine fluidal energies work within us and to settle on those fluidal waves that spring from ourselves, from deeper within us and from the nature and Creation and let these influence and move us by identifying these through regular meditation and exposure to these natural waves, as often as possible, as well as to reduce our exposure to wireless signals, noise from traffic and city life, discordant music and the like? The odd tree-hug and walking barefooted in sodden grass might not go amiss either. That would be my guess. Excited to see what Billy said.

Anthea Williams Cossette

Exactly Matt 🙂 You sum up the crux of what is in fact what we all are capable of doing in this regard, in true self-responsibility. The book The Psyche gives this advice, as you already know. One of the most important books Billy has written, in my opinion.

Just polishing up and working on some corrections, then the translation I mentioned with more wise wisdom from Liebe Billy will be ready to post.



This is horrible! Who gave these people highly advanced technology to hack into Billy’s’ computer? Wasn’t his computer altered by the Plejaren to make it more secure to hacking? That means the technology these earthlings have is given by someone else?? I’m just so surprised! And what they’re doing to us humans is unacceptable!

Melissa Osaki

Hi Nicholle, welcome to the blog. A lot of folks would be shocked to find out about the advanced technology that exists on this planet, harbored by the global elite, and kept hidden from us common folk. Also, please use your first and last name when commenting. Thanks and Salome.

Nicholle Hernandez

Sorry about the name, it’s my first time commenting in the blog. I’m surprised with those “Elites” and what they are doing to normal people. Can the Plejaren do something? What if it was the Bafaths doing (maybe indirectly since they’re no longer here on Earth), would the Plejaren intervene?

Daniel Leech

Nicholle if you meant the technology that was installed at the SSSC then you have to specifically continue to say that because Melissa doesn’t seem to know about that, and one of the moderators will ask for a reference citation to an original source media if you wanted to talk about it, if you don’t have one and the moderators dont know about it then you have to speak to another website because they’ll accuse you of making it up if not. I have to now say that it’s an opinion of mine that the Plejaren did install many things at the SSSC and in Billys computer, because im not in a position to find references now and it doesn’t interest me, but you’ll have to nicholle if you want to engage any conversation with Michael about it, you’ll need a text number pp or lines or URL

Melissa Osaki

You make a lot of assumptions about what I know, Daniel. When people continue to spread wild theories as actual fact, it is our responsibility to make sure that others don’t fall prey to your delusions. What kind of moderators would we be if we let every comment be presented as fact without any substantiation? It’s simple really, provide a link or say it’s your opinion. Thanks and Salome

Nicholle Hernandez

I know I should have a reference link to where does it say that Billy’s computer was modified, but at this point I have read so many contact reports, that I sincerely forget where I read what. I apologize for any confusion.

Melissa Osaki

It’s quite alright, Nicholle, you were just asking a question. What Daniel doesn’t seem to get is that no one is saying it’s not true, but when it comes to this type of information, it’s better to get the facts straight from the horse’s mouth. There’s less chance of misrepresentation.

Anthea Williams Cossette

Daniel, thank you for your critique, however please note we have good reason for setting rules, even if these do not seem immediately apparent. Please refrain from further inflammatory comments. In the future, if you have an issue with how the blog is moderated, managed, please send us a private email so that we may address any concerns in a respectful format, one on one. It is the FIGU way, instead of airing grievances in public.


Melissa Osaki

The Plejaren directives don’t allow them to interfere with people on worlds whose population is far lower evolved than they are. They did however feel a responsibility to bring us the knowledge of the spiritual teaching and the universal laws & recommendations, but to directly intervene in our affairs is prohibited. Some of their ancestors who were here on Earth caused a lot of the mess on our planet with gods and false religions. They understand that we have our right of free will to evolve on our own and that each Earth human must take responsibility for his/her own future and consciousness evolution.

Eusebio Apellido

There are a few Star Trek time travel tv-episodes (especially Dr. Who) I’ve seen where, when it was time to go adventuring the crew usually use tools, garments, etc., related to those time period so not to pollute those timelines with technological advancements beyond their capabilities. A similar situation can be made here in our time-line, programming in binary is still the norm and super-hi-tech quantum computing is still far away, a twinkle in a computer geeks eye.

Arnoud Schutte

I was wondering if the disappearance of the characteristic numbering in the contact reports on the site could have anything to do with this(?)
I asked this question once on the site but got no answer so still wondering…

See for example:

No numbering…

Arnoud Schutte

As I understand it, the numbering is important (f.e., as it can be used as a ‘golden standard’ for referencing in discussions etc.)
In the 1-2 years before, the numbering was still there to my best recollection (but may be I am mistaken?)

Arnoud Schutte

‘…important…’ and so for the legitimacy of the Meier case as a whole.

billy wilson