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The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Turmoil on the Edge of the Volcano

A new article by Christian Frehner, Switzerland

Concern and also indignation urge me, on the occasion of the Swiss federal holiday on August 1, 2022, to express some thoughts and observations on the current dangerous world situation. Who knows, maybe my thoughts will fall on fertile ground in one or the other case.

“He who is silent when he is kicked is not indulgent but pitiful, and he who is silent when he sees his neighbour mistreated is a traitor to the performance of duty of life.”
(OM, Canon 32, verse 253)

Preliminary note

Especially since the outbreak of the Corona plague in 2019, a worrying restriction of freedom of opinion can be observed in society, fomented by politics, the ‘mainstream media’, parts of the scientific establishment and all kinds of groups, as well as an extremist-ideological-moralistic ’emphasis’ of unsubstantiated views and opinions, whereby in the whole cacophony the warning voices are outnumbered and almost drowned in the din of opinion. The censorship verdict ‘without alternative’ reveals an official strategy that condemns, ignores or ridicules any opinion that deviates from the state doctrine and the slogans prescribed by the state. Of course, there are individuals and groups who spread unfounded, insane conspiracy theories and head-shaking triggering abstruse claims. To endure this and to respect it as part of the freedom of opinion should be a matter of course in a democracy, just as it is handled with regard to those many people who firmly believe that the ‘contradictory’ content of a book written 1500, 2000 or even earlier literally corresponds to the truth from A to Z, although science as well as the application of understanding, reason and logic come to a different conclusion. To err is known to be human and to be tolerated, at least as long as this has no direct harmful effects on the fellow human beings. If, however, misinformation and manipulation of opinion, etc. is detected on the part of the authorities, not silence but vigorous opposition is called for. If reasonable, justified and logical questions and concerns are simply ignored, then this is unacceptable and non-violent resistance is a civic duty. The pandemic provides ample illustrative lessons about official mismanagement, even competence transgressions and dissoluteness. Justified critical questions and warnings about the hastily developed novel mRNA vaccines were ignored or dismissed as irrelevant. For the first time, a whole planetary mankind was experimentally abused for drug tests, whereby the unenlightened test persons had to pay for it – also for the first time – directly or indirectly (taxes), this under acceptance of potentially deadly side effects by the half-baked and with nanoparticles enriched vaccines. In the meantime, it has turned out that the concerns were more than justified. The observable combination of ‘1) eyes closed and through, 2) Russian roulette, 3) what I don’t see doesn’t make me hot, and 4) principle of hope’ does not exactly show human genius.

Because governments had done their homework sloppily or not at all in preparing for a pandemic and had failed to prevent the disease from spreading by immediately stopping cross-border travel, they used the ‘hype’ about the ‘miracle vaccine’ developed at record speed to conceal their general failure. This was supported by the pressure from the economy and especially from that part of the population that blindly believed the promises of the vaccine developers and the authorities, and to whom the ‘effective vaccine’ hailed with ‘media fan-fares’ seemed like a revelation from heaven. Not thinking about the fact that the development of a safe vaccine requires years of research, because research also includes the determination of possible harmful long-term consequences, many, in their fear of death and annoyed by the restrictions in the vaccine created by the lockdown, saw the longed-for emergency exit back to the usual everyday life.

Well, in the meantime, the media focus has shifted from the ‘battle zone of the Corona epidemic’ to another ‘war issue’, and, accompanied by shrill marching-alike slogans, respect for people with dissenting opinions is eroding even more rapidly. An ideology and mass-suggestive propaganda based on hypocrisy, vengefulness, arrogance and prohibition of thinking have taken root like another plague in the political establishment and the mainstream information channels of the self-declared ‘Western democratic community of values’. Instead of using and recognizing human qualities like rationality, farsightedness, analysis and sense of responsibility, etc., the ‘bubble of reality denial’ is inflated more and more with ‘ideological foul gas’. The reasonable and logical thought process that one should first analyze a topic, a situation or actions and understand the causes before an assessment is made and any decisions are taken is perceived as an imposition. The fundamentally positive concept of understanding is perverted into the opposite, for example with vilifying terms such as ‘Russia-understanding’ or ‘Putin-understanding’. “If you don’t agree with me, you are my enemy.”

For a critical, neutral observer on the sidelines of the media playing field, the following picture suggests itself: On one side, a small, quiet group of people, mostly in uniforms, attentively watching the hectic activity on the opposing half. There is something going on there; there is a fight. The people – most of them dressed in colorful clothes, a few in uniforms – are obviously excitedly discussing, waving their arms. Slogans cheering each other on can be heard, and individuals keep running to the edge of the field, urging their fans to throw them as many balls and baseball bats as possible. Others run excitedly to the center line, where they shout threats at the opposing party with raised fists.

In reality, we see a multilingual hullabaloo of moralists of both sexes brainstorming further punitive measures against Russia as the killing and destruction in Ukraine continues unabated despite their previous ill-conceived decisions. Fully concentrated on their escalation strategy, and suppressing any doubts about the success of their actions that may arise from their subconscious, their whole demeanor resembles that of a person who can be observed sawing off the branch on which he is sitting on. Since the majority of these political decision-makers, due to a lack of strength of character – or the inability to think –- do not have the courage or the greatness to admit that they are on the wrong track and have made the wrong decisions, the spiral of irrationality is turning ever further and ever faster toward the abyss. As prisoners of their own moralism they do not realize in their leadership incapacity that they – like in the fairy tale of The Emperor’s New Clothes – deceive themselves and are seen by any realistically thinking and decent observer as what they really are: naked leadership wimps.

The whole misery culminates moreover in the terrible fact that these ‘pseudo-elites’ and the stupid ones from the population in their intellectual ignorance and warmongering do not realize that on the earth in the meantime ‘the next world war’ and ‘world fire’ has already broken out and is fanned by the irresponsible idiots continuously further!

The new world war was started firstly by the unprecedented economic sanctions against Russia decided by the USA, the EU, the NATO and a few other states (unfortunately also Switzerland!), and secondly by the extensive supply of various weapons to the war party Ukraine. These warmongers, squatting in their taxpayer-funded government palaces, do not care that the killing and destruction continues endlessly. Puffing themselves up in their moralism, they present themselves in public as moral beacons and saviors of the civilized world. What was to be observed in the run-up to the last two world wars is again topical now: shrill war rhetoric, slobbering war roars, and talk of ‘final victory’.

When stupid and incompetent people misgovern, then the peoples suffer!

Fundamental knowledge

Who looks for truth – yes, truth actually exists – finds it only in the reality, not however in ideologies, theories, assumptions, desires, assertions, illusions or in any kind and form of faith. The prerequisite for this, however, is impartiality, logic, self-criticism, mental openness, farsightedness, the will to learn, attentiveness and a healthy, normally functioning brain.

If all countries were neutral, i.e. neither for nor against another country, i.e. if no country interfered in the affairs of another country, there would be no wars in the world.

Neutrality as a concept and value – like pregnancy and death – cannot be relativized or reinterpreted in any way. There is only an ‘either or’: pregnant or not, neutral or not, dead or alive. Current obfuscating ‘neologisms’ such as ‘cooperative or active neutrality’ are on the intellectual level of someone rambling, “My wife is quite pregnant.”

The universally-valid law of cause and effect and the interactions applies of course also to humans – without exception. Thoughts are causes for words, feelings and actions, and the consequences in turn are causes for interactions and so on. From this follows that every human being is responsible for what he does – or does not do – by virtue of his thoughts. If, for example, he advocates the supply of weapons to criminals or belligerents, he is a party to the war and thus complicit in the consequences of the use of these weapons, namely the injury or killing of fellow human beings and the destruction of infrastructure and nature. Period.

Good government, happy people

At birth, every human being coming into the world is of absolutely equal value as any other and consequently is to be respected throughout life as a person and a human being. Valuable differences arise in the course of life only with regard to thinking, attitude, behavior and due to further sociological, psychological and hereditary factors, which of course may be evaluated differently, whereby criminal action may well be punished, but without torture and capital punishment or the shameful revenge-based ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ principle, etc.

That people in a group, in a country can live together freely and peacefully, requires certain informal and formal regulations, which are to be understood and accepted as tradition, behavior, decency, laws and regulations etc. Anarchy is anti-human and anti-life.

Every government – and in general every leader – has to be comprehensively concerned and is responsible to work out regulations for the well-being of the people they have to care for, and to minimize damage and dangers of any kind, as well as to comprehensively care for the preservation and care of nature with fauna and flora, by acting in a foresighted, prudent and reliable way. On the state level, this is done by building and maintaining a high-quality education system with equal opportunities, through comprehensive freedom of expression, through participation, through education regarding the advantages and disadvantages of measures, through protective organizations and measures, as well as through fair and reasonable legislation, etc., etc.

The Greek Pericles, who lived about 2,500 years ago, is credited with the following statement: “It is not our task to predict the future, but it is our task to be prepared for it.” In this sense, for all decisions, a government must evaluate in advance – and farsightedly – the negative and positive effects of its actions, and then choose the least harmful option.

A good government consists of people who are elected by the people on the basis of their consciousness abilities (reason, intellect, intelligence), vigor/energy, virtues and irreproachable way of life, etc., in order to ensure on their behalf that the tasks listed above are implemented in a targeted manner and, if necessary, adapted to new circumstances.

A good government acts in trust on behalf of the people, i.e. not out of individual striving for power, greed or other selfish reasons. The only form of government that results from this is the so-called ‘direct democracy’, because only this guarantees the sovereign, i.e. the entirety of the electorate as the supreme determining body of the state. In this form of government, it is the people who elect people as their representatives and directly control the fate of the state through initiatives and referendums, as well as being able to vote out unsuitable government figures if necessary.

The form of government ‘direct democracy’ is given on earth only in one country, namely in Switzerland. However, it must be admitted that it is a semi-direct democracy, because both the executive, the Federal Council, and the higher judiciary, the judges at the federal level, are not directly elected by the people (which should be the case), but by the legislature, the Parliament or the National Council and the Council of States. All other forms of government worldwide (republics, monarchies, dictatorships, …) are only supposedly democracies, because they prevent the comprehensive participation of the people. Therefore, all those Western governments and countries who vociferously ruffle their ‘democratic feathers’ have no legitimacy at all to present themselves on the high horse as beacons of freedom and to peddle with the term ‘democratic community of values’ or to proselytize. If the people can only elect politicians every few years (if at all) – who first promise the blue of heaven, but then after the election ‘forget’ everything, act contrary and decide practically about war and peace without inclusion and formal agreement of the people – then it is not a democracy, but a mixture of oligarchy and dictatorship. If Germany is taken as an example, it can be seen that this country is governed by parties and their chosen representatives, and that the people have practically nothing to say, at least at the federal level. Besides the German nation has only a so-called Basic Law, which was written by order of the victorious powers for West Germany at that time, not however over a constitution legitimated by a plebiscite! In plain language this means that – constitutionally – the German nation for more than 77 years is still subject to a foreign-determined, unfinished nation status.

Learning from history

China was attacked from outside several times in its history, e.g. by the Mongolians, the British and the Japanese.

Russia has also been attacked several times throughout its history, including by Poland, Lithuania, France, and most recently by Nazi Germany.

The USA is the only entity in the world that has not been attacked by any other country in its history, nor is it currently under serious military invasion threat from outside. (The attack of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor or the stationing of nuclear missiles on Cuba by Russia were not based on any invasion plans, but on threat situations for which the USA was causally responsible). Actually, the USA would have deserved an entry in the ‘Guinness Book of Records’ for imposing sanctions against other countries and persons by far the most often and for the most creative justifications for wars abroad. The USA is known to be very inventive and skilled in conjuring up a reason for sanctions, harassment and bullying against persons or countries out of a hat. Who knows, maybe in the future they will expand this field of business and even take sanctions against nature, e.g. against the volcano Cumbre Vieja on Las Palmas, should it explode and the resulting monster wave destroy the cities on the American East Coast.

In the last world war, the two attacked countries, Russia and China, had to suffer by far the highest blood toll with 24 and 20 million dead respectively, far ahead of Germany with 7.7 million, Great Britain with 450,000 and the USA with 420,000 dead.

(On this occasion it is to be reminded that the ancestors of the European ‘value democracies’ England, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy etc. have acquired their today’s ‘prosperity’ to a considerable part by exploitation and enslavement of the populations in Africa, America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand [colonies, conquests] and have robbed together their today’s ‘golden 1 billion’ civilization at the expense of the ‘inferior’ people and nature [mineral resources] there).

The USA operates about 800 known military bases in over 80 countries, which corresponds to about 90 to 95% of all foreign military bases in the world! In Germany alone there are 194 military bases, and 121 in Japan, which was defeated by the USA. Russia maintains military bases in about 10 countries, most of them in the neighboring former Soviet republics. China maintains a single military base abroad, in Africa. Russia, by far the largest country on earth with a population of about 150 million, is the only country that is self-sufficient in resources (land, water, mineral resources, energy), i.e. can supply itself and its entire population without depending on vital imports. Russia has therefore no logically recognizable reason to expand beyond its borders, which it has proven since the dissolution of the Soviet Union by correspondingly non-expansive behavior, this quite in contrast to the USA, which due to its peace-preventing hegemony mania (Monroe Doctrine, etc.) has for a long time been interfering in the affairs of foreign countries on all continents and is active there in war and intelligence, etc. and ‘defending the freedom of free nations’. If we look at Russia’s (not the Soviet Union’s) military interventions abroad, they can practically be counted on one hand and were carried out on the basis of an agreement with the country concerned (Syria), at the request of or for the protection of neighboring Russian-speaking populations (Ukraine, Georgia) or to ward off terrorist attacks (Chechnya). It is also obvious that Russia is not waging a blanket ‘war of extermination’ against the entire population in Ukraine, but is fighting ‘military targets’ – unfortunately also against residential buildings and entire residential areas when these are used as cover and attack platforms by opposing military forces in violation of international law. Russian military tactics are obviously in contrast to how the U.S. would proceed, namely first bombing the country all over, without differentiating between military and civilian populations, as they did in Iraq, Laos and Vietnam, and incidentally also in the last world war with the area bombing of German cities. But this differentiation does not change the fact that every war and every act of war leads to death and destruction and corresponds to an unforgivable crime against humanity. This applies equally to economic sanctions, because these belong to the medieval war category ‘weapon of starvation’, are an independent means of war and cause hardship, suffering and death among innocent people not involved in the acts of war – children, women, men – both in the enemy’s camp and in their own.

The 15 largest arms manufacturer companies in the world are distributed among the following countries: USA = 7, China = 4, France, Italy, Great Britain and Europe (Airbus) = 1 each. The largest 5 are US corporations!

In 2021, the US once again led the ranking in terms of armaments expenditure by a huge margin (in billions of USD): USA = 801, China = 293, UK = 68.4, France = 56.6, Italy = 32. Russia, together with China main opponent of the monstrous western military phalanx, spent ‘only’ a fraction: 65.9 billion USD!

What is important to know regarding the purchase of armaments: Whoever buys high-tech armament systems from another country, especially from the USA, automatically enters into an expensive and momentous dependency, because the delivered weapon systems are only usable as long as the ammunition supply functions, instructions and maintenance are secured and the secret control software is not blocked externally or the system is not even controlled by a third party. In addition, it can be assumed with high probability that the USA does not export its newest, still secret weapons (or at most to Israel), in order to always ensure the weapon-technical supremacy. Therefore, only already ‘obsolete’ war material is exported and ‘disposed of’ against payment in third world countries, while the newest war equipment is secretly tested in practice in the own wars, as e.g. in the Iraq war, or at that time by the deliberate dropping of two different types of atomic bombs on Japan. Thus, the USA could subsequently analyze the effect directly on the spot – quasi on the ‘subject and object’ – which was then done. As far as the current military support of Ukraine is concerned, under the slogan ‘help and support against the heinous aggressor’, NATO countries are ‘giving away’ already paid or written-off, obsolete weapons. It can be assumed that a secret ‘shadow accounting’ is kept, which counts on a war dividend, i.e. a financial and territorial compensation after the defeat of Russia and the reparation payments imposed on it by the victorious powers. In addition, the ‘freed space’ in the arsenal can be increased with the newest weapon systems, which of course pleases the so-called industrial-military complex, i.e. in particular billionaire US-American investment companies such as Vanguard and BlackRock, etc..

Coming back to the dropping of the two ‘atomic bombs’ on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is to be noted that the USA did not only commit the biggest single war crime in the history of mankind, namely the mass killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians within seconds and with terrible long-term consequences, but they also triggered the nuclear arms race and the cold war, as well as the ‘nuclear age’ with all its threats and negative consequences for mankind and the whole nature far into the future.

NATO, founded in 1949, ostensibly served the purpose of preventing the expansion of the Soviet Union, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s actually should have rendered this purpose obsolete. The verbal promise made by U.S. Secretary of State James Baker to Soviet President Gorbachev in February 1990 that NATO would not expand eastward was broken as early as 1993 at the insistence of the United States. As part of NATO’s creeping ‘eastward expansion,’ membership has now risen to 30 full members with the accession of North Macedonia in 2020.

The USA as by far the leading arms producer and arms seller needs an unpeaceful world and always new wars for its ‘oil-lubricated’ arms business. The conclusions from the above facts and a look at the current world situation clearly show that after the shameful defeats of the ‘superpower’ USA in Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Syria and Afghanistan a new profitable ‘business field’ in Eastern Europe has matured just in time. The ‘preparatory work’ that has been going on since at least 1993 is bearing fruit – golden prospects for the US arms industry, but unfortunately rather dark times for the people on the Ukrainian chessboard (or GO board), and coming even darker prospects for Europe, because the boomerang effect will not fail to materialize.


For years, Russia has warned in no uncertain terms that it considers, and will prevent, NATO membership of Ukraine and the associated deployment of offensive weapons, etc., as a direct threat and crossing of a red line. The fact that NATO is mainly represented by the USA, because most of the other members have only ‘limitedly functioning’ armies (nota bene despite high armament expenditures), is an open secret, but is obscured by the many politician-braggarts with hold-out slogans and puffed-up threatening gestures. But it also means that long-range NATO and U.S. missile weapons along the long border between Ukraine and Russia – only a few hundred kilometers from Moscow – understandably pose an obvious and real threat to Russia’s security. Those who dismiss this as a mirage or pure conspiracy theory, or the like should imagine what would happen if Russia were to ally itself militarily with Mexico and set up missile sites there along the U.S. southern border! In contrast to the USA, which manipulatively misuse their NATO allies far away from their own territory in order to escalate the situation by massive, counterproductive sanctions and by arms deliveries to Ukraine as well as more or less secretly by their own personnel on the spot, with the intention to weaken Russia (the mineral resources attract!), no similar endeavor is recognizable on the part of Russia.

Whoever informs himself with alert senses in a versatile way, finds out: The USA itself is a country in civilizational decline. Misguided by opaque interest groups, with a half-senile puppet as a front figure, it continues to preach water to the world, but drinks wine itself. But as the saying goes: “The pitcher goes to the well until it breaks,” and “Pride comes before a fall”. Now that there are increasing signs that the hegemony of the United States is crumbling (BRICS), there is a growing danger that the great power, hated by many countries, will begin to strike blindly all around and use its arsenal of weapons against China. The recent visit of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to Taiwan, in brazen disregard of the preceding exceptionally sharp warning from China, clearly shows the insolent arrogance and self-centeredness of the USA, which is behaving like a mad elephant in a china store and pushing its arrogance to ever higher peaks. Only, the higher the rise, the thinner the air, the greater the danger of falling, and the deeper the fall.

In the population of the USA, which has been separated into various factions, there are increasing signs of civil war-like conditions. And while in Washington DC, in the Pentagon, at the countless locations of the secret services and behind the shiny facades of the financial institutions and large corporations, the countries of the world have possibly already been staked out in ‘claims’, a substantial part of the American population is languishing in poverty. All the so-called ‘working poor’, the neglected in the vastness of the country, the chronically ill, the mentally ill war veterans and the descendants of the original inhabitants in the reservations would certainly welcome it very much if, instead of 800 billion USD annually to the arms industry, this money would be used for the benefit of general welfare, education, infrastructure, environmental protection and for international understanding, etc.. This would not only serve the American people, but also the whole world.

There is virtually no sign of good governance left anywhere in the world, and even in Switzerland, which has been free of war since 1848, stupid politicians incapable of governing have now shamefully destroyed the neutral status of the ‘Island of Peace’, which has been tried and tested for centuries and admired worldwide. Due to their moralistic clouded thinking, their lack of understanding of history, their lack of sense of reality and their disenchantment with democracy etc., many Swiss politicians as well as higher administrators let themselves be dazzled by the Las Vegas-like glamour of the EU dictatorship and are attracted to it like moths to a flame. Since they cannot distinguish appearance from reality, they are not able to recognize the destructive effects of their wrong actions on the freedom, peace and welfare etc. of the Swiss population and to avoid them from the beginning.

The great taboo

In this short tour d’horizon, of course, the fundamental and by far the greatest taboo of earthly mankind must not remain unmentioned. That this capital crime, which fundamentally intensifies all other evils, is tabooed in such a way, is no wonder in view of the general misery on the leading floors, but it only proves in all clarity the cowardice, the intellectual deficit and the faith bias, in general the shameful failure of all governments of all countries, as well as of the religions, the economy and especially also the large majority of all environmental protection organizations incl. ‘climate movements’. The peak of the reality misjudgment and inability of logical thinking is demonstrated by that majority of politicians, academics, experts, economic leaders and journalists, who are believers in the religion of ‘steady quantitative growth’ and perceive sinking birth rates as a ‘demographic catastrophe’. Trapped in their mental lead cage, they do not realize that an annual global population increase of about 100 million people might have something to do with the consumption of resources and that mankind has been living at the expense of the planet’s substance for a long time. What can be explained to a child in an understandable way, namely that every human being, from infants to the elderly, is a consumer of resources, as well as a producer of emissions, and that on a limited surface and with limited resources a parasitic multiplication leads to entropy and destruction, is obviously not mentally comprehensible for many academically educated people. The confrontation with the word ‘population growth’ (overpopulation), which is the subject here, automatically switches certain important regions in their skulls to ‘standby’ due to a belief-based overload protection. And because there are no signs that any part of any government – the economy certainly not – is willing to solve the problem area ‘resource consumption and emissions’ at the cause, but prefers to confuse the symptoms with the cause and to set unrealistic and wrong targets for 2050 – which is understandable because they will then no longer be in the responsibility of their office –, everything is getting more and more out of hand, exactly according to the law of cause and effect. If, in the case of an open leg fracture, the bone is not set, the visually disturbing and frightening wound is merely covered with a cloth and painkillers are administered as the only measure, such an obviously ‘inexpedient’ course of action corresponds exactly to what is proclaimed and striven for in politics and business and in the entire ‘green spectrum’ as a way out. Stupidity distorted into the grotesque.

A look at the history of human behavior and its observation clearly shows that terms such as ‘academically educated’ and ‘clever’ do not automatically equate with ‘reason’ and ‘understanding’. The simple calculation that the more eaters sit around a table with only one pot of soup, the less soup is available to the individual, is obviously difficult to understand, as is the direct correlation between number of users, amount of resource consumption and amount of emissions.

In Switzerland, the immigration surplus from 2002 to 2017 was officially 1,012,546 people, which corresponds to an annual increase of 63,285 people, which in turn corresponds to the population of the city of Lugano. In other words, Switzerland grew by 16 new cities in the mentioned period. Of course, the arrivals do not all live in tents, nor are they all on foot, but they need or use a vehicle, an apartment, a refrigerator, a heater, a shower, vacations, a way to work, digital devices, daily hot food, coffee, drinking goods, clothes, going to the movies and restaurants, etc., etc. The attempt to relativize by pointing out that not all immigrants own a car (want/need to) is a diversionary attempt, because the fact is that ALL people, without exception, from infants to the elderly, are consumers of resources in varying degrees, namely

  • of fossil energy, because practically all plastic in all appliances and vehicles (incl. electric vehicles) and household items and leisure articles and wind turbines and photovoltaic plants etc. etc. is extracted from crude oil and natural gas, as well as directly or indirectly all metals, whereby coal or coke is also used in this respect;
  • from clean water, which is collected, transported, purified and transformed by ingestion and external use, etc., as well as production processes and gardening/agriculture, into dirty water, which has to be treated expensively or is mostly disposed of untreated into nature;
  • by eating food produced with combustion engines (agriculture) and delivered from all over the world (ship, train, airplane, truck), which in turn is picked up from the supermarket with combustion engine vehicles;
  • by a heated apartment in cold days;
  • by heating (cooking) food;
  • by installing solar cells produced in China, with material mined there in huge mines;
  • in general, by the use of metal-containing objects (such as smartphones), which requires that these metals and rare earths, etc., be mined from the earth somewhere in Africa, South America, China, or Australia, with the vilified commodity corporations ensuring that these metals, used by all of us, are mined and made available;
  • from air, from which oxygen is extracted by breathing and CO2 is emitted instead, whereby the air is increasingly contaminated by many kinds of exhaust gases, plastic particles in the nano range, many kinds of poisons and fertilizers as well as the abrasion of the tires on the roads etc. etc. and is distributed by wind and rain over all biospheres;
  • by the keeping of dogs and cats, etc., for the feeding of which vast numbers of other animals have to be kept and slaughtered;
  • by buying more food than is later used (foodwaste);
  • by building more and more houses and infrastructure due to the constant immigration and population growth, for which huge amounts of cement and sand etc. are consumed using fossil fuels;

Not to be ignored, of course, are the social, psychological and behavioral effects of population growth: unconscious density stress, interpersonal atrophy/pauperization, progressive infirmity (allergies, cancer, epidemics, new diseases, etc.) despite medical progress, progressive stupefaction through addictive behavior (digital abuse, drugs, stimulants, etc.).

The most impressive memorial of the earthly growth-oriented insanity, the arrogant presumption, the laziness of thinking, the irresponsibility towards nature with the fauna and flora, the general ‘after me the deluge’ egocentricity and the civilizational decadence as well as general indifference is shown when looking from above at all the countless mega-cities and agglomerations etc., which, like skin cancer in the advanced stage, proliferate metastasizing into the surroundings and parasitically assimilate what is still healthy to some extent into the ulcer.

When ‘experts’ try to convince politicians that climate change can be fought with a massive use of appropriate technology (e-cars instead of gasoline, solar systems instead of gas, CO2 extractors in Iceland, self-driving cars against congested roads, CO2 taxes, certificate trading, etc.) or even ‘before a final tipping point in about 10 years from today’, then this is just as much a self-deception and illusionary symptom treatment as when climate activists think that they are substantially contributing to saving the climate if they no longer buy plastic drinking straws. The truth is that climate change can no longer be stopped and is continuing virtually unchecked, because the effective countermeasures should have been initiated 200 years ago. In China and India there were once approaches to fight the causes, namely measures for birth control, but they were aborted due to inappropriate and abusive implementation and illogic.

All calls for combating climate change through the use of technology serve at most to provide industry with orders and to calm the bad conscience of the callers and those who believe in them. The only way out, in order to save what is still to be saved, has to happen primarily and urgently on the social, interhuman and private level, thus not technically-industrially: namely that immediately and during many, many generations world-wide very much fewer children are ‘produced’! This is the only possible humane way: renunciation by reason and sense of responsibility. All other ‘population reduction processes’ that will inevitably take place in the future according to the law of cause and effect – by brutal, drastic laws or by the rearing forces of nature – will be of a completely different caliber and will no longer have anything in common with the term ‘humane’.

Unfortunately, this only reasonable proposal and way out, based on fighting the causes, fails already when it is expressed, because short-sighted egoism and inability to think are much stronger than reason, sense of responsibility and compassion for the coming generations.

What is in store for us?

Since the proxy or hoped-for war of attrition between Ukraine and Russia, which is favorable for the geopolitical plans and intentions of the USA, will hardly be over soon, indeed is actively promoted by NATO and the USA, an increasing escalation is certain. However, Russia will not allow itself to be defeated under any circumstances, because on the one hand it is a matter of Russia’s continued existence within its existing borders as an independent, self-determining state, and not to end up as a vassal and prey of the West, and on the other hand the Russian people have proven several times in the past that they are capable of suffering and are prepared to defend their country with all means against arrogant invaders.

The next stage of escalation is already foreseeable, again on European terrain, namely the imminent admission of Finland and Sweden into NATO. Since Finland has a border of over 1,000 km with Russia, it is to be expected that the events in Ukraine will be repeated there and that NATO, i.e. the USA, will infiltrate Finland with heavy weapons in the direction of the Russian border or push it in this direction with maneuvers. There is always a reason to invade, e.g. by a so called ‘false flag’ action. If for some reason the passage of Russian ships through the straits into the Baltic Sea or the Atlantic is hindered or blocked, Russia’s patience will be overstrained again. Then ‘good night’ in Europe, and for both the military and the population.

I wrote the following text, a kind of fable, on February 19, 2022:

Troubled by an ever-increasing stench of decay, carried into the woods by the southwest wind for some time, the bear has emerged from among the trees. He is worried, scents, sits upright and moves his sharp claws. He is in his forest. He wants to know the cause and does not run away cowardly. He faces the potential threat.

Not far ahead, on a large poultry and livestock farm, both fowl and cattle are in a flurry. The chickens, geese, cattle, sheep, etc. are in a panic. In crowing, howling, roaring and bleating cacophony, they chase each other and over each other like yipping guard dogs. Some have already thrown themselves on their backs and are playing dead. An owl sits on a fir tree, gazing in wonder at the chaos, almost appearing to shake its head at the confused din below.

A little further away, behind a stream, a horde of monkeys is crouching on a hill, hopping around madly, beating their chests and making howling sounds in the direction of the bear, as monkeys do when they are gripped by panic. Under their feet, the floor is covered with a huge, red-blue-white tarp with a star pattern. – Underneath, invisible, the bestial stench from deep holes in the earth penetrates upwards, out into the countryside. A pack of mangy wolves and hyenas lurks in the holes, their eyes glittering with deviousness and their claws filthy with rotting carrion: Ready to rush forward at a moment’s notice, should the bear become heedless, annoyed at the roar before him, and rush into the fray to put things in order.

But the bear does not act immediately, as a wolf or fox would do in a henhouse or sheep pen in a bloodlust. No, the bear is on guard, just like his colleagues behind the trees at the edge of the forest.

Five days later, on February 24, 2022, the noise and the stench obviously became too much for the bear. He left the protective forest and began to bite.


In an ancient tradition from pre-biblical times is found among other things the following for the modern times decoded prediction of a man named Enoch (Henoch):

“… Things will be different in the far West, in the United States of America, for it will be a land of utter destruction. The causes will be many. America creates with its global conflicts, which are constantly broken from the fence and will continue also in far future, worldwide in some countries tremendous hatred against the USA. In this consequence, America will be faced with enormous catastrophes, which will reach dimensions that are hardly imaginable for the people of the earth. …

But also Russia will not give rest, because it will attack Scandinavia and thus also extend everything to Europe, whereby however months before still another terrible hurricane will sweep over Northern Europe and will devastate and destroy tremendously much. The Russian attack, it must be said, will take place in the summertime, starting from Arkhangelsk, but Denmark will not be included in the war action, for which the reasons will lie in the insignificance of the country.”


In July 1949, 12-year-old Eduard A. Meier from Bülach/Switzerland wrote the following poem, which he sent to various government officials, newspapers and radio stations without ever receiving a reply:

America and the Europe-land will tremble,

when freedom comes from the East with a hard hand,

which is oppressed from America and Europe,

which, however, will be punished by a hard teaching,

for the sense of world domination which they wickedly cherish,

and thereby put countries and peoples into dictatorships.

The great bear will come, who will bring freedom,

Russia-land, which will wipe out all the unfreedom

that is ringing in America and Europe from many mouths,

as in many other countries around the world,

but the bear from the East will destroy it

and settle the whole thing into peace and freedom.

But it will take a long time until then, with lamentations,

which will be carried out into the world with tears,

because evil terrorism, dictatorship, hatred and war

deny peace and freedom the victory.

Power and greed for world domination are tearing the world apart,

and in many countries even many a death cry resounds,

because America and Europe carry out unfreedom

and beat the people with war, need and misery.

The unpeace-makers, whose actions are based on power,

are taught by the bear and told

that ‘world power claims’ stir up evil strife,

which leads mankind to death and ruin.

Therefore, the bear will tear all evil of America,

and he will also promise the same to Europe.

When, ruffianly, from the world-grubbing America

wars destroy everything in the world, crisscross,

when the same echoes from the European dictatorship

and murder cries of evil terrorism resound,

then the bear will start to bite the unpeace,

and this will tear the Western powers’ evil action apart.

July 7, 1949

DEepL translation by Michael Horn, corrections by Christian Frehner

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Eric Goodspeed

From the fracturing and moribund land of monkeys, wolves and hyenas, I send deep respect and love for your well crafted expression of concern and indignation.

Christian, you and your community of exemplary conscious humans are the sohar lighthouse in the smog, smoke and fog of our world “masters'” enterprise of unreality and headlong destruction. Thank you for your dedication and hard labours in helping the knowledge of the evolution of consciousness find their way into our beautiful living world.

Deep appreciation for Michael, Melissa Osaki, Andrea Logue, Brigitte de Roch, et al. for your unflagging efforts in creating and maintaining this nonpareil wellspring portal, like the grail itself.


In my opinion, Russia can end my country if it wants. Yes, it will be a horrendous nightmare in the short term, but I’d be happier dying knowing that my future incarnations have a chance at freedom than the biochipped hellhole some groups have planned for them. Call it doing my duty asking Putin ‘Not to worry’. I’m careful what I wish for. I’ll be the unknown soldier who died not fighting and doing nothing and I’ll still have done more for my country than anyone who fought in a stupid BS war. Of course, it’s possible I might be in a very dark place. It’s called England.

Stephen Lane

As a UK resident I must also agree with you, as uncreational as it is. I don’t want folk to suffer but if Russia attacked the UK militarily I would be … glad. Good grief.

It’s sad isn’t it that we think like that. It certainly makes me question myself.


Hi Stephen. Apart from Billy, dreams are my favourite teachers and I had one last night where I was walking down a street with my old friend George outside another friend George’s printing business (obvious symbol for St. George = England, but he is also patron saint for Moscow and symbolises Christianity and the media due to the printing business) and with one arm and out of sheer frustration I grabbed and threw him behind me and he flew in the air and far back and landed on his belly and had a bloody nose when he stood up. This told me that 1. I didn’t know my own strength and can use this more effectively 2. I was hurting someone who didn’t deserve it or who didn’t know better 3. That this was okay, as no major damage had been done (yet and that’s always worth appreciating). Without going into other symbols, the dream also indicated that fears about gas shortages and heating are being exaggerated by the corporate media and that I need to maintain my neutrality better.

Stephen Lane

Thanks Michael. Do you know if Christian has put the original German article online anywhere?

Stephen Lane
Robert Dawson

An articulate and thoughtful commentary. Thank you. I will share where I can.

Nestor Lazaro Montero

Thank You, Christian.
Wir senden allen im Semjase Silver Star Center (Christian, Billy, Eva und jedem Mitglied der Kerngruppe) unsere wahre und aufrichtige Liebe, Dankbarkeit, Respekt, und Gedanken an eine kraftvolle und dauerhafte Gemeinschaft. Unsere fortgesetzte Hilfe, mit jedem FIGU-Mitglied/Freund/Unterstützer, der eine einzigartige energetische Schwingungswelle in Nokodemjons unzerbrechlichen Universellen Werken, durch Zeit und Raum ermächtigt, hat bereits Erfolge erzielt, die genau in dieser Minute in der Zukunft existieren. Die Werke, denen wir uns vor langer Zeit verschrieben haben, werden die kommenden Schwierigkeiten überstehen, weil die Macht unserer Gedanken beständig, sanft, barmherzig, logisch und liebevoll ist, als eine Form des großartigen Lebens innerhalb der Schöpfung. 
Unsere unendliche Liebe und Dankbarkeit gilt IMMER, in allen gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Zeiten, allen Menschen der Plejaren-Föderation: Florena, Enjana, Bermunda, JHWH Ptaah, JHWH Quetzal und auch denen, die im Hintergrund arbeiten. 
Salomè und leb wohl!
Mögest Du in das Licht, der Wahrheit, und dem SEIN der Schöpfung leben.
Nestor Lazaro Montero

NOTE: Please include the English translation with your comments. Thanks. MO

John Salem

As an American, 66 years old, I am only now becoming aware of my country’s history and despicable actions. I think I speak for millions of Americans. Probably many of our leaders are not even aware. While I wasn’t yet born, I began to think about Pearle Harbor; Why would the Japanese send 3 aircraft carriers all that way just to attack 1 navy base, with nothing in reserve? Just like September 11, 2001, there is no way that 2 airliners brought down 3 buildings. In the aftermath though we destroyed 4 countries that posed no threat to us. Maybe we should have simply bombed the CIA and Whitehouse in retaliation.

Melissa Osaki