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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

UPDATE: Billy Meier Info on Fall of US Dollar from 2006

NOTE: We just received urgent information from Switzerland, about coming events. So I’m republishing the blog and video below, from 2006, as well as Billy Meier’s 2017 information, I think we should be aware, vigilant, and especially mindful of the lengths to which a country may go to try to stave off the inevitable financial crash. 


Meier also warned about federal connection to domestic terror attacks

In the video below, uploaded in 2007, a year after I had first recorded it, I reported on several things, including Billy Meier’s comment about 9/11, Al-Qaeda, etc., and the decline of the US dollar:

Meier recently gave more information here about the coming global financial collapse, the ban on cash and the real fate of the country, once the government turns against the American people:

30. Also in the USA the population shall get dispossessed as a consequence of the worldwide financial crisis, which will lead to the incensed and partly heavily armed population being advanced on by military and police powers with evil Gewalt.

From this we may also understand the push to disarm the populace and perhaps even the origin of some of the events used to justify this effort, as explained by Meier, in 2015 (emphasis added):

But it is not only the Nazi organisations and the Ku-Klux-Klan as well as other known racist groups which promote the racism in the USA, because, as unbelievable as it sounds, it is effectively also security groups and security organisations, such as the FBI (U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation), which is the greatest trainer of terrorists in the USA, and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency = overseas secret service of the United States), which stirs up the paranoia in the population everywhere. This is done by persuading human beings – who are weak in consciousness or are somehow willing – to carry out attacks and acts of terror, after which the ‘perpetrators’ are, as in a stage play, hunted down and imprisoned, presented to the population through the media and then convicted. So it is a fact that since the 11th of September 2001, of the altogether 175 ‘failed’ terror attacks in the USA to the year 2015, only just six assassination attempts did not lead back to the federal authorities.

In light of this, we can consider what Meier was first told in 1975, and then reiterated, in 2012:

“…the superpower USA could come to an end after 2020, if nothing in this country changes for the better by then…”

Considering the accuracy of the information that Meier has been provided over the past 70 years, and that which he himself has predicted, it’s no wonder that there have been 23 assassination attempts on his life, as well as relentless ongoing attacks, by very powerful parties, to sabotage his efforts through sophisticated electronic hacking (some of which I have personally seen) and reported here.

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Joseph Borg

“But it is not only the Nazi organisations and the Ku-Klux-Klan as well as other known racist groups which promote the racism in the USA, because, as unbelievable as it sounds, it is effectively also security groups and security organisations, such as the FBI (U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation), which is the greatest trainer of terrorists in the USA, and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency = overseas secret service of the United States), which stirs up the paranoia in the population everywhere. This is done by persuading human beings – who are weak in consciousness or are somehow willing – to carry out attacks and acts of terror, after which the ‘perpetrators’ are, as in a stage play, hunted down and imprisoned, presented to the population through the media and then convicted. So it is a fact that since the 11th of September 2001, of the altogether 175 ‘failed’ terror attacks in the USA to the year 2015, only just six assassination attempts did not lead back to the federal authorities.”

Trevor Aaronson talks about fake terrorism created by the FBI:

Sheila Clark

Wow – between 2001 – 2015 out of the 175 failed terrorist attacks on US soil only 6 CANNOT be traced back to federal (feral) agencies aka NSA, CIA, FBI. Which means they were responsible for 169 failed terrorist attacks.

There is no doubt in my mind that Billy’s information is accurate. It’s too bad Joseph, that The Intercept sat on the Snowden Documents for so long that much of it isn’t common knowledge, like it was intended to be. Like for example how the 5 eyes has morphed into 14 eyes and our personal information is shared by all those eyes. The NSA calls their associated corporations “clients” just like a business relationship. It’s no coincidence that the NSA is deleting the last 3 years of captured phone calls and their excuse is that they may have received information unlawfully. I see it as more like a modern day shredding to get rid of compromising information:

There are 2 journalists currently going through the Snowden Documents:
You’ll notice directional energy weapons are now fully operational and being used by police for civil unrest. Remember this if you are involved in marches or demonstrations.

Joseph Borg


I got it from contact report 623.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Joseph, I responded to the wrong comment, but thank you for posting the link. That may help someone who does not realize Michael already posted the link in his blog.

Joseph Borg

Actually I think it is contact report 625, not 623. Sorry.

Ian Perry

MH, what does Billy mean by dispossessed with – “Even in the USA, the people will be dispossessed as a consequence of the global financial crisis”

Does it also mean that people who own their home with no mortgage will have their house dispossessed?

Ian Perry


The Government taking people’s owned property off them would make many people want to riot and destroy their government for doing that.

Terry Carch

MH Does this mean the start of a civil war or two civil wars etc?

Melissa Osaki

Hi Terry, I think we may be seeing the very early stages of something much bigger to come. It could be smaller localized civil uprisings all the way up to a civil war. It’s important not to dwell too much on the civil wars and think more about how we can improve ourselves by gaining knowledge and wisdom. The key is for folks to find true love, peace and harmony. Salome


Didn’t Billy in one contact report say that Russia might invade Iran? If Russia does invade Iran would it be a ‘fake’ invasion in the sense that they only invade so the USA won’t invade Iran.

Melissa Osaki

You are referring to the Henoch Prophecies, and no, it was not referring to a fake invasion.

Wars and devastation in Europe and North America from the Henoch Prophecies:
248. Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction.

249. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arkhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country.

250. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous.

251. And consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing enormous destruction.

252. In the Russian expansionist mentality will also be included the drive to gain control of the Middle Eastern oil deposits as well as to gain control of the southeastern region of Europe. Therefore, she will also invade the Balkans and conquer these countries there in enormous battles, causing ruthless and devastating destruction with many deaths.

Also, please use your first and last name when commenting. Thanks

Chris Lock

Re “Even in the USA, the people will be dispossessed as a consequence of the global financial crisis.”

US pensions will surely be dissipated, greatly reduced, or taken to a greater part or in whole. Just the economic collapse of Italy will assure this happens due to so much of so many pensions being invested there. With pensions alone greatly reduced or non-existent people will not be able to make their payments on “their” property and so would lose them. I expect this to play out in a very large and complex manner. Hence, the populace rising, the military responding, and the union ending.

Ned Duke

I think we can say that the belated and un-moving response from Earth Humanity as a whole from trying to get the word out in that we do not want Planet Suicide to run its course was not due to a lack of effort by anyone dedicated to the truth about life and living and wanting their people to live on. The folks that I’ve seen come across the Meier material here for the most part are everyday folks with a few that have done special and commendable work to get the word out. Even if by some miracle the “powers to be” or the dunkleberries made a course correction I very much doubt they have the power to make THAT change seeing as between the top and the bottom there are so many different power blocks with their own agenda where important messages about continuing on as civilization gets lost or thrown away.

If one thinks for a moment HOW someone manages to get to become one of the powers to be then we see the essentially canyon sized gap on what we would like to see occur if such a course correction did indeed come about. Earth Humanity has a lot of unresolved tension between each other and especially with their “god” that leaves any sort of reasonable argument or understanding to become sidelined to one’s own view. Working together involves forgiving one another when we make mistakes which has become harder to do the more the folks who wield power go “all in” so to speak to maintain their power to the point of societal suicide.

This also means people mistake incompetence in public life with each other and with government activity to be always some sort of planned nefarious activity by evil doers trying to make losers out of everyone. While I’m not trying to minimize in those cases where such nefarious ones do try to manipulate circumstances, we can’t lose sight in the fact that as society knows more about each other people become more unforgiving in how it handles relationships with each other. Why gossip when you can misinterpret information about someone instead?

So, there is no attempt that I see to distinguish between someone being incompetent and making a mistake to one being very intelligent and self-serving greed in their actions, i.e. trying to get to the bottom and “truth” of the matter which requires hard work to distinguish between the two. Instead, I see more often than not dog like responses to phrases that comes to one’s way by folks wanting to get by and just helps the truth to become sidelined and forgotten.

The truth hurts too much for it to be a crowd sourced affair. And also does anarchy and chaos as mentioned in the HP because the “powers to be” don’t literally control everything between themselves and to anyone at the bottom.

288. Anarchy will be the worldwide condition that will prevail and torment human beings over a long period of time, as human beings will also be tormented by the many epidemics and diseases, many of them new and unknown to human beings and for this reason incurable.
289. Due to this fact, the bodies of many human beings will slowly and miserably decay, while unbearable pain will also occur as well as blindness and terrible respiratory problems that lead to suffocation.
290. The consciousness of many human beings will become impaired and succumb to feeblemindedness and insanity.
291. And all these gruesome occurrences will be traceable to biological and chemical weapons, which are the cause of not fast, but gruesome and slow deaths; and this will also occur due to the use of ray and frequency weapons which are already being developed today.
292. Finally, the words of Henoch may be specifically mentioned, which include that mankind of Earth, in pursuit of technology for mass destruction and greed for power, hatred, vengeance and riches, will ignore all values of Creation and will trample upon all values of love, wisdom, freedom and peace, as ancestors of the Henoch lineage have done before, to plunge the world into screaming misery, death, destruction and annihilation and into the most severe catastrophes mankind of Earth will ever have experienced.

Steven hunt

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