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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

ABC News: Fukushima The Biggest Ticking Time Bomb in Human History

The danger posed by the still not contained radiation, as well as the continued release of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean, is now even being reported in the mainstream news.

There really isn’t much more to be said. Of course Meier warned about this long ago:

56.) Through atomic contamination of the environment – through atomic explosions, atomic power plants and radioactive waste from industry and hospitals, and so on – the entire life of fauna and flora as well as of humans will be ever more injured and disturbed in health, while also mutations of fauna and flora as well as of humans will appear in terrible ways.

Maybe it’s time to reread that document, from 1958, and all of the rest of the information freely offered by Meier and the Plejaren.


See also: Atomic Energy: Human Insanity Knows No Limits

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Dyson Devine

Dear all,

Here’s a version of the translation of these breathtaking 1958 prophecies which includes the alternating sentences of the original German language, as Billy requires, plus working links to the 1951 and 1964 prophecies, as well as the Plejaren Federation’s 1979 “Proclamation to the Government of the United States of America”, etc:

Believe it or not, a real technical FIX, for our planet’s latest unprecedented man-made (UTTERLY unnecessary!) radioactive catastrophe, actually EXISTS, according to Tom Bearden* – Ph.D., nuclear engineer, retired Lieutenant Colonel (U.S. Army), CEO of CTEC, Inc., Director of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists, and Fellow Emeritus of the Alpha Foundation’s Institute for Advanced Study – and a 59 page description of that miraculous technology can be downloaded by clicking here:

Here’s a pertinent excerpt from this 2008 vitally important .doc file:

“ … eventually the progress of precursor engineering technology will enable technology that can process nuclear wastes and render them totally harmless. We envision total transmutation of these wastes to harmless ordinary elements and compounds. By comparison, the present recycling of plutonium from warheads into nuclear reactor fuel simply perpetuates the security and environmental problems of bomb grade elements. The far better way will be to completely transmute plutonium and other high level nuclear wastes into totally harmless materials, using precursor engineering specifically developed for that purpose.”

Good luck to the heroic Fukushima cleanup crew. We’ll all need it.

Peace in wisdom.



the warning that sticks out and is clear as day, is the warning about storms getting worse due to overpopulation and using fossil fuels to degrade the planet. I’m in Illinois, and earlier in the week, we had several tornadoes touchdown on Sunday. Growing up in Illinois, tornado season is usually March through May, not the middle of November. Also, the typhoon in the Philippines, surprised most of the world, but probably none of those following the Billy Meier Case. Although I feel sorry for those who have to experience these horrific events, I am also unsure about donating to funds due to the fact that donations never reach the people that it was intended for.

Chris L

Today on CNN a number of these deformations predicted by Meier were shown. Examples were a two-headed snake, two headed dogs, five legged dogs and frogs, a d other biological atrocities. CNN was insensitive enough to treat this whole disaster as a joke. With such a grossly irresponsible attitude it is obvious that the world will have to experience far more of these horrors before just the lesson of the immorality of deformities is realized let alone their nuclear cause.


Fukushima is no longer a ticking time bomb. It had exploded in 2011.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Atomic energy is like crystal meth, however to the contrary Geo Thermal Heat energy from lava,earthquakes,volcanoes and hot springs is like free energy, fossil fuels are gone now in this new time, so we should recalibrate our technologies towards using the abundance of the Earth’s warmth. Futuristic human beings will also use the atmosphere’s abundance of electric static electricity known to us Earth people as lightning bolts discharges. Later in the future we can refine towards finer material matter for overly abundance of energies, but that will happen when we become self supporting human beings and no longer need the false dependencies destructions of false teachings.

Darcy Wade Carlile

PS…I am a Canadian and I know from all the news that Americans live too high on their degeneracies and invasions of all sorts…look up America and see the True Canadians and respect them they are your truly dearest next door neighbors. Russia too is our friendly neighbors because they are next door to Alaska. Play nice and fair so we all can share in laughter and fun.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The highway to nowhere is overpopulation of the human races. Stop having anymore babies everybody and no regrets later on because of the materialistic thinking will lead us all to decay.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Darcy,

I agree with you. Please read the Henoch Prophecies on They explain clearly what is happening in the world today and what will happen if things don’t change

Dyson Devine

Hi all,

My country, Australia, seems very influenced by the false religious biblical teaching to “Be fruitful, and multiply” (Genesis 9:9), as opposed to the original scriptures revealed recently in the Goblet of Truth, (4:224) “ … do not go forth and multiply like vermin, because as vermin destroys itself when it spreads uncontrolled, so would also happen to you by you bringing about your own downfall.”

(7:61) “But also be concerned that you do not have to suffer the misery of hunger (famine) if you breed a superfluity of descendants, therefore you shall not multiply like vermin; if you do however breed too many descendants then you are evidently acting in a mistaken way because by doing so you invoke a calamity in great measure on yourselves, for your wellbeing (health) as well as for your world; and truly it is through your excessive descendants that you bring about great and worldwide battles (wars) and destruction, as well as hardship, misery, calamity and cataclysms in the extent of huge collapses (catastrophes) which you cannot set anything against, so you are helpless.”

And even Christian theologians see the passage in the Old Testament as merely a tragically uncorrected TRANSLATION ERROR! (I can personally relate to that painful lesson.)

A big news story here today shows that we sports-mad Australians see overpopulating as some sort of “more is better” athletic completion where whichever hyper-urbanised region becomes most thickly overpopulated “wins the crown” on our water-starved desert continent where fossil water left over from the last Ice Age is pumped out for a few years of irrigated agriculture, resulting in rising salt and permanent vast areas of die-back and sterile salt-pans. And our fragile and beautiful Great Barrier Reef dies in one lifetime.

“Sydney, however, is tipped to hold on to its crown as Australia’s biggest city for longer than some have speculated.”

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation newsreader even smilingly ended her report last night by assuring us that no matter HOW much our population grows, we’ll all continue to cope.



If only they would change their name to the Australian Broadcorping Castration and there could be some serious population control.

Dyson Devine

Maybe we should compile an “honour roll” of the names of those of us who “put our money where are mouths are” by opting for surgical sterilisation before we bore or sired any offspring?



In response to Fukishma, Health Canada installed 9 new monitors on the west coast of Canada, but they are only testing for Argon-41, Xenon-133, Xenon-135???
How about Plutonium 239 and the rest of the radioactive substances listed in CR 517?
A Japanese ship arrived on the west coast of Canada a year after the meltdown. It says in this article they don’t know what to do with it. Well they sunk it, right there off the coast:
As per Health Canada on May 5, 2011: “The quantities of radiation reaching Canada are very small and do not pose any health risk to Canadians. We have seen very slight increases in radiation across the country, smaller than the normal day to day fluctuations. We expect that these will continue until approximately a week after the reactors are stabilized.”
Since the reactors are not stabilized, 2 ½ years later will they now say there is a risk? Apparently not:
In a recent news video it states that 1 in 4 Manitoba homes have a radon problem and notice in the above link the monitors data was not collected in September 2013 (Regina & Winnipeg) due to a problem with the equipment or data transfer. What a joke, except the joke is on and in us:

Allen Anderson

Hello Michael,
I know this is off topic, but related to another blog post you had a while back, regarding the skeptics and that their stance often backfires and helps to corroborate Billy’s case, and story.

As I’ve explained to you before, I take time when available to comment on various online news stories that pertain to the truth as Billy has been devoting his life to disclosing. Whenever I find a religious themed news story and mention the TJ in the comment sections, the posts are censored or outright deleted. Well I seem to have broken through on occasion and some people have actually found my claim to be truth, and some who have taken the time to investigate my claims of censorship, are actually discovering this to be fact. The better news is that many are starting to investigate the TJ, and also the rest of the story. I have even had several people who were previously heavy “believers” who have emailed me that they are so happy that I took the time to supply them with the direction to investigate for themselves, what I have come to find, through your help and others like Dyson, etc. to be far more logical and reasonable answers to the ambiguous false teachings that the religious doctrines put out for the masses to be misguided by.

It seems as though once people realize that the public forums on the mainstream media news sites have little regard for the 1st amendment of the USA constitution when it comes to the public and their desires for the truth and to be able to discuss it with themselves, they get a little bothered.

Anyway, I thought you might find this interesting.

Dyson Devine

Dear Allen,

Thanks for your welcome views and ongoing efforts. For many years I’ve been mysteriously unable to contribute at all to forums, on-line news services, etc.

You wrote, “It seems as though once people realize that the public forums on the mainstream media news sites have little regard for the 1st amendment of the USA constitution when it comes to the public and their desires for the truth and to be able to discuss it with themselves, they get a little bothered.”

That’s the whole idea, Allen, isn’t it?



Suggested further reading: