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Monday, May 6, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival



TheyFlyBlog Readers ONLY: News that Isn’t and We Wish Wasn’t

An exercise in gravity, as things that fall include the House of Windsor, US dollar,...

CR 841: The Underground Independence Network

"Trump is the body that is publicly championing the cause without actually knowing that...

An Open Letter to Marik Von Rennenkamp about New UFO Hearings

See the historically unprecedented, Kodak-verified, UFO-Stealth photos taken by Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens, in 1981 Dear Marik, Since you don’t...

Skeptic Jeremy Rys Claims to Be an ‘Alien Scientist’

Of course, along with deep thinking, courage and integrity aren't exactly ubiquitous traits among...

Switzerland Stops COVID Vaccines…76 Years AFTER Billy Meier First Warned

Billy Meier was a 10-year-old boy when he first warned about the deadly pandemic...

The Plejaren Spheres that Came to…Earth

The world will not change for the better from technology...unless we choose to evolve our...

Trump’s True Colors AREN’T Red, White and Blue

Openly calling for suspension of constitutional rights, may help explain why Trump was referred to...

John Greenewald Censors Interview Where He Praised Billy Meier UFO Film

Next to the government, the phonies in UFOlogy and the fake "disclosure" movement are...

AI May Replace “Journalists” – Good Riddance

The obsequious, groveling sycophants who traded their integrity for a paycheck, may soon join...

U.S. Energy Department Corroborates Billy Meier Wuhan Lab COVID Origin

Once again, the Johnny-come-lately, overpaid-and-overstuffed "experts" have finally caught up with Meier, thereby corroborating...