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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Cutting through the Peer Review Dodge and Distraction

We hear a lot about so-called peer review. In fact, this is one of the most frequent responses and challenges to the Billy Meier UFO case evidence and information, especially from skeptics and other pseudoscientific types. So, just exactly what is peer review?

From the Lloyd Sealy Library at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice:

In academic publishing, the goal of peer review is to assess the quality of articles submitted for publication in a scholarly journal. Before an article is deemed appropriate to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, it must undergo the following process:

  •  The author of the article must submit it to the journal editor who forwards the article to experts in the field. Because the reviewers specialize in the same scholarly area as the author, they are considered the author’s peers (hence “peer review”).
  •  These impartial reviewers are charged with carefully evaluating the quality of the submitted manuscript.
  •  The peer reviewers check the manuscript for accuracy and assess the validity of the research methodology and procedures.
  •  If appropriate, they suggest revisions. If they find the article lacking in scholarly validity and rigor, they reject it.
  • Because a peer-reviewed journal will not publish articles that fail to meet the standards established for a given discipline, peer-reviewed articles that are accepted for publication exemplify the best research practices in a field.

I’ll take a wild guess and suggest that somewhere in history, something that was once accepted as scientific fact because it was deemed to be so by peer review, may have been amended, corrected, etc. The peers in all these reviews are, of course, just other human beings who, therefore, can and do make mistakes…just like the rest of us. And scientific knowledge moves on and doesn’t remain static.

Regarding “experts in the field” in UFOlogy, just who might these people be and, of course, what is their expertise? Right from the start we see that the majority of the so-called experts are simply people who…report on other people’s evidence, claims and experiences, etc.

In fact, I am in this category but, since I’ve actually been the closest to an extraterrestrial UFO (in addition to my six other sightings about which I can’t make such claims) and because I have received date and time stamped verifiably accurate, documented information from them (through Billy Meier) I call myself “the world’s leading expert on UFOs”.

Obviously, I’m not even remotely as expert as Meier, and quite possibly many others who have been involved with him closely over several decades. However, to the best of my knowledge, few if any of those other people are actively, publicly presenting any information.

So who else does that leave in the mix as an “expert” at this level? It leaves no one, to my knowledge.

Sure, there are people in the “UFO industry” running around the rubber chicken circuit talking about the dead end (gag me) Roswell case, or any number of other ones – for which there simply is no significant, verifiably unique, tangible evidence. That doesn’t mean that other UFO cases, events and/or brief contacts didn’t occur, it’s simply that all reporting on them is usually second or third hand at best.

But absent any universally accepted “UFO experts” among credentialed scientists who should constitute such a peer review board, what’s the best evidence that laymen can turn to, research and evaluate for themselves? As I’ve long suggested, the existence of a verifiable copyright is our own internationally respected, legal standard of proof of prior publication. Not only can any layman ultimately confirm and rely on it but obviously any and every scientist, jury and judge can also (as I have firsthand experience with).

If the prior publication is in fact the exact same information that was only later approved in a peer reviewed paper, or corroborated by a subsequent “new official discovery” or scientific finding, etc., shouldn’t it be afforded the same credibility and authenticity as it would if it pertained to any other respected field of science? And if in fact it is shown to be, by this same objective process of research and evaluation, one of dozens of such legally verifiable proofs wouldn’t that be all the more interesting, and amazing, and completely eliminate the cynical comments of “lucky guess” that the outclassed skeptics often rely on?

Since the core element in the spiritual teaching is self-responsibility, isn’t it thrilling to know that by applying it along with straight-ahead, objective, scientific principles for determining the truth of claims, including verifying the existence of a copyright, you are in control of determining the truth for yourself?

So, this is by no means any criticism of scientific processes, peer review, etc. But we must not let others determine the truth for us, especially by relying on, or citing, “scientific experts” in a field where, unfortunately, not only do none such exist but where the scientific standards themselves are so abysmally low, allowing any and all preposterous, unsubstantiated claims by numerous hucksters to be taken serious and/or promoted uncritically.

It is also to be hoped that those scientists, and others in the professional and scholarly communities, who have intellectual honesty and integrity will cinch up their belts and step forward – without giving lame, wimpy excuses for demurring – and participate in a fair, rigorous examination of the higher standard of proof in the Meier case.

For the latest on authentication of the physical UFO evidence, see also:


Can You…SEE what You’re Looking At?

Can You…SEE what You’re Looking At? (Part 2)

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Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Let’s hope some scientists change their stripes, but the ones I have met are like the ones mentioned below.

“Good, then another question: at the beginning of the contacts with Semjase, she told me the facts regarding the destruction of the Earth’s ozone layer via the irresponsible machinations of the Earth people who would destroy this protective shield all around the Earth by the use of toxic chemical substances. At that time, the task was imposed upon me that I should warn the terrestrial scientists about it, which I also did with a newsletter that I sent to many governments, chemical factories, and universities all over the world, but without ever having received a response or even a slight indication from the receivers.

But then, some time later, there suddenly appeared newspaper reports, and messages were also broadcast on the radio and on television, which dealt with the destruction of the ozone layer. But the fact that I had made the scientists attentive and had awakened them to this, not a word of it was reported, of course.”


A fair response, Michael. As for your last paragraph though, I think Dyson’s words you quoted were in reference to what you recently shared, about how you asked Billy what else you can do to help and he replied something like “help spread peace, harmony, etc, etc.” Although Dyson launched an extensive attack, I dont think that was part of it.

I’m sure Dyson woulda soon clarified, but thought I could help clear the air on this point, lest it be dirtied longer than need be.

Dyson Devine

“Dyson launched an extensive attack”

I DID???

I didn’t mean to. Sorry if I gave that impression!

Michael wrote, “Calling myself “the world’s leading expert on UFOs” is effectively an invitation for any of them to dispute, challenge, debate me, etc.”

And that’s all I did – accept his invitation to debate – in the spirit of reminding folks that there are people who actually BUILT these antigravity/”free energy” counterfeit “ET” craft who desperately want to reveal that fact and save the planet.



Hi everyone,

Just a small note to prevent some persons worrying about aone things said here:

From Plejaren information the “false flag UFO invasion” was the last stage in the plan of the Gizeh-boys (the european looking fellas), who were deported by the Plejaren after having attacked their home planet…

Of course the Gizeh-boys had some minions and their telenotic devices to influence “chosen” people to their likings, also in their plan was the fact that they had to use religions to unite them under one banner… namely theirs as saviours and new “gods” who came here to “Help” us… The Gizeh-boys are truly the only ones who came very close to world domination at a level whoch cannot be achieved by us earth worms… we are not clever enough for that…

In my opinion the situation is as follows: some of these minions or unknowingly controled people don’t know that their masters are gone and so they still stick to some old plans, but as these different groups lack their stringmasters, the coordination between the groups has become impossible…. as also these groups don’t know from each other that they all played a role in the Gizeh-boys’s plans… Personally i think the possibility of a “false flag invasion” has become very low, because much of the Gizeh-boys technology has vanished with them…. However if someone wants to believe in this and waste his days in fear from “the elites”, “death” and their world domination plans, it is sad but their decision… The millitary complex and these other small groups who have advanced technology have to keep themselves secret as many politicians, dictators and others are looking out for them, because everyone wants a part of the cake… this lies in human nature… So it is better to concentrate on the problems like the rise of cancer, radioactivity, space junk and strive to install peace in the own countries and between countries instead of chasing ghosts ;)….



I think it’s ok that people have investigated the Roswell case. People have been threatened back then and sworn to secrecy. Some suffered severe psychological trauma and have been effected for the rest of their lives. If not any investigator had tried to figure out what happened these people would have never been able to tell their story and would have taken it with them in their grave and a piece of history would have been lost, at least for the time being. The body of testimony for Roswell is nowadays so impressive that it’s hardly a question that it happened, you could almost say: case closed. The ‘dead end’ is that the US government/army just won’t stop lying and giving phony explanations.

Although it’s unfortunate the world of ufology isn’t a single front which also recognizes the truth of the Meier case, anything different was hardly to be expected. We are being confronted with something very unknown to us and it takes a hell of a lot of time to figure out what’s going on. Also a lot of governments/armies are flat out lying about what they know and also there has been a policy of debunking. We’ve created an insurmountable mess of information and disinformation, which no person can possibly oversee anymore and it’s not gonna be resolved easily. Given this situation it’s impossible that a large group of people will even get to know the existence of the Meier case in a short time, let alone take it seriously.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

I agree with you.


Oh for sure most of the government doesn’t know. There are probably some little groups who keep the secrets for themselves, most people in those groups probably know a little part and only some individuals who know the big picture a little better. If I’d have to guess I don’t expect disclosure within my lifetime, and I’m only 29.

A lot of ufologists probably know about the Meier case, but the problem is there are thousands of alleged contact cases and it’s impossible to research them all. I know about Raël, the Adamski case and I know there’s a lot of channelers etc. but I didn’t bother to investigate all of them because as of now I just don’t think they are likely to be true. Yet each of these alleged contactees has a group of followers who think their favorite contactee is telling the truth and think the people who don’t buy it are missing something important. If tomorrow one of Raëls followers tells me about his message and how important it is and so on I will probably not investigate it, my time is limited. Every person is looking at the world trough the lens of what he/she already knows and has experienced and you just can’t research everything, it’s way too much, you have to make a selection based on your own judgement.

A lot of ufologist most likely look at the Meier case like you and I for example look at Raël or Adamski, it just doesn’t compute with what they already know about the world and thus they will choose not to research it, because their time is also limited, and they will, in our opinion, miss something very important.

From your point of view “UFO experts” aren’t informing people of anything significant, because you know the Meier case. From the standard scientific point of view which still wonders if there’s any life out there, even though it can’t come here because of the great distances, they potentially tell something extremely significant, only mainstream science cannot even accept that, let alone the Meier case.

The explanation ufologist often give for alien visitation is that they observe us because we are going through this great transition and we are developing nuclear weapons and so on so it would be interesting for aliens to observe us from an ‘anthropological’ point of view and also to ‘contain the danger’ if necessary. It does have a lot of similarities with Meiers explanation, and if the Meier case didn’t exist (or other real contactees where around) it would seem a reasonable explanation to me.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The Meier case is reasonable and fair and this counters popular ancient sick brains beliefs of people and so the individual responsible person’s task is a Mission to improve the quality of life for those affected by schizophrenia and psychosis through education, support programs like FIGUs and research of the Meier material.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

It’s not a competition, but you certainly understand the Meier case and Meier material better than Sarge, especially, the essence of the spiritual teachings. Both of you have demonstrated and confirmed that clearly in this blog.

Sarge is like other translators that I have encountered, they think because they have translated important written material, that they automatically understand it better than others. That’s incorrect nonsense.

As I said, most of the college grads I know, could easily translate Meier material, if the knew German, of course. But then again, my degrees are from the University of Michigan (Journalism) and Cal Berkeley (Philosophy), so most of the college grads I know are intelligent people.

In a way, I’m glad that you run into this kind of absurd arguments and disagreements, because that allows you to know exactly what I face regularly regarding Astrology. It’s like a first grader, who only knows how to add and subtract, criticizing, and arguing with, a professor of mathematics. No Sarge, you’re not a first grader, you’re more like an eleventh grader.

There’s no substitute for intelligence. Our task is to share TRUTH with open-minded intelligent people, who are willing, and able, to do a personal investigation into what we present, which I know is the most difficult task of all.

In my opinion, you are doing great, Michael, keep on with the great work.

Allen Anderson

It seems painfully obvious to me that in this plateau of materialistic existence on Earth, the general feeling is that “if your not paid to disseminate information, your not qualified to do so”, and this lends itself to prolonged debate and mistakes, both by those deemed “qualified” and those who think they know who IS qualified. It seems to all fall back on the lack of willingness to apply logic and reason to any REAL investigation, and the assumption by those not WILLING to use effort on their own behalf to determine for themselves what truth is, hence the perpetuation of more “blind faith”, and more “belief”.

Carlos Ribeiro

People talk in logic as the method and the concept was a consensus, but never was , even among philosophers . So there’s the discussion : everyone thinks being in the exact concept of logic and truth. Many thinkers have developed dialectical methods and modern philosophy has advanced further toward a better understanding of intelligence . There is an excess of rhetoric in relation to logic and truth . This is the objective not the start point. Look out! We advance by trial and error , by gaps , the search for truth is not linear . In much that is stated in the notes and texts , there is a logic of confirmation. In many cases we need to ” believe in the hypothesis.” Scientists and great thinkers have been more careful and modest in this matter . Without doubt, there is a intention of logic and scientific view. We all need it, but…would better assess certain rhetorical best. It’s honestly what I think.

Dyson Devine

Very well out, Carlos!

Dyson Devine

“put”, not “out”.

Carlos Ribeiro

Thank you. I believe that elevate and enlarge a little more references do not hurt anyone . Not for the purpose of lecturing , just as a logical consequence of better contextualize things are asserted without most basic ( and worse sometimes influenced by the culture discussion web ) . If some people insist on a position that was criticized then expanded the reference. I have written two academic books on philosophy, art and methods of thought , which were adopted in cities of my country , including at one time at the University of Brasilia , although I am not a teacher of classes . You can learn more about these studies , be more reasonable , humanist without being skeptical and understanding how to see others conceptions. Unlike some who pose as owners of some higher understanding of some matter , and in the end , we went from reading his theories knowing less than we already knew from other sources . I never show up signing as ” academic ” or “writer and philosopher with published books” , praising my understanding as superior because it would be unnecessary and unkind . Thank you again.