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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Conspiracies & Consciousness, Part I

Assume that it’s all falling apart, that the evil elite, the bankers, insaniacs and all the psychopaths of the world are on a rampage, that things will continue to break down and the prophecies will fulfill to the letter, with the religions, governments and entire nations ultimately crumbling and taking a lot of people with them in the process. Accept that you may never know the entire truth about 9/11 or Apollo 11, the Illuminutty or Silly Putty. So what?

Sorry, We Underestimated Your Stubborn Denial

We already know that the Plejaren themselves admitted that they were under the “delusion” that presenting humankind with the prophecies and predictions of the ancient prophets, as well as those from Billy Meier himself would awaken the masses of humanity and impel them/us to take positive, corrective actions. They also admitted that the illogic of our ceaselessly lying to others and ourselves initially eluded and baffled them. Our particular, collective brand of arrogance, ignorance, insanity and denial simply stumped them for a time.

True to form, many people have also complained that it was the fault of the Plejaren for all sorts of reasons, i.e. they didn’t choose to contact a famous or powerful person, they didn’t land or display their ships publicly, they should have interceded directly in our affairs, prevented disasters and catastrophes, etc. In other words, it’s again someone else’s fault that we didn’t learn our lessons.

Many of us though did what we could to try to inform the world at large about the truth of, and contained within, the Billy Meier contacts and alter the course to the positive, for the better. Those seeds will bear their fruits in time but for now it’s time for us to move on, to focus on the spiritual teaching, the inner work, the dialogue with like-minded people and creating and nurturing those connections.


The sources and causes of almost everything that present day humanity concerns itself with are viewed as being outside of oneself. This has led to the sense of powerlessness and frustration and a preoccupation with conspiracies, evil “aliens”, etc., etc. And of course it’s all firmly rooted in the millennia of mind enslaving, deliberately disempowering religions and dead-end political systems, all of which are based on the art of advantage and control over others and convincing us that the power, the faults, the solutions, the…saviors are all outside of ourselves.

But again…so what? If we’ve caught a glimpse of the spiritual teaching we know that we need to come to our senses and realize that we are the ones who are completely responsible for our inner and outer world and that it’s the inner world that most needs our attention now. What images, ideas, feelings and fears does that conjure up for you? If you’ve been strongly influenced by any religious and/or political belief systems it’s likely that there’s some confusion, a sense of being helpless, overwhelmed, powerless, etc., swirling around or even smothering you.

The very peace we seek seems even farther away when we get a glimpse of the muck that dwells just below our conscious awareness and which, as we may come to realize through honest self-observation, is running the show for us.

The good news is that we’re now conscious of…the bad news. Not the outer bad news, the inner bad news, which is the cause of it all anyway. Celebrate because we now have a clearly defined objective. As the old saying goes, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Except that it’s more accurate to say that we have met the enemy and it’s the thoughts, feelings and actions that we create from within our own consciousness, which as we can therefore see, have all largely been unconscious for quite some time.

So how do we regain sovereignty over ourselves, how do we reclaim our consciousness and our real freedom and thereby, eventually, heal the outer world?

Neutral-Positive Thinking

To do this we want to utilize neutral-positive thinking, a process of inner self-awareness whereby we are completely self-honest and self-responsible in seeing things exactly as they are as a prelude to consciously controlling our thoughts and implementing positive changes. In order to see things as they are, we must attain and maintain observational neutrality. As the outer world may appear to become ever more frantic and less secure, we will need to be able especially adept at accessing inner clarity. So now is the time to begin to cultivate, or improve upon, our ability to do so.


To do all of this we need to first…calm down and relax. That presumes that we aren’t calm and in control of ourselves. Maybe we already are calm and relaxed but the very process of finding out requires self-observation, which in itself enhances and deepens it; the process is the goal as well.

You can begin right now by simply observing the breath going in your nose and out of your nose or mouth. Observe means just that. It means accepting your breath as it is and not changing it according to any ideas about how it should be. For some people that may be hard, especially if they have practiced meditation, yoga, etc., so that when the idea of being conscious of their breath is raised, they associate it with some discipline or another, a certain way to breathe, how long and deep the inhale and exhale should be, never being good enough, etc. So for now the real discipline is to just observe the breath…as it is. And yes, you may also start to notice your thoughts and feelings, or absence of them.

In case you are wondering, I’m actually suggesting that you take a little time to do this…now.

Noticing the inflow and outflow of your breath without imposing any ideas or efforts to otherwise control it – other than to not hold it – may be a challenge in itself. It’s also how you will want to breathe as you practice neutral-positive thinking. If you…think about it, you don’t want to impose anything on your breathing, though you may want to discover why you feel any urge to do so. In practicing neutral-positive thinking, anything and everything can be an object of contemplation and self-awareness.

No Wrong Answers

If you took the time to put your focus on your breath, you can now assess how you feel and even compare it to how you felt before. There are no wrong answers since you’re doing this for yourself and not anyone else. Take another moment before reading further to observe and accept your breathing, thoughts and feelings about yourself as you are.

We used the frequently bandied about term, consciousness. So, what thoughts and feelings arose and/or are present that you are conscious of now? To answer that question requires you to become…conscious. My old joke may apply here: When that voice in your head asks, “Who am I?” You can answer by asking, “Who wants to know?”

Evaluating just what you are conscious of is a conscious process that takes you out of any form of automatic, unconscious thinking. If you see your thoughts and feelings exactly as they are, without attempting to impose any preconceptions or changes upon them, then that is the neutral self-observation aspect.

From that point we can proceed to the making and implementation of conscious, positive choices, i.e. consciously chosen and controlled thoughts, feelings and then actions. Sometimes neutral self-observation presents that which requires no modification, improvement, alteration; sometimes we decide that it does. Ideally we want to consciously engage in neutral-positive self-observation – and control of our thoughts – 24/7, all around the clock, awake or asleep, whatever we are doing. It’s a daunting task but one that, as you may now have some small sense of it, is increasingly rewarding.

This is a starting point and one way to approach neutral-positive thinking. The next blog will go into more depth about other aspects and applications of this approach.


The Standing in Spirit Workshop presents a step-by-step, mind-body program for applying neutral-positive thinking to everyday life situations.

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I’m assuming that you have already read some of the recent posts on the FIGU forum concerning the 9/11 terrorists attacks and how some people simply wouldn’t accept the truth because to them the truth is too banal and instead believe more in the conspiracy nonsense. I tried to put some sense into them but they remained insistent that Ptaah must have been mistaken or there’s “more than meets the eye” with what he had said regarding the 9/11 terrorists attacks.


Dear Joe,

I would disagree. There is “more than meets the eye” or different levels to what Billy Meier writes. I think the whole reason Figu and Billy tell the people not to worry about conspiracy stuff, is not because it is always nonsense, but rather there are more important things for the human being to focus on to improve himself/herself and the world. MH has presented a wonderful point that “…for now it’s time for us to move on, to focus on the spiritual teaching, the inner work, the dialogue with like-minded people and creating and nurturing those connections.”

So instead of worrying about 911, it is much better to work on yourself. It is much better trying to study the Creation, rather than focus on terrorists and warmongers. As MH has pointed out here “…we want to utilize neutral-positive thinking, a process of inner self-awareness whereby we are completely self-honest and self-responsible in seeing things exactly as they are as a prelude to consciously controlling our thoughts and implementing positive changes.”

Once we start making changes inside, we change the outside. There is no need to jump on the 911 or any other conspiracy bandwagon trying to wake people up, when there is enough work to be done on ourselves… and this is where we can make a real difference.

Best regards,


I agree completely Anthony! There is more than meets the eye regarding 9/11. A LOT more. For those interested, check out one of Dr. Judy Wood’s presentations (a thank you to our long lost friend Dyson for pointing me to her fascinating research). But, I agree, there is no way to really make use of this information; eye-opening and fascinating nonetheless.

Terry Carch

Hi Guys, Here is something people should do and that is AVOID LISTING TO THE NEWS ON TV ESPECIALLY FOX NEWS, The news on TV is nothing more than pro-war,local cops chasing bad druggies, football aulterus abusers,minorities for nothing better than to turn this coutry into another Middle East with blazing tanks, rifles and what-not negative scare-mongering money-making loonies who DON`T know or even care just what is beyond there primitive little back yard called Earth of which these military industrial complex and their lovers Wall Street 1% boondoggles are steeling and poiluting planet Earth with fosil fuels and nuclear power. Think logically,Meditate and contimpate about you and don`t woirry about what is going on ouside of your life. Life is very shor on this plkanet Earth. There are too many negatives to rattle your brain with, just try to think positive thaughts and contemplate abou you,not the other guy on the news ‘THIS WORLD IS JUST TOO SCREWED UP ENOUGH” The only way to clean up this MESSis to support !. The clean alternative sustainable energies and clean up the envorinoment, 2.Peace not war,3. Safe healthy foods and son etc. Sunday September 21srt is the day to chalange anybody whoi supports dirty fosil fuels,nuclear power, wars, unhealthy foods and lifestyles such as smoking, alchole, drugs,overweit and so on. MY other organization WESPAC Founation will be taking part in the March for Climemate Change in New York City this coming Sunday. You can also watch the march on Democracy Now on the internet starting at 10:30 am on the internet. Never mind those politicians, cooperate lobbiest, police with their stupid military gear, Just ignore them and think positive thought to save our selves from thjose dirty rotten money making shills and cbals with their dirty energies,wars and what not!


I sure hope no one is driving to the event as that would be very hypocritical.


Hello Joe.

This was an interesting interview today with a former CIA agent on the Alex Jones show. I think it ties into what PTAAH said.

Matt lee

Joe to you what do you think really happened on 911?

Paul Russell

It’s my anonymity to break … So let’s jump that hurdle first.
Okay, now that that’s done … I can claim some limited understanding of self-awareness and honest self-appraisal from a 12 Step program I was once associated with. This is valuable life experience, lessons from which can be applied to other forms of consciousness/spiritual awakening.
It’s not an easy task to look fearlessly into ourselves, or to be willing to accept what we find. But the plain truth is that we will never really know ourselves – who we really are – until we have done this, and it’s a process that goes on throughout our lives.
‘They’ – I mean ‘them’ – also tried to teach me to use the tool of self examination daily, especially when angry or stressed over something.
Such a simple thing to stop, take a deep breath, count to ten … Relax, realize there’s more going on in the world than concern over my fragile beguiled ego.
This all makes great sense to me. The rewards are extremely beneficial. And it should be a skip across the pond to do this ‘spiritual teaching’ stuff sober!!
Peace to all. Spirituality 101, let’s roll.


def a good article 🙂 i was just thinking about this topic today, while pondering and probing about the meaning of the contrasting words “bane” and “boon” in the Goblet of the Truth – funny coincidence, that

Billy Wilson

Been waiting for this topic to be started by someone. Sometime ago I finished reading Billy’s paper Meditation and the Life Itself are the Best Teachers 23 Oct 2013 and have been want to discuss with others the different meditative levels reached and the post meditative effects experienced. Hopefully others are able to honestly follow the path this new Blog may take. Getting to the immersion meditative level takes a lot effort but the reward is can last.
Thanks Michael

Tyler Rutland

well my own thoughts are that it’s fine to take a slow approach and not strive for the very deep levels of meditation in the beginning, or maybe even for a very long time or in a different personality. life has tribulations and it’s not always clear what to do, so for myself just the breathing-meditation exercise is good, since it lets me take a break from my worrying. there’s really a lot that life has to offer (in the way of challenges and experiences) even way, way before reaching the high level of a deep meditator – like just learning how to let go, how to think more positively, and getting to befriend ourselves even though we are still led by much unconscious and blind processes. that kindness to ourselves can exist even without knowing ourselves perfectly well, and imo it’s a really good thing to learn, since it’s very powerful and yet it is not such a big leap to go from being blind to just being able to recognise a little bit of the Creation’s love for ourselves and for the Creation’s creations.

Andrew J.

My analogy (do not take it literally) to the process of gaining inner self-awareness would be this:

If we are always rushing somewhere, habitually watching, reading or thinking about stuff that frightens us (for example conspiracy theories), taking no time for observation of oneself, then we keep ourselves in a suffering state. I would compare it to “frozen water”. Body is in constant tension, usually not noticed, as it appears to be a normal state. Feelings/thoughts are cramped and pushed “inside” and kept in the dark – unconscious. Without realizing it, we put a screen that blocks, what what we ourselves created within and do not want to face.

If we wise up, often pain provokes that, we begin to realize, that all those ideas that we worked ourselves over, are the source of that suffering state. We quit being illogical (causing pain to ourselves) and take time to loosen the grip inside, by putting our attention within. When we stop judging anything that we observe within, more and more stuff comes up into awareness. With that constant attention our state changes in time into a “fluid state”. Compare it to “ice cubes” floating in water. Those “ice cubes” are our thoughts and feelings, which are then wide open to the process, which Micheal described above.

In third stage, our state could be compared to a “gas state of water”. There is “felling of bigger space inside”. Clarity of mind is more noticeable. Body is still in a grip of fillings, but there is huge difference between this state and two others. Body is totally open for inspection (feeling everything inside) and a lot of more peaceful. In that stage our attention and concentration is fairly well developed. It is much easier to see the cause of our actions (deeds) as thoughts and feelings that moved us to do something, are much easier to being “spotted”. Whole process becomes almost automatic.

What got me to start it almost 3.5 years ago?

Pain first and a realization that I cannot prove most of the stuff I was accepting as true, while a lot seemed believable. The only thing I was sure of, was my existence. I even started questioning if my body was real. Why? Look at your dream state. You have a body and feelings there, or different bodies. Many laws from “normal state” do not apply, like gravity – flying is no problem. All is material, as in waking state. But when you wake up… poof… it is gone. There is one thing that is common to both dreaming and waking. The “I” of me, felling of existence, is the same. Relatively, while dream state lasts, the body is real !! Which body is then absolutely real ? Or none of them? Is my waking state body relative real also? Answering the question, who am I, seemed more important to me, than saving the world from dictators, or exposing Illuminati.

I would like to invite everyone, that has not started the process yet, to stop procrastinating and join in. Kudos to Michael 🙂


Thank you Michael for a great post, and for spreading the teaching.
However, as someone who has had anxiety and depression for over 20 years, I found that after a couple of months of doing Billys concentration exercises and the standing in spirit breathing exercises, my depression/anxiety intensified to the point where I had to stop everything.
Does anyone know if the teaching says anything about not meditating if depressed, or should I just start again, plow through the bad feelings and hopefully come out the other side? Cheers.

Andrew J.

Hi DJ,

By writing here, I do not suggest that you should not get doctors help, if you need it.

I had suffered HUGE panic attacks for years, until I realized that my thinking was causing it. When disassociation from my thoughts happened, which means I stopped believing in everything that appeared in “my head”, all was gone with no pills or doctors. Energy of fear stayed in the body for me to remove it later, but “catch 22“ was cut.

Maybe you need more understanding what thoughts are, how they are connected to feelings, what it is that you feel, when you say that you feel depressed or anxious. I presume that you getting afraid when the symptoms of anxiety appear and amplify them by additional thinking. But this happens because You do not know what is is that You feel. When I understood that, what I was feeling in the body, was just energy of mostly negative feelings, accumulated as emotions (apathy, grief, fear, anger) I let them come up and did not care what I felt (pain, haviness, agitation). I gave all my attention to what I was feeling and I stopped worrying that I was going to die. If fearful thoughts appeared I just kicked them out. I was in control, not them! That was a good feeling 🙂

If I can suggest something, try listening to Jiddu Krishnamurti on Youtube. All for free. He explains nicely a lot that you may need. Start with ones explaining fear. I started listening to him a few months ago and I love it.

Good luck.


do what you can, and don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t succeed at this or that thing. we all have limitations because of our evolution or our material health, so it’s not good to expect too much of yourself, especially now when it’s all in the early stages (FIGU that is) and medical science hasn’t come far enough to elimate many physical health problems that bar us from making the huge strides in our consciousness development (meaning we have intellect disabilities still and psyche-related inherited illnesses that make limitations on how far we can accomplish in our evolution during this time in the 21st century).

think about a castle in the sky when you feel anxiety or negative spiralling thoughts leading you into a place of self-loathing. what’s in the castle? does somebody live there, or is there something there that would be awesome if it existed? you have no limits on your imagination and you shouldn’t try to limit yourself – but give it time to exercise that freedom and don’t be disappointed if in the beginning you censor yourself and your imaginings seem to lack real interest. eventually if you make it a habit to think about a castle in the sky (or anything you can imagine that feels sweet and nice and kind) as soon as you recognise that you’re thinking negatively, then you’ll get accustomed to admitting to yourself what you really like, and won’t just imagine what you think are “acceptable things”. that’s when it starts to become really fun and a joy to do it 🙂

you would benefit for sure from real positive thinking, and my final thoughts are, go easy on yourself and don’t try to push yourself to be a spiritual master. just learning to let go and forgive yourself is a huge accomplishment that still lets you stay in the realm of “regular mortals” so it’s not a huge leap. and the result from that is you can benefit from positive thinking but you don’t have to feel like a total alien who is on another planet – but hey it’s not such a bad thing to be a bit of an alien who can learn to giggle at the silly mistakes of Earth humanity 😉

i can share a little bit more later that worked for me in my own development of positive thinking, but don’t try to do too much at once – just take it a little bit at a time.



also a really good mantra i have begun to have, is to tell myself that i am always right where i need to be, even if that means i make a big mistake or slide back in my progress. it’s where i need to be because the Creation ordinates things to happen in that way, so that one day we can start to make the real special progress that starts us on our very important journies.


some songs also are very nice for me to hear so i can have a little bit of imagining about how it will be in the future time, when i am ready for that special journey.

this song, when i hear it, is sometimes like it’s saying to me, hey you can make it if you try. but it also says to me, hey, there’s a whole Creation’s lifetime worth of time waiting in the future to make big progress. so it’s okay if i’m not making big progress now and it’s only little progress, because in the end it will all go the way it needs to, until we find our way back to the truth and the Creation’s love.

Barry Smith

Give the candle exercise a try , it’s a great way to learn to just be and keep noise out of your mind , and it employs breathing normal … it will change you and give you a quiet mind , where the real work can begin …

Darcy Wade Carlile

Could someone explain inner world, are you talking about entrails and organs and meditation is very deep subject too, so is meditation similar to brain fart?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Can I use my feelings to give rise to my thoughts and then think for some amount of time to weigh in the different action that I can take to find the correct actions in order to bring out the good so as to help prevent the worst case scenerios in life accordingly to the 12 recommendations that are now here on Earth brought to us through the warnings that Billy Eduard Meier received from thr Plejaren humans from outer space who were also the people who can aquire this information from higher spirit life in our universe?

Andrew J.

Inner world is thoughts & feelings, most, if not all are motivated by old desires, attachments and aversions to material world. Mediation for me is pure observation (attention) what is in the field of NOW (within). Meaningful meditation happens when brain and body is free of old garbage – You can find out who you are in reality (self-realization). Other forms of meditations are useless for me, but some people are happy with them.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Andrew how do you know that you are really meditating and not believing that you are meditating?

Andrew J.


You know for 100% when you see the progress in what you do. What it means. At the beginning you mind may be very active. You try to observe it, but you are pulled in “on a ride” and you loose present moment. You are lost in thoughts that are in the future or past and not where you are, in a chair or a couch, or any other place. In time, weeks or months, you notice that the time when the mind pulls you in, gets to be shorter and shorter. You comeback to field of NOW often. When you are in the NOW, mind is working “slower” and it is easier to observe thoughts and feelings.
I hope it helps.

Andrew J.


I think this Youtube video of J. Krishnamurti would give you better understanding of what attention/meditation is:


Meditation is NOT some mystical thing. To some degree, all humans have a focused attention at times. The goal of meditation is for the human to use concentration (thinking about, thinking over) to further their understanding of a particular thing. Personally, I don’t sit in a lotus position, and plan when I meditate; no I would rather go for a mountain bike ride in the forest and really get inside my head. Or I like to sit by the creek or I like to think about things while I’m looking at a beautiful nature view. When I commute in my car I also have time for myself to contemplate things. I do these things throughout my day in order to spend some quality time INSIDE MY HEAD.

Meditation does not have to be anything exotic or fancy. The best way I find is to start with your life in the ‘here and now.’ It is helpful for example to think over, for example, a recent interaction with a neighbor where things went bad. You might ‘mill around in your mind,’ trying to contemplate where you made your mistakes. Being honest with yourself is as easy as trying to see your faults, rather than making the other person the blame and putting yourself in the right. No matter if the other person has done the most wrong, we can always learn something by meditating on what we could have done better ourselves, ( to improve our character) to prevent such an outcome with our neighbor in the future.


No doubt you can get good benefit from these things. But it sounds more like contemplation, and you will likely not be getting the range of benefits that come with meditation proper, which includes greater focus, greater memory, greater creativity and greater cognitive function generally (including more physical grey matter), greater emotional control, greater health and immunity, greater pain tolerance… and on and on. This is just for mindfulness type stuff, along the lines Michael describes; I can only imagine how glorious and life-changing things can get when one has mastered concentration and is able to practice the real deep stuff Billy writes about…

Why do you insist on remaining with “the basics” phoney, when you possess the handbook to mastery?

What you describe are no doubt healthy practices, but it is not “meditation” as Billy — or any other writer on the subject — describes it.



You are easily fooled. Meditation is not some esoteric state of mind. Meditation is practical exercise for the mind. The more you exercise, the more control and balance you achieve. It is no difference then focusing on certain muscles in a workout. The more you work the muscles the stronger you become.

Why do you ride me for wanting to master the basics? Let me learn my way! Okay? Any master of anything is a master of the basics. The basics are not necessarily rudimentary, they are foundational. And a foundation can constantly be improved, like placing more and more stones to reinforce a wall.


Alright. Well, can’t have a conversation about the teaching with someone who clearly knows nothing about it, and apparently has no desire to know about it. Keep doing your pondering under a tree. And I’ll continue to work on the exercises as proscribed by Billy.

What you describe is not even the basics of meditation, it’s simply thinking. Everyone does this. I ride you because you speak as though you are some authority on meditation, or at least as if you have some great understanding of what it is and isn’t. Yet, you clearly don’t. Thus you are misleading people.

What you describe is not a work out for the mind — again, it’s simple thinking, which every one is doing all day. Obviously then it will not lead to exceptional mental fitness.


And actually — it is esoteric. There is a reason it falls under the “secret sciences”, and has been deliberately kept away from the masses since time immemorial. Because it is extremely powerful. And though the key has been offered you, for some reason you are content with not unlocking this power — and, frustratingly, denying even that it exists.

YOU are easily fooled. And its all the more tiresome and pathetic considering you go on and on about being spiritual this and spiritual that, telling people that your simpleton ideas are going over their head, speaking pseudo-authoritatively on the Meier material…all when you clearly have no knowledge and only erroneous opinion.


The second paragraph in my 4:31 post above is too harsh and I regret it. But my point still stands — what you are talking about is not “meditation”.

Terry Carch

Here is another idea for meditiating. Try listening to classical or soft music such as soundscape which is positive ambient music or easy music, even smooth soft jazz will do but not loud rock, country,latin, in other words not fast loud music. Keep the volume very low almost barlie audible. I find this help me to shut down my mind and thoughts and just do breathing exersizes to just cut out all those annoying unpleasant negative thoughts roaming aound in my mind.

Greg Dougall

It boggles my mind to think about all of the flaws I have. Learning the spiritual teachings does something great, though. It sort of sets up a security system that goes off, or rings an alarm whenever a temptation arises- for something that is against the recommendations of the teachings of the prophets. Most of us have some bad habits, or not helpful habits, and I now realize it will be a daunting task for me to eliminate those things which I know do not aid my spiritual progress. But having learned the basic spiritual teachings gives me a fighting chance every time that moment of decision comes into play, it gives me pause, and I at least get to have more time to think about the consequences of my actions, instead of just acting without control or responsibility. I’m not a criminal or anything, this is higher-level refined discipline I am working on, and will be working on, for the rest of my life.


The action of realization means a lot of true self awakening, we all have plenty of issues to be resolved in our heads first, so don’t feel bad when you are able to point it out to your self, it’s only a means of going in your own evolution.

Andrew J.

It is OK as a “quick fix”. Problem is that the”bees” will still be roaming aound in your mind. Why not kick them out ? When bees are out – silence comes, much better than music.


Thanks fellas, allot of good advice there,I appreciate it very much, I feel a bit better already. Allot to think about.

retchie martinez

Thanks so much mike,

Phil Maple

MH, may I ask what your opinion is on 9/11? Do you think it was all an inside job as the conspiracy theorists suggest or do you think the terrorists done all that? – the twin towers, the pentagon, Pennsylvania field crash, and also what do you think brought WTC 7 down? Fire or bombs? I’m just curious what you think happened, Billy won’t talk about the matter no more.

Darcy Wade Carlile

So if I want to find a safe place in a world, I should put out the fire in my inner world first and then create a place that has harmony, peace of mind and love and light it up with knowledge and then sit in the bush to connect with nature and its trees and bees to get better reception with Creation’s worlds?


This is from old translation lifted off Mahigitam’s site, which is particularly relevant to this blog post and said in Billy’s inimitable words himself.

Times of Crises

Crisis drove and drives the human being of the Earth into the claws and clutches of charlatans, seers, card-readers, fortune-tellers, palm-readers, astrologers, sects and dooms-day prophets. Unfortunately, only a very few among them, who were sought by those seeking help, acted with integrity or honesty or had the slightest knowledge. They maintain superstition and spread superstition which is their business as they profit and accumulate large capital.

Times of crisis are and were, since ancient days, the times of exploitation for those who profit from superstition. Times of crisis drove and still drive human beings into fear and horror; not only those to be sure who are chronically addicted to superstition, but also many of those who otherwise have their senses in order and who stand on solid and real ground.

Parapsychology is in full bloom during times of crisis, and distributes its dangerous beguiling aroma which descends in intoxicating and deadly form upon all those who it stuns/dazes; those addicted to superstition and those who will be exploited mercilessly by profit-makers act without conscience.

Times of crisis bring about a stronghold of superstitious mania upon a crazy occult wave. Many seek well-being in the Earth-human society in irrational ways, and not in the true/real truth. With greed for profit and power entrapped in superstition, charlatans work within the occult in order to satisfy their own interest for profit and power.

Crisis and times of crisis are the strongholds of the alleged “skilled mediums”, who due to crazy forms of alternative-belief, depend and search, arriving at an illogical goal which is not recognized as wrong. The road of belief for the human being paved with superstition will push the irrational into the foreground. This road becomes the truth and is more constructed and used through this superstition. The effective truth is overlooked and disregarded. True prophets are not recognized. Instead they are cast into the wind without regard, because the human being of Earth would rather pay attention to charlatans, seers, fortune-tellers, card-readers, doomsday prophets and sects, rather than to accept the truth from knowledgeable ones. These knowledgeable ones have been announcing the truth since ancient times and try to distribute love, peace and truth among humanity in a logical manner such as Jmmanuel, falsely known as Jesus Christ, whose true spiritual teaching was altered and falsified beyond recognition into a consciousness-enslaving system of belief-assumptions in order to enslave the humans beings consciousness/psyche through bonding it to the superstitious, irrational and illogical and thereby extracting power and profit from those led astray from the reality and its truth.

Times of crises are the strongholds for seeking truth because the truth by itself offers and assures help for the human beings. Who so ever finds the truth, will also find the help for which he or she has been searching. Help means that he or she must work energetically for it, individually and also as part of humanity. Everyone, to be sure, is in need of help from those close to him or her, so that all must be for one and one must be for all. This is the truth, because only solid unity is strong and only solid unity brings peace, progress, and love and therefore help for everyone in need. Through this the human being will aspire for the truth and become powerful within himself or herself, where the following words attest:

Not the powerful ones is powerful but the knowledgeable one is powerful.

In times of crises, in order to find the correct road upon which to walk, when the human being aspires for the truth, and he or she becomes powerful within himself or herself, with love and energy of help, then he or she can master any crisis like child’s play, without irrationality, superstition, or being led astray by false magicians, fortune-tellers and card-readers, etc.,


Beautiful words of wisdom. Thanks for posting that Bruce.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The knowledgeable are wise not powerful.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I think power comes from the oldest elemental force of the universes and is still a mystery.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I think the stronger should should share and help the weaker become strong so that when the strong becomes weak from material forces can also share with the weak when the weak is strong because we live in the material world that is constantly changing in it’s evolution due to motions.