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Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Inevitable Challenges of the Coming Times

Assessing preparedness in relation to possible, as well as inevitable, coming challenges

This article about foods that may become scarce came just after I’d finished this basic *Preparation Check List below. Along with a voluminous amount of prophetic information, famines were mentioned by Meier here, in 2017, along with warnings about “artificially created illnesses for the decimation of the humanity”, a rather pertinent topic in itself.

Even earlier, in 1947, young Meier first presciently stated:

“All the wars that will continue to take place in many countries of the Earth, the terrorist machinations, as well as all the great murders, rampant misery, famines, as well as the epidemics that will arise in the future – one that will be rampant especially in the early 20s of the new 3rd millennium and will officially cost more than 6 million human lives within the first 24 months. This, while the dark figure will be another 7.4 million and the further epidemic period more deaths in high numbers. Also the vaccines themselves, which will be untried and untested and will without knowledge of the peoples be trialled on the abundant masses of overpopulation, will cause many deaths. The vaccinated ones will not be protected from further infections by the constantly newly emerging new variations of the epidemic, just as they will also continue to be impulse carriers of the epidemic virus and spread the epidemic to others. They will become less ill from further variations but eventually still in a dangerous way and, however, it will take a long time before this truth will be recognised by the scientific community.

Henoch also specifically warned of such situations, thousands of years ago:

209. Yet, the terrible scenario will continue, and epidemics and various diseases as well as enormous famine will be spread among the people, while the economy of the world will totally collapse and there will be no possibility to produce any goods.

*Preparation Check List

The purpose of this list is to assess preparedness in relation to possible, as well as inevitable, coming challenges. It must be remembered that various services we may otherwise rely on, including for food, water, electricity, gas, may be unavailable. This includes law enforcement and medical, as well.

Keeping in mind how quickly any kind of serious disaster can disrupt the normal social order and give way to chaos, crime, etc., it’s suggested that taking stock of these items is a good starting point to assess your preparedness and also give rise to further questions you may want to address.

    1. How much readily available cash to you have on hand?
    2. How many weeks/months food do you have accessible, i.e. in your home, car, etc.?
    3. How many weeks/months water do you have accessible, i.e. in your home, car, etc.?
    4. How much all-season clothing do you have accessible, i.e. in your home, car, etc.?
    5. How secure are the doors and windows is your home?
    6. Which of the following are likely, or possible, where you live and/or spend most of your time: Floods, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, falling trees, social unrest, etc.?
    7. What type of emergency equipment do you have at hand, i.e. flashlights, matches, energy generators, water pumps, disinfectants, first aid kids, medications, etc.
    8. Do you, or someone very nearby to you have, and are capable of using, firearms for protection, if necessary?
    9. How close and available are friends, family, neighbors you can rely on?
    10. If you needed to leave your present home, how far would you have to go, drive, bike, etc.?
    11. Do you have first aid/emergency training; how close are you to someone who does?
    12. Do you have a predetermined location for meeting with family in the event of an emergency requiring immediate evacuation?

While the above are starter questions, they can lead to other considerations. For instance, you might live very close to a freeway, road, etc., to leave town. But how many other people may also have to take that route, potentially clogging it up and creating additional chaos? How safe and accessible would it be during a natural disaster…at night?

It would be advisable to also discuss these questions with those in your immediate circle and to brainstorm regarding other relevant questions, situations, resources, etc.

Coming this Friday in Episode 5 of…

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  • News of the Day

  • The Prophecies and Predictions of Billy Meier

  • Preparing for the Coming Times

  • …much more!

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As it pertained to Mr. Korff, I wasn’t holding my breath for him to show up.
But narcists have a tendency to over estimate themselves and under estimate their opponent, so I thought there could have been a slight chance in his dilutional state he could show.
On a more somber note: wood to heat and cook and a chainsaw chain and oils and files, propane to cook and heat. fuel for the generator and vehicles, seeds for planting. grow lights, potting soil, seed starter trays gardening tools. Vitamins, medication, water purifier, weapons and ammo. A great attitude, a zest for life, a go with the flow mindset. Remember this is your choice to live this with Billy now in real time!
This is part of my list and wanted to touch on things to think about.

Terry Carch

MH Could this be the start of WW4?


Thank you for this post. I have been trying to prepare myself.


It is stated in this blog, that “the vaccinated will become less ill from further variations but eventually still in a dangerous way”. I’m not understanding the last part of the statement, but isn’t the fact that they will be less ill due to the vaccine what they are selling to everyone. Because of this, they will probably not lockdown again as required.

George Champaninh

although people are vaccinated, i believe the human body should have some sort of reaction from any type of foreign agent/substance. So is it unnatural for the vaccinated people not to feel any sickness when they are in fact infected? The vaccinated are also not the ones seeking test and essentially are carriers of the virus. So i take it that the dangerous way could me 2 things, 1, they will keep passing/mutating further variants and 2, their bodies will not combat any sort of infection as the human body intended to fight it. Again, these are just my own thoughts.

Tom Ebner

About La Palma, I haven’t seen anyone in media talk about the earthquakes that took place at the coordinates of the rift, in the middle of the island and to the south of the volcano. These earthquakes were not registered days ago, so they are recent. Here is a visualization of La Palma:

Stan Del Carlo

In 1972, the Club of Rome published Limits to Growth which recommended eliminating “surplus populations” and de-industrializing society so the Rothschilds could ration resources to reduce people to a subsistence levels while the Rothschilds and the chosen few enjoyed the life of effete aristocrats with unrestrained abundance on the backs of everyone else.
According to this paragraph from their book, this and everything they do is no Accident. As it states:
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Ned Duke

I think conspiracy themed theories should understand casualty before trying to link every event and thing that happened as something guided like we’re living in the Matrix. In fact, it seems like most if not all imagined and reimagined mass market fantasy entertainment (like Soap Operas, Comic book movies remade for the third or fourth time, etc) does its very best to remove universal logic behind causality in order to have some ego stroking twist or gotcha moment that is at best fleeting and disposable so that a sequel can be released later. Conspiracy drama too falls into this as does other entertainment media that throws out causality just because having things makes sense isn’t what the author intended his gullible audience to experience.

If we read Meier’s stuff about causality, then we would understand the 1000 ft argument the rush to build the ‘silk road’ in Africa China is doing where there was no silk road before as it ran through Eurasia instead. It basically goes to reimagine a world where we box in the Europeans like they were before the Age of Sail. If people didn’t know, Europe was basically at the back end of every trade deal literally dying to the Black Death just to have that silk road trade read their corner of nowhere. Surprise, surprise some powers prefer the Europeans end up that way and market this pretty blatantly.

Ned Duke

A note I came across from the Petale 1981 Prophecies:

“Due to elementary-weapons (nature-catastrophe-weapons), the existence of which, up to the year
1981, only few people had knowledge, terrible and horrible hurricanes will be released on the American
continent, which will crush and destroy everything that comes into their range.”

Nature-Catastrophe-Weapons, yikes.

Hoota Thunk

“Keeping in mind how quickly any kind of serious disaster can disrupt the normal social order and give way to chaos, crime, etc.,”

But why wait ‘til then?

Rachael Rollins – District Attorney of Suffolk County in Massachusetts who President Joe Biden nominated to be the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts will always decline to prosecute:

1. Trespass
2. Shoplifting
3. Larceny
4. Disorderly conduct disturbing the police
5. Receiving stolen property
6. Driving with a suspended licence
7. B & E into a vacant property to sleep or to escape the cold
8. B & E into a non-vacant property to sleep or to escape the cold
9. Wanton or malicious destruction of property
10. Threats
11. Minor in possession of alcohol
12. Possession of Marijuana and Marijuana paraphernalia *
13. Possession with intent to distribute
14. Non-Marijuana drug possession
15. Resisting arrest

*See Billy, between Ptaah 67 & 68.

Tyler Rutland

I am taking this very seriously, but could it be that too much preparedness can lead to an instance of positive Ausartung, as well, thereby helping to further the descent into the abyss?

Christian Frehner visited us here in Canada back in 2017 and spoke about the prophecy of chaos breaking out, and the recommendation given at the time was to “be like an ant”, because ants will go out to the shops and just bring home an extra bit of food each time, and build up a storehouse for disasters.

I don’t want to downplay the seriousness of this situation, but from Billy, we’ve also generally heard that it’s wise to keep about 30-40 days worth of supplies on hand, which is equivalent to approximately 1-1.3 months of food, water, etc.

I think that all of these points are relevant, tho. I’ve been collecting food, I have checked the security of my house; I have vitamin and mineral supplies, and I’m going to ensure that I have a baseball bat for self-defense. All these points seem very good, and I don’t hold anything against them.

But I also feel like I trust Billy and Christian. I trust that they’d be telling us how long we need to hold out, and wouldn’t tell us a wrong time estimate for how long these chaotic disasters take place. They wouldn’t mislead us … Billy loves all of us.

I watched Squid Game recently, in fact, and there’s a scene where all of the characters break out into dealthy, murderous anarchy, and it’s a very alarming time. But at the end, the cry from a relevant voice rings out, and the whole thing finds a conclusion.

I have no desire to downplay the seriousness of this precarious situation at all, but even as we stand close to the prophesied time, I find my thoughts and feelings returning to what I’ve heard from Billy, and it helps. It creates equalisation in my psyche, and this is important because my thoughts are immense might and the stronger I can keep my psyche equalised, the greater I am able to contribute to holding onto peace, just through the might of my thoughts alone.

The time of anarchy DOES give me a lot of frightful negative to fear about, but I am cautious about letting it drive me to positively ausgeartet actions of too great “preparedness”, since these two extremes must imbalance my psyche and mean that my swinging wave is actually contributing to the prophecies fulfilling themselves.

I want to help, in my own small way, to PREVENT the prophecies from fulfilling. I will try to remember, at all times, what Billy said about “30-40 days of preparation”, AND I will try to remember the prophetic statement that “not a single hair on the heads of the righteous (Gerechte) will be bent”. This is already assisting my psyche to find a state of equalisedness … Is that not the correct idea — to arrive at equalisedness … so that we can live in the eye of the storm?

And as a reminder …

“Und was IST ein gerechter Mensch …?” … What IS a righteous human being, anyway?

Billy says everyone still has time to become one 🙂

Kenneth Smith

Yup, high IQ with low intelligentum unfortunately describes most policy makers in governments worldwide…