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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

You Need to Know…Joe

A first hand report on what it’s like to actually work in the belly of the beast…and tell the truth about “alien abductions”

This is a very different video than any I’ve posted before and I think that you’ll want to reflect on many things in it and in the Billy Meier UFO case after you watch it, including:

“The CIA’s SOG team is a secret army that is equipped with every imaginable weapon, and indeed also with ones that even the US Army can only dream about.”

Billy Meier, January 15, 2007

Click here for the video!

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Terry Carch

Maby we should give these ALEX SHILLS some tough talk about the methan gas clouds and the raging fires out west. If that doesn`t get them in the butt what will?:-(((

Moshe Levy

I suspect I’m the only reader of this blog who finds it ironic that a few blog posts after decrying anonymity, MH posts a 30-minute interview with an anonymous source. (As an aside, many of the claims the source makes are outside the scope of what he would have been exposed to during his career as a low-level infantry NCO and later as a weapons tester. It’s just the type of conversation you’d expect to hear between two young E-5’s having beers and shooting the sh@@ at the NCO club.)

Moshe Levy

If your standard for someone’s credibility is that you’ve seen them more than you’ve seen me, it seems that you’ve set a low bar.

David Scott

MH , sorry to offend , message noted. I will never go Ap*****. I’m very peaceful and very compassionate, however, when insane levels of intentional malice are unleashed on a few billion people I get concerned and expect justice. When their is no action in any direction at all I get dumbfounded. Especially in light of the fact a lot of people will intentions otherwise.
I’ll stop trying to bring issues to attention. I guess I really never made a difference anyway as it seems.

Jacobus Kotze

Moshe, you must be one sadistic sun of a bi##h, aren’t you? Now tell us, when did you begin this hobby of yours, this hobby of annoying Michael every time the opportunity presents itself? I have to admit, you are quite good at it, you know, how you get under the skin of a person. Is it a natural born talent, or have you studied psychology or Neuro Linguistic Programming somewhere? Or is it just the case of practice makes perfect?

Michael, you have to admit, that Moshe really does get to you sometimes. Which, I think, must give him pleasure in some sick kind of a way.

Looking forward to the next interview with Joe.

Billy Wilson

The freedom of speech has morphed into a strange disconnect from being a real member of a society. We can find volumes of books how a group or person can use skepticism to shutdown internet groups that they want to fade away, people even have jobs to do this for away of getting a paycheck. Before cellphones children usually found out real quick free speech could end with a bloody nose. Now not even children are guarded from the virtual world freedoms of speech, with young ones ending their own days over it. Learning to notice this and find a balance that keeps ones desired objectives from being destroyed must be like being a parent, where are the lines.When you start hurting egos and more importantly finances this problem can and will like weeds grow fast.. You managed to get for me a wonderful book, If I am outside of that I expect to be remain on the sidelines for a year or so. Above all this blog is of your thoughts and as such your creation, I am just a guest.
Peace Michael

matt lee

Yeah but truly?

Dennis ryan

Moshe = Shill ?

Moshe Levy

Dennis, will you expand on that thought, please?

matt lee


Sheila Clark


Sheila Clark
matt lee

Gee Sheila sorry to ruin the party but downing the drone users in the first place could be less expensive on the military budget.

Sheila Clark

Well I agree Matt and on the surface it looks pretty shallow. I posted it to prove there is already this technology because most people are visual and need to see it. But the underlying message is that if Boeing deems you as breaking the law, they will destroy your property. That is a concern, where is a persons right to due process?
Thank you for your link. Could explain what happened to Daniel…

matt lee

Its no laughing matter but I’ll just blurt it out
It was funny Sheila!
The Daniel thing
Sorry Daniel
At your expense it was.

Sheila Clark

Haha you just never know. Or maybe he just has bint breath?

Corey Müske

Thanks for the interview MH, loved the first part of the interview, where Joe said the plan is to take us out to the stars, where we belong, not sure I liked the slavery parts, but the forthcoming slavery is something we all need to recognize, and realize, also he was correct when he said “the American people are stupid”. I look forward to other interviews with this man, I would be curious what he says in the future!

Sheila Clark

Hey no problem and yes I agree. Should we start watching out for IPhones which blow up? I’ll see if I can check the stats for that now for comparison later.

matt lee

Kinda puts another spin to the words ‘virtual reality’ or rather ‘virtual realitied’

Sheila Clark

I agree Michael and iPhone will probably market it that way. No doubt Matt.
iPhones blowing up. So far this year an 8th grade girl in Kennebunk Maine at the end of January/ beginning of February 2015. Eric Johnson on February 14, 2015. In 2014 Phillip Lechter from Phoenix. In 2013 – 2 people, one from China and the other from Thailand. In 2012 a woman from Colorado which supposedly was the first time in the U.S.. In 2011 – 3 people, a man from Finland, a person from Brazil and a person from Australia.

Matt lee

Gee this was weird
I just had an unmarked black helicopter do 4 to 5 circles right on top of where I was standing.
Maybe but it was weird nontheless

Matt lee

Has Joe touched off a nerve or didn’t the MIC liked the exposure

Matt lee

Yeah and like Joe said I might have to go camping out in the woods soon and leave behind the infrastructure..

Matt lee

Sheila the Mossad used an explosive embedded into a mobile phone to take out one of Hezbollah targets.
Just as Joe said they have a contingency for everything
Why not smart devices embedded with an explosive device better still a soon to be laid out RFID chips embedded with a small explosive or cyanide solution to threaten or target any dissenters and rebels not towing the Big Brother line.

Sheila Clark

Hi Matt, strange that Mossad using explosives doesn’t show up in a Google search…but I wouldn’t expect any different. Yes that certainly might be in the cards. I guess we just have to make sure everyone knows what they are up to. Everyone I’ve told so far says it makes perfect sense. I guess the only biggest detraction to this reality is none other than the Mufon tards.

matt lee

Sheila it could be censorship of google as people can request data to be deleted.
Gee that mufon tards looks very close to muff on tards and we all know they are c s with custard on their faces.
Good one Sheila

Joseph Borg


Could you please give us Joe’s website if he has one?

Don Schneider

This may explain many of the clusters of disappearances that David Paulides is investigating as far as his 411 series of books. I forwarded him ” You Need to Know…..Joe” video along with the pertinent excerpts from Meier’s contact report 441, that mentioned this before most were even aware of this possibility.

matt lee

Yeah Don I was thinking the same as an extension of cattle mutilation and skinwalker ranch incident after hearing Greer’s witness testimony which unsurprisingly is reaffirmed by Joe.
If you can electronically induce amnesia and hypnotise people with the ability to electronically insert false memories this would explain how parents who purported to have lost their toddlers and young children in the blink of an eye could actually do so and find them out in the middle of nowhere under the most mysterious of circumstances.
Good detective work man

Joseph Borg


When is Joe going to interview you on his radio show?

Billy Wilson

Big surprise the Earth can not have a Iron core !! In the interview with Joe he mentions a Pole shift it did not happen for Earth it should have if our planet had a Iron core, The full story is covered at many different sites the following link is the government version.
Peace to all
Billy Wilson

Joseph Borg


When are you going to put up your interview that you recently had with Joe?