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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Keep Your Eye on the Ball…We all Live On

Update: Tsunami warning after 8.0 quake strikes off Chile


There have been several strong earthquakes in Peru in the last few days, which reminded me of the information below, published by Billy Meier, that I first read in 1986:

Thursday, March 4, 1976, 03:16 AM

Now arrived it has over the world, the gray-evil time,

when death and destruction hurriedly race across the Earth.

From the Far West approaching – and also from the Far East

it weeps up as very last, deadly warning lesson.

Shaken she will be, the old Mother Earth, bad and evilly;

a work of insanity of Man of Earth – his madness’ reward*.

Earthquakes now will badly tear asunder the inside of Earth,

will evilly destroy Man’s life, buildings, hearths,

when from the depths of Peru’s jungle, the giant warriors arrive,

murdering and robbing women and roll across villages and settlements.

This is the last sign before the coming evil time,

when the old Inca enemy again murdering and robbing cries,

breaking forth from his hundreds-of-years-old hiding place in the jungle,

where he vegetates in leaf huts and in a deep Earth tunnel.

Also in Peru, after Udine, the first big quake will roll,

when deep inside the Earth fire and explosions evilly growl.

Tearing asunder the landscape, rears up, moans and screams,

and volcanic fires now will race blazing world wide.

The heart of Earth a-trembles under the destruction blow,

rearing up high at night time, but so also during the day.

South America quakes and blazes at the blow and in smoke,

enfolded in dull screaming and gray death smoke.

But also America and all its islands are to be named,

then Japan, Arabia, China, India, nations that burn.

They also will be shaking by drought and earthquakes,

when destroyed will be buildings, animals and Man’s life.

But also come rolling the quakes in the land of Turkistan,

Russia, Persia, the Balkan States, Europe and Afghanistan.

Not one nation will be spared around the Earth,

this prophecy clearly and distinctly makes known.

*Billy Meier has long, long warned of the coming consequences of the strictly manmade abuses of the Earth, such as he spelled out in 1951. Look and see if these things are not now already upon us, from the damage to the ozone layer, the “unnatural climate change (yes, Meier foretold it 63 years ago) to all of the  other manifestations of extreme environmental and weather related upheavals, which will from now on only increase.

And yes, despite Meier’s efforts for decades and decades, you can expect to still hear many more cries of shock, denial and people asking, “Why didn’t someone warn us?”.

To which one can only respond, the people were warned…And Did They Listen?

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This may be only a decades old prophecy & not a prediction but the way things are going with humans breeding like there’s no tomorrow, among a host of other evils, there just may be no tomorrow. I hope I’m in the other world during the prophesized events, should they come to pass.

Philip Brandel

Nice to see that you are still around Dyson. Was wondering for some time where and how things were going for Vivienne and you.
I hope all is well… Have thought about you on and off.
Though I don’t really know you:)
Best regards


Hey Michael, This is very interesting information to me since I’m originally form Peru and I have many relatives over there.

Can you tell me what exactly is it trying to say with the words “the giant warriors arrive” Since I don’t fully understand this Prophecy.

PS. Thanks for the info above since I didn’t even know that it existed.

Carlos Hernandez

“Carlos Tarrealza, discoverer of the ruins of a lost Indian city in San Martin Province said he had found the giants when he was lost for two weeks in the jungle.

He said they were clad only in animal skins with reddish hair and spoke a dialect he had never heard. He said they fled at his approach.

Days later, two Lima newspapers, Ultima Hora and La Prensa quoted an Indian guide Encarnacion Napuri as saying on April 25th, a group of about 15 giant aborigines armed with thick wooden clubs, stone-headed axes and hard wood lances attached attacked a camp of professional hunters.

La Prensa said the tribesmen had abducted three women and wounded five men in the camp before being driven off by shotgun blasts. Ultima Hora said 5 men, 3 women and 2 children had been injured, but did not mention any kidnapping.

The disparity might be explained by Ultima Hora’s comment that Napuri spoke extremely poor Spanish.”


Thanks Carlos for the info, and I’ll take a closer look at the link you posted. Chao


“when from the depths of Peru’s jungle, the giant warriors arrive,”

Interesting way to phrase it. Do they by any chance also have six fingers? Do you have a link to the German version?


Hi Duke last night I wanted to prove to my hubby that there was been vast amounts of skeletal remains found in the U.S. of huge humans. There seems to be plenty of old newspaper clippings but only one skull on display. All the rest seem to be owned/stolen by the Smithsonian. I looked on their site for “large skeletons” but wouldn’t you know, nothing came up. Apparently some of them did have 6 fingers. Lots of time the whole townspeople would come out and see the remains, but those people have all passed away. Looks to me like the Smithsonian decided not to re-write history but leave it as is. But I got to tell you I saw one on display last year “under a different banner” complete with 2 rows of teeth. It was so incredible knowing what I was really looking at.


A lot of the Meier material provide interesting perspectives on things that initially seem unrelated but actually do a lot to explain a few quirks in the questionable UFO material. Time and again you will find in other sources supposed “extraterrestrials” lie from where they come from. This generally leads to one and only one conclusion that I’ve come across from the UFO folks which generally has been assumed for the basis of an extraterrestrial agenda. As if lying was the only evidence of an extraterrestrial conspiracy if those folks take the UFO stuff at face value all the time.

Then comes the Concealment versus Lies part Dyson posted repeatedly:

Thus, there is another perspective that’s missed and that you don’t necessarily have to be an extraterrestrial to have a beam ship and you ALSO don’t have to be living on the surface to be considered “Earth Humanity” given how loosely you could apply that logic to. After all, how many centuries of war has there been on the top side of the planet? Wouldn’t you if you were one of the lucky few to have an ancient beam ship living in a hole in a ground somewhere to intentionally “lie” to the good folks above that you’re from another planet when clearly saying you live in the mountain down the road is going to invite trouble? It would buy you some time to leave Dodge until the natives get wind and make a large attempt to take your stuff and livelihood given the tenacious terrestrial capacity to be nosy.

Now in posting that, I’m not saying the general consensus explanation of an extraterrestrial agenda/conspiracy does not have some merit, only that you don’t necessarily have to be extra-ordinary to do that. There is the Bafath to consider after all that is largely explained time and again on the Meier material that gives some explanation to certain things. Then there are other conclusions which I will refrain from posting.



Yes I’m aware of the “hunkavarians” that used to live at Mount Shasta, went there in 1988 and it was known even then as a UFO hotspot. But they aren’t there anymore, they left at the end of 1988 (if memory serves) plus no one will be able to find the place they used to live, thank goodness.
The fact remains that the Smithsonian has hidden many items that would provide proof of more races than terrestrial humans. They should be spanked. It’s too bad that you feel that you can’t speak freely about your conclusions. Do you think some are Bafath skeletons? I’m personally leaning towards Hyperborean skeletons. There seemed to have been a few different types and sizes so it could very well have been any race that either was caught or died here. Or died in one of those global catastrophes that decimated earth humans to about 2,000 people. It was kind of sickening reading about the tall female skeleton that was taken by skull and bones society and used for initiation. Sick f&cks.
A big heads up on April 5 as that’s the day that drone operators are coming out to signal earth humans false flag alien invasion…should be interesting.

Philip Brandel

Is amazing how much information is consistently verified. One thing after another, after another, after another, etc, etc…. The truth laid out so eloquently right before all of humanity to willingly hide(lie to themselves)from.
They just cant get past the damn pictures and videos!!! How can/ could Billy be right or damn close to it so often, on so many different things! Is nauseating how much truth stands before us and how little most people care to see it…
Planet of the apes…. not much truth in sight, even when it is in plain f#%king sight!

Phil Maple

Hi Micheal,

Any idea what level of technical advancement the tall red-haired extraterrestrial beings in Peru are at? Also any idea what the population number of them are?


Hi Michael,

Can you tell me where can I find more information about these giant warriors, which contact reports to read?



And Did They Listen ? You Tell Me !!!

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Michael,

A 4.7 quake hit LA today. I predict a swarm of quakes between 3.5 and 5.0 hitting there, and then a 8.5 – 9.0 hitting LA this July or August.

I see all of the predictions and prophecies the Ps and Billy have made coming true. Mankind is not listening and changing for the better, which means they are getting worse – More selfish, materialistic, war-like, religiously delusional, politically corrupt, intellectually arrogant, and becoming worse know-it-all, know-nothing-important, people.

Those of us who know truth can only hope that someone or something alters the course Humanity is on, or the HP will be fully upon us very soon.


I was studying the entrails of some roadkill I came across. I see all swindlers, soothsayers, and pseudo future tellers inevitably being exposed for the frauds that they are…if only exposed as such to everyone else but themselves.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

With Russia annexing Crimea, it is the start of what is stated below, from the Henoch Prophecies. This, of course, is very serious, and will lead to ww3 breaking out, as Russia will not stop its expansionist mentality and actions.

“248. Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction.
249. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country.
250. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous.
251. And consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing enormous destruction.
252. In the Russian expansionist mentality will also be included the drive to gain control of the Middle Eastern oil deposits as well as to gain control of the southeastern region of Europe. Therefore, she will also invade the Balkans and conquer these countries there in enormous battles, causing ruthless and devastating destruction with many deaths.”

Rasmus Outzen

Stephen Cohen seems to be one who knows what he is talking about:

Rasmus Outzen

What exactly is Billy talking about when he states “This is the last sign before the coming evil time”. What is the coming evil, is it WWIII or something else, any thoughts?

Philip Brandel

I think what is meant is the beginning of our earth truly rebelling against its arrogant, selfish, delusional, overburdening inhabitants.
More frequent/powerful earthquakes, volcano’s, tsunamis, fires, droughts, hurricanes, etc, etc.
WW111 must not happen and I think as far as what ‘I have read’? The Plejaren have said that it has a smaller chance of occurring now than it did in the past few decades. Though we must do all that we can individually to help(prepare)it not happen!! EVER!
If one lives on the west coast amongst other places… might be a warning there-in.
Again though no doom and gloom here… just the logical truth that one must see to understand the truth of our world. As far as ‘I see it’, it is our responsibility, our doing, thus we must give it the proper acknowledgement.
I suppose the future will be our ending understanding of what these words truly were meant to mean….

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

It’s everything stated in the Henoch Prophecies.

Daniel Zumon

Hey joe and everyone else. Thank you Michael 😀
Aside everything that everyone has spoken of here there are other things and combinations of things that have become an ignored problem. So we have the strange wobble in the planets orbit caused by nuclear weapons tests (hollowing out mountains), which in turn causes the planet to natural begin processes of stabilisation similar to a mini-ice age, which is where the earthquakes are coming from, the extreme weather coming from the increases in heat from the use of toxic substances (as we know), but also because there is too many people, and the natural laws are arranged in such a way that if carbon dioxide etc are too much then processes are triggered in the oceans, the melting of ice etc etc. So you know about those things. But what I was going to mention is all the other things that are overlooked.

If you look at history for a moment, take a read, a general overview of what has happened through out time, atleast for the last 10,000 years or whatever. Is very little impact scenarios, we had God, the leaders who no one would dare mess with for their incredible abilities with a sword and social configurations which firmly guided things into defined grooves in space, and the consciousness was therefore general, there was flashes of brilliance here and there, but mostly forgotten about. So, we look at what has happened in just 100 years, compared to all the time before it, we’ve seen many things, but all of which stems back to a Consciousness thing, linked with the suns activity and the solar systems position in the galaxy. And well, anyway, to cut a long story short, we have retained all the lingering depravity and habit of the past but are throwing ourselves into areas of science and social things, quicker than ever before, to the point where most of it is untested, and brilliant genius people are clearing the way, and then its being abused by people. Money, money is what I was going to speak about. Money in the format that we have in the world, the injustice, prejudice, greed, insane things, all of which can be found with some history lessons ofcourse. Combined with overpopulation. Increased consciousness (as I have said) and then everything getting out of hand, and the dividing up on nations is fine, providing people are poor in their wisdom, if average normal people become smarter than their leaders (as is the case now) we have a situation of new lifestyles, consciousness, the world opening up, and basically because all the power is still in traditional formats, the leaders will do a whole range of stupid things in order to retain their positions as supreme leaders, and basically the whole world is going to (and is right now) erupting, because the wisdom of the leaders of most countries is incredibly mal-nourished, they do not know what to do, because they fear a deviation from their traditions, and war is traditional, but war now, is different, because we no longer use swords and tanks etc, the technology and consiousness has been profound in scientists and other special people, and they have been enslaved to provide the premium information in order to save up for their pension. So we have stupid people with everything imaginable, and more money than the planet has ever had, but still vast regions where people starve, sometimes on fertile farmland too, which is the strangest thing. Its money, and the mis-management, the destruction of other things, like reserve, respect, etc too, lots of things.


Thank you Michel for your post. which is even more interesting is in relation to the following
The news article is dated from March 1976, the contact notes date is May 1976.

Allen Anderson

According to the actual events reported, there was a 6.5 earthquake on 5-6-1976 near Udine Italy, that claimed 939 lives, 2,400 injured, and 157,000 made homeless. The timeline fits within 2 months as the reported “giant redheaded warrior” action in Peru in March of 1976, occurred just before the earthquake. Although there were no reported earthquakes in Peru in 1976, so still some head scratching here, as it would seem the timeline for the prophecy that Billy spoke of in March of 1976 still remains waiting for fulfillment.



I’d like to add to your post the following two pieces of information regarding the 1976 earthquake in the province of Udine, city of Gemona, Italy. And, the 1976 earthquake in the city of Guatemala, Central America.



Salome to all.


Sorry Fredy but it was the other way around. The news article is dated May 1976 and the contact report is dated March 1976. Another notch for Billy because he precedes the news article by two months. Take that skeptics.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

But also America and all its islands are to be named,

then Japan, Arabia, China, India, nations that burn.

They also will be shaking by drought and earthquakes,

when destroyed will be buildings, animals and Man’s life.

That’s all evil!

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

“Religions only exist on the Earth and nowhere else in this universe or any other universe. Earthly religions have been brought to other worlds for study purposes, but the inhabitants of other worlds are taught how religions can be deadly for creatures and the Earth serves as a wicked example.”

Philip Brandel

Sobering to know our place in the universe. Truly living on a delusional world! Even harder to understand and find peace knowing it will take hundreds of years to find our way out as a planet..

The small minority here are centuries ahead of our sisters and brothers… Sometimes it feels so-real to think about. How far we still have to come and the countless lives still having to be lived. Hopefully what some of us do in this life makes the next ones that much easier. Going to be a long journey to get out off!!!!

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Prophecies & World War 3 – 45.126-137

“There remains nothing left for earthly humans to do except to use their power of force. For far too long a time, people have allowed themselves to be fooled by those responsible. So now, nothing more can be achieved by peaceful means. The force on Earth is embodied in politics, religions, and the scientists. It is exactly this power that must be broken, otherwise humanity faces a very wicked end, not only by war and eradication, but by the atomization of the entire planet. The new bomb delusion has great cosmic consequences and other star systems could be affected in addition to the Earth being destroyed in a firestorm.

Fortunately, humanity still has some time for consideration and to take back the control of power and to live according to natural law. But, humanity will not be able to avoid suffering the consequences of their actions because the Earth is already hurt, inside and out, and it is reacting. Huge earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, climactic alterations, storms, tidal waves and accidental events will make their appearance in the future. A hellish war will roar over the Earth, whole countries will sink into the sea and numerous human beings will find an evil end to their lives. These coming events are already irreversible.”


I ws reading through the above link and came across this in the Hitler which reads “This was carefully controlled and monitored. However, all work was in vain and he was not able to carry out his mission as provided. Through the Thule Society in Germany, the Gizeh Intelligence was able to possess the being of Adolf Hitler and misuse him for their dark and wicked purposes. He was unable to defend himself against that”.

Interstingly it reads “POSSESS THE BEING” of Hitler, whenever I hear the word possess i think of the excorsist, Mike would you be able to shed some light on this because I know Billy specifically says that human being cannot be possessed.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Joe, those trouble makers used their technology to hypnotize and esp and real visions to possess his organic mind.