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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Vegetarianism Is worse than…Smoking

Some people cringed when Billy Meier published a contact conversation with Quetzal, one of his Plejaren contact people, in which he was told that vegetarianism is actually worse than smoking.

Of course he also pointed out the other nutritional deficiencies and negative health impacts, such as are mentioned in this latest study.

Of course there’s additional information on how much of the real blame for lung cancers attributed to smoking actually is due to radiation and radioactivity from various sources,which of course our government (and probably others) keeps well concealed. Smoking obviously isn’t harmless and Meier himself quite smoking many years ago.

And a relatively small part of the population may do well with vegetarianism. As for being a vegan (the more extreme vegetarian kind, not the extraterrestrials from Vega) from what I understand, there isn’t a single vegan race, i.e. a race, or culture, with any verifiable history of veganism. Veganism is yet another daffy kind of “mental dietetics” created by, well, really out of balance…vegetarians, you know, the kind that smile all the time, look kind of translucent and don’t stand up well in a stiff wind. Again, exceptions apply but they are…exceptions.





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Jay B.

I read a lot of articles about that crazy Austrian study and I guess they forgot to include some really important facts. Being a vegetarian can not be worse than eating pork meat, I can not believe this. I really don’t think that vegetarianism can cause cancer, guys. Don’t you think that there is something wrong with that study?

kayfun lite tank

Thanks for finally talking about >Vegetarianism Is worse than…Smoking <Liked it!

Rasmus Outzen

A “DWS” gave a good comment to the mentioned article:
“Even though I partially agree with this conclusion, it is still obvious that this study is junk. To be honest, the vast majority of health studies done these days is total junk, for the simple reason that studies are extremely expensive, and independent public organisations do not have the funds, so most of them are done by for-profit corporations, and no sane corporation is going to invest money into a study unless they have a certain return on that investment via a catchy newspaper headline starting with “Scientists say…” which endorses their own products. So they either already know the outcome (so why do another study for something that has already been proven?), or they are able to control the outcome by careful protocol design, which exaggerates what they want to promote, and under-reports any negatives. This is extremely easy to do if you are paying for the study, especially in the health sciences where studies cost up to tens of millions, and you know that it is very unlikely the study will be repeated to verify that your data and conclusions were correct.

My personal understanding of healthy diets comes from studying evolutionary biology, which leads me to the conclusion that unprocessed meat, fat, and vegetables (in that priority order) is the healthiest diet for humans. As it is for all animals; the healthiest diet is the diet their ancestors evolved to eat.

It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. All the rest is corporate-funded PR designed to confuse you.”

Rasmus Outzen

What a mentally bright fellow this one is! I tend to follow people of mental clarity, once I discover them.


He may want to add how Round-Up kills everything in that field (except for toad flax which has now become Round-Up resistant and is toxic to cattle and will kill them). Then it rains and the run off ends up in the nearest stream which runs into the nearest river which leads to the bodies of water where we get our drinking water from.


Wow this is so dumb. You can look up thousands of clinical studies on veganism that show you can be completely healthy on an all plant based diet. Every human body needs macro and micro nutrient. And adding phytochemicals can greatly improve your health. And you can put on tons of muscle mass, just as much as a omnivore. And contrary to this anecdotal blog, its a medical outlier when a vegan is nutritionally lacking or physically sick.

And on top of all of that it’s so much more compassionate. I’ve been a vegan for 7 years and lift 6 times a week. Google vegan athletes.

And anthropology, and anatomy, and even social experiments involving young toddlers show were are more inclined for a vegan diet. We as humans don’t do well with eating raw flesh and blood as a species. And if you out berries or a little mouse in a area with a kid while its hungry it never reaches for the animal. Instead even when hungry theg desire to pet and hold the animal. While as actual carnivores , baby kittens, will not even be hungry and kill the mouse. And carnivores enjoy the smell of rottening flesh, but humans don’t.

cece pham

I just wanted to say one thing … I believe that all humans need a balanced nutrition to sustain a healthy lifestyle.Too much or Too little of something will be harmful in the long run..Balance is key… Lately it just seems those that are Vegan around me are acting like they are in some kind of cult…It’s very annoying and disturbing. Most of them look very thin and sickly but they seem to have the most energy when it comes to speaking vegan living vegan eating vegan. All i’m saying is leave non vegans alone. You eat what you want live the way you want but stop telling me I’m heartless because i eat meat.


I think people say vegetarians and vegan are unhealthy because they want to eat mean and feel threatened by people doing something different. There are unhealthy vegetarians and vegans, but that’s because they don’t know what they are doing and haven’t adjusted what they consume for nutrition correctly. Just like a lot of meat eaters pay little attention to what they eat. No, there is ABSOLUTELY no rule that fits everyone, and that very much includes the contention that vegetarians and vegans are less healthy than others.

Andrew Grimshaw

I beg to differ. If we are talking about people born on this planet, how many people are there that don’t need to inhale the air of this planet into their lungs to stay alive?

matt lee

Good point Andrew very intelligent point.

Andrew Grimshaw

Thanks Matt,
I try to be 😉
You see, it’s just that I have been having a few cognitions around the subjects of similarities and differences, of late.
The above is an example of a similarity and a difference would be that some don’t care about the quality of the air we all need to breathe.
Another example would be Sky-Daddy, mine is the only one or at least better than yours, even though the concept is the same.

Your 6 kids need twice as much food as my 3, so twice as much resources need to be expended to prepare the arable land, sow the seed, water the plant, protect the plant, harvest the yield, package the produce, transport the produce, get the produce on the shelf with profit included price ticket, swipe the produce at the checkout, bags to put the produce in, prepare the produce for eating: energy to see the produce in the dark, energy to apply heat to the produce if need be, water to apply heat to the produce if need be, water and detergent to clean the cutlery and plates.
TWICE as much of everything, except edible condoms.
To hell with the very same environment that both of us need to be at a certain quality and quantity to make all of the above possible; I want, I want I want……. to be different, so I must compete.
You only fool yourself, this is not a competition, no really, you are not my competition.
It’s as if you think that despite it being you that is the cause of the disappearance of the required environment, it will not actually disappear for you, but only me. My Magik god!!??!!
Like I said, you are not my competition.

They fail to see that more or better material possessions does not equate to more or better consciousness, knowledge, love, peace……. you know, all the valuable things.
In fact, I have observed that it takes much less consciousness, knowledge, love, peace……. you know, all the valuable things to have, have, have, consume, consume, consume, destroy, destroy, destroy, etc., etc., etc., ……. you know, all the unvaluble things.

A long time ago someone saw that another person had more and/or better than they (difference), but instead of saying to oneself (similarity), I could learn to do what it takes to have that too (similarity) or if I don’t have the ability (difference) then I could get that person to do it for me in exchange (similarity) for me doing something for them that I CAN do, they just robbed the other of that thing (difference).

It boils down to needs and wants. We all need (similarity) certain things. Some want (difference) certain things and will think, feel and act differently to the majority of us to see to it that they get what they want, at any cost to themselves and others. It makes them think that they are different, even better than others.

All of us, for eternity, will have our different consciousness and yet the same source of power that allows that consciousness and the energy and space to be conscious in.

Much Love, Peace, Freedom and Harmony to all…….yet.

Sheila Clark

I think a lot of it has to do with your ability to defend yourself. If you are unable to defend yourself, when that time comes, what good is a vegan lifestyle?