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Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Sfath Predictions from 1947

Despite massive attempts to prevent their publication, Billy Meier has made these warnings available for those wise enough to heed them

Predictions of Sfath at the contact conversation of Saturday, the 14th of June 1947

From Contact Report 717:

  1. Earth human beings will weep in the times to come, for there will be sad things, events, wars, terrorism and destruction in the times to come through their own fault.
  2. An ever increasing religious-sectarian delusion of faith will in future promote apostasy or renunciation of the true knowledge of reality and the truth arising from it.
  3. This will also be accompanied by the disregard of the natural-creative laws, whereby this renunciation will lead to the worst of all evils in future times, as was already the case in ancient times through the bloody-sectarian religious wars, whereby, however, in future times everything will be much more sinister than before.
  4. In particular, before the end of this 20th century, the delusion of Islam will spread worldwide, with a particularly degenerate criminal and terrorist form (note Billy: Islamists/Islamism) murdering hundreds of thousands of human beings, raping and impregnating women and causing irreparable destruction.
  5. In particular, large masses of refugees from Islamic countries will enter and settle in the Nordic countries of Europe, especially in Germany, due to calls from an irresponsible ruler who will cause mass exodus of human beings especially from Africa, Arabia and the Near East.
  6. It will be that the delusion of faith will take on more and more fanatical excesses and become a problem for the believers, because in their delusion of faith they will completely lose the sense for the reality and truth of actual reality.
  7. And this will have the consequence that especially in Europe, and especially in the rebuilt Germany and in the countries of a multi-state dictatorship emerging in Europe, whose seat will be in Brussels, the Islamic delusion of faith will steadily spread powerfully and coupled with religious hatred against Christianity and Judaism.
  8. This religious hatred will also be fomented in the Orient and will find many followers, starting from an evil-minded and power-seeking fanatic of the faith, marked by criminality, who will rise to become caliph.
  9. Through his fanatical deceit, lies and hatred of Judaism and Christianity, he will spread a new degenerate faith, which will be rampant with bestial bloodshed, torture, rape, murder and massacre, and destruction of historical and inhabited sites.
  10. This will give rise to a new and completely degenerating Islamism and a murderous terrorist army, which will also be joined by many Christian believers and also Jewish believers as well as extreme degenerates from Europe, Asia, the whole of Arabia, the USA and Africa, who will embrace the faith of Islam.
  11. But it will also come that many adventurous juveniles and adults of both sexes from Europe will join this army of terrorists and convert to degenerated Islamism.
  12. And this will happen on the one hand because they want to break out of society, on the other hand because they will be seduced into the confused faith of Islam by the persuasions of Islamic preachers – who will be full of hatred against Christianity and Judaism and against all cultures foreign to Islam.
  13. For many of the juveniles, adults and adventurers, as well as for many other misguided people, joining the army of terrorists will mean death, but the fanatics of the faith will not think about this, because they will all lack intelligence, which is why neither reason nor rationality will be sufficiently developed.
  14. Furthermore, in the future it will result that in all countries the masses of human beings of the inexorably increasing world population will change in their mentality and thus also in their attitudes, demands and behaviour etc. in a frighteningly mentally degenerate manner and will lapse into a lack of relationship and insensitivity to their own kind, to the planet Earth, to nature and to all its life-forms.
  15. A variety of hatreds will spread among human beings, as well as feuds, revenge and retaliation, greed, avarice, human trafficking, fornication, commercial sex trafficking, sexual degenerations by religious representatives of both sexes, sexual child abuse, religious murders, religious hate murders and the murder of families, children, robbery and assault victims and rape victims, etc.
  16. And the killing of human beings and animals by arbitrary acts of violence for the pure pleasure of it will also increase in the times to come, as will the madness regarding the exercise of the death penalty for anything and everything, whereby even completely natural values are to be included for this purpose.
  17. The future will bring unpleasant changes of attitude for the great mass of mankind, for already in the next few years many things will begin to change in this respect in the United States of America, but this will quickly spread to Europe as well.
  18. A new trend is already developing among the juveniles and adults, which will lead to a subculture and will become known as the ‘hipster lifestyle’ and will consist of the juveniles and young adults beginning to dress conspicuously and extravagantly in order to distinguish and set themselves apart from the average population.
  19. This will be sustained over the next decade, from which another and new subculture will be formed by juveniles and young adults in the middle of the decade after next, and this will spread for six years as ‘announcers’ and ‘flower children’ and will be characterised by open love, peace and freedom.
  20. After six years slowly fading away, this movement will also dissolve again and after another decade will merge with and influence new alternative scenes.
  21. The main new direction will be one of protest against the renewed agitation by the USA against the Soviet Union, which will be a lurking threat of war for the next 40 years.
  22. This is because the USA, in accordance with its traditional desire for world domination, wants to stage a war to defeat the USSR and bring it under its rule.
  23. However, this will be counteracted mainly by protest actions of the juveniles and young adults, from which a music protest will develop, which will be oriented towards completely new-harmonic popular music or light music of different styles and will be spread by mass media, such as Schlager, song, musical and folklore, etc.
  24. And this musical protest will have a calming effect on the whole world population and prevent the warmongering of the state leaders of the USA from taking hold, as well as that those in power in the Soviet Union will not allow themselves to be seduced into the will and desire of the USA.
  25. That the future will bring unpleasant changes of mind for the great mass of mankind will come about in spite of the protests and protest music of the juveniles and young adults.
  26. The pious driving force which has been working insidiously against truth, peace and love for several thousand years, and which causes falsehood, hatred, strife, wars and mischief of every kind in human beings, is already pushing forward in an intensifying manner and will trigger the change of attitude which will cause every coming mischief to degenerate and become a common danger.
  27. The great outbreak will take place in three and a half decades through mendacious sanctimonious and worshipful delusion and feline friendliness in vile repulsiveness, dishonesty, deviousness, untruthfulness and deception.
  28. It will be the time when the malignant energies and forces will once again have a baleful effect on the human beings, and their bulk will become so addicted to all that is descended, wretched, depraved and reprehensible as never before.
  29. The admonishing protests and the harmonious protest music of the juveniles and young adults will lose their power after the beginning of the 1980s and will quickly give way to disharmonious noise that will sound badly together and beat the human beings into a bondage of disharmony without their being able to recognise and understand this.
  30. The new discords will cause in the human beings a state of disharmony and more and more discord, and will constantly unleash new mischief, which will result – which is already beginning to develop at the present time – from the succession of the excessively and irresponsibly increasing world population.
  31. Their degenerating machinations will result in increasing destructive, annihilating and exterminating consequences to the Earth itself and to its nature and to all genera, species and subspecies in all habitats.
  32. Inevitably, strife, tension, differences of all kinds, controversies, duels, feuds, polemics, enmities, disagreements, differences of opinion, antagonisms, discord, discord and discordance, and thereby ever-increasing rifts and gulfs between human beings and states, will be created.
  33. And these degenerations will be furthered well into the new millennium by opportunistic machinations of those seeking governmental power.
  34. These will strive, through allegedly popular but usually demagogic politicians, to win the favour of the masses through dramatization of the political situation and through lies, deceit and empty promises, and thus to win government offices through elections.
  35. The intensifying and newly effective sanctimonious energies and forces will deform the human beings in their mentality in different ways and shape them in such a way against reason and rationality that they can no longer be accessible to any harmony.
  36. As a result, the majority of human beings will become wild in their thoughts and feelings and will fall away from the striving for peace and freedom as well as from justice, humanity and the unifying relationship with their own kind.
  37. The consequences will be indifference and moral decay, as well as very rapidly spreading selfishness, evil self-centredness, vices, addictions and greed for material wealth, fornication, lust for power and moral depravity, as well as complete irresponsibility in every respect, will spread through the bulk of human society.
  38. A lack of relationship in the interpersonal sphere as well as with nature and its life of every kind, which has existed for a long time and also exists at the present time and will also continue in the future, will degenerate to such an extent that it will develop into a widespread disease in the coming time and spread far and wide.
  39. In the coming decades everything will expand in this respect to such an extent that it will lead to personal inner loneliness and to severe depression for many human beings.
  40. Especially in the industrialised countries this will degenerate and cause a steadily increasing number of suicides.
  41. Depression will become a widespread and serious epidemic in many countries, causing a great deal of suffering to those affected by it and leading to multiple suicides, also among children and juveniles.
  42. This serious disease in the emotional life (note Billy: psyche) will become unstoppably rampant to an alarming degree, especially from the beginning of the 1980s, but will be hushed up in society as a taboo.
  43. The causes for the emergence of this depression epidemic will be manifold, such as harassment by other human beings, emerging unemployment, lack of relaxation, fears, religious delusion of faith and inner emptiness, lack of feeling, lack of interest or loss of joy, constriction, discord, war experiences, as well as lack of activity and lack of drive or fatigue, and many other driving forces that lead to an unbearable burden will become a dangerous overload and illness in the emotional life breath.
    (Note from Billy, May 2019: The Psyche, as a result of religious-believing aberration and esoteric nonsense, is called the ‘soul’ and as such is extremely misleadingly referred to as a so-called part superior to the human mind, which – during the limited duration of human life – would exercise superior mental programmes, decisions and resolutions that would act upon being human. These programmes, it is nonsensically misconstrued, could not be changed by the limited ego-consciousness of living human beings, because otherwise their fulfilment would be endangered. Esotericism also claims that programmes and memories that are supposed to be in the aura or directly in the body do not belong to the ‘soul’ itself, and therefore, when the life ends, they are taken with it into the next life.The sense of these soul programmes is supposed to prevent the human being, who reincarnates again and again according to the esoteric sense, from losing himself in the swamp of his experiences in the course of his many reincarnations – contrary to all naturalness and creative-commanding correctness – and consequently from not finding his way back. According to esoteric delusion, this means that the ‘soul’ itself must see to it that the esoterically conceived limiting programmes of the human being, which are supposed to embody his ego, do not become too big. As a consequence, esotericism misleads us into believing that the ‘soul’ has the task of limiting the limiting programmes of human beings. For this purpose, esotericism makes use of alleged messages with which certain levels of ascent are also supposedly to be enforced. The whole thing is presented as if it were a game, whereby being a human being is supposed to be so perfectly conceived that it runs the risk of taking everything as reality, even in this day and age, since quantum physics shows that actual solid matter does not exist. So the human being is only subject to the illusion of living in a real world. The ‘soul’, so the esoterically confused assertion goes, ultimately consists of a kind of protective programme that pulls the human being again and again in the direction of divine omnipotence and towards absolute wholeness, harmony, salvation and happiness.Through esotericism, as through every other religious and sectarian delusion, real reality and its truth are disregarded and denied, which results in misinterpretations, false teachings, lies, fantasies, delusions and misunderstandings with regard to effective reality. This also fails to recognise and understand that the ‘spirit’ corresponds to a pure creative energy animating consciousness and the whole body, which does not embody the psyche, nor in any way the mind, nor reason and intelligence, consequently it is also not responsible as a factor for any ideas, ‘flashes’, for an ‘awake mind’ etc., and also cannot be defined as part of a non-existent ‘soul’. Thus, for ideas, ‘flashes’, mind, reason and intelligibility, the completely neutral spirit is not responsible, which corresponds to a pure creative life and animation energy enlivening consciousness, whereby consciousness, through the function of reasoning and thought, is able to create negative or positive ideas and all kinds of other thought values. Thus the value of an idea, a conception or a so-called ‘flash of inspiration’, etc., does not originate in the spirit, which has only a creation-conditioned energy and power supply or a vitalising function for the consciousness and the physical body. In truth, every idea, conception and every thought and ‘flash of inspiration’ etc. corresponds solely to a work of consciousness, which therefore does not originate from the neutral spirit or its function, which is given solely as vitalising energy. This fact, however, is of no interest to esotericism, just as it is of no interest to any religious or other sectarian belief. However, what is attempted to be explained as ‘soul’ by every religious delusion of faith, corresponds in truth to the factor psyche, which is formed by thoughts and the feelings arising from them. If the psyche falls prey to bad and detrimental impulses, then this happens through corresponding thought and feeling disorders, which cause structural changes in the cells and tissues responsible for them. The consequence of this – according to its nature – is that when the psyche is negatively influenced by thoughts and feelings, it falls into a ‘crazy game’ by being brought into turmoil.)
  44. In general – driven by the sanctimonious energies and forces – in the coming decades and far into the next millennium human lives will be considered less and less valuable, because in the future human beings will experience that not only crime will increase, but in a frightening way also serious violent crimes such as murder, robbery-murder and manslaughter, assault and robbery, whereby the human beings in their otherwise already weak mind and their lack of reason and irresponsibility will cry out for the death penalty.
  45. In the process, everything will steadily repeat itself in ever shorter times, for all these acts and deeds will incite many human beings to repeat the same crimes, whereby everything will also become ever more brutal and lead to the dulling of thoughts and feelings and steadily degenerate.
  46. The accumulation of serious violent crimes, which will be directed against life and limb, will be triggered in many cases by hatred, faith, jealousy, possessiveness, existential fear, depression, lust for power as well as loss, harassment, intrigue and greed, etc., as well as by the atrocities and massacres which will shake world events in wars and through terrorism.
  47. Passions will also play a great role, as they have always done, but in the future human beings will be dominated more and more by greed for money and materialism and will therefore become lawbreakers whose highest aspiration will only be the naked desire for profit, for which they will also involve murderous violence and, as an old earthly proverb expresses it, ‘go over dead bodies’.
  48. The impetuous striving for gain without toil and labour will thus on the one hand lead the human being to crime, on the other hand it will also lead him to disregard human beings, and he will unhesitatingly murder and destroy them if an adversary stands in his way.
  49. Any profound reverence for life has been on the wane for centuries and will be steadily lost, although it should be the fundamental basis of a truly humane and valuable culture.
  50. In the place of reverence, a crisis of authority will appear in the majority of human beings, through which a nefarious egoistic self-centredness and lack of orientation towards life will appear, as well as a profound poisoning of the relationships between human beings, thus undermining any true community.
  51. In the place of reverence – the future will bring worse than it has for some time and is also today – human beings will no longer think of honour and dignity, but more than ever of these values as superfluous and nonsensical.
  52. And so it will be especially in the area of dealing with fellow human beings, as well as with nature and everything that thrives and crawls and flies in it.
  53. And this is already being taught to the growing generations by their parents or other responsible educators during their upbringing, namely by showing them a lack of honour and dignity, i.e. instead of reverence, contempt, hypocrisy, low esteem, arrogance and disrespect.
  54. This is what is being done, and will be done more and more in the future, which will bring children, adolescents and older juveniles an extensive reduction in the development of their intellect as well as their reason, even at a young age, but which will in the future also cause them to deplore, to an increasing degree, the lack of development and expansion of their intelligence.
  55. As a result, in the future, the longer, the more, the children and juveniles will no longer look for higher values, just as they will not be offered any opportunity which could impart these values to them.
  56. On the contrary, everywhere in the world everything is done to abuse children and juveniles politically and religiously and to drive them into a delusion of faith in a religion or sect, be it Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity or the various sects.
  57. All preachers of religions and sects etc. of all religions and sects – as well as parents and other educators – already indoctrinate the children and juveniles in their houses of worship, be it temple, synagogue, mosque, madir, ashram or church etc.
  58. Other buildings and institutions will also be used for this purpose, e.g. in the Christian world not only the church, but also the general education schools, as well as children’s and young people’s homes and Christian vocational training institutions, etc.?
  59. In the coming times, especially in such Christian-run places, a particularly degenerating materialistic satiety will be taught, which on the one hand is geared to beggary for the enrichment of the churches, but on the other hand to a new and intensive faith-catching, because in Christianity – in contrast to Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism – the number of believers is already showing a declining tendency, which will intensify in the course of the coming decades and in the new millennium.
  60. Therefore, already today and in the coming decades as well as in the 3rd millennium, increasing efforts will be made to manipulatively indoctrinate learning believers in Christ, who are deemed suitable, in their faith imagination that they are called to spread the faith in Christ.
  61. In this way, they will be led to believe that they are called by God to a role of ‘spiritual’ and ethical leadership, which they are supposed to be called to according to divine will, but of which they are not and can also never become aware, because it will only be an indoctrinated lie, as it has been used since time immemorial.
  62. And so that this indoctrination of lies will correctly begin to take hold, reference will be made to the epoch, which arose decades ago in the USA, and which is present and future, of the continuing growth of serious crime and ever more rampant violent crime.
  63. The beneficial criminal elements of these organisations will gain outrageous material values through murders, bribes and their own government activities and will enjoy these without being able to be prosecuted for their crimes.
  64. This, like every other prediction, is to reveal that many rulers of the peoples of all countries will accrue ill-gotten riches, while the honest working peoples will enjoy but little prosperity.
  65. This prediction is meant to be a warning signal, for it is intended to wake up the peoples and to show them that the majority of all leading circles of all governments, of the economy and administrations, as well as corporations, etc., are financially fleecing and harming the peoples in every possible way, for which reason all peoples are to be called to self-contemplation.
  66. Many wars, terror, destruction and annihilation will mark the future, with thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of human beings murdered, while all the laws of nature will be forced out of their order through the fault of the tremendous increase in overpopulation.
  67. A great deal will be destroyed and irrecoverably wrecked on the planet and in nature; the atmosphere and the climate will also be so affected by this that the whole of nature will rise up and bring disastrous cataclysmic effects.
  68. Storms as in the early days of the Earth will increase through the fault of human beings, and hailstorms, storms, floods and immense deluges will become more and more violent, as will also the planetary sun protection layer (note Billy: ozone layer) be very dangerously damaged and cause skin ulcers (note Billy: skin cancer) in human beings.
  69. Also the perpetual freeze (note Billy: permafrost) will dissolve and release dangerous frozen toxic gases (note Billy: methane), as well as the mountains will fall and avalanches will be triggered.
  70. Also the lungs of the Earth, the forests necessary for all life, will be irresponsibly cut down and the wood will be misused for commodities and the soil for building homes for the overflowing world population.
  71. Earthquakes and seaquakes and primeval storms will increase in number and bring more violent and destructive effects, the origin of which will be an unnatural change in the climate – caused by the machinations of the ever more precariously increasing world population, which at the present time has already far exceeded the Earth’s bearable measure, but will nevertheless be driven unreasonably and inexorably further upwards.
  72. The immeasurable masses of cities and villages alone, which by their weight will have a massive effect on the inner structures of the Earth, will increasingly affect the tectonics and inevitably trigger more and more internal shifts and faults and thus earthquakes, which will also have an influence on the entire earthly volcanism, because the volcanoes are connected with each other worldwide by the vibrations and will therefore become active in a connecting manner.
  73. The constantly growing overpopulation will already have 9 billion human beings in the first two decades of the new millennium and will thus cause many enormous and unsolvable problems, because through the stupidity and lack of insight of the whole of humanity – with a few exceptions – the reality will not be recognised that the whole evil lies in the growth of the world population and nothing will be done about it, but through stupidity only completely absurd illusory solutions will be sought and nonsensical resolutions will be passed instead of recognising the truth that will lie in the growing world population, which would have to be stopped.
  74. And before the end of this century, the excess of the world’s population will in many ways lead to an increase in the traditional famines and, in addition, to the reappearance of old diseases that were thought to have been eradicated, as well as to new diseases and epidemics that will be spread by a mass tourism that is emerging worldwide.
  75. Otherwise, the industrialised countries will be flooded with economic refugees and asylum seekers, mainly from the African continent, which will turn everything into an insoluble problem.
  76. And this will also be the case when refugees from the Middle East from war-torn countries and from an Islamic terrorist organisation (note Billy: Islamist = Islamist State) will break into Europe, among them many criminals, violent criminals and terrorists.
  77. In the 1980s, the economic boom will collapse worldwide and bring global unemployment, which will continue for many decades until well into the new millennium. As a result, many unemployed and work-shy people will fall into crime and violent criminality, which will particularly affect the industrialised countries.
  78. Television, computers and an emerging and almost limitless digitalisation will become the most important information and trade media, whereby human beings will very quickly become dominated and absolutely dependent on them.
  79. One result of this new technology, however, will be that many marriages, families, friendships and acquaintances will be destroyed, the health of countless human beings will be impaired and peoples will be completely monitored, controlled and deprived of their personal freedom by governments and their secret services.
  80. This is also happening through the drug trade prevalent in the USA, where there is already a terrible drug addiction, especially among young human beings, who, however, will begin to lead a life towards the end of the next decade that will then correspond to a counter-cultural youth movement, which will then somewhat moderate everything evil in the world, as I have already said. (note Billy: hippie movement, hippie = English ‘hip’; core of the hippie period was 1965 to 1971).
  81. Drugs, however, have been spread worldwide for some time by criminal organisations from the USA and will also lead to a drug problem in Europe before the 1980s, which will become so rampant that it will become epidemic, as will addiction to pleasure, prostitution and mass tourism, etc.
  82. Everything will degenerate especially if the harmonious protest music of the juveniles and early adults, as well as of the older people who musically emulate them, is displaced by disharmonious and destructive discordant noise and nonsensical sham singing, whereby the factor of the breath of emotional life will be mentally disastrously impaired and the behaviour of human beings will be directed accordingly.
  83. The earthly world events of the near and distant future will be marked far into the 3rd millennium by many hundreds of wars and vicious terror, for which degenerate and irresponsible elements will be responsible.
  84. And these subjects will be state powers, dictators, the world-domination-addicted United States of America, bloodthirsty rulers, as well as religionists and their fanatical believers, but also murderous criminal organisations, all kinds of emerging leaders and their fellow travellers of political parties.
  85. But it will also be religion-haters, xenophobes and revolutionaries, as well as all kinds of other evil-minded elements, who in the future will increasingly foment wars, terror, crime, murder and other crimes, as well as discord, insecurity, hatred and violence.
  86. And all this will occur in steadily increasing and multiplying and ever more evil and worse forms and masses, comparatively with an uncontrolled multiplication of poisonous insects, but with regard to what has been said in connection with the very rapidly growing and soon to be overflowing world population.
  87. Due to their unstoppable increase, more and more degenerating machinations will arise in the coming times, by which, on the one hand, the Earth itself and, on the other hand, its nature with all its life-forms, with everything that crawls, flies, swims and is location-bound, will be severely impaired, its existence endangered and, in many cases, irrevocably destroyed and completely annihilated and wiped out.
  88. The destruction of natural rock, which is, however, the equivalent of a heavy metal, is also to be mentioned in this respect, for it will continue to be abused in the coming decades until well into the next millennium and bring great disaster.
  89. Just as it has already been used in a criminal manner and destroyed by dangerous fission, thereby causing even more immeasurable further destruction, whereby hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting, harmless and peaceful human beings were murdered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in seconds in August 1945, so the destruction of the natural rock will continue.
  90. Driven by fear of war and cowardly apprehension, the great states will very quickly emulate the criminal research of the USA and construct and stockpile atomic bombs en masse, thereby promoting a mutual threat and the danger of a nuclear catastrophe that would tear the planet to pieces and wipe out mankind.
  91. And this danger will remain well into the next millennium, due to the fact that the natural rock will continue to be misused and exploited in various ways by the mischievous research mania of unpredictable scientists.
  92. Besides the mass production of atomic bombs and rockets, which has already begun, other transportable and portable weapons with atomic warheads or with atomic-radiating projectiles, etc., will also be constructed and used.
  93. Furthermore, from the natural rock of uranium heavy metal, energy will also be extracted and from it great power, which will be used for many things, such as in medicine, as well as for the propulsion of vehicles, ships and machines, etc.
  94. However, this energy production will be fundamentally very dangerous and will lead to great catastrophes that will cause the death of many human beings.
  95. However, neither the scientific researchers nor the heads of state, state power holders, politicians, the military and the terrorist organisations and criminal organisations that are emerging worldwide will think about this and will not recognise the impending dangers.
  96. They will all act rashly, thoughtlessly and irresponsibly, as was also the case with the exploration of natural rock and the construction of the atomic bomb and its criminal use.
  97. It will all come to pass that the further development of atomic research will cause catastrophes and that these will have terrible consequences, which will then prove to be a very long-lasting disaster that will last for many decades.
  98. And this will be because the natural rock uranium, through fission and processing etc. for the production of atomic energy, will release atomic radiation which will have a destructive effect on all living things and through which countless human beings will be contaminated, waste away terribly and die from it, which is already happening today, but about which those responsible for the whole thing have not yet gained any significant knowledge.
  99. They also do not yet have any significant knowledge about the fact that all areas in which underground and above-ground nuclear explosions have been carried out are extensively contaminated by nuclear radiation, which means that all persons who enter these areas even briefly or stay there for a longer period of time will become radiation sick and cancerous, suffer for years and finally die from the radiation suffered and its consequences.
  100. But this will also happen in another way, because plans are already being conceived and research carried out underground to use the natural rock uranium as a primary energy source on a large scale, from which nuclear power stations will be conceived, constructed and built in many countries in the foreseeable future.
  101. But this technology will also claim many human lives, cause nuclear catastrophes and contaminate large areas with nuclear radiation for a very long time, which will remain a health and mortal danger to all life.
  102. Crime and criminality will become more and more degenerate in the future, whereby corresponding groups will also contribute to this, forming themselves as gangs, forming a subculture and whose members will mostly be street bandits.
  103. These will harass passers-by, rob business establishments, murder, be violent, engage in human trafficking and forced prostitution, and appear as motorbike clan followers, usually dressed in black and organised in motorbike clubs.
  104. They will, however, have criminal and felonious backgrounds and, accordingly, will have aggressive and violent behaviour and tendencies and be constant, incorrigible lawbreakers.
  105. Repeatedly, the same facts must be pointed out again and again, because learning only takes place through repetition, therefore earthly world events must also be addressed again and again, which in the future will be marked by many aspects concerning wars, crimes against humanity and organised terror by state powers as well as by non-state terror organisations.
  106. In many countries, through the stupidity, lack of initiative and religious faith of the peoples, violent and conscienceless criminal and criminal elements will rise up as state powers, oppress and exploit their peoples and have all their opponents murdered without being held accountable.
  107. In this way many peoples are terrified, especially also because a part of the peoples in their stupidity and ignorance is always at the will of the rulers, because profit and advantages are hoped for.
  108. It must also be pointed out again and again that other events are taking place, namely that the Earth, its nature and the whole of humanity are being plunged through their own fault into enormous natural catastrophes and thus into misery and hardship, as well as through acts of war and an unparalleled global terrorism in the Middle East and the Near East.
  109. As the main cause of all acts of war and terrorism, the United States of America will be in the first place, as it has always been, and will continue to interfere in the affairs of foreign states around the Earth with its criminal secret services and with armed force and armies, striving for world domination without any justification, as it has done since time immemorial.
  110. Already now secret intelligence actions in the Middle East and in North Africa as well as in the Near East and Central Asia are in the offing, which in the course of the next decades will lead to open interferences and conflicts with military operations and acts of war, and that into the new millennium.
  111. The USA will stop at nothing to maintain its old-fashioned insidious quest for world domination, consequently it will also infiltrate countries in the Middle East with its quest for domination.
  112. In particular, it will be Arab states whose leaders, as a result of their stupidity and naivety, will, in the course of the next decades and into the new millennium, allow themselves to be deviously coerced into acquiescing in the insidious seductions, intrigues and machinations of the USA and thus become its dependent vassal states.
  113. It will happen through the detailed commitments of the religious and corrupt leaders in the Middle East, who will arm themselves militarily in order to be able to expand and exercise their might in the Middle East with the help of the USA, but not suspecting that through their actions they will get into trouble with the United States itself, which will also insidiously provoke hatred and discord throughout Arabia.
  114. And this they will succeed in doing particularly well through their secret services and politics as a result of the time-honoured religious enmity between the strictly Islam-believing Shiites and Sunnis, who have been fighting each other to the point of murder and war since time immemorial.
  115. And through the wiles of American intelligence and politics, these religious feuds will be perpetuated and constantly rekindled in the times to come, as will the internal strife in the individual Arab states themselves, as everywhere on Earth in all countries – with very few exceptions – ruled by irresponsible power-obsessed autocrats, dictators and tyrants who oppress their peoples.
  116. Although some of these Arab peoples will begin to think in a few decades and rise up against their blood rulers, everything will quickly revert to the old ways because no real leaders will emerge from the peoples, or because military forces will seize power, just as elsewhere on Earth in countries on every continent.
  117. But what will happen in the future in the whole of Arabia as a result of the interference and intelligence actions of the USA will have serious consequences for the whole of the Middle East and the Near East.
  118. So it will be that on the one hand, in addition to the dependence of the Arab countries, they will inevitably become vassals of the US government, the US military and the US intelligence services, whereby their fanatical religious beliefs will also continue to lead to bloody feuds and the murder of their own family members and will cause a lot of harm.
  119. This, while on the other hand, as a result of the underhandedness that will be carried out by the USA in the coming times in Arabia, terrorist organisations will arise on a grand scale and become active worldwide with murder, assassinations and destruction, even to the point of terrorist war crimes.
  120. The real authors of this emerging terrorism will be the USA, because, as has always been the case, willing persons from the most diverse countries will continue to be trained militarily and guerrilla-like in America, in order to then have an insidious effect in their own home countries, to stir up the peoples and make them friendly to America.
  121. In many cases, however, it has been the case since time immemorial, and will also be the case in the future, that those who have been trained later rise up as power-hungry leaders and take bloodthirsty revenge.
  122. And so it will also be in the future, although everything will become much more sinister than ever before, because through the entire technical development of every kind, as well as the machinations and scheming aids of the USA, everything necessary for this will be created.
  123. And that the corrupt rulers will also contribute everything possible to this, that will indeed be the case, because they will demand arms supplies from the USA – which in their stupidity and naivety they consider friends – and conclude trade agreements with the United States of America, which will enter into them, but in the devious way that the Arab states concerned and their rulers will be bound to the USA for better or worse.
  124. In the same way, the USA will deal with other rulers and states around the world, also with regard to international interdependencies (Billy’s note: globalisation), which have existed and been common since time immemorial, but will become of very great significance and importance in the future, from which, however, much harm, disadvantage and mischief will result.
  125. In the course of time and far into the new millennium, all states and their peoples will be affected by this, as will also all areas of the environment, politics, religions, the economy, communication, technology and culture, and so on.
  126. In particular, international interdependencies will be so insidiously manipulatively controlled by compelling influences from the USA that the latter will on the one hand – as it has always been – be the great profiteers and also remain so.
  127. It will be these great profiteers who, through their worldwide intrigues and underhandedness and malicious manipulations, will create a world discord such as has never existed before.
  128. The USA-friendly and well-meaning, but also dependent countries, their government leaders and the stupid and clueless among the populations will not, however, become aware of the future and hidden great dangers which emanate from the USA and which harbour death, destruction and ruin and which will be extremely dangerous in their unpredictability.
  129. Ultimately, it will become impossible to control the criminal political, secret service, world domination and economic machinations of the USA, so that everything will degenerate more and more and take on such catastrophic forms as have never before been triggered by human beings since the existence of the Earth.
  130. As a result of the blindness and stupidity of all those state leaders and those who cheer the USA from the populations in all countries around the world, they will all fail to recognise what the world domination addicts of the USA, who are addicted to world domination, devious, cunning, incapable of state leadership, and who call for conflict, as well as incurring enormous financial debts, fundamentally intend, aim at and have in mind.
  131. All these state leaders, who – like all their predecessors – pretend to be great and educated leaders, but in reality are just as incapable of any people’s leadership and people’s financial leadership and consequently will drive their states into enormous, horrendous debts – will, as in the past, also in the future get involved with the USA, will thereby cause damage in their own countries and also spread out into the world, spread discord, harass their own populations and bring death and destruction upon them.
  132. And the USA will also contribute to this in another way, because in the future, USA machinations will also be hatched, through which guerrilla training for the most modern use of weapons and combat training for foreign elements will be carried out, who on the one hand will betray their own homelands, but after training will also betray the USA and go out against it.
  133. The USA and its leaders, politicians, secret service agents and all those who agree with them in their offices – including that part of the population which, as since time immemorial, unquestioningly believes and agrees with the insidious political, governmental, secret service and military machinations with cries of pro and con in stupidity, blindness and inability to think – correspond to miserable elements who – as is generally the case in other countries – should never be appointed to the offices assigned to them.
  134. And as for that part of the population of the USA which is righteous, devoted to peace, justice and humanity, this part is – as it has been since the existence of the USA – sidelined and given no opportunity to intervene, against which, however, it cannot defend itself, for if it did so, it would be deprived of all its rights altogether, lose its freedom and security, and be brought into the mills of the laws as well as the strange practices of the law, punished or murdered.
  135. This, however, has its origin already before the time when the USA was founded, for which a few things are inevitably to be explained and elaborated.
  136. If we look at the presidencies in the USA in particular, especially in relation to the USA as a whole, then the fact corresponds to the fact that up to the present time not a single president has held the office of president in righteousness.
  137. This is also the case at present and will continue to be so well into the new millennium.
  138. Even George Washington, who held the presidency as the first president of the United States of America from 1789 to 1797, was a murderer, war criminal and traitor.
  139. And that the First World War of 1756–1763 was triggered, mislabelled as the ‘7 Years War’, was in fact due to many years of devious machinations by immigrant Europeans who can be described as early Americans, who fomented discord until the war was triggered, 20 years before the United States of America was founded on the 4th of July 1776.
  140. Through the intrigues and agitations of the early Americans, who wanted to have their own state and therefore stirred up discord among the English and French – who were still in America at the time – the war developed over the years.
  141. The quarrel between Great Britain and the American colonies thus led, through the intrigues and agitations of the early Americans, to the war of 1756–1763, and later to the American Revolution, whereby delegates from the 13 colonies then adopted the Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776, thus proclaiming the founding of the United States of America.
  142. The actual truth of all events at that time, as recorded in all records and chronicles, was subsequently erased and destroyed after the founding of the United States of America, so as not to discredit the founded new America as a warmonger and cause of war.
  143. In the same way, this will also happen in the USA in the future, either by those responsible themselves or on their behalf by accomplices.
  144. Files, records, chronicle entries, plans and pictures etc. will be destroyed in the USA until far into the future, if these could be used as evidence for facts, events and real facts, lies, frauds and conspiracies that have taken place and are given.
  145. By destroying such more or less serious evidence and continuing to do so far into the future, on the one hand state security is to be ensured, on the other hand it is also to be prevented that large-scale lies and deceptions of the government, politics, the army, secret services, certain corporations, organisations and state-military construction centres etc. as well as other state machinations are to become public.
  146. Therefore, this criminal activity is not simply tolerated, but unconscionably and deliberately considered as an act of integrity and protection of the honour and dignity of the USA and all its machinations as an unwritten law to preserve the false integrity, honour and dignity of the USA.
  147. How far this dubious honour and dignity as well as integrity of the USA will be effective in the future and far into the 3rd millennium is evident from all the foresights which reveal evil and terrible as well as extremely disastrous things.
  148. The USA will interfere more and more quickly and vehemently in the political, military and secret service affairs of other countries and establish itself in them.
  149. In particular, the various secret services in preparation will take on a particularly criminal role, first and foremost the USA secret service, which will come into being next September under the name ‘Central Intelligence Agency’ as the foreign secret service of the United States of America and will then be responsible for acts of war and revolution as well as for many other and diverse violent crimes all around the world until well into the 3rd millennium.
  150. And all this will happen in order to infiltrate the United States of America into other states all over the world and thereby gain more and more world domination.
  151. In the process, countless murders and other violent crimes will be committed by the American secret services and army, always within the framework of the USA’s delusion that it alone can dominate all states and thus alone the world.
  152. The United States of America took the first steps as early as 1941 and maintained them over the following years, in order to then in the penultimate year, i.e. 1945, be at the forefront at the founding conference of the UN to push through its demands regarding its interests and ideas.
  153. The USA rose to become the strongest world power, with Franklin Roosevelt, the President of the USA, and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreeing as early as 1941 with an ‘Atlantic Charter’ to adhere to common principles, this agreement being set down in writing as ‘Principles for the Preservation of Peace and Security’.
  154. However, it was all a sham and a fraud, for the USA did not abide by it, but has continued to exercise its intrigues in foreign countries ever since, which it continues to do unchecked and will continue to do in the 3rd millennium.
  155. Through all this and much more, the United States of America is and remains the greatest danger factor for peace, freedom and justice in all countries and for all peoples on the entire Earth.
  156. The USA succeeded well in this because it had entered the last world war in December 1941, but only through the long constant and urgent efforts of the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
  157. Through the entry of the USA into World War 3, victory was then also achieved over Nazi Germany in April/May 1945 and then over Japan in August 1945.
  158. The fact that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were criminally destroyed by atomic bombs and that hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings were murdered, who had nothing to do with the world war, was simply swept under the carpet worldwide.
  159. With the development of the atomic bomb alone, the USA committed the greatest war crime and crime against humanity in the entire history of mankind, which is many times more extensive than all Nazi crimes and all wars and acts of terrorism of all times together.
  160. The danger of nuclear war, however, will expand into the 3rd millennium and into the distant future, whereby everything will expand even more dangerously due to the advancing knowledge and techniques, because the knowledge gained so far will be further developed and lead to even more dangerous developments, whereby nuclear energies will ultimately be fused.
  161. This means that the atomic energies and forces will merge and unite with each other, whereby the intensity of the forces or their distinct existing measure will be increased many times over.
  162. In this respect, however, we are dealing with physical moments, about which you have not yet been instructed, which is why I will have to instruct you later in further explanations so that you will understand everything, which, however, will be unusual in view of your age and will contain information which you must never reveal.
  163. The knowledge of the whole context of atomic fusion includes another form of energy which contains many times more powerful forces and which, if misused, would release forces many thousands of times greater than the force of atomic fusion, whereby not only the planet Earth could be completely destroyed and atomised, but the whole SOL system and much beyond.
  164. So you, responsible as you are, have to keep silence for life, because for a very long time to come the Earth human beings will misuse any knowledge of any findings for the production of weapons and the exercise of power, far away from any responsibility.
  165. But this will also be the case in the future with the further development of nuclear technology and thus the atomic bomb, whereby on the one hand, in the course of time, various states will succumb to a mania that is rising in them to also become a nuclear power.
  166. On the other hand, those in charge of the state and various physicists in Switzerland are already considering – without the knowledge of the people – obtaining formulas for the development of atomic bombs.
  167. Secretly, possibilities are already being considered and secret initial plans are being drawn up for nuclear tests to be carried out in the Gotthard massif, if the delusion of those in charge of the state and the physicists involved were to prevail, which, however, will not be the case, as future forecasts indicate.
  168. Future foresights show that worldwide the bulk of all state leaders and their running dogs will be irresponsible elements, as they have been since time immemorial, and will strive to maintain and extend their might over other countries in every possible way, with the United States of America remaining in the forefront.
  169. They will, however, also give a helping hand to the dictators of the world, who will believe that they can have a selfish and deceitful friendship with the USA, unaware that they are being selfishly deceived.
  170. And it will be they who, in the coming times and well into the third millennium, will be exploited, deceived and flooded with arms supplies by the world’s largest arms producers and arms suppliers – namely the United States of America – for their benefit, but only with such products that are already obsolete and will not correspond to the latest and better and often secret weapon developments.
  171. Nevertheless, as a result of their stupidity and lack of understanding of the USA’s power, the powers-that-be, their lackeys and large sections of the population will fall on their knees before the USA and allow it to expand in their country, control and supply much until it finally takes total control of the whole country.
  172. This will happen above all in the Middle East, as well as in the Far East and in South America in this way, but also in Germany and then later in Eurasia.
  173. In contrast to this, however, a Europe-wide dictatorship will arise in Europe – which will be dominated in part into the third millennium by the occupying power USA, especially Germany – which will dominate all European states as a Union dictatorship from Brussels.
  174. And it will be to the detriment of Switzerland – because through the stupidity, unreasonableness and lack of intelligence as well as the inability to think, consider, judge and manage the state of certain state leaders, their followers and the part of the people who will be uneducated and also stupid and incapable of logical judgement – that mergers with the Union dictatorship will take place, whereby your homeland will fall more and more under their thumb.
  175. In spite of all the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the United States of America, they nevertheless entered the membership of the UNO through their far-reaching demands, so that in the future they will also be able to realise their plans for world domination unchallenged in other ways in many other states through their military.
  176. Thus the USA are and will continue to be the greatest possible and in the future worst factor for many more new and hundreds of acts of war in the next decades far into the 3rd millennium.
  177. So the United States of America, through its largest and most comprehensive intelligence service as well as its globally expanding and operating military, will be responsible for strife all over the world, for uprisings, revolutions, insidious political and intelligence assassinations, as well as for terrorist acts of all kinds, which will also spread in total imitation to private groups as well as to political and religious fanatic organisations around the world and also to dictators.
  178. As a result, hitherto peaceful states will suddenly again become dictatorships of power-hungry and lying as well as deceitful elements who present themselves lyingly and deceitfully as good and pious state leaders or state leaders etc. and allow themselves to be celebrated by stupid followers.
  179. However, they will all pursue interests detrimental to the population and the state and thus cause much harm, unrest and mischief as well as provoke discord, but also create unfreedom and terror, as will happen, for example, early in the next millennium in Germany, France and in various other Union dictatorship vassal states.
  180. The United States of America itself is also being driven to acts of terror and war by confused elements incapable of governance who have attained supreme state power.
  181. And through these pathologically stupid, self-important and insane, power-obsessed American presidents, new enmities will also arise between the USA and other states.
  182. This will also be the case, for example, as it has been since time immemorial with regard to the Soviet Union and the Russia that will emerge from it again in about four decades, but also with regard to states such as China, Persia and Arab states, etc., as well as North Korea, which will be proclaimed a state in now 455 days and will become a country of evil internal terror against its population.
  183. However, the same will happen all over the world, whereby especially the dictatorship state of Syria will come into the interest of the USA and will be largely destroyed by a civil war lasting many years, as well as historical sites which will all be completely razed to the ground by a sectarian, viciously degenerating Islamic terrorist organisation (note Billy: IS = Islamist State) which murders many thousands of people.
  184. And just as the USA has always been able to act as the world’s police force and thus interfere autocratically and unrestrainedly all over the world, it will continue to do so.
  185. So it will be that in the new millennium, towards the end of the second decade, Persia will also be harassed and harassed by the USA and its then unpredictable, domineering, stupid, erratic and confused president.
  186. And this will also be the case in the future, because the peoples of Earth, due to their incompetent leaderships, will do nothing about it and, on the other hand, their leaders will be too cowardly to stand up to the USA.
  187. These are the resulting facts, consequently everything will remain as it has been up to now, namely that the United States of America, under the leadership of its criminal autocratic presidential leaders, can – and will also continue to – assert its behaviour and enforced influence, based on a sense of world domination, autocracy and megalomania, more and more around the world.
  188. And this will also be the case in the new millennium, or rather in the 3rd millennium, when yet another self-important and megalomaniac president of the United States of America imagines himself to be a powerful leader.
  189. At that time he will be an unpredictable man with a pathological megalomania who will behave more and more like Adolf Hitler and will be under the delusion that he is a great, invincible and unique ruler – a ruler of power before whom the entire population of the earth must kneel down and grovel in the dust.
  190. So he will also behave in the same threatening way as Hitler did in his time, but by doing so he will easily and stupidly force other state powers and peoples to fight back.
  191. In particular, in the second decade of the new millennium, this Hitler-like leader of the USA, who is incapable of governing, will not only verbally attack Russia, North Korea, China and Persia, but will also use military threats.
  192. And because at the same time military-warlike troops and battleships will be stationed in front of the borders of the ‘enemies’, as well as stupid, criminal and imbecilic economic sanctions will be devised and enforced, everything will then not only lead to a trade war, but to threatening acts of war.
  193. And to this end, the sick and stupid government-incompetent supreme ruler of the USA or the President of the United States of America (note Billy: Donald John Trump), together with all his like-minded people and the hangers-on, will conjure up another great and far-reaching as well as very dangerous and many things completely destructive war, if all other states of the Earth or still sensible elements of the USA do nothing against it.
  194. But it will become inevitable that towards the end of the 2nd decade of the 3rd millennium the USA will also place all kinds of war equipment close to the borders of the enemy states in question, which have been confusedly conceived by the confused and megalomaniac American president, who is absolutely incapable as a ruler.
  195. However, this can lead to very nasty and evil counter-consequences of the states concerned by their militaries and populations, especially in the case of Persia, China, Russia and North Korea, from which, under certain circumstances, very far-reaching acts of war can again result.
  196. This will be particularly evident in the Persian Gulf, where the USA is threatening to launch warships to force Persia from a viciously delusional leadership and Islamic sectarian leaders/state authorities who despise the lives of their people into a US dictatorship of the faith, in order to fulfil the demands of the USA’s president, who is incapable of governing.
  197. In connection with Persia, however, I will have to explain a few things later, because in the course of your life in this country, there will also be a lot of significance for you.
  198. Terror, criminality and crime will also be conjured up by leaders, also in other countries, whereby the structures of all orders will be destroyed, as this will also be carried and result far into the future, as will happen, for example, in the Republic of Turkey, which in the second decade of the third millennium will fall under the might of a malicious, lying and deceitful presidential ruler, namely through a coup d’état which he himself will arrange and thereby attain total power.
  199. And such political irregularities etc. will already happen in a few decades in Europe in the emerging dictatorship union and in its states, as well as in the Near East, Eurasia, Africa, the Middle East and South America.
  200. This will already prove to be the case from next year, 1948, when the foundation of a new state will take place, which will be called Israel and thus become the beginning of hatred and expulsion, resulting in vicious fighting without end by the original inhabitants of Palestine, who will be driven out of their homeland.
  201. But this will also give rise to an Israeli and brutally behaved army that will mercilessly murder and destroy far into the 3rd millennium, just as the descendants of the former inhabitants of the land will do.
  202. And as in the USA, a secret service will also emerge in the emerging Israel, which will commit crimes worldwide and will also – like all secret services – cause fights, murders and destruction.
  203. This emerging Israeli secret service will act maliciously and deceitfully all over the world, just as it will also murder many researchers and scientists and dissolve their victims in acids, in addition to committing many inhuman acts, if they do not harmonise with various Israeli concepts, or if they are suspected of posing a danger to Israel or its powerful, the army or the secret service itself.
  204. And as it must inevitably come, this state of Israel will also get hold of all the necessary documents and plans etc. for the development of nuclear bombs through criminally connected and pro-Israeli government elements of the USA.
  205. Israel will also remain for a very long time a bloody and terrorist source of conflict between Judaism, Arabia and the already newly developed neo-Nazi system, which is already rebuilding itself through Nazi fanatics and Jew-haters in Germany and will in the course of time spread far and wide, with particularly large Nazi groups emerging in the USA and in the Soviet Union, which will later continue to exist in the new Russia.
  206. In the United States of America, the first president was already a dishonourable man, as were all the other presidents who followed him, for all of them were not persons of integrity, but war-mongers and world-domination-mongers, as will also continue to be the case in the future, and will already lead to vicious war-mongering in the Middle East at the beginning of the 3rd millennium, when USA presidents, as father and son, will live out their war-mongering.
  207. And it will soon become apparent that the military forces of the USA will spread all over the world in foreign countries, this in addition to the occupying military forces that have been stationed in Europe and other countries since the end of the war.
  208. And as it has always done, the USA will continue to create discord worldwide in its world domination behaviour and also divide the Arab states and thus create enmities among them.
  209. But enough of this should now be said, for there is also something that needs to be addressed that relates to nature and all its creatures, as well as to the inexorably growing world population, through which the planet, nature and all conceivable forms, species and types of plants and creatures are constantly being destroyed, annihilated and wiped out, as a result of which, as early as the 3rd millennium, and indeed early on, the world is already being destroyed, annihilated and wiped out. This means that already in the third millennium, and indeed early on, before the year 2020, about one million living beings of the approx. 30 million diverse genera and species of plants and independently moving living beings that exist on Earth, down to the tiniest microbes that are more than 400 millionths of a millimetre small, will slowly but surely be irrevocably wiped out by the machinations of the endlessly growing Earth human beings.
  210. Animals, all kinds of creatures, amphibians, lizards, birds, all kinds of water creatures, creeping creatures and insects etc. will be largely or totally wiped out in the coming decades and far into the 3rd millennium.
  211. Forests will be cleared and moors etc. destroyed in all coming times in order to gain new planting land for the ever increasing demand for growing food, while on the other hand insanely fertile land will be built up and concreted over for housing, factories and roads etc.
  212. And all this only for the sake of the endless growth of Earth human beings, who in their irrationality drive their birth rates to ever higher heights and without understanding continue to bring their offspring into the world in vast numbers, thus creating a dangerous overpopulation, through whose machinations nature, its flora, diverse living beings of all kinds and species are destroyed and many times completely exterminated.
  213. The oxygen content will also be impaired in its consistency by all kinds of artificial gases and gases rising from the Earth, and the atmosphere will also be impregnated by all kinds of poisonous substances, the planetary sun protection layer will be largely destroyed, and overall climatic disturbances and ultimately a world-wide climate change will result, followed by a climate upheaval.
  214. This will result in far-reaching changes in the living conditions for all earthly life, and in addition, not only millions, but ultimately billions of human beings will lose their lives when tremendous primeval catastrophes will cast their spell over the entire Earth and all life.
  215. In the coming decades and further on in the 3rd millennium, old epidemics that were thought to have been eradicated, as well as new unknown ones, will also take countless human lives.
  216. However, these epidemics will not arise through the natural course of nature, but through the fault of Earth human beings.
  217. And this will happen in the future as a result of the emerging and ever-increasing internationalisation and thus worldwide expansion and spread or mondialisation (note Billy: globalisation).
  218. This is because, due to the irresponsible and uncontrolled growth of the Earth’s population, the transport of goods of all kinds around the Earth is increasing in great excess and any safety measures are being disregarded.
  219. This will lead to dangerous pathogens being spread around the world by animals, insects and other creatures of all kinds, resulting in diseases and epidemics that on the one hand mutate and on the other hand originally caused havoc only in their countries of origin.
  220. This is how it will be that in 30 years’ time an immunodeficiency plague (note Billy: AIDS) will spread throughout the world, which has already arisen in Africa more than 30 years ago, when natives joined sexually with chimpanzees and in the process infected themselves with a virus that brought death and destruction, and the resulting plague began to spread.
  221. This epidemic will spread insidiously throughout the world in the coming decades, especially in homosexual circles, but will not be recognised until three decades from now, when more and more victims of the epidemic will be recognised as such.
  222. Henceforth epidemics and diseases etc. will spread more and more all over the world as epidemics and pandemics.
  223. This is to be understood that a ‘normal’ epidemic is locally limited, but under certain circumstances an endemic form or an endemic can develop.
  224. If this becomes the case, then a disease or epidemic continuously accumulates in a certain population or limited region, whereby the disease or epidemic continuously increases in comparison to other populations or regions, and this over a longer period of time.
  225. This results on the one hand in a disease frequency and on the other hand also in a new disease frequency of the disease or epidemic in question.
  226. There is a great difference between disease and epidemic, but this fact is wrongly judged in the whole earthly medical science, is not accepted and remains so long into the third millennium due to the narrow-mindedness of medical science.
  227. A disease usually corresponds to an illness of a single human being, whereas a plague is contagious, rampant and widespread, and possibly fatal.
  228. The absolute difference between disease and pestilence will therefore not be observed for a long time, so that the difference between disease and pestilence will not be observed or accepted until well into the third millennium.
  229. A disease is not an epidemic, but a state of reduced physical efficiency due to a disturbance of the normal function of an organ or part of the body, which can usually be regulated, controlled and cured by medical means for a short time – if it does not degenerate chronically.
  230. This is when a dysfunction or several dysfunctions are caused in one or more organs.
  231. Such disorders can also affect the entire physical organism, as well as the psychological sphere.
  232. A disease thus corresponds to a state of body, mind or consciousness that is contrary to the rules, requires intentional medical treatment and usually causes a shorter or longer incapacity to work, but is resolved in the foreseeable future and is usually also not fatal.
  233. In contrast to disease is epidemic, which is a highly contagious malignant infectious disease that is dangerous, spreads rapidly and possibly leads to infirmity.
  234. Plagues are, for example, the plague, cholera, influenza, polio, smallpox, as well as salmonella, tuberculosis, typhus, syphilis and Spanish flu, etc., all of which have been around since time immemorial, and some of which may also recur in the centuries to come.
  235. This in addition to the emergence of new epidemics in the coming decades as well as in the course of the centuries of the 3rd millennium.
  236. New epidemics are already appearing in the present 20th century, and as I said, also in the next 21st century.
  237. Various new diseases and epidemics will become societal threats, and these will also spread throughout the Earth.
  238. STDs will also rage and claim many victims, as I have already mentioned regarding the immunodeficiency plague, which will be followed by others with names like ‘swine flu’ or ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome’ in the form of an atypical life-threatening pneumonia (note Billy: SARS), which will originate from China.
  239. Several types of avian influenza (note Billy: bird flu/chicken flu etc.) will also spread as epidemics from Asia, just as river fever (note Billy: Ebola fever) and multimosquito fever (note Billy: mosquito fever) will also spread from Africa. (note Billy: West Nile fever) as a plague causes meningitis and encephalitis, but under certain circumstances also a clouding of consciousness, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, fatigue, exhaustion and constant headaches, loss of appetite, a feeling of pressure in the right upper abdomen, It also causes vomiting, incoordination, personality and behavioural changes and, if left untreated, enlargement of the spleen, inflammation of the kidneys and pancreas, inflammation of the heart muscle, inflammation of the liver and jaundice.
  240. Criminality, crime and prostitution etc. must also be addressed again and again, because their causes – from which in the times to come, far into the 3rd millennium, much mischief will arise – are solely due to the degenerations of the world population, which will in future be overflowing, and to the irresponsibility, selfishness and self-importance of the human beings.
  241. At the forefront of this are those responsible for the authorities and governments, who must be named as the main culprits because, as the people’s leaders, they are the decisive forces who should be endeavouring to advise the people correctly and to do everything in the correct way in order to avoid all evils altogether and to lead the world and its humanity into a good, peaceful, free and liveable future.
  242. And part of this was that human beings would keep to the maximum number of human beings appropriate to the planet, which for the Earth is calculated to be 529 million, but which will already be exceeded many times over by the turn of the millennium and will then continue to increase.
  243. This, however, will ultimately lead to manifold catastrophes, for the machinations of the overflowing world population will destroy large parts of the planet by exploitation of resources, poisoning and all kinds of construction, just as enormous masses of manifold refuse will contaminate the seas, land waters, meadows, mountains and forests, etc., which will also happen through atomic radiation, which will spread over wide areas and which will also exert mutational influences on life-forms in a life-hostile and deadly way.
  244. The enormously increasing mass of the earth’s population as well as its machinations will not only affect the planet itself, but also its climate, nature, plants and living beings, and will also destroy much of it, to such an extent that in some cases much will be irrevocably wiped out completely.
  245. It will also be the case in the future that many believers in religions and sects will officially abandon their religion or sect, but on the one hand only for the sake of the murderous terrorist army, their new delusion or for the sake of adventure.
  246. But on the other hand, in spite of the new faith they have adopted, they will retain their old delusion, and will remain compliantly addicted to its dogmas and beliefs, and will preserve them.
  247. Therefore they will also continue to disregard the natural-creative laws, not obey them, and thereby prefer darkness to light and not turn to the real and its truth.
  248. From this will come the opinion that death is better than life, which is why they will do as many of the Earth human beings do, completely mistakenly, who will no longer look to the safety of life but will prefer dying, whether by direct suicide or by indirect suicide in connection with acts of war or terrorism.
  249. Those human beings who have devoted themselves to reality and the truth arising from it and thus also to the natural-creative laws, and those who will also in the future devote themselves to what is right for creation and who will shape and lead their lives in this way justly, honourably and with dignity, will be thought to be crazy and bad, while – as has been the case since time immemorial – the believers in God will be thought to be good people and thus good and wise.
  250. And this will be as it has been since time immemorial, because the religious and sectarian human beings will become furious in their faith and do much that is evil, unjust and warlike and terroristic, for which they will be thought bold, brave and, in their lowliness of life, the best and the good, while they will insult and despise those who strive for peace and freedom and thus also for reality and truth and for the natural-creative laws.
  251. All this is what fallible human beings will do in the times to come, because their thoughts and feelings, as well as their psyche, their thoughts and aspirations, their conduct and behaviour will be corrupt, because they will be unpeaceful, unfree and dissatisfied with everything that concerns them, precisely in contrast to those human beings who think in terms of reality and truth, who will be insulted and disgraced, harmed, harmed and their lives threatened.
  252. But the believers, who in their mad conceit think that they are better and more entitled to life than those who sincerely strive for truth, love, peace and freedom, will hope to attain immortality through their faith in their lying God, but they will be very bitterly disappointed, because they will not find their way out of their doubts about life, nor out of their dissatisfaction and their cowardly fear.
  253. By this they will cast scorn, sarcasm, ridicule and cynicism on the righteous who strive for reality and truth and live according to this way, as it will also be that they will be blasphemed, accused of deceit, lies and conspiracy.
  254. But it will also be that they will be unjustly punished by jurisdictions if they openly spread the truth and state the real reality as their opinion.
  255. All this is the truth, which in the future will come to pass, come to pass and come to fulfilment in ever more blatant ways – as has also happened since time immemorial – whereby the God-believers, the know-it-alls and scientists, the philosophers and all, to whom the perception and recognition of the real natural reality is alien, try to humiliate all those human beings who, as knowing ones, strive for reality and for the given truth, with stupid laughter, with insults and mockery, and devalue their knowledge as nonsense and denigrate it as fraud.
  256. It will even be that there will be danger of death for those human beings living according to the truth who will hold fast to the cultivation of intellect, reason and intelligence, the knowledge of truth and unswervingly to reality.
  257. It will also be that many new legal systems and new laws will be enacted, which, however, will not refer to the doctrine of truth with a single word, but will, on the contrary, protect the false religious convictions and the believers in religion and sects, because this is supposedly worthy of heaven and prevents a regrettable divorce from taking place between God and human beings.
  258. As a result, wretched human beings will mingle with human beings who, through lies and slander, will brand those who know the truth as corrupt.
  259. Thus believers in religions and sects will lay hands on those who know the truth, or try to do so, and so many believers in their delusion will lead themselves to crime, war and terror, as well as to robbery, lies, slander and betrayal, as well as to all that will bring serious harm to the nature of their own consciousness and psyche.
  260. So it will be the God-believers – who believe themselves to be better and greater than those whom they insult as unbelievers – in their unnatural faith – as they have done since time immemorial – who in their delusion do everything evil and promote war and terrorism, demand punishments unworthy of life for others and themselves take up arms to use them irresponsibly against fellow human beings and to kill them.
  261. And through politics, religions and sectarianism, murdering and destroying terrorist organisations will arise worldwide, which will emotionally and consciencelessly rape women en masse and bestially murder, massacre and also blaspheme innocent human beings.
  262. Everything will come apart at the seams and will no longer have any order, which will be difficult to maintain on a small scale, but will not be able to be fully restored.
  263. The Earth itself will also fall out of balance and will no longer have a regular seasonal rhythm, but through the fault of mankind will bring immense natural disasters and manifold great calamities, because through the mass of human overpopulation for the satisfaction of their desires, needs and senseless demands and wishes, an immense amount of nature and its flora and fauna will be destroyed, annihilated and even many life-forms will be exterminated, but also fertile lands will be senselessly built up, forests completely cleared and the earth’s resources completely exploited.
  264. And this will happen in the near and far future, just as the oceans, streams, rivers and lakes will be fished out and become partly unnavigable.
  265. And it will be that almost all wild life will be driven out or wiped out and there will be hardly any habitat left for everything, because the completely irresponsible, rapidly growing mass of earthly mankind is unconscionably driving the planet, its nature and its fauna and flora towards extinction, and doing so ever faster and more radically.
  266. The regular course of the stars will also be disturbed, while the majority of Earth human beings, in their religious delusion, will not heed the voices of those human beings who, as knowers, know the real truth of reality and fight for it in an instructive manner; although attempts will be made to condemn their voices to silence, which, however, the delusional God-believers will not succeed in doing for some time.
  267. But the seed of truth will often and for a very long time not sprout, for the ‘teaching of truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of life’ will go unheard for a long time before the seed will sprout and bear fruit.
  268. Consequently, much of the good will still perish by then and much of the Earth will cease to be fruitful, just as the air will become heavy to breathe in gloomy slackness.
  269. There will be an absence of all order, as well as a confusion of all rules and values.
  270. And when all this will have come to pass, then the remnant that remains of Earth human being will have to restore the sublime totality of the world in a very laborious way over many centuries and millennia, and will have to purge everything in peace, freedom and goodness, in order to put an end to all the offences that have taken place and to the general depravity of Earth human being.
  271. But it will come to pass that Earth human beings will be decimated by pestilence, and the world will be consumed with fire by wars and terrorism.
  272. And many things will be completely destroyed by the degenerations of the overpopulation masses.
  273. And the question arises whether mankind wants to preserve the Earth and give it back its primeval beauty, and whether it will be able to do so at all.
  274. If these very serious predictions, whose fulfilment is inevitable, are taken into consideration, then it must be recognised and understood that in the coming times they will bring great upheavals far into the third millennium, first of all unprecedented prosperity for all strata of the population, and also immense wealth for many, who will become millionaires and billionaires many times over.
  275. As a result, human beings will become selfish, self-seeking and greedy as never before, whereby crime and violent crime will also increase to a great extent, whereby all the rules of good will also be maliciously corrupted and abused.
  276. And this will be so, as also innumerable human beings will abandon all their good intentions, whereby degenerating anarchistic machinations will arise, whereby especially juveniles and middle-aged people will be affected.
  277. And there will also be many among them who will strive for years or decades and do many things possible to point the world and the individual human beings in a better and good direction and to make them value life.
  278. In many of these human beings, however, after some time – after months, years or decades – the old habits which they have only suppressed but not overcome, will again come to the surface and break through to the outside, if in the course of time they are unable to realise their own desires, hopes and wishes, and consequently are unable to confirm themselves and give themselves a dominant place.
  279. Their displeasure and desire for domination, their vices, addictions and discontents, their selfishness and self-importance, etc., will again overpower them and force them to abandon the efforts they have been striving for for some time, consequently they will relapse into their old irresponsible ways of life and behaviour, and even become slanderous and angry against previous like-minded people.
  280. All that is good and progressive, as well as all that is worth living for, will be forgotten by many human beings and trampled into the mud, whereby there will also be a falling away from all morality and thereby a corruption of morals up to and including the open and taxable whoring permitted by the state, such as will never before have appeared.
  281. And further, bloody and radical extremist groups will emerge from the last world war in a Nazi-like murderous and criminal manner, both in Europe, Russia, the USA and in other countries all over the Earth.
  282. However, many delusion-based and degenerated murderous terrorist organisations will also emerge, especially in Arab and Near Eastern countries as well as directly in Asian states or in the Orient, as I have already explained.
  283. At the same time, however, America, with its secret service and warlike machinations, will also cause a great deal of mischief through war murder and destruction.
  284. The various terrorist organisations that will come into being in the next few decades as a result of the intelligence and war crimes of the USA will spread around the world, as will also various later terrorist organisations that will also come into being as a result of the criminal military and intelligence machinations of the United States of America and will cause hundreds of thousands of deaths.
  285. However, also the USA itself will not be spared by this emerging terrorism, especially when at the beginning of the new millennium New York will be hit by much suffering and destruction and terror will claim thousands of human lives.(note Billy: World Trade Center = terrorist attacks on 11th September 2001, where at the same time four coordinated aeroplane hijackings took place and these aeroplanes were steered by Al-Qaida terrorists into the World Trade Center, into the Pentagon and into a field near Shanksville, about 100 kilometres east of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, resulting in the total death of thousands of human beings.)
  286. It is all caused by the world domination greed of the USA itself, which will stupidly and thoughtlessly train hostile and devious revolutionaries of various countries of South America etc., as well as Arab religious fanatics etc. in a military-guerrilla way, who will be organised in the background in a terrorist way and will later attack the hated hegemonic United States of America and bring thousands of deaths and destruction to their country.
  287. But soon thereafter a new tremendously violent criminal terrorist organisation will be formed in the Oriental region, which will conduct such a bloody handiwork as has never before taken place under the guise of a religion.
  288. Also the emergence of this terrorism will be due to America’s fault and will bring unspeakable suffering even to the whole world.
  289. This new Islamic (note Billy: Islamist) delusional terrorism will become so enormous that only the heaviest military operations and battles will be able to control it only partially for many years, only to defeat it to a large extent towards the end of the second decade in the next millennium.
  290. However, all armies and countries involved will then erroneously assume that this Islamic degenerated terrorist organisation will have come to an end, which will by no means be the case, because the view of the future proves that this terrorist organisation will continue to exist worldwide in secret, with thousands of fugitive perpetrators of the original terrorist organisation returning unmolested to their home countries or being sheltered and protected as fraudulent ‘refugees’ in some country or other.
  291. In particular, the emerging Union dictatorship and a self-important and power-obsessed, yet incompetent and in various respects insane, state leader in Germany will advocate ‘open hands’ to offer shelter and protection to returnees and fugitives from the Islamic terrorist organisation (note Billy: = IS = Islamic State), as well as millions of refugees from developing countries and from Arabia.
  292. This, however, will lead to a certain Islamisation in Europe, but especially in Germany, and will partly be marked by criminality and serious violent crimes.
  293. This will especially be the case due to criminal and criminal elements, who will infiltrate Germany as refugees from the Islamic terrorist organisations in Syria and Iraq, etc., due to the unpredictable state leaders and their stupidity, which will not only lead to a peaceful Islamisation, but also to a special criminal and criminal Islamisation (Note: Billy = Islamistisation).
  294. But from this will arise catastrophic antisocial conditions and a rapidly spreading criminality and crime subculture, which then cannot be reversed even by all kinds of new laws and regulations and special task forces.
  295. It will then be especially the stupidity-stricken and, moreover, irresponsible leaders of the European countries – who will be caught in the claws of the Union dictatorship and will only have a say in things for appearances’ sake – who will be specifically targeted and exploited by the returnees and fugitives from the Islamist terrorist organisation.
  296. And this will happen because in the coming times and far into the new millennium, the majority of all state powers worldwide, in their mindless and senseless ignorance and inability to govern, as well as in their delusion of power and striving for enrichment, will drive the countries to ruin over the heads of the peoples.
  297. The self-opinionated power-mongers of the emerging Union dictatorship will enact vicious new laws and decrees throughout Europe directed against the freedom and peace of the countries and peoples, and in the course of time will transform the Union dictatorship into a slave-dominating dictatorship.
  298. If in the Orient the only apparent end of the Islamist terrorist organisation takes place, it follows, however, that in the meantime all other terrorist and criminal organisations around the world cannot be stopped even by large police, security and military forces.
  299. However, long before this worldwide rampant terrorist organisation will emerge in Arabia, which will be joined by hundreds of misguided people from all over Europe, as well as tens of thousands of juveniles and middle-aged, misguided, work-shy, adventurous, delusional and criminal human beings from Arabia and all over the world, who will then spread torture, horrible deaths, rape and destruction, a dictatorship union will be established in Europe, with its headquarters in Belgium, which will be joined by the European countries.
  300. Through this dictatorship, which will be directed by power-addicted rulers and will be intent on bringing all European countries under its thumb, as well as possibly non-European countries, the traditional enmity of the West against Russia will be rekindled and, together with America, will be viciously stirred up through infamous machinations, in order to provoke an armed conflict under certain circumstances.
  301. The time will also come in the new millennium when millions of refugees from African, Asian and Arab countries will flood the European states because an unpredictable ruler in Germany and contributor to the dictatorship union will call for refugee behaviour in Africa, Arabia and Asia.
  302. As a result, sometime after the turn of the millennium, thousands of criminals, violent criminals and terrorists will infiltrate into the countries of the dictatorship union, and no one will be able to keep them under control.
  303. Also, from the beginning of the 1980s onwards, great worldwide unemployment will spread, as will inflation, and many national debts will get out of hand, and all foodstuffs, other goods, insurances and all conceivable things will become more and more expensive.
  304. Financial institutions and postal services will defraud the peoples, thereby amassing immense fortunes and immensely rewarding the executives, which they will do by laying off a great many workers and also closing innumerable branches, thereby forcing the populations to do, at their own expense and toil, the work of those who will be laid off by banks and postal services, thereby amassing immense fortunes for the bank and postal services – at the expense of the citizenry – and their upper elites.
  305. Overall, however, the value of money for the populations will decrease worldwide, which will be especially the case in Europe through the introduction of European money.
  306. This will especially drive the member states and the populations of the dictatorial union emerging in Europe into horrendous debts, as mismanagement will also result in financial debts of the peoples or even threatening bankruptcies of the financial institutions, which in several cases can only be prevented by state financial aid.
  307. All this cannot remain without consequences, for the peoples will rise up and possibly proceed to revolution, which may then be the point that, according to an old prophecy, Russia will rise up against the governmental terror of the European Union and America directed against it and attack the West overnight, whereby Europe would then be relieved of its dictatorship if the dark prophecy should come true in this way.
  308. But this could also mean, as the same prophecy states, that Europe would then be pacified by Russia, which could then spread across the world.
(Note Bernadette Brand: In the ‘Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports’, Volume 15, pages 329-331, the prediction comprises only 43 sentences. The missing 265 sentences, after being correctly retrieved by Billy from the storage element on which all contacts are recorded and kept, were simply deleted by sectarian-religious forces and in some cases seriously altered. Even during the first correction with the assistance of Ptaah, who had found the error during a later check, 121 sentences were again deleted or also significantly changed by the same malicious influences. It was not until the 3rd attempt that it was then possible to record Sfath’s predictions from the 17th of June 1947 fully and correctly and now also publish them accordingly.)
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I am horrendously saddened for all of Life. I am disgusted by the humans who honour only money or false power at the expense of any Life forms , including our beautiful Terra Firma. I am sickened at the blatant disregard of loving behaviour toward other Life forms if not in the context of profit or needless gain of some kind . Dishonesty, greed, materialism, hatred, arrogance are the gods of humanity. What suffering must Life endure at the hands of man!
Yet, I honour those who would honour all of Life through the recognition of CREATION as the beautiful giver of this wondrous gift that is LIFE. MayTruth be our sword and Love be our shield.

Al Jedd

I totally agree.
Thirty plus years ago I used to refer to sayings –

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. “Wordsworth”
I feel I am an Island surrounded by a sea of barbarism.

Today it seems a lot worse.
Only 6 years ago I would have 40 or more small birds, garden hoping for a free meal, arriving in small squadrons and then off to the next garden.
Today I have seen a Robin, a Black Bird, a Brambling, a Black Cap, a Dunnock. There was a Blue Tit but that was followed by a Magpie, so fate unknown.
And so only a few predators remain, that being, cats or Magpie or Seagull. Seagulls feed on the wing. But even Seagulls are not looking that healthy, possibly some or many have swallowed some plastics and do not feel hungry,
I haven’t seen the tell-tale signs of the common Sparrow Hawk for quite a while?
I have a new Hedgehog taken up residence in my home made Hog house. I suspect some idiot has put out rat poison after seeing a Field Mouse. And that was the end of the previous three year residence… Humans?

Enjoy nature while we are still able.
Who could harm a little fellow like the one in the picture.


Terry Carch

I totally agree with you %100!!!

Shiva Balu

Billy: The end to overpopulation will be brought about through pandemics , (bio weapons)artificially created famines and floods and by nuclear war and by robots that would become independent and bring mass culling of people to a manageable number of 1to1.5 billion.
While population reduction is reasonable and an urgent necessity,the world elites could get together and bring about a 5 yr birth stop worlldwide.
Even if such a move happens ,the reaction of people to such a plan would be world wide protests and violence.
In the end people are digging their own grave by being unreasonable,
ignorant and criminal abuse of the planet.

Shiva Balu

Hi Micheal
Actually it is from Billy’s new prophesies and predictions.

Shiva Balu

Got it Micheal.

Carlos Ribeiro

The Meyer note (item 42) is one of the most confusing things anyone has ever written in the field of spirituality (a subject that he did not invent). What he says about soul, spirit, the state after death, is proof that he does not have a developed mediumship or clairvoyance (I think not even developed), because if he had an advanced mediumship he would know that what is called a soul it survives “on the other side”, even if with a partial memory of the life it lived. If he had a reasonable spiritual intuition, he would know that it is ridiculous to say that the spirit cannot be aware in the beyond, and understand concepts such as monads, bodies of the personality, etc. He would better define the terms, which also have a broader meaning, instead of just attacking and attacking and defining the whole search for human spiritual knowledge as things of illusion and stupidity. He would not attack esoteric, mediunic opr chaneled, stories as stupid, since they start from ancient or more recent true clairvoyant texts. It is childish to call them all stupid, liars, on such a difficult subject and for which we are all looking for answers, and Meier, for sure, has NO really definitive or minimally satisfactory for this whole puzzle. And the proof said it is his insecurity that does it, instead of distinguishing it calmly, and pointing out natural errors, it only makes them attack, anathematize, curse, as the sects do against each other. I wish he were not like that, but unfortunately he is so impatient, resentful and unbalanced. It is dishonest to claim to know exactly things that are still in the domain of intuition and the search for truth, and to attack so much the provisional responses that humanity has been encountering with the passage of time, without understanding the reasons.The truth is not ready, it also evolves and is relative to the level of understanding. Meier’s greatest proof does not know what she says is her grudge and lack of convincing speech. He never assumes a human doubt, or a deep-compreensive philosophy,– always others are liars, charlatans or guilty of everything. Who knows, maybe it will make such confusions.(When meier speaks on video, or in interviews, he is more calm, reasonable, says that others have seen, that others can interpret, advance his perception – as in Silent revolution of truth, that is a great video -, but when he writes he is tamed by a demon of low rationality folly, stubbornness controversy).

Don Schneider

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Brigitte de Roch

In paragraph 239 Billy mentions that several types of avian influenza are to spread from Asia as epidemics.

According to the article below the H5N8 avian influenza virus (AIV) is already here and “has been identified in 46 countries across Europe”.

It seems that all is happening in the present. The future does not seem to exist anymore.

Dawn Kikong

So these communications from 1947 were just released in 2021? Were they published anywhere before that time?