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Monday, May 13, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Can You…SEE what You’re Looking At? (Part 2)

It seems that there’s always more than meets the eye…much to the discontentment of the skeptics who came out shooting first, to prove a hoax, rather than discover the truth. Rhal Zahi, who provided the new analysis of the WCUFO photos, has discovered a few more things about it.

I’ll let him describe it for you but first, so you have a reference point, the photo that he enhanced for further examination is this one:

WCUFO - gold

Now, in his own words:

“More on the WCUFO at night. In the attachment below you will see an enhanced image of picture 873. I think it is interesting because:

  • It shows the WCUFO was photographed from a hill and that the photographer was above the WCUFO.
  • There is terrain visible downhill. There is a pole below (part of a fence?) that projects a shadow downhill.

  • A walking path is visible.

  • There is a halo around the WCUFO that extend upwards. I have no idea what this halo could be.

  • There are no wires, or any other supporting mechanism. It is freely flying in the air?

WCUFO with Halo
WCUFO with Halo

You may play with picture 873, with PhotoShop, enhancing details to obtain this image.”


And here’s another enhanced version of the same nighttime WCUFO photo by Savio:

WCUFO brightness and contrast enhanced by Savio
WCUFO brightness and contrast enhanced by Savio

Savio: “Details of the pole can be seen as well, obviously it is in focus and close to the UFO.”


So it seems that the very laborious efforts by the skeptics, along with all of their arrogant false assumptions, accusations and conclusions, are further shredded and relegated to irrelevancy. And the reality of the WCUFO becomes ever clearer thanks to what is revealed when the details are no longer hidden in the dark of night.

Indeed, it’s a metaphor for the Billy Meier case itself, as the most important story in all of human history, which has actually been hidden in plain site for decades, now begins to shine the light of truth on a world too long dwelling in deep darkness.

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Very interesting image, thanks Rhal Zahi.

Photoshop is very powerful tool, well if you don’t use it to fool people 🙂

Marco K.

Great stuff! Take that Skeptics! I can’t wait to hear, how they will try to explain this away.


I showed a friend of mine these photos and the first question was this, “why does this look like it was made in the 70s?”. My question to him was how do we know what UFOs from the 70s look like? With no other real clear proofs of other UFOs how can my friend assume that this is from the 70s? Sure the photo was taken in the 80s but I guess because it doesn’t look like the B2 stealth bomber than this can’t be deemed a UFO.

Jim Deardorff

Yes, thanks Rhal for pointing this out. Now, can anyone locate a photo taken around 1981 that shows the base of the hillside south of the main residence well enough, so as to pin down that pole and footpath?

Rhal Zahi

It seems the story behind this picture is more fantastic that it looks like. Investigating more on how Billy took this picture, Billy is reporting he was sit on another WCUFO, the small one (3.5 meters), and he took the picture, from above, to a WCUFO of 7 meters flying on a terrain near the village of Rotenthurm, at around 2 am. It was like the pictures taken during the day, when Billy was on the big WCUFO taking pictures of the small WCUFO behind the treetops. This WCUFO size of 7 meters is consistent with the pole high. So this picture was not taken close to the SSSC. Billy case is full of surprises and new evidence will be available day after day.


some”blinds” are still saying it is a fake, but they are unable to prove it.

Mark Hunziker

Tho skeptics are frustrating to no end, healthy skepticism is still a good thing. After so many years in this field, so many of us, including myself, just don’t need more evidence to keep from crossing a certain line. Apparently, our social order is such that it requires collective denial. Some people just can’t endure the fear barrier, or things which are yet unknown. We must give them their due while the rest of us can entertain all kinds of possibilities within our spectrum of considerations. I would not want to be back where I once was and had so much work to do in order to get to my awarenesses today. And, therefore, I am joined to this great company of courageous explorers. For that I give thanks to people like Billy Meier, Michael Horn and every intelligence which offers up ways for all to expand ourselves.


Funny how an inanimate object can be such a threat to religious people. It just goes to show how silly their beliefs really are. It’s just… an object!

However I remember catching myself at times growing up asking questions that were so pointless to anything and that only served to confuse rather than simplify. So I stopped myself at times and stayed inside the practical. Like you said, we’ve just gotta realize that here we are (we do exist) and we’ve got work to do.

I think it’s all too common for religious people to let themselves go too far into those very impractical self contradicting things. So when reality hits them in the face, it’s a real shock bucket of cold water and they just knee jerk and then avoid it. This is a big reason why the spirit teaching is so important for the survival of our world.

Jacqui Purtell

Hi Michael , This is just an idea regarding W.C. ship and the possible ” field” encompasing the ship and rising vertically , as claimed by Zahi , I wonder could this be the signiture of dark energy which has an anti-gravitic reaction ( repels so called normal matter ) and since the craft is close to the ground and due to the nature of dark energy to be repelled from matter, an upward direction would be likely .

das devil

The case of Dark Matter and Dark Energy are fictions based upon literal misunderstands of plasma physics in an environment that is primarily plasma. The reason dark energy and matter are hypothesized is because the key chink in a plasma universe understanding is the glaring part of not being able to determine a power source for making galaxies spin like homopolar electric motors. The primary observations of phenomena in space can mainly be explained by pure plasma physics which are lab tested and experience approved science. The thing is that particle physics is a sub group plasma physics but the majority of astronomers and cosmologists fail to understand and recognize the patterns exhibited by space phenomena are cut and dry plasma patterns. The only literal explanation which cannot be explained by plasma physics is gravitational lensing. The really ridiculous part of space physics is the red shift phenom used as a doplar radar is actually to simplistic for lone use of distance determination because optical photos have numerous examples of showing quasars in front of dense galaxies, as confirmed by the late Halton arp who was Hubble’s assistant in the past.

Standard Model of particle physics based cosmologists are always surprised by the discoveries they make while plasma scientists have a ridiculous record of accurate predictions with no surprises found.

Kind of the parallel with Billy’s case, the people who bash plasma universe models literally have no understanding of the universe they live in and angerly lash out by using ignorrance as a sword because of the idiotic belief of outer space being inherently electrically neutral when all examples of every comet ever seen is a plasma effect caused by charge neutralization resulting in x-rays from comets, and not the naive story of ice melting because recent photographic evidence of comet nuclei shows that comet material substance is rock looking akin to any other asteroids we have clear photos of.

lastly, the predictions based on gravity for the hidden planet in the Oort cloud practically matches the mass of the Destroyer being roughly the mass of Neptune or so.


It looks tasty. The Plejaren that designed this ship must have been hungry!

Taro Istok

If anyone hasn’t played around with the image settings for photo #873 yet but has wanted to, I’ve come up with some simple starting points as well as a simple click-and-go solution: If you have Photoshop, go to

Adjustments > Equalize

That’s it. You’re done. For the tinkerers, I have the other settings in self-explanatory screenshots since it would be a little tedious to write(and read). For those who don’t have Photoshop I also have settings for Mac’s Preview:

Have fun 🙂

Taro Istok

Robbins, eh? Hmm. Trying to decide if he’s worth the time. He doesn’t appear to have very much traffic judging from the number of comments. But I’ll definitely take a closer look at his wordpress site. I’ll have to see where the best place would be to bring it up. I wouldn’t want to give him any reason to block my comments or ban me.

Billy Wilson

Taro Istok, Thank you so much for the work you have just done with the WCUFO pictures. I am just starting to work on a copy of it with current knowledge with moving parts to give to Michael so he can use as thought provoker. I was looking at using high voltage for lift as T Brown did, but you just showed me with your work the streamers I had not seen before. I need to try high voltage electrostatic charge instead., you made everything smaller and lighter, Thank you so much!!

Taro Istok

You’re welcome but I really didn’t do all that much. I was playing around with the settings as per Rhal Zahi’s insights and thought I’d save others the trouble of getting started. Screenshots were easier than typing out all the settings, so, no big deal. BTW, I have no idea what you’re talking about with the streamers(the halo?) but whatever insights you have found are thanks to Rhal.

Billy Wilson

In the third frame in the back of the enhanced photo there appears small blue streams flowing upward like water flowing down a small stream, and the purple is forming a pulling up force, not a push like a helicopter. Like a vacuum cleaner aimed at the sky. Thanks again

Taro Istok

Ok. I think I see what you’re referring to. It’s what the skeptics think is a fold in a fabric backdrop. These also appear in Rhal’s original enhancements. In any case, I’m glad I could help if I did. It’s one of the reasons I posted the settings: Meier’s evidence is being continually validated and one person may discover something others have not yet seen.

Alternatively, those with extra time on their hands should run Phil Langdon’s attempts through the ringer to see what comes up:

The differences become even more apparent under the scrutiny of software technology. However, for those who accept this mission, be warned: BARTHOLOMAUS HAS POSTED FALSE INFORMATION AND HAS NOW BEEN MADE AWARE OF IT. Some of Billy’s photos are mixed into these galleries. One has to wonder whether this was due to incompetence or dishonesty:

Sheila Clark


Taro Istok

Also, whatever you’re working on sounds interesting. Hope you post about it when you have something working.

Billy Wilson

Taro Istok, It was listening to the sounds that really got my attention ,part of which was one of those I know that sound moments. That was when it me this a gift for all of us to take and run with it. I’ll take what I know and give it away to someone that can show to others that may have the pieces I Missed. Together we can form a change.

Taro Istok

You have the right idea. Good luck with the project.

Jagtar Sohal

Very good work Taro..:-)

Taro Istok

Thanks, Jagtar.