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Monday, May 20, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Psychosis in Action

As a follow up to my recent blog about the New Age nonsense event, I was contacted by one of the speakers, Rob, who sent me a friendly message on Facebook.

I decided to look into his information and got a bit of his personal story, which included his family’s heavily religious background and some of his life experiences, etc. (Be sure to catch the little “Introduction from Treb” audio clip on this page, it’s a real gem.)

This led me to watch a little of a video in which (at about 30 some minutes or so) he, well, kind of rents out space to a…”Reptilian” extraterrestrial who shares its (strangely accented) words of wisdom, perhaps while simultaneously eating flies on its own world.

Changing Channels

It brought me back to those halcyon days of New Age bliss, back in 1986, when the channeling trend was just in its seminal stages. Rob’s particular bit of mumbo-jumbological astro-babble is highly derivative of the “Bashar” channeling by a person named Darryl Anka. (Think of Rob’s version as the equivalent of a rock and roll tribute band playing not quite competent covers of songs that you didn’t want to hear anyway.) Well, they say that plagiarism is the highest form of flattery.

It should also be noted that the ironically named Tom Clearwater (an oil company executive), who was involved in both Steven Greer’s film and Stephen Bassett’s disclosure hearing fiasco, also credits himself with being the executive producer of the Bashar documentary. My, what strange bedfellows.

I honestly thought this channeling stuff was passé but it looks like it’s been picked up by a new (de)generation of lost and confused refugees from religions and dysfunctional families, etc. And guys like Rob are enjoying riding the new, entrepreneurial wave of “How You Too Can Turn Mental Illness into Fun and Profit!”

Billy Meier covered the topic of channeling quite well, in 1995, and was of course also accurate when he said that these self-induced schizophrenics will “pop out of the ground like poisonous mushrooms.”

Look Both Ways before Crossing

I decided to write about this because I actually couldn’t think of a meaningful direct response to Rob, to whom I am also sending it. I know that he’s already very invested in maximizing all the profits he can juice from the fruits of his subnoxious mind, so I figured that reasoning with, or giving unsolicited advice to, him wouldn’t be productive.

As we watch Rob do his impression of the Geico lizard on steroids, the “everybody has their own truth” crowd that chided silly old me for being so impertinent as to call for evidence for people’s wacky claims, now has some serious thinking, if not explaining, to do.

Let’s just hope that Treb Bor (roB berT?) doesn’t have the misfortune of trying to cross any dark highways at night when the infamous Susan Swiatek is behind the wheel.


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Luis Marcelo Badano

You know Michael, I think we’re good on our own. You’ve already appeared in numerous radio shows, made several films, etc.

Do you really REALLY think that going to MUFON, or this online conference would REALLY attract the people that are helpful for the mission? It might be worth the try… but I have my serious doubts. They ended up embracing every kind of conspiratorial belief systems that NOW to expect them to say:

“Oh man, the Meier case is real… and he’s talking about Fukushima, and the gods from the past were humans like us that toyed with our primitive ancestors, and we should depose our warmongers leaders and start doing something about overpopulation, man… the Plejaren were right all along, as well as Meier”

I don’t see that happening in these kind of groups. Take MUFON for example, they didn’t even open a channel to comment on the Meier case, they only copy-pasted the entry of wikipedia.

I wouldn’t count on them… I hope time proves me wrong though.

On the other hand, the creation of FB groups, and study groups, and web-pages that promote the FIGU values and the material of the case, your site included, those sites and group will be found by the thinking persons who really REALLY want to KNOW and reach the bottom of things.


I have thought, Luis, that a fb study group page would be great.

Luis Marcelo Badano

I’ll admit it. I don’t trust them. I think their beliefs will get the better of them.

Maybe I’m understimating the people at MUFON. But I’ve seen first-hand what belief does to people, even if it is religious-based, or lights-in-the-sky based or whatever.

In any case, I’ll be on the forums and I’ll use all the logic, knowledge and patience as I can muster to help people THINK FOR THEMSELVES.

In the meantime, let’s keep doing what we’re doing. I think our descendants will appreciate it.


Matt lee

Luis I think that this inevitable clash of the truth against the obnoxious lies represented of course by the proscribers for and against are part and pacel of the evolutionary process both for the truthers as well as the liars.
Its the sign of our times.
Our progeny will leave no stones unturned on this era with all its ghastly rubbish as they set about trying to understand the degenerate mentality of our times.
It so happens that we who are involved in this are like the actors in a stage fulfilling our role as if the scripts have already been written and the stage already been set even before we were born.
You just can’t get away from the reality already manifested and we can’t have it any other way like fast forwarding to another couple of hundred years into the future as everything leads to everything else but not before it has to be lived through and dealt with in incremental little step by step.
By 2029 or before Billy passes to the beyond a lot would have changed for the better I assume in the recognition for the truth department as the masses shed their pile of BS and become more acquainted with concrete reality and the truth.


If it’s any consolation at all Luis, no one I know has ever reported their findings to MUFON. They don’t even know half of what’s really going on. Maybe those looking for the truth will find Billy Meier there. This is probably where one would say “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Damn Neil for stealing that line and being brainwashed into thinking the fake moon landing was the height of human achievement. We all know the height of human achievement is spiritual evolution.


Haha good one Michael. Back in the day we used ouija boards which was a parlour game and no one really believed anything it spelled out, except for those who were weak minded. Now these people are delusional using no board at all? Whodathunkit. Your assessment was spot on. Delusional experiences can also be achieved by medication one is prescribed for depression – could this be what triggered Rob’s psychotic episode? Why is all this channeling springing from depression? Do they go hand in hand? Hey Rob, what type of drugs are you on? Please be specific. Have you researched the side effects? Maybe he’s actually channeling his own innate wisdom (which talks with a slight irish accent)…or is his innate wisdom so stupid that it forgot to inform him of it’s origin? Come to his retreat – it only costs $777 LOL…sorry for the big laugh but it was deserved.

Matt lee

Wow tell us something we don’t already know ‘delusion and money goes hand in hand’ and they both need each other or was that Rob only

Matt lee

Sheila what is with this Ouija board thing


Hi Matt, back when I was 12 it was great fun. We all sat around like we were having a seance and the ouija board had letters on it and everyone put their fingertips onto a heart shaped slider with felty feet (so it would slide easier) and we would ask stupid questions like who were we going to marry, blah, blah, and one by one, it would point to a letter and spell things out. Supposedly we were channeling some dead entity sil. Everyone always accused each other of pushing it to where they wanted it to go to give the “right” answer. Apparently they’ve gotten rid of the board and some actors are able to do this without any props. Some delusions never change, they are just revamped.


There was no way that panel of the consciousness-ill could have resulted in any other way than it did.

Matt lee

Well Bruce we can look the other way


I don’t know Matt. I think these folks one day want their fantasy stories to be the next Cabbage Patch or Pokemon craze.


I like your choice of wording and innuendo’s throughout the entire article. I got a good Monday morning laugh; good article.


My categories of truth:
a) subjective “truth” – personal beliefs, etc…
b) objective truth / TRUTH – that which is real and cannot be changed…

End of my little philosophical corner…


Let’s not the Plejaren calling mental illness out as they find it, in order to cut through all the New-Agey BS, be used as an excuse for we followers of their wise words to lapse on our duties as caring human beings. Let me explain: I’ve worked with people with mental illnesses for 15 years and it’s really not that funny overall with the resulting broken families, lives and exploitations of big pharma turning them into dribbling vegetables. For example, there are still women in psychiatric systems today who were originally institutionalised because of having children out wedlock and then had their brains mashed by such strong drugs that this original crime today appears justified. Many others have also been institutionalised because of raking a “…lighted cigar into church, speak familiarly to strangers” (see dementia praecox descriptions – the forerunner of the schizophrenia diagnosis). There are many people who have genetically-derived mental illnesses due to inbreeding or damagaing drugs taken by mothers, abuse, violence, or, enviromental factors – which we know are increasing – perhaps leading to future Earthlings having to increasingly deal with this problem, who may think us early Billy followers as a bit insenstive as to how we addressed the issue whilst they, in their future, have to overcome the effects of massive environmental-psychological damage. That’s not to refute the fact that mental illness does have its hilarious moments, but, these tend to be best shared with, rather than, at people with the conditions. Would people make the same jokes about the medications being taken by people with physical disbabilities? This is not to reprimand, just, to curb what I can see as an emerging trend in some FIGU-related groups in relation to how mental illness and those suffering with it are spoken about, which, as I said at the outset, may derive from misinterpretations of straight-talking Errans having to call it out in areas previously (and incorrectly) seen as “spiritual”, New Age and the like. OK ’nuff said – time to step off my soap box…


I agree Michael, wholeheartedly, but, take Jane Roberts – the originator of New Age “Channelling” – Roberts was repeatedly abused by an awful, sadistic, Catholic mother during her whole childhood with repeated beatings, psychological abuses, etc.


Oh so Jane Robert’s channeling is all done from her happy place? Maury I was shocked.


People are so weak minded these days that at the onset of depression they run off to the doctor to get a pill to cure it. Personally I always try to convince them to take Vitamin D3 instead since it’s non toxic because we don’t get enough sunlight to last us all winter long. Or for bi-polar there’s a concoction of 22 vitamins and minerals which has an 80% success rate called empowerplus from This actually stops violent episodes. But in reality nothing can save people from their own thoughts. Is that insensitive enough for you Matthew?


Er, genetic mental illnesses, or, illnesses stemming from medications that parents took or as a result of learning disability dual-diagnoses are actually quite difficult to resolve by taking Vitamin B3. Glad that you haven’t had to deal with mental illness yourself Sheila. Is there a pill to maybe help you not be such an insensitive careless human being because if there is I would try to convince you to take one, but, you probably won’t listen (as is apparent by your contemptuous response to my post). Just remember Sheila, I am an expert in this field whereas you should probably just leave the subject alone and not convince anyone of anything.


I said Vitamin D3 not Vitamin B3. I want to see proof of your expertise Matthew, otherwise I will continue to be contemptuous.


In my province it’s in our constitution that we can seek alternative medicine. No one can force us to take the medical route like so many have to. Since you’re only an expert in your own country and have no say in others I will continue to tell as many people as I can (like I do already) about the wonders of empowerplus. Bet you never heard about it and you should be asking yourself why you’ve never heard about it. Health Canada tried to shut them down but were unsuccessful. The judge ruled that if truehope had stopped selling it (like Health Canada told them to), they would be in contempt of court. The judge also said Health Canada was being vexatious. So anyone who has bi-polar should take the advice of Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Charles Popper and use it on their psychiatry patients.


It’s fair for you to ask, but, there’s nothing I can do about your contemptuousness. By the way B3 might help rickets but B3 (Niacin) is the one supposed to treat anxiety/depression/schsizophrenia although there are still no peer reviewed studies as to the effectiveness of this. I’ve worked with people with every kind of mental illness for 15 years, e.g. Senior Therapist in a clinic treating people with Borerline Personality Disorders, Development Officer for NHS MH services, Manager of The British Red Cross community MH services and I am currently an Officer working in the UK’s governing body for all health and social care services in the UK – the Care Quality Commission.
There are reports that Dr. Abram Hoffer was a part of the CIA-driven LSD experiments in the 1950s at Weyburn’s Saskatchewan Hospital, and then he relocated to Saskatoon where he worked as a psychiatrist and researcher at the University Hospital and then maintained some of his government contracts while going into private practice as a psychiatrist in 1967 the year that Victor Ernest Hoffman, with precision, Delta-assassinated, nine family members (seven were children) at Shell Lake, Saskatchewan.

Dr. Abram Hoffer was one of the EXPERT WITNESSES at Victor Ernest Hoffman’s mini-trial in 1968, where he appeared to be pushing the jury to accept that Hoffman was insane and not a competent witness nor culpable for his crimes and that he should not go to prison but be remanded into custody as an inmate at a high-security psychiatric hospital. Also, connections with the MKUltra CIA program. That’s not to say that Vitamins can help mild mental health disorders, but, severe neurological conditions, such as, schizophrenia treatments are still in their infancy, i.e., yet to be fully understood. There are many alternative treatments available and I encourage anyone to try these over Psychiatric medications, but, the reality is that some conditions can only be treated pharmaceutically if everyone is to come out alive and unscathed.


Correction D3 might help rickets…


Haha, this really made my day. YESSS!!! Hilarious. I’m always wondering what’s really going on with this kind of stuff. Are they really believing themselves or are they in for the money? Or somewhere in between? It seems he implies he didn’t know what was going on while he was channeling. I think it might be possible that some kind of ‘program’ is developed in the brain that sort of takes over. But obviously this stuff could be faked too.


It reminds me of when we were kids and one person would wrap their arms around the other person’s tummy and squeeze. The person being squeezed would hyperventilate and fall down and would then stand up and act like someone else (usually some type of monster) and run after everyone. Trix are for kids. You’d think he would have grown out of such childish antics.

J. Smith

Very good blog. I hope the people here with the “Their truth” nonsense can get something out of this. If we held onto the belief that Santa Claus is real we’ll all be at the North Pole trying to find him so that he can give us those many Christmas gifts we never got.


Matthew, you sure are a conspiracy theorist, trying to tie Abram Hoffer to the CIA. I don’t believe any of the crap you mentioned because the fact remains that the pharmaceutical companies have been trying for years to discredit him. Funny that you would try and tie him to the CIA, that’s a new one. Did you get that info from Above Top Secret?
It’s obvious you don’t know which vitamin does what.


Oh, I’m sorry Shelia – did I rain on your charade? Well done at exploiting an obvious typing error that I had already corrected – that’s some really good counterarguing right there. However, whilst your out in your world whistling Dixie and ignoring people’s real problems with throwaway advice, you might want to do a little reading, you know, just to be a bit more informed:
Vitamin B3: –
Vitamin D3: –

Maybe even go a bit further and read about other things to. Reading’s fun. For instance, did Dr Hoffer work at the Saskatchewan hospital? Let’s go on a little journey I like to call “looking into things”…
Hmmm, did he perhaps experiment with LSD – maybe we could read something about that too in “The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists” perhaps.

As for not knowing my Vitamins, Empowerplus contains “every vitamin in the alphabet (but K), as well as 16 minerals.”
…so at least you got one right, but, hardly difficult when it contains every ingredient under the sun (by the way I’ve never heard of a lack of sunlight being a causal factor for the onset of schizophrenia – do tell us more – I’d love to hear about this breakthrough in psychiatry only you’ve discovered). Empowerplus is certainly NOT recommended anywhere (even by Empowerplus) to be a treatment for schizophrenia so you might want to rethink your whole Empowerplus is a panacea simple-type thinking. Keep taking the (branded) tablets Sheila, I’m sure your sponsors will love you for it, meanwhile, please let the adults keep trying to help people with real psychiatric problems experienced in the real world… thanks.

According to Billy’s explanation (on pages 92-93), Jmmanuel taught his disciples, Maria-Magdalena and his mother how to heal others by means of suggestions and hypnosis, but they hardly practised it. Only four women learned and PRACTISED HEALING WITH HERBS, and healing with suggestions was only practised by Simeon-Petrus and Judas Ischkerioth.


I’m sorry to have to say that many of you, including Michael have strayed far away from what was intended organizationally and originally. Even though you point out the ludicrousness of many aspects of the new age movement, you place yourselves upon higher seats of knowledge, and this is somewhat reminiscent of days of old, even if the matter regards truth. Your incessant labeling of others is often cause for many to rethink your methods. I am confused as to why the official FIGU groups would allow such behavior. You can not continue to be allowed to address other Humans in this fashion which is why I feel compelled to bring this issue to the attention of the original group. You seem only to concern yourself with how you appear to others as opposed to how the truth is to be dispersed in its original form. Michael, you may think your methods are sound based on certain criteria, but you err nonetheless. I implore you to ratchet down your insistent negative diatribes as this does nothing to disperse truth, it only seemingly accentuates your own personality and does nothing towards distributing that which must be given in clear and concise explanations. You are not required to insult your fellow Humans with the dissemination of truth, only to make it available to those who may understand it. You are now exceeding the normal bounds of explanation.


You have become weak in your discernment Michael. I suggest you take a sabbatical, soon. You speak of martial arts and opponents as if this is some kind of cage match. You have become combative and somewhat paranoid. If you do not cease and desist these bizarre affirmations, I will feel compelled to file an official complaint. These issues are not your own little playground of dominance and control, the truth is at stake here, not your personal ego.


I have clearly stated what I have meant to say. I have hid nothing. If you wish dump upon me for my asessment feel free to do so. You are clearly angry due to my crticism but please feel free to expound on how you actaully feel, I’m curious at this point.


I have still not seen my post or a response to it. I’m hoping we can continue a reasonable dialogue.


I appreciate your candor in these matters Michael, but I’m eager to hear how I might have errored in my conclusions.


I’ll tell ya what Michael, I used to respect you as a serious man, but you have gone far beyond what is normal, even for this case. You and many others blindly believe everything that is iterated from either Meiers mouth or the alleged Plejaren. Where the hell is your back bone or is it just a DVD sale on your mind? You got a lot to answer for pal with your self rightous attitude. And I know exactly how you will repsond. You better get a grip a on reality friend. Don’t act like you have a clue what is going on, because you know you don’t. Get off your damned high horse for five minutes. Just remember, you’re stuck here too bro.



You write to Michael “you place yourselves upon higher seats of knowledge”. Yes, do you not think that is the case??? Did you watch the treb video??

For people that have ears to hear, Michael’s voice will be a much needed breath of fresh air for the UFOIC. <— that term is really catchin on! love it.

I wouldn't be surprised if a hand full of folks already, through Michael's recent endeavors, have begun to question why they are investing so much time in things that…have no evidence that they are based in reality.

By the way Tony, what you mean "official complaint"?


Michael, you must stop doing these exposes. You have gotten to the point when anyone questions you, you become this ultimate source of truth that noone is allowed to question. You must see this in yourself by now. I too did this but you are wrong to bring these kinds of things in this particular form. Anyone who questions what you say you automatically attack their psyches and psychological well being. This a position many take in our world currently and in many years past. You must refrain from this line of argumentation. You will gain nothing in this other than the ostracization of those you are trying to convince. I do not understand the logic of your approach anymore, you are spiteful and personally critical of others. If you want this job you must learn to be logical and somewhat emotionless when people attack you, or you will fail. You must stop pretending to be priest and psychiatrist in everything you do. Humans are not as stupid as you think.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Go ahead and file an official complaint. Let’s see where that goes.
Michael is doing nothing that’s incorrect according to the mission, nor related to the truth. He states the truth about certain individuals as he knows it to be.
What would you have him do, ignore the liars, defamers, deluded, frauds, etc.? THAT would be incorrect. He is speaking/writing truth, that is all that you should ask of him.


Michael, your response to my critique is my chosen user name? I am truely worried about you at this point. You have become cold and inefficient. You’re incapable of recieving constructive criticism and it is bcoming ever more troubling. You are just a Human, friend. You are only distributing information. Be careful not to loose yourself in the process as many have before.


Have you even read the contact notes? They point these things out all the time! They talk very negatively about how these groups and so on are nuts and what makes them nuts and they certainly don’t mince their words. Even where Israel or major religions are concerned. If you want to bring FIGU into it, I’m sure they would be right behind Michael because Michael got it right from FIGU’s notes. You have seriously got to be kidding me!


Michael, I am truely concerned over your mental well being. You are are amking little sense. I am not attacking you, I am simply try to advise you on certain things that I feel I may be knowledgeable of. Perhaps this is more appropriate in a private setting. You seem to be the right person for this job, but my goodness friend, you tend to come off just as those you condemn. Why do you now speak with such oddness?


I am sorry Michael, that was a keyboard error. I have no idea what you are even talking about as I tend to type very fast. I am at a loss for words at this point. I only want people to wake up is all, and your attempts seem to be somewhat limiting in the way you approach folks at times. You and I already know many truths, but many do not. We must strive to give only facts. I understand fully the frustration you must feel doing this job as I myself have endeavored to spread truth with little success. My only advice is please try to remain objective in the face of Human stupidity. There are many things even Mr. Meier does not yet understand which is perfectly ok. We must stand together and try to emulate true empathetic and compassionate Humans, even though it seems impossible at times within the world we live.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

LOL. Your humor was at it’s best with this Freud wannabe. Hilarious!
You’re MICHAEL HORN, doesn’t he realize what that means?

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

You seem to know who this mini-Freud is. Is it by any chance, Anthony, suffering SNCD? What a good laugh that was.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

” You’re calling me by native tribal name, i.e. Amking Little Sense.” PRICELESS!


Michael, please get some help. I do not understand your replies.



You said the gracious host has become inefficient…have you been to MUFON’s webpage lately???

Three cheers for Amking Little Sense!

Amking, I’d be surprised if this poseur even knew the secret handshake. Oddness, over.


Amking More Sense Nath Uoy

Matt lee

What is your problem Tony?
Or are you the problem causing yourself the problem?
Where is your dog?


I don’t see “channeling” as making a comeback; this is a small corner of the UFO market. As a member of the UFOIC and active looking for cool UFO cases, there are many that provide real photo evidence that you and Figu are refusing to look at. One thing is for certain, Billy and the Ps do NOT differentiate between ET and terrestrial UFO photos, films, cases, they just say “…nonsense. Not ET, now move along.” Good examples of notable or worth researching UFO cases, IMO, are the Urzi case, and “The Friendship UFO Case.” In both examples we have close-up photographs and films, comparable to Meier. Now it is more than likely that both the Urzi and Friendship are terrestrial craft since Meier has not embraced either of these cases. Anybody who would consider the Meier movie footage to be interesting, would also find the Urzi videos equally as fascinating. But what is not confirmed with Urzi or Friendship is whether these are ET or terrestrial high technology. Meier does not encourage the student to research ANY outside UFO cases to find out for themselves, even if this student learns how to differentiate between the terrestrial and ET by studying film and comparing it to known ETs, the Plejaren craft. Because the Figu mantra of “everything else UFO is nonsense, Billy Meier is the ONLY case” is NOT the truth. I agree, Meier has the written material and publications and the rest have at best great pictures or video. Nevertheless, there is value in UFO pictures and video, not to mention the story, for anybody to learn from, even if it all turns out to be terrestrial. So please be balanced and show some value in the UFOCI, because all you do is trash.


The funny thing is that ignoring outside evidence is religious and beneath most reasonable and peaceful people. Yet Figu rolls on and now plows over outside UFO cases by saying, “… we are beyond UFOs, we are spiritual beings that have NO NEED FOR UFOs…” even if they are discovered to be of ET origin? An evolved person finds the truth in the smallest details; because often, it is the smallest details, that allow us to put together the puzzle of a much larger picture.



“Their attitude,” including yours is to tell all the people who find credibility in the Meier case, that ALL outside UFO cases are nonsense. “Go learn German(!)” Is it possible that You and Figu could be wrong about some things? The Ps and Billy have been wrong in the past about ET intervention on Earth. Billy had a whole teaching on “examination contacts” only to find out years later that there are next to none ET abductions or examinations. What about Betty and Barney Hill? Kenneth Arnold? Yes then No??? Despite your understanding of the spirit teaching, one can gain as much an insight from a photo as one can a paragraph of written words. Who are YOU to make fun of or rise above someone who is interested in ETs and UFO photos and footage? This is a worthwhile focus and can be a wonderful consciousness-related exercise! It is ridiculous for you and Figu to trash ALL OUTSIDE UFO CASES. People can be responsible and fathom overpopulation and the ills of religion alongside a healthy interest in ETs and advanced technologies. Stop being so superior and start being accommodating. You continually beat up on the UFOIC… but how do you explain Urzi videos for example? His videos are better than Meier’s footage! It is clearer and closer up. This should be relevant since Meier is saying he is the ONLY ET CASE. Urzi footage may prove to be terrestrial, but what if this is ET? The teaching says for people to find things for themselves. This is what needs to be done. In other words, Billy Meier people should try to prove Meier wrong by finding a real outside ET case!


Yeah there seems to be a lot of point missing going on today. Meier and the Plejaren have acknowledged some UFO contact cases as authentic (a HUGE list of them) as well as listing some inauthentic, so where is this nonsense coming from that they are suppressing them?

And the second point is very clearly that UFO’s are just not that important. All they do is create controversy for the case, but the purpose of the case is about way more than flying cars. It’s about LEARNING more information than you’ll probably be able to cover in a single lifetime. Everytime I read the contact notes, I am beside myself with how much information is contained within each one. Being bored with the Meier case is a sign of a mind that just isn’t all that interested in learning.

Apparently becoming a member gives you access to a whole other set of books about the spirit teaching which are not sold to the general public, so if you think you’ve covered it all (have you learned German yet?) then I am willing to bet that some of you are mistaken. Where else will you find such a large amount of objective accurate and detailed information? Even about UFO’s? What other case has even a quarter as much UFO evidence as the meier case? And which has been analyzed so thoroughly and which even has more surprises in store if you just do your own research…

I know others with a similar attitude. Are only really interested in lights in the sky and have not even the slightest grasp of what information is in the Meier case. To become bored with the Meier case as a UFO case (among all the UFO cases) is a show of massive mental laziness and/or stubbornness. I’ve been reading the notes for years and I have literally not even begun to scratch the surface. Start translating Contact Reports that haven’t been translated if you want more information! It’s not as if there is no work to be done there. Right now as we speak, there are people translating the new Talmud Jmmanuel. So no no… this doesn’t wash. If you are bored with the Meier case it’s a result and product of laziness. There is no other explanation. Only excuses.



You are not seeing reality, along with Horn. I never said I was bored with Meier. You are seeing things that are just not there. My point is that Horn trashes the ENTIRE UFOIC on this blog, Meier says he is the only one, yet there are mysteries out there that any reasonable, thinking person could construe as being ET. What gives? All I am saying is for Horn to post something on this blog that is supportive of the UFOIC as well as their shortcomings. And Urzi UFO footage deserves investigation.

People can do Meier AND still chew gum at the same time. Stop falling for captain obvious and start thinking….

J. Smith


What do these other UFO sightings stories have to offer other than UFO sightings? And if there’s a plethora of information in any of them please inform me I would like to know about it, and I’m being serious not sarcastic. If it’s all about watching UFO’s through a telescope like Uziri seems to be doing what is the point? There’s a difference between interpersonal contacts with a purpose and just seeing UFO’s in the sky. You’re asking people to think, but you’re refusing to do so yourself. Try focusing on the important things rather than the entertainment. I suppose when Meier and the Plejaran say that there’s no other contacts like there’s they mean just that. I don’t think they’re talking about sightings because it seems like there will always be sightings, but contacts where truthful important information is given, I think they’re right there is none and if there is please find it and bring it to everyone’s attention before you try and critic others.


Wish I’d put it that concisely haha.


I think we should all read The Lord of the Rings and substitute some names. Michael, you can be Frodo. . . . .

Matt lee

This is from of all people Phil Langdon who did a piece on Meier
I think he got this one right about Urzi

업로드된 날짜: 2010. 10. 13.

Antonio Urzi IS the next Billy Meier since he FAKES all his footage. Some of his footage, of objects flying past buildings filmed from street level, shows balloons flying about as if they are UFO’s but balloons are sold on many streets in Italy. Balloons are a favourite for faking or creating what seems to be great or interesting footage, especially in Mexico.
The other type of footage he takes is simply zooming in to a bright star or planet like venus or jupiter when they are bright in the afternoon sky.
Unlike Meier, instead of models on strings, Urzi resorts to a much simpler technique where he films a metal button or a thin watch battery on a window pane. His window pane is a skylight and he stands back while zooming into the button which looks like a gleaming object in the sky. Classic UFO camera trickery.
My 3 objects are a small watch battery and 2 small metal buttons filmed while looking through the window pane they are sitting on.
There’s even an Adamski-ish fly about later on showing the same technique used in the 60’s: “camera flying”, where you move the camera slightly and the object, being close to you, moves relative to the background giving the impression of a “strange” nipping flight.


I think we need to evaluate everything presented with our own rational and logical intelligences, not just to “believe” everything we are told by Billy as if we are little children. I do believe that Billy’s contacts and information are real, but perhaps there are omissions of significance that would shed light on the activities of other ET groups. Perhaps there is a reason why they don’t talk about these groups. But I have no doubt that they exist too. Why, we have heard about Ashtar Sheran and his gang, and the whole Giza group and the Mt. Shasta group. . . . obviously they are/were real, and people with great powers. . . . . we cannot simply ignore their existence because Billy tells us to look the other way. Always remember that Billy needs be the filter through which the Plejaran are speaking with us, and that filter may be frail.

David Scott

I find it great that everyone can co exist , agree , disagree , agree to disagree and we even bicker a little . But I find a bit of misunderstanding at times when we could probably find the common ground pretty easily . I personally think Michael is doing a wonderful job , especially as we drive the wheels off this planet . The ship is sinking very fast folks , faster every day . That is devastating to me . Probably most of us too . I think that Michael is in a red alert alarm mode . That being a given , its just that this material gives us the problems we will be / are facing. And its a worst case scenario beyond anything imaginable fyi for those that don’t get involved and read . Its utterly shocking to the core .
Now , that being said , when you are met with a populous that is waffling the opportunity to meet these issues head on and deal with them NOW and prevent the even more horrrific events from even having a chance to happen its gonna grate on you every waking second . These times call for direct and concise communication .Their is no time to be fooling around now . NO TIME .

So when the harsh reality insults you at times , it should . Its ugly and its gonna be uglier when you wrap your brain around it . Prepare to be shocked . The idea of another ET photo or Film , or incidents are really insignificant . Their is no way it could take prescidence over what is already on the table .Unless an ET race shows up to take over earth . I think its that important . Its time to make others aware of mother earths demise and how we may not even be here tomorrow because of whats going on NOW . If you were driving the fire truck to put out the fire would you stop to pick up a nice antique on the side of the road or to help someone change a flat tire ?? Its like that . The existing Contact information and Prophecies and Predictions and the Spiritual teachings are here and now and it makes no sense to look at other stuff . If its gonna beg for a peek , its gotta be legit at the very least . I have a fire to put out and if the saucer landed in my back yard I would ignore it . Its like that . SO , don’t get so offended . No one is trying to offend , its like having the best looking husband or wife on the planet that is the love of your life and your looking at other options . It is insane . Then again if people just want to do their own thing , so be it . Just watch out for the fire truck .


I agree that times are desperate. But NOT everyday is full of misery and strife. Can’t there be FUN topics on this bleeping blog? AGREED, talk about overpopulation, talk about the ills of religion, talk about self responsibility, talk about the spirit… but don’t lose time for personal interests and enjoyment. Billy Meier can be FUN and EXCITING TOO! It is NOT all doom and gloom. This is an unbalanced viewpoint that you and Horn are suffering from.


I second that! Terd or Treb or whatever his or it’s name is was a real knee slapper! If that aint fun I don’t know what is.

Curious what he posted on your wall Michael?


And this one warrants a retweet:

“Let’s just hope that Treb Bor (roB berT?) doesn’t have the misfortune of trying to cross any dark highways at night when the infamous Susan Swiatek is behind the wheel.”

Oh man, I needed that. Bleepin hilarious!


Thanks for the response but if reality is what you’re interested in my seeing, then what point did I put forth which even contradicted your point? As was mentioned in the contact reports, there are other contact cases, but none of them are nearly as important. If you want to waste your time trying to discern which cases are real and which are hoaxes and so on, then go for it. But it’s mathematically certain that you won’t find one as important or as pertinent to “reality” as you wish for me to see. Nobody is stopping you from researching any case. You’re right, you may learn a thing or two from doing so. But if you are interesting in finding interesting information then why not learn german and read the rest of the contact reports as well as the spirit teaching? I mean, if you think there isn’t enough to keep you entertained in all of that, or to INSPIRE you, then you have sorely missed the point of both the contact reports and the spirit teaching.


And ps. By “not as important or pertinent” I mean not as voluminous in accurate, detailed HELPFUL information. And certainly not ongoing for 72+ years.

J. Smith

I would try to make it three, but they did such an outstanding job how can I even compare!!!!!!!!SIL!



You write “Yet Figu rolls on and now plows over outside UFO cases by saying, “… we are beyond UFOs, we are spiritual beings that have NO NEED FOR UFOs…” even if they are discovered to be of ET origin? An evolved person finds the truth in the smallest details; because often, it is the smallest details, that allow us to put together the puzzle of a much larger picture.”

Yes, even if they are discovered to be of alien origin. Some photos no doubt are genuine ET, Billy says as much. But, really…so what? I’m not saying that because I fancy myself a holier than thou “spiritual being”, but because what do the non-Plejaren genuine ET photos prove — that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?? What a shocker! Even if you were some how able to research your way into figuring out exactly what these other groups are doing here, the nature of there visits etc., then…what? What value would this information have brought you? Would it have empowered you in your life in any way? Would it give you clues on how to make the world a better place?

That is to say, as for your last sentence quoted above, you are simply fooling yourself if you think UFOIC “research” amounts to anything more than entertainment. (And we know the teaching on being overly entertained). And regarding the supposed FIGU mantra in your previous post that “everything else UFO is nonsense, Billy Meier is the ONLY case”, this actually is accurate because everything else IS either 1) fake, or; 2) trivial, e.g., lights in the sky, or 6 inch alien in the dirt, or ancient petroglyphs, etc., etc. What can this stuff tell you that you don’t already know? Yes, ET’s and UFO’s exist — exciting as that was when we first discovered it — but, indeed, it’s time to move on.

It is not “religious” as you suggested to ignore evidence along the lines of 1 and 2 above, but rather it’s a prudent use of time.

By the way, has your research lead you to any other genuine ON-GOING CONTACTEE case? Particularly one that offers voluminous info on how to lift oneself up to never before seen heights in terms of joy, well-being, and success, etc, and that also teaches how to literally save humanity and the planet?

Finally, worse still about the UFOIC, again, for the last time, they continually either deliberately suppress the Meier case or indirectly suppress it by flooding the whole field with every brand of triviality, nonsense, inanity, absurdity and delusion (see “Treb” above). They well deserve the MH treatment.


Oh, looks like J. Smith beat me to the punch. This is fun; thanks for hosting Michael. Know this blog has become a huge time consumer.