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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

COVID-19 Toll 500 Million Unless All Recommendations Followed

Virus from secret Guangzhou lab, escaped for 1st time in 1976; mutated together with flu viruses, still unknown to earthly experts

(This is an unofficial, unauthorized translation and may contain errors. It will be replaced with the official translation once available.)

760th Contact, Friday, December 11, 2020

Billy Hello, Ptaah, dear friend, there you are. You told me that you want to talk about the Corona plague again today, because you have something to say about it. Actually, we wanted to refrain from it some time ago, but the whole thing made it necessary to say more about it, because the rulers are neither clever enough nor capable of doing everything necessary and right to get to the bottom of the plague and put an end to it.

Ptaah That is correct, but I want to say nevertheless again some things, according to which we should mention this thing really no more, as we have already said once. Now, however, I have found a record in my father’s annals, whereby he wrote under the date of Sunday, April 4, 1948, on the one hand the following, which he explained to you:

“Eduard, in the future you will continue to compose your knowledge of all that we have fathomed together in events and happenings far into the distant future yourself in prophecies and predictions and send them to the public media all over the world, as before with the help of your teachers, the priest and the professor. But this will change, as you have seen and know, in the next millennium. Everything will begin to change in just three decades, because, as you could see in the future, a digital and electronic technology will emerge and open up to you the possibility of using this new technology and, through it, spreading all your knowledge in a worldwide way.”

After that it is recorded that my father Sfath instructed you to write a letter to all governments and public media in Europe, which you then did on Saturday, July 7, 1949. After that, however, you explored with my father the next 6 decades from 1970 to 2030 and learned how, why and by what means the viral corona plague will arise and then evolve over the next decades to become the plague. This, my father wrote, will first arise in mild forms to mutate itself over time, as well as by researchers who were deliberately commissioned by Mao Zedong in agreement with the vengeful American … under threat of death to begin their evil work, as all this then also resulted. Why you want to conceal however the name of this man publicly, that I cannot understand, because he died, like also Mao Zedong, before the revenge plan conceived by the two together could be converted, however now so to speak posthumously for them nevertheless still fulfilled, however not as planned only in the USA, but world-wide. What is written now, however, further in my father’s notes, so it emerges from it that in China, in a secret laboratory in the city Guangzhou, a virus is created which will escape for the first time in the year 1976 as a result of a carelessness from a laboratory. This virus will mutate several times and remain undetected by all research until the new millennium, and then in the first 3 years of the new century it will cause the first recognizable outbreak of the disease. However, this would experience again in a secret laboratory in a Chinese city named Wuhan by laboratory work further mutating a division, from which a new virus kind would form. This new virus, my father noted, would then be extremely contagious and would attack the cell system of humans, as well as certain mammals and animals, as soon as it was released. And, he noted, at the beginning of 2019 there would be another mutation sequence, through a laboratory accident, whereby the new dangerous virus would affect all laboratory workers, who would gradually die through this infection and the resulting epidemic, but would still carry the epidemic out. This would then last from the month of January until December, before by a coincidence the deadly virus would be detected in December 2019, but it would then still take about 2 months before corresponding information would be published and the public would be informed.

Further my father noted in his annals that if the new virus becomes openly recognizable and this proves to be an extremely dangerous, deadly rampant epidemic, it can then already no longer be contained. He also noted that before the outbreak of the first recognizable epidemic shortly after the turn of the millennium – by which SARS was probably meant – the virus would not be recognized as a special virus for more than 2 decades. This, although this already in 1976 unnoticed as the first virus escaping from the secret laboratory mixed undetected with the original so-called porcine influenza subtype H1N1 virus and was highly contagious.

The first appearance of this new virus, which was integrated into the influenza virus, mutated together with influenza viruses, without being noticed by the earthly experts, probably because such processes were unknown to them, which, according to our findings, is still the case today. As a result of the non-recognition of this mutative type of virus, all the years during which the virus underwent further mutations, only the corresponding type of flu was treated, as we were able to find out according to our research. On the one hand, my father Sfath described this in his notes, while on the other hand, he also stated that from its first release, the disease itself mutated during the next 2 decades in such a way that shortly after the turn of the millennium,the first open epidemic emerged. This, so he noted, would then change through further mutations and from the beginning of 2019 would cause the beginning of a major epidemic, which, however, would not occur until the end of the year.

December 2019 would become recognizable, then from the year 2020 would begin to spread very rapidly world-wide over the whole earth, would mutate further and would become even more dangerous, whereby over long time many death victims would be demanded. So far once what is listed in my father’s annals, what you however be…

Billy It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything else about it.

Ptaah But …

Billy No, it really isn’t. On the one hand, the whole what you have mentioned from the annals of Sfath, the entire earthly ‘elite’ of the physicians, virologists, epidemiologists, other scientific specialists and greats does not go into their arrogant and stubborn skull, because they have no knowledge of such mutation occurrences, consequently they will reject from the outset thoughtlessly everything all around and represent as phantasmagoria. In particular, it will be the virologists, epidemiologists and other related ‘experts’ who will oppose all that Sfath has written and you have now openly mentioned. And they will do this, because they consider themselves as omniscient and gods due to their corresponding scientific education and can neither imagine, accept nor allow anything else than what corresponds to what is known, proven and learned so far as well as to their hypotheses. On the other hand, they will not only reject the statements of Sfath and therefore also everything that you have revealed, but they will also call you and me liars, falsifiers of the truth and slanderers of the truth, as all our traditional antagonists will do, as well as all the stupidly dim-witted know-it-alls, querulous, lateral thinkers resp. non-thinkers, conspiracy theorists, all slanderers and otherwise stupid and insane people who are inaccessible to reason.
And this whole thing rubs off also on the politicians who hang faithfully on the lips of the virologists and epidemiologists etc., let themselves be guided by them and still support these in their delusion of their self-divinity mania. And this is unfortunately also the case in Switzerland, whereby in this respect especially the majority of those in power is conspicuous, namely the National Council and the Council of States and in the highest place the Federal Council, and especially those women and men who stand out stupidly, clumsily and pompously when they have to or should have to inform the population in all necessities concerning the Corona epidemic. As a rule, however, nothing clever comes out of it, but only inadequate and meaningless sham information, by which nothing concrete is explained, but only the population is irritated with big and stupid speeches, while these would-be representatives of the people try to shine by making themselves ridiculous.
As far as the majority of the Federal Council, the National Council and the Council of States are concerned, as one could see all the last months through their TV appearances, they are believing in the virological and epidemiological super gods, who are the actual advisors of the rulers regarding the Corona epidemic, but who are effectively ruling, because the rulers are just doing what the ‘gods’ are chewing on them. And the majority of the government has a special flair for this, namely because, due to their own incompetence, they surround themselves with government advisors, according to whose advice they then govern – whereby it is not the rulers who govern, but clearly the advisors – who are paid immensely expensively with tax money. All this precisely because the rulers are also in bondage to these advisors and do not have any state leadership abilities of their own. That is the point, and if the whole of understanding and reason of the minority is taken into consideration together with the majority of the rulers of all façons, then it becomes clear that the minority has no chance whatsoever to bring its considerations, conclusions, insights, evaluations, ideas, views, opinions and its knowledge as well as its experiences, its point of view and its intelligence to bear. If the minority wants to stand up and put forward its rational and rational considerations etc., then it is simply disregarded completely, considered as imbecilic or simply shouted down and put out of action.
Not only the virologists and epidemiologists are the great new gods, saints, stars and the governmental leaders resp. the actual power holders of the rulers in connection with and as a result of the Corona epidemic. Also the belief in God and with it the false teachings of the religions play a big role, because the majority of the Federal Council and the National Council as well as the Council of States blindly believe: <God will probably fix it, that the epidemic will end again and everything will be good, because God loves the people.> Consequently, the God barns, God houses, prayer temples and Ascension launching pads can, should and must also be kept open, so that they fill up with believers for sermons and prayers and they can get infected en masse with the Corona virus, fall ill from it and possibly die.
Every religion, every sect and every belief in an imaginary and therefore non-existent God, or otherwise in an alleged higher and over everything ruling and directing power, lives and exists on the one hand only from the stupidity – which corresponds to nothing else than a non-thinking – of the believing people. On the other hand, every religion, every sect and every belief in an imaginary and therefore non-existent God lives from the religion-given promise of lies, that God, the Lord, rewards the good behavior of the people in any case, if just diligently prayed to him or he himself – or in Christianity his alleged son – is worshipped and idolized. This, as God also then lets mercy prevail, if diligently the house of God is visited, depending on faith the penitentiary bench is begged or the face is pressed into the dirt, and ‘juicy’ large amounts are ‘donated’ as mite as often as possible, so that the religious leaders of every kind can ‘knock themselves healthy’ at the expense of the believers and lead a good life.

If we now look at all the things that have happened since the outbreak of the Corona plague from the point of view of a normal, rational mind and not from the point of view of a delusion of faith, and if we eliminate every religious and sectarian compulsion to believe, then we can see the reality of reality and its truth, which prove frighteningly and clearly that every religious and sectarian delusion of faith and its promises are based on lies, false promises and slander. And this shows up especially clearly since the beginning of the Corona plague until today, because since the beginning of the plague an eclipse of life spread for all people, contrary to the lie of faith that Jmmanuel alias ‘Jesus’ is supposed to have said: “I am the light of life”, which he never said, but: “Truth alone is the light of life.”

If in any religion or sect, which necessarily believes in a God, Son of God, in other deities and celestial rulers etc., their promises of salvation are considered, then since the outbreak of the Corona plague the whole God belief delusion can be recognized particularly clearly. This is that the earthlings’ delusion of faith in God and their faith-conforming behavior has not brought any protection against the Corona plague so far, does not offer any protection and will never offer any protection. This, as there has never been a protection against illness by a delusional fantasy figure, a God, God the Father, Creator and suchlike rationally degenerated imaginary fantasy creature in every religion or sect since time immemorial. On the contrary: All God-believers were already since ancient times quite particularly guilty that deadly epidemics could spread and become rampant and even millions of people died by it. This quite particularly because they indulged in their God delusion faith and provoked and spread thereby the epidemics themselves, which was not conscious to them however in their faith stupidity. What the God-believers did in this regard was that they gathered in the ascension launching pads and thereby infected each other with epidemic viruses. So they gathered in their so-called places of worship such as churches, temples, chapels, synagogues and mosques, etc., where, since time immemorial, as a result of the gathering together of God-believers, deadly viruses can spread particularly well and quickly, cause epidemics and thereby trigger epidemics as well as pandemics that bring death, misery, suffering, sorrow and ruin.

The principles of the God delusion have not changed since ancient times up to the present time and will still exist for a very long time and will still bring a lot of mischief to the world of the God believers, but also all those who are committed to the real reality, truth as well as the understanding and the reason will be involved and will equally come to harm. So it will be by the stupidity of various irresponsible and incompetent directors – above all the God-believers – that with the again forthcoming lockdowns, which will come in the next month and will last into the next year, as I have seen together with Sfath, the God barns will not be blocked in the long term to eliminate these epidemic spreading centers. But it will be, unfortunately, as ever, because the God delusionists, and these are the giant gras of the earth humanity, will not understand that there is no God, God the Father and no Creator who protects it or could protect it from the Corona plague. Therefore, people have always been helpless in relying on a non-existent God. And so helpless they are also today and will be also in the future. So also the God-believers will always be those people who will be affected the most and will suffer damage. This is especially because they, as believers in God, are out of touch with reality and truth and do not recognize the truth and do not acknowledge that no God will ever bring help, because they cannot understand that a God will never stand by their side and will not help them, but that they have to give this help to themselves. That is why the Corona plague hits the delusional believers much harder than other people who are turned towards reality and truth and are free from belief in God. But the fact is that inevitably, especially due to the God delusion of the majority of mankind, until the end of this year only officially worldwide about 2 million people will die from the Corona plague and almost 80 million will fall ill and suffer late damages, but this will not be the end of the whole thing. The emergence and living through of fear of the future, insecurity of life, as well as suicide and anger, etc. will not contribute to the end of the Corona plague, because only reason and the right action can help to control the plague so far that it subsides and dissolves so far that it is no longer dangerous on a daily basis. It will never be possible to eradicate the virus, however, because it will remain underground like any other virus, and only as long as mankind itself is concerned about keeping it in exile. However, it still rages, and in the coming time all the more, because by the stupidity of the incompetent rulers absolutely carelessly was acted and will be acted further in such a way. This besides the fact that 1⁄4 of the so-called civilized – in reality uncivilized – world population stupidly crosswise makes the whole thing even worse and will continue to make as well as to deny the plague. Already some time ago a complete loss of control has emerged from the stupidity of the governing and the querulous masses, whereby the corona plague crisis now swings up to a height, which must be aligned only by prudent tough measures against a further spreading and a further raging. If this is not done in the coming month and beyond, the Corona death toll would become a final catastrophe, rising to 500 million.*

Well, I have not forgotten that I want to mention further also the so-called experts of the medicine, because also these have at the time of the Corona plague a big influence on the governing ones around the world, so also with us in Switzerland on the Council of States, National Council and the Federal Council. In addition, the majority of these all their noggin by other scientists with their knowledge or ignorance fully babbles, as well as by dubious theses of strange researchers, who appear as economic representatives, who criticize partly everything stupidly stupidly without knowledge, whereby but nevertheless various of the national and state as well as federal councils blindly follow the recommendations of these so-called researchers, which has serious malicious consequences.

Ptaah What you carry out everything, that corresponds to all what cannot be denied, what however will be denied by all truth opponents, know-it-alls and intellect-illiterate ones just as also by those stupid ones and intelligentum-weak, to whom the cultivation of healthy and logical thoughts is impossible because of their belief in a deity.

Billy Unfortunately, this will not change until the distant future. What we should talk about now, however, would be the origin of the Corona plague, because in this respect the experts are spouting all kinds of nonsense into the world. It seems to me so on, as with the prehistorics and paleontology, with which certain hypotheses are downright ridiculous, because the reality facts are just completely different than the conceptions.

Ptaah But we don’t have to talk about that. From our point of view, and according to our research, the first corona epidemic arose and was released as a result of carelessness as the first virus preform already in the 1970s, but then it was released again in 1981 from a laboratory in Guangzhou and started to spread. Since then, according to our very exact counts, this epidemic form has claimed about 14.71 million human lives all over the world until today. However, the entire sciences of medicine, virology and epidemiology etc. have never recognized what countless people have really died of. This old resp. first virus mutated further in the course of 2019 and changed to the well-known Covid19 resp. ‘Coronavirus Disease-2019’, which was previously assessed and treated over 4 decades as flu effect and other diseases in general wrongly, and from which nearly 15 million people died so far, whose disease was not recognized as Corona disease. And what I have to say about that, that relates to the fact that this death toll also includes the so-called dark figure of Corona disease deaths that have occurred since the officially recognized outbreak of Corona disease last year, just in December 2019, until 6 days ago on October 31. And that this plague will spread slowly to the pandemic and will be rampant worldwide and will claim now millions of victims, that you 2, my father Sfath and you, have already experienced in 1949. And about this, after your letter of July 7, 1949, only a few days later, on Sunday, July 12, 1949, you wrote another letter, which was then sent by Father Zimmermann in 1463 copies all over the world to all governments, radio stations and many authorities and organizations.

Billy Now that you mention it, I remember. The Horatins and the Methodist sect also got the point and always scolded me for it when I passed by the sect’s premises on the way to the Soli. But what I can say about what you have just mentioned, it will be unfortunately also today with all our informa- tion that we publish in the internet – concerning the Corona plague and the ‘Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation Energy, Teaching of Life’ – as usual with the earthlings, that only a few will turn to them. There will be only from very few people devoted to the truth as well as to the understanding and the reason, who could free themselves from the delusion belief in an imaginary God and will pay attention to everything, while the majority, which is addicted to the belief in God, prefers to hope that help will be granted to them by their diligent praying and pleading to their non-existent God.

Ptaah What you say – how you say in each case -, it has hand and foot. But what now you and my father Sfath have experienced together, has shown you how clumsy, irresponsible and incompetent worldwide all state leaders will be effective in the present time, and not only regarding the raging corona plague crisis. That is one thing, and the other is that everything that has been discussed between us so far and also published on the Internet, corresponds exactly to what you wrote at that time and what has been sent out into the world, but already at that time has not brought any resonance, as this is also officially not the case today. Certain persons of different organizations and offices etc. – if I may say it in this way – take up these and those important things from your and my statements, explanations and information and use them for their purposes, their office and for their personal advantage etc., but they are usually sunk in craters of the de-couraged in such a way that they cannot stand to it and pass off everything what they say, order or do as their personal intelligence.

Billy That is unfortunately so, on the one hand, on the other hand – that is also possible -, however, their uncouraged behavior can also lie in pathological inhibitions.

Ptaah This can be, of course, but as you always say, it is good if the important information that is given brings benefit and success. This exactly when it is about leading peoples, because especially in this respect it would have been in principle the duty of the leaders of all states to do the right steps already at the beginning of the Corona epidemic to prevent an epidemic and the following pandemic. However, in this matter, all the leaders of all the states on Earth, as a result of their inability to lead, have allowed the whole of the epidemic to become a crisis. All of them have not fulfilled the necessity of their duty and will not do so in the near future. especially in the coming weeks, will cause many more infected people and deaths all over the world. And this will be both in the United States of America, in Brazil and in South America, as well as in Europe, where the epidemic will claim especially many victims due to the irresponsibility, incompetence and lack of prudence of the state leaders as well as the querulous part of the population, as you wrote in the mentioned letter of 1949, which my father enclosed as a typewritten original in his annals, consequently I do not have to translate it. In addition I want to mention in passing that I did not know that you had already at that time a machine device for writing, of which you needed however, because if you all your works concerning the prophecies and predictions …

Billy Sorry, you really couldn’t have known that. Thanks to Father Zimmermann, I was able to learn how to use a typewriter. When I moved away from Büüli, I gave this machine to my old friend Ernst Meierhofer for safekeeping. He probably still has it today. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from him for a long time. But while I’m listening, what can you let me hear regarding the epidemic in Europe?

Ptaah The populations of Spain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland will be the main victims of the incompetent leaders and the fallible part of the populace’s troublemakers, who will become culpable for it. At the moment, there are only a few intelligent and rational leaders who are aware of the danger and the growth of the Corona epidemic and who are trying to do what is right and necessary, but they have to fight against the unreasonableness of many of their unreasonable co-workers and against the querulous part of the population. In Germany, only in Bavaria the man Söder stands out in this respect, in Austria the man Kurz, while in your homeland, Switzerland, as well as in other European states, there are absolutely no state leaders who would be able to perform their duty and to take the necessary measures against the epidemic and to enforce this in the willing as well as in the querulous parts of the populations. As we can see, the leadership of Switzerland stands out negatively, if I may say so with your way of speaking, because none of the men and women who have the duty of fighting the epidemic in this leadership are capable of their office, so they are neither able to recognize the necessary measures against the epidemic, to work them out, to take them, to order them nor to have them carried out.

Billy The whole nonsense to order in each case short-time and besides only partial lockdowns for 1, 2 or 3 weeks, in order to loosen then everything again or to lift completely, that already reaches to a state of idiocy, because in this way after the lifting of a lockdown everything continues in the old style and consequently the whole salad still worsens. But if the governing lacks the necessary intelligence, which is still today erroneously called ‘intelligence’, then those who are incapable in front of the populations and peoples can also not come to the point, because they are neither accessible to logical trains of thought nor can recognize in advance what inevitably develops and results from certain actions and behaviors. And since these rulers are incapable in this way, they squander tax money on ‘advisors’ who are supposed to give them advice, but who in truth also suffer from a horrendous lack of intelligence and consequently are also neither able to think logically, nor are they foresighted or even able to think ahead.

But once again to the epidemic: If all around the world all governmental bang heads, all governmental ‘council’ airheads and blockheads had done the right thing from the very beginning, when the epidemic broke out and increased to an epidemic, then no pandemic would have arisen, but the whole thing could have run dead within a short time of 2 to 3 months. In this way, countless people would not have been infected by the epidemic and would not have died from it, and then the epidemic would not have begun to spread in such a way and claim many thousands of lives, as will now be the case from this month onwards. Many people have become depressed because of the epidemic, as well as suicides have increased greatly, but this is officially denied. In addition, it is claimed that the spread of the disease would not increase further, but this will be exactly the opposite, especially here in Europe, as I have observed together with Sfath. In the future, the whole thing will continue to increase enormously, and now even more so with mass infections and fatalities, which will drive the whole thing into the millions. As I have seen together with Sfath in the future, since the effective first emergence of the precursor of the plague about 40 years ago, it has constantly mutating further developed, as it was also further developed in laboratories, to then break out in December last year as Corona plague.

If all this had not been the case and had finally come about as a Corona plague, it would never have come about that the stupid rulers would have come up with the crazy idea of irresponsibly incurring enormous national debts in order to provide companies, corporations, sports, entertainment and all kinds of other companies and organizations etc. with emergency aid money. Emergency aid money to afford. This, as also otherwise no debts in the populations and stores, enterprises etc. would have come about and also from now on would not continue to accumulate. However, due to the inability of the government, I know from the time with Sfath, when we together … well, you know, so I don’t have to say anything more about it. But this fact can’t be simply eliminated from the world, because the whole thing increases in this month until December in such a way that it will effectively crack in the woodwork of various banks themselves, because the tax money will be squandered for government loans, which in turn will indebt the states tremendously. And these state debts have to be paid by the taxpayers, which is not enough, because the descendants of today’s taxpayers will also have to pay, after them their descendants, and after that their descendants. descendants etc. If however imbeciles squat in the governments, which have no idea of toot and bubble in relation to the governing, then it is also not surprising that the nonsensical national debt making by the incompetent governing the national debt mountains drive up in such a way, that one fine day a collapse will take place, as it can also happen with the earth humanity, let’s say once, if it copies itself into its own downfall and exterminates itself thereby, as it has done this since time immemorial people-wise already often. This is unfortunately so with the earthlings, because already from time immemorial they have not become wiser and also not modest in spite of tremendous self-produced and also natural catastrophes, which is also still in the present time so. Also if it is said ‘by harm one becomes wise’, so this does not apply to the mankind, in particular not to that giant brood which has fallen for a God delusion belief. This ‘by harm one becomes wise’ can effectively only be understood and therefore realized by a few people with whom the intellect necessarily functions correctly and well, but what unfortunately is obviously not the case with the majority of the earthlings.

Ptaah You’re not exactly making friends with that, even if it is as you say.

Billy I also do not want, because I want to say only the truth. And if a man recognizes this as such, then he knows that it is effectively so, as I say, because then his Intelligentum is so far developed that he also uses it. So I also do not have to make an effort to pretend and to create friends, if I say the truth. If however some intend to hate me or do it, then that is their beer which they must drink themselves or let rot, because I cannot drink it for them.

Ptaah You always find a word to explain something in a way, well …

Billy That’s good for me, because I’m … well, I’ll be glad if we don’t have to talk about it any further, because the whole thing wouldn’t do any good anyway. This is equally true of the plague, because talking about it further will not bring it to a halt, but only by doing the right thing. You and I know what must be done, but no one will listen to us, that is certain. What has to be done falls on deaf ears and their fogged senses with the governing people as well as with that stupid 1⁄4 of the populations, which prefers to pray to a non-existent God and to plead uselessly for help, than to take the reins in their own hands, to think for themselves and to act right, while they furthermore demonstrate stupidly, follow inciting anarchy rabble, as well as lateral thinkers, conspiracy theorists and know-it-alls and idiots, as well as others who are alienated from the truth and the world.

Ptaah Yes, even with that you say what I also think. Now, Eduard, however, this thing comes up … that we have to discuss. …
However, silence must now be maintained about this.

Billy Yes, since you say it now, but I have forgotten this already as a boy simply completely, because the silence became for me already early a secular act resp. a uniqueness of something very extraordinary, which became for me a life behavior of honor and dignity, namely in relation to myself, as also concerning every human being, all living, the laws of nature, all ecosystems, nature and its fauna and flora, the universe as well as altogether opposite everything creative. More is to be said to it no more.

Ptaah Good, then now I have the following, which is also confidential, after which I have to go …

*See also:

COVID-19 Reality Update

COVID Spreading in Europe Precisely As Predicted

The Coming Weeks Bring Worldwide Suffering

COVID: Here for Generations to Come?

The Unknown Dangers of the COVID Vaccines

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Al Jedd

I’m not sure that this is the correct place for the news shown below?

Covid-19: Italy’s doctors and nurses nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.

I guess that the award will “look good” for the non thinking people of earth.
Of course it will not help the front line workers who lost their lives trying to save the lives of others .
But then, the Nobel Peace price was first given to the inventors of Dynamite!
Oh what a strange world we live in.



Let’s stick to the facts: Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.


brigitte de Roch

1) Shocking: UK Government Admits COVID Vaccinated Children Are 4423% More Likely to Die of Any Cause & 13,633% More Likely to Die of COVID-19 Than Unvaccinated Children

“These figures reveal that unvaccinated children are much less likely to die of Covid-19 than children who have had the Covid-19 injection.”

2) Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Randomized Trials in Adults

“The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes. These analyses will require public release of participant level datasets.”

When Billy mentioned that there may be 500 million deaths due to the Corona virus I had not thought of the children until today when I read the above mentioned articles. I have now corrected my thinking.


A true horror show is emerging with the finding of these long stringy clots in the bodies of vaccinated people who have died suddenly and without warning.