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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Truth Doesn’t Take Prisoners

it sets them free

We just posted the new show; I actually had only the barest idea of what I wanted to speak about, as you’ll see, so it took on a direction and life of its own. (There were also some technical difficulties, so think of it as…a radio show with some flashing pictures.)


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J. Smith

Loved the show Michael! Great message.

Matt lee

Wow Michael very brutal
I mean brutally courageously honest
Thank you for sharing another part of yourself I can very readily relate with.
The prison isn’t that far away as we thought even in supposed freedom.

Philip Brandel

I had the same kind of thing happen to me with the police chiefs daughter, in the end, she just was not strong enough to let anyone know she was a lesbian. Though I don’t think she even knew it at the time. It was liberating to finally know 15 years later. And we are friends now in the end.
Great message Michael, a lesson all of us have most likely experienced in one form or another:)

Matthew Reed

Great show Michael! Who does the intro music? Beautiful stuff!


The music is a Claude Debussy piece called “Girl with the Flaxen Hair”. One of my favorites.

Matt lee

Michael I am sure you’ve been through a lot in your life to get to where you are now but were you able to completely remove the remaining emotional scars through your standing in spirit program or is it once a scar an always scar?


It’s always worse for the one left behind and that is a fact. It happened to me a couple times and I wanted to know what I did that was wrong. It took awhile to realize that it probably wouldn’t matter what they said because they would try and downplay it so as not to hurt my feelings. Then next step was if they weren’t going to be honest, why would I want to be with them in the first place? A lot of the heartbreak is caused by only looking at the good times but never contemplating the bad times and understanding that the bad times is why most people want out of the relationship. Live and learn.

Matt lee

Gee you know sometimes I envy the thick skinned psychopathic types, who appears on the surface at least, to be immune from the agony conscience related self punishment brings and the pain that price of empathic emotions throws at you from time to time.
The biggest gift yet challenges conscientious and conscience living bring one’s way is that you can experience the joys of Creationally given inner qualities but at the same time must suffer from the nagging voice of self criticalness and the sting of one’s conscience’s bite irrespective of whether its justified or not.
It appears that the pain of rejection to a degree is proportional to the level of how developed one’s conscience is and usually its the upright people who feel greater degree of shame, pain, suffering and hurt from the sense of guilt felt or the sense that they have done something wrong as oppose to the psychopathic types who are able to easily dismiss any signs generated by their conscience.
Human beings predominantly take other people’s rejection and criticalness as a sign that there is something wrong with them and tend to punish themselves with self critical self rejection and unkind self punishing words as a result so there is definitely something deeper behind the idea of rejection tied to Creationally given instincts to want to conform with the herd, to belong or to become in a sense one with others.
The inner instincts for communion and to become one with all things are thrown into chaotic disarray in modern life and I guess as a result people want to cling to something which the religious institutions happens to provide with an easy open arm or trap depending on how you look at it.


Great video. Not too many people are completely consciously aware of ever thought, feeling and emotion let alone in control of them as well. It is a goal to be had. Michael, more power to you.


Man oh man…. Stupidity and bad research skills are so damn exhausting.

I can really see why North America would be the hardest hit in a war. This much power, but this much stupidity all in the same mix.

This planet is bad for my nervous system.


Yeah, some idiot I was talking to tried to use Mahesh’s site on the Patagonia thing. He’ll gladly believe some guy in india, but not NASA engineers or anything like that. Nooooooo can’t take them seriously! Because they are in public support of the case which automatically writes them off. But this east Indian character he’s never heard of who has no credentials? Yeah. Perfect! Even though he missed the point on the copyright dates and the fact that Meier put in the exact details about several discovery’s in Patagonia, including the fact that those meat eaters hunted in packs, not alone as previously thought (which was only just discovered). But hey, what does that have to do with anything? Legal proof… Nahhhhhhh. Too smart for that.

I want to find a robust freezer somewhere and just stick myself in it and wake up a few hundred years in the future until this whole thing blows over. My nervous system is taking a beating here.

Then the idiot tries to claim Meier backdated the mercury info about its contraction, sending me a 2004 link about how NASA was going to send the MESSENGER space craft to see if they can confirm the theory (which I rebutted with a 2008 link where they DID accomplish that mission and THEN CONFIRMED IT)…. So not only was he happy with sending me a link with the quotes by scientists saying it had not yet been confirmed (let alone that it might still be happening), he then DENIES it…. HIS OWN LINK!!!!! How stupid can you be? But then I point out ALSO IN HIS LINK that the scientists were comparing Mercury’s core with Earth’s “iron core” which was just discovered not to be upheld by recent evidence in volcanology and other sciences/tests. Pointing out that Meier unequivocally stated in 1986 that Earth’s core was a bubbling nuclear furnace contrary to what scientists believed. And then later pointing out the masses of water which were just discovered in June 2014.

But nope!!! He can’t look at that! It goes against his beliefs that this is a false case. So instead of verifying the contradictions in his rebuttals, he chooses to believe he’s right no matter what new evidence comes in. Can’t look at it. It just doesn’t agree with his world view so it must be wrong. And then he accuses those who’ve put in the time and due diligence that they are assuming something about which he knows nothing about. Stupid stupid planet.


Hopefully your nerves stand up Daniel, as you are doing a great job!


Daniel, Not only that but I just read on the internet that our computers in in this country are now “THE SLOWEST” in the whole world. “This country is so bad that it`s got a REALY BAD CASE OF BAD BAD BAD VIBES”! “The politics in the US REALY STINKS”!and it will only get WORSE” trust me”!


This was a good one Michael, very personal. Those are the best. Sometimes in our society we over intellectualize our pain and experiences and turn them into something different, when all along we just need to feel it and then somehow deal with it as best we can. Logic and rationality is needed, but sometimes, well we’re just Human still. We have joy, loss, happiness, disappointment, all manner of feelings, and that’s ok too by the way. I’ve realized now that these bodies are simple tools to teach the spirit with all the inclusive thoughts and resulting feelings that arise, it makes logical sense to me now. But having cognition of everything that happens during our existence is another matter, at least as Humans. We live in a pretty rough place here where people are cold and listless. I’m pretty sure our spirits care very little for most of what goes on here, but our physical psyche is heavily effected, quite the design if one thinks about it. It all has to be absolutely real in order for the spirit to learn from our experiences. Something tells me others may have a backdoor to some of these realizations thereby curbing the need to experience much that we are still going through. Nonetheless, here we are and we can only do that which we feel is right until we have knowing passed our own personalities and into that which is purely fine. Once we reach this point, we will remove many of our hurtful feelings within our physical psyches. Wouldn’t that be something to shed the many complex and confusing thought patterns that seem to haunt us? Some day. Good show my friend.


Michael, all that was very human indeed! However, ever want to play god? Well, now you can!

EGYPTIAN gods and Greek heroes recently crowded into an Atlanta theatre for the World Championships of SMITE, an online game that involves, as its name suggests, a lot of smiting. Players can pretend to “Be a God”—and battle other ancient deities with magic hammers, thunderbolts and so forth.


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Some folks just forget that it’s easy to sit and ask tough questions all day to people like this is the new way to do investigative reports. Problem is, when you start to make “logical conclusions” based on that alone without doing any sort of research to back up your claim, how then can you prove you were exactly right to come to those conclusions in the first place? “Logical conclusions” of this type can be done by anyone the talent wording things with the English Language and not something logical conclusions are bases off of. But, in reality they should have bracketed with ‘sic’ every time someone wants to go down that road.

Real logical conclusions are actually based off evidence and facts, not email responses to the opinion of folks. To see intelligent folks continually fail to meet that level day in and day out shows they’re more related to circus performers or actors in an Opera than real researchers. The fact that intelligence people somehow want to glue themselves to Mike like flies looking for a feast are actually showing their true intelligence in the process considering they have zero response to what real research they have done and quite shameless about that.

In other words, having coffee, tea, and McDonald’s all day doesn’t replace whether or not you did research to come to that conclusion. Sorry to say the obvious from just some regular guy!


Here’s the problem with your thesis, although mostly I agree with you. Just because you personally are not provided said proof as Eduard has provided, does not negate the fact that others have some proof as well. We must use caution when we discriminate against certain claims that are made. Not everyone is liar, but many are. People exist here who very adequately apply a durable amount of prudence with respect to their particular situations, they simply choose not to make it part of the public record, for what ever reason and it’s up to all of us to either accept it or not, period. These types of people get to the point where they care very little whether you believe their claims, it simply isn’t worth the hassle for them. It is what it is. Many times people feel compelled not to share certain things of a physical nature for various reasons, which should be respected. But like always, these people would be ridiculed and attacked, and probably even in a worse form had they provided the said proof people are demanding.

Matt lee

“Billy Meier is fraud” “he has perpetuated a hoax” “he has backdated all his so called prophetic information to look like he genuinely prophecised them” “if he lied about this then everything that he has ever produced must be called into question” “MH is therefore also a liar and a cheat for peddling this Billy Meier fraud which he continues to profit from such” “it is incumbent on him to stop and seize immediately every promotional activity, interviews, talks, lectures and every public claims he has made about the authenticity of Billy’s ET contact case”.

Phew that was a mouth full what other rubbish do these blockheads want me to say on their behalf seeing as they don’t have the balls to come out and say it with their own two lips.
These leggards should’ve already determined by now that DR Deardorff’s semi-plausible deniability factor doesn’t apply to Billy Meier’s contact case for no good reason and at every turn even the Plejaren and Billy himself would sabotage his own case from time to time to continue to challenge our credulity so that it prompts us to again and again overcome our religious tendencies to just ‘believe’ everything that we are told thereby missing the all important opportunity to ‘think’ for ourselves for our own beneficial spiritual development which is only possible when we consciously generate our own thoughts out of our own striving and volition.
There is always a deeper and more meaningful wisdom behind Billy’s actions that continues to get overlooked by those who least understand the spiritual aspect and the Creative laws considered at work thereby missing the plot.
It will continue to be the case again and again and again that those people who are stuck in the periphery of the physical evidence will never be able to penetrate deeper into the significance of the case thereby depriving themselves of meaningful learning as well as the all important spiritual development which was what this case was all about in the first place.
Objections after objections without applying their own understanding of spiritual knowledge which is the case for all skeptics who never bothered themselves with learning this crucial aspect of the case which is a must in order to fully comprehend the case and the reason why it is what it is.


I think we got our lines crossed somehow. I think I misunderstood the post I was replying to. I would in no way question the case as these others do. My bad if I misread the previous post. It’s been a long week.


After thoughtful consideration to this matter of proof, it may be wise to refer back to a particular contact report that simply explained that neither Billy or the FIGU were to partake in any further discussions regarding the validity or proof of the contacts as such pursuits were proving to produce nothing of value. It may be wise to remember those instructions. People either get it or they don’t. I will also be refraining from including things of a personal nature as all it appears to do is cause unnecessary strife and argumentation. We are here to pursue our own individual evolution first and foremost and then concern ourselves with the external world. My 2 cents for what it’s worth.


Hi Forto,

What can I say? There are certain avenues where proper research is documented and evidence presented in order for a case to be considered whatever that may be. When I say in quotes “logical conclusions”, I was trying to convey a sense where folks are using that in a present sense of an argument based off of what is said rather than what actual tangible evidence we are all here for. After all, are we here to discuss and come to the conclusions based on our use of the English language or something more profound and actual? Mike certainly isn’t talking about UFO-Paranormal ‘experiences’ so we can largely avoid having to go into touchy-feely disco club mega-remix.

If you will notice, I was attempting to be a bit more specific towards a certain mindset that is common on the internet. You can experience this very quickly especially if you discuss recent history such as WW2 or today’s politics. Be warned though, “logical conclusions” will be a lot more thick and trying to have a conversation becomes games with the English language than actually trying to learn something out of it. Ridicule and attack then become common because of the interaction and beliefs on some words than what the evidence you have means. See where this is going?

So, it is not truly a case of calling someone out for being the liar they are now is it with this in mind? Rather, in typical internet logical conclusions, it is EVERYTHING from the argument to the evidence that gets lumped into since it is clear we’re not discussing the relevance of the evidence, but merely the relevance of the persons with the evidence determining their relevance together. Do you see that?

So who is getting the lion’s share of the flak over which evidence we are discussing? Mike or Billy’s or both; or none?

PS: This whole debate about underwater “water and heat” makes for some interesting case for power generation I didn’t think was possible in a way Dyson and I were going back and forth over, over a year back, on deep geothermal energy. It’s all GREEK to me.


MH I think you didn’t receive the message from forto correctly. Are you worked up from too much effort lately with not enough breaks to rest, away from all the Internet drama? Take time to rest your intellect sometimes … it’s no good to be overstrained – it gets the mind all wonky!

And I really agree with you forto – and if I’m not mistaken, I didn’t see you as accusing Billy of anything. If I’m right, you were just stating that when people have their own evidence of something’s truthfulness, a lot of times psychical evidence … then a lot of times they just won’t try to go and announce it and they won’t try to “prove” it to anybody … right?


Mahesh and forto should team up together as they are a good match.


Michael, I would like to know where we can verify that these contact books were published before their recent versions were released. Just finding out for somebody else.

For example, block 5 of the contacts (1983 to 1989) was re-released in 2004 and re-copyrighted then.

Where do we find the publisher who published the original books from the 1970’s, 80’s and so forth before they were re-released after 2002, 2004 and so on?

Looking for those.


And I’ve heard you say before that they were published in library of congress. I looked but did not find them there. Can you elaborate abit?


The problem with using search engines like google or wikipedia is that it it constantly being updated. So if they posted erroneous information 2 years ago, that information would never be known unless you had been on the site 2 years ago and copied it. This always extends to NASA in which they updated Apophis size to 325 m (which still isn’t in line with the Plejaren’s 350 m size) and previous to that, their information claimed it was a lot smaller. Where is the previous to the current information information held? It’s like dropping keys in lava, it’s gone.

Matt lee

Hey sheila try the wayback machine.
Type the url you are searching for except for as it is excluded entirely which wasn’t the case a number of years ago when I last checked.
It’s interesting what you will find from there warts and everything in between……0…


Okay, just looking for Wendelle’s books from 1975 to 78. I can only find “message from the pleiades” vol 1-4 which were printed between 1988 to 1995 (so far). Which contact books did he publish before that?


Can you share the names of the books? I’m kind of drawing a blank at the moment. I saw him hold up a 600 page version in a late 1970’s interview, but the writing was too fuzzy to see. It didn’t look like the covers of “message from the pleiades” at all. And those aren’t 600 pages per book if I understand correctly. This one was a lot thicker. That might be a good place to start (if at all possible).