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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Vegetarianism Is worse than…Smoking

Some people cringed when Billy Meier published a contact conversation with Quetzal, one of his Plejaren contact people, in which he was told that vegetarianism is actually worse than smoking.

Of course he also pointed out the other nutritional deficiencies and negative health impacts, such as are mentioned in this latest study.

Of course there’s additional information on how much of the real blame for lung cancers attributed to smoking actually is due to radiation and radioactivity from various sources,which of course our government (and probably others) keeps well concealed. Smoking obviously isn’t harmless and Meier himself quite smoking many years ago.

And a relatively small part of the population may do well with vegetarianism. As for being a vegan (the more extreme vegetarian kind, not the extraterrestrials from Vega) from what I understand, there isn’t a single vegan race, i.e. a race, or culture, with any verifiable history of veganism. Veganism is yet another daffy kind of “mental dietetics” created by, well, really out of balance…vegetarians, you know, the kind that smile all the time, look kind of translucent and don’t stand up well in a stiff wind. Again, exceptions apply but they are…exceptions.





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that does it … I’m having pepperonis on my whole-wheat veggie pizza tonight !


I have read FIGU and BEAM for over 15 years. Although I deeply respect the truth published by FIGU, I don’t agree that vegetarianism is worse than smoking and since FIGU and BEAM don’t represent a ‘cult’, I will prefer to have my own view. 99% of all research states that meat eating lifestyles are far more dangerous to your health than vegetarian ones. I think this post by TheyFly is both incomplete and a bit reckless in my view. But of course, as with anything, there are “believers” and then there are those who study science. I prefer the scientific approach and this Austrian study is deeply flawed. It is a very short term study, and doesn’t even use a “control group” (a requirement of all scientific analysis). It does not account for various lifestyle factors and therefore the study is (sadly) going to be used by meat eaters to push an agenda, even if the data accumulated is not necessarily reliable based on scientific criteria.


Just throwin this out there:

Could it not be the case that pro-vegan studies are flawed because vegans tend to be more health conscious individuals (albeit, misguided), and thus live otherwise healthier lifestyles than their meat eating counter parts?

Also, I found this:

I don’t know if I agree with every point in the article I link here, and indeed I only skimmed it, but it mentions, as Michael suggests above or below, that (despite persistent claims to the contrary), there are NOT loads of studies in support of veganism. No doubt a “plant-based diet” is best – no one is saying otherwise – but as suggested by my linked article,and Michael’s linked study, and by Billy and the P’s, animal proteins may be…vitally important

I would add further, since we are all throwing around anecdotes — I don’t eat a lot of read meat, never really liked it. I do eat chicken and fish, both of which have only very minimal amounts of creatine, whereas red meat has an adequate portion. When I started supplementing with creatine (though I am not trying to be a body builder!) I indeed noticed greater energy, greater strength, and greater mental power. Studies bare this relationship out as well. This may be one of the key nutrients of the several or many that those “translucent, don’t stand up well in a stiff wind”-types are missing out on. My two cents…

Oh, two more cents – not only is contamination a problem as Michael suggests, most meat eaters… eat way too much of it, thus further skewing any pro-vegan studies that do exist; they are comparing “health nuts” with joe 18 ounce porterhouse.

“The dose is the medicine…”

Oh, one more cent–overly processed meats. These are bad indeed, thus skewing any pro-vegan diets further still. Based on my research, (not my belief Paul!), vegan diet vs plant-based plus moderate amounts of non-processed meats…the latter trumps nearly every time.

But of course, you are free to disagree; in fact, your thoughtful, respectful dissent was a breath of fresh air here. Regards.


*Of course when I refer to “plant-BASED diet” in second paragraph above, I am referring to the diet rich in vegatbles, fruits, nuts, etc, but which allows for moderate portions of meat/dairy.

Jo waite

Ive been a vegetarian for 30 years, and I’m fine!!!

wayne jones

Just sad miss-information in the form of cliched rhetoric by those wishing to justify there own addiction to flesh consumption. Have a look a the whole picture.

Phil Maple

Both sides of my parents grandparents were all happy meat eaters and smokers (grandfathers only) and they all lived to around 90-100. I love meat and with this confirmation from the Plejaren about meat I’ll happily continue eating it till the day I die! 🙂

Marco K.

Just like the radical feminism movement, there is also a radical vegetarianism, an even worse veganism and still worse fruitarianism movement out there. The last one produces a leaf-in-the-wind-type body like this:


Good link Michael , thank you !
We must be careful because many videos exist online now whereby super fit looking guys are pushing a vegan lifestyle to achieve these states of “super fitness”.
I myself love poultry and fish, eggs and cheese, and try to mostly stay away from red meats.

Philip Brandel

It is one thing to eat meat and another to wish to disassociate with the treatment of the animals from our inhumane procurement of their life sustaining energy. Seems more people try and go self sufficient to at least have what is needed Have to almost for what we have turned the ‘meat’ industry into here in the U.S and abroad..
Almost my entire life I have been around chickens and different farm animals. My dad had a hobby farm for parts of his life and would raise all sorts of animals. We could see where our meat came from and didn’t always have to support the industrial machine. My brothers wife raises rabbits which is an interesting choice. I have not tried(eaten any) it though a lot of people these days are raising them as food. Multiply like bunnies….
Seems some vegetarians find their path based on the insane treatment of the billions of animals slaughtered for our selfish needs. I don’t blame them or see it any different and I will always be a meat eater. I know as far as I can count of hand 2 sisters, one brother in law, niece and nephew and at least two or three other people that are vegan/vegetarian. As eating eggs, etc, etc is all different. Depending where you get your information 3-5% of the U.S. population is vegetarian(less for vegan). Or like India where something like 500 million out of the 1.2billion is vegetarian(In their religion).
Though as the Plejaren also say and in a way makes sense on a personal level. Eating fruits, vegetables and meat is a seemingly positive/negative balance to one another. One needs the other to find a better balance in consciousness, thoughts, feelings, growth within humans.
My two sisters became vegetarians when they were in their late teens(growing up with a meat eating family wasn’t always easy for them!). They always talked about how when they first started it they didn’t take good care of themselves and suffered hair loss and protein deficiencies. They had to learn, think, and dedicate way more time to getting their body what it needed. Thus, they eat VERY healthy! To the point that would put most meat eaters to utter shame, as they both do to me. In my book, having my sisters as examples, if I ate like them with a small diet of meat added it would be perfect!
I am all about being nice and just with other living creatures.. and I hope someday we can get over our fear of altering our food supply in a positive and meaningful way. Not to poison and destroy nutrients for growth/resistance but to alter for something more humane and positive. Yet, is interesting how many people are against animal cruelty and also against any meaningful genetic engineering to alter our food supply correctly to curb these dilemmas. Its against gods will… yet, alter our food to almost utter poison? Monsanto had no justice at the hands of Bush and others that stifled real genetic research while supporting their lunatic companies ‘shareholders’.
Though I guess it has to come down to numbers. Without a birth stop we are never going to find a good way out of our need for mass production with minimal value. There are to many of us on our beautiful blue world and ones again it comes down to the insanity of our sheer numbers.

Les Gabriel

There are cultures all over the world, because of isolation and personal preference. Their are cultures all over the universe,I am confident that they also developed in the same way. Mimicing is for monkeys and children imitating their parents. We share a lot of “dna” with many extraterrestrial people. I am confident that they are their own culture, otherwise it could turn out to be very boring. We would be wise to listen to them. Perhaps one day we will be, somewhat, like the plejarans,hopefully not clones.


The fast food mystery meat is always a concern especially after my nephew mentioned the McDonalds truck is always picking up dead or sick animals from the auction mart. He used to work at McDonalds and said that “100% Pure Beef” is the name of the company, not actually what’s in the meat. Although I’m sure McDonalds will tell you otherwise but will fail to mention the health of the animal beforehand. Feedlots are notorious for mass injection of antibiotics which in turn causes us to become resistant to antibiotics. And you don’t have to look any further than hospitals to see the MRSA and other superbugs killing people left, right and centre. Pork seems to have a lot of parasites which people get from eating it. Chicken seems to be okay if they haven’t been fed the roundup wheat chaff that is made into chicken feed. My concern with fish are the high levels of mercury and it’s not recommended too many times a week. Also in a contact report it said that BSE turns into Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) a number of years later, which explains why so many have Dementia and Alzheimer in their old age. Personally I try to cook mostly organic meat and usually buy the animal myself from a trusted source.


Lets look at this from a natural perspective. Humans are omnivores and we can say that is a fact based off the development of human teeth. When a human strictly eats meat there are adverse health effects. So why couldn’t the same be believed about humans strictly eating vegetables? Our bodies are designed to accept and process both foods. When someone has a food addiction to meats only, we would say the have some eating or mental disorder but we wouldn’t dare call vegetarians as having eating or mental disorders (no offense to those who are vegetarians/vegans). Another thing we know is that too much of something isn’t good for our bodies either, whether its meats only, vegetables only, or even too much water. This is why to me it makes sense to have a good balance in our diets that consists of meats, grains, and vegetables.


A couple months ago a Health Canada employee showed up at my place of work to check out our cigarettes. The new federal law states that all cigarette packages had to have the new 75% gross picture instead of the old 50% gross picture. They were out checking for compliance. She mentioned that she had confiscated $1,200 worth of cigarettes from one business and with no compensation to the business. I never said anything to her (in case she got sidetracked) but my thoughts were on all the disgusting mystery meat from Sysco and nasty beverages that are sold and they only care about cigarette packaging? Wasn’t our tax dollars put to good use (insert sarcasm here)?

matt lee

Well Sheila I think that lady got paid by the tax payer to get free smokes off you and I wouldn’t be surprised of that lady is a pack a day smoker.
Gee these free riders.


My aunt was a vegetarian for 30 years and finally quit because she was noticing (on her own) that it was affecting her health and energy levels very badly. Same goes for my uncle.

The only three anorexics I know personally are either vegetarian or vegan. I don’t know any other vegetarians or vegans. They are all three completely unrelated in family or social circles.

Darcy Wade Carlile

After much digesting of the Meier material I found that I don’t get hungry much when my health is good.

Mark Nail

Wow I’ve been a vegetarian 40 years vegan the last 30 , people mistake me as 10 to 20 years younger. Now it’s worse than smoking, like to see the science and proof of that. I work constuction and have a farm and work my **s off ! I’m muscular and fit at 56 like to see what shape this **shole is in.

Phil Maple

Your health and insides would probably be in better shape if you also ate meat as part of your healthy vegetarian diet and lifestyle. If you disagree, are you suggesting that the Plejaren are talking rubbish about the benefits of eating meat?