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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Billy Meier: Regarding Terrestrial Astrology

There is barely any professional astrologer around the world who has the required information in order to reckon the character of any individual, or the outcome of any happening, or even to predict the future, etc. As a matter of fact the information and the basic knowledge respectively, that the astrologers always referring to, in terms of their calculations, etc., aren’t reliable anymore, because these information are based on star constellations that were observable from Earth around 2,000 years ago. But in the meantime the position of Earth has changed profoundly, hence the observable constellations have changed significantly as well, which means, that nowadays the basic knowledge of astrology is antiquated and therefore no longer accurate at all. As a result of this fact unfortunately all astrological calculations that are based on the antiquated information aren’t accurate and reliable these days as well.

With regard to the stars and its constellations, there is no astrological influence or impact to human beings, that control or even dictate either the thoughts, the feelings and deeds or even the destiny of any human being. Astrology is basically the teaching of the central sun – which is located in the very centre of our galaxy – and its galactic radiation and waves, which have an “influential” range as far as the edge of our galaxy and even beyond it, which means that the central sun sends its radiations and waves through the galaxy. And depending on the position of any solar system, and of its particular sun and planets, these radiations and waves are not only deflected or diffracted by the positions of any sun and its planets but are also mingled with the individual radiations and waves of the sun and each planet. Furthermore there is also an amalgamation with the cosmic radiation that eventually leads to a mixture of the radiations and waves of the central sun, the particular solar systems with their suns, planets and moons as well as the cosmic radiation itself. And depending on how the positions of the suns and their planets and moons of any solar system precisely are, this mixture of radiations and waves differ – as the result of the different deflections, diffractions and compounds – not only in its strength but in its consistency as well.

Well, this mixture of radiations and waves is constantly being absorbed by any living form. And regarding Earth and its living forms it is also being absorbed by any human being, but always in a neutral way, which means that this mixture of radiations and waves doesn’t affect any single human being in a controlling or even compulsory way. These radiations and waves only have a kind of “moving on” effect and a kind of a slight “animation” effect respectively on any living form and thus on any human being as well. Due to fact that these mixture of radiations and waves are disseminated around and through the entire galaxy and are absorbed by all living forms in a neutral and unconstrained way, it is therefore up to any living form, whether it wants to use the effect of the these radiations and waves either positively or negatively, hence these radiations and waves don’t affect the free will of any human being at all.

Based on the law of cause and effect, it’s always based on the responsibility of one’s own thoughts and feelings, as THE cause, whether any human being is happy or unhappy, and therefore it’s always the cause of their own thoughts, feelings, deeds and behaviour that form their own destiny in a good or bad way. Hence there are no natural influences in the entire universe that could force any healthy human being to anything that he or she doesn’t want to. It’s always lying in one’s own thoughts and feelings that determine, whether a human being either deals with influences positively, hence he or she can use them for his or her own benefit, or whether he or she lets any kind of influences affect him or her negatively. According to this fact there is no astrological power at all, that determines the destiny of humankind, and whether or not any human being is happy, wins in lotto, has a good relationship to his or her relatives, or whether there are good or bad happenings in his or her life, etc.

It’s always the sole responsibility of any human being and of his or her own thoughts, feelings, deeds, attitudes and behaviour that determine the destiny of life, and whether or not any human being is happy, copes with any problems in a positive and constructive way and keeps walking on the right path of life. The preconditions of any behaviour patterns of the personality and its character of any human being are based on genetic origins, as well as on good or ill-breeding by parents or legal guardians, as well as by a good and honest self-discipline and “self-education” respectively. Hence every human being is the smith of his or her own destiny and fortune. Of course there is a kind of “destiny”, in the form of many influences, given by the environment, which affects any human being, but it’s always relying on one’s own responsibility and on one’s own thoughts and feelings, whether any human being copes with and utilizes this “external” destiny negatively or positively.


From Billy Meier, August 2014, translated by Patric Chenaux

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To ALL the people BEATING UP on Tony Astro!

You people, this blog, this whole mission you are pounding away on, it is a DISGRACE! The man has been booted off this blog. Stop talking about him if you don’t have something spiritual to say! Most, not all, of the people posting here are just as ignorant as poor Tony in their own WAY, including the people in charge. Sure they may be following the Figu rules, touting the party line, and paying tribute to MH at every corner… so they can blend in.

Granted Tony would not reason, and discuss things in a logical manner so that we ALL could learn something here! And he had no right wishing all the blog participants bad will. He was wrong, pure and simple; and Tony needed to be banned. BUT HOPEFULLY NOT FOREVER!!!!!

We are all human beings, and we make mistakes. This is part of your mission by the way, to allow for them and to make corrections. Anyone of us, backed up in a corner, all alone, with a gang of people pushing HOW bleeping much Figu they know, and how they know better than Tony, would snap. Factor in that poor Tony has made a career out of his practice, 35 years I think. This man has a lot invested in this! This may be his life! Stop and think people. Poor Tony lost it one day; and we all would!… put in similar circumstances. ME TOO, dear Tony if you are watching. I am guilty as hell too. I am not a phony like the rest of the people here. But you know what my friend (I told you dear Tony I was your friend and you thought nothing of it at the time) when my world crashed, I rebuilt it!!!!! Goddamn it, Tony I bleeping rebuilt it! This is why there is reincarnation and proof that things can improve, the law of evolution! So I fixed it. And you can too!

Tony my man, if I where you, I would take Meier’s info and adjust your practice with what you can learn from Billy Meier, and be a leader in Astrology. If you can just calm yourself, and find your balance, try to have an open mind like a child and just give Meier’s astro info a chance. If you find anything useful to yourself, you could really be unique in the market place among your competition because you would be trying to apply the truth. Advertise Billy Meier. Advertise the Plejaren. Put a beamship on your business card! You are improving your Earth bound astrology with help from the Plejaren! This is killer. I would buy!

Best regards,

PS- Charles, please give this note to Tony if he is not coming here now. Thanks!


You are right. Tony did wrong. Now help him pick up the pieces. Are you too busy banging UFOCI doors?


This is not about the past. If he is a friend, you will help him rebuild after he ‘died.’


“…in the spirit of self-responsibility, it’s up to each individual to determine for themselves what they need, and what they would ask of others as well.”

Absolutely, I agree. I am only saying if you are going to continue posting here, be supportive. I don’t plan to bang on his door with an e-mail. Let him come back. But let him come back to supportive friends. Cheers! Phoney


Get over it! He’s a big teddy bear, I’m sure.

Charles Ware

“they get a sock puppet to ineptly copy and post more of the very same kind of arrogant admonishments that caused them to be no longer welcome.”


You are so wrong about me, and Tony, but of course, because you obviously think you are always right, this comment will not mean much to you.

I told you, Tony did not ask me to write a comment. He told me to stay away from you, and the morons, who unjustifiably attacked him on this blog. I know Tony well, I’m sure he never attacked anyone who didn’t attack him first. I’ve known him for many years, and I have never seen him do that. You are wrong about people having the right to “challenge” him, or to be skeptical about him. Only people who have studied astrology have that logical right, and that includes you. You have never studied astrology, as far as I can tell, so you should be mostly quiet about it. As far as I can tell, no one on this blog knows enough about astrology to question Tony. You should all just show the proper respect, be quiet, and learn from the great man. There is no doubt in my mind, and in the mind of many others, that he HAS developed the correct form of astrology, unique to Earth. Your Billy did not specifically say that Tony has not done that, and if he did, he would be wrong. This I know for sure, because of many years of proof.

If Tony said some strong words to some of you, like wishing death and destruction, then I’m sure you deserved it. I’ve never heard him do otherwise. According to the comments I read, he did not attack everyone on this blog, only some that acted very badly towards him.

Tony has helped thousands of people in his great career, many of them greatly. He’s a good and nice man, but he is very strong, and would never tolerate stupid attacks. I completely disagree with your analysis and judgment of him. In my opinion, you do not know him well at all.

Astrology is a very complicate science, that takes years to understand, very few people on Earth understand it, and know how to use it right. Tony was on this blog to share a great knowledge, but he was treated badly by too many people, including you, I doubt he will ever write here again. I don’t even know why I’m commenting here, I guess I want to defend Tony because he has helped me and my family so much. Also, I believe the truth should be known.

I believe some of the Meier material, but if this is the way you treat a great man and his work, you will not see me as a regular on this blog. Some of you might be knowledgeable, but you are not spiritual, in my opinion, including you Michael.



Again, you show your huge lack of knowledge and understanding. I read all of the comments on this blog between Tony and the people who constantly attacked him, including you. You are all wrong and Tony was always right.

Tony doesn’t have any psychological problems. I’ve known him for many years. It is you who attacked him, that do. You are closed minded, skeptical, ego driven, hateful, and illogical. You really are a pathetic group of ignorant people. I don’t know why Tony stayed on this blog so long as he did. And I don’t know why I’m replying to you, because I know you can’t teach an old dog, like you, new tricks. I have actually tried that, it’s impossible.

You can say whatever you want, but the proof is in Tony’s predictions coming true, which many have already, and if you would go back and carefully read the ones he placed on this blog, you would know that. Also, I’m sure his future predictions will come true as well. I have seen this to be true for years, Now, how do you think he can predict things? I’m sure none of you can predict future events the way that he can, or at all. You should at least respect that talent.

Anyway, I’m sure this is all a waste of time, as Tony has told me. Even if his great predictions come true, it won’t mean much to the ignorant herd.


Hey Charles … uh, I mean Tony! Long time no hear from … a few hours at least. Didn’t know you was also a professional (a poor one) ventriloquist as well as a professional (a delusional sociopathic one) astrologer and I didn’t know you also had a schizophrenic alternate personality who goes by the name of Charles Ware, thereby making you schizophrenic in addition to being a sociopathic-psychopath.

Please seek some professional help. You’re a danger to yourself as well as your fellow humans and in particular your poor, easily-led clients if you indeed have any.



Once again you, and others here, are wrong. I gave you a bad email address because I don’t want you to write me emails. Second, I used one of Tony’s computers at his home to write my comments. I think some of you are retarded.


Charles, where is this stellar business of Tony’s located?


Hi Char-less,

Is this some kind of joke? We know you’re really the Silver Sufferer in disguise going turbo on rubber duckies because the Pay Less Shoe store didn’t have your size footwear. Also, Captain Awesome never actually proved anything.

If you don’t have proof yourself to provide to the blog then why bother ranting on Mike’s blog? Who are you to presume we should bow down and take your glorious nonsensical word for it?

Tickets please.

PS: Don’t let the zepplin hit you on the way out.


I’m not going to get involved with any of your childish antics and remarks. I have stated my position and situation, they will not change.

Another one of Tony’s 2014 predictions has come true. And his predictions coming true, is the only proof any of you will receive.

2. Weather:

– Record level rainfall and floods in the USA.


Apparently, Tony cannot stay away from this blog in an effort to defend his delusional reputation and fantasical self-image in a classic sociopathic wise, as this Charles Ware and that death- & destruction-wishing self-titled professional astrologer are one and the same


To that end, Michael, read the meaning of Anthony/Tony in the “Book of Names” … (I don’t have a copy).

Funny you should ask as I’ve found some correlations of my own when it comes to names that I’ve run into in my life that match Billy’s/P’s description. Names do translate to numbers, as everything else does as well.

Before I forget … I have found points worth reflecting from each of the Tony’s that have appeared on this blog. Also, I need to emphasize that this is not meant to demean anyone by virtue of their name, but rather, to confirm some of the information in the Billy/Plejaren materials, on how names may actually affect/represent an individual. When I get some time, I’d like to experiment and prepare a piece of audio material and see if anyone recognize the name of the speaker….


*** IF *** that’s his name with no relation to a certain astrologer with the same name.

After all, the unmistakeable lack of understanding of the Meier material while simultaneously demanding essentially cult like behavior and claiming himself to follow the same material leaves one to see the poseur being a “believer” of the Meier material. This leaves some smoking cigar evidence Captain Awesome is Captain Awesome as he’s so awesome he knows his awesomeness knows no bounds.



You sir are promoting a cult. You need magic books and special codes. You are dependent on languages and libraries. I sir am NOT religious. I don’t ask anybody to agree or believe. deadsidog


Cool story bro!


I don’t think anyone could miss the self-salutations as if we’re all completely blind because his oozing Awesomeness outweighs any substantiation of what he tends to dis-accomplish. Captain Awesome literally cannot read over the sound of how Awesome he’s really become!


Remember I am a phoney too! It is about the law of contrariness, ya know.


Show me


Very good Michael, now that was smart! iamaphoney phoney phoney phoney phoney phoney iamaphoney


Only when you say it over and over again. So who am I people? I am not awesome, I am a phony.


Gold Power Ranger!


Bleep you Duke. I am a phony just like you.


“…just plain old gruntlement?”

A perfect example of not seeing reality. My first post as phoney was more like jumping in the ring, grabbing people off of Tony as they were beating him while he was down. And I came in and saved the day. Kind of like the Lone Ranger. Hi Ho Silver…. Btw UFOnthony is dead.


Ah, well, like the NCC-1701 blown up and being rebuilt in several revisions?


I always wondered about the disproportionate number of Anthony’s involved on the Figu board and blog. I really miss Anthea.



Not sure if you are reading this, but do you know how to calculate the next occurrence of:

Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus. Venus, also Cancer, Mars in zero.

According to Nostradamus that may be the time of the next great quakes.


Correction: That is WHEN the great quake will happen, when those heavenly bodies are in that alignment. These alignments come and go in cycles.


Hi Rob,

I was just having a quick look at that, for the hell of it..on my software..
Moving on from now..into the future…there is actually the very close possibility for it in May 2106. (And the full prophecy as a whole cites the month of MAY! — however though, in respect to Mercury, it is out by 10 days, in spite of the rest of the planets falling into place, so the whole thing is very close, but not quite.. if we are to be fully exact.) – YET.. if you factor in that for Nostradamus working with charts only (in those days in the middle ages) and no computing power…this well maybe this level error may be admissible to him, conceivably so in fact, mercury after all – a very fast moving planet.

maybe there will be some Trembling going on then…or even hail too – as the prophecy relates too. 🙂 Good old NostraD , he was a one-off for sure, what a guy. 🙂

{also btw – think the mars in zero , relates instead to mars in ‘Virgo’..from doing a search on it (the prophecy) on google. }

ok cheers. 🙂


Ah, great. Thanks. This rather limiting blog software is making it a chore to visit and wasn’t sure if you’re still “reading.” Personally I’m just going to stick with the few topics that is of interest to me and revisit from time to time…

I did not validate the original quatrain itself as I picked it off the docudrama from youtube here:

I know it is not fully accurate but it does seem to give highlights of his life correctly, so for someone knowing nil about him it is a good start to find out a few things…. The sex part is probably made up — had to mention that in to perk up some interest haha. Overall a very watchable effort and deserve a better rating on imdb than it currently has.

Also, for all we know that great quake in MAY maybe referring to a global one, separate from the S.F./L.A. one. If we accept the notion that prophecies can be changed but not prediction, then some of the events what he saw of WW3 may have indeed passed, for that version of WW3 that was to transpire in the late nineties. What I found perplexing is that Meier himself had said with “conviction” WW3 was going to happen in 1999 in an earlier audio interview himself. However, a new WW3 that unfolds would be different than the one previously seen by him.

I’m just going off the idea that quakes and natural disasters themselves are more likely a prediction than prophecy. 🙂


thanks for that link, must watch that again.. there are some GOOD actors in that! think i have seen that some many years ago.

re: that interview…yes i remember maybe a pity about it (what Billy says as it maybe serves to lessen the overall impact-fullness of an otherwise very GOOD interview, from what i remember.)

However in regard to WW3, i think that it is changing all the time..going from high danger-level, down to lesser level..and then maybe on to high danger level again…as it seems to be the case now again recently…in regard to the most latest recent Figu bulletin. Thus the possibility of it being ratcheted up by way of recent increased tensions in Ukraine and Gaza both.

By the way if you are into prophecies – something i noticed of late myself..there are prophecies written by an Austrian mystic named Alois Irhlmaier , that are fascinating to read about..and resemble very much at times – what is contained in the Henoch prophecies. is worth checking out.

For my part, I think that if we get past 2020/2021 without anything major kicking off – then we will be doing VERY well indeed. But this based on something i had worked out sometime before..that would be too elaborate to go into right now.

ok cheers.


That was the first time I’d seen that movie. Just so happens when I was youtubing Nostradamus.

Personally this whole thing about prophecies, and the multi-verse, parallel universe thing always has intrigued me.

The fact WW3 probability goes up (and down) does itself imply that each deferral in time would have different factors involved, even if the main players don’t change, don’t you agree?

Yes, speaking of that, the woman that plays the queen of France in that movie, she was in a “time travel” episode of The Outer Limits, very enjoyable watch as well — hmm…what coincidence.

Anyway, many of my own research seems to confirm what you are trying to say about events before 2020, and if you’re more comfortable talking off-line let me know so MH can exchange email. 🙂


By the way, do you mind sharing what software is that, and if it is not the best one what others are out there? (I’m a software person by trade.) MH can email you my address if you want to send privately.

It almost sounds like an episode of Star Gate where you can dial into the any TIME you want with the sign of the stars. 🙂 Perhaps one day I’ll get to that Star Gate project. 🙂


bit the bullet on time – and got the Kepler one.. but Solaris one is very good too for sure. – either one of these – cant go wrong 😉


hey Rob,

If you just wanna do the star-gate thing…there is the possibility of that at the following link..will save you a lot of money! – can ‘step’ either forwards or backwards in time…in either 1,6,60 increments/years etc. – just keep clicking …forward and backwards there at the right hand side of the screen. enjoy, eh-eh 🙂


hey Rob,

yeah sure, no probs i guess, can exchange the emails or whatever through michael..
I like talking about prophecies…and of course anything to do with Nostrilheinous too for sure..he is always so fascinating…am enjoying those 2 videos that posted links to ….is wickid to go back to them, after having seen them so long ago, especially also the documentary featuring Orson Welles. deffo absolutely.

ok cheers. eh-eh.


Yes, I’m into prophecies as well.

I think prophecies and time travel go hand-in-hand in terms of discussion, don’t you?

I have something to show you … email me your address if you can accept attachments.

Michael please forward my email address to Sean. Thank you.


Also, in reference to your remark:

“Venus, also Cancer, Mars in zero,” should be “Venus, also Cancer, Mars in Virgo”?


Hi rob, was looking into it a bit more. –

here is the quatrain in french –

Le tremblement si fort au mois de May,
Saturne, Caper, Iupiter, Mercure au bœuf:
Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay,
Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu’vn œuf.

which translates to –

A very mighty trembling in the month of May,
Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus:
Venus also, Cancer, Mars, in Virgo,
Hail will fall larger than an egg.

So we see here the big importance of punctuation!

In my initial search – (and similar to what you had posted yourself) there was an incorrect posting of it…as is often would be the case. relaying venus and mars in the wrong signs , and so it seems – the correct way of deeming it is…. Venus being in Taurus also – and Mars in Cancer. {however im a bit perplexed myself as to what it supposed to be in Virgo in the end…. seems a strange thing right now to me – unless there is something that factors in when you are reading these Quatrains that i am not aware of, with the word order or something…hmmm puzzling to be honest)

At any rate there is one theorist who thinks this relates to May 1549 – as there was a large earthquake in Montelimar region, followed thereafter by heavy hail. And the configuration (now new corrected one) was then.
Also there is that same overall configuration on May 6th 3445.

Although if i was to hazard a guess , i would say that this quatrain pertains to that past many of them (the quatrains)…related to that time period more so – more than current and future times…although some may still , in spite of, but i think that they may overall be in a minority)

ok hopes this helps . 🙂



Thanks for the link and the titles. I will check them out.

In reading your comment about checking into the quatrain, I realized where I got the quatrain was off this documentary:

at around the time marker @ 1:05:20.

It would be logical to say the quake that happened previously in 1549 was the one he referred to, but that is only a theory if I understand you correctly … as I think the above documentary stated a few other preconditions like volcano eruptions. If we could only be sure the translation is 100% correct… And, since May 6, 3445 is so far away, and so much closer to the time BEAM’s spirit form leaves Earth, it doesn’t seem to fit the puzzle for me.

These quatrains are like these German translations eh? One punctuation or word off and the entire meaning changes.

I thought it was kind of interesting that he said something about the world in the year 3797 as well, only about 200 years from the time BEAM is supposed to take off from Earth with his people? If you ever get to that let me know what you think?

I saw that reference to Alois Irhlmaie in a previous post of the blog somewhere and it seems highly credible compared to some others. It is still on my list to research further. 8, 8, 9 is close to the 888 days of WW3 in the Henoch, correct? Anyway just throwing things out for discussion….


In trying to locate updated posts, it just occurred to me that if Nate can add something like “Last Post Submitted on mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm by xxxxx” next to where it says the “number of comments” on your main page, that would help greatly anyone who is interested in keeping up with the older topics. It is not as ideal as getting email notifications for threads you participated (as other blog softwares are capable of doing) but it is a step in the easier-to-use direction….


Here is a psychic + astrologer who was relatively well-known after Cayce for reference:

Some of the predictions she published in her book before she died that remains to be seen:

– The stock market will crash
– Rebellions and violence will take to the streets
– Terrorist attacks will hit the United States
– A natural disaster will disrupt communications


Rob, I have no experience with Astrologers with eight years of rigorous training and testing before receiving their accreditation. Also, I don’t understand how a planet in a particular constellation is going to affect one’s mood or life in any particular way.

What I do accept is how electrons and protons affect the neural network in our bodies which then may lead to reactions (physical, mental, emotional, …). In particular, planetary allignment with the Sun including the Earth’s new moon that is two days old to discharge the solar capacitor where the Sun is the most negatively charged object in the solar system particularly at the Sun’s Corona. This is not only the cause for emotional effects on Man but also drives weather on planets. The probe closing in on Pluto suggests Pluto has weather even at it’s great distance from the Sun. Strong solar flaring as a result of one or more comets discharging the solar capacitor in the plane of the planets while there is planetary allignment with the Sun will drive the weather on those planets even more strongly and will increase the chances of earthquake/ planetquake and volcanism.

This is where I follow independent science researcher James McCaney. Search for string “March 01, 2009 posting” here:

Also check out the gifs and the radio show postings for the dates he suggests also archived on his site:



That is another interest way to look at the influences. A quick read on that McCaney site tells me it falls in line with my own studies on electricity so I’m not foreign to the science behind the discussion. It’ll be some time before I’m ready to share my opinion.

If I may, using your own understanding of electromagnetic and the resultant influence on the neural network in the human body, and that each planet (celestial body) has it’s own energetic propert(ies), perhaps it would not be far fetched to say that planetary alignments can exert influences on the body and even the mind, which consists largely of neuro networks.

I have not studies astrology myself other than running experimental data using information I have access to, so I really am not qualified to summarize it for you. But I will say, as I have mentioned before, the results can be quite surprising on a statistical correlation level.

Btw, thanks for the link to McCaney. 🙂


Just did a bit more reading on the links on the McCaney site and found something that I may have to dig deeper on. Specifically it has to do with the planet Venus, here is the passage:

“The other thing that is noticed about these ancient cities and communities is their new calendar tracking devises always were keenly aware of tracking the Planet Venus. Today we all know Venus as the Morning and Evening “’star”. But to the ancients it presented a terrible reality. Venus was a massive comet that was originally captured by the Planet Jupiter an estimated 600 years prior to approximately 3650B.C.”

I remembered reading about Venus several times and here in CR150 the date gets very interesting.

4006 B.C.
Special Event: Venus penetrates the earth orbit and slightly disturbs the earth, however, without bringing about large catastrophes.

3551 B.C. – 664.5 orbital period years
Special Event: Small Deluge
Destroyer again runs on a collision course with earth and disturbs earth’s orbit and its rotation, bringing about worldwide catastrophes as well as a small deluge.
Through volcanic eruptions and the ejection of ash, the sun is eclipsed for 48 days.

3545 B.C.
Special Event: Venus stabilizes itself and sets itself on its own orbit around the sun.

Matthew Deagle

Please post comments, questions or criticisms pertaining to astrology here.
If you want me to discuss your personal astrological influences, you can e-mail me at

Matthew Deagle

By the way, I do not discourage people from attempting astrology themselves, but be advised that indeed the true matters are extremely complicated and took me approximately 10 years even to get to an appreciable level of accuracy and correspondence to the truth.

Matthew Deagle

In regard to Jared’s “criticisms”, if they be worthy of being called such, they remind me of those “Zukunftsfeiglinge” (cowards about progress) who believed at one time that human beings could not ride in trains without being killed by the high speed – despite the fact that Newtonian physics was well known at the time.

Such “criticisms” are totally unproductive, unspecific and address absolutely no specific scientific facts, evidences, theories or details.

Matthew Deagle

Calling -you- false names? Look in a mirror. The level of self-reflection here is absymal.

As for astrology, I don’t want to bring them into this but I have also performed astrological analysis for a certain person closely involved in the inner circles of FIGU, who said it was accurate, and that they also have studied astrology in their earlier days. Just goes to show what an imbecile you are and how uninformed you are about the actual stance of FIGU on these things.

Matthew Deagle

Jared, I would furthermore like to know what sort of research you are doing in terms of fulfilling the “hints” of the Plejaren and studying the spirit-teaching, etc?

As for antagonism, I came upon the case around 2005 – 2006 with a rather antagonistic attitude myself, as at the time I was relatively agnostic and thought I would “stir things up” by posing contradictory opinions, etc. However, such an aggressive attitude of antagonism actually does not help you to learn the truth, except when you keep it to yourself. It only makes unwanted enemies, as I unfortunately did then, who still refuse to speak with me to this day (namely Dyson Devine).

Adrian Martinez

I like that MH. I too find myself just accepting what the Plejaren say as gospel without first thinking it through for myself…which is exactly what religion is. “If it’s in the bible it’s true”…instances like this just goes to show how much more work I need to do on my conscience. I truly feel I’ve broken free from religion yet I still practice it without me even realizing it…the belief chains might have been broken but pieces of the chain still dangle from me while running away from belief… This shows me that I’ve yet to absorb the material as knowledge in order to live it as my own truth… Very sobering!! I love it! There’s so much to learn and this is a lesson for me understanding when it’s said that learning the spiritual teaching takes many life times. I sometimes hope I can learn it all in one lifetime just because I found it in this life I’m living now. So much work to do…so much…

Good stuff!! What an awesome day this was!

Matthew Deagle

And that, folks, is where the religions began. Have a look at the grievous falsifications regarding the statements of Muhammad, etc, regarding astrology (Sterndeuten, actually, is what he was talking about, i.e. the practice of timing events according to the lunar mansions without actual understanding of their influence, and the belief in astrological predestination, etc).

Matthew Deagle

Jared, I have to charge a modest sum for my services as I have children to support and it can take hours to analyse a person’s astrology and takes weeks of follow-up in order to ensure that they learn their character-influences.

As for psychologists, actually most of them are hardly any better than the average astrologer, except to a modest degree e.g. cognitive-behavioral theapists or behavior-analysts.
But that is only because behavior-analysis (Skinner, etc) corresponds to the same influences at work in astrology.

Melissa Osaki

Jared, Ptaah said that no one on earth knew how to do astrology correctly at that particular time in history. He NEVER said that we wouldn’t eventually start to figure it out. It’s not written in stone. If that were the case, nothing would ever change and we wouldn’t be able to evolve. Does that make sense to you?

Matthew Deagle

Jared, do you speak German?

Since you won’t give up with this trolling, I thought I should give the original German text here:
“Ptaah 94. Das ist nicht ein Gebiet meines Interesses, folglich ich darüber nicht eine Auskunft erteilen kann.
95. Wenn dir jedoch Quetzal diese Erklärung gab, dann dürfte diese wohl der Richtigkeit entsprechen, weshalb es auch nicht des Wertes ist darüber ausführlicher zu sprechen.
96. Mir ist nur bekannt, dass für eine genaue Astrologie sehr viele Faktoren und Kenntnisse von Wichtigkeit sind und dass diese das gesamte Wissen der Erdenmenschen der Neuzeit bei weitem überfordern.
97. Folglich dürfte es für den Erdenmenschen praktisch unmöglich sein, eine genaue Astrologie zu betreiben.”

Basically he is saying that many certain facts and cognitions are necessary to an exact astrology that are generally unknown to the modern terrestrial human beings, i.e. to the scientific community of the “West”, and that it therefore “dürfte”/”might well be” “praktisch unmöglich”/”PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE” to practise an exact/”genau” astrology.

Are you too dumb to catch all these nuances? He did not say impossible, he said “might well be practically impossible”, and he did say to practise astrology at all, but to practise an EXACT astrology.

Matthew Deagle

*did not say to practise astrology at all…

Matthew Deagle

i.e. what he is saying here is that, on average, it is practically impossible for a modern person to understand and do an exact astrology, but however this by no means rules out the possibility that some individual or minority would have the necessary cognitions and know the necessary facts to begin developing such an exact astrology, as I have done, and can prove to you if you would e-mail me rather than whining senselessly on this blog about how it absolutely cannot be so that someone knows more than you do.

Matthew Deagle

And when I say “prove” I mean it. I can absolutely prove at least the basis for this astrology and symbolic logic, and then also demonstrate its connection to astrology by examples. If you are capable of reasoning, then there will be no defence against it and you will have to admit defeat with your stubborn belief that it be impossible.

Matthew Deagle

Something else I can now absolutely prove: the German language is the best one on Earth as it gives the correct values for all its fundamental words, corresponding to the life-energy-logic which astrology, acupuncture, etc, is also based on.

Doesn’t it seem probable to you that someone reading Billy’s books would be the one to figure this out? Are you just hurt by the fact it wasn’t you, oh intellectually brilliant one?

Matthew Deagle

“disallow your speech” – confirmed for Jeff Rense or a friend of his?


Matthew Deagle,

You earlier mentioned that:

“As for astrology, I don’t want to bring them into this but I have also performed astrological analysis for a certain person closely involved in the inner circles of FIGU, who said it was accurate.”
Now why would you not want to mention this persons name? A possible escape hatch?

Matthew Deagle

Jacobus, I do not want to involve them in the discussion as I do not have their permission to involve them and it would be unfair to do so.

As for prices, that is pretty damn cheap considering the amount of time it takes to do the analysis and follow up, etc. In the real world, you cannot simply do everything for free, but I actually do all sorts of things for free anyway.

Jacobus Kotze

And Mr Matthew Deagle sir, how much do you charge if I may ask? How much is a moderate amount of money? Oh, wait a minute…no need to answer.

Life Questions/ Advice:  $200
Full Natal Analisis: $150
Financial Astrology: $100
Mudane Astrology: $75
and Radio Donations: $9-$39

Awesome! I was wondering, in which category does erectile dysfunction fall into? I am having some problems lately with performance in the bedroom and nothing seems to be working. I might need a full Natal Analisis.

Matthew hodges

I do agree that certain types knowledge strung together in a very specified and absolute sequence is priceless.

May as well be honest about it, no where to hide for me, I found billy meiers translated works at the end of the day.

Matthew Deagle

Jacobus is usually satirical here (see his previous posts regarding a certain conspiracy-theorist) and this is, for all its crudity and satire, fairer a criticism than yours.

What you appear to be suffering from, as well, is not just a certain cynicism as Jacobus here advocates, but a more dangerous problem called belief.