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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Hillary Raimo Show: Decoding the Billy Meier Material

I want you to know that each month Hillary Raimo and I will be discussing information from specific contacts in the Billy Meier case with listeners on the airwaves. This month, on November 14, we will start with Contact 251.

Hillary & Michael


We invite you to join us for these discussions!

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Dyson Devine

Dear Michael (& Hillary if you’re reading this)

I just had the great pleasure of listening to your excellent – in fact, “unsurpassed” is no exaggeration – interview of October 3rd, 2013. Congratulations!–1600—Mind_Body_and_Spirit.mp3

For some mysterious reason, I hadn’t learned about it until I found it down the page in the achieveradio archives.

I’ve listened to every interview you’ve ever done, Michael, as far as I know, and I’ve gotta say that, over the last ten years or so, you have really gotten very good at your very difficult job, which is sort of the equivalent of describing the history of civilization in 250 words – an almost quixotic task. Not to mention that you have to be a much more agile tap-dancer than I am in order to properly finesse the dangerous Meier info in such a way that the recipient isn’t inadvertently choked to death by it. In 2013, we’ve all moved beyond the beamships and are thinking more about the nourishing “meat” of the Meier contacts, being the teaching of the truth, the teaching of life, the teaching of the spirit. And I’m delighted and excited that you and Hillary – who sure seems to me to have “the right stuff” – will be making a monthly habit of it. I can’t help thinking that she couldn’t know what she’s getting into. But as more (than a few percent) of the enormous German-language iceberg slowly surfaces in English, that will become more apparent.

Naturally, I wouldn’t be a friend if I didn’t attempt some loving, logical and constructive criticism. And there’s precious little of it because you both did so very well. But before you two go much further with your monthly interviews, I’d like to make two points – one serious, the other less so.

I hope that the use of the word “Pleiadians” can be better clarified, since this is an utterly VITAL concept for newbys, which allows the sorting of the wheat from the all-too-abundant chaff.

My other point relates to a slip of the tongue you made at 35:23 minutes into the interview. “The original pyramids were built over 72 or 73 million years ago …”. You may have picked this one up, Michael, but for those confused by this, I think you meant to say, “The original pyramids were built over 72 or 73 THOUSAND years ago …”

Like I said, that one’s not all that serious, and you got it right aside from the number of zeros, but until I bought vol 5 of the contact notes and read contact 222, I had somehow been left with the impression that the Giza Pyramids and Sphinx we see today are actually 72,000 years old, which was not correct, and what we have now was completely rebuilt only 4,500 years ago.

Due to our friend Benjamin Stevens and his remarkably useful (official) translation work of the contact notes, I can easily append the details in here* in English, if you feel you can afford the bandwidth. I like to be able to spread the excerpts around the Web for reasons of security.

And, one more thing please, in the form of a suggestion for the topic of your interview following the November 14th one about contact 251: contact 257(!!) – which I think should really come first – which reveals the ACTUAL facts and many gory details about the 20th Century history of UFOs and their despicable cover-up by the ruling criminal elite, who “literally walk over piles of human corpses” (as Billy puts it) to maintain their bloody grip on power over those of us they refer to as their “slaves” in their now openly published nauseating religious scriptures.

Keep up the great work!

*Billy, to Quetzal: “Then I once again have a question regarding the Egyptian pyramids, as I was also asked about them. Unfortunately, I no longer remember exactly what Ptaah, Semjase, and Asket explained to me, but somehow, I think it was said to me that the first pyramids were built around 73,300 years ago or so, but later dismantled again because they fell to decay, namely through rotting in the interior as well as through the weather. In particular, this refers to the Pyramids of Giza but also to many other pyramids all over the world. Afterwards, everything was rebuilt, which should have happened around 10,800 or 11,000 years ago. At this time, about 300 years before the Great Flood, a certain king Sahluk was the person of power, who ordered the dismantling and alteration of the Great Pyramid of Giza and allowed this to be carried out. But again, everything moldered over the course of the following millennia and fell to decay, so about 4,500 years ago, an enormous pyramid work resulted once more, as everything that was moldering and decaying was torn away, removed, and replaced; thus, accordingly, new stone blocks were cut and then dragged and set up by human power. At the same time, the main pyramid completely lost its internal structure and organization, and it was built anew under the strict power of Cheops and completely revamped. Therefore, one can very well say that the current pyramid of Giza can actually also be called the Pyramid of Cheops, even though its actual origin traces back to other and partly Earth-foreign builders from the constellation of Orion, and indeed, to a time of two stellar ages ago, one of which is reckoned as around 36,650 years, and thus, in a 2-times form, yields a time of 73,300 years, whereby this time must be set before the Islamic Hegira, however. And when we speak of the Pyramid of Giza, we always speak of the pyramid that must be seen as the original pyramid, even if today, the new production is addressed, which is, of course, already about 4,500 years old and is exposed to rotting and decay, and which also no longer exhibits its original measure of 152.5 meters in height but only 146 or 148 meters. This great pyramid, together with the others, is aligned in its formatting to the constellation of Orion, while the Khafre structure, I mean the Sphinx structure, was aligned to the constellation of Leo. The new pyramid, as well as all the others and the Sphinx structure, were built in more recent times, so about 4,500 years ago, solely by Earth people, by their own forces. The builders were early Egyptians, like also the largest part of the workers, who were free people and artisans to a certain part, while many others, who came in small numbers as slaves from other countries, had to perform their hard work, together with a small number of domestic slaves. That majority of the workers, however, was based on free Egyptians. For the purpose of the nourishment of all workforces, a veritable industrial food-city was built near the pyramid, and also mass campsites were provided for resting and sleeping, as well as tombs for the many deceased, who were at work there. That’s how I remember it being explained to me by you.”


Hi Dyson,

Does around the time the first rebuilding of the pyramid means something else may have happened the untranslated contact notes may give more information on? I cannot think of anything around 73k BC other than it being in the understood Middle Paleolithic era though artifacts increase in the Upper Paleolithic which is around 50K but it is after that date.

10k-11K years ago is a bit interesting as we’re starting to have the up tick in culture, war scars on bones (even of the archeologists “PR” their way to suggest something else other than ) and the Neo-lithic revolution. Of course, King Sahluk did something to help the good folks of early Earth Humanity here:

Interestingly, is this information correcting the contact report:
11. The actual time, which was handed down to you [Earthlings], of the deluge of the ark, is also greatly falsified, because it occurred nearly 100,000 years ago and therefore must be calculated to be very much earlier than the lifetime of King SAHLUK who had taken over an important role in regard to the pyramids. 11. Die wirkliche Zeit der Arche-Sintflut, die euch überliefert ist, wird auch sehr verfälscht, denn sie liegt nahezu 100000 Jahre zurück und muss also sehr viel früher berechnet werden, als die Lebzeit des Königs SAHLUK, der im Bezuge auf die Pyramiden eine wichtige Rolle übernommen hatte.

Are there different Deluge names? Is 100k years ago the “Ark Deluge” and the 10,800 years ago the “Great Flood/Destroyer Flood”? Would that be the right way to coin/phrase them?

Dyson Devine

Yo Duke,

To be frank, bro, I don’t much concern myself with what happened last week let alone in the Palaeolithic Era – which I can now only dimly remember – so I don’t recall if there’s any more info in this regard in the as-yet untranslated texts. And the 246th contact of 19 June, 1993, is about all I can find for you about the Great Pyramid, and it deals not with its age, but its size. It was a secret before ’93, and interesting enough for me to find the time to OCR, but I lack the current resources (read: “I’m too lazy”) to spend the time turning it into English. But it’s not long.

Suffice it to say that – unless I’ve screwed it up – if you multiply the Pyramid’s ORIGINAL exact height in meters to six decimal places – which, in kilometers, relates to one ACTUAL Astronomical Unit (distance from Earth to Sun) – by the ACTUAL number of elements in the periodic table, being 280, and then multiply THAT times 7, you get “today’s“ exact speed of light. Which not only implies that Rupert Sheldrake is also correct about the speed of light not being a constant, but that the Pyramid builders knew what today’s speed of light was going to be. Or not. (?)

Anyway, sorry I couldn’t be more helpful. But I append the pertinent bit in case anybody feels inclined to bang away at it before Benjamin reaches it.

Ever since the Plejaren & Swiss people discovered massive errors in the stated ages of super-ancient things within the early contact notes – and started getting irritated by the pesky chronologists trying to pin down the little things like the contradictions and the actual numbers of zeros – I’ve taken Billy’s good advice, turned my back on the entire topic of The Great Flood(s) (etc.) and tried to concentrate more on the here and now and how to fix it. So I’m not the one to help you there, Duke, although I’d like to. Good luck with it.


Billy Dann wiederum eine nächste Frage: Ihr habt mir einmal erklärt, dass im gesamten Universum deren 280 Elemente existierten – nachdem Guido durch Berechnungen darauf gestossen ist. Ich errechnete dann, dass die ursprüngliche Pyramidenhöhe der Pyramide von Gizeh 152,955347 Meter betrug, was ihr mir bestätigt habt. Ihr sagtet dazu auch, dass die heutige Höhe von rund 136,8 Metern dadurch entstanden sei, weil die alten Ägypter usw. dermassen viel Material von der Pyramide abgetragen
hätten, dass sie eben dermassen geschrumpft sei. Nun, die irdischen Wissenschaftler behaupten, dass die grosse Gizeh-Pyramide ursprünglich 146,6 Meter Höhe gehabt habe, was aber meinen Berechnungen und euren Aussagen gemäss nicht der Wahrheit entspricht. Die ursprüngliche Höhe betrug tatsächlich 152,955347 Meter, was in Kilometer umbenannt auch genau der Distanz Erde-Sonne und somit also einer AE, einer Astronomischen Einheit entspricht. Eine Tatsache, die der ungenauen Distanzangabe von Erde-Sonne durch die irdisch-astronomische Wissenschaft widerspricht. Interessant ist nun die weitere Berechnung, die ich damals angefertigt habe, und zwar nämlich, dass sich aus der genauen Pyramidenhöhe resp. aus der genauen Distanz Erde-Sonne und mit der Zahl der gesamten Elemente von deren 280 die heutige und sehr genaue Lichtgeschwindigkeit ausrechnen lässt, wenn man den multiplikationsfaktor 7 hinzuzieht. Die Rechnung lautet dann folgendermassen:

280 x 7 = 1960 x 152,955347 = 299792,48012

Also ist das Endresultat die heutige Lichtgeschwindigkeit, die 299 Tausend und 792, 48012 Kilometer pro Sekunde beträgt. Diese Rechnung durfte ich damals nicht öffentlich bekanntmachen, wie auch nicht
die genaue Zahl der Elemente. Die Frage dazu ist nun die, ob diese von mir erstellten Berechnungen noch immer der Geheimhaltung unterliegen müssen oder ob man nun offen darüber sprechen darf?

122. Zur weiteren Geheimhaltung liegen keine Gründe mehr vor.


I agree, best interview yet. In fact, I just listened to the recent 11/14 interview. I know you dont do it for the praise, Michael, especially from a lowly earthling no less, but (perhaps a holdover from my former religious delusions?)I cant help but give some praise: funny, informative, fun, well-spoken.
And to Hillary, if you checks in over here again, a warm thanks for giving the Meier material, through Michael, another platform. And, a job well done. As a new initiate, if you’re anything like me, be prepared to spend ungodly hours staring at a computer screen in amazement at the fascinating, voluminous material…
And its funny, seems Dyson’s comment somewhere below evoked a response from you about the logic vs intuition thing… don’t be offended by our resident intellectual hero! Ha. (Of course, I’m sure you weren’t offended, and surely, nor did he intend to offend…). In fact–if Dyson checks in here again–perhaps he can shed some light on the proper stance one ought take towards these feelings of apparent intuitive knowningness. Maybe Michael covered it satisfactorily in the interview, you ought take a balanced approach (that’s always a good answer, no?)–that is, use these intuitions not as basis to think you know something, but rather simply spur more intellectual, rational, digging into the matter…
Dyson, care to elaborate?

Marco K.

Hello Dyson,

regarding 9/11 the work of Swiss historian and peace researcher Daniele Ganser is very interesting:

I hope the Plejaren will clarify their information about explosives on the planes and give us more details about WTC 7 and whatever happened to the Pentagon that day. They are really holding back on this topic, probably because they don’t want to put Billy in danger.

Dyson Devine

Dear Marco K,

Thanks very much for pointing to Dr. Ganser’s 2011, 90 minute lecture, which I just finished watching with interest.

For naive believers in the Bush regime’s ludicrous version of events, it’s a good, broad-brush introduction to the massacre now commonly called “9/11” (“Illuminati” numerology for “power” and “terror”), and I’d like to particularly draw people’s attention to minute 3:30 in the final (Q&A) section of Dr. Ganser’s lecture where he discusses the problems of jumping to conclusions based of media reports – either in the newspapers if you’re 50, or the Internet if you’re 20 – as opposed to keeping an open mind, reading BOOKS and engaging in informed debate.

Presumably by now somebody had told him about Dr. Wood, and he’s moved beyond the “thermate” red-herring. Sadly, historians are rarely well informed about longitudinally-polarised, electromagnetic interferometers and the Hutchinson Effect.

I was particularly impressed with his closing remark: “We must stop killing each other based on a story we have not understood. That’s the whole thing.”

And, I agree with you, Marco, that Billy – having survived 22 assassination attempts – has to keep much more information from us than most of us FIGU friends can imagine, particularly among those who haven’t yet read the German material. As you’d know, there are many many places in the contacts where Billy is told things in private because it would be dangerous for him to relate them in public. Like the Apollo 11 hoax.

All the best!


Hi Dyson, it is my understanding that as this information becomes common knowledge, more information can be released. Who can forget watching Apollo 11 live and wondering how they managed to drop those cameras on a flyby and have them land upright and ready to film exactly in the spot where the eagle landed. I doubt they had cameras that could do that and no margin of error seems far fetched to me.
I’ve been reading a few books about area 51 and it seems Buzz Aldrin’s exclamation that “those babies are huge” is describing the many government craft lined up along side the crater at area 51.

Dyson Devine

Hi Sheila!

It seems that with the benefit of the Plejaren information that Apollo 12 was the first publicly revealed Moon landing – as opposed to the earlier secret ones which left all that “aerospace junk” behind on the Moon’s poles that they also told us about!* – one of the main, semi-official “cover stories” being promoted by NASA types to Steven Greer types (and briefly trustingly swallowed by ignorant Dyson types) went something like this:

When our heroic Apollo 11 astronauts touched down on the lunar surface, they found a large “welcoming party” of extraterrestrial spacecraft (“flying saucers in all shapes and sizes”), the unfriendly inhabitants of which proceeded to telepathically inform the Apollo 11 crew in no uncertain terms that they were NOT welcome. We could continue to pack rape our Earth if we wanted to but not extraterrestrial bodies like the Moon, etc. This tall tale fulfilled not only the function of strikingly derailing suspicious investigators who smelled a rat due to the photographic anomalies (etc.), but also sent the message that there were hostile aliens right next door that “the people must never know” about. Which is why we never returned, in spite of all the ballyhoo in the 1950’s & ’60 about how we’d go to the Moon for our holidays by the start of the 21st Century, the far side would be crowded with giant astronomical observatories taking advantage of the low gravity and absence of atmosphere, and so an and so forth.

And the primary cover story for Apollo 13 was that it was shot at and winged by unhappy extraterrestrials who had previously warned us NOT to take a thermonuclear warhead to the Moon but – being who we are – we took one anyway.

As one does.

Of course quite recently Billy has us told the REAL story about what Apollo 13’s mission was all about – namely planting (fake) evidence of Apollo 11 which would be in place and waiting for the Chinese, Japanese, cosmonauts of the 21st Century!

So when you detect a mask and manage to rip it off, you don’t reveal the naked face of truth, you just find another realistic mask underneath which is the next one down of several more, each more cunning that the last.

So historian Dr. Daniele Ganser read the material scientists’ reports that thermate was found in the WTC nanodust and tells us confidently, “There are only two choices: it was either airplane impacts or controlled demolitions.” I hope you listened to Hillary’s interviews with Judy Wood, Sheila. Whereas Silverstein admits on network TV that he decided to “pull” his building 7, in reality the top 80% of it was also “dustified” like buildings 1 & 2.

And do you recall the first video made of “Osama bin Laden” after the massacre, where he admitted gleefully to anticipating the “collapse” of the second tower? The little bearded guy didn’t even LOOK like bin Laden, but the next day I read that the German press had revealed that the English subtitles were actually NOT what the “look-alike” said in Arabic, so – back when I was naïve – I believed that it was the real Osama and the USA had just been up to it’s old trick again (still) with the translation. This was before we’d all seen enough (too many) of the standard issue images of Osama and his gun, etc., so it was an easy mistake to make, exactly as intended. It stopped me from seeing what really happened for months. And I had local catastrophes going on then too, so my attention was drawn to them.

The Plejaren tell us that there’re about 2 million (I think that’s the figure) spirit forms of ET origin currently enlivening earthlings, and a hallmark of those is high intelligence. Think of our history. Repeatedly a prison planet for criminal undesirables and dumping ground for the scum of the universe, a magnet for degenerate child-rapists and other loathsome perverts of the very worst kind, thieves, con artists, charlatans and sadistic ego-tripping homicidal maniacs. (Think: Jehovah, Baal and Osirus, etc.) I contend that THAT is why there are NOW so many “evil genius” Hitler-types like Dick Cheney, et al, running the planet who do this stuff in plain site and the normal people never even notice.

But look in the news and see what’s happening with the church’s child-molesters these days. The last Pope RESIGNED! That’s new. The happy ending is that their puppet masters were given the flick back in May 1978, and the strings of our untouchable paedophile elite are now growing noticeably slack.


*Billy: „Auch nimmt es mich wunder, warum die Amis eigentlich nie etwas davon hören liessen, dass es am Süd- und Nordpol des Mondes grosse Gebiete gibt, wo ständiger Tag herrscht, wie ich gesehen habe, als mir in meiner frühen Jugend im Jahre 1946 von Sfath und dann 1975 auch von Semjase die Möglichkeit geboten wurde, den Mond aus der Nähe zu betrachten und den Raumfahrt-Gerümpel zu sehen, den die Erdlinge dorthin transportierten.“

(Also it makes me wonder why the Yankees actually never allow anything to be heard regarding that on the South Pole and North Pole of the Moon there are big areas where daytime permanently rules, as I had seen, as in my earlier youth in the year 1946 from Sfath, and then in 1975 also from Semjase who provided the possibility to behold the Moon from up close and to see the aerospace-junk that the Earthlings had transported there.)

Dyson Devine

My comedian co-worker MH writes, “Here’s another roost from Dyson ..”

“Roost:? Huh? What is that? Modern US West Coast dialect/slang for “roust”?

1. N. AMER. – cause to get up or start moving; rouse.
“I rousted him out of his bed with a cup of tea”

2. informal – treat roughly; harass.
“the detectives who had rousted him the night of the murder”

Seemingly not. (But, OK, fair enough.)

So I look up “ROOST” in the Urban Dictionary –

1. roost – To burn rubber, shoot dirt, sling mud using your tires
“See that guy behine you? Roost all over his new car.”

2. roost – To spend a long time sitting on the toilet.
“Marcus likes to eat Mexican food and then roost in the upstairs bathroom for an hour or two.”

Ha ha! What a funster you are Michael! 🙂

Dyson Devine

Sure, pal!

I believe you!


Hillary Raimo

Thank you for your kind words. I am looking forward to working with Michael. I hope you all tune in next week for our 1st monthly show. If you have any suggestions or would like to request certain contacts for our monthly discussions please do so. It will be a live show so you are all welcome to call in and share in these discussions. Blessings, Hillary


Hello Hillary,

I suggest that you devote the whole show to just a one on one with you and Michael. I find that it’s a waste of time taking callers who want to talk mostly about themselves and their experiences, which most times have nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

I also suggest with the enormous amount of material related to the Meier case, much of which can be proved in a court of law, that you do a weekly show versus a monthly show. There are not enough days left in any of our lifetimes to truly cover all the material.

Dyson Devine

I fully agree with Schantz.

Marco K.

They should take callers, but make it clear beforehand that they have to stay on-topic and will be kicked off, if they blabber nonsense.

Marco K.

Great, I’m looking forward to it, Michael and Hillary. When will the show start exactly (time)? I’m nine hours ahead of PST, hopefully I can listen (and maybe join you) live. Please make another announcement one day or so before the show, with all the details, so no one forgets or misses it.


Salome Michael,

I wish you and Hillary all the best in your endevours. Hereby I want to thank Hillary for her courage! 🙂

In the end a “speaker” or a “commentator”, a “friend” or a “teacher” will be only measured on the relation/on how close she/he is/was on the truth(reality)… Dyson, even one lives in this world, one does not need to teach lies…. if one knows how to overcome the lousy and inhuman laws of our society, by which I mean mainly its constraints, by applying the creational laws, one can teach the good and creational, without being a missionary…. ;).

At least noone can tell me that Billy is saying nonsense… If one would have seen a projection of Billy with own eyes, heard footsteps, or other interesting stuff, then noone could say the contrary that the Plejaren are indeed as real as my parents and that Billy is genuine… 😉

Salome my friends and courage for the ordeals ahead 😉


… just before anyone comes to false conclusions….. my comment is aöso related to an earlier discussion with my friend Dyson ;). All I wanted to say is that one can teach good values, also if one is forced through law to teach certain topics that not always are coherent with reality… 😉 But it is up to everyone to find a good individual way to do so!

In the end what counts, is to bring warmth and love to others….. only…. one has to be strong enough to do that, in this overburden and egocentric world… 😉


Dyson Devine

Dear Nicolas,

I’m don’t know what you’re trying to say to me or about me and I’m confused by all the winking. Please feel free to speak bluntly to or about me. Thanks.


Darcy Wade Carlile

The doctor has some simple conclusions that stir my thoughts, however it is all based on her research and not knowing the truth so I am impelled to say keep on searching and find the truth. My opinion on free energy is it is still not free.


That’s probably because Dr. Steven Greer’s financial partner is Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace. And we all know, Bigelow Aerospace always gets first dibs.
Happy pre-Birthday!

Darcy Wade Carlile

The best next thing that is a real energy and in abundance 24-7 365 days for centuries to come is volcano geo thermal magna heat energy.

Darcy Wade Carlile

November 15 is my birthday and so I also wrote on my calendar to listen to the radio/internet show that airs on Thursday the 14th of Moevembuuur….Salome and work hard for peace.


Hi Dyson,

It’s not about you, it’s about the topic. 😉 We talked about it a few months ago via email, but found it important to bring it up. As my writing was not clear I will elaborate a bit ;).

If a person lives in a country where the free speech is bound to religious rules, or a normative or informative conformism like it is in the US, EU and many Asian countries, so to not fall out of the group in a negative way. Or if a person is in a job where that person is bound to some rules, f.ex as a teacher… of course one is still not allowed to give out knowledge that still has not been proven yet by our scientists, but were already given to Billy by the Plejaren in the 80’s and is thus, in fact lying on these topics because one knows it better but is only allowed, in a few cases, to give the erroneous knowledge, researched by our scientists…. So that’s the case, but one can regress the information to such an extent, in order to only give the essence and thus the wisdom of the information. One can talk a lot around the pot, without giving any useful information for the life of the person asking/who is concerned. For many it is at our evolutional state not so important to know that we have a twin universe and that Creation has so and so many higher stages above it… However it is important for many to learn how to create peace and calmness inside themselves….. This is especially hard in a world where the TV, radio ect. are throwing such an unbelievable huge amount of subliminal, suggestive messages on the populations that it has become really hard to come out of this never ending hamster wheel….. 😉 This can be done without falsifications and big talks, if one understood the core messages.. 😉 In my opinion, if one reads the Meier Material, one should try to really understand it, take out the essence of it and integrate it in the own life and this will be the starting point from where on, one really understood it and can give this applied knowledge also to others around oneself (family, friends ect.)…. This is hard work of course…… because it is not done only by reading it but by going out in the world, making experiences, meeting others, meditating ect… one has to learn on the field so to say….

To this is only to add, that to be able to come to such a stage at all, is to give others a chance to know about the “Meier Material”, like now Michael and Hillary are trying to do ;). So again thank you Hillary. 🙂


Dyson Devine

Dear Nicolas!

A-ha! NOW I’m on the same page! 🙂

Thanks for making the time and effort to clarify that for me. Our last private conversation was actually 10 months ago! Time flies when you’re having fun, eh?

Sorry I was so obtuse, Nicolas. Now I know what you’re saying and I agree that in these dangerous days we all have to be very careful with how much we say and how we say it – particularly for those of us who live in countries with criminally corrupt regimes where the citizen is victimised by crypto-fascist, “post- 9/11” laws – which cruelly mock the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly – and formally ratified by my country, Australia, on December 10th, 1948.

When carefully studying the contact notes, etc., it’s obviously very important to keep their advanced and loving ethical methodologies* in mind, in particular regarding the touchiest of topics – like Israel and the USA (and the Order of Darkness in general) the Church, free energy, crop circles, chemtrails, The Protocols, and so on and so forth. It’s a very long list which – for those with eyes to see – provides a very clever form of semi-plausibly-deniable advice to seek further for information.

I call it “the swamp gas effect” where the frightened sheep are comforted by laughably transparent explanations (like the “Lights over Phoenix” on March 13th 1997 were “military flares”) and those less burdened by intellectual cowardice will see through that immediately, and know to look deeper.

This is one of keys needed to “decode the Meier material”.

As Ptaah says,”Criminals, law-breakers, liars and con men/women etc. may, against the sense of truth and justice, not as such be named openly on your earth, and in fact not even then when their guilt has been proven or is otherwise obvious, because this is forbidden and made punishable through illogical and justice-adverse laws, through which criminals, law-breakers, liars and con men/women etc. are being protected in their actions by false justice and false laws.”

Mit herzlichen und lieben Grüssen! 🙂


Darcy Wade Carlile

Darcy Wade Carlile

Darcy Wade Carlile

Darcy Carlile Clear and present danger WW3 is inevitable unless the people of Earth create peace in themselves first and then in their family and outwardly to their communities, and so on, and so on. and so on.

31 minutes ago · Like

Darcy Wade Carlile

Truly the mission to peace is in the individual human being and to see the world once back in time to when you seen it the first time as a child.


Hey Michael. This is probably of topic but I heard you mention on the show how all gmo’s where not bad. The gmo subject only recently came to my attention and has worried me. Have you any links that you would recommend on the subject. Thank you for all your hard work.