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Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Take a Deep Breath

We’ve tried politics and religions for millennia – with utterly disastrous consequences – now let’s learn the way to live.

Everything is connected in the oneness. That’s the good news. And that’s the bad news.

When Donald Trump violated all international laws, to say nothing of decency, humanness and the law of cause and effect, he may have made your life, your work and your relationships harder as well.

While most Americans don’t go around fixated on the Iranians, Iraqis, or even the Russians and Chinese, our country has long been hated by many peoples around the world. They don’t hate us for our freedoms, they hate us for what we’ve done to theirs. That hatred just got supercharged by Trump’s despicable actions. We may not yet fully realize what it means that many, many millions of people are quite consciously directing intense anger and hatred against our country and, thereby, against…us.

But there are now processions of mourners, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, engaging in mass outpourings of grief…and anger. These are also ancient cultures which, despite having various religious and political factions, etc., have an awareness of their own much longer history, wars and invasions of their homelands. They have a certain cohesiveness and sense of identity that I doubt most Americans can understand, since we are often held together by nothing more enduring than our interest in sports teams, pop stars, etc.

Despite all of the political rhetoric about making the country great (again?) Trump is the symbolic composite of what the real underlying consciousness-illness of America has long been, i.e. a religiously endorsed, lust for profit and domination above all else.

Paint it any which way you want, cloak it in euphemisms, delusions of divine destiny, “American exceptionalism” etc., etc., when it came down to it, the best we could muster was a choice between one power-hungry, psychopathic warmonger, ready to blow the world to bits, and an equally power-hungry, mentally challenged, megalomaniac whose desperate act of murder may lead us to the same…end.


All of that being said, we may indeed notice an increase in anxiety, irritation, anger, impatience, argumentativeness, etc., in ourselves, as well as an increase in the actions of other human beings who’ve lost control over the good human nature. We are often a quick-to-anger, short-tempered people who, absent self-control and self-responsibility, all too easily resort to violence.

But, as always, we alone are completely responsible for our own thoughts, feelings and actions, even though an increase in the negative energies and actions from others, as consequences of our institutionalized policies of irrationality and aggression, may continue to increase.

Now, more than ever, we must cultivate and develop every aspect of self-control and self-responsibility. We must use our awareness of the arising feelings, urges and impulses to recognize and control our own thoughts and the feelings and actions they lead to. When the disharmony or disturbing thoughts and/or feelings arise, we must seek their origin within us, no matter what may have seemingly triggered them externally.

We need to pause, to take a deep breath literally and/or figuratively, and find the way to…relax and regain control over ourselves. While this may become an increasingly tall order when external events may seem overwhelming, there are many ways to do this.

For instance, one of Billy Meier’s meditations/affirmations is:

            I always remain relaxed and thereby gain might over myself.

In German:

            Stets bleibe ich entspannt und gewinne dadurch Macht über mich selbst.

See also: 

Trump’s Plans for War with Iran Revealed


The Spiritual Teaching, The Spiritual Teaching

We’ve tried politics and religions for millennia – with utterly disastrous consequences – now let’s learn the way to liveThe real way to live, where we actually learn what it means to live in peace, love, freedom and harmony.

Studying the books on the spiritual teaching, listed below, is highly recommended, as is coming together to share our understanding with each other in study groups and also practicing the Salome Peace Meditation.

You can also learn and practice the Standing in Spirit technique, available as a DVD or an inexpensive download.

We can learn to internalize what we learn from our practices and study, so that we can regain and return to our inner peacefulness, and let it be a vessel to carry us onward, even when the waters around us may be swirling in uncertainty.

The Might of the Thoughts

Get It Here!

The Way to Live

Get It Here!

Arahat Athersata


Get It Here!

The Salome Peace Meditation










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Arnoud Schutte

Nicely put, thanks!

david gustafson

Well that comes as no surprise. But assume that The powers to be in the US are up to no good as usual. Jail time is not an option for trump. What is the best way to never let a President be reelected. impeachment one way. And when a officials don’t want an impeachment Create a diversion. They will plan it well, sensationalize it, make dishonesty sound like patriotism and broadcast it hourly, blame it on another country and start another war at the expense of tax payers. Then soon they’ll get confused about the evidence against President Trump let it drag on until no conclusion can be reached. And on and on.

Luis Sanchez

Hopefully people come to reason and common interest, and start this decade with constructivness. Salome

Basil Miracle

America is a country that was founded on bloodshed, deceit, and theft. It is not the shining beacon of hope that it passes itself off as. And now finally we have a President who outwardly reflects what America truly is and has always been. Everyone acts so shocked at Trump’s evil and awful murdering of a General, who by all accounts was on a peace mission, but this is the true face of the American Empire. Obama drone bombed whole Yemeni wedding parties out of existence, assassinated freely, without restraint, and modernized our nuclear arsenal(As if such weapons should still be built, considering just how evil and detrimental they are to all life and the planet itself). But he gave a pretty smiling face to America, so he was given a Nobel Peace Prize.

The plans for what is being carried out now, as Billy and Michael have said, have long been in the works( Trump however, takes the mask off of the Empire, revealing its power lust, hunger for domination, and unending thirst to bring every country to its knees. Now the world can plainly see what America really is and what it will do to them.

The deadly results of all of this, however, will likely plunge the entire world into nuclear fire. A war with Iran will not simply embroil the whole middle east, but it will also draw in Russia and China, who are allies with Iran, and thus the entire world. Given the technological advances of both Russia and China, it won’t be pretty for us here in America. As the Henoch Prophecies state, America will be a country of total destruction.

I know that maybe I’m stating the obvious for those who have paid any attention to what is going on, but I don’t feel like it has been said enough. Because, if we hope to prevent such things from repeating again in the future, as they have repeated themselves before, we must really understand how we got here. We must understand how we have been misled and how Gewalt and domination thinking have landed us in this mess.

Moreover, as Michael has said(Many times), we need the Spiritual Teachings and we all need to apply them in our lives. We can never forge a path forward with the same old tired, evil modes of thinking that got us into the predicament that we’re in. Gewalt, hate, domination, greed, power lust, and so on, simply spiral in on themselves and eventually bring a terrible end of suffering and misery. The path forward to a good and decent future is forged within each of us, thinking for ourselves, taking responsibility for ourselves(Thoughts, feelings, and actions, etc), and regaining control of the good of our human nature.

Peace and love be with all of you, my fellow human beings, in these troubled and terrible times.

Diane Grebe

I was a little on edge last night watching this in real time. I kept worrying that it would spiral out of control. I know in times like this, it is best to remain calm, but it is getting harder to do that. I am very concerned that Trump will get back in again in November due to the Electoral College and will loose the popular vote by even wider margins than in 2016. I am not convinced we can just vote him out! That nasty thing called the electoral college allowed him to win without the popular vote. Trump won by loosing almost 3 million votes in 2016. I am worried if this will happen again and he looses even more popular votes. I don’t think he will ever be taken out of office, even though the dems have impeached him in the house. Repubs in Senate will not impeach him… and here we go again. lather, rinse, repeat. I don’t have a good feeling about all this. I really do hope that I am wrong about all this.


Steve Suggs

Thanks Michael,
The peace meditation has been useful to me- I get a relaxed feeling from doing it.

David Schweizer

Thank you Michael,
So very well said.
David Schweizer


I am under the impression that thousands of people including many of us who follow Billy’s material, read the website of Paul Craig Roberts. His readership extends to 109 countries and apparently he has more readers than the NYtimes!
Please read what he has to say…

And as far as I my understanding goes of those ‘political guns’, they too read his comments especially now. Never the less, as much as all this is so bleak, I will continue to hope that clear thinking will prevail, because war in the Mid. East will wipe out everyone there, and they all know how it will end.

Michael Basal

Yes Michael your thoughts, you stated to Andrea, are a virtual echo of my own. But, first and foremost, this Take a Deep Breath you authored is excellent. That said, with 9 billion or so humans on this planet now and most of them in a “confused” state there is honestly little possibility of any real improvement. But that is not to say this is not good advice. As I have said repeatedly, the one person you can change is yourself.

Still, as deeply concerning as all of this is, and it really is, I am not trying to make light of it, this which I have posted prior is an equally or an even more serious end game for us all, including the powers that be or whatever your would like to refer to the real power(s) pulling the strings of the world in which we all must live in. I wish it were not so but with Billy’s and the Plejaren’s recent CR on this and my own in depth research well, here it is again, below. It needs to be out there / said and all the more reason to take heed of what you wrote here in this latest blog.

For anyone that may not have seen this, and maybe even those that have, it is time for a read / reread of this. Excerpts from the very recent 722nd contact of 8 August 2019.

This is a very sober read. It should dispel any misgivings of our current reality.


A very small and simple excerpt of its overall content vastness and great detail is this tidbit;
“Thus the earth people fall into a faith similar to their delusion of God’s faith and wander about with confused ideas, in the delusion that the nonsensical proposals of the simple reduction of CO2 would solve all climate problems and make them null and void.”

The vast majority of this report is directly and specifically at our now horrendously bad state of earths climate. Much, much more greater and highly specific information is in this long read. Although even other information is in it including of our current US President Trump. I, AGAIN, ISSUE A WARNING BEFORE YOU READ IT, IT IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.

Further, this contact report virtually mirrors much of the long standing work, of over a decade, of Dr. Guy McPherson. Likely the only honest earth scientist left speaking the truth. He has paid the price for this. For those interested, here is his website;


Michael Basal.


Thanks Michael Basal for this report and others on your blog.
However, I would like to say that reading on a black background is very difficult especially since the information is so dense and heavy already. Everything around us is black, but colour has a positive effect on our psyche.
Cheers, Bianca

Luis Sanchez

If more people took interest in the way to live, illogical anxieties and other things unworthy of a human would be realized as superfluous. Focusing on others or this or that is not what the times call for. Self love, honest joy and inner peace. Being your own best friend helps and assists others. The only way to holistically strengthen the inner world (thoughts/ feeling) is with the doctrine of truth, the doctrine of the spirit, the doctrine of life.

Luis Sanchez

And just to add to last statement, jumping up and down couches and criminally and falsely claiming to be Mavericks of extraterrestrial knowledge..when their oblivious to such cognitions is peharps not the wisest of things either (contact report…614).


Belinda Gishnock

Greetings, Michael Horn. I saw on Twitter that you were to be interviewed by Michael Deacon. Did that happen? A hashtag with his name was there. I clicked it and it took me to other people’s comments about him. Then I went to his page and I failed to find any mention of an upcoming interview.


Belinda Gishnock

Luis Sanchez

Simply put, it wasn’t the terrestrials who did the “debunking”….it was the “extraterrestrials” themselves who actually did all the debunking. End of discussion.

Luis Sanchez

That was a good interview Michael, you know what the funniest thing about all this is…the Plejarens have debunked most of the earth beliefs (and even conspiracy theories) amongst many others things, before their inceptions in some situations, and the masses have no inclination of such historical transpirings already had been undertaken and annotated of such clarifying knowledge. I
Know that’s funny. Have a great day Michael