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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for over 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

The Religious Atheists-Skeptics on the Sam Harris Forum

This article is for the benefit of any readers interested in the thread I started on the Sam Harris forum. It pertains to information that I posted and linked to that clearly shows that numerous examples of specific, prophetically accurate information were published by Billy Meier long before “official discovery”.

The veracity of claims of prior publication are established by copyrights, our internationally recognized and accepted, legal standard of proof of prior and/or first publication. While copyrights establish the date that something was first published, the content itself must then be evaluated for accuracy and relevance.

In the case of Meier’s information, its specificity and accuracy can be determined by any interested person. Some specific examples, with relevance to challenges posed on the Harris forum, are listed below.*

The fact that a court of law would recognize that the copyrights constitute the existence of ironclad, irrefutable proof that Billy Meier’s information was published prior to the foretold events, is intolerable toย pseudoscientific skepticsย because of their rigid, religiously based belief systems. They will go to great lengths to still try to discredit that which they simply cannot tolerate. And make no mistake about it, many of those who consider themselves atheists-skeptics are among the most fundamentalist in their behavior towards, and rejection of even the possibility of the reality of, Meier’s evidence and information.

They possess an irrationality and fervor that is second to no evangelical of any other faith and in fact it can be every bit as much – if not more – blindly irrational in attacking what they’ve presumed to be so easily dismissible.

In the case of documents where the originals are no longer available, such as for the 1951,1958 and 1987, etc., prophecies and predictions, all one has to do is to ascertain when the documents were first published in German and/or when they were first published on the internet. Then, if one is patient, they will start to find evidence in the form of information that is corroborated even after the relatively more recent online dates. Such was the case for Dr. Sanford Weinstein, the formerly skeptical physician/physicist for whom Meier’s information, from 1987, regarding Russian military movements (and subsequent Canadian activities) compelled him to call Meier’s information “astonishing and amazing” and that it warranted the serious attention of our own military.

What is actually revealed in the persistence of skepticism to Meier’s prophetic information – especially since there can be no doubt at all when staring in the face of the various copyrighted books and documents – is a cynical, fearful inability to accept anything that lies outside of the primitive materialism of the skeptical reality. First, character assassination and derision will be employed. Since the skeptics automatically assume that Meier is some country bumpkin who (magically, of course) “hoaxes” everything, and they assume themselves to be far superior to him, they have no trouble trying to laugh him off and dismiss him as lacking any credibility.

Point to any of the numerous credible scientific experts who’ve analyzed and authenticated Meier’s evidence and the catch-22 argument from the skeptics is that you’re “appealing to authority”! I’m sure you can appreciate the irony of so many anonymous online “experts” trying to attack the various scientists they would themselves be citing if they’d disproved Meier’s evidence and claims.

Naturally, the skeptics will move goal posts; avoid admitting their factual inaccuracies, wrong assumptions, etc. A great case in point is the anonymous skeptic on the Harris blog who came out guns blazing as he tried to state that Meier’s claimed prior contacts took place in 1975, when it’s long been documented that they occurred in 1942 and even 1964. The very fact that such cowardly wannabes are so insipidly spineless as to anonymously attack and try to assassinate the character of others is an indication of societal decline, the real magnitude and significance of which is not even barely understood in this and every other crumbling society in which it finds acceptance.

Because of my respect for Sam Harris’ intellect and eloquence, I had hoped that opening a discussion about the Meier material on his forum would bring it to the attention of some real freethinkers and,ย ultimately, Harris himself. I even asked the moderators to bring the information to Harrisโ€™ attention. I have a feeling that Harris wouldn’t approach the Meier material, its evidence and claims with anything resembling the denial and religiosity I encountered from some malcontent who’s ineptitude leaves him/her with no other options than trying to bait and insinuate, while avoiding every single specific answer and example that substantiates the accuracy, authenticity and honesty of Meier’s evidence and claims.

Should someone of Sam Harris’ stature decide to engage in the discussion I think it could produce an outwardly rippling wave of increased interest in, and awareness ofโ€ฆthe truth.







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I personally don’t waste my time anymore going these sites where people are attacking Billy or his material for whatever reason. It’s just not worth my energy to seat there and get frustrated with people that will not do the real due diligence required on Billy’s material. It’s bad enough up here in Ottawa, Canada having to deal with Brain dead non-logical people. What amazes the most is you can be having an intelligent conversation with someone but as soon as the topic let’s say switches to religion they people turn in to complete idiots. I know that is harsh but I don’t understand why people stop using logic when it comes to this topic.

P.S. – Does anyone ever come and visit Ottawa, it would be nice to seat and speak with someone up here.


Ditto. Canada is driving me bonkers. If I’m ever that far east, I’ll let you know. It’s actually easier and cheaper for me to hop over to switzerland however. One direct flight rather than two or three indirect. Oh well, some day I’ll visit you canadian figu-ites. But the Swiss Alps…. How can I resist those? I guess I’m not so drawn to flat country. We need a figu group in western canada too I think. Hard to justify a week long drive or 2 day flight.


Dm what are you doing this weekend?


That’s tough to answer from hour to hour. The shortest most concise answer I can give is work. One form of work is merely a break from another. If coffee comes up on the list, it’s out in the countryside somewhere thinking, trying to rein in the mess I created since my last coffee break. ๐Ÿ™‚

Are you western canadian?


Howdy there Pilgrim, I surely am (with a John Wayne drawl). And yourself? If you can drag yourself away from work for an afternoon, we are meeting in Camrose at noonish on Sunday. Maybe Michael wouldn’t mind giving you my email address if you’re interested? At this point in time we are pretty casual and lots of coffee is available.


Haha well howdy to you too there madam. That’s good to know. Sadly that is still a 2100 km drive south east for me. I’m way up the alaska highway. I’ll keep in mind for the future though. If you’re reading this Michael then yes, please send me that email. Oh and towel boy, would you please fetch me my tea? Kidding kidding. Sorry.. silly joke. Thanks if you get the message.

Happy trails


Actually I’m painting an album cover for my album with a new set of brushes I just got and some new oils. Figuring out colorations and designs on how to paint a snappy night time seascape. That and a few other things.

Phil Maple

I know it’s not right or a nice thing to think but I think that all religious people are idiots for believing in an imaginary God and the rest of the nonsense associated with various religion beliefs.


Hey Joe are you going to the Toronto Meeting in July. Andreas Schubiger President of FIGU Switzerland and his wife Barbara Harnish will be doing a Q&A.

It should be interesting.

I will be heading up there from Chicago. If your around lets get together.


As much as I would like to get down there, I’m too busy with work. I wish they would hold the meeting in Ottawa but Toronto is a probably a better venue. It’s also about a 4 hour drive for me.


Joe, take a drive through the Ottawa valley and get out of the city for awhile. I find that being in a city for any length of time is always a downer. Too many people, too much negativity.


I agree Shelia, I would like to eventually move someplace where there is no snow, it gets quite depressing around this time of year because you’re waiting for the warm weather to arrive and people seem to be more on edge, it feels like you’re waiting for water to boil.


Yes it’s been a late spring for sure. I think because we live here we don’t get enough Vitamin D from our exposure to sunlight to be able to last us all winter long. Some people get pretty depressed. Smart ones take VitD3. Am off to plant potatoes tomorrow, we have such a short growing season. It’ll be good to dig my hands into the soil…a nice break from work.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The Russians are planning to come to Ottawa.


Re: Looming American Civil War Part 2

For those interested, the April 29 Daily Show with John Stewart episode – which can be watched for free at – around the 4th to 8 minute mark, offers a disturbing look at the increasing volatility of the American political climate.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Michael Horn is the most logical being on the planet Earth because he is very logical and he is not bias on terms of living , so as to assume he believes in equality of the human being. The human being is the same/equal man, woman, child, fetus at heart beat onus the spiritform or part of creation.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Billy is here just is or justice.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Damn I have powers in me that if only I could dispel on this rusty planet in it’s murder from the viral overpopulation of people on the third rock from the sun. Get Smart people of Earth stop breeding like bacteria, because we are only people.


Hey Darcy, are we having a meeting this weekend? Personally I’ve offered my services to a few teenagers who thought they might be pregnant – a push down the stairs – they all think I’m joking. Well I am, but the underlying message does get through.

Philip Cutter

Hi everyone,

I can’t comprehend, that people, when shown amazing evidence of high resolution photos of UFO’s, that have been proven that Billy couldn’t have faked, the typical response is “they’re fake” or “that can’t be real” so I ask, how do you know this, and the answer being…. “they just are, UFO’s don’t exist”
Well the mind boggles, I ask what information and evidence they have to support this claim, absolutely nothing.
Some people love to have opinions claiming this and that without ever having a real foundation with which to draw their conclusions from, and not having done a single shred of research on the matter.
Pure ignorance and laziness seems to be a common character trait these days.
I feel I would have a more fruitful discussion with a lettuce.

As for copyrights, what do people not understand.

The mind truly boggles.


Baffling to try and wrap your head around stupidity isn’t it. That’s because stupidity is incomplete and contradicts itself by its very nature. You’re better off trying to figure out the color of fairy farts. That’s why I stopped trying. Just accept that there are people with bigger mouths than brains which is also necessary for the evolvement of everything, including their own consciousness. Better to say hello to the lettuce as you say seeing as it has absolutely no use for such drastic contradictions in its existence/being. Nature is the best battery charger and mind de-f***er available. Spend time there. Enjoy it all friend.

I can never forget the fact that it took me three months of research before accepting the facts in this case, and I predicted this case and much of what was in it ten years before. However I knew that I was certainly in no position to knock anybody over it or to even discuss it openly with anybody while doing initial research until enough of the facts were in to make an objective decision. I just had to examine the facts for myself. It took me more than a year before I even found a forum or discussed it with anyone. This is all about the individual learning process.

Philip Brandel

What a world to live in. The utter jumble of a mess we have created within our collective thoughts and actions. So many illogical beliefs to the point in belief of nothing at all. As all Religions(atheism) are within themselves truly a degenerative disease… One that if not understood and comprehended can alter the consciousness drastically. This disease seems to have the unique ability to infect like no disease ever known to most. As it mutates to fit whomever it has infected like nothing else! To the point within, that any other thought instantly shuts the whole human down. At one extreme it is a total shut down within ‘belief’, nothing is ‘known’ because all is shut down due to ‘religions’ utter presence. All the way to chopping your head of for even speaking such religious words altering ‘theirs’. One of a almost materialistic as well as mental sway of actions to both extremes. These opposing views almost seem to come full circle back onto themselves in an odd way? Yet, always and totally because of the human… nothing else. Human(humanoid) is in the end all we are within the very broad defining word creation.
Within its sway of energy I can not blame atheist for running for the hills… Yet, have they run to far? Almost all the way to becoming animals within themselves. Void of all direction within and only instinctual-y(illogically) driven to irrationality within the fabric of reality. How wrong they truly also are! At least as I see it! One truly in the end doesn’t have to run anywhere but within. A slow crawl would do just fine at this point in the whole process:) WE are destine for so much more

Some how people must have a chance and as we are all the same as one human to another. We must forge ahead together in someway, anyway. It is partially our obligation(if we want it) to spread ones knowledge with anyone in that it may grow and or be corrected… Together as humans we can change in many ways only if we try beyond these illogical trains of thought(religion)…
Yet, nothing will be of use if the self is not ready for the thought. This time will come for us all.

Philip Cutter

So true dm,
I told myself over a year ago, that it’s pointless discussing the Billy Meier case with these kinds of people, as laughter and ridicule are all I’ve received.
I suppose some people just aren’t ready to hear certain truths.
I’ve yet to meet anybody in my town who has even heard of Billy, and or willing to discuss the case, lifes trivialities and entertaining oneself are all they focus their efforts on.
I guess I’ll just continue studying this wealth of information and maybe someday it will rub off on them


That’s the ticket. I have been lucky to find people in my area who I can discuss these things with openly, but it took time. I grew up in a religious environment and could never get myself to accept it the way they did. I was always the rebel. The thinker who saw the obvious contradictions in their BS. I was labeled the bad person and I was lonely for a long time as a result. No support from anywhere, teachers, parents, neighbors, friends… They were and mostly still are all into the religious stuff.

It took a long time for me to separate from that crowd who made me feel worthless and to find a crowd that made me feel good about myself just for who I am. It’s hard because people like us don’t have churches we can congregate to or anything like that. We just have to rely completely on ourselves. But, that’s the key to this Silent revolution actually. Thinking for ones self. It isn’t always easy to stand up on ones own two feet, separate from the comfort of the crowd and rely on ones own legs and mind, but when you get knocked down and nobody is there to help you (apart from the efforts of those trying to convert you and then calling you a nobody for not accepting their “help”) you have no choice but to stand up on your own or die. And dying just doesn’t help anything. So I might have been lonely, but I’m confident and strong and only get stronger as I continue to learn. And now I’ve managed to meet others of like mind or similar enough that we can discuss this openly and intelligently. We’re all on a different path, but eventually, this separation from the comfort of numbers has to occur which is for many, a very difficult step to take indeed. It comes in academic circles too which reinforces its religiosity as well. So they just prefer to do what’s convenient or comfortable (or so they think) by not taking that step. I like to challenge the notion that it’s convenient or comfortable at all.