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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


UPDATE: Here’s an interesting new online news type show. A new interview with me – where I did get to express what I had to say – begins at about 59 minutes.

And now, our featured complain:

Well I almost got through my presentation for the online event but they disconnected me:




…for being politically incorrect.

In presenting the information about and from Billy Meier and the Plejaren, I firmly stated that there are no other proven UFO contactees, that those who claim to be in contact with any Pleiadians are lying and of course have the burden of proof, etc. I also managed to get in how accurate Meier’s prophecies and predictions were and how unrealistic all the New Age, escapist stuff was, etc.

I was told to “not present your beliefs only facts”. Of course this is hysterical because not a one of the other presenters have any actual facts to back up their loony claims. “New Age” censorship is alive and not so well.

So I set a rather…uncomfortable tone for the event and unfortunately I won’t be able to see the rest of it, as I the organizers of the event…disconnected me.

If anyone did record it I would be interested in seeing it myself.

Here’s some correspondence from immediately following the presentation:



You just did what every other intelligence group and member of the UFOCI does…you censored the information and the presentation.
Of course that means that you know better and that giving the “politically incorrect” answers isn’t allowed.
If you – and your other presenters – can’t take the heat then you have no business in the kitchen.
The real problem you are faced with – as your archives will show – is that none of your presenters will be able to present facts and not anecdotal, subjective, unsubstantiated opinions.
You’ve shot yourself in the foot…and the truth along with it. And really, you did it for popularity and…profit.
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts

Not at all Michael.

I gave everyone your email and website. We just do not feel that talking shit on everyone by name is going to help awareness spread. We aren’t censoring. We are attempting to cultivate positivity with truth… not denying the truth but approaching it from a balanced perspective. I will also give you your payment. I love what you have to offer and read and watched everything. By attempting to call people out on their own belief systems is not the way to approach a situation and spread awareness of it. Everyone for the most part was becoming closed off because of the way you were conveying you message. I apologize for what occurred and am all for informing everyone about the Billy Meier case. Another moment when you told everyone how dare you say… I feel there were times when what you said was not called for and was deregotary to the audience. I apologize for this entirely… I accept and agree with your in regards to the Billy Meier case. I am sorry that we aren’t in alignment with the way we see fit to convey it.


The truth is harsh and you apparently misunderstand the purpose of the mission that extends back thousands of years through the prophets and the Plejaren.
We’re not concerned with people “feeling uncomfortable” about their “belief systems” being criticized. Since when was belief ever equated with truth?
I have ZERO respect for anyone’s “belief systems”…including my own. And what happens if someone just happens to…change a belief, what are we supposed to do with the one’s that they no longer respect?
This shows an utter lack of respect for people taking responsibility for determining the truth for themselves.
In fact, let me know if any of your other speakers present anything other than beliefs, even an iota of objective, verified, credible substantiation for their claims.
This is just spineless, namby-pamby, moral weakness and New Age Nazism, plain and simple. People are indeed responsible for what they say and you should have had the courage to challenge, not censor me.
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I was there. I believed ALMOST EVERY word you said. I do NOT think you should have been pulled either. BUT to assume that the “New Age” People are all proof-les is a joke too. What you present I DO BELIEVE. BUT I believe it BECA– — — USE of my GUT. NOT the “Proof” that you gave me. The PROOF you have is never going to be 100% true. Truth is only a perception. When you see a car crash, it is the SAME car crash and yet dozens of people see different TRUTHS. Your truth is NOT any better or worse than anyone else’s. I know some presenters there besides you. I follow their work. They get paid shit and mostly live off of their second job. They do their work because they have their OWN TRUTHS. What I did NOT like, wasn’t your truth. It was your disdain of others truths and the efforts they put in. When you say you are the ONLY one with truth, then you look JUST like these Christians who know it all. It is OK to say, I know this is MY TRUTH. And let others live. That is what the “new age” is about. Love and let live. Truth is all relevant guy. I could sit all day and show you evidence that what you said was false. That Billy Meier is not truth. And how would you take it ? You do NOT accept it because it is NOT your truth. THAT is why you got kicked out. Fair or not, it is. That was THEIR TRUTH. This man CLEARLY, and with MUCH PROOF, has totally debunked you , IN THEIR TRUTH. So does this mean you are false ? NO. It means that you have your truth, and they have theirs. See. You have your truth, they have theirs. Live and let live guy.

Quote ” I pointed out that Meier had not put forward a single scrap of new photographic evidence in well over 25 years. Why not? I also reminded Meier and Horn that their metal alloy samples came back from the science laboratory with an official report. This report concluded that the samples were 100% terrestrial in origin, and could be very easily replicated by simply melting down some metal alloy and adding some glass, crystals and quartz. ” in article

J. Smith

This Jason guy should sign up to be a comedian. He “believes because of his gut” not proven evidence given as proof to authenticate one’s position. “The PROOF you have is never going to be 100% true. Truth is only a perception”. SIL! Someone please get this guy on stage! I’m glad to see that he realizes the truth in the Meier case, but his denial of truth for belief in his gut feeling instead of logical reasoning just doesn’t sit well with me.

Anyhow off to watch that interview I just wanted to chime in maybe I should mind my own business!


Funny. You have to pay to just go “off” to watch the video. If you won’t pay to see my stand up performance, I doubt you’ll pay to see this. HaHa. What is so bad about using your HEART & your MIND. Is it really THAT bad of an idea? If more people did the world would not be filled with liars and coldness. A different way to look.

J. Smith

What is so bad about authenticated proven evidence? And what is so not clear about nonsense which you’re firmly trying to defend by calling it “Their truth”? If you’re actually an intelligent thinking human being which I suppose you’re and not just another believer because you want to believe you can clearly see through the b.s of what’s going on in the UFO Community. I guess that you share their views in ignoring proven evidence along with scientific corroborations not to mention world related based predictions and prophecies that without a doubt can be provided as proof and not just someone’s own truth, but the only Truth when it comes to other nonsensical beliefs and lies.

By the way I was referring to the new free interview Michael did and not the presentation.


Michael Horn sure showed his true colors yesterday at the online event. I paid for the event just to see Mr. Horn so I can attest for what really happened. I’m pretty sure that he was cut because he was not only insulting the presenters, but putting down the audience’ intelligence and slandering people by name, ( ex. MUFON members) which can cause a lawsuit for the creators of this event. If your business was in threat of a lawsuit, you’d cut transmission too. Personally, I felt really insulted. So did much of the audience for his lack of faith in our abilities to reason for ourselves. Furthermore, Mr. Horn was hired and paid quite well as I could see by the large audience, to be one of the presenters. He was fired for rude behavior–nothing political, I assure you. He still got paid as you can see in another statement Neil Gaur made. I didn’t know the other presenters, but they appeared to be nice people and respected different viewpoints. They were different from my usual cup of tea, but they gave stimulating ideas, especially Dolores Cannon. She seemed to have endless research on her topics, so I don’t know why Mr. Horn would put down a sweet, smart older lady and author of over 17 research based books. Anyway, I got to thinking that perhaps the human mind can be more capable of making contact telepathically similar to other beings. That I’ll enjoy investigating. But I definitely thought it was good and healthy to have various ideas of thought brought up that I otherwise never would have even known to look into. Obviously the different beliefs backfired due to behavioral issues on Mr. Horn’s part. It’s a little embarrassing to see someone my age act that way, but anyway, I have been doing UFO research for many years, and this was a blog I kept an eye on for a very long time. However, considering the narcissistic, manic behavior Mr. Horn displayed yesterday, I have to question his motives. All in good time, perhaps, because secretly I have had the idea that there is an agenda here to make humans smaller and insignificant–that somehow these Pleiadians, Mr. Horn, and Billy Meier seem to think that they are above our minds, somehow as ambassadors to humanity because we’re ignorant, powerless sheep that need to be led by the superiors. Today was enough for me to conclude, and it is with a heavy heart, but free mind that I leave the many years I have studied Mr. Horn’s research. The people in today’s event were nice folks, and it would have been wonderful if Mr. Horn could have just remained calm and focused only on his findings, rather than rant about others. It was unprofessional, thus he was fired.


Thanks for your permission to show people your presentation. I’ll post your presentation on YouTube, as I was there the entire time, and paid for the ticket to see you originally. If you are defamed, you’ve only yourself to blame. Perhaps when you watch yourself with a calm mind, you’ll see apology to your audience and those who were honored to have you present your findings is in order. You were cut off only by 15 min anyhow, so you are really making a bigger deal about this than there needs to be. If they wanted to censor you, they would have not had you on the line-up at all. They respected you, were excited to have you on, and you in turn met everyone with unkindness. Why? Also — You did inadvertently insult Ms. Cannon as you had stated many times in various ways on this thread that you were the only presenter with valid information.


How about you and Billy give us some of your own updated findings. I see outdated photos from when I was young. How are Billy’s drawings and in this day and age with smart phones, no pictures relevant? You are still producing 3rd party information. Furthermore, this “boy” as you so rudely referred to me as, worked for NOAA for seven years, and if you understand what that stands for, it means I’m quite versed in the scientific field, being that I actually am a scientist. I am going to retire from here now as it’s late and I have better things to do than be bullied by you.


‘Today was enough for me to conclude, and it is with a heavy heart, but free mind that I leave the many years I have studied Mr. Horn’s research.’ What?! What kind of studies have you done that long to be still drifting on the surface? My senses tell me that you might be among those people who simply chase sensationalism.

‘All in good time, perhaps, because secretly I have had the idea that there is an agenda here to make humans smaller and insignificant–that somehow these Pleiadians, Mr. Horn, and Billy Meier seem to think that they are above our minds, somehow as ambassadors to humanity because we’re ignorant, powerless sheep that need to be led by the superiors.’ What? Michael Horn already explained to you about Pleiadians and I have only to add to this that it somehow coincide with your years of studying of his research. Sorry. Opposite to your comment about superiors Plejaren want us to stop being led like blind sheep by our world ‘superiors’ and start thinking for ourselves and that there be no direct guidance because we will turn dependent on them too quick which is strictly avoided.

‘How about you and Billy give us some of your own updated findings. I see outdated photos from when I was young. How are Billy’s
drawings and in this day and age with smart phones, no pictures relevant? You are still producing 3rd party information. Furthermore,
this “boy” as you so rudely referred to me as, worked for NOAA for seven years, and if you understand what that stands for, it means I’m quite versed in the scientific field, being that I actually am a scientist. I am going to retire from here now as it’s late and I have better things to do than be bullied by you.’ What? As far as I know in science community you have to substantiate your claims and submit your evidence so that other scientists in their field of expertise could also test it to conclude a research to be true or false and nobody gets insulted that way. This is ordinary practice. (what would happen if scientist exchanged only their beliefs?)
Why you suddenly attacked Michael Horn becoming a bully yourself when you have a chance to show to be better and simply prove him wrong by presenting some credible information?


How does that feel? That your nation has become a pussified nation of feel gooders that can’t take criticism?

David Scott

I know we can feel like an island at times regarding others not being able to tune into the channel . But I have realized for some time now that from the beginning , alot of high profile politicians , scientists and engineers as well as historians and geologists have become aware of the Meier case . It shows in how events unfold , or perhaps in decisions , inventions and clear research directly into the claims made public . High profile projects like the Gene mapping project , or propulsion dynamics as well as astronomy are good examples . Some of the political commentary regarding nations seems to have been reviewed as well . Its almost like a dividing line where there are those that use the material for the sake of a vehicle or personal endeavor politically or scientifically . On the other hand the folks that read deepest find the Creation and the spiritual connection encompassing everything , not just the technology . I’m a lifetime student and the calibre of knowledge and depth encompases a mind I would have never imagined to ever exist . In closing , I am aware of a few very high profile media personalities that are well read in Billys’ material . I have listened to them for a while and their views and march away from formal religion is becoming very obvious . I can feel the desire to share it in its entirety , but I understand how so many just keep it to themselves because of implications on ones career . One personality is coming very close , this person has stopped themselves on several occasions and said they could not talk about it and just flat out admitted to the audience that there is so much more to all of this and I cannot get into it . That is aside from their meetings held in confidence . I find that side of the fence encouraging . The other side of the fence is witholding technology and using the tools to conquer and divide .


I agree with David. Are these so-called channelers aware that in the not too distant future the people of Earth will have to face and deal with these very unfriendly melevolent barbaric bad ETs that don`t care about life and limb and turn the humans of Earth into slaves all because of politics,coperations and religions and so on?


I dont think that will happen because the Plejaren have apparently prevented such things occurring before.

Regarding Douglas’ enquiry about more recent photos. There are some by a former Swiss skeptic by the name of “Ein Pirgler” that were taken by him/her in 2001. See here:

I will produce a higher scan of these on and include the article by Ein Pirgler that accompanies it, “What I have to say”

J. Smith

Thanks a lot for this information James!

Tony Quinn

I think every one involved in the ufo/paranormal circus should take note of this and instead of attacking his stance on demanding proof of ridiculous claims they should be adopting the exact same stance themselves. Then we would see the rapid decline of the legions of channelling “vampires” who feed of people’s insecurities (mentally and financially) and are just as harmful in my opinion as the religions keeping this planet in a quagmire of illogical thought for thousands of years. Stop defending absolute nonsense and grow a bloody backbone and use your brain, your heart is for pumping blood around your body, if you use it to think about whether you should walk over yonder cliff you will without doubt and in complete truth become a useless wet stain on the ground below.


Well said Tony.

Phil Maple

MH disconnected?

How rude!

The truth is MH was disconnected because they couldn’t handle the truth!


Not in the least bit of a shock or even a surprise. Discussing the Meier case or anything scientific with new age types is about as far from productive as one can imagine. Also unsurprising then that they won’t be able to demonstrate any legal or scientific evidence which has been scrutinized by real scientists like the Meier case provides ever more abundantly, as scientists who know nothing of the Meier case make new daily cutting edge discoveries. It certainly doesn’t play on the feel goody type feelings trying to turn that over for a buck. About as far from that as possible, which is A) why they publish their own books (so that publishers can’t censor them) and B) why they don’t publish books in English for (lets face it) a much wider community of people who they could easily get a much bigger buck for. As far as none profit organizations go, they seem to be doing their job.

J. Smith


Is there any word on when the 5th edition of [The Talmud of Jmmanuel] will be translated into English?

J. Smith

Oh alright.

Darcy Wade Carlile

So Michael horn was disconnected and the gong show kept playing? The producers of that show want woo woo’s Michael…they did you a favor because they said you don’t fit in with the rest of the gang/woo woo’s in the best of words that they believe in.

Darcy Wade Carlile This is a sample of what I am talking about.

Darcy Wade Carlile

However I am not trying to shame those who are trying to be spiritual because they are not on the correct path, I only use the barbaric term “Woo” in the natural barbaric way in order to let those know who take full advantage of people by brain washing them and using drugs on them and other criminal acts to financially enrich themselves on the expense of their clients.

Michael F

Can someone please explain to me what the term, your truth is different from my truth, is supposed to mean? Is this simply a feeble way of saying, I disagree with your statement? A simple way of refusing to debate a subject with facts??
My Websters says, a truth is that which is a true statement which accords with fact or reality.
So if I was color blind, the truth is there is no such thing as color…….
P.S. MH, I still cant do that board thing u do…sigh