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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival



Michael Horn Live, EP 20

America: It seemed like a good idea at the time Michael Horn Live, EP 20 Tuesday,...

The Pain of the Creation

The Pain of the Creation We are reminded that all things have a birth into...

The Deceit and Dishonesty of Derek Bartholomaus

A legacy of lies, thievery, plagiarism, plague UFO skeptic The mere mention of UFOs brings...

The Days of Reckoning

Billy Meier’s prophecies of storms, volcanoes ceaselessly fulfilling With the massive storm, Hurricane Harvey striking...

1948 UFO Prediction Fulfilling

Campi Flegri volcano nears foretold devastating eruption after recent quake We already drew attention to...

America One Year Later

“the superpower USA could come to an end after 2020, if nothing in this country changes for the better by then”

Tempting Fate

Does the Deep State, in its lust for world domination, effect a coup against...

Pat Buchanan Echoes Billy Meier US Civil War Warnings

Is conservative commentator following UFO prophet? In a recent column, conservative political commentator, Pat Buchanan,...

As the Time Fulfills…in Italy

What will the skeptics and pseudoscientists say now...arrivederci? There is late news warning about pending eruptions at...

An Open Letter to Paul Craig Roberts

People want a “savior”, none is coming Dear Paul, Regarding your article, while you’re correct, I’m sorry...