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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


Useful, non-medical nutritional and general health and wellness recommendations.

At the link below, you’ll find information gathered from the Contact Reports.

Health and Wellness Advice from Plejaren and Spiritual Teaching

Audio version courtesy of Norm DeCindis:

As always, you may find things that specifically address some of your nutritional concerns and other information . Each person must take responsibility for determining what best works for them.

The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The statements made about supplementation and diet have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Always consult with a licensed health care practitioner before you begin any healthcare program or change your lifestyle in any way.

Physical Health and Well-Being in relation to Duty to Oneself and Your Own Duty Diet, Nutrition and Wellness advice from the Contact Notes and Spiritual Teaching

Duty to oneself and one’s own duties can be understood simply as the duties that each human being has in regard to himself/herself. This teaching encompasses an enormous scope when one takes into consideration the consciousness development and evolution, the good and positive values that are to be nurtured in one’s self, the caring for one’s physical and psychical well-being, as well as the bringing one’s life and self into alignment with the Creational-natural laws and recommendations, as examples. Essentially, it is our duty to work each day to take care of ourselves in every way and to develop harmony within ourselves so that we can create harmony in our relations and eventually in the world as a whole. One foundational way that one can practice his/her duty to one’s self and his/her own duty is to completely and throughly care for the physical body. When we take care of ourselves in the physical it creates an effect that ripples out into every area of the life. If we feel healthy and energized we have more drive to work hard and to fulfill our duties and tasks. Our diet can have significant effects on our mood and brain chemistry which can therefore affect our thoughts and feelings which can impact our own relationship with self and with others. When we take care of our health we set the tone of self-respect and self-love and, in turn, we learn to love and respect our fellow human beings and all life. In the fulfillment of the duty to one’s self and one’s own duty we treat ourselves as a true and dear friend, with respect, kindness, care and decency, just as we would treat another human being to whom we are showing our best side.

“Whoever you are, human being who reads these lines: always care for the best health of your body and your psyche. Also do not thereby disregard the health of your consciousness, whereby you must constantly be concerned, however, that you do not mollycoddle your consciousness or psyche or the body. Whoever constantly challenges his/her body and his/her psyche and his/her consciousness, does good thereby and promotes the fulfillment of his/her duty to himself/herself and his/her own duty.”

(Billy Meier, The Way to Live, 52, page 32)

It is a duty of the human to inform themselves of how to correctly care for their bodies so that they can sustain their life and maintain health, for while all life is striving towards the death and then again for the reincarnation and it is a fact that the health of the body will fade and death will come, each day alive is an opportunity to evolve our consciousness and cultivate the higher values of true love, peace, freedom, harmony and wisdom.

Physical wellness as a foundational aspect of duty to one’s self and one’s own duty does not need to be complicated. The recommendations from our Plejaren friends include eating a balanced diet of whole foods that are uncontaminated by chemicals and toxins, exercising and performing sufficient manual labor each day, drinking mainly pure spring or purified water as is required by the body and regulated by thirst, supplementing with vital nutrients that the body requires as the food on earth has become more and more devoid of nutrients due to mass production, as well as natural supplements that can be used to detox heavy metals and other harmful substances we are exposed to due to our current worldwide situation.

The Contact Reports are full of information regarding health and caring for the physical body and following are a few examples that can be easily implemented to bring about a positive development of vitality and wellness.

Optimization of Metabolism for Immune and Overall Health Contact Report 619; Ptaah
Date of Contact: 2nd April 2015
Date of Translation: 10th April 2019

Billy: Actually, the fundamental and decisive point or the ultimate point in the whole of the health of the human body – as in any other form of life – is metabolism, because if it functions properly, then the immune system is also in order and the body is less susceptible to diseases and suffering of all kinds. Can you say something about that for once, please?

Ptaah: 39. The immune system is the centre of health, and this depends on a well-functioning metabolism, through which every single cell of the body is supplied with everything it needs and which very quickly removes all useless substances and toxins from the body.

Ptaah goes on to explain about how to maintain a healthy metabolism, speaks to the importance of chewing food properly rather than “swallowing down” and gives nine instructions to follow that are easy to incorporate into daily life.

1.) The amino acid L-Tyrosine promotes mental performance, concentration, and conscious/mental/ emotional fitness. Healthy to be used in the short term, the natural stimulant has no side effects and can be used in times of high conscious and physical demands. L-Tyrosine is a superior alternative to psychotropic drugs which should never be administered to the body.

2.) Drink only pure spring water or filtered water, because only pure water enables the body to flush out all environmental toxins, metabolic toxins, residential toxins and various other every day pollutants. Coffee and tea also contain necessary water but should be used sparingly. The amount of water a person drinks each day depends on their diet and lifestyle. If one is eating a diet heavy in water-rich foods, less pure water needs to be consumed but a person eating the standard terrestrial diet of flours, baked goods, processed foods, meat, sausages, heavily seasoned food in general, sweets, etc. then drinking significantly more pure water is advisable.

Ptaah states in sentence 70: Since all the harmful substances absorbed from the environment and through food are one of the main causes of many malfunctions in the human organism and lead to many diseases, stimulating the metabolism to excrete and flush it out is one of the most important steps on the path to intensive health

3.) Eating smaller and more frequent meals and an overall calorie-reduced diet rather than lavish and large main meals can stimulate and regulate the metabolism in a sustainable manner. If too many calories are eaten at once then the body tends to store them as fat but also if too few calories are consumed then the body switches into hunger mode and stores carbohydrates as fat, so a balance of calorie intake and careful food selection is important.

Ptaah explains: 76. Therefore, the various small meals and snacks should understandably not consist of ready-made soups, roasted and salted nuts, sandwiches and sweets, etc., but of fresh berries, tropical fruits, unsweetened fruit bars, vegetables, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, salads, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and fruit, as well as other foods rich in vital substances.

77. These foods are mainly alkaline and provide the body with an incredibly large amount of stimulating vital and mineral substances, which are very important for the metabolism.

4.) The metabolism can and must be stimulated by simple sporting activities. It is particularly important that, as a rule, slightly fewer calories are consumed than are needed for the actual immediate use. If sporting or working activity is carried out, the body burns calories and makes better use of the food consumed, which is why it is necessary to be physically active in one way or another every day.

5.) The metabolism can also be stimulated with soluble dietary fibers which bind large amounts of water and therefore swell in the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring a smooth digestion and also cleansing the intestines so that nothing can get stuck in them and no “cinders” can form. Psyllium seed shells/husks are an especially beneficial form of soluble fiber that should be taken daily upon rising on an empty stomach and again one hour before dinner, whereby one tablespoon each time is sufficient. One tablespoon of mineral earth (bentonite clay) can be added in the evening serving for an added cleansing benefit to the psyllium husk.

6.) The metabolism can be stimulated with natural, high-quality, organic, cold-pressed coconut oil which contains medium-chain triglycerides, simply called MCT and which are contained in nature in only very few oils. These fats are not absorbed by the body and are not stored as fat. MCTs lower cholesterol levels and supply the body with high-quality energy and promote the absorption of calcium and magnesium. [Organic, cold-pressed] coconut oil is an ideal choice for cooking because it is heat-stable and does not develop any harmful substances while other oils that are treated industrially cannot do this and thus strain the organism.

7.) A healthy diet consisting of natural foods and products is a necessity, also seeing to it that the foods eaten are balanced between acidic and alkaline. Acidosis can form in the body from eating too much acidic food, causing ailments and suffering in the body and resulting in a whole range of health complaints such as chronic bronchitis, diabetes, rheumatic diseases, gout, migraine, fatigue, osteoporosis, sleep disorders or even states of depression and moral dejection, etc.

Ptaah states: 106. If therapeutic measures against mild acidosis are necessary, they are usually very simple, and the person can carry them out without medical help.
107. The only thing you need to do is to make sure that you do not eat an excessive amount of alkaline and acid, but a balanced diet, and that you exercise sufficiently.

8.) Stress and worries must be avoided because they affect the nerves, morale and mood. Stress-related ailments and bad moods can be avoided by eating the right foods and the body can be supplied with certain useful food supplements that strengthen the nervous system. In addition, holistic measures are necessary to make people happy again and to counteract these diseases of civilization, which together with all sorts of physical-organic diseases, are based on the causes of toxic environmental influences and false lifestyles.

9.) The earth human is increasingly confronted with toxic metals and radioactivity, which burden and damage the immune system and vital organs. Because wide areas of Earth, the waters and the air as well as the direct environment of terrestrial humans are contaminated by all the poisonous substances it is no longer possible to completely avoid contact with them and it is important to make sure that as much food as possible is free from these toxins. This is possible only by purpose-built cultivation in one’s own gardens and fields where no artificial fertilizers and no toxins of any kinds are used. Even with organic or BIO foods it is not possible to ensure that no toxins were used.

Ptaah states: 134. If these nine rules for eating habits, food preparation and food production are observed and continuously implemented and integrated into everyday life, then after only a few days the first successes and recognizable effects in terms of successful metabolic regulation will become apparent.

Heavy Metal Removal
Contact Report 680, Ptaah
Date of Contact: 7th May 2017
Date of Translation: 13th August 2018
Billy asks Ptaah about what can be used to remove heavy metals from the body.

Aluminum is not classified as a heavy metal but can get into the body and cause damage to health, having a negative effect on memory, for example. Silicon is useful for assisting the body in excreting aluminum in the organism and even in the brain, whereby the harmful effect on memory can be reduced or prevented. Silicon is particularly good for ingestion and effective in organic colloid form [siliceous earth as noted per Christian Frehner], with a daily dose of 80 milligrams.

Ptaah further explains that chlorella algae, glutathione, bentonite clay, selenium and zeolite are all natural substances that have their own unique ways of assisting the body in heavy metal detoxification. Please read the short contact report excerpt for further explanations and cautions regarding supplementation.

Manual Labor
Contact Report 156, Quetzal
Date of Contact: 13th December 1981
Date of Translation: 20th June 2009
Quetzal and Billy discuss the importance of manual labor

Quetzal states: 33. If you or we or the Earth human beings want to develop spiritually and in a knowledge-related manner, then we can only do this if we also exercise our manual activity in the best way.
34. This is, in fact, not only necessary for livelihood but also for the right shaping of the teaching and its processing and effects.
35. If a human being and also we want to live and learn in accordance with the teaching, then we also have to perform sufficient manual activity; otherwise, things will get confused and the teaching will become a failure.

Milk and Dairy Products
Contact Report 544, Ptaah
Date of Contact: 1st September 2012
Date of Translation: 9th January 2013

Conjugated linoleic acids are found only in milk, dairy products and meat from ruminants. They have the characteristic of lowering cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis, where they strengthen the immune system and also support the building of muscle tissue and the formation of bone. On the basis of their many valuable ingredients, milk and dairy products belong in a healthy diet, whereby, for those human beings who suffer from milk and dairy intolerance, special observances apply which must be followed. Billy adds a note of explanations from a specialized publication about lactose-intolerance. He adds that milk and milk products contain very valuable nutrients and belong, for the majority of human beings, among the most important staple foods.

Milk and Dairy Products
Contact Report 217, Quetzal
Date of Contact: 8th May 1987

Date of Translation: January 2006/ May 2010

In opposition to the claims of the responsible persons in the milk production industry and milk producers, milk does not supply healthy calcium to the bones, rather it depletes the body’s own calcium, even from the bones.
Quetzal states: 35. And since, as a rule, too little calcium is already otherwise supplied to the body – as this is also the case for many vitamins, trace elements, and minerals because today’s foods, even fruits and vegetables that become more and more over-cultivated, contain less and less of these substances – the Earth person should take this separately or add this to his normal diet as a food supplement.

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Moringa- the Medicinal Tree
Contact Report 221, Quetzal
Date of Contact: 30th December 1987
Date of Translation: 4th June 2010

Native to South Asia and North Africa, the Moringa tree grows rapidly at about 3 meters in height per year and contains active compounds that can be used against anemia, hypertension and diabetes as well as for the building and strengthening of the immune system. The immune building can act as a means of defense against AIDS. Moringa is nutrient rich in vitamin C and calcium. The seeds of the Moringa tree are very oily, whereby the oil can be used as a lubricant and as a fuel for machinery. The seeds can also purify dirty water much better than any chemical can.
Recommendation: Since Moringa is rich in calcium, it is a good choice of supplement if you include milk in your diet.

Curcumin and Polyphenol EGCG (Green Tea)
Contact Report 231, Quetzal
Date of Contact: 9th November 1989
Date of Translation: 8th October 2019

Polyphenol EGCG is found in green tea and is an active ingredient that can be used against the growth of cancer tumors. Two to three deciliters which equates to about a cup is enough to drink each day.

Quetzal states: 370. As with curcumin, that has to be said, it is not a remedy that heals existing cancer tumors comprehensively, but only has a positive effect and, to a certain extent, can also affect the development and growth of certain tumors.
371. In particular, certain cancer cells excessively produce so-called laminin receptors on their surface, to which the polyphenol EGCG binds and acts into the cancer cell.

372. This triggers an ongoing series of growth-inhibiting reactions and inhibits the growth of existing cancer tumors, as well as the formation of metastases.

Serotonin: The Happiness Hormone
Contact Report 621, Ptaah
Date of Contact: 30th April 2015
Date of Translation: 10th April 2019
Billy and Ptaah discuss the effects of serotonin in the brain.

Ptaah explains that a serotonin deficiency can lead to depression, strong anxiety, aggression, violence and brutality. Serotonin is contained in many foods but is unable to pass the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain from the intestines. The amino acid L-tryptophan is needed for this, as it passes the blood-brain barrier and is a precursor to serotonin, which plays an important role in transmitting signals in the brain, contracting blood vessels and controlling peristalsis in the intestines. Billy and Ptaah discuss a supplement called BIO-Inka Gold which consists of finely ground and raw quinoa and amaranth and contains a high amount of L-typtophan as a good choice for serotonin health. L-tryptophan is mostly destroyed in the cooking process so raw is a necessity for the quinoa and amaranth pseudo-grains.

Recommendation: A cost-effective alternative suggestion would be to grind quinoa and amaranth in a high-speed blender to make a powder/meal and sprinkle on food or put into smoothies. Do not blend on high speed for very long to ensure the grains do not heat up as they are being processed.

Ptaah states: 34. The whole body and the brain as well as thoughts, feelings and the psyche need the messenger substance serotonin, and only when the serotonin level is right can the brain and the whole body as well as the world of thoughts and feelings remain in balance.

Important to understand: Ptaah states: 67. Even though basic prerequisites such as psychopathy etc. are given, this does not mean that the human being degenerates in this way and must therefore become an active psychopath or a serious criminal.

68. This also applies to people who have a slow heartbeat and pulse or inactive brain cells, or who have a much too low serotonin level and a weak ability to control, so that they do not degenerate in an evil way and do not have to become serious criminals.

69. Many such congenital damages – such as toxic metals like lead and cadmium in the brain and body – which manifest themselves in a dysfunction of the brain and in a deficient or underdeveloped vegetative nervous system, make people aggressive, violent, impulsive, cold- blooded, sadistic and otherwise very emotional.

74. And finally it has to be said that every human being, no matter whether he has genetically caused harmful genetic predispositions or inactive brain cells etc. or physical damages, does not have to let these break through in any way and does not have to live them out.
75. Every man capable of understanding and reason is capable of controlling all his emotions and, in this regard, of determining what he wants to do and what he does not want to do.

Avoiding Trans Fats and the Importance of Omega-3 fatty acids Contact Report 544, Ptaah
Date of Contact: 1st September 2012
Date of Translation: 9th January 2013

Though trans fats are found in very small amounts naturally in some meats and dairy products, the majority of trans fats are artificial fats created by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oil to make it into a solid. Commonly found in fast-food products, processed foods, cakes, pastries, french fries, chips and other fatty foods, etc., trans fatty acids are extremely dangerous and harmful to health and can lead to obesity, depression, sickness, diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer. An example of trans fats are hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Ptaah goes on to explain that high-quality and cold pressed vegetable oils that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are to be emphasized in the diet. Some examples he gives are olive oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, almond oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, hazelnut oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, wheat germ oil and peanut oil.

Ptaah states: In the preparation of food and meals, one should pay very close attention that, as much as possible, these only contain healthy fats and oils with mono and poly unsaturated fats. Important therefore, are, for example, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, which are specifically found in fish oils from salmon, trout, herring, tuna and mackerel, as well as in krill oil and the oils of various olives, in rapeseed [canola], nuts, hemp seeds and flax seeds [linseed], and so forth. It is important, however, that all of these oils are cold pressed, otherwise they are as good as worthless relative to the simple or multiple unsaturation of the fatty acids.

Recommendation: It is uncommon to find organic and cold-pressed canola, peanut, sunflower, safflower or corn oil so read labels when shopping and make sure to only purchase, use and consume cold-pressed oils. Common oils found in this form are olive, almond, sesame, walnut, evening primrose, borage, hemp, flax and wheat germ. Keep in mind that although it is not a mono or polyunsaturated fat and in fact is a saturated fat, organic and raw coconut oil has been suggested as a very healthy oil to consume and cook with.

Ptaah states: In the omega-3 fatty acids the factors EPA and DHA are also of great significance, because, in the context of a balanced diet, they make a significant contribution in relation to good health, whereby these substances exert a valuable influence on the regulation of blood. In addition, DHA is a very important component for the function of photoreceptors as well as for the conducting membranes of the brain, for the concentration, the memory, the ability to learn and in the support of mental performance. Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential for the healing of inflammatory processes, which not infrequently trigger chronic diseases and therefore bring with them long-term suffering. Omega-3 fatty acids must be consumed because the human body itself cannot produce them.

Ptaah clarifies later in Contact Report 658 that rapeseed (canola) oil should not be used as food because of the way that it is processed.
Ptaah states: 89. Rapeseed oil should not be used as an edible oil, as it should only be used as a raw material for fuels, for soap making, as a lubricant or for other purposes, but not as food.

90. Although rapeseed oil contains only a small amount of saturated fats, it contains up to 35% polyunsaturated fatty acids and even up to 65% monounsaturated fatty acids, which is good in itself.
91. On the other hand, however, this fact is affected by the fact that the polyunsaturated component of the oil is extremely susceptible to pressure, heat and light, is unstable and oxidizes very strongly precisely during the processing and refining of rapeseed oil.

92. However, this increases the amount of free radicals in the human body when it is supplied with rapeseed oil, which leads to diseases and ailments, the causes of which are often not clarified and consequently cannot be treated and remedied, such as in physical-organic inflammatory processes, weight gain, heart and nerve diseases, etc.

93. Also various degenerative diseases and all sorts of indefinable ailments can appear by rapeseed oil processed and refined in the way mentioned.
94. This is better understood when it is known that rapeseed oil is de-rubbed, bleached, deodorized and typically extracted and refined at high temperatures with etchants, questionable chemicals, pressure and petroleum solvents such as hexane.

Vitamin D requirements
Contact Report 623, Ptaah
Date of Contact: 24th May 2015
Date of Translation: 12th December 2015/ 13th April 2019

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to decalcification or osteomalacia of the bones, osteoporosis, kidney damage, asthmatic diseases, weakened immune system, rheumatoid arthritis and certain cancers including pancreatic and breast cancer, colon, ovarian, uterine, gastric, renal, prostate, esophageal and so on. Vitamin D3 which is found in animal products is also produced by the body from sunlight exposure, whereby the body produces 75-85% of vitamin D requirements through only a short time in the sun but humans living in the northern hemisphere commonly do not get enough sun exposure so supplementation can be beneficial and even required.
Ptaah states: 27. It is also important to know that people with darker skin can suffer a vitamin D deficiency more often than light-skinned people because the brown skin pigment melanin restricts vitamin D production.
28. If sufficient sunlight is available, the daily vitamin D requirement can normally be covered by the vitamin D production of the skin, which, however, requires regular daily stays outdoors and thus in sunlight.
29. And with regard to the vitamin D intake from food, it should be said that in this respect, but in smaller quantities, particularly fatty fish such as eel, herring, salmon and mackerel are good, as are mushrooms, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms, as well as butter, eggs, margarine and milk, although milk is not highly recommended for various reasons.

Billy adds: Vitamin D deficiency also triggers various diseases, as you explained to me privately several times and recommended that I take vitamin D3 daily between 2000 and 10000 IU – or international units – depending on my health needs, because this is the normal daily requirement of an adult person, depending on weight, health and physical condition, exposure to the sun’s rays and the corresponding vitamin D requirement. You also said that I should do this with the intake of appropriate food supplements, which I naturally adhere to and could also notice that my health was constantly improving.


Soy Consumption:
Contact Report 267, Ptaah

Soy contains large quantities of isoflavones in the form of phytoestrogens that can wreak havoc on bodily systems when consumed. Long-term consumption of large quantities of the isoflavones can disrupt bodily hormonal balance.
Infants, toddlers and adolescents especially should never consume soy as it can lead to serious impairment of their health in the form of their consciousness activity, the brain, the intelligence, the world of thought and feeling, the psyche, the physical body and the behaviors pattern, etc.
If pregnant women consume soy products it can lead to heavy and irreparable damages to the fetus’ body, limbs, nerves, cerebrum and muscles as well as to body deformations.
Soy products of all kind, because of their toxic ingredients, in larger quantities are even capable of impairing the health of strong adults and can cause serious damage, which can lead to growth of tumors, respectively cancer and to the fostering of brain-, consciousness and behavioral disorders, personality changes and to infertility.
Breast cancer in women and men and depression are linked to soy and also Parkinson’s, namely when there is a hereditary predisposition to it.
General Recommendation: Avoid soy altogether or only consume in small quantities. Read labels of packaged food and become aware of how much soy you consume regularly. Soybean oil and soy lecithin are common ingredients in processed food.

Walking after a meal:
OM, Canon 32, Verse 1634
After a meal one shall walk a thousand steps.

Benefits of Collagen as a Supplement:
Contact Report 635, Florena
Date of Contact: 20th November 2015
Date of Translation: 12th April 2019

Collagen is a naturally occurring flexible and stable protein that is present in the body and is important for bones, tendons, ligaments and skin. Collagen in the form of collagen hydrolysate can be taken as a dietary supplement and has a positive effect on the joints as well as joint cartilage by stimulating the formation of collagen in the joints.

Florena states: 26. Regular use of collagen hydrolysate – which is also used by terrestrial people in industry and transplantation medicine – prevents cartilage atrophy and thus arthrosis, and prevents joint pain from developing in the first place.

Gamma Interferon and Vitamin C daily requirements: Contact Report 238, Ptaah
Date of Contact: 18th May 1991
Original Translation: 14th October 2019

Billy and Ptaah discuss a substance called Gamma-Interferon (Interferon Gamma) that is a natural product of chemical transformation, e.g. when milk is converted into kefir or yogurt. The Plejaren have been impulsing leading scientists in the isolation of Gamma-Interferon into a prophylactic drug that could treat and prevent illness and disease. Gamma-Interferon is very similar in nature to the antibodies and anti- forces that the human immune system produces to prevent attack from pathogens and ward off illness and disease. The Plejaren have such a medicine that they call Salubritason.

Ptaah states: 378. It is able to prevent almost any disease and to nip it in the bud, even cancer of any kind, because when taken and used in appropriate quantities, it is able to destroy even the most persistent viruses, not to mention less resistant pathogens.
373. Disease-prone people should take such a medication prophylactically daily in an appropriate amount, in addition to the necessary vitamins, trace elements and minerals, whereby special care should also be taken with vitamin C that a daily requirement of at least 900 milligrams is required per adult human unit if it has a reasonably balanced and health-promoting vitamin C requirement and wants to be healthy.

387. So we have also found out that even the common cold, which we only succumb to on Earth, can also be combated prophylactically and actively.
388. As we have found out, humans need an increased supply of zinc and vitamin C and an increased intake of the substance salubritason.

Since a prophylactic or acute treatment drug containing Gamma-Interferon is not yet available, one can consume yogurt or kefir daily as an immune-boosting food to prevent disease.

Importance of Daily Vitamin C Supplementation Contact Report 241, Ptaah
Date of Contact: 3rd February 1992
Original Translation: 17th October 2019

Ptaah states: 79. In terms of the human body’s vitamin C requirement, as it is given on Earth, the average value moves at 750 milligrams with a body weight of 60 kilograms and light activity.
80. This corresponds to 12.5 milligrams of vitamin C per kilogram of body weight.
81. During heavy activity, the body’s vitamin requirement increases to 14 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

He adds that, as a rule, it is useful to add a 150 mg increase to the calculated result.

Ptaah states: 99. But no other vitamin and no mineral has such an important function for man and his life and for his health as vitamin C, which has to be supplied to the body in relatively large quantities, which is unfortunately only possible today on Earth through special vitamin C preparations, because food has not had sufficient quantities of this vitamin for a long time.

100. This is no longer even true for fruits and vegetables and the like.

Ptaah goes on to discuss the dangers of vitamin C deficiency when procreating:

91. Offspring whose parents suffer from vitamin C deficiency at the time of conception are at risk because their immune system becomes unstable and susceptible to allergies, ailments and many diseases.
92. Even birth defects of innumerable forms and all sorts of other evils appear, including various cancers that could never occur if the progenitors did not suffer from vitamin C deficiency.

93. First and foremost, DNA damage occurs, which then has lifelong negative effects.

Vitamin C deficiency can also lead to severe menstrual cramps in women, severe eye ailments and the poor healing of wounds and/or diseases.

Contact Report 228, Quetzal
Date of Contact: 1st May 1989
Billy and Quetzal discuss the nutrients contained in small and micro life forms that exist in the seas, rivers and lakes in the form of vegetal and organism-related plankton as well as algae.

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Note by Billy, May 2003: With the addressed nutrients from seas and freshwater, it concerns, on the one hand, as explained by Quetzal, vegetal and organism-related plankton and, on the other hand, algae and other aquatic plants of the most diverse kinds. But primarily, a freshwater alga, namely an algal species by the name of Spirulina platensis, lies behind it – a bluish green, microscopic alga [general name: “blue-green alga”], whose spirally coiled cellular filaments [hence, spirulina] exhibit a size of approximately 0.3 mm. The genus of blue-green algae comprises about 1,400 species, which are spread all over the world, but they appear, as explained, mainly in freshwater and much less in seawater. Originally, the species of blue-green algae grew in tropical and clean as well as mineral- rich waters of Asia, Africa, and South America, and they were particularly widespread in lakes. The microscopic alga draws its essential nutrients from sunlight, water, and heat. Through photosynthesis – in the case of 40 to 50° Celsius – it binds minerals, trace elements, and vitamins, which are present in the ground, as well as in the air and in the water, and converts them into a complex and natural and very valuable food. Spirulina platensis has a very thin cell membrane and, thus, no cell wall made of indigestible cellulose, as this is given, in contrast, to other microscopic algae and plants. This thin cell membrane ensures that the spirulina food-algae can take in the very valuable substances of the blue-green algae into the gastro-intestinal tract in an optimally receptive manner and in the human organism very well.

If one looks at the ingredients of Spirulina platensis as percentages, then there are 60% proteins, 14% carbohydrates, 8.6% ashes, 6.4% raw fibers, and 6% fats. In addition, Spirulina platensis contains a whole number of essential and nonessential amino acids, essential fatty acids, plant pigments, vitamins, minerals, and nucleic acids.

Vitamin K Complex:
Contact Report 625, Ptaah
Date of Contact: 15th August 2015 Original Translation: 15th December 2015

Billy asks Ptaah about an article written by Bernadette Brand about vitamin K.

Ptaah: 40. Of course I have also read this article and can say that the description is correct with regard to the vitamin.

Do You Know Vitamin K? Vitamin K – what is it?

The fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E also include the vitamin K complex (vitamins K1, K2, K3 and K4). Their intake through food is increased by the simultaneous intake of healthy fats and oils, and in some cases even made possible in the first place. The K vitamins are stable against oxygen and very heat-resistant; they hardly degrade when cooked or roasted. When exposed to light, however, vitamin K becomes inactive and quickly loses its bioavailability.

Vitamin K occurs in two natural forms as vitamin K1 (phyllochinone) and vitamin K2 (menachinone), which is also produced by certain bacteria in the human intestine. According to recent studies, it is synthesized naturally by humans from vitamin K1, the phyllochinone.

Vitamin K1 is found mainly in the leaves of various green plants, which should be included in the daily diet to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamin K1 or to increase the vitamin K levels in the blood. Good sources of vitamin K1 include kale, purslane, spinach or leaf salads, as well as drinks made from various grass powders such as wheat grass, kamut grass, barley grass, spelt grass or a combination of different grasses and herbs, which should come from high-quality sources. Other potent suppliers of vitamin K1 include beetroot leaves, which contain more minerals and nutrients than tubers considered to be particularly healthy. The various types of cabbage such as

Brussels sprouts, broccoli or white cabbage are also highly recommended for covering the vitamin K1 requirement, although sauerkraut is a good source of vitamin K2 due to its microorganism content.

Herbs such as chives, parsley and avocado are rich in vitamin K, whereby the avocado also provides the valuable fats necessary for absorption. The consumption of avocado also promotes the absorption of many other fat-soluble substances such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin and calcium.

Vitamin K2 is produced by microorganisms – including bacteria of the intestinal flora – and can be absorbed directly via the intestinal cells. A healthy intestine, as an important organ of the immune system, is the basis for the supply of nutrients and trace elements. Vitamin K2 sources include raw sauerkraut, butter, egg yolk, liver and some cheeses.

Tasks Of Vitamin K In The Body

Vitamin K primarily regulates the blood’s ability to clot, although high doses of vitamin K do not lead to increased blood clotting or the risk of thrombosis, because the body makes optimum use of vitamin K and thus ensures a balance in blood clotting.
A vitamin K deficiency, on the other hand, inhibits the blood’s ability to clot, which can lead to increased bleeding.

Vitamin K is also important for the prevention and regression of arteriosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. As a result of a bad and unhealthy diet, blood pressure rises and causes microscopic cracks in the arterial walls, which the body tries to repair. If the necessary vital substances, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, are lacking, it reverts to LDL cholesterol, which attracts calcium and other substances from the blood, which then plug the cracks. These calcium deposits are called plaque and can cause heart attacks and strokes when they detach from the inner walls of the arteries.

Calcium is an important mineral that plays an important role in numerous processes and not only in the formation of bones and teeth. If the body cannot withdraw calcium from the blood due to illness or malnutrition, it is absorbed by the vascular walls, which can lead not only to dangerous arteriosclerosis, but probably also to kidney stones. Vitamin K has been shown to remove excess calcium from the blood and ensures that it does not accumulate in the blood vessels or kidneys, but is channelled into the bones and teeth. It therefore reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis as well as the risk of kidney stones. Studies over a period of 10 years have shown that a diet rich in vitamin K2 significantly reduces the development of plaque and that the risk of associated diseases such as heart attacks and strokes is reduced by 50%. However, not only vitamin K plays a special role in the function of blood vessel protection, but also vitamin D in a sufficiently high dosage, which is also indispensable to produce the matrix GLA protein that provides the actual protection against calcification.

Studies carried out in rats in the USA have shown that vitamin K2 is even capable of reversing existing arteriosclerosis. Certain blood thinning medications have the side effect of preventing vitamin K from regulating the level of calcium in the blood, which can lead to arteriosclerosis. With a higher dosage of vitamin K, it could be shown that an already existing arteriosclerosis led to a 50% reduction in arteriosclerosis in the animals.

In addition to calcium and vitamin D, healthy and strong bones also need vitamin K, which drains the required calcium from the blood and into the bones and teeth. In addition, vitamin K activates the protein osteocalcin, which is involved in bone formation and can only bind calcium through the action of vitamin K and build it into the bones. Studies from 2005 have shown that a vitamin K2 deficiency in older women leads to lower bone density and an increased risk of fractures. Other studies, on the other hand, showed that bone loss in osteoporosis could be suppressed by the administration of large amounts of vitamin K2 and that bone formation could even be stimulated again. The importance of a sufficient supply of vitamins K1 and K2 has been demonstrated by studies in which high vitamin D levels were found, but there was an undersupply of K vitamins; in these cases the risk of osteoporosis was even increased.

Vitamin K2 also seems to play an important role in leukemia. Research with cancer cells in the test tube indicates that vitamin K2 can trigger the self-destruction of leukemia cells. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was shown that only 10% of subjects who had an increased risk of liver cancer were also diagnosed with cancer if they were supplied with vitamin K2 as a dietary supplement. In the comparison group, which did not receive any additional vitamin K2, 47% of the patients had liver cancer.

Vitamin K Deficiency

It seems that many people are not aware of how important the two K vitamins are and how important they are for health. Experts have found that very many people have too low a vitamin K value in their blood and that deficiency symptoms are widespread among those who eat poorly. In addition, many people do not even know that and how they can prevent a vitamin K deficiency.

Vitamin K Requirement

The German Nutrition Society recommends: At least 65 μg for women and 80 μg for men respectively 0.03-1.5 μg (microgram) per kg body weight daily. For children, 10 μg per kg body weight per day is recommended. This is sufficient to activate the coagulation factors in the liver, but not for the other functions. Since breastfed babies are exposed to the (rare) risk of a clinically relevant vitamin K deficiency with the risk of dangerous brain hemorrhages, vitamin K prophylaxis is recommended in most countries of the world.
An overdose of vitamin K is most likely not possible, at least no such case has ever been reported, even at a dose of 4000 μg per day. Recommended daily intake is 65 μg to 100 μg.

Overall, more serious hypovitaminoses are rare with a normal diet if the need is not measured by the requirements of osteoporosis prophylaxis, which requires significantly higher doses. For long-term osteoporosis prophylaxis, doses of 180 μg daily are recommended based on a study by Dutch researchers.

Since it can be assumed that the recommendations are absolute minimum data which only guarantee blood coagulation but do not take into account all other tasks which the K vitamins have to fulfil, it seems appropriate to ensure that the supply of vitamins K1 and K2 is covered beyond the officially recommended level. This is all the more recommendable as both vitamins K1 and K2 are non-toxic even in high doses. There is no vitamin K hypervitaminosis, with the exception of substitution treatment in newborns, where high doses of vitamin K can trigger hemolysis because the infant’s organism is still unable to cope with certain mechanisms to a sufficient degree.

It may be advisable to reconsider taking dietary supplements containing vitamin K2. It should be considered that vitamins K2 and D3 act together with calcium, which suggests that an all-round supply with calcium, vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 is envisaged.

Further information on vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 can be found on the Internet, including Wikipedia, and, which provides a good table of vitamin K-containing foods.

Bernadette Brand, Switzerland

Protein Requirements
Contact Report 230, Quetzal
Date of Contact: 11th October 1989
Billy asks Quetzal about the practice of athletes consuming large amounts of protein to build muscles, strength and endurance. Quetzal describes the harm caused by consuming too much protein and outlines a guide for determining one’s daily requirements.

Quetzal states: 538. That is of rightness, since in fact the supply of this kind of protein to the body is harmful to health and can under certain circumstances even lead to death.
539. Too much protein removes calcium from the bones, making them brittle and fragile.

540. In particular, larger amounts of milk should be avoided, as latter deprives the body of particularly large amounts of calcium.

541. Too much protein also damages the kidney function and hence the overall health of the body. 545. The daily need for protein in a human being, however, is usually 500 to 1,000 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, whereby the need for protein increases with major efforts and is allowed to reach a maximum value of 1,750 milligrams.

548. Any milligramme above this level can cause damage to the health, affecting both the body and the bones as well as the brain, whereby the latter’s clear function is impaired.

One kilogram is equal to 2.2 lbs; for example, a person weighing 180 pounds would require approximately 40 grams of protein according to the lower end of the daily value given by Quetzal.
Small children should consume the lower amount of the suggested daily requirement and the need for protein can change with age.

Quetzal states: 540. In particular, larger amounts of milk should be avoided, as latter deprives the body of particularly large amounts of calcium.
542. Children of all ages are particularly susceptible with respect to health impairment of various forms caused by milk protein, which is why they should be given as little milk and milk dishes as possible.

543. Especially small children should not be given milk other than mother’s milk and therefore no animal milk.
544. Larger amounts of milk taken regularly are harmful for adults as well.

The Contact Reports contain much more useful information about health, nutrition, supplementation and general care for the body among a treasure of other various information. The FIGU Landesgruppe Canada has a well documented link page on their website under the Health section and the website can be searched using the key word(s) of anything you may be interested in to see if any information on the subject is contained in the Contact Reports.

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Michael Basal

Thank you Christine Slayter and Dean Madore. Also, of course, Michael. This really nice to have all this information on health and well being from the Plejaren in one spot. In my quick scan of it I already learned at least one thing I did not know. I will be reading it all.

Michael Basal

Norm DeCindis, thank you also, for this audio version of this. I, personally, found this made it very easy to take in this information.

I now know I was already implementing most of these recommendations / advices / insights. I have a few I will tweak, and add, to fine tune my health and well being now.

Thank you!


Barry Smith

Can’t believe the level of stupid out there, a man recently returned from Italy and brought the virus to my state, and the city i work in Tulsa. It is the first official case in Oklahoma. The THD Tulsa health department just had a presser. The man is under quarantine, and his family is separated from him also under quarantine. Now how many did he breathe on at the airport ? How many were on his flight ? entire neighborhoods could be infected in 4 weeks to 3 months. They call China, South Korea, India, and Italy level 3 countries. if you have been in one of the aforementioned countries, don’t come home for 3 months. geeze……. Italy has 200 dead already.

Michael Basal

Barry Smith, I echo your serious concerns and I am pretty sure everybody else here is VERY concerned too. Because, knowing of what the Plejaren have already told us, particularly due to the lengthy incubation period, as much as three months, and most people have and are still freely roaming around, traveling, etc, etc and have been for quite some time already, plus the early results of this that are already clearly being seen, it does not take too much thinking to realize there are likely a LOT of people with the virus already and they are likely infecting even more right now. I won’t even get into how the children are “silent” carriers. SIGH! This is VERY, VERY likely going to get VERY, VERY bad in many, many ways, beyond just people getting sick and yes, of course, sadly, dying. I don’t think all the additional collateral damage / outcome that will occur from this has, perhaps, been fully been thought about yet. I am not even sure I have fully, yet. I am NOT trying to minimize in any way the loss of life, PLEASE everyone, do not misunderstand. I, myself, very well could end up being a causality of this virus before this is over with. But IT is going to go well beyond that and affect countless other things which will make it worse still, for all survivors of it, and , of course, even those infected trying to survive it.

Now, this video interview, link below, has been posted, more than once, to Michael’s blogs here already in the last week, but is well worth another watch / listen. Look at what this Harvard virus expert, Marc Lipsitch, has to says, quite boldly I might add, of what he scientifically estimates IS coming. And this interview was done some five days ago already. I have also posted a quote of the transcript of the interview, which can also be found at the link below. Honestly, unless far better containment measures, etc, are taken, like the Plejaren have told us needs to be done, VERY SOON, I personally think his millions dying estimate is going to be a LOW estimate, in the coming months! Is that realistically, humbling, sobering enough? You have a right to be concerned! We all do! And, I am sorry, I can’t help but think as I write this, of the title of one of Michael’s films, “And Did They Listen?” Answer; NO! And I am beginning to seriously wonder if it is even possible we ever will, before we extinguish ourselves from planet earth! Salome everyone.

Coronavirus may infect up to 70% of world’s population, expert warns – CBS News

“Lipsitch: So say that’s half the people. Then the 1% or 2% that we’re seeing in the symptomatic people is cut down by half. Whatever the number is, it’s gonna take a toll. If it really does spread as widely as that projection says, and that’s what I think is likely to happen, then there are gonna be millions of people dying. And I don’t think there’s any way to get around that. And so I think there’s real reason for people to be concerned. I also think that we can turn that concern into actions that will make the situation better.”

Ray Stark

This is about the interview you did with lucas alexander, i tried to send you an email but my provider stated that you did not exist. The interview was disgraceful, that lucas alexander as far as i am concerned is a f****** [by the way it was my first time i watched him and never again] he was not interested in finding out what you knew about the whole Billy Meier story all he wanted to do was show show how much he knew about the ufo scene. To me he looked like he was pushing some sort of agenda and trying to endear himself to the so called “other ufo experts” who as you stated have no proof whatsoever. Especially that English mullet nick pope i watched him in interviews in the past making statements about ufos and when the interviewer tried to pin him down into actually saying it was a ufo, he did everything to avoid declaring that it was a ufo. I have no respect for him whatsoever. Michael in the future avoid interviews with people like lucas, i’m surprised you didn’t get up and walk out on him, One interview i would like to see you do is on the Joe Rogan show i’m sure you would get a fairer hearing than on truth tv .Regards Ray

David Arsov

Very good info on how to keep our immune system ready for the upcoming times

Derek Scheeler

A big thanks to Christine and Dean for compiling this information about how a person can greatly increase their health.

Michael Basal

In this article, you can see some rather remarkable charts showing the rapid rate of confirmed infections, thus far, of the coronavirus. Note that the USA chart is just getting started, but already nearly vertical! .

Coronavirus map: The COVID-19 virus is spreading across the world. Here’s where cases have been confirmed.

Michael Basal

Here’s a good article published yesterday, 6 March 2020

Coronavirus: How does the Covid-19 outbreak end? – Vox

Quotes from it, and yes, more (re)confirmation of at least some of what we already knew from the Plejaren.

“One reason has to do with what we’ve learned about the virus itself: There’s now evidence that people who do not show severe symptoms can spread it silently.”

“The biology of the virus also makes it hard to contain, since it’s possible to spread the virus before showing symptoms of it. “I don’t think we quite know the extent of how often that happens, but it is happening,” Grubaugh says. “

OK, this one is especially noteworthy. It tells me someone got to this man and said hey, you have to tone this down, or something to this effect. Personally, I found it remarkable he said what he said on national TV to begin with and, again, the original interview is posted to this blog more than once, the latest above by me, in another comment. Anyway he is now, apparently, revising his steadfast estimate, toning it down a bit. But still, maintains it is now “Plausible” Millions could die. Quoting from this article;

“You might have seen an alarming headline in the Atlantic recently: You’re likely to get the coronavirus.

The assertion was based off an estimate from Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch, who predicted some 40 to 70 percent of all adults around the world would catch the virus within a year. Lipsitch has since revised that estimate downward and with a greater range: He now estimates it’s “plausible” that 20 to 60 percent of adults will catch the disease. (If this comes to pass, while being bad, it’s not apocalyptic: Most cases of Covid-19. are mild. But it does mean millions could die.)”

Lastly, someone else is thinking, at least some, of what I stated in an earlier post late last evening of collateral damage from this.

“Remember: Outbreaks harm more than the sick

It’s also important to remember that outbreaks don’t just affect those who get sick with the illness and die — there can also be collateral damage.

Outbreaks economically impact the people who have to take off from work for a quarantine, those who cannot afford medical care, and the groups that are unfairly targeted and stereotyped as being disease carriers. As the outbreak progresses, it will expose the cracks in our society and our preparedness for future outbreaks. We need to remember the lessons we learn over the next several months.” Actually, this barely scrapes the surface of what I was thinking, but it’s a start.

I am pretty sure the main objective, in regards to anything to do with this virus, was and is, political control is maintained and above all, make sure the least possible damage to the “MONEY” is seen to as well. Which is a joke because of the lack of proper actions to deal with this, ultimately, it will cause major havoc on it and a lot more. I digress. This planet and most earth humans, exceptions mainly here, are insanely delusional whether they realize it or not. This is worse than being trapped way out at sea on a ship with a nuclear weapon about to go off on it with no way to get clear of the ship. In fact, it might be preferred to this.

Sorry, it’s time for me to take a break again from this.


Ritchie Pagkaliwangan

I just want to add up, what can the Plejaren comment about KETOGENIC DIET. Can it be beneficial or limited only.

Gordon barnes

Hi Micheal,

So with regards to Billy often trumping various people regarding future predictions did Ptah tell Billy about the Corona virus but told him not to disclose this information and if so why not tell about the outbreak before it happened.


Gordon Barnes


Why would they blame him¿ Other predictions he published didn’t get him hunted down and blamed this is another way for him to say I told you so to all the doubters out there. Even if he sat on the info what good would that do, it far too late now to do much apart from sitting back with a G n T and watch the mushroom cloud develop :0)

Melissa Osaki

If anyone in California wants to contact Governor Newsom’s office, here’s the contact information and a link where you can send an email:

1303 10th Street, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

We should also contact Washington and other states where they are having big outbreaks.
Here’s the contact info for WA:

Governor Jay Inslee
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002
Phone: (360) 902-4111
Fax: (360) 753-4110

Melissa Osaki

I came across some interesting numbers today — I hope that we can finally put the flu comparisons to rest because that nonsense is really irritating. Also, consider what these estimates might really be if we knew the true numbers from China and other parts of Asia where this outbreak began.

American Hospital Association “Best Guess” estimates for Covid-19 in the U.S. over the next 2 months:

96,000,000 infections
4,800,000 hospitalizations
1,900,000 ICU admissions
480,000 deaths

vs flu in the U.S. for the 2018-2019 season:

35,500,000 infections
490,600 hospitalizations
49,000 ICU admissions
34,200 deaths

Source for the coronavirus estimates are from the American Hospital Association which I found via Business Insider:

Flu stats are from the CDC:

Melissa Osaki

These leaked numbers tell me that those who are in the “know” are far more informed about the real danger of this virus. The media and the government are bald-faced liars who don’t care about the health and safety of the general population. They only care about us getting our butts to work and keeping that bottom line in the black. It also suggests that China has had a significant number of cases and deaths far greater than their propaganda reports. One can only hope that the truth will be fully revealed in our lifetime and appropriate steps taken to prevent this ever happening again.

Arnoud Schutte

I’ve send the Word document about the COVID-19 virus to the Dutch authorities (, that is the Dutch central institute for Public Health and Environment, and to the ‘spokesperson infectious diseases’ of the Minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sport.

Matt Knight

These will be my follow-up suggestions to work, but, I’m probably wasting my time again as my call to hermetically protect all NHS staff with Hazmat suits 2 weeks ago was.

My country should…

Commission and reuse London-style taxis, aka ‘black / yellow / green cabs’ as they are easy to be adapted to hermetic sealing and being sprayed out regularly, for transporting patients to and from sealed units (which should be popping up everywhere according to risk) as Ambulance crews will not be able to cope.
Immediately order ANYONE who has travelled to or from an affected country to self-isolate with any children and work with Supermarket chains’ delivery drivers to prioritise food and household deliveries to those who register via NHS 111 and provide delivery drivers, postal workers, front line staff with Hazmats. Business cannot continue “as usual” without Hazmats in known infected areas and despite what our stupid Prime Minister Boris Johnson says.
Triple cleaning teams at hospitals, airports and transport hubs and centers should be protected with Hazmats. Seal offices and desks that can be sealed so that, e.g., resistant screens are put up between desks, a/c units fitted with nuclear level filters and move inactive staff, like airport desk staff, to cleaning roles. When you enter the UK or any infected country, it should look like a hospital, like a pandemic has broken out and they don’t. Anyone can walk in and out freely. Stupid.
Hazmats are on back-orders now and giving priority to service staff as they should. Here are some instructions on how to make a Hazmat suit for emergencies, which I’ve not tested for accuracy, but, more to give people the idea:
DIY Hazmat Mask:
DIY Hazmat Suit:
Immediately stop all travel from countries that have been affected. Some stupid liberals are so concerned about closing the bloody borders as a political issue, they’d rather blame Israel than deal with how useful their idiocy is to industries’ ‘bottom lines’ over basic life quality.

I hope all governments are throwing money at tent and hazmat producers and oxygen gas can manufacturers.

Many are experiencing all kinds of normalcy bias, reverse, sideways and backward panics, and can take their frustrations out on those not in their ‘gangs’ of respect. Treat everyone with equal value and respect. Your issues are not worse than anyone else’s.

Dmitri S

Is there a text version of the audio? Thanks.

Melissa Osaki

Is that honey from bees good for healthy?

Melissa Osaki

Honey has been used for centuries to treat various ailments and was also used back in the ancient Egyptian times as an anti-viral.