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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Now Beall Bails

I’m letting this have its own page, for what it’s worth. I had sent MUFON’s Morgan Beall a link to the previous blog and he wrote:

Mr. Horn,

Please take me off your email list. Thanks you.

…to which I replied:

Mr. Beall,

Actually you’re not on it.

I did you the courtesy of sending you the link to the blog in which I discussed your incorrect assumptions and unsubstantiated claims about the Billy Meier UFO case.

You certainly not only have the right to know but to respond if you wish to.



…and I received this today:

Mr. Horn,

I understand Mr. Horn. I just wish not to converse with you any longer on any level. Once personal attacks occur and public defamation of individuals is part of your process you lose credibility and professionalism. I gave my honest and personal opinion in a private communication to a meeting attendee. I made no claims of what is or isn’t. I would be glad to read any scientific studies on the case but to be honest I just do not wish to have any further communication with you at this point. You should maybe rethink your strategy on promoting the Meier UFO case. Attacking peoples personal experiences and opinions on a personal level is actually hurting what is left of the Meier UFO case. I wish you luck Mr. Horn and hope you accomplish the positive goals you have set-forth.


…to which I’ll simply say the following. Mr. Beall should have taken the time to read his own comments and realized that it was he who made ridiculous, contradictory remarks that lacked “credibility and professionalism”, such as, “I made no claims of what is or isn’t.” vs. “his case is limited however and mired, no pun intended, in credibility issues with the family”. Clearly, whatever they have been “hard at work every day for many years” has long proven to be pointless diversion and entertainment.

As far as “what is left of the Meier case”, it’s statements like these that show just how the most supremely significant true story in human history has been trivialized by a bunch of loony hobbyist wannabes with too much time on their hands, who pretend to be “UFO researchers” – whatever in hell that really means – so they can dress up, wear their little badges and socialize with each other. Of course there are always people who want to “belong” to something so they can feel important.

And how clever of certain parties to have spent so much time creating and nurturing the UFOCI, knowing how easy it is to manipulate people against their own best interests. Look at the “news” and then go back and read Billy Meier’s prophecies, predictions, warnings, advice and recommendations – spanning more than 60 years.

Is it that much of an exaggeration to say that the intelligence agencies have succeeded  in convincing some people to be suicidal, effectively getting them to attack, suppress and ridicule that which was freely given to them to help them assure their own future survival?



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poor Beall’s … tripped all over his tail on the way out, not to mention his tongue & keyboard

Matthew Reed

How disturbing & ridiculous it is when those in the UFOCI use their displeasure towards Michael Horn’s “strategy” as an excuse to remain ignorant of the Meier material. Keep up the great work Michael!

Allen Anderson

I would seem that the truth is important as long as it doesn’t hurt their feelings, and it also would seem that their feelings are hurt rather easily. Another “do as I say not as I do” twerp too self consumed to see the forest through the trees, and unwilling to look into the mirror for who is to blame for the effect that they are causing.


If it were not for such people as Mr. Beall there would be no Michael and I am glad that there is Michael. The balance is sustained.


No thank you for keeping the balance! Long live Mr. Beall

Matt lee

C’mon it should be the horse before the cart.
Long live Michael and then…………….
Remember people like Mr Beall are not be all end all.

Matt lee

If there were no such people as Mr Beall we would all be having a ball basking in the rays of Creational spiritual truth not having to worry about whether we will annihilate ourselves but to live a true human being being good to each other and mother nature like we were meant to

Don Schneider

Glad your unflappable Michael. Funny how soon Morgan Beall forgot the disingenuous attacks he made against Billy. Yet to be upset “personally” with correspondence from you is pretty shallow on his part. After all he set himself up as fair game in the ensuing exchange.

Marco K.

Well, what did you expect, Michael? It’s always the same with people who have made up their minds about the case without looking into it and not wanting to.

Off topic: Where is your article about the 6.1 earthquake in California that happened on Sunday? It’s the perfect wake-up call, don’t you think?

Matt lee

You need a vacation Michael
Relax a little
Get your mind off saving the world for a few days
Resupply and rejuvenate


good idea

David Scott

I just posted this on the Solar Flair blog , but in light of the San Fran Quake , something to be aware of its pretty heavy …..

Recently while investigating earthquake activity I came across some painful truths regarding the outcome of a nuclear blast or CME from the sun . Turns out the Fukashima event could occur in every nuclear powerplant at the same time as a result . An outage off the grid for 24 hours puts a diesel generator at work cooling the plant . When the fuel is gone its over , or if the generator malfunctions . Its Chernobal time or Fukashima revisited times 125 . And the sick fact also shocked me that every power plant is also located on top of a fault line . No wonder how strong the message from the Plejaran seemed to be . I never realized the backdrop here and am very shocked . In addition the plate off the coast of Oregon located in the ring of fire is the last to unload itself of all of them . Its over a hundred years overdue and a 9.5 quake is expected in addition to fifteen other fault lines being impacted , including the San Andreas faultline and San Fran area . This is the big quake Billy has seen . Its unprescendented . You have to see the map and realize how bad this will be . In addition , the satellites have been able to determine the whole west coast has dropped over four centimeters and Yosemite National Park has raised significantly . In addition it gets worse because the San Madrid fault line which basically mirrors the Mississippi river is riddled with sinkholes that have a lot of people panicing . That is over a hundred years over due and the last one was a 9 . They expect more of the same except they predict ten million deaths in accordance with this little event . Pretty shocking stuff .


Matt lee

Don’t worry David
To borrow Michael’s words ‘people will live through it’
Pick a century for your next life after the SHTF


One of the biggest puzzles I don’t quite fully grasp is how one would meditate and thereby come to know in their new life about their previous lives which is not something someone is born with inherently. Since most of history is literally gone, it’s not like there is a directory of names we can look up that links everything through like beads on a string. So how does one boldly know where no name has been remembered before?

Terry Carch

From the BBC Homepage The giant sinkhole that`could keep growing`video. This huge sinkhole is somewhere in the midlands of England. Check out the video,this sinkhole is ‘SO HUGE’! I only live a few miles from the Indian Point nuclear power plant wich also sits on a fault line too! Are ALL nuclear power plants sitting on fault lin es too?


Israel did Fukishima because they refused the banker bailout. That was a planned event, after which, Japan changed their minds and gave to the banker bailout. Israel and their love of nuclear blackmail

Phil Maple

Beall – “I understand Mr. Horn. I just wish not to converse with you any longer on any level” – because I cannot credibly challenge the authenticity of the Meier case.

Matt lee

And then some


“What is left of NOFUM?” By 2079 the UFO masses will be where the average (Meier) spirit teaching student is today, and MUFON will be dead. People want answers (truth) more than they want to be confused. People want to be right, not wrong. People want to be powerful. People want to be beautiful. People want to be happy. People want to make the most of their lives. And the Meier case is a university for understanding the human being, and the universe, and Universe around him; thousands of pages of books, contact notes, translations, bulletins, special bulletins, spirit lessons, internet, discussion boards, etc. The Billy Meier case is a phenomenon, not a pitiful UFO case filled with some photos and some written testimony, and maybe a book from an author or two. The intelligence community, when it comes to the Billy Meier case, is bleeping with the public and holding back humanity, with things like NOFUM. How does that make you feel NOFUM spooks to hurt yourself, your brothers and sisters and your planet, not to mention your SOL system, and beyond? So go pound away at your NOFUM, while “…the greatest story in human history…” unfolds over the years, decades, centuries… and leaves your carnival stand UFO gallery, filled with some silly photographs and lights in the sky cases, and the usual arm-chair authors who pass themselves off as experts in 400 pages or less, in the dust of evolution.

Good luck agent Beall. All the best and we wish you well.

Jeff Tan

I think what we need to do here is too focus on finding the right audience and people who are “critical thinkers” who do not jump straight to conclusions without first looking at the credible evidence. What I am saying here is that Mr Beall do not possess such qualities.

Luis sanchez


I think it’s that your trying to reach to MUFON, however based on the opinions made by the P’s in the past concerning in the group. In other words them being a “front” for disinformation. This is just my opinion, but you me be getting “baited” and they don’t have a “genuine” curiousity about the case and more importantly what it’s vast volumes insight it provides people. Clearly to them they understand the meier case as “worthy competition” meaning they now its real and any way they can discredit it weather or directly or indirectly by attacking you or meier. They’ll seize the opportunity. Take it for what its worth