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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

New Canadian Military Alliance and the Henoch Prophecies: UPDATE

With the announcement of a new military alliance between Canada and Georgia, the longstanding tensions between Russia and Georgia are intensified, drawing attention again to the prophetic warnings in the Henoch Prophecies (1987) about Russia ultimately attacking Canada:

“America and Russia will have the most terrible weapons of mass destruction at their disposal—a fact which is already the case to a certain extent today—and will clash with violent force against each other at that time of conflict, whereby Canada will also be dragged into this conflict. The source of this conflict will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.” (Yes, I could have just emphasized the whole thing.)

Meier also long ago forewarned of the volatility in the region and the potential for a worldwide war arising from the conflicts there.

Ah yes, a ringside seat to yet another bit of human folly, as that which was once avoidable now becomes more certain…and a lot closer at hand for those of us in the USA – and Canada – as well.

Please feel free to translate and read the information at this link pertaining to a possible Russian attack on Sweden – as also foretold by Billy Meier in the Henoch Prophecies in 1987. As you – hopefully – start to put two and two together, as you start to understand that humanity has been handed a huge and invaluable treasure in the form of volumes of specific, impeccably prophetically accurate information that establishes a foundation of credibility for its source, perhaps you, who and wherever you may be, will choose to awaken to reality and choose to participate in correcting the dead-end course that the mass of unconscious humanity has not only chosen but has decided to inflict on you as well.

(By definition, reality does not refer to the addictive, pseudo-reality of virtual, online, onscreen, two-dimensional, false and hidden identity, entertainment-based version of life via “social media”, etc. As the time fulfills, ignorance and denial of reality are no protection against it.)

See also:

Russians Preparing Predicted Attacks on U.S., Canada and Scandinavia?

Scientist astonished at Billy Meier’s prophetic accuracy

Thanks to Michael Vanderpool for pointing out this information.


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How does say its going to effect Australia?


One thing I am having trouble with since reading Meier’s Contact notes, prophecies, and predictions, is that I have been told that either I or his information is so negative. And I know MH has addressed this before but I think that people read parts of it and think that it’s a negative thing to believe.
I know for a fact I do not have any negative outlooks in life, its just that what we know from Meier’s predictions and prophecies, that we Earth humans will have to go through this negative phase of humanity in order to achieve a positive lifestyle.
I like to point out things that I have read before it happens and yet it still doesn’t spark any interest in people. Anyone else encounter this?


That’s natural as it is hard to fathom against scientific terrorism or non-stop natural disasters on the scale mentioned in the Henok prophecies. Then there is also the question on what exactly will the average Joe do about it when their either jobless or lucky to have a job? No one likes being in a helpless position, let alone one in which they have no control over the events mentioned above. In other words, most folks cannot be presented directly with this as most of the concepts are simply alien to their present state or frame of reference.

The isolated nature of the prophecies themselves does not drive people into a certain belief-driven direction as it does not propose a remedy or quick fix that you can believe in. It plainly aims simply to prophesize the future if the society at large aims to shoot its own foot off. If you understand how the ne’er-do-well folks that pump out garbage use prophecies with a certain twist to drive people into a certain belief driven direction while making, as Billy puts it, ‘horrendous sums of cash’. So when the general people are presented with the potential results, folks feel less inclined to do something that is so vast in a scale outside any sort of tangible way to work against it.

For example, take the argument for free energy some folks in the UFailO community want to champion. Even if what they say is ‘true’ that it would revolutionize and be the remedy to all of life’s problems, do you want humanity at large to be in possession of technology that Tesla himself could turn into a “death ray”? Telsa wanted to give free energy to folks and did his best to work with business and government to do it in a responsible manner. There is a stark difference in ensuring free energy is provided by responsible people to safe guard this technology and soliciting monies in a dubious manner via championing a cause that will never be given to the public at large. This is solely the case and comprehensive understanding I have that the Meier material means to say with existing technology geo-thermal energy is the best bet for humanity to use as an energy source. Geo-thermal is basically a steam engine using the earth as the driving source. This allows more responsible folks that truly want to help humanity put their best foot forward with proven technology if the people truly desire this without taking out vast tracks of land for wind or solar farms.

Preferred Anonymous

There will be a followup, but, in summary:

A) Frame of reference is critical.
B) Folks see the prophecies as just another crackpot with a book to sell.
C) Folks do see the resemblance to current events, but then dismiss Meier under the umbrella of ‘false prophet’.
D) We have been distracted not simply by information, but by easy, short-term goals.

Preferred Anonymous

More or less agreed. Succinctness is a virtue, my friend, and so, I shall endeavor to keep my points brief:

A) Frame of reference is critical.

Just because you are able to open your mind and adapt quickly to different frames of reference (this is I think a skill), does not mean that others can or will.

B) Folks see the prophecies as just another crackpot with a book to sell.

I’ve tried before to introduce this ‘sect’, if you will, to friends I’ve regarded as ‘close’ (perhaps not so much). They need proof, and when they are given the proof (the prophecies over time) they refuse to believe them, because they have no incentive to conduct proper experiments. It is not that the information is not ‘easy to find’ or ‘iron-clad’ as Mr. Horn likes to put it, its the “Tsunami of Crap” problem where we are lambasted by every crackpot theory on the planet, all at once, with a ‘simple’ google search. We have *automated* systems pushing/replicating garbage all over the web (lookup Big Data), making nearly impossible for the average Joe with 5 minutes to find the certificate of authenticity which would cause him to flag this information as usefull. And you’re lucky to get even 5 minutes in this day and age. Most people will spend a second trawling here and then leave under the assumption of ‘crackpot’.

I’m drawn to this site because I have an odd tendency to conduct in depth research on phenomenon such as this, and I have a decent penchant for some basic logic (although I have still much, much to learn). I love trivia, I love information, I love the truth. This cannot be said of most people, I fear.

C) Folks do see the resemblance to current events, but then dismiss Meier under the umbrella of ‘false prophet’.

False prophets over the centuries have made a thriving business by stating general platitudes which are almost certain to become the truth. If, then, you were to come accross a ‘real’ prophet, they have a hard time accepting that the prophecies are not simply general platitudes. This is incorrect in the Meier case (I welcome intelligent objection), because (and this is my suspicion) the prophecies are made from best known data. I.e., as any enlightened society would have to be, the Plejaren have gotten down societal cause and effect of large, complex bodies down to a cause and effect science. One which, (assuming me were to make it), we’d have similar abilities to begin learning within 100-200 years (Informatics is still in its infancy – we are little better than medievial scholars in this regard as we are with respect in physical applications then and now.). So what is critical to understand (and perhaps the Plejaren/FIGU could have done a better job in communicating) is that these are all events which are not prophetic in the least, they are merely very, very advanced, and accurate forecasts, much as we forecast the weather with better efficiency than we did 100 years ago.

Since the prophecies are not prophecies at all, but they appear to be to most individuals, they dismiss them under the correct but unapplicable pretense that no one has demonstrated prophetic powers. They are entirely correct that prophetic powers do not exist (In My Humble Opinion), but they are woefully flawed in thinking that the prognostications are fake simply because they are less than ‘laser’ accurate i.e. Meier cannot predict a Holographic 3D video of the future (to my understanding at least).

This is the most common form of informed anti-Meier thinking which I see, that he predicted something a year before it happened with the understanding that supposedly he somehow got information from a terrestrial source while it was happening.

This is bogus thinking as generally to my best observation it seems that it would be folly to presume that a crackpot could obtain so much insider information from all around the globe, release a warning about it, and then shortly afterwards the terrestrial information itself is released in local newspapers.

This is the current lacking area I will admit, as nice as it is that you’ve made this blog Mr. Horn, *someone* (maybe it needs to be me) needs to catalog this information. I believe FIGU and yourself are already doing this, and you merely overwhelmed yourselves with the full complexity of this task. By which specifically it is a task involving computing statistical probabilities, showing specific cases (which you have done Mr. Horn), references, and compiling a research paper on the topic. That will be the certificate of authenticity to which no rational truthful man will be able to object (there are plenty of non-rational, illogical, and blind men).

D) We have been distracted not simply by information, but by easy, short-term goals.

Speaking in metaphor, We are ravens, hungry for shiny objects.

There are some individuals who are closer to believing in this (the prophecies, advice, etc.) than others, however their problem is less one of needing to know the prophecies exist or what they say (or even that they are correct, as there are arguments which I have made before that posit the whole existence of this organization as merely a rational philosophy of peace), and more than they need to submit their efforts to long-term, benificial goals.

E.g. Coal, it does work as a short-term energy “alternative”
Nuclear, it does work as well short-term
Solar, it does work as well short-term

However, anyone familiar with any of these technologies understand there are severe limits on their long-term viabilities.

Geothermal and sustainable bio-farms are a much better solution to oil/energy needs, while Hydrogen fuel cells offer some excellent mobile energy efficiencies, but they all require long term, unprofitable measure to be put into place. Once they are put into place, they will likely benefit humanity for hundreds or even thousands of years to come, but the capital has not been raised, in favor of cheaper, quicker, aforementioned goals.


Speak for yourself

Lotus H.

The thing about the Meier information is not just contact notes regarding prophesies. The important piece that everyone seems to forget (or not even get to) is the Spiritual Teaching. All the negative things (prophesies/predictions) are happening as a direct result of our causes. Things like War and famine and natural disasters are very scary. Yes, and we as earth humans have such a hard time wrapping our brain around the idea of it all. And so we turn away and close our eyes and say “Well, I’m just an average Joe, I can’t do anything about it.” Well, the truth is, we are all just average Joe’s, trying to get by, trying to find the truth, yes? The prophesies and predictions are there to show us that the information coming from Billy Meier is the real deal. The irrefutable scientific proof is there to point us in the right direction. And that direction is the Spiritual Teachings. The Goblet of Truth. That is where you need to look.


Hee haw brother


If Russians and Americans trust billy’prophecies they could then avoid this conflict.
It is sometime good to see the danger coming.

Preferred Anonymous


I need a checklist of events that are occuring/going to occur, and can still be altered in some way.

Crisis management dictates that we know which events to focus on, and prioritize those actions which can do the most good.

Does anyone know of such a list, or am I starting from scratch?


Not that I am aware of. I think this is because the Henok prophecies are not delivered in chronological order.

Lotus H.

Just a question: Have you read the Henoch Prophesies? If you have, you would already know there is a reason the events are not in chronological order.


Past the point of no return until our 6th or 7th reincarnation when peace will finally be reality. I can,t wait.


As I’ve mentioned, although there are people who will simply never except the material, I was willing to except the material when it was told in a “You can consider doing this” instead of “You need to do this, do this, do that, you have to do this.”

So of us are actually smart, and will actually listen to gentle suggestion. With that said, I don’t and never will ever believe in collective responsibility. I’m simply not responsible for whether someone else except the Apophis thing. If they don’t want to prep for a disaster, thats their shenanigans.

Preferred Anonymous

At least in my case, its not that gentle suggestion isn’t heeded; I’m simply tired of being not pro-active. This is a personal failing, not a failure to interpret.


Dear “Preffered Anonymus”,

Your concern about the future of humanity and will to become proactive shows a good conscious, i feel obliged to reply to.

… a List of what is occuring now you can find in the news and alternative media and in the internet… a list of what is going to occur in the future?… well you have the prophecies of Billy and the Plejaren… there is no more accurate one, but you have to do your own work if you want to figure out time lines or even dates… if you don’t find out, it means that it is better for you not to know for the sake of your consciousness health… which would ultimately degrade your quality of life and also infect your familly, friends ect…

If you want to become proactive, you can begin with yourself…. and when you learned and applied the natural-creative laws and recommendements in daily life,… when you did your mistakes by trying them out, learning from them and doing better next time, your intrinsic good values will highten and give you a push in consciousness which will enable you to live life in an even more harmonious, loving and caring way… no matter what will happen in the material world and surroundings… the more you try out and the more mistakes you make learning from them and correct them you will come close to more harmony, love and inner freedom…. Also a “fighter” can keep its inner balance and harmony if she/he is consciously balanced enough… With the time this will also improve the life of those around you and lead to a more harmonious surroundings…… In the end, only this will have an effect on overall scoiety and its overall subconsciousness and thus improve the life of society in a time period of at least a few lives (incarnations) from now… Do you have and can you keep the nerves to do that ? 😉

… as Sarah said… only suggestions, advices, opinions…. its up to you and your choice….. whatever you want to do 😉


Preferred Anonymous

Thank you.


Jacqueline Purtell

Re questions to Billy regarding ” Free Energy ” .

Billy answered that there is no such thing as ” Free Energy ” . Is Billy right ; yes he is but some people can be mislead as there is not enough information supplied . The term “Free Energy ” is just a common term to describe an apparent outcome ; not accurate but it helps non technical people to get the idea .

Having said that , as far as I can see from what I have found to be true from the work I did on Bedini generators ( SSG and solid – state versions ) there appears to be an over unity action taking place and this does look like more energy out than in .

You need to know that AN ENERGY SOURCE IS TAPED INTO and it’s said by some that it’s the ” coldness of space ” E.G. cold energy , dark energy , radiant energy etc . It’s the movement of cold ( compression ) to heat ( expansion ) over and over ( cycling ) .
One way this is sourced is by impulsing a coil , note there are different types of coil windings to suit ones needs .

One of interest is in the work of Walter Russell and seems to be based on two conical spirals placed end to end ; one wound clockwise and one counter clockwise . Tesla told Russell to lock up his work for 1000 years as mankind is not ready for this . I presume this coil might have been part of what he was referring too , the rest could be transmutation of elements .

Any coil can be impulsed ; some are dangerous to health as you can have wonderful medical machines at one end of the scale and weapons of mass destruction at the other . Your choice .


“Free Energy” sounds exactly what it sounds like and will imply the obvious. I’ve found it is generally used to sell books, catch all for every solution under ths sun, or donation generator for “well meaning” projects rather than an honest and responsible pursuit of energy independence. If energy independence was the goal, usually how “free energy” is sold to the public, then there is really no reason not to support geothermal technology as an energy source and solution to that.

It is very easy to blame the powers to be for limiting options to the public but I do not find to be quite exactly true. Those folks selling “Free Energy” would like their audience to believe before providing their solution with some form of monetary compensation or support from their audience. It sounds a lot more like hymns and prayers to ward off the devil with donations helping those continue their holy mission to help you directly.

Since the 80s, lots of new and old companies alike provide renewable resources in the form of wind, solar, water, and geothermal.


If folks in their respective community, municipalities, or local/state government representatives approached the various providers of geothermal energy, companies like Chevron would have no problem building that capacity. I believe one of the oldest plants is in Mr. Horn’s backyard out somewhere in California.

Jacqueline Purtell

I would like to encourage people to dig around to find the truth of these hidden technologies ; because they all belong to us ; the peoples of planet earth . We do not have to be afraid of advanced technology but if you do nothing about discovering them , then the power mongers and crooks of this planet are going keep you suppressed . Balance is best . Take note I could run my house off these systems if I chose to do so , but I don’t because of a financial reason and I really dislike using lead acid batteries as the negative resistor .

There is a better way to do it and if your a tech – head and want to learn something , go and join Bedini’s Energy Science forum .

Jacqueline Purtell

Oh there is some information about by Joel McClain concerning alzheimer’s disease and a connection to aluminum deposits in the brain due to calcium quantum decay and that is 120Hz scalar wave which is produced by 60Hz A.C. That’s American power supply frequency . Look at just how many food stuffs , medicines , etc have some form of aluminum foil use , it might be sealed or not . I don’t want to panic people but you should be aware of this as a possibility . Apparently a 30Hz sine-wave / A.C. transmutes aluminum to lithium , which is better for the brain . Alzheimer’s disease is on the increase .

Jacqueline Purtell

Just to clarify the 30Hz sine / A.C. is a 60Hz scalar wave , so they say . That frequency also is helpful to promote alertness ; beta state .


I’m sort of intrigued by the egyptian unrest seen often on RT news, as well as current volcanic activity. I remember Meier mentioning some of this somewhere, though I can’t remember where at the moment.

By the way, I hope I don’t come across as anti-meier. Its not that I am, its just the obsession to the point of being radical with some remain nameless members is giving me the creeps. Even taking a break is doing a great deal for writing self esteem.

Jacqueline Purtell

Well Duke , you are misleading people .
I accept Meier’s idea on geothermal heat as a valid available technological application . But I’m sure you would also understand that it too will face resistance as the usual pushers of carbon based energy sources are going to oppose any competition that might threaten their profits .

There has been a claim on Australian television news just the other day of a discovery of a huge oil deposit in South Australia , which was claimed to be second to the Saudi Arabian deposits . So that is depressing news and in view of such , do you really think geothermal is going to stand up to that ! I think not . Nor will free energy .

Big oil is going to fight tooth and nail to keep you and I on oil .
Yes geothermal sources definitely need to exploited , but I’m not so short sighted to think short term . I know where our future lies and I know that free energy ( generalization ) is absolutely REAL ; yes it needs to developed .

Have you actually done any work in that science and found by experimentation or are you just repeating other peoples ideas . You really have to have done actual research work or you are just misleading people . I mention work of others but unless I have actually done hands on replication work then I can not say that I know it’s real.

Do you think people should not write books ! Well if you think they should not then what about scientific papers — there in book form .
I mean you are rather sweeping in your statements .
And as for ” powers for limiting options to the public ” , what! Meier has already said several nations of this planet their own ( UFO’s — general term ) . The Nazi’s had flying disc’s in the 1930 – early 40’s , did the governments tell every one ; no they did not ; did the CIA / NSA / KGB tell anyone , they did not , don’t you think Big oil knows nothing about this technology ? I so you should read some of those books informed people write .

As far as a ” donation generator ” goes ; do you think people should not earn some renummeration for their work ? Why do you pay for Meier’s books or is his stuff have some sort of exclusiveness and there only to have recompense for their hard work ? Sure not all material is of good value but that’s for people to sort out and that takes time and skill , due diligence .


Well Jacqueline this begs the question. If posting one link such as Chevron generates the negative response you have to oil companies above, what sense or purpose would there be to ‘prove to you’ when you have already made up your mind? You’re allowed to believe what you want but I’m not going to argue against your own beliefs.

This is why I generally worded things not directly at you but in a very general manner to those that use the peoples’ well meaning beliefs to make money from it. The premise is that people deserve “free energy”, or technology to vaporize your neighbors, is misleading on the grounds of good intentions alone. I’m quite well aware of the obvious points Mr. Meier says and one of them is remarkably the irresponsible use of science.

At the end, it will lead people to give their hard earned money away to other appearingly saintly people on a holy well meaning mission who probably know full well they cannot deliver on their intentions. Either because they are total frauds or the “powers to be” have some measure of responsiblity not to have the supposed “powerful technology” fall into the hands of dubious people or terrorists. In either case, the people would be mislead to believe tomorrow morning all their problems would be solved if the riddle of “free energy” was finally disclosed to the population. The proponents of this know this fact full well but twist it in a certain manner in that if you have faith something will turn around a dead end situation. Thus, on the grounds of the premise itself, “free energy” will not see the light of day. Much like disclosure will not lead to any real disclosure when the premise itself is shaky.

I would hope that no one with serious contemplation that believe in the existance of “free energy” would demand that death ray technology to be given to the irresponsbile mass of humanity at this very serious point in time in Earth humanity’s history.

Jacqueline Purtell

Hi Sarah , I’m not against Meier either , he is a good guy I feel . But he uses language in a form on occasion that can be confusing or even misleading . He is a very smart fellow as you know and therefore he would know exactly what he is doing . That’s why I have written my comment on Billy’s statement on ” Free Energy ” .

Billy is not the only information I seek out , I feel it’s good to have a broad view , a bit of balance and I do feel that what Billy puts out is worthwhile .


Yea, and you know I’ve sort of grown to stomach its actually coming from Billy.

Free energy is an interesting topic, I would like it if someday we found a way to get off oil. I propose an easing in period, so its not like, gas today, hot tamale…I mean free energy tommorrow!:D

Only to avoid economic collapse, but not rushing into it like a car running into a brick wall. Its kind of an odd catch-22 at this point, keep using it you burn up, rush into it and its hot tamale.

Jacqueline Purtell

Duke , that comment is utter nonsense , you have clearly shown your alliance .
You have obviously done no scientific work on the subject and the hysterics you employ are obvious and totally transparent . It’s interesting to see the connection of chevron to the discovery in South Australia .

So I would like to ask you — are you a paid shill .


For the record, I would like to thank Billy, Figu, Michael Horn, and a long list of other helpful folks that have done their best to make a common sense approach to our collective future without asking in return for any belief, pressure to conform in some religious manner, or even money. While the subject matter revolves around the always touchy UFO subject, it is greatly appreciated considering the “UFO” community maintains pretenses to intelligent discussion and usually resorts to beliefs to get anywhere.

Also for the record, I will not entertain silly conspiracies that would suggest being monetarily compensated or being in an alliance of some dubious agenda by merely replying to someone on a web log. People are allowed to believe what they want, however, they are ultimately responsible for their own thinking and should probably excercise some judgement before posting on the internet. In other words, I’m not responsible for your thinking.