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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Echoes of The Future from Billy Meier’s Past

As the famous saying goes, “It’s déjà vu all over again”

As I commented here, Billy Meier and the Plejaren long ago warned us of the danger of incoming objects, specifically asteroid Apophis (the Red Meteor). Certainly it’s good news that finally there’s more interest in doing so, especially on the part of the major laggard, NASA.

Also in the “news” is this information about the dangers of megatsunamis from the sudden collapse of volcanoes. Okay, add to that the danger of a huge volcano first erupting and then dumping a trillion tons of mass suddenly into the ocean, as Meier warned – in 1975 – will happen with certainty if actions aren’t taken, regarding  the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on the Island of La Palma, as suggested by Ptaah:

“Besides, the entire thing can be prevented if the correct measures are taken which consist of a systematic, ‘quiet’ dismantling of the part of the volcano, which is at risk.

And if it is not dealt with in this manner then a catastrophe is unavoidable if it does not naturally occur that, by and by, only a small part of the side of the volcano, which is at risk slips away.”

Of course, in both cases, this information has been forwarded to scientists for years but the way things work on Planet Suicidally Stupid is that unless these “experts” can take credit for it themselves – and find a way to financially profit from it – the very last thing they will ever do is acknowledge Billy Meier’s abundant, specific, scientific information given to us to help assure our future survival.

Perhaps with nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman’s new interest in investigating the case we might yet awaken (pressure) these know-it-alls into putting the truth ahead of their own personal gain.


Thanks to Greg Dougall for the megatsunami update.

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Chris Lock

The US Space Agency will never announce Apophis will hit, even if they know it will. That announcement would create chaos and collapse the economy and society overnight, merely making matters worse. So don’t ever look for an official confirmation before amatuer astronomers confirm its likely impact and so can no longer be denied. That is when confirmation is likely to occur. Of course, they may not know now that it is on course to impact. They can only confirm after the flyby — or so they say. For us this will not occur until after Apophis first flyby in 2029.

Terry Carch

Sounds like politics, the old boy school thinking from MASA. After all NASA is part of the military which means hiding and not revealing anything untill it happens. NASA is STILL not listening to Billy and the P`s when it comes to flying in space. The astronauts still float in space when it should be the space station should be floating outside NOT inside using centrical force outside the ship NOT inside the ship. This Zero G gravity is ALL WRONG. So try to get NASA to warn people about the red metor is just NOT logical because lives would be lost if nobody is warned to get out of harms way. NASA is NASA. It all politics and busness as usual.:-((( Everything is money heare on Earth. Maby that is one of the many reasons that Earth is not part of the Plejaren Federation.

steve tillbrook

There is no alternative solution to the Russian action against ISIS. All the conjecture about it leading to a third world war can be applied to almost any major offensive or troop movement in that region. Its all armchair politics and to think we know better because of our affiliation with the Meier case is delusional narcissism.

There Russian federation is acting within international law and according to the UN charter. There is nothing illegal or regionally aggressive about it.

George M

I didn’t see anyone say that they knew better due to any Meierific affiliation 😉

I do want to talk about “armchair politics”, though.

I have peronal experience with political decision makers, and can say with certainty that many politicians know very little about politics, beyond getting elected, and sensationalizing the issue of the day. Many “armchair politicians” understand real events far better than most sitting politicians.

Further, this is the first time in modern history whereby the average person has access to large amounts of information, through such things as the internet. If a person can think clearly enough to sort out misinformation, and see patterns, then they stand a decent chance of understanding, and predicting, future events. Excepting secret back room deals, of course.

Good examples of this come from people like Gerald Celente, who is a prognosticator that analyses information from many sources, dispassionately, so as to determine future trends. Gerald is quite open as to how he determines his trends, and can be found on youtube quite easily.

Another good example is a gentleman by the name of Robert Steele, who is allegedly a former CIA worker that speaks about open source intelligence being at least as accurate as secret society type intelligence. He is also on youtube, in case anyone is interested.

My opinion is that any human being with a strong desire and functioning mind can figure out what is going on, regardless of what kind of furniture they happen to be sitting on. I mean, the fact that armchair politicians chose a comfortable armchair instead of those horrible benches at parliament house already says that they make decent decisions, right? 😉

matt lee

Hey George did you suffer from a nervous breakdown as a result of bullying in your workplace by these scums?

George M

matt lee,

No, I did not suffer from a nervous breakdown.

Your question actually made me smile though, so thanks 🙂

Now that you mention it, I’m a bit sad that I didn’t have one. It would be a wonderful all purpose excuse for pretty much anything. Forget your wifes birthday? Didn’t pay your taxes? “I have a medical reason your honor – slow motion nervous breakdown approximately in the 20 year period from 1995 until 2015, possibly still ongoing. Motion to dismiss!”

I am going to fantasize about this all day.

George M

Actually, now I am a bit concerned. What on Earth would give you that idea, Mr Lee?

matt lee

George just asking
I hope you didm’t mind.
Nothing serious of course.
I just needed to confirm something that’s all.

George M

matt lee,

Of course I don’t mind 🙂 it was just an incredibly odd question.

Just so you know, I have been thinking all day about whether or not it is possible to have a nervous breakdown without anyone knowing, including yourself. The answer is definitely maybe :p

matt lee

Steve who said they were?
If the Russian actually did then you will know by dawn tomorrow how the US exploited the pretext to attack Russia directly.

steve tillbrook

Who said they were what? Attacking ISIS or acting according to international law? Cuz that’s all l said and that’s what’s happening.

steve tillbrook

Oh the armchair crack? l dont want to say and cant remember maybe l shouldnt be like that here.. Yoo all seem cool enough..

lam over anxious about this thing, since it basically frightened the living hell out of me when l saw a youtube vid of a 20 ish man getting his head cut the hell off in the goddam street with people cheering and camming by fanatics in the middle east..

And WTF is you tube doing rapaciously banning vids of womens nipples while hosting a half a dozen beheading vids which have been left there un molested for weeks..

George M

Steve Tillbrook,

I would put forward the idea that youtube is a very manipulated thing.

Good examples of youtube likely being used for propaganda purposes are things like the demonitization of political videos that go against the mainstream narrative.

In short, if you make a good video about politics that annoys powerful interests, you no longer get paid for that video. Meanwhile, creators of videos of unimportant things such as, say, a cat playing a trombone, will be paid thousands of dollars.

It makes sorting through misinformation a lot more work, since you can usually assume that most things that are readily available likely have something wrong with them.

matt lee

Nah it should’ve been ‘weren’t’
Putin is one smart cookie

Terry Carch

I`ll buy that Matt about Putin.:-))

matt lee

Yeah Terry Putin is no saint but for the time and era that we are in he is the equalizer.

steve tillbrook

YES l have ticked the box and declare lam not a spammer…

l want my soda now !!

Terry Carch

Well Steve “My all time favorite ballet dancer is Russian!” To me all this politics and troop[ movement is just “DISCUSTING, DIRTY, AWFUL,etc,etc,etc! “BLAME ALL those pliticians around the world NOT those everyday people like you and me and all thoise Russian ballet dancers who put their lives on the line to entertain you and me. This is NOT thee same Russia from the Soviet era where ballet dancers were not allowed to go abroad and pick and choose where they want to perform or what ballets they were allowed to dance. There are a lot of Americans living in Russia who say they love over there now the Russia is no longer a communists state. Russia is an alogarchy too like the US is now also thanks to all those stupid phoney politicians and their corporate pals!” Go figure!

steve tillbrook

Yoo mean those guys with blonde bangs and cream tights? See l dont like that K…. since we are new best friends, l will act like yoo didnt even say that thaaaaaaaaaanks !

Terry Carch

Very funny Steve,hahah:)))

Jacobus Kotze

Interesting now that Gerald Celente and David Icke are the main attractions on one of the Alex Jones Shows, that took place in 2013. The presenter Mike Adams declares that, “today is a show that is just packed with great personalities”

Yeah right. 

The one claims to be the son of god, the other one appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

By the way, here is the short clip where David Icke claims to be the Son of God.

George M

Jacobus Kotze,

I am uncertain of the validity of your statements. Your link also appears to point in the wrong direction.

Gerald Celente and David Icke are entirely different creatures. Celente analyses actual data dispassionately so as to identify trends, and discloses the procedure that he uses, while Icke weaves together a confused tapestry of emotion and supposition.

I cannot see why anyone would have issue with Celente, given that he loudly and repeatedly advocates peace, troop withdrawal, personal responsibility, and people thinking for themselves based on relevant, available data, albiet in an American, materialist context some of the time.

Stefan Loeschl

Hey Michael!

I am not sure about my topic, so you can delet this message if it’s not fitting in this blog!
It’s about something Billy wrote in the 13th CR-Block, which isn’t available yet: Borreliose/ lyme disease. If anyone has the semjase-Block #27/#28 (I am not sure in which one it is written), one can take a look at it.
So, I found this information and I learned new stuff, if anyone is interested in “how to avoid ticks”, take a look at this tracker video:

steve tillbrook

Thanks that was great maybe yool like this video called “15 incredible rat tricks”

NOTE: Rodents dont go camping and will probably not benifit from your video instructional but let’s take a peek at their neato tricks !!

Jacobus Kotze

Then what about this grossly inaccurate prediction made by Celente?

“As the economic systems collapse, they’re throwing more and more actual martial law on top of the people, to keep them in control. When the system finally implodes and we believe it’s going to happen in Europe, the first quarter of 2012, they’re going to call bank holidays…”

Gerald Celente is a pathetic little fearmonger.

matt lee

He is not a fearmonger
He is a truthmonger.

George M

Jacobus Kotze,

Your language is somewhat strong regarding the man.

I am unsure as to why such high standards are being applied to a person who is clearly still developing his methods, even as he discloses them to others.

I suspect that predictive models used throughout the universe did not begin in a state of perfection.

I do not seek to engage in an argument. I am just a little puzzled at the force of your words. They seem unduly harsh, to me.

Jacobus Kotze

Did you know that Gerald Celente is placed 64th on the Encyclopedia of American loons? I was expecting him to be a bit higher up the ranks, but hey, what can you say, you can’t win them all.

Their diagnosis: Probably a fraud, but his confirmation bias and wingnuttery is real enough. 

Jacobus Kotze


If Celente is a “truthmonger”, then you must be one as well.

steve tillbrook

It looks like he got a big one right here … He predicted the subprime meltdown would be the nexus of the collapse of 2008 … l had my house on the market in 2006 because l listened to guys like him and walked away $150,000 up on that deal …

l would care if it was a one armed uneducated farmer who was advising me if it made sense l would go with it..and l did !!!

I’m a winner not a whiner !!

See what l did there??? HaaaaarHaaaaaar !!!

Sheila Clark

Nope, still a whiner. Weird that you are so proud of taking advantage of the housing bubble, knowing full well that the person who bought your house would find out soon, that it was overpriced. You sound like a shyster. Good luck with that.

steve Tillbrook

No Sheilla, l didnt actually plan it that way. My motivation to sell was a mix of things including the horror l felt after l understood what actually happened on 911. l wanted to leave the country for my step kids sake and my handicapped wife . l wanted those kids to get a low cost college education in AUS where l was born.

All l really new was there was something was going to happen. The reason the post seemed so gleeful was in response to the attack on Celente which l considered to be unwarranted .

Yes l walked up on the deal after l spent 5 years going over every square inch of a 1948 home and transforming it into something for my family.. Then l literally lost it and split.. Come to fund out that the forces controlling our world have AUS and NZ firmly in their death grip.

Sheila Clark

You literally lost it and split? What does that mean? I don’t understand your comment about the forces controlling our world have AUS and NZ firmly in their death grip. Please expand on that.
Gerald Celente is about sharing his knowledge about making a profit. Play the stock market, buy gold, buy silver. Does he care about the person who got ripped off due to his expertise in marketing trends? I don’t think so. We can all play the game of probabilities. So what? What does he offer in the terms of bettering oneself? Because you can’t rip someone off one day and the next day tell everyone what a promoter of peace you are.

George M

Sheila Clark,

Steve Tillbrook is correct about AUS and NZ having been infiltrated and captured by the same lunatics that control the remainder of the West.

For all intents and purposes, AUS and NZ are captured nations.

As for money, Celente etc, as said previously, information is a neutral thing, that becomes good or bad depending on how it is used. Meiers information can be used in the same way. For example, since France is to fall to muslim radicals, one might use that information to sell all property and stocks in France.

Is doing such a thing abusing the purchaser of the French property? If you have told everyone you possibly can about how to think logically, and have had them all refuse to listen, then must you abandon your French property and become homeless so as to remain moral?

Bottom line: if you act like the money world doesn’t apply to you, then the money world will squash you, making you powerless and dependant on other people, most of whom are inhumane. This is not sensible. At all.

matt lee

Hey I can live with that
Why can’t you
I like mongering but not human mongrels.

steve Tillbrook

No Sheila, l don’t care to expand on anything of a personal nature with you and l refuse to justify any of it to anyone on request .. My primary reasons for leaving were covered in the first paragraph.. Please don’t assail me with your judgments labels and accusatory questioning anymore, l find it irritating.

BTW l sold for 15K under market value so your labeling me a shyster is an absolutely rude and ignorant aside and l have no reason to believe any further interaction with yoo will have a positive impact on the discourse here.

matt lee

George what do you mean captured cos for a long time I thought Australia was a corporation .
Oh I see its corporaptured.

George M

matt lee,

I mean captured in a much broader sense than just captured by corporations.

Corportions want to make money, and so bribe their way into control of things like economic, tax, and industrial policy. Easily understandable.

AUS and NZ, though, are having military decisions made by other countries, which is why our “defense force” is being used as an “offense force” to attack people who have nothing to do with AUS or NZ.

Then, regarding voting at the UN or G20 or whatever, the AUS vote is decided by people other than Australians.

The same thing happens with things like immigration, whereby AUS is to accept a great many Syrian “refugees”, and military purchases, whereby AUS is to purchase submarines that will be used to “aid” the war actions of other countries.

Bottom line is that decisions for AUS and NZ are not made by AUS or NZ, have nothing to do with the benefit of AUS or NZ, or the population of AUS or NZ.

Both are slave nations, or vassal nations, in a state of complete capture, on all levels.

Even if a citizen goes out into the middle of the outback to build a cabin with a solar panel, just to be left alone, some idiot in a uniform will find that person and say “you cannot do that. Go back to the city, or go to jail. How dare you want to be left alone.”

steve Tillbrook

It’s terrible in NZ especially. The country is completely obedient to top down control. The party in office decides arbitrarily to do such things as raise state owned power company rates, with no invited input from citizenry.

It is illegal to verbally abuse someone in public and god knows we don’t approve, but things happen and people can naturally vent. However, to make that a prosecutable offence is extreme. The state is inflexible on speed limits, with full price tickets for 1km over the limit. Parking sensors cancel any credit on your meter when you leave..Recently the country passed new “search and surveillance laws” where for any reason any govt agency could have the state bug your home for sound and visuals on the flimsiest pretext akin to “probable cause” A cop can legally force entry into your home if he has reason to believe illegal drug activity is taking place..

A thousand c$%k bighting rules that crush a persons spirit.. Finally l came home to the US and realized, that although our rights may be diminishing ‘at least we had rights to begin with’ and that this country is worth fighting for.

Compared to the rest of the world The U.S.A. is still free.

George M

Steve Tillbrook,

This is a matter of philosophy.

Having seen the people who run “the state” up close and personal, I cannot find it within me to be daunted at all by the “power” of the state. I have seen too many of them crumple like empty soda cans squeezed by a gorilla when a motivated person stands up to them and says “Nope. Not going along with it.”

So while AUS and NZ are captured or vassal states right now, from a certain point of view, they can only remain captured if the population continues to think that the state has the power to do what it does.

Things can only change when the population feels significant discomfort. That time is nearly upon us, whereby previously apathetic people who were happy drinking beer and watching television are going to be placed in a position where political stupidity affects them personally, and start asking questions.

At that moment, this 2 minute video becomes very relevant.

So. No matter how “bad” the people in power get, I am not particularly fussed. The outcome is not certain for any entity, including the state. Judging by how rapidly the people in power are trying to clamp down on free communication, they are quite aware of this.

Which is encouraging, don’t you think 🙂

Jacobus Kotze

Well, answering your question Michael, they would undoubtedly jump to the conclusion that Meier’s claims are based on fact and that we all deserve a medal for doing the good work. Who knows? Maybe they are openminded and patient in doing proper research. Or maybe not.

George M

Jacobus Kotze,

Might I suggest that you examine the method by which Gerald Celente arrives at conclusions.

In short, his method is to look at as much varied information as possible so as to see the larger underlying patterns. So to make an economic prediction, he not only looks at economic patterns, but patterns of law changes, war changes, religious changes, birth/death changes etc and, after putting it all together, comes up with a likely future trend.

I find this to be a sensible and right minded way to conduct research.

He then repeatedly states to people his results, and that they should “think for themselves”, in a neutral manner, not an agitated or fear producing manner.

I do not think it appropriate to call such a person a “loon”, or otherwise defame him. Just my opinion.

Sheila Clark

Yes but his end result is all about making you more money, isn’t it? So where is the value in that materialistic outlook?

George M

Sheila Clark,

I do not think that your statement is true. In order to live on this planet, one must deal with the fact that money is a medium of exchange, and so sure, some of his trends are aimed at how to understand and predict what is happening with money.

However, the thrust of Celete’s words seem to be not how to overly enrich yourself, but rather, how to defend yourself from the lunatics in control of money that want to impoverish you, or otherwise apply injustice to you.

Simultaneous, he calls for an end to wars, bringing troops home so as to fund civil works programs, an end to foreign intervention etc which are undeniably positive.

Therefore to answer your question directly, the value in that materialistic outlook lies in the idea that, in order to overcome the horrible materialism prevalent in this place, you must first understand material patterns, which Celente is quite helpful in.

It is my opinion that the present, abusive system of money must be changed by people who undertand it very, very well, who could enrich themselves enormously with that understanding if they wanted to, but who instead choose to utilize their ability in repairing what is obviously a very destructive pattern.

Sheila Clark

It’s about looking at patterns and profiting from them. This is what it says on his site. I’m sorry but I’m not okay with that. For example a number of years ago we bought a rental shack and the real estate agent told us we could get it for $20,000 but we offered her $30,000 instead. Because this was the only thing she owned, she also needed money to get her through her golden years as she was a low income senior citizen. $30,000 was around the fair market value. I guess we could have offered her less and flipped it and made a profit, but we would still have to live with ourselves if we had ripped her off. Does Gerald Celente ever mention anything like that?

George M

Sheila Clark,

Things may not be as simple as they appear superficially.

This is Mr Celente’s “Occupy Peace” website, for your perusal:

Text from the page:

“Our future is being robbed from us by murderous thieves. Their wet dream of a never ending War on Terror has created a living nightmare.

Not only have these psychopaths hijacked our nation’s wealth as our economy declines, their “destroy and degrade” mentality is depriving us of joy, beauty, peace, and freedom that are our inalienable and god-given rights.

Millions have been killed and wounded … race, creed, color, gender, age, nationality it does not matter.

The choice is yours. Join me and Occupy Peace, and do your part to help restore the dignity of the human spirit and the sanctity of life. ”

Putting it simply, it seems that Celente spent a lifetime around people who wanted money and power. Is it any surprise that much of his language will be about money and power, while his personal desires are different, as evidenced by his push towards sensibility and peace?

People are complicated. Putting them in boxes is sometimes impossible.

steve Tillbrook

l liked that video on chain of obedience.. l like the aspect of had enough action you outlined and l cant add to it except to say that l find it encouraging.. Very good George thank you..

George M

Steve Tillbrook,

I’m glad you felt uplifted 🙂

Perhaps a sensible thing to do would be to start posting that video anywhere and everywhere people are upset by what the government is doing, whether it be on financial blogs where the “Fed” is doing something criminal, or where various governments are allowing “refugees” to come into the country against all reason, so as to prompt a bit of thinking about paradigms of power.

Obviously it would be best if one does so judiciously, so as not to create violence.

Apparently a certain one armed Swiss guy also promotes systems of power whereby all people, properly informed, think for themselves, and vote on issues with equal force. Seems like a good idea to me.

steve tillbrook

lf we are going off topic then l say when are we going to look at these faked shootings and the Masonic/Zionist symbolism and if yoo all need to be hit upside the head with evidence, then take a good A$$ look a this this and tell me conspiracies shouldn’t be covered here..



An old friend of mine just got in touch with me after 30+ years. She told me she has ‘a following/an audience’. She also tried to tell me Roanoke was fake, as well as Sandy Hook a hoax, as well as there were nukes inside the WTC which brought them down on 9/11, bla bla bla and finally she tried to tell me the world is flat and the edge of the world is ‘the ice wall in Antarctica’. She is one of the ‘flat-landers’; apparently that is a new movement … for the functioning delusional and insane.

I kid you not,

steve tillbrook

Yeah and a one armed farmer claims to be the reincarnation of Galileo Mohamed and a host of other prophets LoL claims he is here on a mission to “enlighten us” claims we are genetically manipulated descendants of extraterrestrials..Now go get yoor F&^$#n shine box..

Philip Brandel

It gets even better when you run across the ones who think the world is only 7,000 years old, and dinosaurs went extinct 250 years ago:) People actually believe this stuff in droves, and live by it! Because the bible says its true and science and the very reality of existence is utterly wrong, because ‘god’ says so… Oh and the bible of course. Cant make the delusions up. Yet, inversely how can we go the complete opposite direction within logic with such a daunting swing in tow. One step at a time, one small conversation back to some barring of reality not found in a book, movie, church. Long way to go in curing the disease of religion and its associated delusional beliefs, based on anything but science and pure facts. Amazing is ‘free will’, to allow us the opportunity to live in such a ‘human’ created delusional, inharmonious mess.

George M

Imo there is so much deception, confusion, and misinformation in this world that one cannot believe anything, ever. The best you can do is think about things, compare them to things that you see/do, think a bit more, strive in your making sense of it all, and that is that.

Truth be told, the one armed farmer does say some pretty sensible things, and has an odd knack for being right about things that he really ought not to know about. Makes it all pretty interesting 🙂

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi George I think Billy retired from driving the tractor and doing field work back in the 80’s.

Sheila Clark

It makes more sense than the crap you are spewing. Did mufon ever come out and photograph your human made lights in the sky?

ronald tigmer

Be careful how you feed this monster Mike. Every time someone questions you, you feel your “mission” is all the more qualified. Many have thought this, but never realized the truth. Your fear mongering is evil and dark. There is more here than just darkness and death. You have lost sight of everything that makes us true Humans. Your death preaching brings you no closer to truth than the silly ancient words of the past. But, then again we all need our saviors don’t we? If it is real, this whole Plejeran thing, then they have come to watch you and everyone else perish. Think it over before you brush it aside. Many have come before and claimed to be your guru and none has succeeded. There is probably more going on here than you wish to come to terms with.

Terry Carch

I totally agree with you MH. Some people just don`t get it when it comes to Billy and the Plejarens.

matt lee

Ahh the Ronald Tigmer from MUFON or was that Prepare4contact

christian martinez


steve Tillbrook

Hey maybe Gerald Celente is a money grubbing troll who would sell his mothers wheelchair for crack money…Bottom line is if he tells me to get out of the way of a speeding train then l will and with gratitude..

Russia is angling for regional control its intervention stinks LoLmee // Celente is a capitalist pig LoLmeeAgain !! Was JFK’s father a bootlegger, who bought his son the presidency.. Was JFK a devout womanizer and adulterer propped up on pain killers ? Yoo bet your grubby lookin’ toilet seat he was..

So who was told by extraterrestrials that Kennedy would be placed in power at their behest to avoid a nuclear war with Russia? and that he was a truly brave man?

That’s right yoo holier than thou finger pointing pontificating information elite..

steve Tillbrook

Hey Sheila, let me paypal yoo a quarter for a sense of humor… Here’s a good one for your gravestone ” what are yoo laughing at ” Hey, If they ever find that humor lies in the funny bone, dont bother becoming an organ donor..

Sheila Clark

Hahaha you are soooo funny steve.