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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Open Invitation to all MUFON Members & UFO Enthusiasts

Dear MUFON member, UFO enthusiast, etc.,

In light of the new agreement between Jan Harzan, Executive Director of MUFON, and me, I want to personally extend the offer for you to send me your questions, challenges, etc., pertaining to the Billy Meier UFO contact case. I will be delighted to answer them to the best of my ability, in a prompt, courteous manner.

Considering that Meier first went public with his UFO photos and information in 1964, it’s certainly not too soon for us to make our best efforts to determine if this is the biggest, most impenetrable hoax…or the most important true story in all of human history. Of course the Meier case is still ongoing today, more than 72 years after his first contacts, in 1942. Certainly, in this very comprehensive case, the first step is to examine the physical evidence, professional expert analyses, etc.

I’ve also just been contacted by people in other countries who are interested in contributing to this process of discovery.

I’m sure we can look forward to all of the questions and answers, etc., being made available to MUFON and then included in their overall research on the case.

As mentioned in my article, I hope that by Monday we’ll have a link on the MUFON site for conducting this process.

Again, your questions, challenges, etc., are most welcome.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts



And Did They Listen?

as the time fulfills



The Silent Revolution of Truth


Michael Horn & Davida Horn


Breaking the Silence


The Blog!

The Adventures of Billy Meier

“But, to reflect on the statement that’s in the film, I also remember seeing a shot on the Super8 reel that showed a UFO circling around a fairly tall tree. According to that shot, we said that we can’t conclusively say whether it’s real or not, but it seemed impossible to stage that kind of a shot with a miniature (it would have to be hanging on a very tall crane, with wires – but even then the movements would be hard to achieve.) So, yes, in regards to that shot, we mentioned that we could definitely do it today with CG, but at the time these were supposedly shot – it would have been very hard, probably even impossible, to fake this kind of shot.”

Volker Engel, Marc Weigert – Uncharted Territory 
Academy Award-winners, Special Effects for “Independence Day”



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Barry Smith

I hope they take an in depth look at the material , with an open mind , and read at least a fraction of the predictions given by Edward … There are so many , and all are very accurate … He is telling the truth or is 100 percent lucky every single time …


Thank you Michael for your continued efforts. You maintain the utmost professionalism all the while sparking the necessary impulses with your continued pursuits. I feel many will trickle into the case as people start to realize that we are as they are, simply searching. Many of them truly wish to pursue this case as do many others who we do not hear from, rest assured they DO exist. Many millions of us know full well the truth of this case, possibly many hundreds of millions. When I read the contact report regarding the horrendous manipulations to the gene pool that took place it seemed somewhat fantastic, yet it explains so very much regarding our thought processes. It is indeed a hard pill to swallow and I often wonder how such intellectual beings could have acted so vigoursly against common morality. I often wonder why it is such a difficult process for us here to understand, and then I remember where I was at one time. It’s too difficult to explain in scientific terms and the establishment is too quick to use pseudoscience in proclaiming psychological instability according to their oh so primitive criteria. I would have never dreamed that terrestrial Humans could be so obtuse, yet I must always surrender to many things that are still unknown, yet they are very clear to me. I sincerely hope that those who feel these things will have the courage to come forth for the good of their fellow Humans. There is SO much more to discover, yet it is difficult to present these things in a material way. All I can say is the scientific method MUST be used in the initial approach.


Indeed. It is a difficult proposition. Why some may know and most others do not is somewhat illogical to me, yet I remember a certain contact report that explained this phenomena. You are correct my friend, being Human is so very messy at times.


I wonder if this is a gross overstatement: “Many millions of us know full well the truth of this case, possibly many hundreds of millions”.

After all, even 99% those who are interested in the UFO phenomenom think the case is a hoax, thanks to MUFON and the like… but that may be about to change!!! Yippee!

Terry Carch

Michael,You are so right. Too many people rely on religion just to save their day when what we really need are the laws of Creation and commandments that don`t preach and shout Amen. We DON`T need a joyful noise but a quiet reasonable and logical thought consciousness that makes people realize the Natural life of all that is spirit and the wonder of just what is out there in this humongous multiverse that we live in,not this god(s) and religious hoologins.

Terry Carch

P.S. Who wants to believe in a false savor when we have Billy our prophet and herald our truth teller?

J. Smith

Or better yet, we have ourselves; and Meier, the P’s and everyone else who’s contributing to this case for our benefit is giving a helping hand. Above all I rather the truth!

J. Smith

Now lets see where this goes……..!

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

This MUFON activity is a supreme test of the power of disinformation. We’ll see who wins at this time in history. Anything can happen.

Corey Müske

People to dismiss an imaginary deity, and turning towards the truth, is like a recovering paraplegic in physical therapy, who must go without his/her wheelchair, at first there will be a few stumbles and falls learning how to walk again, but it is better then being dumb, deaf, and blind towards the laws and recommendations of Creation and reaping negative rewards. It is better to realize that everything is your responsibility, the destiny smith is the human being him/herself, not an outside imaginary deity.

For people like MUFON to seriously consider the truth, and not quickly dismiss it as a hoax, will have to require some honest, courageous, sincere open minds, and a good truth proclaimer to stand up for the mission, like MH! If the future shows that MUFON makes the transition from truth detractors, to allies in this fight against overpopulation, environmental destruction, needless decimating wars, and consciousness-based enslavement, that will be a great day indeed!

I hope I will be a witness to that great day, but I won’t hold my breath for too long (as history has shown) but I hope I will be proven wrong to say the least.


Michael, I would not hold my breath, for official, positive response from MUFON, nevertheless it will be interesting to see their reaction for your challenge.

Lloyd Zimmerman

You keep up the courage and good work and I will keep up my faith on this wild inter-galactic ride. I am just another bozo on the bus.

Dr. Ronald Eastwood

I think I may be speaking for many if not hundreds of others for whom this apparent issue is sort of irrelevant. Many of us are elderly, very young or simply not financially equipped to purchase the necessary accounts of this case. If I personally had ongoing contact I would do everything in my power to find the means to distribute ALL documentation FREE to every person, institution, government, etc. Did any prophet historically tell the people of his/her time they needed to pay to attend seminars; pay to buy writings; pay to obtain the gifts a prophet has to offer? I think not. You may draw your on conclusions. SHARE EVERYTHING FREELY, OR SHUT UP!
P.S. If the visitors have been able to make contact, they surely have the means to make what they have to share available without “paid” spokesmen and/or profiteers who place a “price” on “priceless” knowledge.
Reverend Dr. Ronald Eastwood
Stockton, California

Dr. Ronald Eastwood

May I offer an apology. My fervor apparently caused you to jump to some conclusions that may not have been warranted. I am NOT a well informed follower of the Billy Meier case. I have no idea, nor do I actually care, if you are yourself “paid” as that as I said is reality. You deserve to make a living. Perhaps you have no actual control over the books, DVD’s, etc. being sold about the Billy Meier case. Therefore, my remarks are not aimed at anyone unless the shoe fits. For those of us who truthfully can not afford to travel to the UFO seminars where the Meier case is discussed do you have a FREE or very inexpensive source for people like me to see all of the information apparently imparted to Billy? Over the years I have often read you quote previous predictions that have been very accurate. I would however like to see all of them now before any more take place and not have to give an arm and a leg (no offense) for the privilege. Newcomers may also like to have these writings and documents and not have to rely on your interpretations after the fact. Is such possible? My words were not intended to be hurtful, but you must admit it got a rapid response. Thank you sincerely for keeping me on the high ground. I would enjoy a continuing relationship with your work.

Ron Eastwood

Tony Quinn

Dr Eastwood it may interest you to know that all of Billy’s contacts have been freely available for many years although only less than 50% have been translated into English. The translated versions are freely available on Michael’s and futureofmankind, these translations have been done by members of FIGU and other interested parties around the world who have given their time “freely” to do so. It’s a common misconception that you have to pay money to find out about Billy Meier and his contacts, the reason for this may have something to do with the fact that there are only three websites in reality that are english speaking that offer information on Billy Meier in an unbiased objective form.
All other websites that give information on Meier treat the case as a hoax based on misconceptions or more usually purposely false information. Of the three legitimate websites not run by FIGU two are run by people who have other jobs and are run by people with a genuine interest in the case but do so in their spare time, the other is Michael’s site , as far as I know Michael does not work on the Billy Meier case in his spare time as it is his full time occupation.
Anyone in full time occupation of any sort needs to make money doing it to survive, this is a fact that everyone not only usually ignores but uses as a reason to attack Michael in particular who for some reason people expect to make movies for free and survive on good will and a pat on the back.
Wendelle Stevens suffered the same attacks in the 1980’s when after he had spent nearly one hundred thousand dollars of his own money investigating the case he then brought out an excellent book in the 1980’s documenting the investigation in order to try and recoup his losses. He was then accused by the UFO community of only being interested in making money from Meier which they considered to be a hoax ( completely ignoring the evidence of his extensive three year investigation)
FIGU do sell books yes, Billy writes continuously, this is also not something he does in his spare time, for all intents and purposes its his job, most people seem to think that of all the people in the world only Billy Meier shouldn’t get paid for the work he does, he doesn’t get donations to feed his family from fervent followers wanting him to lick their children for blessings because he’s not a fake guru, cult leader, religious zealot etc. All of the information given to Billy by the Plejaran is given freely to humanity but books written by Billy in his own words about various subjects are sold by FIGU to support the mission and give Billy an income and rightly so.
There are memberships in FIGU yes but the reason some people become members and want to support the mission with a small financial donation is because we understand what they are doing, we understand the massive commitment over the last half century that FIGU and Billy have made to trying to get the truth out to humanity and we understand that this is only the beginning of a very long process that will take support continuously from all corners of the globe. Even a cursory glance at the sheer amount of information available on the websites mentioned will give you an idea of the commitment made by FIGU and Billy. Translating books and documents from German to English accurately is an expensive,difficult and time consuming process for example FIGU spent many thousands of swiss francs of their own money and many hundreds of hours of their own time over four years translating Billy’s work “The Goblet of truth” which they then gave freely to the world as soon as they had completed the project.
Anyway I’ve said enough, enjoy reading for the next few years and remember all you have to do is use your brain and think about it.

Dr. Ronald Eastwood

This is Ron Eastwood in Stockton, California with one brief reply to everyone that have been so kind in replying to my somewhat fervent post above. It would be very helpful (especially for new comers) that when one posts comments it should never be assumed the reader has awareness of the history being tossed out. I have a decent I.Q. but have no idea when a person starts posting who it is, even Michael. Maybe an identifier at the start of each post (a name or at least something) so it is possible to know whom is speaking (of course there may be some among us that have unusual mind reading abilities) 🙂
Another problem for me at least is when the general statement is made to send comments, questions, etc. but no particular URL or other location is offered to which such comments should be forwarded. I am sending this the way I sent my first comment because I have no other option. I am sure after awhile newbies like me will know all these sorts of things, but it would be nice for a little help in the beginning. A truly interested person may just give up if it is a struggle to communicate at first. Just a suggestion. I look forward to being a thorn in the side, in a good sort of way.
One last quickie…How do the Plejarens (spelling) treat the “crop formations” phenomenon? Not the hoaxes, but the truly amazing ones like the formation predicting the break up of a comet that hit Saturn and which we photographed months after the formation. Or the thousands of such formations ALL of which have no physical signs of ingress or egress and yet would have required many workers many hours to create if hoaxes? Just asking, does Billy address this phenomenon? I am sure I will find that answered in my upcoming “years” of reading now that some of you have so kindly given me where to search. But, how about a little hint to get me started.
Dr. Ronald Eastwood (please just call me Ron, no Mr.or Dr. or Reverend required)