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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

New! Improved! The Reality Show a Couple of People Are Talking About!

You’ve seen the first Michael Horn online TV show and were dazzled by the hi-tech effects, amazing music, dancing girls and fireworks.  And yes, while you were promised the second episode at the beginning of the week, extravagant productions like these take far longer to complete than one might think.

Well…your wait is over! That’s right, by simply clicking this link you’ll be taken directly to the long awaited second episode. Hurry, this show will only be online until the internet is shut down.


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Lovely. The messages from Semjase are a nice touch, I think. The source for those messages is almost endless, so there won’t be a shortage. Nice work on this program and especially on the C2C interview.

Stephen Lane

I agree with the above comments. Just a few things. The stuff in the left hand corner is a bit distracting (even with the lovely cloth 😉 ). I was thinking that a good background such as a plain black cloth suspended between two stands or a large poster of something like a galaxy (or similar cosmos type image) would be nice. But I understand this would blow the VFX budget. Also, when a video segment is playing on the left and you are on the right, your face fills the screen, which looks a little ‘in your face’ if you know what I mean. So perhaps move a bit further back from the camera? It’s no criticism of the face you understand. 🙂 Cheers Michael.

Matt lee

I like rainbow and that yellow drape seems to be in the colours of the rainbow covering a shelf or a computer desk
Gee will you just turn the camera tad bit to your left just to appease your whinning audience who if they knew about your modest financial situation that they would just donate or send you some stuff that they would like it to appear on your show for your consideration.
Spoilt brats we are.

Terry Carch

“Try my kitchen and apartment,it`s a mess”!): Wish I had the money to renovate and decorate my apartment.):

Matt Lee

Oh please don’t mind my encroaching eyes or that of others.
I won’t judge a man by how tidy he keeps his Kitchen but by what he keeps inside his shelf.
Ok mind if you share that bottle of Bundy rum by any chance+coke

Terry Carch

Michael,How about a photo of the Pleiades or a beam ship in the background?

Stephen Lane

No no no. Butterfly shapes would have a much more harmonising effect and if you flap the wings at just the right frequency you can hypnotise the audience. I wasn’t whining by the way, it was just an idea. What Matt says is a good idea. If you come across a suitable background I’m sure some of us can donate towards it.


I noticed the lovely cloth in the corner too. . . . quite unearthly in its weave, I dare say. . . .Yes Michael, you make a very good, positive impression in this video. You speak quietly, sincerely and distinctly, and your personal integrity and calm personality add considerable weight to the message.

Phil Maple

I prefer not to see Shirley Maclaine have anything more to do with the Meier case. I think the Meier case would be better off having nothing to do with her.

Matt lee

Well Phil as addicted to fame as she is what is effective among the still yet to be enlightened of the truth ‘masses’ is still famous people getting on TV and moving their mouths.
I guess then there is also the spiritual way which is the right way of going about things but the most ineffective way also if you want to let something be know as its a very arduous and slow process which was how it was meant to be for the Meier case.
This is probably why by the merit of how the spiritual truth is, people like Shirley is not included just yet in the process of spiritual enlightenment or truth announcing as somehow certain consciousness prerequsites are missing.


Shirley Maclaine should not be Michael’s sponsor, no. She’s a proven nutcase.


Hey man, good stuff. Well done!

Terry Carch

Micheal, My phones and computer are finanlly working again. Guess the two solar flares finally died out or else we`d all be fried by now. (:


I am a terrible man for changing subject or chucking out random thoughts but i believe Tony Astronomys prediction for the quakes are live between the 14 and 30th of this month.

miles cooke

Fantastic show again michael, iam having a party next week are you available?


Here is Michael interview with Georgey Boy on coast to coast am. Already littered with a good few advertisements.

I think this was one of your best Michael. I loved the way you sensitively answered your questions from two the religiously minded callers. This will always be a tricky bridge to gap, but you do it well.

Thank you.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Darcy Wade Carlile

Interesting to note, The book Ten Billion. The author Stephen Emmott, He is head of Computational Science at Microsoft, he heads a team of scientists that aims to develop new software about interdisciplinary researches. Also a professor of Computational Science at the University of Oxford and Professor of Biological Computation at University College in London. Last year he created a Play with the same title of the book in the Royal Court Theater in London. He has being dedicating himself to inform the public about the unstoppable rising of human population and the risks implicated, he talks about effects caused to the ecosystem, lack of resources, and many issues related.
Critics call his book alarmist and unsubstantiated in his references and he’s highly criticized for his form of writing, (apparently they don’t think that he compares to Shakespeare).
For my own take, what is really valid here is the essence, but not everyone sees it from my perspective. Again the same issues of blindness incorporated in our fellow human beings.

Nathanael Mallow

“A couple of people”??
Michael this is even low for you.
Bolstering your numbers. tsk tsk!


Hey Michael, I would like to bring your attention to this. Canada has just gutted itself and given the keys to China. This will play a large role in the resource war. You had better pay attention!!

This just happened on Friday. This is hands down the single most devastating day in Canadian history.


I doubt that is the single most devastating day in Canadian history since it’s merely opinion, but has no meat other than China will abide by the rule of law. That “opinion” does not seem to have a grasp on history since it’s probably the same type of agreements Canada has made with the rest of their trading partners
In my opinion, the worst agreement has already happened…the one with the European Union. Look what Billy and Quetzel have to say about those bunch of clowns: – start at 74.

Don S

Thanks Michael, both 1st and 2nd episode was lotsa food for thought!


Hello Michael. I read that Billy has wrote a few fictional story books. Do you know where I could get a copy. Thanks