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Monday, May 13, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

And The Hits just Keep on Coming

Okay everyone, there’s actually a reason why we publish news reports that corroborate Billy Meier’s impeccably accurate prophetic information. You see, boys and girls, the nice little Swiss man and his friends from another world have gone to a whole lot of trouble to try to help us to not destroy ourselves. Stated positively, they’ve been trying to help us help ourselves to assure our own future survival.

Let’s see how well they, and we, are doing.

There are a couple of important new confirmations of Meier’s warnings in Atomic Energy: Human Insanity Knows No Limits and the very recent Natural disaster refugees more than doubled to 42 million, which has this little tag line, “Monitoring group worries climate change is playing big role in 2010 jump”. Let’s take this last article first, okay?

You’ve read that one, right? Now look at this compilation of some of Meier’s prophetic information. Enter the search term “refugee”. See all of the information from Meier foretelling a huge increase in the number of environmental refugees? Also, go and take a look at what he was already predicting in regard to economic refugees, etc., as far back as 1951 and 1958.

Did you, or anyone else you know and/or predict all that, or any of the other direct hits from Meier?

While you consider that, let’s focus on what we’ve just learned from Meier’s friend, Ptaah regarding the true magnitude of the Fukushima plant catastrophe. He informs those of us who just may care that “the so-called super worst-possible-case-scenario has already occurred”. He spells out just how the plutonium has been exposed and has already created widespread contamination…with even more to come. He also calls out the devious liars who deny all this for what they are. And, ever the optimist, Ptaah notes that the “ultra super worst-possible-case-scenario” is, well, inevitable.

Now, with that information before us, if I can have your attention for just one more moment, I ask you to consider the implications of a possible coming disruption to the electrical grid, which would cause major problems at virtually all nuclear power plants, as Ptaah point out in another transcript.

Rather than provide you with any more references, corroboration of the impeccable accuracy of the information Meier publishes, etc., let me simply ask you if you have any idea at all just how dire our situation is? Do you have any idea what this may mean to you, your loved ones, and all of the children as yet unborn?

Do you give a goddamn? Can you pry yourself away from your TV, from your “iThis” and “iThat” appendages, from the endless entertainment that is sucking the intelligence and life right out of you? Can you process real reality, or is it just an unwelcome, insulting distraction?

If you’re not outraged at how you’ve allowed yourself to be sold out and manipulated, to have your very life threatened by the greedy, power hungry parasites, if you haven’t been actively trying to wake yourself and others up, if you’ve let your brain turn to mush and your biggest concern is that someone doesn’t want you to recite mumbo-jumbo and give orders to an imaginary, invisible man in the sky…maybe you deserve it.

A lot of us don’t deserve it but it looks like we’re all going to share in the pain anyway.

Don’t blame Meier and the Plejaren, they tried.


See also:  UFO Prophet Warned: Dismantle All Nuclear Plants







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Hi Micheal,
There are many of us who’ve been trying to stop the insanity that has been so prevalent in global governments, but we have little power, little influence, and little monitory means to do much. We can ring the bells to warn about the fire, but we don’t have the funds to afford the equipment to put the fire out ourselves. It would be nice if the Plejaren or any other benevolent galactic family members would evac those of us he see the danger headed our way but can’t stop it no matter how hard we try. (Just make sure we leave the NWO globalist banker cartel here to deal with the mess they’ve created.)


As much as I hate the false reality that we live in, based off the laws of cause and effect, I have come to accept the disasters that we continue to bring to ourselves. In this time I will continue to expand my mind in the hopes of retaining what I’ve learned this lifetime, for the next. As I have said before, people need disasters to WAKE them up. However, it’s sad that we’d rather be reactive the preemptive. If we were more preemptive, we’d listen to the Plejarens.

Dennis Am

Though I almost feel the same way as Quinns says, it is all our fault in the end. Though we knew, realized, and tried to improve the situations or help others open up their eyes, we have to suffer the consequences together anyway, because this is our world, this is our planet and we should be all responsible for our misconducts.
We have been born on this planet so many times before and we can’t be free from all accumulated sins and crimes we have created for generations.
It is so sad, but I am sure that there will be nobody, no god, no Plejarens to come down and help us.

I can now feel how frustrated Billy have felt for decades and why he almost gave up on his mission.
Well, I have give up on my part. There is no hope for this world. It is so apparently true.

Faye Dollar

It’s a good thing that we will be entering a New World soon…don’t give up!

Faye Dollar

Iknow there are many prophecies coming true more and many more to come true…We must become a part of the solution because life is not ending, it is changing. We will become the answer and we must join forces for truth and change. We have help and we need to call upon that help. Look up at the sky and ask..let them know they are wanted NOW….it will help speed things up…there is no time in space so we must act NOW!

The Golden Age is almost here and the enviromental issues must take presidence for our continued success as a people, spirit, and Earth ally…

We will have a choice as Nostradamus said..a fork in the road….will you act or speak out or will you choose to remain slaves?


“Well, I have give up on my part. There is no hope for this world. It is so apparently true.”

What? There is tremendous hope for this planet Earth. The Revolution is on! Billy Meier’s mission is a success and people are learning from it. It is only a matter of time before Terra starts thinking and acting like Erra. And when you consider that Earth is a ‘melting pot’ of spirit forms from outerspace, you can really see the potential of Earth someday being a spiritual leader in the Dern universe.

Whether you realize it or not, people living today on planet Earth are extremely fortunate right now; especially as they express the truth from Meier in this ‘spiritual gymnasium’ of sorts — that being the high levels of religion on this planet being the resistance that can build good ‘spiritual muscle’. I would bet that even some of the Plejaren would love to be in the Earth reincarnation cycle during this time because of the potential for growth.

So cheer up people and keep truck’n.


“Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen told CNN on Monday that residents of Seattle, Washington, are breathing an average of 10 “hot particles” per day of radiation from Fukushima:”


It is widely said phrase that progress in any endeavour is measured in graves and so it takes and will take many unfortunate deaths of many millons of people including among them, the so called the powers that be who have personally experienced some kind of tragedy before people choose to do the right thing for the betterment of society.
I think that many more tragedies must happen for us humanity until we actually learn from our mistakes.
The phase of change and transition demands much time. effort, recognition, self evaluation, honesty, courage, and a lot of suffering and pain that goes with it in order for we humans to tread a path of virtue, digity, respect, reverence, empathy and morality.
Nothing less than a mega disaster of epic proportion will do the job and these events must come to pass for us humans to learn from them.
Many generations must be recycled and better genes must be passed down to them in the cycle of evolution for us to achieve the ultimate utopian world full of love, peace, harmony and freedom.


Hey , Hey people ; what caused this problem in the first place ? I think it would have been due to greed , suppression , ignorance and stupidity ; I should throw in laziness as well too . We are to blame for this sort of thing ; because we have allowed the money hungry to keep us locked into these dangerous antiquated energy technologies .
The fact is that there are other forms of energy available to us , and I’m not talking about the other forms of antiquated energy , in the likes of solar , wind , water , geothermal and whatever . These at least have the benefit of being relatively clean and will be of some use but are not totally practical in all areas .
There is a solution but it has been suppressed for more than a hundred years and it was introduced to the people of this planet by one of our greatest scientist / engineers , Nikola Tesla .
The energy is most likely known as radiant energy , black energy , dark energy , aether / ether , energy from the vacuum , and also it has a repelling characteristic . It can been accessed as far as I know , anywhere in our universe . It can be obtained by using unidirectional D.C. impulses into as simple coil and capturing the generated spike or rather the cold energy pulse caused by the spike . This is then used to charge batteries , capacitors , and conditioned to run inverters , transformers and if you got one flying disc ; then take a ride and say hello to the Plejaren . For further information read Tesla (the good stuff) , Thomas Bearden , John Benini and of course the occasional hint from the Plejaren information . I have and you can too .


Ahhh , no comments yet , oh well here is another bit from me . If anyone reads what I said , I will ask , did you see the little extra tacked on to the various names given to cold energy . To be to the point ; it has a repelling characteristic ; what does this mean ? Well it just might be a clue to the phenomena some people like to think of as anti-gravity . I remember that a hint was given by the Plejaran woman known as Semjase and it goes something like this ; anti-gravity is produced or effected by the heat of the planet and the coldness of space . What does this mean ? Well I’m not sure but I’ll speculate and say that she is not talking about outer space being cold and the planet being hot . I would like to say maybe she was hinting at space being that volume of so called emptiness between particles of matter . I think our science is telling us that the emptiness is a seething mass of quantum particles and that I would guess , is the then the domain of the ether , black energy , dark energy , COLD energy or what ever name is in vogue . The planet is the protons , neutrons , electrons , etc. The macro into the micro . If that’s the case then I would say that the production of cold energy and if stored in a container like say a capacitor or another version would be a beamship / flying disc should cause a levitating result . Of course this needs a couple of bleed off and switch techniques to keep constant directional thrust . Semjase also said if man never discovers the impulsion ; man will never reach the stars . Wow another hint , just love those Plejaren Guys and Gals .
It would be best to , according to Tom Bearden to keep the impulsion’s to around 40 to 60 Hertz . I suggest this is a leg-up
so those who can use a soldering iron , hack saw , aluminium sheet
, plastic sheet , large wooden beam balance and able to build a
impulsed unidirectional , spark gap D.C. 30 or more kilo-volt power supply power supply ; should be able to get this baby to jump . Of course you do this at your own risk . high volage is dangerous and at some level of scalar intensity this too can be lethal . Seven German scientists found this out the hard way (J.P.Farrell) . So this could provide us eventually with the clean transportation we have been deprived of by the greedy corporate entities that Eisenhower told us to be wary of years ago . Self responsibility begins with all of us and if you want that shining new world it’s up to each individual to help bring it about . It will not happen by itself or by wishful thinking ; it happens by action .


Good grief , I’m baaaaaaack . The heat of the planet could be the zone we live in , planet earth . Our electrical energy is in it’s character , hot . According to Bearden it’s the wasted energy and does cause heating ; the impulse energy as in black / dark / vacuum , does have a cold or cooling effect and if you are a builder of Bedini monopole motors you will know that your transistors do not get nearly as hot as you would expect considering the energy output . The engineer Sweet shorted out the out-put leads of his vacuum triode machine and the leads immediately were covered with frost ; not red hot and the insulation dripping off the cable . the short was the equivalent of an immense load which pulled a large amount of cold energy from the “space” . This machine was able out-put a continuous
500 watts but with a dead short that would have possibly been much higher .


Hello , me again , sorry to bore you all but I’ll add a little more . Re Floyd Sweet and his vacuum triode energy machine ; Tom Bearden also mentioned that on tests the little machine produced an apparent loss of mass (weight), of some 90% if I recollect . Further tests carried out by Bearden and Sweet achieved levitation and Floyd later played with the tethered machine and flew it around his bedroom . Hey ! what else would you do with a flying machine , eh . The phenomena was brought about by increasing the machines out-put ; the more energy extracted the more that thing wanted to levitate , I guess , so that means more cold energy had to be accessed .

Just going back to the charging of a disc capacitor ; you might notice that the disc will show levitation but start to stop rising and start to lower even though the power is still on . If the cap is discharged and then the power reapplied the disc will then levitate again , so that suggests to me that the effect is only there on an increasing charge (movement) ; now you see the reason for the need to bleed off the charge and reapply ; quickly . Then of course you could have multiple caps being switched on and off so that there is always some charging up while others are discharging (use this discharged energy to power things) . There is polarization to observe too , positive electrode on top . I will point out that I have only seen this occur on polarized crystalline test units and I have not tried out the caps . My guess is that the same effect would be seen with the caps . So there , prove to yourselves that anti-gravity does indeed exist and then you too will know who is giving you klaptrap and keeping us shackled to oil , gas , coal , disease , nuclear contamination and environmental suicide . There will be wrinkles in this but it might be helpful to some and if it is don’t go and hit your brothers and sisters over the head with it . Responsibility requires that we all grow up .


“…sorry to bore you all but I’ll add a little more…”

This is illogical.


Thanks for your reply Anthony , but where is your reasoning for why what I have written is illogical ? We would love to know if you have some real insight that you know better .


Okay Jacqui, I am not saying what you have to say is illogical; I’m saying that continuing to dump info when you know you are boring people is unproductive and illogical.


Thank-you Anthony for your response , that has clarified your intention , a pity that I could not find that earlier but if you find it boring , then don’t read any more of it . That’s quite ok with me . Most of the world runs on ignorance so you will not be in the minority in fact you will have plenty of company . This is a case of freewill and of course personal choice . I’m not forcing anyone to accept anything I have written but I have something worthwhile to say even I you have not . If you have good logical and constructive information that can really take the people of this planet forward then get on this and give us all the benefit of your brilliance . Referring to my boring comment , that was a bit of a throwaway line and that would be obvious to most people ; I guess in this case it’s not obvious to all people ; now do I think I’m boring people ; to some probably ; so what . Do I put information out , yes , do you understand and have the basic scalar engineering skills to know through empirical experimentation the reality of some of the things I have mentioned ? Well if you do then why are you not standing along side of me and helping to get the majority of human kind to realize that you are all being given freely the tools to save your future existence . All I can see at the moment is bunch of people whinging and whining on how bad things are and making ethereal nonsensical rubbish on wish for this ; hope for that ; the future will be bright ; all I can say is bunkum . Have you not understood any thing ? I’m only a small fish but I want give something to help dig us all of out the ditch that most of us are responsible for in creating this predicament in the first place . And if this makes you a tiny bit uncomfortable ; then all I can is mission accomplished . Ok Jacq back up that dumpster and lay another load .

Dyson Devine

Great work lately Michael. “Vintage Horn”. Rural Brazil obviously is good for you, or perhaps just a lot safer and more civilized than urban Los Angeles. Here’s the latest on the Fukushima “ultra-super-größter anzunehmender Unfall” (more literally: ultra super maximum assumable accident) Pity us poor translators.


Nuclear fuel has melted through base of Fukushima plant
June 9, 2011, The Telegraph (One of the UK’s leading newspapers)

The nuclear fuel in three of the reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant has melted through the base of the pressure vessels and is pooling in the outer containment vessels, according to a report by the Japanese government. The findings of the report, which has been given to the International Atomic Energy Agency, were revealed by the Yomiuri newspaper, which described a “melt-through” as being “far worse than a core meltdown” and “the worst possibility in a nuclear accident.” Water that was pumped into the pressure vessels to cool the fuel rods, becoming highly radioactive in the process, has been confirmed to have leaked out of the containment vessels and outside the buildings that house the reactors. Elevated levels of radiation have been confirmed in the ocean off the plant. The radiation will also have contaminated the soil and plant and animal life around the facility, making the task of cleaning up more difficult and expensive, as well as taking longer. The pressure vessel of the No. 1 reactor is now believed to have suffered damage just five hours after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Melt-downs of the fuel in the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors followed over the following days with the molten fuel collecting at the bottom of the pressure vessels before burning through and into the external steel containment vessels.


Anthony , Hi ; I might have misinterpreted your meaning as a criticism of the body of the stuff I wrote ; perhaps it’s just your way of dismissal of the possibility that it is boring . If my first reaction is correct then lets see what you’ve got .


Good morning all , another day and another bit of stuff from me .
Now lets take the assumption that what I have been allowed by Michael to place on his blog-site ( thank-you Michael ) is essentially valid and just suppose someone figures that this information could be used to make buck or two and decides to try and slide in to the patent office ; then forget it because that which is not patented would be dismissed as nonsense . But the fact that I have chosen to put any of my contribution on to a publicly accessed site would , I think mean , that it is now in the public domain and I think that now means it’s free access . Well I’ve got my fingers crossed that that’s the case . So there is no get rich and filling one’s pockets with gold here . Why would anyone want gold anyway . I hear that it can be made yourself if you have the know-how ; not only gold but at a guess pretty much every thing else . MMM “Earle Gray , Hot” ; well maybe not yet but who knows what advanced materials transmutation techniques have been developed in secret and therefore are suppressed at least for the majority of us . So the art of alchemy seems to be alive and doing quite well in the hands of the few . Sir Issac Newton I hear was into alchemy ; was that a forgivable aberration for Newton , in view of the fact that main-steam science is in love with the rest of his work . I find it some what hypercritical that his work in alchemy rarely is mentioned , and this is in part prejudice through ignorance and part suppression . Now I think I have heard that gold can be transmuted from carbon to copper then to gold and so on , and so on . In other words people you can make just about anything that appears on the periodic chart ; not just the chart we saw in chemistry class at school but more especially the chart provided buy Walter Russell . If you look at his chart ; the one that looks like a sine-wave you will see the three elements of carbon , copper and gold and you will notice that they are all on certain peaks ; therefore this looks like there is a harmonic relationship between these elements . If alchemic practice is employed then those two steps should take carbon to gold . I have seen John Bedini do this sort of thing in his dvd on transmutation ; although he used a mysterious red powder in a process involving heat and I wonder if there was some scalar wave of certain frequency injected in to the heating done in the furnace to accomplish this result . John had the golden deposit assayed and the results were conclusive , albeit with a slight difference in it’s make-up , but nevertheless the report said it was gold. The powder substance makes me a little nervous but John , as far as I can see has been truthful on what he has presented in all the other material he has given . So , in my estimation John is one of the good guys .
NOW if you are smart enough to figure out for yourself exactly how do this transmutation don’t try to go and undermine the the value of the global currencies or you will more than likely get a lot of people P’d off at you . Mr Russell says in his book that cold generates energy , heat divides it cannot multiply and a hole lot other interesting stuff but please note the reference to cold and heat ( Semjase’s coldness of space and heat of the planet , as mentioned in the earlier reply I wrote ) . I don’t question what Semjase said but I find it gratifying to see that someone else suggests the connection between cold and energy and hence the relationship to cold energy / electricity ; the stuff we need to get acquainted with really quickly to survive in a little more comfort in the years to come than having to gain body heat by chipping away at rocks with a stone axe .


Nebraskan nuke plant flooded. Yes, the hits just keep on coming.

Videos de Ovnis

I just think that the end is coming and is inevitable, but my hope will never die.

John Webster

In the context of tending to ‘self responsibility, and, depending on the topic my thoughts may gravitate to at any given time, I find there’s a great benefit reviewing the overall informative immensity that this blog has logged to date. Many words / phrasings could be assembled to describe the blog’s impressive longevity! It’s also interesting to note the diversity in the ‘names’ of people who have commented, throughout at least a decade,
including many ‘names’ that no longer seem to appear with the current population of contributors.

To my main point . . . taking into account Meier’s warnings pertaining to ‘Atomic Energy: Human Insanity Knows No Limits’ . . and, the global groups who monitor climate change, added to the information offered in the free book ‘Dare To Prepare’ – . . so, for whatever it’s worth to the population of theyflyblog contributors, I came across the following blog article apparently relevant to all-things-energy, affecting a technology dependent planet:
“Prepare for lack of electricity” in 2022 says Foxconn founder – Published at ‘Desdemona’ –