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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Complaint Department

There’s an old saying, “You can’t please everyone.” Clearly, here at theyflyblog, it isn’t our goal to do so. Nor is it the goal to be gratuitously displeasing, offensive, etc.

Nonetheless, some readers may have complaints, objections, disagreements etc., about the blog that they feel haven’t been heard and responded to. So this is the Complaint Department, where those readers can bring such things to our attention.

We do ask that any issues be addressed as concisely as possible. We reserve the right to not publish comments that are spam, abusive, contain profanity, etc.

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Mary Young

Hi Michael, I am not complaining. I hope I am one of the first 25 since I saw you on Clayton’s show to get a download movie please!

Catherine Bereal

Very fascinating to listen to you with Clayton tonight. Would love the link you mentioned. And, will be pouring over information on your website.

Terry Ellis

Hello Michael. I too would like to secure the download you mentioned on Clayton’s show. Please let me know if you.

Terry Ellis

I hope to be one of the people you can send your download of the movie you mentioned on Clayton’s show. Very much enjoyed your interview. Thank you, Terry

Joggie Prinsloo

I also would like to receive the link to download the facts about what you mentioned on claytons show


Hi Michael, I hope I am one of the first 25 since I saw you on Redacted, Clayton’s show to get a download movie please!

Dennis Zelkowski

No Complaints here, just looking for a way to email you, as mentioned on Redacted. Thanks!

Jim Goode

Hie, no complaints – just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your appearance on Redacted this afternoon. Would love to see the documentary you mentioned!

Richard Greniuk

Hi Michael
I just watched You on Clayton show a few minutes ago.
Thank You and Mr. Billy Maier for sharing the knowledge and helping us to understand what is going on . Perhaps we can change the events that awaiting us and our children.

Kevin Lim

I am complaining … to myself as to why I cannot find your email addy… so like all the other 21 other people here, I saw you with Clayton on Redacted and would like to be part of the 25 people to be given this honor of watching your movie. TQVM in advance 🙂

Dwight Perkins

Trying to hurry. Great first view, Michael. Saw you on Redacted. Great job.

Lewis Perrault

Enjoyed, and intriguiged, listening to your interview with Clayton. Probably not within your, “25 First,” offer, but that’s ok. Wanted you to know your work is appreciated. You are doing a fine job representing Billy Meier, which opens my eyes, and makes me look for more. Best Regards,


Reading through much of the material, images, videos, and such. Most of which is very dark and depressing. The predictions put the “peasants” in the hands of the few elites with a doomsday outcome. Did I miss the section on what to do? This perspective leaves us without tools for our own lives. In other words, it feels like the message has the same vibration as the predictions.


  1. With so much darkness where is the hope?
  2. Where are the instructions for the common man?
  3. Is there help from the living souls outside of earth?
  4. Who or what is the creator of them, us, and all life?
  5. Why are the living souls outside of Earth not showing up everywhere to make it undeniable that they are out there? More than delivering their messages to just a few?
  6. What is the motivation for telling us any of this if it is going to happen and we can’t prevent it?
  7. I am fascinated by people who Chanel, angel sightings, near-death experiences, God concepts, Prophets, and other extraterrestrial communications, where does all of this overlap?
  8. If a teenager read your material and felt hopeless to continue on, what would the advice be to them?
  9. Is there a purpose to the outcomes predicted?

Matthew Lavallee

Hi. I am also not complaining. I would love the download to the movie as well.
Great interview on Redacted. Thank you for bringing Mr. Meier’s message to the right platforms. I hope we all listen and act before it’s too late.


Hey there I know I am probably far from one of the first 25 from Redacted to contact you but I have been interested in Billy for many years but somehow never found you until Clayton had you on. Thank you for all that you have done – as I understand that it is your “job” just as it has been his for so many years. Much love and best wishes to you