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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

This Civilization Will Self-destruct in…

February 3, 2015:

“Scientists already have reported finding what they called a 1,235-square-mile ‘bathtub ring’ of oil on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico left over from the huge 2010 BP oil spill. Now it appears this ring is part of a washroom set: A different team of scientists has found that up 10 million gallons of oil have created what can only be called a ‘bath mat’ beneath the sediment of the gulf’s floor.”

Billy Meier,  495th Contact, June 14th, 2010*:

“Aside from that, the crude oil’s toxic substances are secreted ….., as these toxic substances, however, also disperse in the ocean water itself and store themselves on the ocean floor whereby further contaminations come about, a fact which is likewise kept silent by the responsible authorities and by the scientists.”

The illustrated version of the the 495th Contact with the information about the true extent of environmental damage from the BP disaster.
The illustrated version of the the 495th Contact with the information about the true extent of environmental damage from the BP disaster.


See also:

UPDATE: New Report Confirms Billy Meier’s BP Disaster Information

*The full quote can be read here. Out of an optimistic respect for your intelligence, I’m not bolding the essentially same  information in the “new official discovery” and  in Meier’s contact. It should be both obvious and painful enough to recognize  this latest  corroboration of Billy Meier’s prophetically accurate scientific information. Equally obvious should be the extreme, institutionalized, profit-oriented, suicidal  lies that are the main cause of our gleeful self-destruction, proceeding as it is, right on schedule according to the laws of cause and effect.  Along with the equally cynical cover-up of the true extent of the damage from the Fukushima disaster, we see  the epitome of American “values” and “civilization” for the sickening, deadly sham that have become.



Thanks to Bruce Lulla for this depressing information.

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Stop whining that you feel Figu and MH should give out their hard earned Meier material they make for free to please poor little selfish pricks like you. The Plejaren already said they should charge for this material.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The P’s explained it in fairness because Billy is modest and can do with very little materialism and still survive according to the laws of Creation contrary to man made laws on Earth, however Billy does follow the rules of the Plejaren too because they have higher evolved laws.


It may be wise to refrain from being so forward with people. You don not understand where people are coming from. Even though it may sound like an attack, some people respond in a way in which only they understand when they respond. I’ve noticed this with many people who follow this case, they become somewhat cold and distant from their fellow Humans. Do not think everything is as clear as you percieve it to be when it concerns others.

Matt lee

Gee forto that was cold of you


Guess your right. Change prick to people in my previous post.

Matt lee

Does that mean that they are prickly people.


What i said was that more then 80% of the worlds population never heard of BEAM because of the points i mentioned before !
If been reading here and on figu for years and consider myself lucky !
You guys here cant take crictic and dont listen to what i said !!
India ,China,Africa S-America people there work 16 hours a day and some of them on chains !! And if they dont have work they starve to dead
Stop saying im selfish and a prick ,if its freeking you that has no clue on reality.
What i like to see is that this case reach more people then just you and me, so how selfish is that you patronising muppet.
The problem here is that you all claim to be so smart but cant see that the reason for people not knowing about the case is because of you lott.
So stop this nonsense and look in the mirror !
Ohh yes you can be a happy camper when the Authorized American Media
Representative for Billy Meier makes a 30 minute show and tell you about things you already know.
We were warned ,haha ( but serious how many of us where warned ?)
And please stop saying that im wining or because thats not the point !
The point simply is that everytime the P’s and the prophet of that time and now this, do it all wrong again and again ,and thats why all get falsified every single time !!
Like it wil be this time again with the fanatics that wil change history again ! as did he catolics

David Scott

eric , I provided a quality three part post previously in this thread for free . In fact you have not read it . For clearly you have not embraced how powerful you already are . Please go back and read the quality free two hour study that will provide you with personal empowerment and insight into what may be ahead of you . Your best days , for free . Don’t panic or get frustrated . That would go for everyone . I was panicking as I am very closely ahead of almost every cruel and evil current event . And I could make you curl up in a ball with the things I know about this world . I stopped putting that emphasis on being on the cutting edge of the worlds perils . Its vast and its very sickening . My post deals exactly with what dubhaltah posted probably at the same time I was typing . He and I are lock step in this journey . We know exactly what is going on , do not like it . We take the fact that we are ‘up to date’ on the most recent perils of our society . When that happens we use the experience of our usage of the free teaching of the creation supplied by BEAM and labored over by people like Dyson Devine and ours truly Michael Horn . Dub and I firstly acknowledge the great personal sacrifices of time and of ones life to do so . We next address the current events and ask ourselves what we can do to change things. We then make a conscious effort to do the things we can and accept the things we can not . We then have done the first step . Clear our minds of the draining worry of what is to come . We then apply the might of thoughts towards the offender and send our fine fluid and biological personal power to the offenders . By this I mean we now have a clear mind , not taxed by worry or disgust , but by clear decision making to accept the fact that it is what it is . We then have a powerful mindset . To directly send communication to the offenders and to effect the balance of the evil with neutral positive thinking . That is the only thinking that allows you to receive the positive flow of the creation , be it good fortune in regards to your personal life by attracting it or by the neutralization or weakening of the evil . It may not extinguish it , that takes more neutral positive to suppress the evil intent . Its free . Your much more powerful than you have yet to realize . So please read my post . Its a pointed collection of information from BEAM to directly offset your current mindset , holding your hand and embroidering your life with hope and change . Believe and you will achieve . Start small and take a personal issue that is important for you . When you clear your mind and accept what you cannot change you can start to grow your path to using more and more of your personal power . In turn helping yourself and enforcing the creation . Just understand that the fact is that the Evil component is now producing more results than the Positive component. And as I have said before their is much more positive in the waiting to be applied . Believe and achieve and we can ramp up the destruction of the evil and reclaim the balance and ultimately overcome the drag on humanity .


Thanks David ,i have read it ( like i do and did with most on this blog/website

David Scott

eric , if for now you were to only to visit future of mankind website and FIGU websites and They Fly websites and read it all it should take you a few years . So I would say that’s nothing to justify the worry of it ALL not being available , you are talking over 25 thousand pages . Its not digested real time so be patient and give it some air to sink in .


I wasnt talking about me but more about the point that i keep hearing here that people are stuppid and they dont listen !
But reality is that they never heared of this case


Erik, “stupid” is your interpretation, it is not about the masses, it is about the people “in the know”, people that promote all the “lights in the sky” UFO business model “experts”, these people know of the Meier material but they refuse to even look into the case far enough, they only see what they want to see and if this doesn’t align with what they want either in terms of their further employment or “beliefs”……well it’s out. Isn’t it a shame when these are the people that could further help in bringing back some health to this planet.


Dave, I`v been saving all my small change in a small Garlic pottery jar next to the front door of my apartment for years ever since I moved here back in 1998. At first it was just pennies,now whenever I come home from shpping I just take the change out of my wallet and put that change into the pottery jar every time I come home. It isn`t much but I try to save what ever I can as far as the cookie jar approach is concerned and I don`t even use a credit card either. I just recently ordered 3 DVD`s from MH by way of using Gift Cards for Crrhistmas and it`s almost Valentines Day and I`m not in any hurry since I have lots of favorite websites to keep me busy for a life time.:))

Matt lee

Terry penney saved is penney earned.
I wonder how Penney feels about being stuffed into a pig 🙂


Thanks Matt I just loved that last line. I thought that was so funny.:)))hahahah:)))


Many of us know that our time here is somewhat in question, yet we fail to understand some of the still underlying meanings of our existance. We are to pursure those things which bring us happiness and joy and which are aligned with the Creational laws and recommendations. This is going to be difficult for a while. The negative will rule for a time which neccesitates us to push onward towards the positive. I’ve realized now that our emotions stem from our thinking and we must strive to change our thinking, although this is much easier said than done. We are children here, only in our first steps, yet we die before we can ever really become aware of what is really occuring. I often become angry over our lot here and it is difficult to put things into their proper perspective. Our connection to our Spirit via the grey matter of our brains remains blocked for most of us and we cannot access these things as was originally designed, regardless the reasons. We must now unlock these mysteries before it is too late, but this will require work and analysis. I have endeavered to understand these Plejeran, but I simply cannot, I am incapable as are most in understanding their psychology and ways. So, we must find our own way now. The exhaustion of effort is simply too great to attempt at understanding that which you may never find in the now, but we must never stop searching in our thoughts for that which is true and wonderful. Some day others may interface with us and include us in their world, the true world of existance, but until then we must rely on each other.


forto, Last fall on c2c,Idon`t remember who predicted this but who ever it was said in another year 2016 that the Republican congress will be in real trouble. I persinally think that because not enough people went out to vote last November that the neo-cons took advantaged of that situation and got away with murder. I think bynext year your going to find out that the mid-term elections were RIGGED thanks to the Monsanto-Koch Brother lobbing with all their loot,etc,etc,etc,and we know they will do again and again and again no matter what the situation is. You won`t even have a choice for the next president either because these nefarious corporate lobbies will rig the presidential elections in favore of either Jeb Bush or Hilary Clinton who are BOTH WAR MONGERS AND THE OLD GARD STATIS-QUO COPORATE CABAL!

Matt lee

Bit of factoid on the BP oil spill disaster of 2010.
The human and environmental cost is staggering yet nobody knows to what extent the remification will be.
Imgine that out of 30,000 volunteers for the cleanup how many of them having already contracted life threatening illness from manhandling toxic substance not to mention breathing in corexit fumes.
What about evaporation of toxic moisture ending up on farmlands and its impact?
What of the genetic damage of marine life and subsequently it ending up on dinner plates?
What of the long term consequences of oxygen collapse of Gulf Coast and it ending up swirling around in the conveyor belt?
What of the consequences of suppressed info on the still leaking toxic oil and underground gases nobody wants to talk about?
What of the rife cronyism that are still going on which is preventing justice from being served which will lead to another major disaster waiting to happen?
What of the unrelenting and ravenous profit greed allowed to BP unmitigated when this company should’ve been obliterated for its crime against humanity and the environment?
What of the BP’s cosy relationship with the Military CIA corporate Industrial Complex?

Philip Brandel

Unfortunately with the currents partially going in the direction they are, this could be another side effect of this event;
They blame 50% of the population getting cancer because the population now ‘lives longer’. Maybe in part because they live down wind from the US? Though we all are ‘down wind’ from utter stupid causes of effects. Power and greed, instead of love and logic. What mere paper, currency will get us. Everyone in the US should think about what these petrodollars we hold, truly represents….

Daniel Zumon

If we want to help the worldwide cancer situation (which has gone unrecorded for many thousands of years) then we talk about and emphasise the developments in genetic research, about modern lifestyles including dietary facts and about evolution and good reasonable ways of life, and therefore about the thoughts and behaviours of the human.

If we want to help the situation with the worldwide use of oil, gas and mineral resource which is responsible for the rapid rate of modern developments and higher standards of living worldwide, including opening up the world unlike ever before (at least during this globalisation phase), which has facilitated entire continents to be fully developed in a short time, then we talk about other alternatives, alternative energy solutions that are cost effective, that can be incorporated into cost effective affordable transportation solutions, we talk about cost effective energy solutions because any other solution is not accepted due to governments having to offer a value for money guarantee to their citizens, due to the logic of the money-economy earth system, national enslavement and other trade related and consciousness evolution related factors of businessmen and international traders, which is something we accept and move on to the next step, due to that acceptance. We accept that our ancestors relied on similar technologies, that evolution and evolution of technologies follows an understandable and logical progressive narrative through the ages and we accept that scientists are directed by the various market forces, those that facilitate their funding requirements (just like anyone in any industry), that without us, and our trends and behaviours, lifestyles and thoughts, that events would not follow the narrative that we are familiar with, that in a sense we are collectively generating these various opportunities, and future opportunities, available to ourselves and to our descendants, in the way we live our lives and the thoughts that we develop, how we use money and use it to pay for other peoples time.


In case you didn`t know the London stadium is called the BP stadium which the people in London should REMOVE BP from that stadium.:((

Basil M.

Hey Michael, I found a little article during some of my news reading that you might find amusing. [ ] It’s a short little article and all, but it gave me a good laugh. Apparently, planetary scientists have calculated that there are likely hundreds of billions of Earth like planets in our galaxy. Yet, interestingly the Associate Professor, one Charley Lineweaver, who was involved in the research was quoted as saying “However, the universe is not teeming with aliens with human-like intelligence that can build radio telescopes and space ships. Otherwise we would have seen or heard from them.” You know, because if extraterrestrial intelligences are out there(2,630,000 Highly developed human civilizations, I think it was that Quetzal mentioned in Contact 228), they’re just dying to make contact with self righteous, know it all scientists from a Civilization that is busily destroying itself. Suuure, that’s what any reasonable, intelligent, technologically advanced race would do. It’s not like we’re about to have a thermonuclear holocaust, or that we have crazed psychopaths burning people alive. Nope. Extraterrestrial intelligences just don’t exist, apparently. Most certainly they would never contact a humble Swiss farmer to pass on startlingly specific and accurate scientific and historic information. After all, he doesn’t even have a DEGREE! Aliens would never contact someone with less than a PhD(Shiny, stamped, and signed pieces of paper are galactically recognized, you see).

In all seriousness, though, in what universe do these so called “scientists” live? Do they ever actually go outside of their little research labs or offices? Personally, if I weren’t an Earth Worm myself, as it were, I know that Earth would probably be the last place I’d visit. Between the insane murders(even the ones with Nobel Peace Prizes), crazed religions, greedy corporate oligarchs, and the twerking, addle minded masses, even a black hole is more welcoming than Earth humanity(At least black holes give free hugs, deadly though they are). Ohh and of course you have the Pope threatening to Baptize any aliens that come to Earth(Sure, he says he’s just offering, but almost anything involving the Christian mind virus is usually a threat or worse, despite whatever they might call it. [ ]).

Ahh well, I don’t have a degree for any sort of “Higher Education” or any sort of delusional mental illnesses that I can use to gain massive profits and celebrity status, so I suppose my chances of meeting aliens are pretty slim. I guess I’ll just have to content myself with learning the Spiritual Teachings and reading the factual events in the Contact Reports(It’s for the best, really. The fewer Pleiadian spirit orbs and anal probings my life contains the happier I am).

I do hope, though, that one day I get the chance to hear Quetzal say “Das ist von Richtigkeit” in person. Honestly, I don’t even care what it’s in regards to. It’s hard not to smile whenever I see that in the Contact Reports.

Anywho, I haven’t commented on anything involving the internet in quite sometime(Facebook virtually destroyed my want to interact with other human beings through the internet) so I’m a little out of practice. But I’ve been reading your blog for some time now and I thought you might appreciate that little gem of an article. Also, I’d like to thank you for all of your work in putting the Truth out there with your documentaries, writings, and challenges to skeptics. What Billy, you, and all those involved in the Mission have done is no small task, by any stretch of the imagination. For my own part, I can say that finding the Spiritual Teachings and Billy’s Contact case has been of tremendous value in my life. A value that I could never express in words(At least if you don’t want to die of old age before you finish reading). So keep up the good work! The hour is late, but there are still human beings out there with ears to hear and eyes to see the Truth.


Dave Fraser

Deforestation is a major problem in Indonesia, there they are cutting down Millions of acres of forest to plan Palm trees, they use the oil for biofuel, food products as well has beauty products. Palm oil is a massive money making business.
Environmental damage priceless!
The air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat is polluted and has been for many years in fact I vaguely remember reading an article about dead human bodies not decomposing as they should because of the additives in food and that was over 25 years ago.
30 years ago if Billy has said they will be selling water and we would be buying it they would have laughed louder than they did when he shown the first UFO photo’s – today it’s a multibillion pound industry playing havoc with natural water tables. Now in China they are selling Air in booths to the population. You can’t make it up can you?
Has Phillip Brandel has mentioned here in the U.K 50% of us will suffer from Cancer at one point in our lives they put it down to living longer which surprised me I thought they would have put it down to using Sunbeds – they claim live style changes can help LOL! I can see a nice little earner for the Healthy food brigade here.

My best wishes


David Scott

We have to realize that we will not be told what is right by the conflict of interest . The mainstream media is simply now propaganda . It should be current events based on immediacy and reality forged with neutrality . We know that is not the case . Tune it out . Stop watching the propaganda . Cut down on your flicker rate programing from the TV . After all the faces of the mainstream media are not the ones writing the reports , just actors well paid for their conforming of the propaganda peddlers . The Plejaran did an outstanding job and for us to question a higher power is futile at this point . Collectively we fail and fail again in the large view of their help . Fall down ten times get up eleven . Like Paul Newman in the movie the Hustler , he screwed up everything , yet every day he got up , peeled him self up off the ground and looked into the mirror and cleaned up his act . The bank analogy I use with the evil is prevalent and the positive is in the bank yet to be spent is very relevant . Lets spend that positive . I think today that we need to practice the teaching of creation and what can we do . In that spirit I recommend that we collectively in the US defund the government as they try to put up the Berlin wall . We pay federal taxes in advance . By this I mean we wait for a return of our money from our paycheck because the government draws it in advance each paycheck . Since they will not respond to our wishes or demands regarding their actions , defund them . How ? Simply increase the exemptions on your employers reporting of your situation . If you claim one claim ten . Now you have a neutral limitation of the government taking money and BORROWING it from you only to wait for a return on it . You essentially lend the government your return funds for up to 18 months with zero interest . Take your exemptions up by ten and have the funds in your pocket . Maybe put it into an IRA and get interest towards a retirement fund as I do , or just spend it , because you need it . Here we would deprive an institution we are at odds with Billions of dollars yearly and hit them where it hurts . Taxes never get reduced and lawmakers is a dirty word . We do not need more laws . So we employ people to make more life restricting rules that constrict our lives and we fund them up front ? Really ? I actually think a tax revolt is in order . Just stop paying taxes in addition to my above recommended starting point . Hit them where it hurts . Their is far more Americans than dishonest politicians . Spend less , become tactical in the way your money is spent to have a work around with taxes . Pay cash and stop supporting the bankers by not using your credit cards and withdrawing all your savings and buy tangible silver and gold to hold on your own . Use your own common sense and become frugal , shutting off lights and becoming as frugal as possible with your energy consumption , stop giving to the evil corporations . Restrict them where it hurts . In THEIR revenue . Recycle your own scrap metals like aluminum and such and take it to the reclamation centers and get paid for it , Think of ways you can become self sufficient and pay less in the mainstream because you pay less taxes . IE , you plant a garden be it in the ground or in pots in your apartment and grow food . Put in a well and filter your own water . Put up a wind turbine with huge tax breaks upon purchase or solar panels and make your own grid . No taxes upon consumption . Together we are more as we start this revolution . Underconsume and you pay less tax . Actually federal taxation is illegal . Its a fact . Together if we do nothing we get whatever they want to force down our lives . The internet is about to be regulated and taxed , we are about to be taxed by each mile we drive by the government . I guess the income tax , the taxes upon purchase and the state taxes to boot are not enough . So we then have the carbon tax . Tax to essentially breathe . When does it stop . It does not stop . Until we are hearing ‘All abourd !’ meaning the trained just pulled up to take everyone to retraining FEMA camps to the new Berlin styled Agenda 21 America 2050 future . It has to stop somewhere , either its on our terms or the terms of the powers that be . I am not a sheep . Yet the sheeple continue to follow directions of the sheeple hearders . Its just a longstanding process of guiding the herd into the demise of our world as we know it . Together we are more and the words ‘ can not ‘ or can’t needs to be removed from your vocabulary . Transformational vocabulary is a massive neuro linguistic personal programming exercise . Negative thoughts produce negative results . So when you change your tax exemption from one to ten don’t forget to file the tax extension to give you another four months to pay the small amount back to the government . Because instead of them borrowing your money , for free , for 16 months or more , you keep your money and borrow maybe a small sum of money from the government , for free , and keep them off your back for 18 months . I like that math . That’s American intelligence , not sheeple activity . You have to believe to achieve .

David Scott

my first try at applying what I spoke of for an experiment is that I just won 5 bucks in the lottery . I have never won anything . I got three numbers out of 6 . Just a stupid side note . But I am going to win this thing very soon .

David Scott

So anyway , here is the Muslim summary ….

Beheadings , Gay = dead , non muslim believer = execution , your a young 8 , 9 year old girl , your wedding material . In otherwords anything goes here . Including the Saudi Arabians we so embrace as a US . Do we ever , EVER denounce them politically? no . We just have a leader that on a pulpet decides to point to the crusades of a thousand years ago and pseudo non support of slavery and other clear … NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING to train the sheeple . So obvious its sickening . Barry , ugh I mean the new name adopted by our Muslim raised President Barrack INSANE Obama has never really denounced the actions of this so called civilizations . Aide is oh plenty , yet we , as a people that is supposedly supporting the cause of humanity ? Ok lets stop world funding , bring all the troops home put up a flat tax of 10 percent , eliminate state tax and call it a day . Free medical for all , retirement at 60 , free education . Boom , did I just solve all our problems? Oh and just maintain an equivalent of hitting the reset button and recall every government postion . Elections , strategically postioned upon rebuilding a start up government . No more ten thousand dollar hammers , or free health care for an elected Senator and all his family to come , forever . That’s gotta stop . And the free open world of insider trading withing politicians and no more campaign contributions .

I like my new world better , am I crazy . Nope , its just the voice of reason and its babies breathe .

Daniel Zumon

Hey David, I followed everything you wrote but there was a few things that we might understand differently and I misunderstood you, if you would be so kind as to explain very briefly.

When you say “Neuro Linguistic programming” – Do you mean psychotherapy, or in combination with the word sheeple, did you mean something like some fringe ideas, by some avant-garde man who has positioned himself in such a way that he sort of makes sense, in a profound influential way, but falls short somewhere along the road, a philosopher who uses the facts but does not present them to anyone else in other words.

Thanks for the clarifcation

David Scott

Michael , you do not have to post this reply because I had a few further thoughts I had written to follow up to the thread . I was implying that if we believe we can achieve and this personal experiment involved the application of a series of numbers I put together regarding the Tesla theory of the rule of the 3 6 9 . I put them to a lottery ticket in my own perception and was actually going to apply a mindset of willing . I did not implement the might as I would have liked because of other events . However , the initial intent provided results . One could conclude it was happenstance , and I concur . Yet the fact is one dollar produced five . I will continue to push this experiment by pushing the five into the same mindset and the next time come time to draw results I expect a further result . Its a simple game on the theory . I expect results not failure . So my neutral positive thinking should eventually push a theory . Nothing more . I have never wanted fame nor fortune . But this would be a concrete example of a influence . I know its out their . But , why not . I would think this would be a plug in amidst the other things I wrote about that are far more important to bookend . I hope you got the posts I submitted , because I know I am monitored and will probably stop writings soon . The Threat matrix we are all on grows as you write against the grain . I won’t be boarding the train . I will exit the mainstream like Mick Dodge and enter the woods and disappear living like the old lives of the natives . Living off the land and under the radar. Survival skills these days are paramount . Learn to live off the earth in singularity , unknown .

Darcy Wade Carlile

The Matrix is somebody’s sick mind, in particular Dr. Deagle the liar.


“Wilson is not suggesting we’re headed for fiery apocalypse. Rather, he shows how we are systematically, methodically wiping out our own habitat, destroying the razor-thin biosphere that holds it all together, casually decimating all the delicate, complex ecosystems that both created us and keeps us alive. “Death by a thousand cuts,” he says. What’s worse: We can’t seem to stop.” Religion will be the death of us all – is the title of this article , bringing “religion” and the condition of our planets environment together in one though stream.

Philip Brandel

Good read, ones we see the flaws of religion, maybe more will see the underlying problem, Overpopulation. I guess Wilson does not see that aspect though.
As big of an issue overpopulation is, it definitely, oddly enough is a by product of ‘religious’ thinking and beyond. Shows how screwed up our thoughts are that a secondary issue need to be addressed before the main one.
Though I have taken my part in stopping reproduction, as per my Vasectomy. It is still a huge issue as far as the stigma of uninhibited reproduction with no perceived consequences. Is it really a right we all have at this point? To reproduce like rats and destroy our world? I guess so…. Though as many things such as GMO’s and vaccines go, ‘gods’ got all the answers!?


well said Ev. I hope the Female takes the wheel of navigation soon without the dreaded curse of the primitive, cursed male ego. The Female will save us with their love, devotion, and wisdom. The softness, yet hard logic is how we need to be steered now, much like Semjase, but that is beyond us currently.


MH Check out the front headlines in on the nuclear clock that has moved up to 3 minutes to midnight and the methane that is destroying Earth.Looks like the olagach is doing evrytrhing they can to dirty and destroy planet Earth.


I have again gone off subject. I apologize MH. The subject was Oil spills and self destruction wasn’t it ?

David AKA Watchdog. USA