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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The WCUFO in Times Square

As promised just over a week ago, regarding our PR about the Pentagon report, the WCUFO landed briefly in Times Square:

Yes, almost anything is possible. Just start…imagining the possibilities.


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Super cool! Quite an accomplishment — congrats!!

On another note, if you guys are anything like me, you may find a little perverse pleasure in this:

Religion — literally — causes brain damage; a good four and half minute video, and a synopsis of a study on brain damage and belief


Tell that to my very favorite ballet dancer who insist that when she dances on stage she sys “It`s God dancing not me”! To be very very honest and frank, I personally think she is fool of baloni and fool of other nonsense since she is a devout Russian Orthadox. ” This is the ONLY thing I dislike about her”!


Click on photo twice to enlarge twice. I just now saw the caption above the photo. How awesome. I wonder how long it was up?



Michael B

Great work Michael! It was you that made me aware of Billy a couple of years ago. Thank you Michael.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I give that one a thumbs up simile/me too.


wow fantastic, its a shame i wasn’t able to see it in person


Good to see that happen, even if it was only on for 15 seconds!

But how much of an impact, if any, did it have on anyone who may have briefly seen it? Sadly I think it likely didn’t make anyone there look further into the Meier case.

Again, good to see it happen though.


MH, but is it not what will they let us do?

Anyway, I like your optimism! 🙂

I would like to be more optimistic like you but unfortunately I’m not. (this threat of WW3 has dampened my optimism) We know the powers that be will not let the Meier case go mainstream anytime soon. The contact notes say in 800 years time. In one way I prefer if the Plejaren never told us that so it did not dampened our (Meier followers) spirits and optimism.


MH, I guess you are right.

I am really glad you choose to represent the Meier case to the English speaking world. I think we would be hard pressed to find someone better to do the job.

J. Smith

“people who know don’t do anything to challenge it.”….Seems like the case with all of the Worlds problems.


Yeah, I do what a I can with each individual person I meet. I’m quite surprised actually at how open people are to it. I don’t seem to run into too much trouble. Just have to stay away from those who are still uber religious. I still challenge them however, but it takes a lot of energy. Down the road, little things make them reflect one bit at a time. There’s never a bad time to put useful true information out there. Some of the most angry people are from the so called “atheist” movement. They like to sound intelligent by parroting a few skeptic scientists because obviously the topic has been marginalized and ridiculed by religious and government institutions for many many decades so that scientists won’t touch it with a ten foot pole. But that seems to be changing too. Either way, there are more people I meet who are able to think for themselves than not it seems. Not everybody is letting others do their so called thinking for them.

Greg Dougall

I would help working on a campaign to get a few of Meier’s books into America’s public libraries…


MH, “The more the merrier the more we can educate and inform the public about Billy and the Plejarens and the great messags that they are sending us We should adertize to the public MORE”! Wish I could have seen the Times Square photo too. Why not do this same idea for New Years Eve when the ball drops for 2015. Great job MH.


That’s too much money for 15 seconds in Times Square!

Darcy Wade Carlile

S*** in a shoe and give it to MUFOUN half past 2:00 MST. Who is this MUFOUN group they sound to me to be like nerds? I could research them but here let me do it Wikipedia….…Do anyone actually swear on that 265 page manual/bible to be a member of that gang?

Andrew J.

So, we have a proof, that Dark Order’s tentacles were not long enough to stop it. Maybe they cannot control everything?

I like the idea Michael.


Has anyone confirmed this as real?? It’s absolutely essential that this be legitimate.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Can it be verified here?


Thank you my friend. Many people may have under estimated the importance of this. This is indeed significant, even though many may have passed it by. The word is slowly beginning to find its way. We may yet be able to negate many things to come. The trickle may form a stream before it is finished. I so hope as I think of her. I hope we can build that bridge that seperates us with so many thousands of years. Good work Michael, you have proven to be very instrumental, I was dead wrong, forgive me.

J. Smith

Well this is good to see! Every inch can be looked at as a mile when it comes to this case and getting the truth out there especially if we have to wait 800 years to get ourselves on track……15 seconds might be short, but a picture can last a lifetime!


J, I won`t be around and alive to witness this wonderful change and transformation in 800 years,will you?:(

J. Smith

Well since we know that reincarnation is a reality, whether 800 or 1 million years later I would like to come back to a better place here on Earth. I think we all can agree on that, if not then why all the fuss!

Andrew J.

Do we really know that reaincarnation is a reality, or we believe it is so?


Reincarnation, it’s not about belief, Like this time,when you open you eye in this world and you know you are exist, same in next time you will open you eye again in future with new personality and body, but without current memory, means your memory will be wiped out. It is laws of nature. But if you cannot digest this information then at least you can inform yourselves about this matter and keep it as a reference.How to find proof about reincarnation? well, i think you have to look deep inside yourself. When i was a kid about 5 years old, i was walking near the wood and i stop near one tree and sat on the rock and was looking around, suddenly i felt from inside like some thing pass on to this body (essence), some thing which cannot be touched or see (very strong). But i did not understand things clearly back then but now i am clear about it. Well, this story is very subjective , so cannot give proof to you which you can see and touch. Thank you Michael horn, Bill and Plejaren for introducing old universal teaching in this time again. it is very refreshing.

Andrew J.


In what you wrote, there is nothing that would convince me that there will be next time. Just stating it, as law of nature, or taking Billy’s teaching as true, without verifying it Yourself, does not make it real. How do you know? I have my experiences, but why should I trust them? You gave me Your experience, but some people testified that they have seen Jesus. Whom should I believe them, or You? Do we here, not want to be better than a Sunday School?
I have gone deep with my searching, but I do not have gotten an answer to that question yet. So, it means I have to go deeper.

J. Smith

Do to Meier & the Plejarens accuracy of truth and knowledge, I think I can accept what they say about death and reincarnation as fact. Lets stop kidding around here. Meier is absolutely who the Plejaren say he is “the cats out of the bag”, its to the point now that yea we can still question their information, but as history repeats itself their info seems to be accurate 99.9% (Lets see if we can add the extra 1% on later) of the time. Those people who’ve claimed to have seen “Jesus” their information pertains to belief, whereas the Meier information has shown time and time again to pertain to reality….even about things “unseen”, such as things pertaining to our “SOL” system, etc. that have been proven to be true.

I don’t see nothing to believe in the Meier case. If you accept the proven reality of his contacts, consistency of his information, and then boil it down to understanding that the case is true and he is a prophet as said then what is there really to believe here.

Now let me ask you something/s.. Do you think the Plejaren (E.T’s) exist and what they say about Meier being a prophet has been proven fact do to his knowledge and continuing corroborated information? And if so, can you accept the reality that their knowledge of existence, and everything that has to do with reality is true? If yes, what is there to believe?


If Billy Meier really is who he says he is (Nokodemion), then he may in fact be the spirit of God the Father who we’ve all been praying to. No one seems to take this seriously enough, not even Mihael.


In J.R.R. Tolkien’s book The Lord of the Rings, there was a character named “Tom Bombadil”, who was known as “oldest and fatherless”. Billy may bear some relationship to this personality. Perhaps someone could ask him if he remembers anything about what happened on “Middle Earth”?


And sorry to be redundant and a problem to Mihael, but Gandalf and Saruman were members of an Order called Ishtari. Is that much different a name than Ishwish? And there was much talk about the “seven stars and seven stones and one white tree”. Aren’t the Pleiades known as the seven stars, or the “seven sisters”?



When I was young, I concluded that the Meier case would have to exist and that it would have had to come into the public domain starting in 1975 because of the way that the computer age went. I discovered it 9 years later. Reincarnation was another calculation of mine that was seemed to be the most probable in the universe because of the slow way people learn, the way the universe learns/evolves, and looking at evolution as a whole in nature… The heaven idea of the major religions seemed the least likely on all levels. One just has to analyze them all one by one to eventually conclude that reincarnation from human to human (not animal to human like in Buddhist teachings) makes the most sense for our evolution. There were also personal experiences which added to that but that’s not something that’s really worth much to you. Many things came completely naturally to me which did not come naturally to my parents or grandparents. So there was more to it than just genetics. But basically if you observe how slowly people turn knowledge into wisdom, you’ll begin to realize the sheer redundancy of the heaven hell idea and that we truly learn on an almost geological timescale it seems. I need purpose in life and for there to be purpose in my life, I cannot just have everything just given to me for free without work, making mistakes, learning and growing. So if I went to a so called place like heaven where everything was given to me for free, I would f***ing HATE it!!!!! Everything I am as a human being would really and truly hate it and get so bored I’d want to blow my brains out. The challenge of life, the struggle to learn, the never ending physics lesson of life is what makes learning to be a better musician, a better artist, a better thinker, a more successful person and so forth infinitely more gratifying than if I just had it all given to me without any effort. What would be the point of life if not to learn? Life is a physics lesson. Everything in every person’s life, problems and so forth in the entire universe points to that. We’re here to learn, one step at a time, no matter which step you are at. Each step is important for the next step. So that’s where meditation comes in. Focusing on the NOW. Being present in yourself and your personal connection with the universes lessons which come in the form of thinking. Thinking, making sense of things one by one. Doing the simple maths, learning the sciences of everything (laws of cause and effect), applying it in some way, whether it be in art, medicine, science, a job, carpentry, plumbing, ANYTHING. Just become the best you can become and what fascinates you most. Chances are what fascinates you most is where your biggest lessons in life will come from.


Andrew J
No need to force yourself, just keep it as reference.There are tons and tons of things going around us which we do not have any information about it or even dream of it. In time everything will reveal itself slowly to us (human) who strive for it. Some from scientist, some by ourselves and some from people like Billy meier etc. We are just at dawn of new age (science and technology,crude one), long road ahead,just passed from age of belief. You have to recognize and process by your self.

Shawn Bineau

Nature always has the answers Andrew.

Watch galaxies as they come and go in their new ‘Personalities’. Creation recycles everything we observe, why would it stop at the spirit? That would be illogical, and nothing could exist if Creation was illogical in any form. Or how about a 5yr old child that writes a complete orchestral symphony. The knowledge for that would need to be accessible to do that, and it’s reasonable to think a child wouldn’t be in a position to learn such a difficult entailed skill set.

Reincarnation…. required!

Dyson Devine

“Do we really know that reincarnation is a reality, or we believe it is so?”

We really do know that reincarnation is the reality. There’s HEAPS of watertight scientific proof. Seek and you will find.

“Wer die Wahrtheit nicht mit seinem Verstande, sondern mit Glauben erfassen will, der kann die Früchte aus ihr nicht ernten.” (He who will not comprehend the truth with his reason, but with his belief, cannot harvest the fruit from it.) – OM 53:26.

Stephen Lane

Given the wealth of information that can be proved to be true, in particular the spiritual teachings, why would Mr Meier lie to humanity about such a fundamentally important thing? It would make no sense. Would the Plejaren lie about that? Absolutely not. To do so would achieve nothing since we can’t technically prove it yet one way or another.

We can prove (not believe), by observation, that the Universe operates on logical principles. Even seemingly random occurrences are triggered by logical processes. Since each Human Being knows that he/she can learn (turn knowledge into wisdom), it would be illogical if each Human Being had no actual perpetual purpose in this Universe. To only live one life would be illogical. There would be no point to our existence. Therefore we wouldn’t exist.

I accept that other theories could be added to the pot. In the not too distant future Creational energies (the Spirit, fluidal energies etc) will be proven on earth by technical means.


All logic presumes the existence of something happening “in time and space”, where there is an action followed by a consequence of the action. Outside of temporal events, you can throw logic to the winds, because nothing happens sequentially anymore.


Hi Andrew, it is a personal experience, I think, and I had one as a small child, one that I never ever forgot and it was – I looked up at my Mom one day and thought ‘I wonder what my mom will look like the next time.”

Andrew J.

Thanks everyone that responded to my question. Instead of writing to each one of You I will do it here, in one shot. I have to confess that I had two motives asking it. First I though that there was a need for someone to become Devils Advocate. It seems to me that we are too complacent on this forum. By stirring the pot, we got more information for ourselves to think over, as well as help for anyone who might later start a journey and need a direction to follow. There will be plenty of those people who listen to Michael’s excellent radio interviews, or watch his video productions.

Second motive was more personal. I wanted to see how you approach such question, I guess. Recently I realized that when I stumbled upon Billy Meier case in 2003/4, I was so happy and eager to absorb it all, that I made an error. I took too much, too quickly. All that I read or listened to, became accumulated knowledge, thoughts, ideas that I accepted speedily. I do not reject those now as untruth, as there is logic in them. I have proven to myself some already. I am simply questioning the motive behind ME taking everything as true, as well as reality of the information that I accepted. How Can I be really sure of it ? Can my or third party experiences help me prove it? I think I want to be sure that I have not taken anything on belief, without being aware of it.

To be more clear I will give you few examples of my experiences.

Approx. two years ago I became aware of a thing which I call a “mirror of life” and it has been with me ever since. It is connected with my vision. I can see a normal 3D world view, but there is 2D plane “translucent mirror” and my body and everything I see is seen through it.
This seems real, but has a lot of uncertainty about it connected with it. So, is that experience real? Is it enough of a proof that my body is not me? Is it just a creation of my thinking/wishing. How can I know? Why should I trust You, or anybody else that would confirm or deny it?

Sometimes when I go to sleep I can be aware of my body sleeping, breathing. My consciousness is not outside of the body, but that awareness is there, while in many more instances it is absent.
This experience seems neutral. It just is.
Some people go through Out of Body Experience. Can their experience be a real proof for me?

I can perceive my feelings and thoughts, especially accumulated ones, as electromagnetic waves inside of the body. I can work with them, get them out of the body.
My experience agrees with what Billy wrote about it. Out of the three experiences this seems real. Is it because feelings are more “personal” to us, so to say, then visual stimulation? Or I was just looking for approval of my experience, got it and it feels real because of it? Or I am questioning it because I am not done with removing all, that I can still feel inside?

My EXISTANCE is so deep and palpable to me, that I do not have to question it. IT IS SO – unwaivering. My above experiences do not carry that wight. If my experiences are not 100% proof to me, why should I accept any scientific, experiential prove of anything done by third parties? Then, can any of our experiences reach that 100% proof, as our own existence can?

So, how You approach questions like mine? Are You 100% positive that You have taken ONLY reason in processing Billy’s teachings? Or maybe there is some belief that got through unnoticed?


I have a feeling, most of us will indeed be here for that. We may actually reach our goal far before that time if we can just ascertain the mystery of our degenerate genes. If we could just jump start the process of correcting our dieseased gene pool, we could do this in a fraction of the time. We will have this technology in this life time.

Darcy Wade Carlile

People from Sirius will come here to correct their mistake in the distant future.

Darcy Wade Carlile

They are human beings possessing free will so who knows for real, however I consider to learn higher attributes from the Meier material and can use his information to reflect on the future and so can you and also anyone who are Sirius.


If he means the one from Sirius called the “Creator Overlords” then probably have the potential to wipe the planet out unless they consider us a brand new species. If they’re the Sirian renegades that were both the benefactors and antithesis of benefactors, at least the ones aligned with the Bafath are removed. Not sure if there are more out there but we have bigger fish to fry even if they remove artifacts from Mars and what not.


Hey Andrew,

I’m not sure reincarnation can be proved. And I’m not sure if ‘going deeper’ will help in this regard either — although it is said somewhere in the material that at a certain of level of development one can retrieve bits of genuine memories from the past lives. Methinks it is unlikely any of us will be doing that in this lifetime though.

But there is some very compelling evidence, like this: And this story is not unique.

In any case, as I’m sure you know, we don’t have to know or believe in reincarnation to find motivation to take massive action to make the world a better place — I don’t really have any notable accomplishments, but I can imagine that bringing a noble and lofty goal to fruition would be one of lifes greatest joys. (I hope Michael took a night off from trying to save the world to celebrate the recent breakthrough).


We ain’t gonna need in Sirian help. Was talking to a professor who is an insider to all the hottest developments in genetics — sounds like we are VERY close to being able to flip the right genetic switches to immediately unlock 200-300 year lifespans. Purty wild shtuff. Siriusly.


Sfath (Billy’s first mentor) came here in a Sirian ship, so I guess the Sirians are already here. They must be incarnating here as mathematicians, economists and computer programmers. . . . lol!


I wonder if they kept that ship and if it’s still flyable?


My “spiritual friends” told me that this ship is hard to fly. . . . only Sfath could fly it and no one else wants to try. . . . (now don’t get upset Mihael, I’m not a “channeller” or anything like it. . . . )


I have an old Sirian cat at home. If anybody out there knows what I should do with her as she is aging and not very comfortable, I would appreciate any advice you could give me!!!

Rhal Zahi

Wow. this is great. It will take more time, but is a good step forward.

Thanks for sharing it.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I would walk 500 miles to correct a mistake like what the benefactors did, that would be so easy to do in mind and can be done in body given the correct amount of time in all fairness and justice.

Chris L

Well done, Michael and all thse who contributed to getting this up there.
We don’t have to wait 800 years to enjoy the spiritual message. It is here now and enjoyable now. The year of approx 2800 is just when everyone will have finally accepted it. Some already do and the numbers grow all the time. It is a wonderful time to be alive and magnificient to be a witness to the final revelation of truth — now.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I played the X Files theme song and the podcast interview theme song together and it was like the P’s ufo noise.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Great show Garth , your picture of Billy and the UFO in the sky and those spruce trees in the fore ground got me looking on another level I haven’t been. Those spruce trees are rooted to the underground thus they are stationary, and Billy is rooted to the ground surface thus he can walk, and the UFO is rooted to the atmosphere and they can fly.

Terry Carch

Darcy, Very funny. I used to watch the X Files way back in the Early 90s the I realize later on in the Late 90s I learned just how very sinister and negative the TV Sereise was. Now I know that the X Files is really all about just what the CIA is and why they use the little Ugly Greys that the CIA use with the military and their horrible cattle mutilations are all about to say nothing about the Ebola virus. These Black Ops Cabal like the illuminatti and the Builderberg are trying to destroys this planet with any means possible with their money,wep[ons and so on because they “just don`t care if we live, suffer and die”! I stopped watching the X Files a long time ago. I prefer something more positive like Star Trek The Next Generation and the original 1951 black and white move The Day The Earth Stood Still. Some thing that brings hope and kindness etc.


Yup, I had to explain to my girlfriend what the x files was really about. As you said, the CIA BS. It’s a very negative show. Terrible for the psyche. And so riddled with enormous contradictions and super moronic crap. I always avoided it growing up because I knew these aspects about it. Just trash…

Darcy Wade Carlile

I think those shows are religious too, however though the actor in particular Gillian Anderson was the only reason for me to watch a couple of them.


Well I was glad to get the heads up from the X Files because it was a lot easier to determine who was at fault when the horse mutilations happened in my area. If I had read that silly book from Linda Moulton Howe about all the mutilations being ET, I sure would have been confused, but maybe it would have been lighter reading so as not to have to make me think so hard. Terry, if there were local mutilations happening in your area, what would you do? Would you call the cops like the horse owner chose to? Haha the officer determined it died of natural causes. No mention of the missing part because according to him, that part expanded after death and exploded and disintegrated and no evidence of it remained. You don’t to be a rocket scientist to figure out the explanation was crap, that simply does not happen in real life. The contact notes also confirmed that black ops likes to steal these parts and sell them on the black market. It’s one thing to be scared of your own shadow and quite another to stand up for the truth.