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Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Will You Be Among the Survivors?

The minority who know the truth must focus on the essentials

UPDATE: Mt. Etna eruption, as foretold here:

223. But also in the south of Europe, the all-transforming consequences will be enormous when the volcanoes of Mount Etna, Vesuvius and Stromboli as well as the submarine largest active volcano of Europe, Mount Marsili off the coast of Italy, together with about two dozen further submarine volcanoes in the Mediterranean, begin to erupt.

For many years, I have said that the Billy Meier UFO contacts are the key to our future survival. For those who can truly read the signs – as the time fulfills – then it is clear that the long-foretold prophecies and warnings are ceaselessly unfolding all around us.

Recently I posted this blog and video speaking about the coming 10.0 quake. Many people thought that I was speaking about a literal earthquake and, while those will be a-plenty, I was really referring to the coming global financial crisis.

You may have noticed that in this video, Meier states that the “minority”* will not be able to do anything to prevent the unfolding of the dark agenda of the power-hungry elite. For a time, I was a bit uncertain about why he said that. After all, it’s the elite who are much smaller in number and who are in fact the minority. Or so it seemed. But I realized that what Meier meant was that it would be the people who… know the truth, the real minority, who would not be able to change the dead-end course of this country.

I recently also had a blog and video up called The QAnon Con. A number of people were upset with me because, it was obvious to them, that QAnon was right and that “We are winning!”. Really? Just who is this we, these people who think that they’re an actual united force working together for the good and being led, or at least being informed, by this mythical, anonymous QAnon? Ironically, in the internet age people seem to love anonymity and trust it, while at the same time the fact is that there is no real anonymity anymore. We are, and long have been, spied on in every conceivable circumstance and through every conceivable (and inconceivable) device and means.

And while many people have not considered this, it’s only a matter of time until the last of the people who still resemble actual human beings in terms of their abilities and desires to communicate with each other, face-to-face, to express their real thoughts and feelings about their own personal lives, their families, their work, their hopes and dreams, etc., will have passed from this world.

And what will remain, and what will be procreated from here on, will be a majority of people for whom real 3-D life is at best a long-lost memory. Conditioned to spend the greater part of their lives looking at handheld and other screens, becoming more and more passive receivers of whatever is broadcast to them, having almost completely lost the capacity, knowledge and interest in real human relationships, in tenderness and touch, they are the helpless fodder for the bio- chipping, the various kinds of implants and controls, and which they will welcome, having become the cringing dogs foretold by Meier in 1958 (No. 40)

There is no need to rush about and try to warn people, to try to force the truth upon them, etc. Now is the time that some people will actually begin to be interested in and find the truth for themselves as the ever-increasing unpleasantness forces more discomfort upon them and nudges them into more awareness. Of course, there are many who will only become more fearful and confused, more desperate and frantic in their behavior. In truth, that can also befall people who have not lost their sanity, their reason and a self-control. So, vigilance is ever required, lest we who have already read the script, seen the movie and know the outcome also succumb to the panic.

If we choose to be among the survivors, we must cling to and cultivate real, genuine interpersonal relationships with like-minded people. By this I mean people who share your same values and ethics, who are capable and desirous of having mutually beneficial and cooperative relationships, who are grounded in reality, willing to see things as they are, and also capable of making the necessary corrections in their personal lives and interpersonal lives that result in peace, love, freedom and harmony.

I briefly speak about this information in this new short video.


See also:

Why I’ve Been Concerned about Drinking Water for 40 Years

We Won’t Have Another Chance to Remain Human


Recommended Reading:

The Way to Live

Humankind doesn’t have the faintest idea regarding what life’s all about and how to live it. Consider this your personal sanity and survival system.

Get it here!

Don’t Go Along with That

(The Patriot’s Song)

(Also a version of Michael Horn)











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Melissa Osaki

This sentence struck a nerve in me and has long been a topic that I find horrifying.

“And what will remain, and what will be procreated from here on, will be a majority of people for whom real 3-D life is at best a long-lost memory.”

It’s not horrifying like a monster, but the thought of it has a force that always hits me in my gut. I’ve watched the rise of virtual reality, as it first began, and then slowly started to take over the hearts and minds of the young and old alike. They seek to escape this insane world, which you can hardly blame them for wanting that, but in my heart, I know escaping, on that level, is wrong. We must fix this mess we’ve created and begin to act like a civilization again.

Many people have stopped talking to each other and I find that so lonely. We are supposed to be a community who comes together to help each other and to take care of each other. Instead, we’ve become an anonymous online hate fest. The hateful, nasty and spiteful rhetoric is penetrating the consciousness everywhere and spreading like wildfire. It’s in the air and it’s all around us like a heavy fog.

This is why it’s so important that we continue to work on ourselves and our inner natures. We have an uphill road ahead of us. Striving for all the knowledge and wisdom we can will greatly help our future personalities.

Andrew Grimshaw

Crikey & Strewth, I am determined not to end up how Winston of 1984 ended up!
But something about being an Aussie tells me that I will have an easier time of it then most. That is if we can get a Prime Minister that can stay the distance. 😉


The problem with the Meier case, imo, is that folks have been led to focus heavily on prophecies which in turn leads to a focus on politics, which is infused with religion and fantasy. So the student is getting caught up in harmful ideas, which he or she is trying to avoid as a student of the spiritual teaching, but nevertheless fall victim to the struggles of the masses.

The heavy interest among Meier supporters for Qanon shows how few of the supporters understand the spiritual teaching and the greater mission. Before anyone can help their neighbor they must first help themselves. There is no point cheering on some political agenda, when you yourself are in need of self improvement and are nothing more than hypocrites. This striving for self improvement has nothing to do with earthquakes, financial collapse, asteroids, cybernetics, indictments, etc., these are just signposts for the times. Mankind will ALWAYS have to overcome problems, this is not new!

What is new is a person’s current incarnation. Here is where a person has control to make improvements. The spiritual teaching is NOT falling for the heavily religious, conservative Christian agenda of Qanon, masked as a new rebellion and purge. The spiritual teaching is not watching the alternative media, thinking you are now “woke” and then falling for political, instead of spiritual, pursuit and causes. The spiritual teaching is not concerning yourself with the problems of the 21st century like humans becoming subordinate to technology, civil war, economic collapse and world war.

The spiritual teaching is abandoning any beliefs in life and replacing it with an ever growing knowledge. The knowledge that students should be focusing on are the creational laws and directives, as is written in every Figu book! This means looking at nature, looking at the physical world, and finding correct state and order. Then the spiritual teaching is to practice the laws that you are learning about on a daily basis by looking for a connection in nature to what you read in any Figu publication. Play around with these ideas in your head and just think about them on a daily basis. Folks should be watching animal and nature documentaries instead of Qanon and Alex Jones. This way no one is telling you the truth, you are building it for yourselves. A person who is striving and self improving or is otherwise self-affirmative, is not going to lose themselves to any blooming microchip! Become part of the solution by becoming interested and focused on nature instead of remaining and complaining about the problems of the masses, thinking you are in the right and calling out your neighbor. This is just ridiculous…


“This is nonsense: “The heavy interest among Meier supporters for Qanon shows how few of the supporters understand the spiritual teaching and the greater mission.” to me, since I’m very unaware of “heavy interest” among Meier supporters. ”

Why don’t you look at your comment section of your blog and see how many folks are linking to nature studies compared to how many folks are linking to political articles. It is nature where we find creational laws, not some so-called “woke” article or youtube channel. You may think your blog is promoting the spiritual teaching, but instead this place is nothing more than a less (more or less) religious infowars. I am entitled to my opinion and you are entitled to yours.


“Who gave us the spiritual teaching AND the prophecies?”

The spiritual teaching was discovered by observing reality, nobody gave anything to anybody. Figu is just providing “leading thought” so folks can get jump started. Folks have to earn their cognition thru self discovery, nobody can give this to them. In my opinion, folks should be building themselves up so that they can figure out future trends for themselves, instead of relying on some “big daddy” to give them the answers.

Sheila Clark

Exactly Michael. In Chapter 4 of the GOT, a part of it deals with inheritances. You will not get that type of good solid advice from any lawyer. It was a huge relief for me knowing I had done the right thing 13 years ago, before coming across the Meier material. But it would have been better to know it beforehand because I was unsure and second guessing myself.
I have no use for QAnon – just another psy-ops. Ask yourself why QAnon is still spewing when they had no problem catching Guccifer 2.0 and have taken away ALL communication from Julian Assange?

Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day & Salome “23”, there’s that word again, “focus”: “focus heavily on prophecies which in turn leads to a focus on politics, which is infused with religion and fantasy. So the student is getting caught up in harmful ideas, which he or she is trying to avoid as a student of the spiritual teaching, but nevertheless fall victim to the struggles of the masses.”
What you have delineated here is what I call: “Welcome to planet Earth.” BUT, I don’t agree with you that we students FOCUS on prophecies or politics but only keep tabs on what is going on on OUR planet in an effort to know when to do what needs to be done in our estimations of such.
BUT, I do agree with you when you say: “The spiritual teaching is abandoning any beliefs in life and replacing it with an ever growing knowledge. The knowledge that students should be focusing on are the creational laws and directives, as is written in every Figu book! This means looking at nature, looking at the physical world, and finding correct state and order. Then the spiritual teaching is to practice the laws that you are learning about on a daily basis by looking for a connection in nature to what you read in any Figu publication.”
BUT, with the extremely small amount of us that do this pales in comparison to the amount of earthworms that have absolutely NO IDEA of the truth of what is going on on this planet. EVERYTHING is recorded by Creation and when future Beings, 1 trillion years from now, look back at our history, what will these current times be remembered for? The few that understood or at least had an inkling of the wisdom or the masses that were too busy knowing that power, money, greed and being entertained were the purpose of life?


Hi Andrew,

When I say “focus” it is in the sense, what is a person spending time studying and thinking about? I mean what is a person paying attention to and what is being ignored.

Certainly folks should keep up with current events. I myself check drudge report articles everyday. I also see what the mainstream CNN, MSNBC have to say. I will even watch small channels on youtube for example. When I am doing this I am not looking for someone who is right, instead I am just trying to find a puzzle piece. If a person does not limit themselves to that special organization, channel, website, blog, book, author, etc., but instead looks at different angles, a person is now taking control of the truth by putting the big picture together for themselves.

In my opinion, students should NOT be getting their news from Billy or Figu. Instead, anything that comes out of Figu should just be confirmation for what a student is seeing on the outside. If for example a student hears something from Billy that they never heard before, that is available already or easily apparent from any number of sources and not something only the ETs could know, then that should be a signal that that person needs to improve their study.

The reason I say focus, is because some folks spend ALL their time in the news. Politics right now in the USA are tearing the country apart. The Christians see civil war for example. All the other religions see it. The conspiracy people see it too. The mainstream press and experts are calling it. Of course the Meier people see it. In other words, if folks need Billy to tell them that civil war, for example, could likely break out in the USA, then they are zombies already. Even years ago, say in the late 80s when folks started first hearing from Meier that the US could suffer two civil wars, there were many financial experts calling for a collapse and possible civil unrest. It was not until the booming 90s that folks thought that the good times would last forever, and even then the diligent who learn from the past knew this was short lived. So if folks are paying attention then they can see things coming.

The whole point of these prophecies is NOT that you are going to stop them necessarily, but rather that you know to get out of the way. And this is survival….

Once you get out of the way, to the best of your ability, then that frees up LOADS of time to think about other things. And, all that I am saying, is that folks should fill as much time as they can studying nature seeing for themselves how these laws work, and then finding time to focus on putting these laws into practice.

Best regards,

Andrew Grimshaw

Mix – R.E.M. – Everybody Hurts (Official Music Video)


“There Is No End To What We Can Do Together
There Is No End, There Is No End
The Willow Turns His Back On Inclement Weather
We Can Do It, Just Me And You
With A Little Push, We Could Set It Off
We Can Send It Rocketing Skywards
With A Little Love, We Could Shake It Up
Don’t You Feel The Comet Exploding?”

And I’m not fuhing around….


“The spiritual teaching is MEANT to help us navigate the material world, with peace, love, freedom and harmony – not to have us run from it.”

It is not wise to stick your hand in the fire. It is best to first learn what “fire” is, make observations about it, and then make directives to use it constructively.

Tyler Rutland

I was born in 1990, and grew up avoiding social contact, but today I am coming around to it.

I just feel somehow, that there is a major key to that in the building up of our material-consciousness, not only from nutrition and purification of our bodies, but also from nourishing our personality with hard manual work we can then form a better basis of self-respect toward ourselves, so that we can much more comfortably speak our thoughts.

Also, exposing myself to fantasy has helped, but only particular fantasy. Does anyone one who Brian Jacques is? He wrote the popular “Redwall” series starring woodland creatures, good mice, brave hares, honest otters, authoritative squirrels, and loyal hedgehogs.

There is a childish aspect to it, but the books (and especially audiobooks recorded by Brian Jacques himself) show very well what open, honest communication is able to look and sound like, I think.

It helps me to learn how to become more human in the real and true sense, even though it’s just a tiny bit since the opportunities to really practice are far in between here in Toronto (a pretty cold place, but sometimes a personality can liven it up a little, which I aspire to do even though it’s a really slow and laborious process).

David Arsov

I know for a fact that I am part of that minority too but the excuses of life circumstances are trying to slow me down on using my highest potential to help spread the truth but I think that is about to change

Terry Carch

I`v been bin noticing just how very bad thing are getting lately. Ever notice how very extreme things are getting religiously and politically and getting worse. Seems to me the two civil wars are going to start very soon and this sounds like the repeat of the civil between the north and the south of the 1860s when Abraham Lincoln only this time this is about the extreme southern ultra conservative bible belt religious white surpremetistves and the ultra liberal north with its anti religious anti political non-white minority the opposite of the deep south. Something tells me there is definitely going to be the break up of the US of A due to these very extreme ends of the spectrum. Billy says there will definitely be a civil war and I wonder if this is the very start of these two civil wars and the breakup of the US or worse? I wonder why I seem to be having some bad luck lately or is this the start of something really really awful? I`m starting to just avoid the news of ANY kind all together and I know I`m not alone in this since the only two friends I have are stating to think and do the same by just IGNORING the news all together besides the news is just getting too aerially so bad that I wonder if the US is just now turning into a dictatorship biochipping EVERTHING including human beings and not letting us have net neutrality AT ALL. I wonder if this is the beginning of all the bad dark times ahead and my string of bad luck. I almost didn`t get onto They Fly Blog! I had to get on They Fly Blog by way of The Future of Mankind and if I get strait onto They Fly Blog I get “Hi Jellpack All Systems” go all over again Is this my old 10 year old computer, a computer glich or this rotten Ajet Pia trying to censor me and eventually everone elso because this PI and his minions don`t like what you and I say and believe? There is something very sinister and nefarious going on right now behind our very own backs! Something is very wrong here and it smell rotten! ‘I`m very surprised that Trump has lasted this long by now.” There is something very wrong here and it`s getting very very earie and uncomfortable. Billy is right we better start watching our backs and be very very carful le1s we all get into a very deep manhole or even a sinkhole if were not carful! There is defiantly something very strange and odd happening and going on right now but I can`t put my finger on it right now just dosen`t feel right to me and I don`t know just what it is? Salome

Melissa Osaki

Terry, do you know how to refresh your browser and clear your cache? I think you may need to try that and see if it helps with your computer issues. Salome

Terry Carch

Also are we being watched and spied on due to our free speech and what we think and believe in with the spiritual teaching, GOTT, Telmud Jimmaneul Peace Meditation,etc,etc,etc? Is this country turning into “The Soviet USA or worse? Is Trump turning into a dictator? Billy says Trump is just stupid. But a dictator I wonder about that? Salome

Melissa Osaki

Hi Terry, Billy never said that Trump was stupid, and in fact, Ptaah said that Trump was not dumb. They said that he can be catastrophic or chaotic, but not stupid or dumb.

Billy: We will of course now see, what arises, though I do not doubt, that your prediction was correct, and the catastrophic human respectively the lesser evil wins the US presidency – precisely Trump. …

Billy: Once again a question regarding Donald Trump: You have said, that the man is well-meaning, not bad and is totally misinformed in many things – what is meant by this?

Ptaah: He is not dumb and not a bad human, like he is abused by his adversaries, who smear him and try to cause turmoil, because all of them do not know, what deceitful thoughts and plans the opponent Hillary Clinton actually harbors, through which she would unleash a world-wide catastrophe if she came to power. As far as the election speeches of Trump go, these are first of all just campaign tactics, which should not be understood in their entirety as effective, because the total radical appearing ‘exclamations’, as you already have often described such speeches, are only halfway or in general not to be taken seriously, because as a rule these will be relativized after an assumption of office. Furthermore Trump, is incorrectly informed in certain matters which he advocates, like for example with regard to climate change, as well as Obama-Care and others, for which the hope is, that regarding these he can come to a better understanding of them.