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The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Excerpt of the 705th Contact Regarding “Elites” – by Larry Driscoll

This is an unofficial translation of a FIGU publication.

N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.  Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.

Excerpt from the 705th official Contact Report of Wednesday, March 14, 2018, pages 6-7, as presented at the internet website ‘Sign of the Times’ , Number 91, April 1, 2018 (FIGU-ZEITZEICHEN, Nr. 91, April/1 2018) webpage:
Auszug aus dem 705. offiziellen Gesprächsbericht vom Mittwoch, 14. März 2018

German to English translation by Larry Driscoll
Date:    June 5, 2018

Bermunda Darüber soll ich dir berichten, nämlich was Zafenatpaneach und Yanarara nun ganz klar herausgefunden haben. Tatsache ist, dass die sehr unerfreulichen Störungen und Zerstörungen, die in deinen und nun auch in den Computer von Bernadette eingebracht werden, ohne jeden Zweifel über … hineinmanövriert werden. …
Die Art ist eine Form des gezielten ‹Hackens› durch ‹Hacker›, wie ihr diese Vorgehensweise nennt, wodurch eine Infiltration in deinen Computer erfolgt, und zwar durch technisch hochversierte Fachkräfte in bezug auf Hardund Softwarebeherrschung. Es handelt sich beim Ganzen nicht um Schwachstellen in deinem Computersystem, denn das unbefugte Eindringen in deinen Computer und die Veränderungen und Zerstörungen deiner wertvollen Arbeit entsprechen einer gesteuerten Funktion, um zu verhindern, dass du die Wahrheit des weltweiten Betruges und der Lügerei der Religionen und Sekten bezüglich eines imaginären Gottes und seiner angeblichen Gesetze, Gebote und der sonstigen Albernheiten, Sinnlosigkeiten und der Absurditäten offenbarst. Weiter soll damit aber auch verhindert werden, dass du die Verlogenheit und Hinterhältigkeit der Politik offen nennst und die wirkliche Wahrheit der weltpolitischen und militärischen sowie geheimdienstlichen achenschaften in der tatsächlichen Weise offen und unzensiert nennst, wie sie wirklich sind und wie wir sie dir derart nennen, wie sie in keinen irdischen Medien genannt, sondern verschwiegen werden. Grundsätzlich ist damit auch die Bemühung dieser Gruppierung verbunden, dich mundtot zu machen, was auch aussagt, dass im Laufe der letzten rund 50 Jahre die auf dich verübten 23 Mordanschläge durch diese Gruppierung gesteuert waren. Sowohl aus politischer als auch aus religiöser und sektiererischer Sicht betrachtet, jedoch auch aus der Sicht der Waffenindustrie, Geheimdienste und diverser Organisationen mancherlei Art, sind wir zu sehr unerfreulichen Erkenntnissen gelangt.
Diese zeigen sehr klar auf, warum du im Sinn der Religionen, Sekten und Politik, des Militärs, der Geheimdienste und einer grösseren Anzahl verschiedener Organisationen an der Verbreitung der wirklichen Wahrheit gehindert wirst. Und das Ganze dient einzig dazu, dass in den Politik-, Religions-, Sekten-, Wirtschafts-, Geheimdienst-, Banken- und Organisationseliten die Geld- und Machtgier weiter grassieren und weder Frieden, Gerechtigkeit noch wirkliche Freiheit auf der Erde und Gleichheit und Hasslosigkeit unter allen Völkern werden können. Das waren auch die tatsächlichen Gründe dafür, dass alle Regierungen und öffentlichen Medien seit deinem Wirken schon ab den 1940er Jahren alle deine Aufrufe, Mahnungen und Warnungen sowie Voraussagen an die irdischen Regierungen und namhaften Medien nicht beachteten und nicht verbreiteten. Und das tun sie auch noch heute, machen dich lächerlich und bezichtigen dich des Luges und Betruges, während sie zudem Beschimpfungen, Lügen und Verleumdungen über dich verbreiten. Also wird alles unternommen – von einer Gruppierung, die wir …, die jedoch gemäss unserem Verstehen sowohl religiös, sektiererisch und politisch, wie auch militärisch, wirtschaftlich und geheimdienstlicher Form … –, um durch das Modifizieren deines Computergerätes oder das Hinzufügen von falschen und fehlerhaften Komponenten deren Funktionen gezielt zu stören und zu verändern, oder um zerstörenden Schaden anzurichten. Grundsätzlich besteht keine Einschränkung, in welcher Art deine Geräte gehackt und manipuliert werden, denn die Spanne reicht von einfachen elektrischen Geräten, wie beispielsweise
Küchengeräten, bis hin zu hochkomplexen weitentwickelten technischen Produkten wie Spielkonsolen oder Smart-Home-Produkten usw. Diese für uns bisher noch geheime Gruppierung, die unserer Erkenntnis gemäss einer effectiv weitumfassenden Organisation entspricht, ist in technischer Hinsicht usw. sehr weit entwickelt und hat einen äusserst kreativen Umgang mit der hoch-elektronischen Technik. Ihre Aktivitäten betreiben sie, um die Macht der Eliten der Politik, Religionen und Sekten, der Wirtschaft, Waffenindustrie, Geheimdienste sowie der Banken und ins Ganze involvierten Organisationen zu erhalten, wobei es auch gilt, den Unfrieden zu erhalten, wie auch die Unterdrückung der Völker, der Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit. Diese uns noch unbekannte Organisation wirkt weltweit, wie die von Yanarara und Zafenatpaneach festgestellten elektro magnetischen Wellen resp. sehr kraftvollen Schwingungen beweisen, die auch friedenbeeinträchtigende und hassfördernde Sequenzen in sich tragen, die rund um die Erde die Menschen treffen und bösartig beeinflussen, von Grund auf alle Bemühungen für Frieden herabsetzen und ihn verunmöglichen. Zudem werden durch diese Wellen resp. Schwingungen im Software- und Internetzumfeld Manipulationen bezüglich der Hardware betrieben, die hinterhältig darauf ausgerichtet sind, durch die Televisions-, Radio-, Computer- und Internetsysteme alle Völker derart suggestiv zu beeinflussen und auszurichten, dass sie in bezug auf die Machenschaften der oberen Eliten willenlos hörig werden.
Dadurch kann weiterhin durch die mächtigen Eliten der Politik, Religionen, Sekten und der Waffenindustrie, Wirtschaft, der Banken, Geheimdienste sowie aller gleichartig handelnden Organisationen usw. der Frieden, die Gleichheit sowie die Freiheit aller Menschen im einzelnen ebenso verhindert werden wie auch in der ganzen Welt. Und dies wird in der Art und Weise betrieben, indem rundum bei allen Völkern der Hass hochgetrieben wird, sei es durch Religionen, Sekten, die Politik und alle sonstigen Machenschaften irgendwelcher Elemente, die Hass säen und jede Bemühung einer Friedenbringung und das Tragen und Ausüben der Selbstverantwortung ebenso im Keim ersticken, wie sie auch jeden Anflug von Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit zerstören.
Bermunda, I should report to you actually what Zafenatpaneach and Yanarara now quite clearly have discovered about this. The fact is, that the very unpleasant disturbances and destructions which were caused in your, and now also in the computer of Bernadette, without any doubt were put into them. This behavior is a form of ‘targeting hacking’ by ‘hackers’, as you describe this way of action of them, whereby there occurred an infiltration into your computer, and specifically, by technically, highly experienced, professionals in regard to hardware and software mastery. The whole of this matter is not about a weakness in your computer system, because the unauthorized intrusion into your computer and the changes and destructions of your valuable work corresponds to a controlled function, in order to hinder the fact, that you reveal the truth of the worldwide deceptions and lies of the religions and sects regarding an imaginary god and his laws, recommendations and the other silliness, senselessness and absurdities of these. Further should then also be prevented, that you frankly describe the mendacity and underhandedness of politics and the actual truth of world politicians and the military as well as their secret-like machinations in their real ways, and in an uncensored manner, as they actually are and how we describe them so to you, like they are not described in the terrestrial media, and who are silent about them. Fundamentally, is the effort of this grouping allied, to silence you, such that in the course of the last approximately 50 years, 23 committed assassination attempts were sent at you. When both political and also religious and sectarian views are considered, however also from the view of weapon industries, secret and various organizations of various kinds, we are presented with very unpleasant discoveries. This shows very clearly, why you are hindered from spreading the actual truth in the sense of religions, sects, and politics, of the military, of the secret services and a large number of various organizations. And the whole matter of this situation only serves the fact, that in the politics-, religions-, sects-, economics-, secret services-, banks-and organization- elite, the greed- and craving for power, further rages and from this, there can never be, peace, justice nor real freedom on the Earth and equality and hatelessness among all peoples. This was also the real reason, why all governments and media since your work already back in the 1940s, did not heed and did not spread all of your appeals, admonitions and warnings as well as predictions to the terrestrial governments and the notable media. And they still also do this today, to make fun of you and accuse you of lies and deceptions, while they furthermore spread insults, lies and slander about you. Thus everything is undertaken – from a grouping, that we .., which however according to our understanding is both religious, sectarian and political, as well as also military, financial and secret service forms. -, through the modification of your computer devices or the additions of incorrect and defective components purposely intend to destroy and change their functions or to cause destroying damages in them. Basically, there is no restriction in what way your devices are hacked and manipulated, because this ranges from simple electrical devices, like, for example, kitchen appliances, up to highly complex further developed technical products like gaming consoles or smart-home-products, etc., This, for us up to now, still secret grouping, which according to our discoveries corresponds to an effective world-wide organization, is in technological respects, etc., very highly developed and has extremely creative dealings with high electronic technology. They carry on their activities in order to preserve the power of the elite of politics, religions, and sects, the industries and commerce, weapon industries, secret services as well as the banks and the total of all of involved organizations, whereby is also valid, to preserve the lack of peace, as well as also, the suppression of people, freedom and justice. This, to us still unknown organization works worldwide, like the electromagnetic waves, respectively, very powerful swinging waves detected by Yanarara and Zafanatpaneach showed, which also carry in themselves freedom inhibiting and hate promoting sequences, which hit and in evil manner influence, humans all around the Earth, in order to fundamentally disparage efforts for peace and make it impossible. Furthermore, through these waves, respectively swinging waves, in the software- and in the internet environment, manipulations are carried out regarding the hardware, which underhandedly accomplishes then, through television- radio, computer-and internet systems, the alignment and influencing of all people so suggestively, in such a way that they, willlessly submit in regard to the machinations of the upper elite. As a result, through these powerful elites of politics, religions, sects, and weapons industries, economics, banks, secret services as well as all similar acting organizations etc,, the peace, equality as well as freedom of all humans can continue to be hindered individually, as well as in the entire world. And this is pursued in a way, everywhere all around when, hate is driven up in all peoples, be it through religions, sects, the politics and all other machinations of any elements, hate is sown and every effort of a peace bringing and the carrying and exercising of self-responsibility likewise is nipped in the bud, as well as also is destroyed any trace of justice and freedom.











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Leyla Oglesby

So depressing… but I continue to hope for the best through thought and action.

Terry Carch

MH I know the Ps can`t intervene. What if theses bad SERCO intend to make good and their threats and decide that there has got to be a nuclear war to try to kill ALL of us then what are the chances that the Ps will intervene if at all? How will we ver get out of these nefarious cabals with their mean nasty threats? Salome.


There is so much I could say here but as I have no tangible evidence I cannot speak. MH… Billy may have been told about the “seeds” and the contingency plans. If you have this info please share.

Daniel Leech

Hey Terry, I don’t know how carefully and dilligently you read, whether you scan quick or read it line by line and compare it with the German source text and then with the world itself. But World War 2, your probably too young to remember, it was only in the first half of just the last century, well if you recheck what the Plejaren specifically and carefully said about it, when interested enough, they not only allowed it to unravel, they actually assisted the allies in the development of that unpleasant invention which unfortunately was necessary to stop it. So it’s a no and a yes from me.

Terry Carch

How will we all get out alive with SERCO and their mean selfishness to say nothing of a private free internet?

S.R. Anderson

Why not flip the poles of these negative swinging waves to that which is good and positive?

A thought which came to mind was that one could always apply the might of ones thoughts to solve this swinging wave issue. So as a form of mediation, one could say something along the lines of or whatever version works for you:

“Through the omnipotence of my consciousness, every negative swinging wave in my environment, without delay, automatically becomes good and positive and is sequenced in a wise (manner/way) which promotes love, peace, freedom, harmony and good-health.”

Though it may take a bit of time to develop as a skill, eventually when mastered, one should be able to identify noticeable changes in their environment. But the only way to prove if any such things can work is to try and see what happens.



I’m not sure there is enough “time” for us to stop the current swing. The trial and error time to perfect and the amount of concious minds needed to make it effective. However, we may be able to stop future swings. It’s worth a shot for the future of life on this planet.


Our current civilization is on a downward spiral. The momentum will keep it going at this point like clockwork. There is no stopping what is to come at this point. The “seeds” are here to pick up the pieces. The more minds at work on conciousness expansion the better off humans on Earth will be.

Julia Mckenzie

Hi, I dont normally comment much but just wanted to share my thoughts on this issue. I feel that those that have been studying the spiritual teachings and following the creational laws and recommendations to the best of their ability need to keep doing just that and even more so tirelessly. Our actions need to be louder than our words. We need to have everything we can in paper like books and printouts of documents that have been made public by the prophet. I feel we need to continue thinking and reacting in a neutral positive balanced form and be examples for others and so others will sense our energy thru swinging waves and will be spread continuously. We need to also be wise in the reality of things to come about and be prepared not only physically but psychically for what could result in the near future. Also I always like to read that phrase at the end of one of the prophecies and predictions where it states that those that in truth follow the laws and recommendations of creation will not even have a hair of their head hurt in these trying times coming. That tells me that we as truth knowledge ones can survive and continue to live and spread thru our actions all the knowledge that has been acquired by each of us and be the start of a truly new truth following people. Truly live well and in truth everyone:)

Julia Mckenzie

There is a mention in the Henoch Prophecie that the Plejaren would intervene at a point when industrialized nations (probably USA) would interfere I think into the small countries that basically would be taken total advantage of and having their countries destroyed and having absolutely no way to defend themselves from annihilation, then they would step in. Something to that effect. I am going to see if I can find it and post it. This will probably possibly happen in the future after all the catastrophic events start happening.

Luis Sanchez

And Still They Fly!, second edition Guido Moosbrugger ISBN 0-9711523-1-4

Page. 315 The Henoch Prophecies


“However, a certain maelstrom of destruction will also originate from the undersea facilities; because in the cites at the bottom of the ocean, groups of submarine pirates will be formed which will burst upward from the depths of the ocean and will become involved in destructive actions of combat with navel fleets on the surface. At this time, the possibility could become a reality that extraterrestrial forces intervene against the western industrialized countries, because these will be the responsible for the extreme and enormous disasters of the coming evil times. These extraterrestrial forces will give up their anonymity and their state of secrecy and will assist those who are being terrorized by the irresponsibly acting western countries, should this possibility become reality.”

Daniel Leech

In contact report 251 during Billy’s 23 pages. It’s said differently than that, but this is not a great translation I have discovered.

“Because of Man’s intrinsic attitude, induced by his degeneration, wars and revolts will occur on Mars. These events will transpire when humans, after conferring with extraterrestrials, construct residential buildings beneath the oceans which will dangerously interfere with the ecologic equilibrium of the oceans, land masses and the air. Once again the time will arise when another new, dangerous, fatal weapon is invented that will disintegrate the bones of life forms. Simultaneously, the artificial sun created about fifty years prior will drift from its orbit and over a mere seventy-two hour period will plunge to earth”

To bring the details out have to take the German from the book and from other contacts and answers where clarifications have been made by Billy to Michael.

Luis Sanchez

Page.313 not 315

Luis Sanchez

I’m starting to sense that we as a people of our kind human beings on earth that our 37 chambers (our genes) being that they have been hacked epochs ago. Is in truth our biggest challenge, on the otherhand we as people on earth contemporarily with our chronology don’t even posses the humanity to approach the overall issue and it’s effects. Excelerated aging, hyperbolic aggression, poor cognitive memory and addiction to name a few. Time is so imperative for numerous issues which have been annotated by the help of our Swiss friend(s) and others. I feel as if we as a people of the earth are as an
hourglass but not in the regular sense as in balanced hourglasses of positive and negitive forces. But rather imbalanced, Hourglasses that have only refined ashes of war to substitute for rather solid positive grains to measure it’s time. Frail and limited. That run their course more quickly then a regular human on other worlds who’s hourglasses have never been hacked.

I hope that all find common ground, come to reason. Protect all vitality’s
We as people of our kind on earth cannot cloud our view through our already frail and limited hourglasses with more ashes of war to refine…and define our space in time.

Luis Sanchez

Also just to add to my statement Mitochondrial DNA contains 37 genes.
If I have to take a hypothetical guess. Theirs mitochondrial may perhaps need to be at 49 genes versus the current 37 genes. Meaning theirs….12 remains for positive and neutral balance.

Matthew Deagle

The modjfjcatjon by the Sjrjans js not jn our mjtochondrja but on the X-chromosome. Jt js the short alleles of MAOA.

matt lee

So what is the name of the specific DNA involved Matthew?

Matthew Deagle

J just sajd jt:
Jt’s the versjons of MAOA other than the 4R (4 repeat) versjon.
That’s the majn gene jnvolved jn aggressjon and the majn one that was modjfjed by the Sjrjans.
So e.g. jf a person has the 2R or 3R versjon of jt, they have the genetjc modjfjcatjon jntended to make those people more aggressjve than they had to be.

Ned Duke

“They carry on their activities in order to preserve the power of the elite of ”

The elite of nothing will be nothing when their technology catches up with them. I guess they will be happy to part with flying around the world making decisions for other people and giving lectures/talks while only eating the best food and leaving everyone else out. Oh wait, if the Prophecies and Predictions happens that all comes to a very rapid end thanks in no small part to these very very knowledgeable ones that will find themselves in misery.

Bear in mind the Bafath originally were going to pose as saviors to Earth Humanity on Planet suicide. According to the Meier material, they were not the original Sirian overloards that planted suicidal behavior into their fighting subjects that live about 100 years. So, it’s really up to the descendants of those subjects, being Earth Humanity, to understand that the only option to remove that suicide on the scale the overlords had guaranteed to happen if their creations over took them, was to follow the truth about life and the spirit. If not, we’re going to join Mars and Malona very fast.

Matthew Deagle

“I can only state that I find it despicable and sad that somebody would attempt to eliminate the truth in this way, and it matters not whether the “Men in Black” are behind these assassination attempts and, as usual, exploited a labile terrestrial to do their filthy work, or whether the person is simply a confused Billy Meier enemy. I strongly doubt the latter and tend to think that it was the scheming “Men in Black.” Most of the assaults upon my life, after all, were perpetrated by them in a manner whereby they influenced unstable people and forced them into following their commands, since they themselves have no desire to execute their own dirty deeds, and especially not with their own, highly-developed weapons whose secret technology would, therefore, be revealed. This is the last thing they would want because such information must remain a secret. — One way or another, in my opinion the assailants are wretched fools who will pay an incredibly steep price in the future for taking the chances they do in this manner.”

Matthew Deagle
Matt Knight

Source of Matthew Deagle’s comment: ‘Attempts on Billy’s Life’ (writing about events between June 8th and 10th 1998):

My understanding is that there were two arresting waves of the Men In Black, aka., Giza Intelligences, Bafath, Ashtar Sheran’s group: One, the first, from Earth in the late 70’s (78/79?), although I think they missed one or two at first and another when the MIB were still acting against Billy from their, forcefully-emigrated to, ET home in the 90’s – negative influencing type machines I think, so they were moved again into a different time dimension I think.

Look at all the ‘Ashtar Command’, ‘Galactic Federation’, New-Agey BS online diatribe to basic facts and the Meier case and we still have evidence of their strong influence until today.

Daniel Leech

They seem to me more than happy to call out the names of individuals who may have written something defamatory or incorrectly, expressed their opinions disrespectfully or whatever at that petty level. But when it comes to openly naming those who have committed serious crimes such as attempted to take Billy’s or a FIGU members lives they never say anything about it or against them or make it personal. I find this incredibly odd behaviour how they’ve balanced those priorities and arranged those prejudices. And I know that many around the world would get great pleasure from the vigilante justice aspects of tracking down these individuals and ensuring they never commit such an offence again to another more vulnerable person, and why should they be denied that pleasure for the benefit of the communities that these criminals reside. When they have spoken against the behaviours of so many others for trivial offences such as against the poor presentation of information. Lessons take many forms, why should computer professionals be denied access to the identities of these hacking perpetrators and the organisations they represent, if it is known by Billy and the Plejaren and why is the capabilities of our justice system insulted so regularly by Billy and the Plejaren.

Sheila Clark

Hi Daniel according to Wikileaks Vault7 the Sea Eye Eh are the original group able to access computers but they negligently left the “back door” open for any and all hackers. Which is why Julian Assange is cut off from ALL communication at the Equador Embassy in the U.K. even though the UN has ruled twice against his detention.

Matt Knight

Hi Daniel,

Religion resulted from “poor presentation” and your showdown won’t end up as a victory dance in the trees with the Ewoks. The Plejaren have said repeatedly that they won’t interfere forcefully on Earth or be our Police. Doing so may permanently remove their ability to monitor Earth at all and the attacks on Billy, from all the religious nuts still around after any one bad bunch had been taken down, and who may, according to the information, still be influenced by impulses from the Bafath, would have an open invitation whereas now they can warn/impulse Meier and others. The Plejaren couldn’t even interfere with the MIB until they were directly attacked themselves, where the principle of self-defense warranted the arrests.

Daniel Leech

I’m glad the Swiss police and their detectives solved these hundred incidents reported to them by Billy because that would have embarrassed and exposed their competency to millions around the entire world in many languages and there is only a few million who even live in Switzerland. The SSSC bumps up the crime rating for the entire nation.

Matthew Deagle

Even jf the MJB were arrested jn 2006, they can tjme-travel at certajn jntervals, so the ones
from the 1950s – 1960s are stjll here and they are the ones behjnd thjs.
Thejr goal js to kjll off as many of us as they can, because of our aggressjon gene/MAOA.
Read about jt jn Contact 251.
(Sorry, my i-key js not respondjng, so J am usjng J here jnstead.)

Jt’s the same MJB that harassed Albert K. Bender. Now they are tryjng to start WWJJJ, and chances are, they wjll succeed.

Matthew Deagle

Well, J thjnk that comment from Bjlly above suggests he beljeves the MJB were behjnd all the assassjnatjon-attempts on hjm, then that other contact posted recently here, Bermunda sajd that jt was the same group behjnd the assassjnatjon-attempts…

matt lee

It is my understanding from that particular conversation that they aren’t all the work of extraterrestrial as your post suggests.
I agree with Dr Greer in certain matters when he blasted project camelot for ET fear mongering by saying that with all the technologies at their disposal if they wanted to take over earth they would’ve already done it by now.

Matthew Deagle

Jt’s not fear-mongerjng.
ET fear-mongerjng, jronjcally, has been part of the MJB’s agenda for a long tjme.

One does not need to fear-monger about people whose ‘job’ jt js to cover up UFOs and brjng humanjty to jts self-destructjon as a defjned ‘act of self defence’.

Matt lee

Agreed Michael hence why Matthew’s unsubstantiated and outlandish statement makes it all the more ridiculous given all that billy and the plejaren ever said about the MIB.

Matt lee

Matthew there is such a thing as terrestrial, meaning, earthling only Men In Black as talked about by billy.
This is one other equation you semed to have missed.

Matthew Deagle

The Terrestrjal MJB do not eve have remotely the capabjljtjes of the Sjrjan ones…

matt lee

I wonder what your problem is Matthew I mean after so many years of studying the billy meier case and every information available henceforth that it seems to me that certain fundamental principle of this whole process is still missed by you even after all these years.

Matthew Deagle

Whjch fundamental prjncjple?

matt lee

If you need to ask then obviously you aren’t getting it.
Now I realise that just because billy said so or didn’t say so doesn’t always mean that its always the truth or it isn’t the truth and that billy’s words shouldn’t be treated unquestioningly as gospel but he does have impeccable sources and he himself has unbelievable abilities with a phenomenal track record and mountain of corroborating proof and evidence to prove it .
Now since almost everyone here has proven to themselves beyond the shadow of doubt the authencity of this case and all that billy and the plejaren spoke about its so redundant at this point to retort ‘just because billy said so doesn’t mean that other independent sources don’t also have validity’, yeah but where it concerns the MIB and your statement that ‘Jt’s the same MJB that harassed Albert K. Bender. Now they are tryjng to start WWJJJ, and chances are, they wjll succeed’, I mean you can’t make this stuff up for the sheer absurdity of it all.
The point is all this new age rubbishishy nonsense is peddled here by someone who we thought should’ve known better is the sad part about this whole thing.

Matthew Deagle


Matt lee

Ok one more time Matthew.
The principle I am talking about is staying true to the truth and in this case staying truth to the truth of the claims made by billy untarnished by wild claims and projections like the statements you made that quote ‘Even jf the MJB were arrested jn 2006, they can tjme-travel at certajn jntervals, so the ones
from the 1950s – 1960s are stjll here and they are the ones behjnd thjs.
Thejr goal js to kjll off as many of us as they can, because of our aggressjon gene/MAOA.
Read about jt jn Contact 251.
(Sorry, my i-key js not respondjng, so J am usjng J here jnstead.)’ unquote.

Can you see where I am going with this?

Sheila Clark
Perhaps this was the source of confusion?

Matthew Deagle

Terrestrjal so-called MJB, whether government or cjvjljan/reljgjous or whatever, nejther have the capabjljtjes nor the motjves of the actual MJB.

Bjlly js just bejng ambjguous about jt because, guess what, they trjed to kjll hjm 23 tjmes and mjght endanger someone else.

Matthew Deagle

J thjnk you’re a fool.

Where do you thjnk ‘As a Man Thjnketh’ came from?
Jt was plagjarjzed from one of Bjlly’s books jn the present and the MJB planted jt jn the past to gjve the opposjte jmpressjon. They jnvented James Allen from thjn ajr.

Matthew Deagle

You know that even long after the fact people have made up hjstorjcal fjgures,
especjally jn regard to pseudonyms under whjch book were wrjtten.
Note that even jf James Allen exjsted, e.g. we beljeve that Shakespeare
wrote most of Marlowe’s canon.

J doubt he exjsted, however. The whole thjng js fjshy as hell.

And the MJB absolutely can tjme-travel, but only at set jnterdjmensjonal jntervals. That’s why they stjll care, as jf they came from thousands of years ago after we rebelled…

Not to mentjon e.g. Mars and Malona were only habjtable 4 bjlljon years ago.

Please use your jntellect.

Matthew Deagle

Let me repeat:
Mars was only habjtable 4 bjlljon years ago.
So jf the MJB cannot tjme-travel, they sure can bear a grudge.

Actually ljkewjse, no gjants could ljve jn thjs djmensjon ejther because of he low oxygen – that was solely jn the djmensjon 116 mjlljon years ago when also the volcanoes appeared on Mars. That absolutely jmpljes tjme-travel to the past. There js no doubt about jt that they could tjme-travel.

Anthea Williams Cossette

Hello Matthew,
You are repeatedly ignoring requests to cite your references. This will no longer be permitted to continue.

In addition, we will not allow discussions to degenerate to the point where commenters are insulting and attacking each other.

Your comments to this thread will from here on out not be approved any longer, and you may be banned altogether from this blog,until you can comply with these simple requests:

1. Use “In my own opinion” when stating your assumptions and opinions re. The Meier material.
2. Provide links and verifiable references to your sources
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Anthea WC – moderator

Matthew Deagle

J cjted them, as you see above.
J just put 2+2 together.
You can read the two statements yourself and make up your own mjnd.
a) MJB were behjnd the 23 assassjnatjon attempts by jnfluencjng Terrestrjals.
b) the group behjnd the hackjng js the same one behjnd the assassjnatjon-attempts.

– Matthew

Anthea Williams Cossette

Thank you Matthew

Matthew Deagle

“Grundsätzlich ist damit auch die Bemühung dieser
Gruppierung verbunden, dich mundtot zu machen, was auch aussagt, dass im Laufe der letzten rund 50 Jahre
die auf dich verübten 23 Mordanschläge durch diese Gruppierung gesteuert waren. ”

– From that contact you posted.

matt lee

Matt wasn’t there another one involving the Sirians with bombs and reversal of time defusal involved?

Daniel Leech

mmm, time defusal, I’m going to drink some English tea.

Luis Sanchez

Contact 179

The splinter group of the fallible Known as the SABANS (and were in constant communication with the fallible ones). They were on a remote planet 2.8 million light years away in the Karan system on the far side of the Andromeda system. The Plejarens found an impulse that matched that of the bell shaped one around the earth then followed the impulse to the small planet that was inhospitable. And desert with small metal domes were found.

Contact report 179


14. But now, hear what we found: 14. Doch höre nun, was sich ergab:
15. Our unit followed these impulses to a small and very inhospitable planet, where metal domes were soon spotted, which were located in a large desert and from which the impulses were apparently being emitted. 15. Unsere Einheit folgte diesen Impulsen, bis zu einem kleinen und sehr unwirtlichen Planeten, wo bald metallene Kuppelbauten gesichtet wurden, die in einer grossen Einöde eingebettet waren und aus denen die Impulse offensichtlich abgestrahlt wurden.
16. This quickly proved to be true, as defensive reactions of the dome stations appeared, which very quickly brought our unit under control and to a halt, after which the stations were then seized and the inhabitants were arrested, but it turned out that it was another faction of the Giza Intelligences, who had to leave the Earth at a very early stage and who had formed a separate people, whom they call SABAN. 16. Das bewahrheitete sich schnell, als Abwehrreaktionen der Kuppel—Stationen auftraten, die unsere Einheit allerdings sehr schnell unter Kontrolle und zum Stillstand brachte, wonach die Stationen eingenommen und die Bewohner festgenommen wurden, wobei sich herausstellte, dass es sich um eine weitere Splittergruppe der Gizeh-Intelligenzen handelte, die jedoch schon zu recht frühem Zeitpunkt selbst die Erde verlassen und ein eigenes Volk gegründet hatten, das sie SABAN nennen.
17. As it turned out, this folk has always been in constant touch with the real Giza Intelligences remaining on the Earth, so it was easy for them and their allies to get in touch after the deportation through us, through a consciousness block, after which the Sabans then helpfully stepped in and gave the Giza Intelligences every aid, while they themselves also actively cooperated and even pursued the same objectives since ancient times. 17. Wie sich herausstellte, stand dieses volk seit jeher in steter Verbindung mit den eigentlichen und auf der Erde verbliebenen Gizeh-Intelligenzen, so es ihnen und den Verbündeten ein Leichtes war, sich nach der Deportation durch uns durch einen Bewusstseins-Block in Verbindung zu setzen, wonach die Sabans hilfreich einsprangen und den Gizeh-Intelligenzen jegliche Hilfe zukommen liessen, während sie selbst ebenfalls aktiv mitwirkten und auch selbst seit alters her die gleichen Ziele weiterverfolgten.
18. In addition, they hadn’t remained idle over many centuries, but they developed malignant technologies that enabled them for several months to send out, across millions of light years, negative vibrations that were polarized toward the smallest targets, which exhibit the characteristic that they take the available negative vibrations of the same kind from the target and concentrate them into an immense ball of power, without the originators of the vibrations noticing a reduction in their strength and without the originators of the vibrations losing anything of their own vibrations.

33. The only way to prevent the catastrophe is for the time flow to be reversed and be made effectively declining.

34. Only then would the danger be averted, after which we could then perform the elimination, but we must count on the fact that we need to dissolve the entire planet into energy because it has been so thoroughly developed and transformed that it is truly nothing more than an overkill bomb that, in its gigantic magnitude, would completely destroy everything within millions of kilometers if it would come to explosive effect.

matt lee

My bad grammatical mistake.
It should’ve been either bomb d efusal by reversing time or time reversal to defuse the bomb?

Luis Sanchez

Matt it’s ok, this is just my opinion. But when the Plejaren’s literally stopped the Time flow (because clearly space and time are separate but work in unison…harmony and also it was specified they stopped the time flow ) for the prevention of any detonation(s) of the SABAN’s elaborate contraption(s). With that said and solidified. It’s very challenging for myself to rationalize the following:

(A). The SABANS time bomb was deactivated by means of stopping the time flow, due to complexity and effecting inhabitants within radius/ and radius’s


(B). Respectfully High Council/ the Plejaren decision for NON preventive actions/ or assistance towards Apophis, therefore leaving all responsibility(s) to terrestrial scientist(s), etc to prevent Apophis from impacting terra/ or earth effecting the inhabitants within and on terrestrial radius.

I know it’s not their responsibility and I completely understand this. But our scientist(s) not having one murmur concerning the prevention of Apophis at this point and being as quite as religious church mouses is more perplexing to say the least.

Matt Knight

Hi Matt,

Yeh, I remember reading about that, but, I can’t find the reference now.

I also remember visiting my Grandparents in Surrey, England as a child in the 70’s and seeing something like this on TV:

Apparently, the above was only broadcast in Surrey, England and my brothers still make fun of my getting ‘cold feet’ at this time and wanting to take a coach home to Nottingham.

Ptaah said in 264th CR that the effects of the Bafath’s telenotic impulses will linger for “200 or 300 years” and many here may have had to negotiate some stormy psychological waters on the path to the truth I’m sure.

Sheila Clark
matt lee

Thanks Sheila for that link.
Must’ve taken awhile to find this.

Sheila Clark

Hi Matt, no I looked in Guido Moosbrugger’s book And Still They Fly and the CR was listed…easy peasy.
I thought there was a later CR which mentions another time flow disruption ending in October 2008 concerning the Sirians originating from Mars?

matt lee

MOST of the assaults upon my life, after all, were perpetrated by them in a manner whereby they influenced unstable people and forced them into following their commands,

This statement by billy is unequivocal
Not All

Luis Sanchez

Contact report 142.

99. Semjase


Nevertheless, a life form only becomes strong in this ability if he is accordingly developed in his consciousness-evolution and lives out the necessary love for that purpose. This means that such a life form is no longer capable of committing illogical violence against the laws of nature. Thus, he never even enters into temptation any more, if he travels to the past or to the future, to commit illogical violence, such as wanting to change the future through additional acts or deeds in the past. On the other hand, his logical understanding is already so highly evolved that he already recognizes and knows that nothing more can be changed in the past that would shape the future differently than what has already happened, for the future, from which the time traveler came, has already happened as an effect of the preceding causes. If now, however, a time traveler materializes in the past or in the future and meets himself there, then this will also happen in the future if he came from there because the spirit, i.e. the spirit form, of the time traveler from the future also materializes in the past or in the future, depending on whether the trip leads from the future to the past or from the past to the future.

Matthew Deagle

Thjs js hjghly mjsleadjng and taken out of context.

e.g. note that the Skrjll can tjme-travel, as they come from another djmensjon.
Jnterdjmensjonal travel js tjme-travel!

Luis Sanchez

Your welcome.

Ned Duke

A can equal B and B can equal C. However, that does not mean A equals C.

This has more to do with making simple logical connections and losing sight with the context of the comparison that throws people away or lead people down to make connections that are not as strong as one would like to believe is true. It happens a lot and most prevalent in the UFO/Ancient Advanced Civilizations/etc conspiracy techno-babble. It is also true outside of that in everyday arguments people make because these days folks are not looking to resolve their conflicts but rather dominate their rivals and force and acceptance of their will upon another.

That’s not to say that in the Meier material we don’t have things said in a certain way that could be used incorrectly by folks with far lower and corruptible standards coming across this material look to make a quick rouble out of it if one thinks about the “Plejarens” vs “Pleidians”.

That being said, this overly assertive and aggressive behavior should be a concern with folks familiar with the Meier material and will be concerned especially with the recent call to basically avert WW3 (or 4 assuming the war in the late 1700s makes someone’s standards for a classification as a “world war”). Yes, from the Meier material we’re aware of the genetic changes made by the original Creator-Overlords and probably extends up to the fore fathers of the Sumerians with regards to this aggressive genetic manipulation. Contrary to what Zachariah Stitchen and Ancient Aliens goes about with the Sumerians, who are of course Earth Humanity at this point, they’re more of a down to Earth people that merely passed on a narrative from their fore fathers. I say this because if anyone read Samuel Noah Kramer’s account about the Sumerians they should have come across translations with medicine, for example, that was more along the lines of a doctor’s note than a plead to the gods for some divine miracle. This is not something assumed or mentioned by Ancient Aliens because a doctor’s note isn’t as fantastic as communicating with the gawds. Also, being one of the first civilizations to use the wheel extensively isn’t apparently nearly as interesting as communicating directly with the gawds and mining gold for them which doesn’t make much sense but neither does entertainment.

Andrew Grimshaw

In an exercise of walking the walk, I shall aim to learn by asking if you could share the definition of equal that you are using in the above?

Ned Duke

It’s not so much a math equation in the literal sense as normally folks of various sorts, doesn’t have to be here or the UFOCI but other topics, will make this a logical fallacy. In this case, an association fallacy which is flagrantly common on the UFO/Conspiracy circuit folks which try to connect things around the planet without actually knowing if what they’re looking at ARE connected (which is a key difference) and that an assumption can be made.

On association fallacy:

Andrew Grimshaw

Thank you Ned, I think I see what you are saying now.