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Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Billy Meier UFO Case: Questions & Answers

This section will be for questions and (hopefully) answers to a wide range of topics pertaining to the Billy Meier UFO case and its relevance to the world we live in.

Questions on topics such as these and many others are welcome:

To be clear, I certainly won’t be the only one offering answers to the questions, as I know that there are many people who may be more knowledgeable about certain topics and information than I am. So obviously no one should hold back if they have an answer to a question posted here. Of course we’ll all do our best to check the accuracy of the answers as well and see how this approach goes.

Of course there already may be existing answers in the FIGU forum where Billy Meier answers questions almost every month.

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I guess this could become the unofficial “Things You Want to Ask Billy Just for Fun” or “Things You’re Not Sure You Want to Ask Billy Officially” thread?

Consider this … some questions could really be answered here instead among the participants before making it there … 🙂


Actually, I seem to remember that the FIGU forum used to have a section for this purpose … can someone just give me a quick brief of why it was discontinued?


No…that’s not what I meant…

There used to be a FIGU forum section for people to post to peers BEFORE a question should be submitted to Billy — the purpose is similar to what I just mentioned today. Am I incorrect?


From the most recent Q&A, I think this is particularly interesting:

“Unfortunately, through the influencing of his counsellors etc., Barak Obama has changed during his time in office and has exchanged his original notions etc.”


Yes, we can only speculate what happened to JFK…

David Scott

Rob , in the context of the current emergency , why is that an issue ? If you want the fact of the matter, wake up . A man or woman who is in the midst of gender . Uses the the best matched facility . With respect , I comment on this subject and really get mad at your introduction of the topic without an idea of common communication .


Actually I don’t understand what you’re saying, Scott?

I will assume you mean why I’m just throwing out “any” question in mid-air? I’m trying to see if people will open up to asking questions here. Perhaps I stretched the purpose of this thread a bit, but I think in the interest of taking the burden off the actual Billy Q&A this place might be okay for peer exchanges if people are not being “judged” as critically, and not just thinking that Billy is the end-all source of knowledge. I wouldn’t undermine the readers of this thread with his/her background and life knowledge.

Which state of emergency are you speaking of, Scott, just out of curiosity? To me, we have been in perpetual emergency of many kinds — some people just begun to discover it — yet others are waiting to be told by the “wise one” before looking into it. If there is not a thread for it we can discuss it “here” since the topic is broad-based enough, do you agree?

As always, the host would be in the best position to decide the purpose of each thread. 🙂


I must apologize that I called you Scott instead of David. Quasi-speed reading can do interesting things….

Matt lee

Have people here managed to separate the origin of their thoughts in its pure impulse state without their inner voice or inner self getting involved
Or is it inseparable from each other?


In the conscious state, it appears “intuition” is it. Inner voice/prompting, first-hunch, etc, etc. But, in a dream state, it is in many more forms, as well as in meditative state, that is my current understanding.

Matt lee

Rob it gets more interesting the more you delve into it.
Absent’me, myself and I’ I seize to be an object as well as a subject and also a principle and a source of my thoughts.
Yet from my experience it appears possible to detach the self from one’s thoughts as a third person uninvolved yet observant but still need the consciousness therefore the self behind it to let the thoughts in or be produced from within


Yes, if I understand you you are saying you are able to stand back in your mind and observe yourself in thought? If so, that would be “awareness” from the inner being that I know of. If not, perhaps I need some guidance. 🙂

Matt lee

Its a little more complicated than that and beyond what I could adequately explain in words to truly do it justice.
According to Billy thoughts are not only generated by the human being but it also enters the human from the outside.
This means thoughts are everywhere in everything and as everything.
The causation of thought I think is merely just another thought itself having existed as idea long before Creation/universe was created.
So what I was curious about was since it doesn’t take a human being to exist for existence to exist and certainly for thought to exist there may just be instances whereby the working effect and force of thought can happen without our ‘me, myself and I’ involved beyond the subconscious and unconscious level where our conscious awareness would also be absent


Doesn’t external thoughts amount to mostly telepathy when you can perceive it?

Matt lee

Has anybody here managed to find the answer as to why planets, suns, moons, solar systems and galaxies are globular, round, spherical and so on whilst the struture and configuration of the universe isn’t but double egg shaped rotating against each other like a helix of our DNA.
Why is that I wonder amd why not any different?

David Scott

The fact is that gender designated restrooms are a public false topic . Men and Women can use either and these days its becoming very difficult to discerne who is male or female , let alone who prefers man or female . I suggest the topic becomes neutral . Plenty of people in the mens room I have a problem with sharing . Looking for boys and ughhh. women welcome .

Matt lee

Where do feelings and emotions come from or is it merely a chemical reaction and interaction within the brain.
So much of what goes on in daily life and the consequential byproduct of the state of how things are are the result in many instances of people reacting to instinctual impulses from their feelings and emotions which the spiritual teachings teaches to control.
Why is that I wonder?

Philip Brandel

I would think that feelings and emotions come from the thoughts…. the material consciousness, the psych.
It is an interesting perspective to think about how the thoughts create, manifest into the physical. How our thoughts eventually turn to a tangible physical thing. Is seems to in a way show how powerful we truly are within our thoughts…. That we truly can change the physical existence with nothing other than a thought. Though it does seem as we are driven by conscious impulses that maybe we are also given access to all the other forms as well(instinctual, impulse, energy). It seems if we are able to control our feelings and emotions we are in effect controlling our thoughts. In this way we are able to harness, manage, and truly control the might of our thoughts into something meaningful and worthy of self comprehension/control.
It does seem those that are highly imbalanced within their emotions and feelings are the ones most in need of realigning their thoughts to something geared towards a neutral positive state. As it seems one cannot truly find this neutral positive state consistently without first harnessing the feelings, emotions…. the thoughts.
Again just my own thought on the matter:) Another good one to think about Matt…

Matt lee

As it is stated in the prophecies Europe will be massively inundated with water.
Now that the global warming is definitely in full swing how severe would the flooding get for EU countries for the rest of this year and how much of that could be attributed to HARRP where the Russians, the Chinese, the USAmericans, the Europeans and NATO are engaged in a tit for that silent weather warfare against each other.
It more that looks like the US as well as the Russians will suffer the worst calamities from this tit for tat weather warfare so much so that a volcanic eruption, earthquake, super storm, mega tornadoes, raging walls of fire and flooding would definitely be expected in the US before this year ends just as it would be the case for Russia.

David Scott

Ok , now that you have become zero bandwith . .. The political is over. If you are aware you know the facts . So its a matter of do you want to live here or not . Go ahead and live here and suffer the mass explotive . You said it was ok . So quake this . …. no power , no , no , oops

Matt lee

You’ve lost me there David Scott

Matt lee

I’ve always wondered how Billy would’ve coped living in our modern city life away from the prestine SSSC.
I wonder how he would deal with so much of the sticky and complicated issues that arise out of living within massively congested, overpopulated, overly degenerated and aggressive city people with kryptonite like low vibration to boot?

Matt lee

Michael I think compared to the era of yesteryears that Billy went through and the people of those times that I imagine that he dealt with would not be comparable with modern day people and modern day life.
I guess that era presented its own unique set of circumstances, challenges and problems that you may not find today but today it would be more chaotic especially with more people and problems around.
Just wonder how Billy would’ve dealt with some of the everyday issues living in our modern cities and from city life it would be interesting how he would apply the spiritual principles when dealing with people


Hmm… 77 …that number again. We will just have to see …

Matt lee

It is stated in the CR that everything we humans feel, say, think, do and so on gets recorded in our planetary storage banks but also cosmic storage banks but the question is HOW?

Matt lee

Haha very witty answer


Since the storage bank consists of energy fields, I would venture to say that the cosmic storage bank absorbs the energy of the planetary storage bank upon dissolution of the planet/system, like a transfer. Would love to hear other explanations.

Matt lee

Like a silent whisper a slight nudge of impulsation comes up out of the blue for me in my silent and quitened head and just recent Michael has premptively written about the materials that entered my brain before the article was put up and obviously this wasn’t the first time which told me that there must be some sort of connection with likeminds the more those minds are similar but I cannot help but also ponder about how effective our morphogenetic field we create through the might of our thoughts to the extent that like a hive mind it effects our fellow human beings on a limited but regular basis by the merit of our spiritual thinking.
How much of an influence do we the Billy supporters really have on the rest of the world via the nonlocal transdimensional hyper frequency thought waves we generate?

Matt lee

Haha glad it got through
Houston we have a touch down

David Scott

Ok , Rob , sorry you have succomed to flouride and the other inoculated government regulations . Your probably a good guy , but these chum pieces of spew is a fair description of your further communication . In that hopeful not event we say , be well . Goog blessings all.


Thank you for pointing out the deficiency in the FDA.

I will not be quoting the BEAM works like others, unless there is a glaring need for that, as happened on the Astro thread, for reasons BEAM himself has stated.

David Scott

Matt , its the day after and Rob ( the government employee – agitation wing ) fried my wiring . I was just commenting on the importance of current events vs. dealing with Rob . :>) I would have been easier if I could just buy him a beer and probably alot more fun . We love him though , maybe we could box next time

David Scott

Actually their is nothing more funny than two intellects fighting in text . Not that I am an intellect nor is rob ,but the concept is belly busting . And when was the last time you laughed this hard on they fly blogs . Michael is so funny you have to go for this one . We need a thread or two , celebrity death match funny , to just throw down some well needed humor and see what happens . Your mamma ……


Why ‘fight’ when you can discuss?