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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

The Spiritual Teaching Books

The incomparable wisdom and life-affirming companionship that only the truth can provide

“I just finished reading the newly translated Arahat Athersata and I must say that it is the most helpful book I have ever read. The book puts it in simple and easy terms how anyone can change their bad thinking nearly overnight, a manual for a healthy mind if you will.
And a human can not only eliminate pain, anxiety, doubt, desperation, etc. but also real illnesses by just thinking as nature intended it for the human being.”

Anthony A.

There are no shortages of opportunities to write about the ever-deteriorating state of the world, the crises, catastrophes, existing and newly threatening diseases and epidemics, etc.

But while we may become aware and informed regarding things about which we’ve long been warned and that are now upon us, we are not left any the better off, nor really empowered by the information.

Those of us that clearly recognize the reality of the situation, including the inevitability of the impending, unstoppable coming events, can all too easily succumb to the same kinds of avoidance, depression, etc., that other people do, even when they barely recognize the seriousness of the situation.

The most effective remedy I know of is to actually read – think about and implement – the spiritual teaching.

For those who still don’t know, this is the non-religious, belief-free teaching. It couldn’t be more different than the illogical, dogmatic, stagnant religious, sectarian and cultic beliefs and systems  which, in themselves, cause all life and evolution-necessary striving to cease…as is explained in the book, The Way to Live:

“Through this religious-sectarian irrational teaching, every believer’s creational-natural, innate striving, for that which is higher and for the highest possible absolutely full development, is throttled and even eliminated. But, if the human being lacks the striving, then he/she no longer finds and recognizes any Ziele towards which it would be rewarding to work and to live. He/she becomes dependent on religious-sectarian, wrong-philosophical, irrational teachings and dogmas, which every normal-rational human being recognises as absurd. To be a believer means to be without striving, to no longer have any initiative in regard to the natural advancement and to no longer be integrated into any evolution. To be without striving means to stagnate and to wither.”

This concept, its explanation and implications are stunning, shocking in fact when considered in its reality, as evidenced by the ever-imploding effects in the world, i.e. the increased conflicts, terrorism, wars, etc., which at their core are based in the anti-life, anti-evolutionary religious and political beliefs, cultic systems, etc.

This can only be fully realized and experienced through the explanations in the spiritual teaching which, unlike the aforementioned, regressive and degenerative systems, actually antidotes the negative, consciousness-crippling and life-enslaving effects that otherwise ceaselessly take their toll on our physical, emotional and mental well-being, and elevates our consciousness.

(For more FREE information from the spiritual teaching click HERE.)

I have created two Special Offers containing an abundance of the incomparable wisdom and consciousness-enhancing spiritual teaching that will give you the uplifting, life-affirming companionship that only the truth can provide.


Arahat Athersata, the Psyche and The Way to Live



Arahat Athersata, the Decalogue and The Way to Live

See all the Books and DVDs and visit the Digital Downloads Store!

Each Special Offer package also includes The Meier Contacts AND The Silent Revolution of Truth (arguably the best UFO documentary ever made and includes all three Special Features) DVDs FREE! These DVDs are the two earliest productions on the Billy Meier UFO Contacts from They Fly Productions and provide a profound retrospective on the Meier contacts and include the prophetic warnings that have fulfilled since after the release of these presentations.

Each Special Offer package contains $200 worth of books and DVDs and includes insured shipping! Total cost: $145 each package.

Ask about other package deals! Please allow 10 – 14 days for delivery.

Prices are for domestic orders only, please enquire about international orders.


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Ev Vollmer

awesome Michael!

Tim Vasquez

Hello Michael! My wife recently purchased a book for my B day , The Goblet of Truth. Question! Is this the Spiritual Teachings? I had told her this is the spiritual Teachings but after reading your recent post on theyflyblog I’m not so sure now. Please help! my wife’s name is Charlene Vasquez and she recently made a purchase a few days ago.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Tim,

The Goblet of Truth is the teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life from all 7 prophets: Henoch (Enoch), Elia (Elijah), Jesaja (Isaiah), Jeremia (Jeremiah), Jmmanuel (Immanuel), Muhammad (Mohammed) and Billy (BEAM). It is part of the Spiritual Teaching.

Scott Reed

Hello Michael. Just read an article on about how life on are planet started in fresh water not a salt water ocean. If they had read the contact reports they could of figured this out decades ago.
Peace, Scott.

Scott Reed
Matt lee

Michael would you or anybody here be interested in chipping in towards buying a few or several books to send to Joe Roegan who is genuinely into UFO subject matter so that it may lay a path of possibility one day for you to be interviewed in his podcast which will then give the zmeier case that much more exposure?

Matt lee

Is there a technical issue with this blog
my post isn’t getting through

Melissa Osaki


Check your email.

Tyler Rutland

I’ll chip in, after Christian Frehner visited
here in Canada recently I’ve had a surge of striving and I’m working full-time now and earning well

Get in touch through my email Matt:

I wrote a pretty good carrot on my Quora a few days ago to prompt people to think about the Adam and Eve tale in an alternative light, it’s something to do my own part too 🙂

Corey Müske

$145 for 3 books plus 2 DVD’s is a good deal. I recently received my Arahat Athersata German/English translation via MH, thanks.

Wow, over 1/2 billion dollars raised (via donations) in 12 hours of the fire that destroyed the Notre Dame cathedral to rebuild it! Imagine if the people only knew Christianity over the last 2,000 years was the evil handiwork of the Bafath, and that God does not exist, and praying to a tin-god that is powerless to help or hurt you, because it does not exist.

1/2 a billion dollars would go a long way towards birth control for this planet (fund a birth-stop), or go a long way for high quality FIGU spiritual teaching book translations for the whole Earth to read, in a variety of languages (English, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, etc).

My people are capable of funding fantastic ideals, whatever they set their mind to, if only the truth were explained to them just so, and in a certain way to prevent uprisings, if only they were given the chance, the donations would probably be in the trillions if only it were possible to explain the truth to all of humanity, and have gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit ready to go in case people start acting a fool.

The first thing I would explain to the masses is the consequences of overpopulation, on all the main television channels in all countries 24/7, and then break it slowly from there.

The people deserve to know the truth, if only it were possible.

Corey Müske

The people will find out the truth one way or another, I would much rather they find out before the fall of humanity, before there is a nuclear war, before Apophis strikes, before the ’48 predictions come true (which are set in stone), I would much rather the people find out the truth before the 200-year long prophecies of an evil future for Earth humanity (due to terrorism and overpopulation consequences) of contact 669 come true, as these are changeable still.

Things will work out for Earth humanity in the long run, but doesn’t the short run deserve some notice before the downfall of humanity that we will have to rebuild from, and learn our collective lessons?

Sven Rosen

Where did you read about contact 669? Is the evil time stretching out for 200 years, is that what is meant by decades?

Carlos L Rivera

It’s has been said, “There’s not one truth, but many.” The Meier’s case may be the greatest and most cold blooded case to the existence of a more advanced human extraterrestrial race such as the Pleajaren, but they’re not the only et’s on Earth. There’re a lot of different et’s being watched and filmed all over Earth. Some in the Meier camp attacked it “as all being false,” when I fact they’re not. Do you mean to tell me that all astronauts, military officers and scientists, investigators and so on, that they’re all liars? That they don’t know what they’re reporting, but only Meier’s? I’m sorry, but I reject that allegation. Do we have charlatans,liars and deceivers on this matter? No doubt, we do. Not all of them. I seen bonafide qualify landings of UFO’s and et’s all through out Latinamerica, and even Russia. Are they’re all lying, hoaxes and deceipts? Get the hell away from me. What we got to do is contact and research them for their allegations, and then make a reasonable judgement.

Sheila Clark

Hi Carlos, how is the Meier case “cold blooded”? You want to talk about cold blooded then you should ask all the regressive hypnotists that look for new victims at these UFO conferences how cold blooded they are when they take someone who had a UFO sighting and turn it into a full blown alien abduction. Now that’s cold hearted.


“I can teach you the secrets to heightening your spiritual self… all for the low, low cost of $150 per book.” Snake oil salesman. If someone were truly interested in spreading spiritual enlightenment, they would do it at no cost, because isn’t that the spiritually enlightening thing to do? Wouldn’t you want to spread this enlightenment as far as possible, to as many people as you possibly can? How many people can you be spreading it to at $150 a pop?

Stephen Lane

On the futureofmankind and this website there are many thousands of pages of extracts from Billy’s books all freely available. More than enough for many lifetimes of study. You could contribute, freely, Ben, by printing them all out and distributing them around your local neighbourhood. The most important book of the spiritual teachings, The Goblet of the Truth, is available in PDF form absolutely free.

Since FIGU is a not profit organisation they do do it for free really as is required by international law. What they charge for the books only covers the cost of printing/publishing and distribution. How many of Billy books do you think are purchased each year? Michael Horn is not getting rich by making a few $$ on each book.


We are an informal study group meeting in Northeast east New Jersey.
If interested please feel free to contact us via email at
for more information.

Melissa Osaki

Thank you for the information. Please remember to use your first and last name when commenting. Thank you

Pam Burgess

I’d like to request info on how to contact someone at figu that could tell me how and where to buy the untranslated book Billie wrote about dream interpretation. I have a friend who speaks and reads German who could read it for me. I tried looking online at the figu site and couldn’t find anything. Thanks from South Dakota.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Pam,

You can contact any of the FIGU groups at the link below. Thanks.

Andrew Grimshaw

Hello Pahm Berguess, why do you not remember the correft spellink of sumones name?

Sheila Clark

Lol good one Andrew. Maybe it’s because Pam can’t figure out if she’s Damian. I’m sure through a dream all will be revealed haha.

Luis Sanchez

I’ve recently noticed online discussions since the motion picture recently “Avengers” was released people discussing overpopulation in a rather morbid way. Really in truth the universal laws and recommendations of a “World Wide Birth Stop” of 7 years, through which the number of inhabitants depletes in natural compliance as respectfully recommended by Ararat Athersata on page.44 would be wise.

29. All famines become resolved and various illnesses are nipped in the bud when the laws are followed and observed.
30. Through this, however, your problems of environmental and air pollution also become solved, along with many other problems associated with it.
31. Wars and other similar outrages become reduced in the greatest measures, and the earth human being learns again that to him/her, his/her next to one is, in truth, his/her next one and that the human beings, amongst each other, are reliant on each other.
32. The love and harmony will again attain its validity, and peace WILL return to the earth.
33. Therefore, it is the first recommendation of the hour and of ALL TIME that the human population be kept to a normalized mass and be reduced back to it, because the most unsolvable problems rest in the earthly overpopulation of the human life form.
34. The way to the destination is long and hard, and first the rationality must prevail in the earth human being.

– Salome to all

Corey Müske

Sven Rosen: contact 669 can be found on the creationaltruth website the 7th article found at the following link:

The vast majority of the contact is about the foolishness of Europe allowing it’s open border policy for refugees, but at the end Meier indicates: “if however one considers that in the following two hundred years – as the prophecies carry out- not only through wars and terrorism, but rather also as a result the destruction of the climate and the environment and through the scarceness of food and water coming out of this, will bring forth the terrestrial-human overpopulation between 250-350 million human beings as refugees, then the Earth, it’s human overpopulation, and nature with it’s flora and fauna will go through very horrible times-”

This is the first time that I am aware of that Meier gave a time frame of what to expect from negativity including overpopulation, but I will remind you that prophecies can always be changed, unless one waits until it becomes true, then it becomes too late like it is taught in the “Goblet of the Truth”.

It is also taught in “Goblet of the Truth” that prophets do what they do to try and get mankind to alter the future for the good, and to try and put down evil, bloodshed and destruction that’s the whole point, which I am convinced alters the fabric of space/time itself if followed for the good, which is why prophets should never be assassinated or hindered in any way.

We have to change the future to the good or all of mankind will all be reincarnating into some sort of 200 year long uncomfortable planetary purification at the doing of cause and effect that is a direct result of our current collective foolishness. It will be quite a learning experience for our people if one considers the long run implications, but the short term negative outcomes are also avoidable if we change outcomes to get the best positive reaps from cause and effect.

Either way, whatever path we choose will be up to mankind.

Sorry for the delayed reply, I’ve been tending to other matters.

Have a good day.

Luis Sanchez

Michael I have a question does the new Georgia law on abortion after a “heartbeat “ in order with the creational law and directives since its after “21 days on inception” it would be against creational law?

Melissa Osaki

It’s a lot closer Luis, but you’re right, it’s not quite in line with Creation since some heartbeats can’t be detected until 28 days or later. We won’t get it right until science can prove when the fetus actually becomes animated. I imagine we are many years away from proving that, but we’ll get closer and closer as time goes on. I think this outright abortion ban in Alabama and the other states that are following behind will put us closer and closer to the coming civil wars.

Luis Sanchez

I would agree. Also this may perhaps theoretical but perhaps neuroscientist could conduct a study on different brain waves and blood chemistry during and around the 21st day after conception , because wouldnt their have be change with a women’s physiology in order to accommodate to a new spiritform? Salome to all

Melissa Osaki

I would speculate that there are changes from day one due to a foreign body growing inside the uterus, but the biggest dilemma is knowing when that body actually becomes sentient. Pro-life folks assume it’s on day one and nothing is going to change their view on this. On the other side of the fence, you have ignorant folks who thinks it’s okay to abort a baby at 9 months. That’s utterly ridiculous and the reason these abortion bans will keep coming. They need to have an honest discussion and stop the extremism on both sides. Even Billy himself says it should be up to the women to decide.


What ever became of separation of church and state? Personal religious or spiritual beliefs are just that…personal. Religious ideology should have no place in government laws.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Avram,

Are you responding to something specific in this blog article?

Also, please use your first and last name for any future comments. Thanks.


Hey Michael

Whats the difference btw this book and goblet ?

Melissa Osaki

“The Goblet of the Truth (Kelch der Wahrheit) is the uncorrupted, unmanipulated, non-religious teaching of truth, teaching of spirit, teaching of life. It contains the teaching of all 7 Prophets of the Nokodemion lineage of the same incarnating spirit-form which currently dwells within (Billy) Eduard Albert Meier – The Guardian of the Treasure.”

Arahat Athersata is a transmission from the pure spirit forms on the Arahat Athersata plane. The book contains valuable advice for Earth humans regarding the current times.

“The Teaching of the Spirit-WE-Form ARAHAT ATHERSATA, or its inspirative transmissions and instructions. ARAHAT ATHERSATA (Sanskrit) = “The valueful one who looks at time” Inspired written work of a higher spirit-form. Transmitted from an incorporeal, unmaterial and pure spiritual level. ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier was the inspirative recipient of the message which was received and written down from May 15th, 1975 to August 11th, 1975.”

Both the Goblet and Arahat Athersata contain valuable information.

Also, use your first and last name when commenting. Thanks

John Webster

I ask for someone to point me toward Plejaren information as to why Earth humans have to deal with cancer of various descriptions?

Ed Visser

Contact note 251, every contactee is a liar, cheat and a fraud because megalomaniac Meier and P’taah (which no other human being on Earth meets) says so. And when you bring up eyewitnisses supporting other contactees Meier claims hypnosis was involved. That totally unsubstantiated claim by Meier is simply taking for granted by “science guy” Michael Horn when he subtitles his website with “Meier the only genuine contactee.” Are you for science Mr Horn or are you the high priest of a cult?

Matt Knight


You’ve got to wonder why a case with more UFO photos than any other case in history has become Open Season for the lies of the “UFO community” even when the information is staring them right in their faces.

For example, neither Ptaah nor Meier ever said there were no other ET contacts, or, that Meier was the only ET contact and yet you claim to have read CR 251 and state that they did. Ptaah said that, “…no human beings on Earth maintain any contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences” and that, “…neither we Plejarans nor any of the allies within our federation are maintaining any contacts whatsoever with terrestrial human beings…”.

The key words there are, “maintain” and “maintaining”, i.e., have ONGOING and repeated ET contact (except Billy).

Meier NEVER claimed to be the ONLY ET contact and this can be quickly verified by checking, “Other Contactees” in the following web page here:

Xila Clark

Hi Matt the UFO industry does sell hypnotic regression, I think it’s the top selling commodity in the industry. So if you’ve had a UFO sighting the UFO industry will try and talk you into being hypnotically regressed so you too will have a contact lol. That short bus looks awfully crowded.
I’m waiting for Ed to tell his story about the naked alien woman appearing in his bedroom…with no evidence to back it up.
In anticipation I’ll ask Ed if he’s been hypnotically regressed? And how’s the orgone thingamajiggy doing?

Xila Clark

Hi MH maybe he should stop eating them if it’s giving him indigestion?

Ed Visser

Hi Mike,

Yes, I’m still around. You can look me up in the FIGU discussion board archives of 2002. I asked Billy Meier then why he dismissed UFO cases such as George Adamski and Howard Menger while those cases had eyewitnesses. Meier’s totally unsubstantiated claim was that eyewitnesses were under the influence of some sort of hypnosis “making them see things that weren’t there!”

Ashley James


If you want to talk about your claim Scientifically, then don’t be surprised with words like “Substantiated” and “Unsubstantiated” are being Thrown around. you don’t have the right to talk about Meier’s claims are “Non-substantiated” and then prove yours are with no Verifiable evidence. if it’s a Competition, Meier is going to win this Hands down, Like who are you again? You are the only to have alleged see your claim as an Eyewitness. Don’t force us to believe it, we aren’t interested anyway. This is an organisation dedicated to Meier, not you. you have every right to believe in it, (Non scientifically) but don’t shove it down our throats and act as if it’s been Verified by science, because it hasn’t.

matt lee

A change of heart?
I already saw this coming
Look up the discussion we had at abovetopsecret 13 years ago if you don’t believe me Ed

Melissa Osaki

I love how Earthlings could think that an extraterrestrial would show up naked to their bedroom. The narcissistic Earth human never disappoints. Ha ha!

Ed Visser

Hi Xlla,
Never had a naked alien woman in my bedroom but to be honest as a straight human male I think I would not have objected since I once was a teenager filled with raging hormones. I did meet “alien” women later on in life but they had clothes on. Yeah, I can’t catch a break. Never had hypnotic regression either. I remember my first bedroom experience quite clearly. At night a presence in the hallway next to my bedroom. Me startled asking my brother in the bed next to me waking up but he did not. Frightened I closed my eyes, felt a sharp pain in my right nostril going up in my brain like an electric jolt before I blacked out.
The next morning my mother woke me up and said; ‘you had a nosebleed!’ And there was a stream of blood on my pillow… That was my first bedroom alien experience Xlla.

Ed Visser

Really Michael? You’re a medical expert who can diagnose every mental state?
But I was also awake and met Adamski’s/Menger’s contacts during the daytime, you know, the ones Meier said are not real and where eyewitnesses who also reported them were supposedly under the influence of (hypnotic) suggestion according to Billy Meier. Silly thought, aren’t you and Meier the ones making unsubstantiated claims?

Xila Clark

Okay I’m going to bite. Where exactly (what place) did these occur? Then we might have to get into CR563.

Ed Visser

Complete Bullcrap Matt. Your highly spiritually evolved leader Billy Meier attacked practically everyone who went public with stories of UFO/ET contact;
Clearly Meier can’t stand any kind of “competition” and has to muddy all of the ufological waters with himself as the only reputable source. Talk about narcissism…

Ed Visser

Yes Michael. Clearly the Meier case is an offense on the UFO/Contactee phenomenon. Meier and Semjase immediately attack other people in the field in the first and second contact report;
Instead of disgracefully assuming everyone else is crazy or a fraud you can also wonder why Meier puts so much effort in discrediting and debunking other contactees with totally unsubstantiated claims. In the past I’ve forwarded you to eyewitness testimony on video, I’ve listed the names even of people who signed an affidavit. Some of the investigators who authenticate the Meier case (Stevens/Diletosso/Gentleman/Zinnstag) also authenticate other cases! Those conclusions by the experts you use as validation for the Meier case, and yet those experts are wrong when it comes to other cases?

Ed Visser

Michael, in essence I pose a really simple question. Ísn’t an eyewitness who’s sincere and honest in the Adamski&Menger cases on the same level as in the Meier case?

For example, I can accept Phobol Cheng’s eyewitness account when she saw Meier and Asket in India. Why can’t you do the same when it comes to identical observations in other contactee cases?

matt lee

Ed long time no talk
Just ask yourself this one question
what if Billy is right?

Tyler Rutland

Come on, Billy does not put that much effort into “debunking” these people. He has had a conversation or a few, and generally only in the sense of dismissing their nonsense, while also lamenting the fact that people pay more attention to pretend Agent Mulder than they do to the real threats that our own Starship Enterprise crew have been opening up about!

Billy is a contactee of the Starship Enterprise basically, it’s not just Kang and Kodos beaming Homer Simpson up to shove a probe up his ass.

It’s a real episode of Star Trek, and our planet is the crazy ball just like in the show that is always on the brink of destroying itself.

So maybe Star Trek got it wrong, and it’s not that a ship crew will come to visit a chaotic planet and approach its wisest person in the hope of nipping the terror of ultimate destruction in the butt.

Maybe your “contacts” are real too, and there’s a whole series of space clowns waiting beyond our solar system to fly in and waffle their space tentacles around for us Earth people.

I’m sure that the ACTUAL Star Trek people who really set up bases and the whole nine yards to work diligently here on Earth wouldn’t know anything about whether Kang and Kodos are really up in the ionosphere beaming up all the Homer Simpsons of the world. Naw, they probably left the blinds on their space ship windows and can’t see outside.

Otherwise they’d definitely see all the space clown shit going on, that your “contacts” didn’t hallucinate about at all.

Ashley James

I could eviscerate your response in so many ways, but I choose to refrain. Your literacy would be a prime target for instance. Moreover, I take nobody’s side, I merely suggested that it is emotionally intelligent to try to de-escalate problems between Rationality and Reasoning and not to exacerbate them as your advice suggested. Draw your own conclusions about your own prudence in suggesting the risible courses of action.

If you are going to fulminate, as your diatribe suggests you wish to, you must control your fury a little more objectively and grammatically. Looking at your recent responses which I give cursory reading to, it seems that you have axes to grind with everything and want to conflate all sorts of things. The peroration of such a volatile outpouring should aim to finish on a high note and one that resounds.
perhaps you should observe your own dictum: really think about what you are writing. Secondly, since this is by no means the only time that your outpouring lacks semantic precision, perhaps a second dictum might be in order: really think about what you are writing and really take care about how you write it!

The faux pas and indecipherable semantics are further demonstrated in your responses You maintain that you have scientific credentials on your social media pages makes a claim that you often use “high literacy” in your work. There is a substantial dearth of evidence here to suggest that either of those assertions is demonstrably credible. (Meaning Not true) If you choose to use a metaphor, as you maintain philosophers do, then please use it to mean exactly what you want it to say, as Aristotle would have done, and not the opposite to what you aim to say, as you have done.Incidentally, I clearly followed both of these injunctions when I write my commentary replies to You.

Ed Visser

English is not my first language and neither do I have a spellchecker on this old laptop. Strange that an educated person such as yourself didn’t take such factors into account. Ashley I would like to share a story with you that hopefully explains my position in more clarity.

In 2002 I joined the FIGU discussion board because I had a genuine interest in the Meier case and previously digested many books on the matter. At the time I was honestly looking for more information. To my amazement many people seemed to have a dim view about the field of ufology beyond the boundries of the Meier case. This is when I also noticed the dismissal of other contactee cases which I had studied previously.
In September 2002 I posed a question to Billy Meier on the discussion board which was possible back then. I asked why he deemed the Adamski and Menger case as fraudulent while they had many eyewitnesses supporting some of the claims. Meier responded that powers of suggestion (hypnosis) was involved making said eyewitnesses see things that weren’t there..

A day or so later in the afternoon I felt like ordering some Chinese food so I hopped on my bicycle and rode to my favorite Chinese restaurant where they also have a takeaway section. Parking and locking my bicycle I noticed a woman looking at me from behind the restaurant window. As a single guy I thought it was nice being noticed by an attractive woman. Going inside I went in the que of people who want to place there meal order and looked at the woman again. This time I noticed her unusual body characteristics. She was a brunette with grey/blue eyes, her skin was tanned and had a bronze tone to it. The most unusual aspect was her high forehead which seemed to bulge just before the hairline. That’s when it daunted on me that such persons where described in books by George Adamski and Howard Menger. I was looking at a “Venusian.” She was in the presence of two other ladies who looked normal. Their meal order number was called out, they picked it up at the register and when the woman walked beside me she looked at me and smiled.

So Ashley, I think that an intelligent person such as yourself can easily connect the dots why I feel like I have to protest against some of Meier’s claims. From my perspective he is the one making false suggestions…

Ashley James


It would be rude to dismiss your eleemosynary asseverate, Because “Only you was There” However when Furnishing Facts though intellectual and practical activities encompassing the systematic studies of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and Experiment, Otherwise Known as Science, You need to have Ample and Scientific Evidence to Back and up and Maintain Your Extraordinary Postulations. In Requiring Your Averment Comment, It makes a Wide eyed Claim of “The Existence of Venusians” However No Such Evidence exists, only many multiple contradictory assertions and hypothesises which result in Quantum Fusion, in other words “The State of Being Confused” it’s an interesting story, but one that can’t be proven. when applying the Scientific Method, Occam Razor is usually used which is the Most Rational Answer. Many can be given in relation to your claim. As Previously Stated, I could Disembowel Your Argument in many ways and most likely can Tear your argument into shreds of pieces, However I don’t feel the desperate urgency to even attempt to debunk such an Outlandish Claim based on your Poorly Articulated inscribed Writings. In Retrospect, You haven’t really even proven into to Yourself, you only have a Faith of Belief in such Preposterous Thinking. You have Zero Evidence the lady was a Space Alien because you failed to spot any form of Extraterrestrial Vehicle, Furthermore you wouldn’t still be able to prove it to us, so your argument is invalid. Please stop posting Straw mans or you will be Terminated and Removed from this Site by the Moderators Michael Horn and Melissa Osaki.

Xila Clark

Nosebleeds are usually caused by “dry air” or perhaps in your case Ed “hot air”.
The Sonaer gave the Plejaren technical equipment that can go deeper and that’s why there was a revision of some of the former “contactees” after that assessment they were determined to be liars. Both Menger and Adamski fall into that category.
I know a guy that has a prominent Klingon type skull crest. Before I found out he had been kicked by a horse, did I ever think he was Venusian? Lol no I didn’t.

matt lee

Hi Ashley James are you perhaps writing under a pseudonym.
As I recall Matthew Deagle’s writing style seem to match that of yours or visa versa.

matt lee

Hi Terrax are you still hanging around that Biedney group.
Good to see that you are still around.
We’ve had our share of battles and when I said that ‘I would scourer every nook and cranny of this world to hunt you down like I would a feral animal’ I really meant it back then some 13 years ago but as they say time heals.
If I had a suggestion I suggest you re-read all the materials freely available on this site, FOMK, figu site and forum discussions to get a better understanding and perspective before you make up your mind yours truly.

Ed Visser

Ashley, I can’t seem to comment on your previous reply so hopefully I can do it here. The woman I encountered in the restaurant shortly after posing the question to Billy Meier had physical characteristics I’ve never seen before or since in my 50 years on this planet. She was Caucasian, blue/grey eyes with a bronze looking skin tone. Working in logistics most of my life I’ve had colleagues who came from Africa, India, Pakistan or Thailand and this woman looked nothing like them..
The timing and extreme coincedence is also something that makes you realize this was way out of the ordinary. You know it when it happens to you. Other people have had these encounters as well. They knew it..

Now, there’s more to this encounter. That unusual looking woman was in the presence of two other ladies. All this transpired on a sunday, monday I had to go to work again in the morning. On the way to work on my bicycle (The Netherlands is very flat and the bicycle is quick and easy transportation) I was getting close to my job and many people were walking on the sidewalk. (A train station and bus stop is nearby.) Than I notice this woman who had been sitting next to”unusual woman” from the Chinese restaurant walking on the sidewalk, looking at me and smiling… Another extreme coincedence apparently…

Ed Visser

I used the phrase “extreme coincedence” but ‘synchronicity’ is perhaps a better word. I would like to share another experience that falls into that category.

In 1994 I had a UFO sighting and wrote about in my blog in 2010.
A few years ago I discovered this video which contains a previously unreleased video filmed by George Adamski and released in 2014. (Skip to 13:18 till 13:36.)
Another strange coincedence?

matt lee

What the hell
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex that you need to make up for by trying to sound smarter than you really are by using vocabularies that most people respectfully refrain from using in the English speaking world.
What’s up dude.
As the Plejaren and Billy suggested keep it simple.

Matt Knight

Hi Ed,

These mysteries are easily explained. What I’m struggling with is why, when I tick the “Notify me of follow-up comments by email” box, the responses don’t come through? Not even in my spam folder.

Anyway, Ed. I want to give a reasoned response to you because it’s possible you’ve been abducted by an Earth group who drugged you, re., “sharp pain in my right nostril going up in my brain like an electric jolt before I blacked out”. It could be sleep paralysis, but, this is rarely associated with a sharp pain in the nose as far as I know.

Billy has spoken in detail about secret Earth groups who go gallivanting around the world as ETs and compete with each other to be the most ET-like and convincing for the longest. These groups mess with people by appearing in ships and by abducting people and giving them drugs, or, gassing them and using advanced hypnotic techniques, etc., for military and global-might purposes probably. I’ll sort the link out to the contact report if you’re interested.

However, if you’re afraid to give up the “special” aspect of what you think / were told happened, then you could still be under the influence as a result of an abuse. It’s impossible for us here to be able to validate anyone’s eyewitness and personal testimony, but, you would need corroborating witnesses, materials, etc., before you could even accept that your own experiences were real as this would be the only way to rule out delusion, or, some Earth group with very advanced tech. You would need evidence that they were ETs, like advanced metals, ideas, an understanding of the universe that interests real scientists, accurate prophecies and predictions, etc. No-one really has that except Billy.

If you were abducted, then check out trauma-effects and hope that this wasn’t the case. Sounds like abuse though.

Ed Visser

Matt, the next morning when my mother woke me up she said ; ‘you had a nosebleed.’ There was a dried up stream of blood on my pillow. It was physically there…

Matt Knight

I’ve nothing to add to what you wrote Michael and agree.

Ed Visser

My “abduction experience” that I honestly related to you happened in 1979. I was 10 years old. And after all this time I still remember it vividly. I wasn’t in an altered state of mind. I was awake. I still recall the fear. That kind of fear that gets imprinted on your brain..

Melissa Osaki

I actually had this happen to me recently. I was dreaming, but it felt so real that I thought I was awake.

In the dream, I was laying in bed, which is where I was at in reality, and a stranger walked into my room and touched me on my ankle. I tried to call out for my husband, but when I tried to speak, nothing would come out. Everything in the dream was just as it was in real life: the colors, the lighting, the furniture, and even the chill of it being early in the morning. I wanted to grab something, but I couldn’t move. I kept trying to forcefully use my voice, and then suddenly, something gave way letting me call out, but just as the words finally came out, I was suddenly awake.

It still feels real to this day and even my husband won’t forget it because I forcefully called out his name at 5:50 in the morning. After I was awake, I could still vividly feel the sensation from where the stranger touched me on my leg. There was no difference in the room or the room atmosphere from the part when I was dreaming to the part when I was awake.

I actually find these kinds of dreams to be very interesting because, as Michael noted, we can learn a lot about ourselves when we contemplate our dreams, memories and experiences. It’s part of our learning process of figuring out who we are and what depths our consciousness can take us.