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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival


What’s wrong with people that they have no perspective?

Do we not have a sense of our puny presence in this universe? Look again at this view of just one relatively small segment of the visible universe.

If we recognize our true insignificance in the grand scheme of things, don’t we want to do all we can to learn fromย those who obviously know far more โ€“ and care more about us โ€“ than we do? I fear that may be a rhetorical question.

The big egos and hunger for profit mentality of the foolish scientists, and all the wannabe โ€œUFO expertsโ€, trivialize and try to materially enrich andย make themselves importantย instead.

Ironically, many of these people are the same ones who claim that they are looking for the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial lifeโ€ฆwhile they reject, suppress and attack the evidence that another race has taken the time and trouble to come here and try to help us prevent us from completely destroying ourselves.

Remember what Billy Meier wrote about how, at this time, we would be lost in phantasmagoriaโ€ฆand greed.


Also:ย Click on the Translation tab here for new links to translations. We had our first visitor at from Yemen, the 128th country.

Thanks to Guy Guilbert for the Hubble link.


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Claudio Silva

“There is a certain indolence in us, a wish not to be disturbed, which tempts us to think that when things are quiet, all is well. Subconsciously, we tend to give the preference to ‘social peace,’ though it be only apparent, because our lives and possessions seem then secure. Actually, human beings acquiesce too easily in evil conditions; they rebel far too little and too seldom. There is nothing noble about acquiescence in a cramped life or mere submission to superior force.” ~ A. J. Muste


Good article! Phantasmagoria; nice word = A sequence of real or imaginary images like those seen in a dream; a combination of sรฉance parlor tricks and projection effects. Phantasmagoria is now my new word of the week.

Brian Covington

Your right Michael,

Most people here can’t seem to think their way through a wet paper bag and it seems with all the electronic toys we have available for us to play with that this problem that we have that could be expressed as a bad thinking epidemic Meier calls Phantasmagoria is spreading rapidly all over the planet probably worse than our other dreaded diseases like,Cancer,Aids Etc.

All we can do at this point is count on people like yourself to try to get the truth about life out there in the world as much as possible and hope more and more people wake up to this invaluable information before it is too late and prevent whatever prophecies are left from fulfilling while or if possible,otherwise it may be necessary for the worse to occur for humanity to wake the heck up.


“All we can do at this point is count on people like yourself…”

Not to be a wet blanket but that’s not ALL you can do. We’re not all Michael Horns but if you continually ask yourself what YOU can do, eventually you will find ways, as small as they might be, to contribute to the proliferation of truth. It’s part of the collective self-responsibility we share as a planet.

Matt lee

Gee Michael whenever I read such sentiment filled words I can only gasp in sheer frustration from having had to deal with my fair share of donkey stubborn and willingly willful ignoramuses over the years stuck in their self chosen comfort zone of self chosen misery unwilling to give the truth a fair shake of the sauce bottle.
We all know the the proverbial reasons of why and how it came to be the way it is and this won’t be the last time that we will be talking about it as long as the masses and even those who should know better continue down the course of self destruction and the course of least resistence.
I’ll repeat what has been repeated ad nauseam by myself and others here and elsewhere over many years and especially Billy and the Plejaren that we only learn the hard way when unbelievable destruction, chaos, pain, suffering, torture, death, annihilation, catastrophes and terror is personally experienced by the individual.
But even then how people forget all too easily.
The hope is that people heed Billy and the Plejaren’s sagacious advice which you have tirelessly tried to bring to them before it’s too late but sorry to say that as we all know they will not be listening in a hurry.
That is the unequivocal truth and no one can dispute it.

Matt lee

You probably already know this but just to give you an idea of how much greed and lust for power some people have the fact that 147 mega corporations control 60,000 odd other multinational companies representing over 50% of world’s wealth according to the Swiss study gives you a good indication of just how concentrated the world’s wealth is in the hands of the few not to mention the power derived from such wealth.
Now in the context of the above article it is no wonder then that those who have tasted power the money and wealth brings simply cannot give it up in the name of the greater good and those who ended up with power and or money simply did so not because they loved Creation or the truth but because in all likelihood they were lusting after material fortunes instead.
Now to achieve immense power and wealth one must be willing to break all the code of decency, honour, ethics, morality, virtue, righteousness, law, regulations, humaneness, goodness and dignity in order to get there.
So what better way than to drag the rest of the fellow human competition down with misinformation, disinformation, deceit, lies, distractions, religion, intrigues, malfeasance, machinations, psychological trickery, false promises, miseducation, misdirection, drugs, alcohol, entertainment, bad music, press, credit cards, debt, pharmacological drugs, mind control, technology, surveillance, fast foods, confectionary, soft drinks, off shoring of jobs, politics & politicians, electromagnetic waves, sound waves and industrial poisons etc
So the point is the masses are so brainwashed by the machinations of the ‘haves’ so much so that it is nearly impossible for people to psychologically break out of their trance like state of conditioning and ignorance as if to suggest that their inner selves are locked up inside the prison of a falsely created exterior selves to the point whete their identity and self worth is threatened if everything that they have been conditioned to believe is reality is challenged and thus the reason why they resist the actual truth coming from Billy and the Plejaren.


Hi Michael,

….sorry but today while reading some news wjhich really could be interesting for you, I stumbled over this, it is blatant…. Ptaah said in CR 251 which was published long before in sentence 227. “Zu dieser Zeit wird fรผr den Erdenmenschen die Venus von besonderem Interesse, weshalb auch in Betracht gezogen wird, eine bemannte Raumkapsel auf den Vulkanplaneten zu entsenden. Translation: Venus will be particularly interesting for terrestrial human beings during this period, and for this reason Man will contemplate sending a manned space capsule to the volcanic planet” and look what NASA plans now:

They plan a floating city around Venus…… for me it is not a surprise that this comes true, but it is surprising for me that we are already so far ahead in time in the sequence of the CR251….. time is definitely running….





Yes, you are not the only one to notice it. It appears that there is more going on than we Earth humans are aware of, not because it is a secret, because we choose to be unaware.

Matt lee

Todd I am sure you heard the phrase ‘they don’t know that they don’t know’ therefore the choice not to know is not there but rather choosing the status quote of knowing only what they already know, even if belief based lies, and sticking by it.
Therefore ignorance seems blissful at first but the more they are ignorant the more ignorance they beget, a fact which they are ignorant of.
A very vicious downward circle indeed.

J. Smith

I’ve also been reading up on the ‘theory’ astronomers now have of two planets beyond Neptune and Pluto…which I think Meier talked about.


Thanks MH!

Looking at that image of the Andromeda galaxy I couldn’t get my head around at how densely packed in all those billions of stars were to each other. What surprised me the most were the size of a few monster sized stars there. Truly spectacular! They had to be millions of times larger then their surrounding stars and if/when they blow up, they surely must destroy thousands/millions of nearby stars. Death and rebirth everywhere!


eniss, There is an even bigger spiral galaxy that is 170,000 light years across called M101 which is TRILLIONS of stars. This galaxy has at least BILLIONS of stars like our e sun and even MORE intelligent life in Galaxy M101 than the Milky way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy combind. I have even heard of a spiral galaxy that is 200,00 light years across too.Spiral galaxies are the ones that will most likely have life due to the spiral arms which contain gas and dust. There is no gas and dust in irregular and globular galaxies and also no gas and dust in globular clusters eathir. That explains why Ptaah said the Sombraro Galaxy doesn`t have enough gas and dust to contain life there even though M104 is so beautiful to look at.

Dyson Devine

Whatโ€™s wrong with people that they have no perspective?

“What good are books of knowledge or books exposing tyrants and conspiracies, if the attention span of the modern public is so truncated by spectacular electronic media, that it can no longer give books any sustained, in-depth consideration?” – Michael A. Hoffman II (Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, 2001)


Hi Dyson, The only electronics I have is my pc and my cell phone is dead due to overcharging. I used to do a lot of reading before computers came along. There are so many books that I would love to read but unfortunately I only wish I had better lighting, besides I find reading on the internet better due to the fact that I can make the print largerer. Large print books are very heavy to hold when you`re trying to read since they weigh as muich as a Webster`s dictionary. Even my Lord of the Rings book whch has all three stories weighs a ton.


Heads up! Ukraine defense minister โ€˜claimsโ€™ Russia used nukes: Could be a FALSE CLAIM.


URGENT! I just read an article on AlterNet on the front page that this Robert Greenwald who was on c2c with GN the other night just came out with a new movie called American Sniper with Bradley Cooper. This is that same guy who said that Billy and the Plejarens don`t exist also says ” ALL Iraqiqus including Irque children are dead too. This is that guy hwo released the Blue Book on his Volt website. It`s a short article front page of the AlterNet website. Michael you better check this guy out because this Greenwald with Bradley Cooper bothe have”SICK MINDS”! They are both so gong-ho for war that I would not be surprised if they joined the malevolent ET Overlords who brainwash these kinds of sub-humans who want to kill ANYTHING!



J. Smith

The way I see it is some of these people think way too much of themselves to listen to any highly evolved human beings from wherever telling us what to do and how to do it. And even with that you have the one’s that rather them come do it for us. Like look at what the guy Greenewald wrote talking about having the Plejaren sit on video and reiterate the same prophecies and fly the same craft Meier himself shot on video. Its like they have a hatred for Billy Meier for whatever reason, I don’t know if its just pure jealousy or someone is pulling their strings.

Matt lee

Just as this article states J.Smith.

you can just about guarantee that J.Greenewald is a disinformer who despite having amassed a huge collection of FOIA hard to obtain documents he wasn’t able to string some semblance of truth together that actually looks like truth indicating that it’s a conscious ploy and tactic to disinform rather than a sign of his ignorance.
What does that mean without suspicion getting the better of one’s judgement?
Most likely a paid agent
Don’t give too much credit to bookkeepers propped up as some sort of celebrexperts given platforms to hold lectures of disinformation to a dumbed down audiences who’ve left their brains at the front door lapping up every word he says.
On what evidence?
Well what he says speaks for itself.

Matt lee

Initially that was my view also but after 20 odd years of enthusiastically enlivening his youthful enthusiasm for UFO related matters that culminated in the largest collection of FOIA government documents to then for him to lecture circuit around about ET alliance with the government and other similar Dolanisk, Boylandisk, Sellaisk, Harrisisk, project Camelotisk nonsense I came away thinking this is the best conclusion I could come up with about him not to mention his website getting a fair amount of mainstream airplay lately.
Taking into consideration how the Bigelows of this world’s infiltration of the ufological marketplace and their $1million dollar enticements not to mention the current circus like atmosphere it has been turned into coupled with Billy’s information on this subject I am leaning towards such a Greer/grief stricken view.
But obviously I may be wrong.

Philip Brandel

Another one for Billy?
Thought I read somewhere that he stated the speed of light does not stay constant?


Correct. That is somewhere in the contact reports.

I even brought that up with psuedo Pstu Robbins, NASA pseudo-scientist, salary paid by tax-payer monies, therefore tax-payer money is going towards the further suppression of the truth and the Meier case.

Naturally, Pstu dismissed such a suggestion that the speed of light was NOT constant throughout the universe nor throughout time, because it hadn’t yet been proven by earth scientists, therefore it was false. If you get such tax-paid & supported logic.

J. Smith

I wonder what he would say now! Maybe he’s gone into hiding as they usually do to save face..SIL!


He’ll say nothing because that’s in his best interest.

J. Smith



regarding the changes in the speed of light

Philip Brandel

1979! Original translation 2011…. So has been in German for some 35 years! Officially translated into English in 2011. The article posted above is from this month, 2015! I would say another on for the man. Though at this point have lost count! Glad someone is putting this all together. Someday humanity will be in utter amazement at what they aloud to be right under their stuffed noses.

Matt lee

Join the Dark Order group within a group that plays off against each other and you TOO can share the piece of the action in controlling the world.
Be there or be square.
PS; (fine print) it’ll cost you an arm and a leg.


Ummm, I’d rather be square.

Matt lee

Check out who the trustees are Sheila not to mention the attractive list of corporate donors.
If this aint a front organisation as the Dark Order corporate intelligence military industrial satanic bafath complex then I’ll follow suit and be square too


I did look up and I agree that it must be the front for the Dark Order. What a bastion of corruption and although I can’t find the contact report that says as much, but I’m sure Billy warned us about Zbignew Brzezinski.

MiroslavStanko - Saalome84Blue

‘Doomsday Clock’ now reads 11:57
“The world is “3 minutes” from doomsday.”

Three minutes and counting:

“Editor’s note: Founded in 1945 by University of Chicago scientists who had helped develop the first atomic weapons in the Manhattan Project, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists created the Doomsday Clock two years later, using the imagery of apocalypse (midnight) and the contemporary idiom of nuclear explosion (countdown to zero) to convey threats to humanity and the planet. The decision to move (or to leave in place) the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock is made every year by the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board in consultation with its Board of Sponsors, which includes 17 Nobel laureates. The Clock has become a universally recognized indicator of the world’s vulnerability to catastrophe from nuclear weapons, climate change, and new technologies emerging in other domains.”

Randy Arena

It is a good idea to pay attention to guides when in the jungle of information that we find ourselves… they are more wise and know more about the terrain and star rain… that we do so why not? The perspective is greater than we CAN imagine let alone do… the fact that an atom in the micorcosm is a galaxy in the macrocosm alone… shows us the quantum difference of dimension that brings light to how our thoughts are the way to our feelings and actions… the knowledge we gain… with use becomes wisdom to change our environment enough for a planatary evolutive experience… Thank you for your work Michael Horn… epic… Salome (Be greeted in Peace and Wisdom) R.A…