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Friday, May 17, 2024

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Terrestrial Astrology: Science or Superstition?

Since my previous blog also became a lightening rod for opposing views on astrology, I offer this one for the discussion of the topic. I have titled it Terrestrial Astrology: Science or Superstition? since the issue includes the idea that the astrology that the Plejaren are said to practice is far different, more advanced and accurate than our terrestrialย version.

Hopefully some light can be shed that will be of value to all concerned.


UPDATE on earthquakes:

Tsunami warning after 8.0 quake strikes off Chile

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Hi Michael,

I see that someone increased the blog display capacity of this software. That is great but I would like to see the following improvement:

* Instead of increasing blog display capacity, perhaps a PAGE FORWARD/BACK button would be a better long term solution. As blogs get bigger, the bandwidth to load the entire blog would increase, thereby increasing the chance some people with poorer internet connection cannot display it properly (someone with slower speed, living in the woods perhaps).
* Is there a way to be notified of a new post on a blog? The way this blog is structured (called nesting format) it does not lend itself to easily viewing responses that are to a previously buried post, especially being this long. I took the time to read the entire blog. If there is a way to be notified of new posts, or a way to “flatted” the blog by posting date on demand, then it would be easy to read new posts.

Just $0.02 from a technician…


They’re great changes Mike from my perspective. Hopefully this will reduce the bandwidth costs on your end and saves on data transmissions. It reduces my load time on my end.




You are incorrect. I never used the word “perfection”, nor implied that. I think you need to read a little slower.

The form of astrology that I practice is VERY accurate. I have proved that to myself for 34 years, and to many other people as well. I do not lie. If you can afford it, have a reading, I’ll prove it to you also. I don’t do many free readings. A reading takes 3 hours to do, and most people do not appreciate free ones.

Let me make this VERY clear, I do not feel I have to prove anything to anyone. As I said, I’ll let my readings and my predictions speak the loudest.

One of my predictions has already come true – the RECORD cold temperatures in the USA. Most of the others will too, if not all of them.

Let me also make THIS very clear – I don’t care what ANYONE thinks or says about my astrological work that’s negative or disagreeable. People can be skeptical and doubtful all they want. That would not affect me in the least. I ALWAYS do things my way, based on my judgment and experience.

As far as the people on the blog, none of them are professional astrologers, or have studied the science to any significant degree, if at all. Therefore, they can’t possibly have a legitimate opinion of it. All they can do, is repeat what others have said about it, like parrots. That isn’t the correct way to handle it.

Michael’s suggestion of me teaching an astrology class on this thread, is a good idea, IF people REALLY want to know the truth about this science. I see no other way of handling it.

Thank you.



Yes, of course, I have plans for that. You’re right, no one on this blog has indicated any interest in participating in an astrology class taught by me. I didn’t think they would.



I have an interest but not one that would develop into making a career out of it.

For example, I am interested in knowing how could PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY pin point names of people who will die and of what cause. Did you have to plug in the persons data? But then that seems unthinkable to try to pin down people for even a specific “years” consideration. The natural disaster part is a bit more relatable, since you must be tying astro info specifically to planet Earth and even locations. It does boggle the mind, none the less.

However, I can relate to the natal chart (and the derived personality traits) from my study of both the BEAM and Cayce materials.


My apologies Tony. It probably did have something to do with reading the long blog quickly and my brain translated your use of “accurate” to be the same as “perfection.” I won’t debate the technicalities of word definitions like Dyson did but will say that to me, mathematically they are basically the same. Also, I believe this is the first time you prefixed “accurate” with the adverb “very” so it does change the meaning a little. “Very accurate” is not the same as “accurate.” Perhaps the science of astrology is not entirely mathematical so that would be an inappropriate, or “inaccurate,” statement for me to make.

I only wish that more people practice the core teaching of BEAM when engaging fellow persons, pro-/against BEAM or not — things could go along more peacefully without the need to test each others egos.

As far as your offer to do a chart for me, please email me the details via the information from MH. I do not wish to spend a lot of money for an experiment – if I remember correctly it was less than $30 per chart type with Cayce’s org. A natal chart alone should suffice. Speaking of which, I was waiting for one of your other predictions to come true before actually considering this. But, since you mention it now, and I can see it as a service for the BEAM community in helping to understand astrology and its usefulness due to that I happen to have already ordered a chart a few years back from a well-known organization to make technical comparison to, it may do both of us good to have me compare and comment on your version of it, instead of someone who has never ordered one before. Keep in mind I also do not have an exact birth time but a window of two hours, so this is the additional criteria I would need you to consider before I take on your offer:

* Non-time corrected chart/reading: Without correction to my birthtime and take it as I had given to the Cayce org, but using your NORMAL METHOD as you would anyone coming to you with a time they say is what was recorded. This way I have a basis of comparison of two charts based on the exact same information.
* Optimal corrected accuracy chart/reading as you would do with anyone else who would have told you the same, that exact time is missing. This is for obvious reason to prove yours is really the VERY ACCURATE way, as you claim.

Due to the purpose of my possible participation, I have to withheld answers to anything else you ask of me personally.

We also need to be very clear what everyone can expect from this “experiment”:

On your end, you will need to lay down the numbers, even if it is approximate. For example, % of expected match in each case. In the case of Cayce’s, you said at best 66% due to the constellation variance. What about the birthtime window variance correction? What if someone had exact minute (but then there is the question of if the doctor was took 30 seconds or 3 minutes vs up to two hours after the head exited/first breath was taken?

On my end, I will not be divulging details about myself in public. I will only be able to say, from my technically-oriented brain, the number of hits/non-hits on both charts to see how much improved yours is. Unfortunately someone will have to take my word for it in terms of my personality description — but rest assured the only interest in this for me is validation for myself and passing on the numerical statistics for everyone’s perusal.

Let me know what you think, Tony.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Rob,

Thank you for your interest.

Without an approximate birth time (within 15 minutes) it would take 2-3 months to correct the time, and give you a good life reading. The movements of the Heavenly bodies would have to be observed and recorded, and the effects of their movements through your natal chart in your life observed. This can all be done, of course, I have done it many times. Any astrologer, who would give you a reading, without at least a very close birth time, is fraudulent.

NOTE: I’m taking the liberty to not post Tony’s rates, etc., and instead suggest that anyone business dealings between people, i.e. where charges for services and products are to be discussed, be done privately between them.

This way we don’t get into those details and lose the intention of the blog, topics, etc. However, if people want to connect with each other for such purposes and make contact through the blog of course that’s fine.

Perhaps at some point a blog that serves to connect people with goods and services could be created for just such a purpose, if people think it would be helpful. We do need to cooperate with, and contribute to each other in practical terms, especially now and as situations and conditions in the future make it all the more necessary. I’m open to feedback about this.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


I charge 1/4 of what most good astrologers charge for a natal chart reading, and they don’t have the correct astrology. My readings come with a satisfaction money back guarantee. In 34 years, I have never had anyone ask for their money back.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


Email me, if you would like all of the details concerning how I draw up my charts, do readings, and make predictions. If you live in the US, we could discuss everything over the phone. There is a lot.


Rob, did you ever lived in Chino Hills?

Ben Lui

Dear Tony: Hope you are well. My name is Ben Lui. I am a strong believer of your astrological work. May I email you or write to you? My email is I just want to let you know that you are sharing good information. It is up to others to listen but don’t let them disappoint you with your work and teachings.

Best Regards,
Ben Lui

p.s. Would love to speak with you and meet you in person if possible

Michael F

Okay Tony, again, with Obama’s birth certificate in question, how or what did u use as a reference to do a reading? You had stated that being off a minute can change a reading, so how did u start? Just wondering how this stuff works. Thanks in advance

Allen Anderson

So I probably know more about astrophysics (my knowledge would fit on a pin head)than I do about astrology, but if I understood what I have read on Michael’s blog over the past several months by various contributors, I could be a real challenge. I’m a Leo, my name was changed at birth from Timothy to Allen and just this could mean that I am a life long pathological liar, and maybe a direct descendant of Arus, Kamigol, or Jehav, or maybe share the same spirit of one of these nefarious ones. Now I know that I have made many a poor decision in my life, but I also know how far away from those times I have come, much of it thanks to the spirit teachings and much of it due to my own personal changes for the better. Am I doomed for eternity, or can there be hope for my future incarnations? Just wonder what you all think, you too Tony Vasquez- Professional Astrologer, as I find your posts and predictions rather intriguing.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Allen,

If you want to get in contact with me personally for any explanations/information, please let me know, contact me at

Thank you.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

FOUR OF MY 2014 PREDICTIONS HAVE COME TRUE. (I know some people will disagree with me about this. They will be skeptical, doubtful, and argumentative, but I don’t care about that type of nonsense and incorrect bad attitude. If you are one of those, stay away from me. Don’t waste your time and energy incorrectly criticizing me. If you do, I will harshly put you in your place. I am open to intelligent polite discussion about anything that I write. Everything I have written below can be verified online, and is valid. My 2014 predictions are posted on this astrology blog.)

1. RECORD COLD TEMPERATURES IN THE USA. (easily verified online)

2. AMERICAN AIRLINER CRASHES, 100’S DEAD, WORLD NEWS.(Some might consider this a bit of a stretch, but the Malaysia flight 370 was a Boeing 777 made in the USA. When I looked at the charts of the USA, I saw an American airliner crashing, with many dead, and making world news. Flight 370 is probably what I saw, but there could be another USA airliner crash coming. Note – My predictions are based on my 35 years of experience reading and interpreting astrological charts. They are not like the predictions of the Plejaren, which are very specific and detail accurate because of time travel, or “views into the future” technology.)

3. SWARM OF QUAKES BETWEEN 3.5 and 5.0 HITTING LA BEFORE AN 8.5 – 9.0.(This has happened, and will continue to happen, until the mega-quake hits in the July-Sept time frame. If I had to pick a more specific time, I would say July 1 – July 7.)

4. MAJOR EARTHQUAKE IN CHILE. (Even though there were not many deaths, nor much property damage, at 8.2, it did fulfill the prediction of a major quake hitting Chile. This could be the one I saw, or one more could be coming in 2014, even larger.)

Justin R

So far there have been 3 quakes between 3.5 and 4.2 in Los Angeles since this prediction.

3.8 on 5/30
4.2 on 6/1
3.5 on 6/18

Im a skeptic of predictions but so far the prediction is accurate.

Professional Researcher

Because you are “open to intelligent polite discussion about anything that [you] write” I offer the following. (Although, considering the preceding context of that statement, I’m not sure you actually meant you were open to discuss what you have written…perhaps only with those who uncritically accept your claims? Surely, as a professional, you can’t mean this?) In any case, please allow me to play the devils advocate with these alleged realized predictions:

1. Despite making this prediction after January, where most of the record cold was, February still produced an above average record number of cold temperatures. This is a hit.

2. Here, the problem is that there is a plane crash with triple digit causalities almost every single year (only two years in the last fifty without). The average seems to be 3 or 4 such accidents per year.

Thus your qualifier “American” was important; without it the prediction is virtually an irrelevant can’t-miss. Nor does the fact that the plane was made in America help you much, as most all planes in use are made here. Moreover we don’t refer to a craft that is owned and operated by a foreign airline as an “American airliner”–indeed, like this headline suggests, the downed craft was not an “American airliner”:

“Malaysia Airliner Communications Shut Down Separately, US Officials Say”

This prediction may well come true. It hasn’t yet.

3. There have been two of these, or more? I don’t know. I don’t know if its a “swarm” yet (but it may be darn close!). It may become that, and indeed, if the big one hits, it will be an impressive prediction. But it hasn’t happened yet.

4. It was a massive tremor. And when you retrodict your prediction(ie, lie) to read “major quake hitting Chile” it does seem a hit. But the prediction was “Major Earthquake Catastrophe”–five deaths (several of these from heart attack) and little property damage is not what we normally think of as a “catastrophe.” On the other hand, I am more than willing to give you the benefit of the doubt–the prediction in its entirety as given was “Major Earthquake Catastrophes in the following countries: Chile, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, and China” –should large quakes occur in these places, with some measure of destructiveness in at least a couple of them, the recent Chile quake coupled with these hypothetical other quakes would surely be sufficient to round out the prediction, to make it a hit. But to say your prediction, as reproduced above, has come true simply because of the recent, relatively non-destructive (though large) quake (in one of the most seismically active countries on Earth), is a little misleading to say the least… The prediction may well yet come true. It hasn’t yet.

In your understandable enthusiasm to validate your profession and ability, do you think you have perhaps jumped the gun a little? Do you not think you should perhaps wait to claim your predictions have come true… until they actually come true?

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

You’re totally incorrect. You demonstrate very little intelligence, or logic, and you’re not worth my time. I will ignore any further nonsense from you. Say whatever, I will not reply to you.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

I respectfully disagree. I will not waste my time with skeptics. Besides, I know that person is either Andy, or someone associated with him.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

As I said, I will not waste my time with ANY skeptic. That’s 35 years of experience talking. I recognize skeptics very quickly and very accurately. Of course, you can handle them any way that pleases you. That is my decision. It will not change. Skepticism, as I have also said, is a mental illness. I choose not to attempt to cure it, except in very rare cases, and certainly not online. Thank you.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Ok Michael, we disagree on this one. I will not repeat myself. I think from now on, I’ll simply ignore some people.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


You have only known me for a short time. I have been very effective through the years. Making predictions using astrology is the most difficult usage of the great science, and I’m better than most at doing it. I have many clients and students who are very pleased with my astrological work. Thank you.

Ben Lui

Tony, I agree with you. Things happen accordingly to the astrology. However, I believe that astrology predictions may change according to our human activities. Whether good actions or bad. If I am wrong correct me.

Best Regards,

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

I did want to reply to your last reply. Between 1990 and 2000 I was on many radio shows and TV shows in Florida and Texas explaining the correct astrology. I also did many public lectures in book stores and other venues. I ran into many skeptics, skeptical because of religious nonsense, scientific error, and bad “common” astrology influences. I learned very well that skeptics are a huge waste of my time. Sure, I encountered a few good clients, and a few good students, but it was not worth the trouble at all.

Today, I prefer to work with only those people who are not skeptical at all, only open-minded intelligent polite people. For the last 14 years that has worked out great for me. I have many good clients around the world, and some very good students as well.

As I said, from now on, when someone acts skeptical on this blog towards me and my work, I will just ignore them. They will go away.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

I think you have much more time on your hands to deal with skeptical people than me. I read some of that discussion on those emails. WOW! What a hard job it is to deal with such illogical people! Congratulations, if you have convinced a few of them of the Meier material.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

That earthquake data was interesting. I had not seen it. Thanks for sending it.

My prediction is still an 8.5 – 9.0 in LA July 1 – Sept 30, 2014, with July 1 – July 7 the most likely time.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

The two most dangerous days for the LA mega-quake are July 6th, and Sept. 14th, 2014. LA will be destroyed. The astrology is the worst/best that I have ever seen for earthquakes to hit. Expect major quakes in 5 or 6 countries in 2014.


Hi Tony,

Please share at least enough of the basics of how you can use astrology to figure out the number of people dead (20-30K), and the power and water being out for week – months in the warning email you sent about the upcoming LA quake. With my understanding, I have no problem relating some aspects of your information but others with objective numerical values seem a bit more on the paranormal front when there is no explanation provided.

Respectfully yours.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


A non-astrologer cannot understand the scientific explanation of how I can use astrology to make predictions. I’m certain of this. It is far too complicated, and I would have to use terminology that you would not understand.

Ben Lui

Hello Tony:

Wow…this is scary. Could you help pinpoint where about in the L.A. area. Because I live in the L.A. area.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

How far away is Mars from planet Earth? It’s complicated.

Earth and Mars have separate, elliptical orbits around the sun, and the distance between the two planets ranges from a maximum of 401 million kilometers to a minimum of 55 million kilometers. And this month, the distance between our planet and its second-nearest planetary neighbor (only Venus is nearer) is shrinking by around 300 kilometers a second.

In astronomical terms, we’re approaching the opposition of Mars, which occurs once every 26 months.

When Mars is closest to us, it appears to be on the opposite side of the sky than the sun — hence the name “opposition.” Just see for yourself in this new ScienceatNASA YouTube video above.

The fun begins on April 8. On that day, Mars will be aligned with the sun and the earth. But this year we’ll be closest to Mars on April 14, when we’ll be separated by 92 million kilometers (a tad more distant than the 55-million-kilometer absolute minimum).

Mars should be especially bright in the night sky that evening, shining nearly 10 times brighter than the average star.

“You won’t have any trouble finding Mars on this night,” the video’s narrator says. “The full moon will be gliding by the Red Planet in the constellation Virgo providing a can’t-miss landmark in the midnight sky.”

When Mars is close to Earth big wars usually start. And in the current astrological configurations, I expect major war activities in 2014.


Hello Tony, thank you for your info. I am curious about astrological information which you use to support your conclusion as to when the Big One will occur in LA. Why July, Aug or last 2 weeks in Sept vs. between the eclipses? Love your work. Thank you again. Sincerely, Annie

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Annie,

That is a very technical and very long explanation. If you would like to get in contact with me personally for this explanation/information, please contact me at

Thank you.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


That’s probably Andy again, hiding behind another online screen name.

Allen Anderson

For all who are interested, I have never had a astrology chart done for me, but in my work every day I see many different people from all manner of backgrounds, and several of my customers have given me quick palm readings, and such, but my recent telephone conversation with Tony, just a few minutes in duration, truly opened my eyes to how truly accurate Tony is.

Now I am not trying to promote anything, or lay too many flowers at Tony’s feet, but the things he was able to tell me about a range of personal and past life events, some very, very recent, within a few hours of their actual occurrence, and some years back, was very impressive.

Tony, I hope that this post is not an annoyance, and I certainly hope that it won’t be interpreted as any sort of breech of confidence, but that’s how moved I am from our conversation, and want to assure you that I want to remain in contact with you.

Michael I want to thank you for the way you work with all of us who try to make meaningful contributions to your blogs and sure do like the manner in which you relate to all of us, very fair and concise.

I hope that I didn’t “pile on” with the back and forth with Lee and the “self recognized Victor Supreme, too much, and certainly I did not want to interfere with your position, also, I am working to remove myself from a recent economic firestorm, I will re-visit the donation page, hopefully with better success.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

Oh, I have developed the correct form of astrology. I’m certain I will prove that to those who are interested with an open mind.

No one is 100% accurate, there are to many factors and variables involved, and there is always freewill that can change some prophecies.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Allen,

Thank you for being truthful. I look forward to working with you.



It’s interesting to read Allen’s experience.

While I can email you privately, I would consider doing a disservice to those following this topic if everything remained so, so allow me ask some of the things openly. On the other hand, it would be good to educate others on the prerequisites….

Fromt what was written, it appears you provided Allen details that impressed him over just a few minutes of phone conversation. Was this due to him being able to provide relatively accurate birth date/time information alone? What other information did you need? If I recall correctly, you said it took hours to do a chart….

Lastly, will you be able to confirm you have either psychic abilities yourself in some capacity or connections to other psychics? I am aware of a few psychics who also practice astrology.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

All that I need is a relatively accurate birth time, within minutes. Not bragging or boasting, just being truthful, if I’m not the best astrologer in the world, I’m one of them. Many people would second that statement.

To do a full life reading does take hours.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

To further answer your questions – with individuals all I need is a fairly accurate birth time to work with. When it comes to cities and countries, I need data related to the time they officially began. Everything and everyone had a beginning, therefore, everything has a natal chart. I combine the natal chart, with the progressed chart, and with the transits to make predictions. Very few people in the world can do this. It is a science and an art.



If you don’t mind, I do have some questions for you, privately if you prefer.

MH can email you my address if you should let him know.


Allen Anderson

Hello Rob,

Sorry It took so long to respond, whatever I can help with, just let me know.



In previous posts, you mentioned “Chile, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, and China” as earthquake sites for 2014. While I can relate to how this list comes about astrologically, why was LA left out of the list?

Just curious.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


I put together my 2014 predictions on Jan. 1st, like I do every year, even though I did post them on this blog later in Jan. I wasn’t going to post them here at all, because of all of the silly skepticism and stupid questions some people pose to me. But I changed my mind, because there are some sincerely interested open minded individuals here too.

I did not work on the LA predictions until Feb., so they were not included in my original 2014 list.


Tony, what do you think about the “Oedipus Effect” as a professional predictor of future events, which is the fact that your telling the future to someone at a particular point in time will influence thoughts and actions of this person and hence will influence that person’s and others future?

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

When it comes to prophecies that can be true, but when it comes to predictions it can’t. There is a significant difference between the two. You should study what the Plejarens say about the subject. Even though I call all of my looks into the future “predictions”, I know that some are “prophecies”, and can be altered and even avoided.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

I have another prediction.

Oleksandr Turchynov, the acting president of the Ukraine, will be killed by a secret method – James Bond style. Knowing the situation the way I do, I would say the CIA will kill him.

This will happen this year – 2014.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


I decided to take a look at the San Francisco Bay area, as far as a major earthquake hitting there this year – 2014. After studying the astrological charts for many hours, I predict there will be a mega-quake of magnitude 9.0 – 9.3 in the SF Bay area between September 25th and September 30th, 2014, with the 27th the most likely day.

Obviously, that will not be the quake that destroys that city, the cars without side-view mirrors are not present yet, but it should hit the populated areas and cause major damage.



I am one of Tony Vasquez’s astrology clients. Tony told me about and this blog a year ago. I finally decided to look into this. He did not ask me to write anything. I have spent most of the last two days reading this information and the comments. I have to tell you that many on this blog are acting very badly towards Tony. I have been his client for 15 years, and he has been very accurate with me. He has helped me a great deal with my marriage, with my children, and with my business. Almost all of Tony’s predictions for me have come true at some point. Sometimes the timing is off a little , but the prediction will be accurate. Tony is an honest, very intelligent, and very good person. I think he did the right thing to defend himself when he was attacked, harassed, and insulted. According to what I read, he did not deserve the bad treatment. I think most of his predictions will be accurate, then I think many people here will owe him an apology. I’m not an astrologer. I have known 5 other astrologers, and Tony is by far the most accurate. I know astrology is very complicated. I tried to learn it once, it was too hard for me. I do love it though. It has helped me so much in my life. I like the Billy Meier teachings. I will keep on reading.



Glad you’re enjoying the Meier material. Truly life-changing stuff. And I’m glad Tony has helped you.

Charles and Tony,

I don’t know why I’m getting back into this, the conversation probably has run its course. But… Let’s see if we can’t rap it up in some somewhat cordial manner. To be clear, I don’t think most of us necessarily believe astrology is completely useless, it may well help someone know themselves, or even contain some utility beyond this. And I can’t completely rule out that Tony may be among the best at this. But, I of course disagree with Charles and Tony that some large percentage of his predictions actually came true, finding it rather a matter of shifting/widening goal posts or simply too unspecific/too wide a net to begin with.. Of course, we will agree to disagree here (though, by the end of the year, I may be forced to change this position should certain concrete, specific things come to pass).

In any case, Tony, perhaps you’d like to share with us Billy/Christian’s response to your inquiry?

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


Because I’m posting this per your request, does not mean I agree with any of the negative and incorrect things that you have said about me.

I am willing to let by-gones be by-gones, but I will continue to ignore those individuals that I mentioned before, because for various reasons, they are waste of my very precious time.

Emails between me and Christian:

Apr 10 (9 days ago)

to Christian

Hello Christian,

I hope all is well with you.

My name is Tony Vasquez. I am a professional Astrologer with over 35 years of experience. I have known Michael Horn for a couple of years, and I have been contributing on his blog for several months.

I know from experience, and the success that I have had with it, that I practice the correct form of astrology. It is an astronomically correct form. There has been some debate on Michael’s blog as to whether that is true or not.

If it is possible, would you please ask Billy to comment on this issue. Specifically, could you ask him if I do indeed practice a correct form of astrology.

Thank you,


Apr 10 (9 days ago)

to me

Hi Tony,

How should Billy know whether or not you are practicing a correct form of astrology, especially since he doesn’t know you and your claims and statements, and since you are convinced that you are practicing the correct form?

Kind regards,

Apr 10 (9 days ago)

to Christian

Hi Christian,

Yes, I agree, how can Billy know? But there are some on the blog who think that Billy can know, or can find out. I don’t need the validation, but they do.

I know from experience that I am practicing a correct form, so we will leave it at that. And I think time will prove that I am.

Thank you very much,


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