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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

Time Travel

Once we have it you can go somewhere and come back before you left

Please feel free to post your comments, thoughts, opinions, questions, etc. about time travel here.

Due to current and pending geopolitical and environmental concerns and events, it’s understandable that people may want to book out of here as soon as possible. We don’t currently have any information about how and/or when flights may be available.ย However, flights of fancy and fantasies about the future are the stuff of human dreams and hopes so, have at it.

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Terry Carch

Sorry about hte typo> I ment ET not DT.

Jason Thomas

Hello Micheal Horn I had recently watched a video posted by Randolph Winters on his YouTube channel (titled “Pleiadian Beamship”) of another Plejaren contactee by the name of Shawn Atlanti who has claimed to also have been taken aboard their mothership and has been aboard on their ships and actually has multiple photos of what looks exactly like a Plejaren beamship variation 2 in the sky.
I wanted to see what you would think about this.
Here is the link:



Something a lot of folks don’t consider is that the variation 1&2 beamships that were photographed by Meier in the 70s were antiques, like we might consider a 60s Corvette for example. As far as I understand it, the Ps are not even using beamships anymore and can transport without them. They used these old ships because they would be familiar to the folks on Earth who had past lives with these types. So it stands to reason that any beamship photos taken in the 90s, of the early light drive ships, would be fake because it would be inefficient tech compared to what they are using TODAY.

Ned Duke

Sounds overly complicated. All can say is that one of the earlier CRs mentions an exterior similarity between the P’s ships and Zeta ships. You can put the rest together.



There is nothing to put together with Bob Lazar. Any area 51 flying saucers would be of terrestrial origin, imo.

Ned Duke

So you’re saying I’m making up the CR’s where they mention their similarities to Zeta ships?

Terry Carch

I heard and read somewhere that the Ps are now using Stargates to walk through instead of the beamships like they did in Stargate SG1 etc that used to be on the SciFi Channel back in the 1990s. This is a great idea considering Billy`s health issues since Billy will by 80 years old this cumming February 3rd 2017. The only other reason for the Stargate idea is encase of the future of Earth once Trump becomes president and might try to trigger WW4 etc. I only hope that the Ps will intervene to put a stop to Trump`s insane behavior about expanding nukes including in space above Earth too!

Terry Carch

MH “:Somebody`s got to keep an eye on Trump and his military government!”

Terry Carch

P.S. Why a return to all the nuclear weaons expansions that Trump desires. Are all those disgusting generals in Trump`s shills pushing for nuclear wars etc,etc,etc? Where and when will religions,politics,cororatisms,militarism’s ever end if ever? Do these cabals really want blow up Planet Earth and make us all die to get rid of certain elements like ISIS/ISIL etc,etc,etc? Using nukes to deter all these nefarious elements will only destroy Planet Earth and get us nowhere! What good will that do? Where is the moral and ethical value in such sinister acts? Where is love and compassion for one another in humanity here on earth? Where is logic and resoning as Quetzal has always stated time anmd time agin? As I`v said before,why me? I`m only human like Quetzal and Ptaah etc I`m not perfect but I`m learning too like you are,we all are.

Luis Sanchez

Terry, I don’t think the US military/clandestine intellengce community is foolish to go balls deep with more nukes. The fire thats setting the world on fire doesn’t need any atomic tinder…neither more kink to kill. Unfortunately humanity on earth will have to experience the pendulum of aggression it’s unempathocly used for centuries for virtually every problem (domestic or globally). The thirst for revenege, retaliation…(all symtoms of collective conscienceness puberty) no’ s no end.

Terry Carch

Thanks MH I guess you hired me.Hahahaha:)))

Barry Smith

Time travel proves once an event happns, it is forever . Edward going back to speak with IMMANUEL MEANS Immanuel still lives, that time and place is , for him to go back and see it means they could go back again and again because now is now. Forever in some time stream is forever . The eternal now .we time travel everyday, if you were alive yesterday , and read this now you came from the past , and when the sun rises the next day you are in the future.


Concerning Billy meeting with Jmmanuel, here is something else to consider based on the laws of Creation-nature that the past is unchangeable, yet the future is changeable. Back in the year 32AD or so, on that fateful day when Jmmanuel met a future incarnation, since Billy had not even been born yet, and the future was to be written, the person he met would be a future potential of Billy. So in the 1970s when Billy traveled back, to fulfill what had started in 32AD or so, it would no longer be his potential self, but rather the human being who actually developed. This would be similar to going into the future to see a winning lottery. Since the future is fluid and dependent on the thinking, feelings and actions all ALL parties involved, it is likely that the actual lottery numbers would be off from the potential numbers that the future time traveler witnessed when the event actually occurs.

Luis Sanchez

I can even begin to comprehend the surrealness of meeting your future self. I would personally appreciate meeting my future self. However one theory I just began pondering was can you meet your future self….in a dream?


Once again thank you MH for opening up a fun and exciting topic, instead of the usual doom and gloom. It is my opinion that it can be highly beneficial to discuss topics like this to learn about the spiritual teaching. Topics like this encourage folks to brainstorm and ponder ideas instead of regurgitating what they hear from their favorite news. Topics like these also balance out the bad news we hear everyday. It is certainly important for folks to learn about world events, and to be warned about impending disaster. BUT it is equally important to discover the Creational laws and directives through uplifting and exciting ideas too.

So hopefully, MH and Figu has learned about the value of topics like time travel when it comes to learning about natural laws, applying logic, and using reason. There is NO reason not to discover topics like time travel, ETs, beamships, space travel, etc on this blog. My hope is that in 2017 this blog can move beyond all the doom and gloom and find balance.


“…escapism, since it really doesn’t deal with anything pressing…”

This is YOUR opinion. This is NOT escapism! Folks can learn about natural laws (including cause and effect), self responsibility, and more from these topics. No one is disregarding dead-end politics, bloody religions; it is what got Trump elected and folks like Alex Jones catapulted into the mainstream discussion. Most reasonable folks want peace, truth, and to not be pushed around by politics. There is NO need to JUST beat on the doom and gloom drum, it is what HAS BUILT THE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA.


Being a human “catalyst,” not irritant.
Is very exhausting with THIS crowd….

gary lomas

For somebody with a 24 letter name – …
There are people in the present times who’s EGO’s are enourmously out of proportion to their recently learned small portion of enthusiastic knowledge, and often times they are a bore, and or ‘dazzler’ Also certainly they can come across as very condescending, and often forget that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, further more it does not occur to them that others see right through their ‘front’… Such folk may be advised to step back and spend more time learning, before they take the ‘rostrum’ trying to shine with their newly aquired grain of knowledge; and at least apply it to themselves, make it better, and strive for more…


Dear Gary,

I was waiting for this! I am not trying to DAZZLE anybody. In fact, nobody reads my stuff anyways. Many, I am sure would wish I would just go away. I do not care to impress anybody here, otherwise I would have posted things other than the SIMPLE CONCEPTS I have shared here. And let’s be clear. I am backing UP EVERYTHING WITH INFO FROM THE MEIER CASE. I am using logic which can be verified by using reason. I have shown natural laws Earth science has discovered and how they might apply to the greater universe and Universe. This is what the spiritual teaching looks like in action.

If I was trying to show off, I would be coming at you like a Jedi. But instead I am trying to appear harmless and funny by associating myself with Jar Jar Binks. I happen to really love Jar Jar. There is no disrespect intended with my long name. I am sorry to anybody who feels offended. Then I ask you to take a hard look at yourselves instead of trying to pull out my BEAM first.

The problem with the Meier case is that when anybody, other than their OFFICIAL GERMAN band, does their best to explain things in the case, that they themselves may have vigorously studied and thought about, are IMMEDIATELY treated like, “how dare you? It is way too difficult for any USA to figure out, let alone non German speaker to understand.” This is your pitiful gig that allows for my silliness.

This is not only unfair, but against the spiritual teaching. Anybody paying attention here would see that I am taking Figu sources and concepts and filling in the holes. Am I doing this for glory? There is no bleeping glory on your sorry blog. I am embarrassed to be a fan of the Billy Meier case. Not only is this blog boring but like a broken record. There is not such blindness anywhere else on the internet! And this is because people think the Billy Meier case is a reading program instead of a thinking program. Personally, I get a big laugh out of coming here with my silly names and my crazy American soup recipe. And then again it is the holidays and I had a bunch of time; and I saw Star Wars a couple of times and was jazzed so I wanted to bring out my inner alien. Hahahahaha



I am your friend. Or trying to be. I mean no one any harm. I am just trying to share things, and I am being careful about it. And unlike many people here who pull ideas out their bleep, I am giving you genuine Figu sources and Figu interpretation, to the best of my ability. I am here because I support the Billy Meier case. I think it is REAL. And I think time travel is REAL. And I am a fan of both. Why is this not enough for you and your crowd? I am going for learning with a few laughs. Did you get a diamond for the holidays by chance? I doubt you got coal.

You know what your problem is? You always have to have the last word! Have a great New Year everybody! I can still laugh at your silliness and still love you folks at the same time. Cheers!


Nobody is perfect. Now you know my holes. What are yours? Have you checked lately?


Well at least dear MH reads my stuff. And that is good by me;)

Now can I have the last word, please?

gary lomas

anthony ( Is that pronounced a…Fony ) I also invite you to have the last word with me, as these are certainly my last words to you… When finaly you have learned more than your present primary school knowledge, if you are capable (probably not in this life time ) You will look back at yourself and cringe with self created embarasment, and instead of empathy for you, many of us here will feel valid malicious joy about what you are creating for yourself. Your massive and toxic Ego attracts back to you… ‘not very many friends’ I’m sure. You claim to know and understand the Spirit lessons (which are allways ongoing anyway) yet your certainly not applying them ! You come across as all knowing and in a very condescending and caustic manner ! You claim to understand lots about Time travell, and wanting to be sharing and helpfull to others on this site… well I liken you to a rather spoiled infant, trying to dictate and teach to the Creation itself You claim to know lots about FIGU material… YOU DONT… I could go on and on, but a friend of mine named Michael jogged my memory about the importance of restraint, Why dont you ask an ‘Open question’ Like …Does any one want me to keep posting on this site ? ( and to save the other people the time of answering you, I suggest that if your answer is ‘NO’ then simply dont trouble to answer, as a confirmation) If you were to go away, and grow up generaly, as well as stop watching star wars and probably reading comic books, you would not only probably stop embarasing yourself in the future, but also maybe attract a genuine friend, or even two, but I would not bet on it for a few more million incarnations… So knock yourself out and have the last word with me if you like, I may even read it ! as my obligations to do so are not mandatory vetting (unlike poor Michaels) Have a good day…ant oh no !


Yes, I love comic books! And I collect Star Wars figures. My favorite is a boxed Queen Amadala Royal Starship. And yes I am like a big child who spends too much time dreaming of the stars….

Don’t worry, I am done for now. I have proved my point and the message has been sent.

RIP Carrie. Until the next personality….

Happy New year Garry, and the rest of the band.

gary lomas

Indeed…You have prooved you point – less – ness ADMIRABLY… bye bye

Gordon Barnes

Wonder why there have been so many famous deaths this year. Sorry off topic



Philip Brandel

Time travel….
Have been within an intense personal study of Goblet of the Truth, Billly Meier, etc, etc, lately and so far has been very little on ‘time travel’ within the teaching of the spirit, life, truth, consciousness, etc, etc, in GOTT.
If anyone would like could quote from book small aspect that is relevant… As it states our descendants can only look back in disgust at what we do, have done? Something along those lines, as time travel will come from us understanding ‘Creation’ and at this point, our ancestors must look in disgust as what we became, where we are going in cause and effect, to what we could have become?… About the extent time travel matters to me, to show the future what they come to hope and see then, today? Truly getting to see what one thougjt was without responsibility…for anyone to see at some point, if important enough to revisit someday in the past or future….?

Ah peng

Perhaps the reason why most/all of us scratch our heads when dealing with time travel is because time itself is a mystery. We still dont fully understand what time is all about other than looking at the clock/calendar for guidance.
When we travel to the past we enter the ‘already happened, already recorded events in the annals of the coarse material world of Creation’. This in turn set the momentum for future events. So i don’t think that it is possible or perhaps is simply unwise to change what had happened.
On the other hand if we travel to the future we enter the ‘not yet happened events brewing in the fine materials world’. But those events being kneaded/ mixed like what we do to flour to make for example bread. All these happens in the fine material dimensions/worlds before finally settle down or manifest themselves in the coarse material worlds. Prophecy is about looking into the high fine fluidal dimension to see what churning over there to see the results in the coarse material world. So prophecy is something that we can use our will power to alter unlike predictions.
Dreams are the proof that we can see into future events. So learn to sleep well, dream well. Not to be confused with day dreaming. Ha ha.
Wishing everyone a peaceful new year .


Well the idea of changing the past is illogical. According to the Plejaren via Billy it is not possible. The past falls away and the future flows into it… and the present is a construct of man’s mind and is not real. As far as time travel is concerned it is indeed possible… we do it all the time… going from point A to point B takes time… a simple material law of the universe easily proven cognitively (using your knowledge) also the light which has struck your face just now is glancing off into space at the current (yes… it does change) speed of light… ie 186,000 miles/second… and if you have a craft faster… than that number… you could… with an optical device at the proper focal length be able to look back and see your reflection several minutes or hours down the line of light to see your face in the analogy we are referencing… here.

As to Alien Species… it is my understanding there are three races on three separate continents and I know nothing more than that as far as the Meier material is concerned. They are more advanced than most of the human beings on our planet (this earth) and have absolutely no intention to abduct us… or study us under a microscope. It is my understanding these folks are here for some other undisclosed reason.

As far as the prophets (I.E. reincarnations of Billy Meier) have made tremendous sacrifices in their lives to bring us this extraordinary information with anyone with half an ounce of perseverance will understand the truth of the matter by reading and to go against it… is to go against ourselves… and what benefit would there be in that?

Have a happy, logical and reasonable new year!

Peace on Earth and among all beings.


Oh… I did not know that. Thank you and for ALL you do…
