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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Echoes of The Future from Billy Meier’s Past

As the famous saying goes, “It’s déjà vu all over again”

As I commented here, Billy Meier and the Plejaren long ago warned us of the danger of incoming objects, specifically asteroid Apophis (the Red Meteor). Certainly it’s good news that finally there’s more interest in doing so, especially on the part of the major laggard, NASA.

Also in the “news” is this information about the dangers of megatsunamis from the sudden collapse of volcanoes. Okay, add to that the danger of a huge volcano first erupting and then dumping a trillion tons of mass suddenly into the ocean, as Meier warned – in 1975 – will happen with certainty if actions aren’t taken, regarding  the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on the Island of La Palma, as suggested by Ptaah:

“Besides, the entire thing can be prevented if the correct measures are taken which consist of a systematic, ‘quiet’ dismantling of the part of the volcano, which is at risk.

And if it is not dealt with in this manner then a catastrophe is unavoidable if it does not naturally occur that, by and by, only a small part of the side of the volcano, which is at risk slips away.”

Of course, in both cases, this information has been forwarded to scientists for years but the way things work on Planet Suicidally Stupid is that unless these “experts” can take credit for it themselves – and find a way to financially profit from it – the very last thing they will ever do is acknowledge Billy Meier’s abundant, specific, scientific information given to us to help assure our future survival.

Perhaps with nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman’s new interest in investigating the case we might yet awaken (pressure) these know-it-alls into putting the truth ahead of their own personal gain.


Thanks to Greg Dougall for the megatsunami update.

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Andrew Grimshaw

I love the cut of your jib, George.

“Having seen the people who run “the state” up close and personal, I cannot find it within me to be daunted at all by the “power” of the state. I have seen too many of them crumple like empty soda cans squeezed by a gorilla when a motivated person stands up to them and says “Nope. Not going along with it.””; and one great video.

Now you see (?), this sort of talk can start revolutions!

The time is nigh.

Sheila Clark

Get that revolution started because the states will ultimately break up into 5 countries so you might as well start now. Figure out which one of those 5 you want to be in. You also have to factor in that most of North America will be decimated so the pickings are getting slimmer by the day. Is that gungho enough for you?
Even though Gerald Celente never said it, Billy Meier has warned everyone to move away from the west coast. I know it’s not as important as getting run over by a bus but who knows maybe some will listen.

Andrew Grimshaw

I’m just going to stay in the state of Queensland !!!
And hope she doesn’t take that name too literally.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Sheila I don’t support revolting ideas like that, the consequences would only bring much evil to humanity if more people rise up against their authorities in the future. How bad do you want things to get?

Sheila Clark

Hi Darcy, I was being sarcastic because some people here think starting a revolution is the answer. It’s not! I wanted to show all the factors from Billy’s material which would be of significance. Ultimately what good is a revolution if you have no place to call home?

Sheila Clark

I forgot the most important one, the shenanigans of the U.S. in which they attack Archangelisk Russia which will be met with an attack on Alaska and We All will be pulled into the destruction of North America.
So if Gerald Celente really wants to start peace, he should make that prediction known so it becomes common knowledge and can thereby be stopped.

Sheila Clark

Thank you for the clarity Michael. Our only hope is a multinational peace fighting troop as Billy has stated.

George M

Andrew Grimshaw,

So long as any revolution is peaceful, thoughtful, and dignified, then that is good.

It has been my experience that most public servants are not particularly capable people, who cannot withstand an intelligent, motivated, informed opponent.

What they often try to do is make you so frustrated that you become angry, and then use your outburst as a reason to dismiss your legitimate concern, because they know that in a fair contest of thought, they would lose.

The other main tactic is to make themselves unavailable, which is why they schedule meetings two or three weeks after you contact them, because they know that in a quick interaction, they will lose. So let them know that if they do not reply in 48 hours or whatever, that you will assume that they agree with you, and do what you like.

I would therefore suggest that people study the state, then study the people who operate the state, then study how it is operated in practice including all of the rotten tactics used, then with that awareness of obvious pitfalls, teach others, support others, and withdraw consent.

I cannot stress enough how low the capacity of most people running “the state” is. Perhaps it should be called the “state of confusion” or something. Mental midgets who think that they’re the bosses of the world. Yeah right. Let them debate MH and see how they go. Squashed soda cans galore.

Andrew Grimshaw

How many times have I run over in my mind, being the last shepard to withdraw consent…….? ;->
Up Yours Mother!@#$3r5; No way, !@#$ off; come an’ get some…….Yippy Ki Ay…
And then I wake up……. 😀

steve Tillbrook

George the only model components lam considering are the time clues within Billy’s trip recollection and available info on photos. lam quarantining this effort down to that. lf after that we add data from other outside sources then fine but for this exercise l wish to keep the elements uncontaminated.

My own estimate based on Meiers materials was beyond ten and before 20 years. l mentioned the evidences to consider. Wendell said the cars were small, no mirrors and with transparent tops. That seems that he is talking about what he could see, which indicates a majority. This could be a reality in 15 years but not earlier in my opinion. As l said SF is a special place politically, in that it could decide to eliminate gasoline powered vehicles and also institute a pilot model for a city with exclusively self driving electric cars. My estimation for that possibility is 15 years.

If you have any input please relate it to what Billy saw and photographed or what Billy may have mentioned later in regards to that event. lam interested in what others see that l don’t. This is not a frivolous endeavor.

steve Tillbrook

Yes the GEO drawings are somewhat relevant but don’t show any buildings l havn’t seen. Interestingly and as bad as the drawings indicated damage, Billy said that in reality it was far far worse..Wendell gave a great clue when he talked about the two towers with the bridge between them which l recall as perhaps an H shaped construction. That building does not exist downtown.

steve Tillbrook

ATTENTION: GEORGE M of QLD ~~~ “keeping into account that Meier likely only saw a small sample of what cars were available, so perhaps only saw new cars driven by rich people.”
I don’t understand how a small quantity of cars indicates anything beyond a sampling in general of what type of vehicles are on the road..

However, the SF of tomorrow is the place where a small sampling (especially downtown) might not indicate anything about what is available broadly in the U.S.

The trend indicates that SF could exclude non commercial, non electric, human piloted vehicles from the financial district in the near future… So If Billy was photographing there, then he may have been seeing something quite untypical for greater SF.. The liability advantage of having self driving cars (which will be electric) will be very attractive in cramped litany loving SF. ln other words vehicles downtown could be at the cutting edge of self driving electric.

A strong case could be made for vehicles like this exclusively in the downtown area in 15 years. Whatever the case l consider we are standing at the threshold of the epoch in which this disaster will occur.

Sheila Clark

The picture also had a car from the ’70’s in it.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi steve, self driving cars have been on the road ever since cell phones became very popular and even before that time narcotics played a really big roll when people drive intoxicated while on Hash or alcohol.

steve Tillbrook

Cell phones have been popular for nearly 20 years…Sorry but l have never seen single self driving car on any road ever. In any case we are talking about a reality some time hence, in which a majority of cars in downtown SF were seen to be without mirrors and by logical extrapolation, self driving. Any helpful time fixing information directly relevant to that observation is helpful.

steve Tillbrook

That’s a valid consideration and it crossed my mind that rear view cameras could negate the need for mirrors, however, as a fail safe mirrors most probably would still be included. I’m thinking the most logical and likely scenario is that cars without mirrors indicates self driving technology..

Based on that and assuming Wendell was seeing a majority of vehicles of that type possibly in the downtown area (likely) the l would shoot for a time when this could be a reality for SF and as l pointed out earlier the trend of SF politics wanting a clean safe model for other cities and sates could indicate a downtown model like this in as soon as 15 years.

My simplest clearest estimate for this event is 15 years. l enjoy injecting variables into this and like peoples inputs. The estimate could stretch to 25 to 30 years if the cars are the same city wide, which would indicate that the entire country was swamped with self driving cars.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Okay Steve, I know you will drive your opinion home, just maintain it so it doesn’t break down and leave you stranded.

steve Tillbrook

K Darcy Very witty of yoo man..will heed your mechanical advice..

Sheila Clark

Hi George M, I checked out the occupy peace link and I noticed Gerald Celente’s solution for IS is to do nothing. Like its no big deal. Sorry but it is a huge deal. That’s not even close to what the solution Billy Meier has given us. So why would we follow Gerald Celente when we know that isn’t the right response?

George M

Sheila Clark,

I wouldn’t follow anyone. Ever. Nor did I say that anyone should “follow” Mr Celente.

I think that the correct course of action would be to say “Some of what Mr Celente says are pretty good ideas. He seems to be a peaceful, sensible sort overall. However, he seems not to understand that ISIS is a poisonous thing that has to be destroyed by a unified multinational force, and since he has shown to be a little askew in some parts of his thinking, I will assess everything he says critically, just like I do everyone else, then make up my own mind”.

I would really like it if there were many people like Mr Celente, using the same kind of research methodology, so that we could compare.

The point of my defending Mr Celente was to offset some of the outright dismissal of what I thought was good information presented by the man. I personally see value there, and think that he is a well meaning, peaceful sort of person. But…make up your own mind 🙂

Sheila Clark

Every time I hear someone talk about their “god given rights”, my eyes start glazing over. Tell me George whether Gerald Celente is religious and if he’s not is he only using that phrase to play to his base?

George M


How on Earth am I supposed to know what another person thinks about things like that?

Although, if I were a gambler, I would probably say…”that one belongs to the Church of Camoflage”.

steve Tillbrook

George we have to know what other people dont cuz it makes us special..

Hey, l want to know what your thoughts are on the upcoming events such as the SanAndreas quake/The pacific Northwest sea quake and the eastern seaboard tsunami…

Have you put them in any order, or tried to assess when they would occur. l have been thinking a bit and have some theories.

George M

Steve Tillbrook,

In short, when it comes to moving to safer ground, I think that it is better to be too early than too late.

Judging by the vehicles in use in the picture Meier produced, it will happen in the not too distant future. At that point, everybody will be looking to go to higher ground, and so relocating is going to be a lot more difficult, and expensive, given increased competition and disruption to production of all things, not to mention a general state of human crisis.

I also conduct some magnetic/electric experiments on my own, and have become convinced that the spin of the planet, temperature, magnetism, electricity etc are all interdependent. If one of them changes, then the balance between all of them changes.

The magnetic poles are moving at an unprecedented rate (in memory) as we type.

Since the shape of rocks depends on the magnetic/electric field that they are in, as well as temperature etc as per the piezoelectric effect and others, and the location of the North and South poles are migrating quickly, then it follows that there will be a change in the shape of the rocks on the Earth’s mantle.

So, it would seem that geological events are going to be planet wide. I wasn’t on google earth looking at the height above sea level and terrain in the area between the NT and QLD for nothing.

steve Tillbrook

To George M,Sometimes the REPLY feature gets buried so hard to pin it on a post.

lam interested in fixing this SF event in time as best as possible since l live close to SF.. The cars are a big clue and l would expect to see self driving vehicles within ten years on SF streets.. Wendell Stevens seemed to say the majority if not all were bug like with no mirrors and transparent swept back roofs.

A complete US changeover would take decades, however the politics in SF could see a banning of bigger gasoline vehicles because of limited parking spaces and general air quality concerns. So lts very possible that with Google buying up neighborhoods there that a pilot program could be instituted with SF as an example for the country in as little as 10 or 12 years and before 20 years.

Based on those considerations, It would be reasonable to say this quake could be here in as little as 15 years.. l for one will be in the Sierra foot hills far from the coast.

l am interest in any relevant input to that estimation from yoo..

steve Tillbrook

Oh the other relevant time fixing consideration is that Billy told MH that this quake would occur after both their deaths, so 15years out could be on the earliest for Michael.. Good thing is as long as he is still kicking we are safe ..

George M

Steve Tillbrook,

I have the same problem with the reply button.

I didn’t know about Meier and MH’s conversation. What an odd idea. Now we are going to be using the obituaries to make travel plans and real estate decisions.

What I have learned from my experiments and investigations is that once the equilibrium is disturbed between all of those things mentioned, which takes a lot of energy/imbalance to do, then stopping the system from finding new equilibrium is pretty much impossible at this scale.

Hey MH, I hope you don’t grow too suspicious of other people wishing you well, perhaps thinking that they have ulterior motives. Make sure you eat right, please. And look both ways when you cross the street. And avoid bad neighbourhoods.

In fact, it might be best if you just didn’t leave the house. Ever.

steve Tillbrook

George, l don’t have any illusions about altering anything, Iam simply trying to reasonably fix other points in time around the event in order to estimate the time, besides the SF quake is programmed into this planets “event clock” lt can’t be altered according to Billy. Although the time will shift slightly and less as we approach that hour.

All the elements for consideration that l know of, that can be used to narrow down the time, l have mentioned. Oh one other minor point. The Quake took place in late summer (generally considered earthquake weather) interestingly the ’89 quake (which l experienced downtown) was in late summer, which would exclude it as being the result of a Red meteor strike on April 13th of any two years 2029 & 2036.

Regarding Michael Horns health..Telling him to take care of himself is silly, he will kick the bucket someday anyway and the quake will still happen,,OMG like yoo didnt know that?!!

So, l was thinking a Futurama head under glass thing with hella cool nutrients and good reading materials would be the way to stop the quake..

George M

Ah, MH replied, which means that he is alive, and we have another day of quake free geoweather. Very good.

MH I am glad that you realize how manhy events hinge upon your wellbeing. Tell me – in these woods, are there any bears? If so, I’m afraid that for the sake of all of us, you will have to move. There is just nothing else for it.

Steve, I have spent a bit of time trying to figure out the quake timing, but do not have enough available data, or models with which to predict it.

I am unaware of any earthquake model that simultaneously takes all of the variables into account, being mainly magnetic, gravitational (which is almost the same anyway), temperature data interposed on geological information about the properties of those rocks in those locations with a goodly bit of detail, and that without taking into account that what sets the quake off might be external to those ie a smaller trigger quake elsewhere.

Logically, the main sets of information needed are the original (or close enough to original) picture, so that building development information can be obtained which at least narrow it down to what buildings must be complete at that time, followed by information about what cars are in circulation, keeping into account that Meier likely only saw a small sample of what cars were available, so perhaps only saw new cars driven by rich people.

The picture I saw showed large buildings that aren’t built yet, which would take a couple of years to build even if they started tomorrow, and with the economic situation at the moment, I don’t see those sorts of property developments going ahead in the next couple of years.

So the only thing I would commit to at present would be “not within 5 years”. I would say longer, but MH has left us all exposed by being without a food taster. Which, by the way, is a dream job for anybody, which makes me think that some of us aren’t taking this very seriously.

Sheila Clark

Usually George their religion is sprinkled into their speech. But thanks anyways.


Hello Sheila. I always enjoy your commentary. I think you both make some good points. I would agree with George in that Celente offer some value and wisdom. A reasonable person however should decide for him/herself what that value is and how it can be used to help them progress. We can learn from both the negative and positive. I enjoy Celente’s rants now and again but he also can talk a bit of nonsense. It should all be taken with a pinch of salt.

Sheila Clark

Haha thanks Dubhaltagh. The reason I would like to know if he’s religious is because religious people always seem to taint any truth they are exposed to. Plus we already know how Billy felt about occupy Wall Street and his warning about public gatherings over 200 people. His solution was to vote in people of integrity, not start a revolution. Plus all his talk about these get rich quick schemes brings me back to the real truth – if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Whatever happened to hard work? Plus we are advised by Billy not to borrow money to make money. I don’t want to be rich, I just want to pay my bills. The problem with being rich is that you don’t know if your friends like you for you or just like your money. I also just found out one of my old school chums who had beauty and brains and so much money that she never had to work a day in her life got addicted to drugs and cut off by her family, is now a prostitute. She had so much potential…ruined by money. So be careful what you wish for.

Jacobus Kotze

I have made up my mind. Celente is a pansy. 



Darcy Wade Carlile

I think this topic has been trashed with so much disinformation. I think the European Union is laughing in their office chairs reading all these posts on money marketing.

CS Swalby

I have to wonder if increases in California real estate prices are part of a natural market cycle or if those in the know are taking advantage of Meier’s information to pump and dump the market on unsuspecting buyers.
Those governing that region need to form a plan to deal with the large scale civil emergency and start putting it into action as soon as possible. I see earthquake emergency drills taking place periodically, but it looks inadequate to me – like a pail of water to put out a house fire.
I’m reminded of another natural disaster scenario I’ve seen play out before – the hurricane. A warning (or sometimes an order) is sent out ahead of time to those likely in the path of the impending destructive force of nature. Structures can then be shuttered and arrangements to leave the path of destruction can be carried out.

Chris Lock

Michael, didn’t Billy say that the SF quaje would occur “after we have long since earned our angel wings”? If so, there is a bit of humor there as Billy knows there are no such thing as “angel wings”. The ” long since” if I have remembered correctly implies that the SF quake will be some time after the demise of you both. Any clarification you could give there would doubtless be appreciated.

Sheila Clark

Great suggestion Michael, thank you! Maybe some your posters will be willing to put their money where their mouth is…
At least people who feel obligated to the mission will do so. I’m sure the others who don’t, won’t. You are in an interesting position to be able to determine the difference.

steve Tillbrook

“” the still coming, huge, statewide California quake and not the SF quake, which will apparently be like a…coming attraction of that even more catastrophic event.””

Michael, would yoo mind separating that statement out and clarifying a bit,for the less well meee !

steve Tillbrook

OK & thanks,,, and to be clear, it was the SF quake that Billy was referring to that would occur after both your deaths ? Also is the Pacific North west sea quake separate to the California sinker? Just how many quakes are we looking at?

steve Tillbrook

OH so theres no point in keeping you alive to avoid the SF quake.. Thaaaaanks !!

steve Tillbrook

Yoor a hard man Michael ..

matt lee

Michael according to Oxford Dictionary the definition of angel wings is ‘A large white edible piddock (mollusc) which occurs in the Caribbean and on the east coast of North America’.
And from free dictionary ‘a deformity of the scapulae seen with osteodystrophia fibrosa, particularly in kittens. The pull of the scapular muscles causes an outward bowing, hence the name.

So could Billy be saying the SF will occur when we are older enjoying a bit of seafood for lunch when it’ll hit or at least not when we have passed on as a lot people are assuming the angel wings to mean?

matt lee

No problems
I thought it was a good one at the time or so I thought.
Or alternatively were you and Billy thinking of getting a tattoo of an angel wings on your backs.
This may be another alternative theory behind Billy’s angel wings comment.

steve Tillbrook

Matt,,,,Yoo should have known Billy was talking about eating a tasty seafood lunch with girls in papaya colored skirts in our laps..l knew that right away ..Do some research man !!

matt lee

Well that sounds more like it Steve.
Make sure these bunnys on our laps have angel wings cos I am taking them out to a costume party in SF dubbed ‘it’s coming’

Stephen Lane

Suddenly the truth becomes popular! Perhaps thats how we should play it, like the jihadi’s. “follow the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and get more chicks!”

Sheila Clark

I doubt that line will work with women…unless we are going to be serving rabbit or chicken for dinner. Then we have to wonder what our food is doing in our laps?

steve Tillbrook

Like l said, let me PayPal yoo a quarter..

Jacobus Kotze

I think MH could easily pass the age of 100 when you look at how well he handled the interview with Stan Friedman. I seems that Mr Horn is becoming more powerful in his abilities as the momentum starts to build.

Jacobus Kotze

I just find it rather distasteful, that these posters who talk about your demise or Billys demise, don’t seem to realize, or maybe have forgotten, that they themselves are also not immune to the inevitable force that death will exert when their own  time has expired… Instead, they crudely joke about the very serious laws of life and death, as if there is time for silly statements.

Overall, it is rather pointless to ponder over something that is impossible to determine with our current low level of technical and spiritual developement.

matt lee

Good on ya Jacobus
Did you come around or go around

Stephen Lane

Maby it’s not so much about not realizing but more about being comfortable with the process and necessity of death, as those conected with the truth would be, rather than fearing it. Taking a light hearted view of death can’t do any harm as those laws of life and death (are they very serious?) really couldn’t care less what one thinks. Billy has spoken about our need to lighten up a bit and stop worrying about such things. I’m quite looking forward to it, in a currious kind of way. It must be quite a ride having ones conscienceness separated from the course-material realm! 🙂

Jacobus Kotze

Maybe, but only then to loose it all as the currecy becomes worthless!

steve Tillbrook

Yes MrKotse, Good catch,, l too found it deeeeply disturbing and as conflicts go, there is at the heart a single depraved and indecent person responsible .. A public flogging would be too good for such a person..Truly someone should pay for initiating such a disgusting, wretched, vile vommitose and dehumanizing form of discussion.. BTW what are yoo wearing?

Jacobus Kotze

Well well Mr Tillbrook…today’s your lucky day! I could help you flush out this vile, disgusting, degenerate troublemaker who calls himself  a human being.

Just give me a name and number and I’ll get righ back to you.

ps. don’t be such a pansy.

steve Tillbrook

It’s a pansies life MrKotze…l’m just living it!!

Chris Lock

Thanks for the clarification, Michael.