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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival


On the German language FIGU site, Billy Meier and several other contributing writers have forcefully expressed their deep concerns about Switzerland remaining independent of the European Union (EU) and all of its freedom eliminating machinations.

Meier foretold the existence of the EU, and its diabolically determined destiny as a dictatorship that would enslave every European, long before it ever existedโ€ฆ in 1958. And, naming the USA as actually leading the way towards a worldwide dictatorship through biometric chipping, Meier pretty well spelled out whatโ€™s unfolding right now.

He also clearly shows the consequences and increasing social erosion due to mass immigration and overpopulation. One only has to read the comments from โ€œconservativeโ€ Jeb Bush to see how easily these cynical sociopathic wannabe rulers show their hand. Couple this with events unfolding in Nevada and we may well be seeing the warm up to the two coming civil wars in the USA warned about in the Henoch Prophecies.

Butt most Americans have broader, more weighty concerns as their bottom line and arenโ€™t troubled by silly things like prophecies and predictions that have warned them that they are not only the frogs in the pot of water but are also turning up the heat on themselves.

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Allen Anderson

I see what you did there….broader more weighty, butt…..hahaha very good Michael.

So Jeb is no better than daddy or baby George, well isn’t that just special, and I was hoping for a surprise.


That last link… you sneaky devil. Hilarious.

But, indeed, if we are not careful…

There is a distinct Posterior probability
We may soon be Backside(d),
By the causes Behind us Seat(ed),
As the fruition of the prophecies…
Rear their ugly Cheeks.


Allen Anderson

Hello Michael,

With the USA presidential elections just a short time away, have there been any discussions between Billy and Ptaah or Quetzal regarding the prospective candidates yet?

I sure would like to see a “none of the above” party started with a platform built on honesty no matter what the effect. I can still dream right?

Scott Reed

Hello Michael, I often ask myself when will the american people realize that the government doesn’t give a damn about them. It seems that the weight of the entire universe must collapse upon their heads before they will dare to take a fleeting glance of the truth. As Billy has said “foolishness before reason” and unfortunately that is the truth. I’ve talked to my teenage children about the Billy Meier case and have shown them where they can find the Truth so that they can come to an understanding for themselves. My seventeen year old “book smart” son with a 3.7 gpa calls it a bunch of mumbo jumbo without even reading an entire sentence of the proof offered or of the Spiritual Teaching. I’ve tried to explain to him that he is enslaved by other human beings opinions, to no avail. The indoctrination begins at birth and is reinforced the moment they take their first step into a classroom. Sadly my children like the 99% of humanity will have to learn the excruciatingly hard way. What I can do is to lead by example and hopefully my children along with other human beings around me will see the Truth before it’s too late. Thanks for this blog Michael.
Peace. Scott.


One thing the new age movement does not understand is that not everything is mystical crystals and esoteric dogma. The Human now is at the apex of understanding, but it will be forceful for them (us). The psychotics, those include the politicians and theologic circles, will pull down with them many innocents, but this is how we learn. Terrestrial Humans are simply too far gone. We are indeed residing upon a planet which harbors an enigma nowhere else to be found. It used to be a concern as years go by, now it is a fact that as each day passes we grow ever closer to very harsh realizations. The Human understands nothing else. It simply must be this way for Humans to evolve, although I wish it was not. We will survive it.


This corresponds to what Billy has said about world leaders. Those in power still have under developed spirits to truly lead their people but instead just use their position for personal gain and power. That can be said about any governments. Here in the States we seem to elect more criminals than people with others best interest in mind.

Didn’t Billy mention something about the Euro?


I often contemplated as a child whether this would be a good time to be alive with all these things about to collide and boil over. As for the overpopulation concern, I truly wished I had never been born in this place and time. There isn’t much here I ever found to be conducive or of much value to a human life. I choose to grant this wish to my children which I won’t be bringing into this world. That in my view is the best gift I can ever give them.



I’m sorry you feel that way. But… Life is good! Really. I can’t help but think that if you are not finding much of value… you are not looking hard enough. (Granted, we are doing a great job of mucking things up around here). But, perhaps spend some more time outside. Long walks. Back when I was religiously deluded, I remember a favorite author, CS Lewis, writing “There are few things a long walk can’t cure.” Always stuck with me, I’ve found it to ring. Billy too speaks of the “indispensable”-ness of long walks in nature.

Find some good music. I’ve always loved to sing, but since reading Billy’s advice on the matter in “The Psyche”, I find it to not only fun, but uplifting on an even deeper level. Anyways. I hate to preach, but I also hate to hear people express themselves from a place that sounds like depression. All the best.


Yes this is rather frightening. It’s escalating fast:

I don’t think it leads to civil war imminently, but sure a good indication we’re heading that way.

Just last week I had a conversation with one of the more prominent Constitutional law scholars in the country – he too fears a looming civil war for political and legal reasons.

On the political side (despite the utter lack of respect for the president by many fellow lawmakers, and even for the office of the presidency itself, and general lack of civility) he sites the obvious increasing polarization. He says this originates from the fact that, whereas historically the two parties were made up of a collection of interests groups with ones allegiance lying more with the interest group than with the party, now ones allegiance lies with the party itself – it is rare today that one sides with the dems on one issue, the repubs on another, instead siding down the board with one side of the other…thus increasing polarization. A state of affairs he says is only paralleled in American history… circa 1850’s. The two party system was never ideal, it is now operating at its worst.

On the legal side – a brief history lesson: The main theme of the Constitution of the United States was to ensure federal supremacy over the states; this to remedy the inherent and inevitable flaws in the former “Articles of the Confederation” which stemmed from its lack of a centralized authority. Indeed, most of the early Constitutional law cases taken up by the Supreme Court were to send home that message, to solidify the supremacy of the federal government over the states.

BUT, despite that history, recent Supreme Court decisions coming out of the very conservative court are curtailing this much needed notion of federal supremacy…making it increasingly difficult for the federal government to enforce federal law against the states. Historically, the states have never had anything like “sovereignty”; today, when the Tea Party-ers shout that they do, they are, unfortunately and dangerously, partly correct.

I don’t have a good understanding yet of what’s happening legally with the present case, that is, what Nevada’s position is on the deal. I do know this guy has been blatantly breaking federal law for 20 years and now is crying foul that forcible action is taken against him. From the party that allegedly has high respect for the Rule of Law, ironic they are making this guy out to be a hero.

Holy crap, civil war may well me imminent:

“Members of a Utah militia arrived at the ranch Wednesday, and other militias from Texas, New Hampshire and Florida are reportedly set to arrive in the coming days.”

Scary stuff. Sorry for the long-windedness.


So many typos there, the worst offender, in the middle of my long rant, the parenthetical that says (despite the utter lack…), should be (IN ADDITION to the utter lack…)… thanks.


Hi Andy apparently his family has been grazing cattle on that land since 1850 so I wonder how anyone would feel if their property was being confiscated by the government? The government keeps changing the boundaries and it was a turtle reserve but now they just want everything off of there because it’s all about oil/gas leases. What a shock eh?


Correction: 1887 and desert tortoise.


Hey Sheila,

Just saw your response. Was gonna share some thoughts but instead I lifted some comments from commentors on a Huffington Post article. But first I’ll say a little something…That he is a racist was predictable, but what really scares me was the virtual call to violence – and how quickly Fox news lionized a law-breaking mooch and stood behind a protest that was oh-so-willing (wanting) to shoot at government officials. And did you hear the quote from the guy attending the protest who said that if the bullets started flying they were gonna put the women in the front line so that everyone could see the federal goverment firing at women? Comical if not so pathetic/disgusting. Anyway, the following more or less represents the way I understand it (I think they got some of the numbers wrong here though [some of the million bucks was from fines, it wasn’t all fees, thus the picture is a little different than seen here. At any rate, not a big deal]):

Cliven Bundy Facts:

I. He and his Family has never owned the Disputed Land.

1. Bundy Claims his family has owned the land since 1877, before the BLM existed and before grazing permits were required.

2. However, Clark County property records show Bundy bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 and included no rights to BLM land.

The Bundys didn’t start grazing on the land until 1954.

3. The land is part of the Las Vegas Grazing District, established under the Taylor Grazing Act on Nov. 3, 1936. This was 10 years before the Bundys owned the land.

4. The BLM was founded in 1946, two years before they bought the land.

II. $16 Million Profits From Federal Land.

Why can’t Bundy use his 160 acres for grazing?

Answer: money. Bundy is using Federal Land to graze cattle because he wants more cows and 160 acres isn’t big enough to handle all the cows he wants. With Federal Land, he can have more cows and make more money.

Nevada land only supports one cow per 20 acres so he can only graze about 8 cows on his land. But using Federal Land, Bundy is grazing an extra 3,387 head of cattle. (We know this because Bundy owns $1.1 million in grazing fees over a 20 year period. So $1.35 per cow per month works out to 3,395 cows.)

Net Profit per cow is running about $250. That means Bundy is making an extra $848,765 a year by using Federal Land. Even if he paid the government grazing fee, his profit would still be $818,765.

Over the 20 years of the dispute, Bundy has made $16 million.

III. Ranch Welfare. Bundy has received $8.2 million in services from the Tax Payers.

1. Bundy Refuses to pay $1.35 per head, per month to graze his cattle on Federal Land saying the land belongs to the states.

2. If the land in question were state land, Nevada charges $15.50, so instead of owing $1.1 million to the Federal Government, Bundy would owe Nevada $12.6 million. Private land runs $14.50 and $20 per head, so private costs would be between $11.8 and $16.3 million.

3. Even if it was State Land, Bundy couldn’t graze it, because the Nevada withdrew all grazing rights in the area in 1993.

4. The government spends millions maintaining the land and keeping it suitable for grazing. The Government routinely kills predators, removes trees to create more grazing land, drills wells, builds dams, controls weeds spread by cattle, fights fires and builds roads to access the land. The Government Accounting Office, it cost the government $8.10 per head to maintain the land. That means that, Bundy is receiving $8.2 million in services courtesy of the Tax Payers.

Links provided in a separate post below:

25 APR 11:50 AM

Larry K. (elfish)




25 APR 11:51 AM
39 PEOPLE IN THE CONVERSATION Read Conversation โ†’

Brenda T. (TXfemmom)
POLITICAL PUNDITยท5,385 FansยทGrandma with eye on the future
Antony C said it all. Clive is a moocher and a thief. He found all that $1.50 a month to be government oppression for each head of cattle he grazed on those federal lands. With all the benefits he received for that, heck most of us would love to get some grazing land and have some cattle on it. That is a fantastic bargain and the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT spends a lot more than the $1.50 a month which it charges to do all the things it does for that. Pumping the water for those cattle would probably cost nearly that much with the price of the pumping and the upkeep of the equipment. Then, they plant and keep up the quality of the grasses for that.

Clive isn’t a hero, he is a bigoted, racist, user and cheater. He was receiving a cut rate on that. The government had agreed to take less than it was receiving in many situations to avoid the claims which Clive continued to make but even at $1.50 which was WELFARE, any way one looks at it, but Clive, being the hating, racist, anti-social, and anti-government individual that he is, continued not to pay. He made a lot of moneuy during the time he refused to pay, and that money should have to be included in what he owes or the government should seize his real property which only consists of 160 acres his parents bought in 1947, not 1877 which the liar claime, and his cattle, because he wrongly enriched himself by using federal lands which belongs to all Americans, and that means the ones who love this country.

Once again, when we see behind the veneer of these so-called Patriots of today, we see something which is far from being a patriot, but rather someone who thinks blacks were far better off and should still be in slavery, where they would, as he says, learn to work and pick cotton, and have a family unit, which of course, could be broken up at any time if Masta needed some money. He hates the government and doesn’t want it until he wants to use the land the government manages for ALL AMERICANS, as in the ones who don’t hate the country and want to overthrow it. He is a TAKER, a LIAR, a RACIST, probably a MISOGYNIST since his good friend and fellow schmuck said put the women out front if there is shooting, and a good many other things which are unbecoming and trashy, were we to know more of the truth about Bundy.

It is time for the government to give Bundy a date to either pay or they should move in and take his land, his home, and the cattle and money he has earned by being a CHEAT AND A CROOK.


Neat read. There is a lot of ideal ways of discussing managing and maintaining the best form of organization that changes when folks get actual day to day experience with it. The original “Army” of the United States were essentially various militias that really did not survive or adapt well when up against a concerted and organized threat that has the will to win. When you review the events of the Ohio Valley and the creation of the “Legion” of the United States, you can see the creation of a real professional Army as militias have a nasty reputation for being unwieldy, inflexible, and lack of will necessary to win wars.

Many of the alleged Tea Party folks I come across either intentionally giving wrong information (especially historical) or actually believe the half baked nonsense their actions would somehow not cause problems for other folks. There’s a difference in being philosophical and taking responsible action to ensure folks livelihoods aren’t jeopardized or mismanaged, then there is a deep selfish desire to have a uni-perspective of history and being on the defensive without working with anyone else. Like many things in the popular media-drome, I haven’t really heard anything truly relating to history but actual circumstance of the present times that is and will effect the judgement of people on where they perceived to be heading towards.

It’s kind of like Billy saying the time honored Latin phrase “Quo vadis humanitas” article I linked here which the phrase itself means where one’s society is literally heading to:


I’m not saying I don’t find any value in this life but what I am saying is that it’s not a place that is really conducive for a bright eyed child growing up having to make way through all the adult BS. Especially with wars always looming, environmental catastrophes on the rise, overpopulation, religions, ideologies, materialism, and the total lack of interest in anything real. That more than anything disappointed me as a child. It was a hard decision for me as a child to not want to exit stage left. Luckily I figured out the most likely/probable thing after we die is reincarnation (coming back as humans not animals) so I knew it would do me very little good to pull the plug and also wouldn’t help anyone in the long run either. But yes, I still stand by the fact that I wish I had never been born during this time and place as billions probably feel because of overpopulation and related matters which decrease quality of life for all.

However naturally I must make the most of it by doing what I can to expand my own personal spiritual growth. After looking at earth from the perspective of an outsider (alien) for a while one naturally detaches from the status quo and makes simple realizations which match up with what Meier publishes. As long as there are still people in this world having 100+ children, I think I’ll curb my desire to have any. It sucks but I can’t change the laws of math and physics.


Kim’s bum is the best! The best link ever. ๐Ÿ™‚


“A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: Iโ€™m not โ€œafraid to shoot,โ€ he said…
โ€œThis is what we do, we provide armed response,โ€ Jim Lordy, with Operation Mutual Aid, told the local broadcast station. โ€œThey have guns. We need guns to protect ourselves from the tyrannical government.โ€
Mr. Lordy also said โ€œmany moreโ€ militia groups are coming to the site to join in the Bundy family defense.
โ€œThey all tell me they are in the process of mobilizing as we speak,โ€ another member told the Review-Journal.”


Mr.Horn I would like your opinion about the coming civil wars. If for some reason would we have to take up arms or will they offer any assistance to us the P’s for the ones that don’t want this.

Darcy Wade Carlile

They won’t save the BEAM team either as CF told me in Toronto.

Daniel Zumon

The EU is what is known as a supranational union. Whereby all the countries in Europe still have their own governments just like before, all with their own systems of laws and regulations etc. So here I explain how it gets interesting. All the countries hand over several billion euros annually. Now for the interesting part. Most people do not know what the EU is or does because almost no one in europe knows what the EU is in fact. So there is various departments, including the european commission. Now what happens at the EU commission is that basically you can have several million euros for a plethora of causes, providing you meet specific criterions. So for example, your business has been set-up for 12 months, you can prove transnational collaboration, you have to read through a bibles worth of legalese, its very thorough (so not accessible to most normal people to read it). Then, there are various causes in the EU, which helps it progress as a body to govern the EU. So your helping them, by meeting their criteria and in return you are getting paid plenty (EU rates of compensation) for your troubles.

Most americans would see that as a paradise I am sure, but its very very complicated, and while they are giving away vast quantities of money, there are very strict criterias, which basically are very restrictive and serve only special circumstances. It can all be found through wikipedia and google.


All who are in favor of changing the spelling of dictator to dick-tater say “I”!

I for one have found many dick looking taters in my garden.

That might get such folks to think twice about taking such a career path (if I can call it that).



Listened to your most recent interview. Was interesting, never your heard you speak about that paranormal-type experience in the seventies. Anyway, I’d be keen to have a look at your Future Self program…any copies laying around for sale?


Could you post the latest interview

Carlos Ribeiro

I read a generalized equivoque somewhat. At first , the material disclosed by Billy was very well received by UFO circles and the other alternative personal knowledge . In phase contacts with Semjase , as also noted W.Stevens , things were much more natural and authentic , there are even positive reviews of books like other knowledge here on Earth. Over time, as Stevens noted , reactions and elaborations Meier began to commit some of the material . Therefore, as this participant, I have items of credibility and restrictions to do . Over time, their rejection has grown so much in ufology as in other media , and is proportional to the rejection itself that he , and his strenuous defenders , expressed in relation to other forms of knowledge, in a ignorant generalization . There are aspects of the phenomenon of contatismo including the psychic dimension , and this should be taken into account . No matches well to defend a spiritual vision and immaterial things and say that the evidence is valid only supported by tons of reports and flying paraphernalia . Respecting someone’s work is one thing; includes not accept everything you say and do the necessary criticism . They do not even say that truth is hard and you have to be frank and straightforward ? What about then? You can not ask the union in support of a mission “for all mankind” when preaching particularism and exclusivism. Or that Meier is the “brightest human who ever walked the earth,” which goes against the guidance or the good sense not to idolize anyone, not put on a pedestal and worship any form of life (even if it is him). If not to add, will always be a separate caste, saying things that are not true, and many would relate. In any case, is a very valuable material.


Off topic, but I just had some Jehovah’s Witnesses visit me on Saturday. She asked if I believed in Jesus or praying, and handed me some pamphlets to read. She says she will be back this Saturday to discuss the readings. If I had extra copies of the TJ, I would hand that to her, and tell her to read this and get back to me. I may just hand her printed copies of the prophecies, predictions, and Henoch Prophecies. I’m sure she will ignore it but it’s okay, I did the same with her Jehovah Witness materials.

Allen Anderson

What’s good for the Goose?……..she will not take a gander at. At least that was my experience, the religious door knockers have only their interests in mind, what interests you is not part of their agenda. I handed a copy of the contact notes where Semjase drew a picture of Jehovan for Billy, to one of these Jehovah’s witnesses and it ended up on the ground in my driveway.


lol yes i believe that will be the possible outcome. Hopefully they do not stop by, I have enough friends on facebook that post random thing about how good god is. For example, “got into a car accident today, thank god i’m safe”, but no one wants to thank god for getting them in the accident in the first place, sounds really logical to me. If the Witnesses do decide to comeback I will respond to their inquires with the truth. The description for Jehovan sure does match an All loving god that is merciful for whatever reasons, and the whole fear of god statement. Why fear a god that is all loving?

Darcy Wade Carlile

I think you can’t use truth to missionize truth, and I think it is better not to adopt their practice.


Good point, I will avoid them.


Oh yes run and hide LOL. Those bad a$$ JWs are gonna get ya. I’m kidding. I agree with Darcy about not adopting their practice of going door to door to missionize. But when they are standing right in front of you they have to listen to you LOL. It’s good practice for getting your point across, debating, keeping your cool and doing it in a respectful way. Michael’s interviews are good examples of this. I doubt that he’s gotten this good without practice. Try to emulate.


sorry for the misunderstanding, I wasn’t going to go door to door to spread the Meier material. I was simply thinking that it would be a fund idea to hand the JW’s Meier Material and tell them to get back to me.

I don’t really see a problem with presenting material to counter their beliefs, but I will just simply avoid them. I know they will not be receptive to the Meier’s material since it goes against everything that they have believed in all of their lives.