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Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Latest UFO Disclosure-Fake ET Attack Scam

More double-talk from Department of Disinformation plays to escapist, entertainment-addicted population 

Stop the presses! Here’s the latest huffin’ an’ puffin’ in the Senate about UFOs. First, whatever the government, Pentagon, etc., is babbling about will not ever contain the actual, real truth about UFOs, i.e. that the Billy Meier UFO contacts, still ongoing for almost 80 years, contain the key to our future survival, which is even more important in light of the no longer controllable COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ruse

Here are a few excerpts followed by my Translation and Interpretation:

“any links they have to adversarial foreign governments, and the threat they pose to U.S. military assets and installations”

T & I: Focus on the key words: adversarial, threat, U.S. military assets and installations. As Billy Meier confirmed to me some years ago, the possibility of a fake ET attack still exists. By this is meant an event that is actually conducted by some elements of the intelligence/secret military/government to simulate an attack by the dreaded “aliens”, which would be used to enact martial law, etc. It would  probably include secret military craft, hi-tech effects, etc.

“Former Pentagon and legislative officials confirmed Tuesday to the publication The Debrief that the package begins the clock on UFO disclosures,”

T & I: This one’s just loaded with goodies. The information was “confirmed” to The Debrief, a UFO disinformation operation, and authors Ryan Sprague and Tim McMillan are among those included in my video about How UFOlogy Helped to Spread COVID-19.

Chris Mellon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence, told The Debrief “…the nation will at long last have an objective basis for assessing the validity of the issue and its national security implications.”

T & I: Here you have one of the “Former Pentagon and legislative officials” in the person of Chistopher Mellon,  whose background is just loaded with the kind of stuff that makes you want to trust him in matters concerning the truth about UFOs. Of course, Mellon also used “national security implications” as one of his concerns.

The Benefits

But why would Mellon provide information to The Debrief, which is fronted by Sprague, McMillan, Hanks and Banias, wannabes with insignificant experience or information pertaining to UFOs?

Perhaps it’s because these supposed “UFO experts” can be relied upon to never speak about anything connected to Meier.  And dopes like Hanks, Sprague, McMillan, Banias and DeLonge get to feel like they’re “playing with the big boys”. They get to feel…important. While that may be enough incentive to do the bidding of the dark forces of suppression, it’s possible they also get financial help and benefits from the spooks that have infected the UFOlogy topic, groups, etc.

AND They don’t want you to know about this

So, when Meier is mentioned, these dealers-in-denial-and-deceit maintain a dismissive, nothing-to-see-here mode, focusing on their wet dreams of attaining celebrity and significance. They don’t care that it’s their betrayal of the truth, and possibly assisting attempts at the enslavement of the population, for which they will be known.

Why Fake ET Attack?

There could be any number of factors that would make such an event possible…and very appealing to people in the banking, financial and other industries, like Christopher Mellon. Certainly, the coming global financial collapse, long foretold – and now made more likely by the pandemic – would lead to massive civil unrest and threaten the established order these factions need to maintain power and control. Those who follow Meier’s information  aren’t the only ones who know that humankind missed the opportunity to contain and control the spread of the disease and also…stave off a financial collapse.

Lights, Camera, Inaction!

So, putting on a show in Washington for the dummies follows the line of least resistance; it’s the ringing bell the Pavlovian pooches reflexively salivate and respond to.

And you have to love this statement about noted spook, Luis Elizondo:

“Elizondo resigned from the DoD, citing what he felt was a lack of serious attention being placed on the UAP issue. Elizondo would subsequently go to work for the To the Stars Academy, a UFO-centric organization founded by musician Tom DeLonge.”

Sure, a major intelligence official “resigned” in order to work with a know-nothing musician to put some “serious attention” on UFOs. Aren’t Meier’s hundreds of still irreproducible UFO photos, films and other evidence, including hundreds of specific examples of prophetically accurate scientific information…”serious” enough?

The Invisible & the Imaginary

The United States of America is considered a relatively young country. While the floundering fathers may have had some good ideas and ideals, the version we live in is a monstrous corporate entity based on nefarious, institutionalized policies of aggression, violence, exploitation, etc. We created enemies who, for the most part were too small, remote and ill-equipped to pose any real threat to us. We’re bordered on the east and west by two vast oceans, and our neighbors to the north and south have yet to attempt an invasion.

The real life terrorists now spread throughout the world – largely created by our own policies – are far harder to “attack” and/or defend against, with even so-called advanced weapons. Ironically, just like the equally invisible but imaginary aliens, we can’t “kill” the Coronavirus with any of these weapons either.

The Obscene

Those good ol’ boys that our wannabe “UFO investigators” are cozying up to are long connected to the military and weapons interests, with their obscene budgets and agendas. They find having – and creating – enemies to be very profitable. And with UFOs they’ve found a new and fertile field in which to sow the seeds of even more fear-of-others-for-fun-and-profit.

Their concerns about things “that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security,” are a watered down, modern day War of the Worlds sci-fi scenario. It doesn’t matter that there are no known “aliens” hell bent on destroying us; our escapist, entertainment-addicted population eats this stuff up.

The Outcome Is Scorched & Muddy

The current crop of shortsighted, power-hungry people don’t care that their runaway ambition for world domination, convoluted and concocted, phony, non-existent “threats”, etc., don’t bode well for long term survival. They are unlikely to heed the warning from the prophet Jeremia, when he foretold what will become of this might, this conqueror, this young country…of ours:

“And there will be new and big mights across the big ocean, and from one of them new legions of barbaric hordes under the command of mightful ones who have got very badly out of the control of the good human nature will set out in order to carry out wars and conquer the world and to get hold of the countries’ mineral resources. However, on the other side of the big ocean, the walls of cities and villages of the conquerors wanting to seize the might over the world will collapse, and the might will then only be destroyed and be a scorched land and only be muddy water.”

The real threat to our future survival is from those who corrupt the truth and those ambitious wannabes who dutifully serve them and their disinformation.

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Terry Carch

Whooha MH Is this the mighty work of the CIA,Deep State, Black Ops and their hords of of SETI belivers,et,etc,etc??? :))) Ha Ha Ha, what a laugh!:))) Ever since Ocyober 1997, I always thought BEAM was right all along:))) Happy New Year. Salome

Ned Duke

Also Terry, this includes the Dark Furniture Arrangement Committee (aka Dark Order rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic) that built up America’s rivals and have to defend themselves from them now but instead want to peddle UFOs while still trying to make money with the new super power China. I’m not sure what ‘strategic’ targets in China the Trump administration had in mind but they probably are related to American products like Apple, Walmart, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, 3M, Dole Foods, etc. These are just a few among the multitude of delusional Western/American Companies and Corporations which discarded true human values for greed and market power/position and have factories or use them in China for the global markets:

Much like what Jeremiah had mention but from the Henoch Prophecies:

224. Not only will America, but also all other Western industrial countries which still live at the beginning of the new millennium in the delusion that they could dominate and rule over underdeveloped nations, i.e., Third World countries, will not only soon lose influence over these but must defend themselves against them.

225. According to the prophecies of Henoch, the truth about industrialised countries is that they only seem to appear to be true civilisations, but in fact they are not; because more and more, at the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the third millennium, they will disregard all true love, true freedom and true wisdom as well as true peace along with all values of humaneness and all values of men’s and women’s true being.

191. The USA will set out against the Eastern countries ahead of all other financial states and simultaneously it will have to defend itself against the Eastern intruders.

Factor in the recent Putin propaganda UN stunt that didn’t display any sort of Victor’s guilt for doing their own part to enjoy in the slaughter of civilians, bystanders, and prisoners from a previous world war, we get a sense of war looming on the horizon since that was the point of that political exercise. The Henoch Prophecies doesn’t mince words and suggests yet a further Russian Balkan War (replay of WW1) and Gulf War (replay of muh-daddy’s war):

248. Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction.

249. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arkhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country.

250. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous.

251. And consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing enormous destruction.

252. In the Russian expansionist mentality will also be included the drive to gain control of the Middle Eastern oil deposits as well as to gain control of the southeastern region of Europe. Therefore, she will also invade the Balkans and conquer these countries there in enormous battles, causing ruthless and devastating destruction with many deaths.


Be safe and well everyone.


Didn’t Russia already try that as well as the United States all to no avail. The Arabs all Iranians Iraq’s Afghans etc Russia fought and lost to them in humiliating fashion and we all know to well about Bidens disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving behind 85 billion in military supplies from small arms to attack helicopters. If Russia tries to attack them again they will find it quite a brutal situation to take on since the last surrender they signed off by saying they would never do that or attempt to do that again. Afghanistan will no better this time and be prepared to no just repel any invaders but to annihilate them in such a brutal manner as to leave no doubt to all nations to leave them alone.

Chris Lock

Well written and said, Michael. Thank you! I’ve shared this one on my FB page. I’m a bit busy finishing my book on Nostradamus at the moment, so I may not comment for a bit.

Terry Carch

Hi MH I keep hearing on c2c and the news about a real big bad COVID 20 coming out of Wurhau, China or bigeye (Big Time) virus that is even far worse than the COVID 19 virus coming sometime in the winter or spring of 2021? Could you please tell me if thisis true coming out somewhere in China? If this is true we NEED to keep a very vigilant eager watch ion China to make very sure they can`t try to destroy life here on the U.S. etc! Salome

Melissa Osaki


What does this have to do with a fake ET invasion scam? Please stay on topic and off the conspiratorial wagon. Thanks.

Tony Schwab

Excellent blog, good job! In their faces! It’s about time to settle the score!

Luis Sanchez

Interestingly, the end note of the year Eduard already made comments about UFO’s. The groups as he put it or UFO’s earlier this year, let alone for the past 70 plus years. And since theirs been so many jokes and memes about not time traveling to back to 2020…just like Eduard time traveled as his younger self with Sfath to the present day and saw the plague. People in the future regardless of the contemporary commentary are going to time travel back to 2020 for research. And my guess for the overpopulation count total that’s completed today by the federation….9.3 billion or more

Contact Report 448

Then another question about the foreigners, who have already circled around here on Earth for a very long time, as you say, and with whom you cannot enter into contact: is it possible that these unknowns may come from the future, perhaps from other planets or even from the Earth itself or else from another dimension?

30. We have also thought about that and have come to the conclusion that this may very well be possible, both the one and the other possibility.
31. The Earth people will undoubtedly create the possibility of dimension traveling in the distant future, which we have not investigated, however.

Luis Sanchez

Just saying.

Tony DiGiovanni

Russians are barbarians and the American West Coast is going to suffer an evil caused by CO2 emissions. Jeremiah was underrated an a prophet. ☺☻♥

Sheila Clark

Quit watching CNN!

Tony DiGiovanni

The US Federal Reserve is printing money ± While Russia is on the prowel –
Click the 25 year Max button.

Mait Kingumets

No wonder when Billy suggests learning and implementing spiritual teaching to deal with (distant) future events.

Sheila Clark

I was watching a recent live feed of Martin “what you talkin’ bout Willis” where he had a guest called Thomas Wortman – mufon tard. He admitted crop circles could be made by microwaves. Then tried to say the UFO was not a drone because no one has them. Someone in chat said everyone has drones, even your local police department. It was the dumbest interview I’ve watched in awhile, I couldn’t finish it because it was so pathetic and boring.
In older news, now fired and debriefed former pantygone chief Mark Esper admitted in September 2020 that the USA has DEW which is laser, microwave and particle beam weapons. They could definitely use these for their stupid “fake UFO attack”:

Terry Carch

Sheila I just heard last night about drones even flying at night too. Even Pizza Hut , Amazon and Barnes&Noble are flying drones too.

Gregory Dougall

Tonight is the night many millions of people around the world will gather in large groups to spread holiday cheer and…. SARS-COV-2 disease. Stay safe everyone. This weekend is a Salome peace meditation weekend. There are quite a few Americans and American groups as well as international groups who meet online to discuss the Meier information and spiritual teaching. Take a look at this list I compiled: If you would like to meet other like minded people online, we are waiting. 🙂 Happy New Year.

Ned Duke

Very well stated blog Mike. It goes to show the willingness of our government to entertain this UFO circus show when the ground reality should suggest other priorities. The only shape shifting will be the Senate hearing which will present the opportunity to shape shift their own arguments.

Timothy Allen Anderson

It seems that the lack of evidence of any off planet visitor causing death and destruction has no significance in the deranged and disease infected minds of the purveyors of poppycock. I guess this is more evidence to show how thousands of years accepting lies for truth and refusing to think for ourselves has made mental disorders seem far more common place.


Lots of hyperbole real time shortage of facts. It’s always I heard, he told told this he said he saw this it was disclosed to me this was a part of his debriefing but I personally did not see it.
this is just the same old secret aliens in secret bases around secret areas of military bases off limits to any unauthorized personal with shoot on sight any trespassers. Along with the usual caveats of of no I didn’t witness this but so so scientists or such an such General told so an so scientist that told me he heard it from on and on never any dirt hand other than pilots seeing an object moving way to fast or a radar blip(s) moving at speeds and angles that defy physics