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Saturday, May 11, 2024

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Why Is It Enough to Believe?

People with strong religious beliefs may have nothing more substantial – or rational – on which to base them

One of today’s big issues has to do with people who “identify with” the gender they weren’t born, i.e. men who identify with being women and women who identify with being men. That simply means that they feel and believe themselves to be of the opposite gender, despite the physical and genetic evidence to the contrary. They consider themselves to be transgender and often pursue chemical and surgical options that they think will result in them becoming the gender they identify themselves as.

Scientifically, however, changing one’s plumbing, appearance, etc., doesn’t change one’s chromosomes or gender.

There are those who’ve correctly pointed out that, following such logic, someone who identifies with, who believes themselves to be of, another race, color, age, species, size, etc., should be equally entitled to be regarded and treated as such, with any and all accompanying and accruing rights, benefits, privileges, etc., despite any objective evidence to the contrary.

It’s an obviously very slippery slope.

Born Sinners?

I’m sure many of the people who see the obvious problems with such beliefs may not be quite so clear-headed when it comes to their own religious beliefs. In fact, people with strong religious beliefs may have nothing more substantial – or rational – on which to base them.

While some children at an early age start to feel attractions to the same sex, and/or feel and behave more like the opposite sex, how many young children spontaneously feel that they are “born sinners” and express relief that somebody supposedly died long before they were born to relieve them of these imaginary sins?

I haven’t heard of, or met, any.

Pounding Mush

People who have strong religious beliefs were usually indoctrinated into them at an early age. This is no accident. Deliberately pounding basically irrational, unscientific mush, myths, legends and horror stories into young, vulnerable minds is the basis of almost all religions. Such indoctrination, coupled to the authority of willingly complicit parents, assures the best chance of overriding any possible tendencies towards critical thinking and questioning before it can develop.

And of course with zero actual, testable evidence to support the objective reality of any religious beliefs, they are certainly no more valid than those feelings and beliefs that arise from within someone pertaining to their gender and that may possibly also have a genetic and/or psychological component. To the contrary, the religious beliefs have to be learned and accepted.

The Fear of Death

Since most religious beliefs have some underlying fear-inducing premise, based largely on people’s fear of death and what happens to them, if anything, after it, whatever particular religion one may gravitate towards – as an adult – is then a matter of choice.

That means that the actual authority is the person who chooses one religion or belief system over another, which also means that all of them are equally wrong, as they’ve all been rejected by someone in favor of the one the person has settled on. This also means that the real authority isn’t the religion, its god or whatever, it’s the person who themselves picks the “one true god and one true religion” over all the other claims of “one true god and one true religion”.

It’s ironic that people exercise some free will and self-responsibility in choosing their belief system…to which they will then turn over all self-responsibility. And, as frequently mentioned before, all religions rest on the illogical, inadmissible premise that, “What’s in this book is true…because this book says it’s true.”

So, while it may indeed be a practical, though difficult, necessity to require people who consider themselves transgender to not try to impose their feelings on society in situations that can pose a risk to other people, women and children included, such as with public restrooms, will the day ever come when “true believers” of the religious variety cease to push their particular, often peculiar beliefs on others – starting with their own children and let them decide and choose for themselves when they are capable of thinking and reasoning?


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paul russell

Dear Adrian M: Earlier in this life I participated in acts that today I know are unconscionable. Forgiving myself was out of the question. Then I came to realize that I was spiritually sick, unknowing, ignorant of any “truths.”
Added to this was the knowledge that it would be very hard to forgive and accept others unless I could do the same for myself.
“We don’t know what we don’t know til we know it. And we just can’t help that.”
We’re all here to learn.

Randy Arena

Maybe he is sick of the incorrect use and understanding of what is termed spirituality now days… hell folks want to KILL you for your “beliefs” when you are following some other lesser than fully conscious being… notice I did not say human… because many are not… and they want to kill you due to miss-understanding… too bad.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The brains can be disturbed or sick. The consciousness is untouched because it is finer material… this idea is my might of thoughts.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The consciousness is a universe and the brains are a star that can be swallowed up by the black holes that exists in a universe of conscious thoughts. These are my feelings that I form into thoughts and I believe are ideas.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I think the consciousness can be in the dark or stunted of growing, I disagree that the consciousness can be damaged because it is a seed of very fine material mass and what device would damage it. The only thing is a thought virus that could stunt the consciousness. Those are my thoughts.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The psyche can be damaged and cause disturbance to the consciousness but in the end of the consciousness cycle per lifetime…the consciousness always deposits its impulses overall into the bank of impulses for the next personalities. That is what I believe only because I have no way of showing it to you because it needs to be understood in a rational form of thought.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Yes. Only the human material consciousness which creates conscious ideas can fall victim to illnesses or any other impairments or damages, but never the spirit, i.e., the spirit-form.

Randy Arena

There are many who feel it is a sin to do what makes them happy… it is put there by those who might humiliate them. It is interesting that folks of lesser consciousness tend to want to control folks of higher consciousness with Gewalt or power Gewalt being the brutal force and use of all one’s available resources to get the job done… whether legal, moral, fair or not… Then there are just the ignorant. Like our Swiss friend writes in the book your web site sells entitled The way to live… Art zu leben… Without knowing the causal foreordination of Creation, its laws and recommendations and their effects on the life of the spirit and consciousness, a human being cannot be wise… so if they are swayed by the religious… such as hanging a dead guy on the wall on a cross to make their very ignorant point… BELIEVE or this is the result… and you are responsible for this, we KNOW inherently is not true but that is the nature of belief : truth is that which is given in reality and is evidential, whereas belief is bindingly linked to that which is as the unseen (the unconscious) and the unprovable is erroneously assumed to be true.

I am sorry for those with gender differences both physical, psychical and emotional and it is just part of each of us being individual from life to life… and the individual lessons each of us have to learn to once again become one with the rest of the human beings living in the heavens.

Buy the book… learn more before we go back to the stone age… wearing bearskins and carrying stone tools…

Make the purpose of life as plane as day and how you can become more conscious and enjoy the knowledge of billions of human beings far more advanced than ourselves…

Salome; Be greeted in Peace and Wisdom.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I understand that belief is part of evolution, however we must be responsible and shed all our believes eventually or perhaps instantly would prove a greater advantage for life on Earth. Thank you Plejaren Federation for helping us weak ones in spiritual knowledge! Saalome.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Correction Darcy, instantly would cause chaos much sooner. I prefer eventually so as I can enjoy more peace to learn more from people.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I think a thought virus can be someone who thinks untruthfully in his surface thinking, while other more profound thoughts are present. These thoughts are contagious and can spread throughout a group of people.

Darcy Wade Carlile

All characters appearing in a sick consciousness are fictitious and are better off dead. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead are purely coincidental.

Carlos Ribeiro

My principles of action and thought:

1) strong positions against religion-based controllers gods, rewarding and punishers, saints who pay the sins of others – ok
2) exercising severe or until hard words against it in case of sieges and insistence on an erroneous view of reality – ok
3) seek the reason and the science of things – ok
4) turn anger against religions and god-controlling systems of belief in the main point of disclosure of cosmic/spiritual/profound truth in a leviane and sarcastic humor – not
5) confuse the mass of thought with the best reflection and human philosophy on spirituality and universalism – not
6) confuse science and higher rationality with primary scientism – not
7) study and reflect forever, not accepting anyone to tell the owner of reason, truth and the only way to see – ok again

Simplistic and free frontal attacks only reinforce the bad side of what we want to fight.
what is behind the religious thought? there are principles and needs. many who deny the understanding that project their need for belief in other things and people, idols, supposed monopolizing the truth and only view of reality.
(I understand the motivation of you and sympathize with this search. What one might be doing wrong and so virulent against the truth in said opinion in this form?).

Adrian Martinez

So I just read about a leaked email from Hillary Clinton. This is by no means a vote for her, rather just a thought that the government really knows there’s no such thing as a religious god and that religion is just a control mechanism… I might be reading too much into it…–election.html