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Monday, May 20, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

For Your Consideration


The actual version that is posted on the White House site can be found here. Feel free to share through social media, etc.

See also:

The Only Way to Stop the IS

URGENT: Another Prophecy Fulfilling

We petition the Obama administration to:

Call for and Join an International Coalition and Multi-National Army to Stop the IS

The world has ample evidence that the IS is a murderous, criminal, terrorist organization whose goal is to persecute, destroy and subjugate the whole of humanity. Their inhuman and inhumane actions are part of an openly declared and perpetrated policy of mass murder and extermination of all those who are not aligned with the fanatical beliefs of this organization, its leaders and followers. If allowed to proceed unchecked, this gang, which currently numbers approximately 100,000 soldiers, will only continue to grow and become unstoppable in spreading its destruction worldwide and effectively plunging the world back into the dark ages. The world must recognize that their deluded leader is nothing less than a potential Hitler who must be stopped now, lest his deadly global plan be fulfilled.


We call for the formation of a true multi-national army, of at least 300,000 soldiers, to be armed with the best and newest weaponry and supported with every kind of military equipment, such as tanks, fighter planes and tactical missiles, etc. We call for this huge and powerful army to be drawn from as many countries of the entire world as possible, including an alliance of all countries around Iraq and Syria, and including the strong armies of the USA, England, France, Russia, China, Canada, etc.


As the real urgency of this situation is now clear, we call for this coalition to be assembled promptly, with firm resolve and without unnecessary political delays. The world will not have another chance to forcefully and effectively eliminate this terrible threat to everyone and everything that we have already accomplished, as the IS would destroy any and all of our scientific and medical inventions and cognitions, as well as our entire written and recorded knowledge base, as they also view these as elements that must be destroyed.


In the face of this coordinated, overwhelming military might, a humane option would be presented to those in the IS to lay down their arms and to be incarcerated for their lifetimes in isolated regions where they can no longer do harm to humanity and yet could still have the opportunity to develop their conscience and consciousness for the sake of their own evolution. Those who refuse or resist would suffer the consequences.


The highest priority is that the safety and security of all of humanity must be protected and preserved. This responsibility for the USA to become a leader and a participant in this global mission is underscored by the inescapable fact that had the USA, under the command of George W. Bush, never conquered Iraq and tracked down Saddam Hussein and killed him, Saddam Hussein would have had the ability – along with armed Kurdish fighters, called Peshmerga (who ironically helped the USA in its mission to capture Saddam) – to control Baghdadi and the IS.


This is now the only way to stop the IS. We must stand firmly on the right side of history for, if we do not, there may not be much left of our previous history, nor of our present humankind and all of its achievements and wonders.


Michael Horn
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America has been in perpetual war for the past 12 years. The result of that is this mass 100000 nut jobs and thousands more poring over the Syrian borders everyday. Don’t forget that IS are being supported by American allies. On the one hand the Turks and Saudis supply weapons while on the other they are asking for support in defeating them. Sounds like a business to me. Now we are asking a weary American public to Run the gauntlet again while in dept up thier ears.
Sure the military complex would love to send another 100-200 thousand troops over to Syria and rightly should going on the advice of Billy and his accurate prophecies. Respectfully, its going to be a big ask convincing a sick and tired American public never mind the American government. Everyone of us needs to get our fingers out and get creative. Writing articles and posting you tube videos pointing to this new and expanding danger would be another good avenue to try.


I’m not overlooking your points. I’m merely pointing out the fact that people are sick and tired of war. Although we have a great insight and hindsight coming from Billy, Petitioning and Convincing a tired and weary public is going to tough and imo fruitless task. I think it would be much more effective way to educate the public through writing and video and this I will peruse in light of Billy’s latest remarks. Don’t get me wrong Michael. Ives signed the petition and will support this anyway I can. Keep up the good work.


Michael, What about editorials in the newspapaers on just how horrible IS? A good start would be the New York Times, and other newspapres oped section editorials,letters to the editors and so on.


just spent some time spreading the word with main stream medias and NATO, now to tackle the not main stream.


wondering about Anonymous?

Luis Sanchez

I was think about that too earlier. The problem is making them aware of the urgent issue. Listen everyone knows what’s at risk. Granted its obvious that the administration is aware of severity as to the extent that we have been made aware, I’m sure. I think some of hurdles being encountered in public opinion are as followed:
1). Generally public opinion always looks for “scapegoat” unfortunately that president scapegoat among constituants is President Obama.
2). Military leverage were overextended virtually everywhere.
3). The public in recent efforts has been psychologically suggested within every form alternative media, news of a “illuminati” “NWO” etc. Therefore fear of “unity” is been reversed psychologically sold to the public meaning. Even genuine and honest explainations of unifying military forces to downgrade and eliminate the very serious ISIS threat could perhaps reinforce the fear they have of such things.
3). The critical inspection of who actually “wins” in our loss has yet to be determined. Like everyone there is opposite benifactor of these very tragic circumstances. Current investors in “emerging markets” perhaps.
4). Cooperation with Saudi countries need to begin when the generation emerging now versus older untraconvervatives that have dominated and coconspired certain events, OPEC orcastrated rebellions and so forth. Reaching out to the next
generation Middle eastern Univercities, liberal thinkers with the region I think is worth reaching out to.
5). Please do NOT take this comment as Ant- semmetic in any way. “An enemy of my enemy” in the case is ISIS…is Isreal. Now this is delicate because the amount arms they poses, so belligerency in otherwords would be illogical to emphasize to the. However reaching out to the Israel- American community would be by far the most critical thing we could possibly do.
6). What were requesting is brut force to be exercised by the Global coalition, clearly there will and aftermath. We need to actually think about that aftermath and emphasis Profit and Non Profit organization willing to assistant also perhaps even find some and give recommendations.
7). Coilition forces maintaining and staying viligellent on Rogue leaders, Conspirings of Coups and defense industries “double downing” on both sides needs to be discussed at some point. So Lets a coalition actually forms takes down ISIS. What the messures that going to be taken to prevent another ISIS. We all know the logical and reasonable answer to this question. But for today’s world we are still barbaric. In my opinion Until the nations honestly admit that Barbarism and the support of barbarism or even the formulation of Barbarism by proxy (weather further nations interest or simply to exploit by via proxy has to be addressed. Sure we came tell at the top of our lungs “someone put this fire.” How to we prevent this from happening again. In my opinion again. A majority of these issue within region comes down to ancient commodities (a rather expense one if you me actually if dollar cost average military spending geo political climites this risks involved for “profits” is become far to expensive in every shape of the word because of the real commodity HUMAN LIVES the most complex organism on the planet are written off because this). The ancient ways of doing business of divide and conquer for the sake of resources is even despised by the newer generations. In America our youth no longer lust for cars…they lust for mountain bikes. So in others word the ancient methods doing business are “old school” and its time to give that old Freddy Kruger lets make a nightmare of the world a rest.


Guts,I`d rather move to Erra any chance and any way possible in order to prevent myself from getting killed by IS and including not being beheaded too etc,etc,etc”!

Luis Sanchez

Not gonna happen. What you going to do ask “one of three groups” to give you a lift? Or better yet go ask the Lemuerions. I wonder actually if there always of all this ?

Luis Sanchez

Meaning are they aware of the current scenario playing out?

J. Smith

I’ve been seeing a lot of comments about ‘joining the Plejaren federation or moving to Erra’ lately and I’m not perfect and in no position to correct anyone, but I feel that we should worry about our problems and face them as they come. Wishing to go elsewhere is just another way of escaping our reality and not trying to make progress here on Earth to create a reality like that of the Plejarens and people from Erra, etc. Those people in the ISIS group probably expect to be granted ‘salvation’ and a place in ‘heaven’ for their barbaric deeds……


Please grow a backbone!

Luis Sanchez

I like that


I’m still not entirely convinced of what FIGU expects us to do with this information. Inevitably people will OF COURSE ask where the information came from and if it’s a credible source. Can’t help but mention FIGU or Billy. Sorry, I’ve been biting my tong but usually by the time FIGU puts out this kind of a bulletin or whatever, it’s already LONG past too late. Very low public support or appetite for another war and overall very little understanding of what it’s about. I’m not saying figu aren’t right in what they say. They are, but what can they expect apart from the hopeful idea that some intelligence agencies and governments are paying attention despite our “help”. Mentioning figu to any official or whatever just kills it before it begins regardless of its validity or truth. People are generally just too stupid. That’s why this strikes me as something that’s meant more for governments who are already paying attention to FIGU (like perhaps Russia, U.S. and so on). I just don’t see the math in this. I don’t. If you can outline a logical progression that is likely to actually be effective in putting up this kind of a campaign that is going to actually be received by those we are talking to, then I’m in. Otherwise, it just seems like a last ditch attempt and really it’s no wonder figu can be so damn ineffective sometimes. Hopefully I’m wrong. I’ve been thinking about how to tackle this a while now and how to bring it up to people who don’t know figu without having to mention figu but the math just isn’t adding up. It’s inevitable that they will ask for the source of the information.

That’s why I just can’t help but think no matter how many times I run it through in my mind that this is for intelligence agencies to act on in secret and to bring to political leaders. Yes it’s a good idea and might get lots of support from the right wing. Oil is down, makes war cheaper, gives a great opportunity to fix some of the problems between russia and the west, gives great opportunity to start thinking of a multinational peace force and so on… Great timing in many many very powerful ways. But f*** me, does it honestly make sense to bring this up to the laymen who thinks aliens are purely hollywood material or from the devil?? No no… the more I think about it, the more I think this is very pointed to intelligence agencies. Are they really paying attention or are they not?


PS. That’s rhetorical question.


If you are that much in doubt Daniel, it’s best that you do nothing. When TSHTF and after I’m done fighting (along with my family cause this mama didn’t raise no pussies), I can rest assured that I did all I could. Can you say the same?


Sending a tweet about a petition to somebody you have never met is very different than bringing it up with friends in person who might be able to pass it on to the prime minister of your country. Hell, I’ve even brought it up with people who get that figu is real and they have difficulty with it because either they compare it with the last war or think it’s impossible to get countries to work together. Imagine trying to tell a catholic with 11 kids (some in the military) or a busy MLA in direct contact with your prime minister that you grew up with who knows nothing of figu who is going to HAVE TO ASK where the information came from. Very different ball of wax. I just don’t see very high odds of it being received that way. Do you? And if so, please tell me how. I’m all ears.


I’ll figure out how I can send it to them. I personally get the ufo thing being not important and such, but many other people are not in such a luxury. I’ll see what I can do just with the petition and see if I can just send it online or whatever.


What about these other sinister nefarious organizations like the Builderburgs who are trying so damn hard to mess things up further for example crashing imploding the Stock Market and let the Stock Market REALLY take a nose dive for example etc,etc,etc?


The Kurds are not rolling over to the IS

Frankly, I don’t see how the IS is any global threat & I think they stand no chance of fulfilling Billy’s worst case scenario, which in any case should have nothing to do with dealing with them as Billy has suggested. But I also would never say never as Billy can see a far-reaching effect from a near-term cause, even if I give that scenario low odds.

Greg D

Or we could just send Chuck Norris:

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity – twice.
Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience.
Chuck Norris once got bit by a rattle snake…….. After three days of pain and agony ………………the rattle snake died.
When the president pushes the big red button Chuck Norris’s cell phone rings.
We live in an expanding universe. All of it is trying to get away from Chuck Norris.

Sorry, I needed some comic relief to counteract this serious topic!


Id would say they are a very real threat Bruce. There are kids all over the world now 100000 of thousands biting at the bit to go fight for IS. If they are not stopped pockets will begin to organize and pop up all over. That’s one of your biggest threats.


Michael Good morning, please check yoir email, I just forwarded you an email from Washington Times, they request your personal information in order to be considered a letter to the editor, I posted mine but looks like is not good enough for them.

Luis Sanchez

Hola ,
what about making a petition for help from our Plejaren friends ?

We al know that there are more dangerous things about to happen also like,ww4 ,atomic nuclear war, i dont think i need eleborate more.
Our governments are controlled by certain groups that make trillions of dollars a week.
We the people cant stop this because they are so much more powerfull and control most of our media,These people are master planners and plan things years ahead.
If i google alien or extraterrestrial then it wil take a long time before i see someting of BEAM.
Did you all notice how fun it is to play freeking games on facebook ,or get 60000000000 million views on youtube because you can make a dog dance?
The Plejaren say we got a free wil and that they cant interfer,its up to us and we got to do it ourselfs.
So how many people need to ask you my dear Plejaren people to help us out ?
And remove those psychotic,wicked,power greedy killing secret groups that operate behind the scenes and dont care for a mans life.
Its obvious that we the small group that sees whats going on cant do s….


ancient proverb –
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”


“Stand up for yourself because no one is going to do it for you.”

Greg D

Erik, I hear what you’re saying, but there are 3.5 billion others in the federation helping us through a cosmic clause in the world peace meditation (the only one that works), and it takes place on the 1st and 3rd weekends of the month:

Marco K.


is your mother still tying your shoelaces for you? Think about it.


my mother passed away Marco,
could you please do it for me ,you patronising muppet

Luis Sanchez

It’s very to say “to do nothing.” Billy and may others including Michael Horn have have literally dedicated the majority of their lives lives to the mission. It is the very critical right now that everyone helps. No one is going to Erra no one is coming to save us. This time around the truth is archived digitally and will be tampered with. Paul Simon made a great “born at the right time”…all of us were born at this right time. ISIS will in fact be stopped. Billy warned as call to action. To shaper our future some of us heard the call..some of refuse it. I’m not going to be on side of history that did nothing. My family is not going carry that shame. So everyone please help to your best ability. Courage is virtue that needs to be mustard at this hour. I have confidence in all of you.


I’m with you Luis, but the doubters really should do nothing because that’s what they’ve worked themselves up for by looking for excuses and ET help, better that they just shut the hell up and go back to whatever they were doing, because they aren’t any help at all.


This is great Michael, Let’s just hope that the Obama Administration will have the political will to do this.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I shared the petition with Arnold Schwarchzenegger and his face book with well over 11 million friends….


Hey Michael, I just signed the petition…… First time ever.

Question: Why is it that I can only see a small portion of your message in the we the people web page? was there a word limit to the petition? Your original message was great.

I think that to gain more signatures asap one needs to go directly to a large media outlet, with courageous people, maybe like the Intercept and try to get as much attention to your petition.

Also I think one needs to be very clear and specific about petition, Since there is to much arrogance in the world. In other word tell them what to do if necessary, specially about this major treat to Mankind.

A friend from Canada.

J. Smith

I just created a Twitter and started tweeting like crazy, I got stopped by a messaging suspecting of spam, but I’ll be back to it as soon as I can. Never thought that I’d be apart of the ‘Twitter community’, but for the cause its necessary. I also asked them to share the message if they signed the petition lets see what happens! We’ll really see who cares about world issues when money is not apart of the equation.


Guys, TRy Wikileakes with Julian Assange, Democracy with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales The Tadio And TV News Report, WBAIfn radio station,Coast to Coast am with George Noory. What ever you can think of. I don`t get the newspapaers anymore and haven`t for a number of years. TRy any thing you can get your hands on. I just heard from one of the wespac members that WW3 has just started but let`s try to prevent WW3 from turning into a nuclear war. Maby you could try to noify wespac too at and get everybody on board less this whole WW3 turn into a nuclear war soon.

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