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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Too Stupid to Survive?

UPDATE: January 31, 2015

The Dark Ages are indeed further encroaching on sleepy humanity.


More evidence that big, stupid species don’t survive

A recent article titled ‘Biggest dinosaur ever’ discovered reveals that the fossils of this gigantic creature were discovered in… Patagonia.

Let’s just walk through a couple of indisputable facts; indisputable if you aren’t a brain dead skeptic.

Meier’s information below was first published in 1987. It was also verifiably translated into English and posted on the internet in June 2010*, about four years before this “new, official discovery”. Now, unless you are among the walking brain dead, which may also include politicians, religious fundamentalists, scientists, university professors, etc., you’ll easily recognize the ironclad nature of what constitutes a legal standard of proof of prior publication. If you have any trouble with that, please stop now, go to church, a political meeting, your local university, etc., and don’t trouble yourself with actually…thinking.

Billy: Since we’re already talking about large trees, I would like to ask you a question about the dinosaurs again. Which ones were the largest and where did they live?
60. The largest plant-eating dinosaurs lived in what is now Patagonia.
61. These were the so-called long-neck dinosaurs, whose largest specimens reached up to 60 meters in length and exhibited a weight of around 135 tons.
62. This was the largest land animal that ever existed on the Earth.
Billy: And what about the time – when did these animals live, and were there any predatory dinosaurs that killed these magnificent animals? Have any skeletons, etc. of such giant beasts already been found by the earthly paleontologists?
63. To my knowledge, still no such findings have been made by the earthly paleontologists.
64. And as for the time when these giant animals lived, this must have been, to my knowledge, around 100 million years ago.
65. The long-necked dinosaurs possessed tails that were about as long as their necks were to their heads.

Please also note that the actual size of this particular specimen fits well within that which the Plejaren provided to Meier…as does the time period.

In case you object to the assumption about the existence of the Plejaren, let’s just restate the actual…facts:

Scientists, in 2014 discovered what they said is “the largest creature to walk the Earth”, in Patagonia.

In 1987, Billy Meier was given and first published information saying that, “The largest plant-eating dinosaurs lived in what is now Patagonia.”

Meier’s specific, prophetically accurate information was published…27 years before “official discovery”.

How did he get that information if not exactly as he said he did, from the Plejaren?

If you haven’t at this point called everyone you know to tell them that you’ve just read (more) ironclad proof of Billy Meier’s prophetic scientific accuracy and that you now know that Meier’s contacts with extraterrestrials are absolutely authentic…then there’s something stone cold wrong with you.

Stop and…Get Going

Speaking of possible dinosaurs, or those who may meet the same fate, here’s a few words to the 700,000 people who marched in France:

Stop marching and help to form a worldwide military coalition to stop those subhumans.

I don’t want to be a party pooper but hasn’t also occurred to anyone that thousands of unarmed civilians make pretty easy targets for determined, demented killers? At the risk of using politically incorrect terminology for the analogy, let’s not be the proverbial…frogs sitting in a pot of water that are also turning the heat up past the boiling point on themselves.

Sleeper Cells

There’s also a new warning reported on CNN about the suspected activation of so-called “sleeper cells” that could be targeting French police forces.


Dutch Member of Parliament Geert Wilders made a particularly courageous statement, regarding what should correctly be termed radical Islamic fundamentalism, that echoes the warnings from Billy Meier and the Plejaren. Certainly there are things to take issue with but the essence is true: radical Islam is spreading its murderous mission and the West is apparently too weak to recognize and respond to it appropriately. More dinosaurs?

One More Time

Warnings from Meier dating back to 1958 about that which is now upon us…will send the world back to the Dark Ages if the spineless weaklings and wimps, the politically correct, the profiteers, the escapists transfixed by their techno-toys and phantasmagoria aren’t slapped upside the head by their friends – because their enemies simply want to cut those heads off.

Will Europe (and the West) really “wake-up”, now that what Meier specifically warned of, in 1981 and 1987, is manifesting in plain sight?

Big, stupid species don’t survive if they don’t evolve and adapt to conditions. If we don’t want to become fossilized relics to be discovered by possible future visitors to a barren, self-destroyed world, we’d best get about the business of dealing with the threats to our very threatened future survival. As we’ve said for well over a decade, the Meier contacts are the key to assuring it.

One more time for the attention deficient:

Scientists, in 2014 discovered what they said is “the largest creature to walk the Earth”, in Patagonia.

In 1987, Billy Meier was given and first published information saying that, “The largest plant-eating dinosaurs lived in what is now Patagonia.”

Meier’s specific, prophetically accurate information was published…27 years before “official discovery”.

How did he get that information if not exactly as he said he did, from the Plejaren?

Got it now?


*NOTE:  Contact Report 221 was also published in German in 2004 in Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte block 5.

See also:

As the Time Fulfills (Part 8)

Marching to Oblivion

URGENT: Another Prophecy Fulfilling

UPDATE on the New IS Planned Holocaust

France Prepares to Do Its Part to Fulfill the Henoch Prophecies

The Only Way to Stop the IS



Thanks to Tom Day, Ken Smith and Annie Newman for the information.

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“Who has the right to say that France in 30 or 40 years will not be a Muslim country? Who has the right in this country to deprive us of it?” said Marwan Muhammed, a spokesman for Collective Against Islamophobia in France.By Rowan Scarborough – The Washington Times – Wednesday, January 7, 2015


There are many smoke filled rooms trying to figure out how to combat these pyschotics, whereas other rooms remain somewhat ignorant or worse. The economic primitiveness of our culture is horribly deficient, but the religious aspects of our world is what will bring the end if we as a species do not heed the words of a man who knows. Many will not understand until the knife is at their throats. I long for the other side of the Aquarian age.

Matt lee

Go short for the time being forto


Don’t worry, famous folks in the music industry will be drafted in the upcoming conflicts because we’ll run through people so fast breaking records for units lost in battle by a wide margin we will need everybody we can muster.


As I`v said before and I`ll say it again,”This DEGENERATIVE world called earth NEEDS to be REBOOTED and also NEEDS UPGRADES otherwise STUPID EARTH will just stick it`s DEGERATIVE brain in the sand and keep doing what it always does ignore our prophet Billy Meir and the plejarens. Most of the population on earth is STILL asleep at the wheel and just digging itself into a whole and ignore the warning sihns of WW3 and maby even worse. WHEN WILL THIS STUPID WORLD EVER LISTEN TO THE FACTS AND TRUTH AND GROW UP”?


As I have stated before and I will state it again “THIS STUPID WORLD NEEDS TO BE REBOOTED AND NEEDS UPGRADES otherwise theses dumbheads polititians, religious fools etc, will just keep doing what it always does,stick their heads in the sand and ignore our prophet Billy and the Plejarens. WHEN WILL PLANET STUPID EVER LEARN TO GROW UP AND FACE THJE FACTS AND THE TRUTH”?

J. Smith

Great blog….now lets see who tries and “debunk” this corroboration and make themselves looking even more stupid. The corroborations seem to be coming in faster than ever these days or at least since I have known about the case.

Michael, this might be irrelevant to the blog but I’m trying to understand the timeline of human presence and the presence of dinosaurs on Earth. I think it was on the main site (theyfly) but the site seemed to have changed a bit and I can’t find it. Do you know exactly where I can find it on the site?

Matt lee

Wait a minute! What do you call a lockness monster, a pseudo dino!

Antony E

The dinosaurs were long gone before the first ET humans appeared on Earth, 22 million years ago I think

MiroslavStanko - Saalome84Blue

Well, there is someone not very happy with work of MH in India, so…


I saw this last year. I read the contact to my friends at coffee time specifically about the long neck dinosaur. I thought I posted something about it here around that same time about it.


Even the Argentinosaurus (the previous largest “saur”) fossils were not discovered until 1988 in Patagonia, a year after Meier’s published material. So sceptics and doubters have no leg to stand on here at all.


Don’t give them ideas, they might just pee in the wind after all!

Matt lee

Oh no not in this freezing winter
Well I guess they’ll just duke it out.
Speaking of pis**** where is winters R.Winters that is


For the record: contact report 221 was first published in 2004 in Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte block 5.


I didn’t mean contact report 221 was ALSO published in block 5, I meant it was FIRST published in block 5 in 2004.


What do you mean by ‘technically first published in 1987’?

Philip Brandel

And of course Michael is far from the only one waiting to hear these things!? As this is about all of us in some ways. We don’t need either of these people to explain the truth to us, as it is there for anyone willing to be courageous enough to confront it like a true human, on there own. There shouldn’t be so much beating around the bush in this circumstance, as it seems to be solely a personal thing. Meaning again this seems to be a ploy to gain attention and another method used to come here trying to prove a point that is long since needed by many here! Sorry, but this time round, this information will not be lost to history and the degenerate, delusional belief stricken thinking creatures that just don’t get how personal this is. Mahesh and Simon why bother at this rate? Why not go bother the like of captain K.K.K, as he might be interesting in hearing and playing within this nonsense. We are adults here? Lets stop acting like childish babies that just need a changing, do your business or get of the damn pot!


I’m only asking what you mean by ‘technically first published in 1987’, because this contact note wasn’t published in the earlier material. On the copyright page of Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 (and 6) there’s an explanation why.

As opposed to Mahesh, I’ve stated my position many times before on different platforms. Go find it there, I’m tired of repeating myself.


Ok then… because you ask so kindly.

There are things about the case I find compelling, like for example the many witnesses, and the MMO question, why would Meier do it if it wasn’t for real? On the other hand there are also many very strange discrepancies, absurdities and things that are simply false, which I can hardly reconcile with a genuine case. Yet, both ‘sides of the coin’ exist and somehow there must but an ‘overall’ explanation for it, but right now I just don’t know for sure how it all fits into the big picture.


Michael, What about another call to action on You Tube to wakes these stupid bums with no brains up for example the religiously insane, concervative politians,etc,etc, etc?

Matt lee

Michael are you saying that all those freely donated books and other Billy related materials are going to end up on the market at premium price down the line with the proceeds not going to FIGU?

Matt lee

Not happy Jan (in reference to OZ yellowpages TV advertisement)


You also forgot to post this. It was confirmed for good last year when two sets ot T-Rex tracks were found side by side. (pertaining to the hunting in packs thing)

Si Walsh

No one can dispute the evidence/fact of Meier’s once again ironclad information. No one. But still, there are so many thoughtless, closed minded people in this world who will still talk nonsense and try and explain in an non logical way how it’s all a hoax, which is unforntunite to say the least.


According to Geert Wilders there is no radical islam,but just islam and they should all be exterminated. Geert Wilders is a zionist controlled war monger and i believe that you Mr Horn are forgetting the forces behind the Terrorist every time !
I told you before that we need to destroy this at the root and not only the radical islam !
Lets kill all the ISIS idiots and then we stil have the worlds biggest problem alive like the zionist are !
They wil create new terror organications,sleeper cells and start wars with …….
You can only solve a problem be going back to the roots of the problem and not skip a few steps.
Another thing is that we got about 14 years to go before the earth get hit by the Apophis,and even on that subject countrys like the US dont want to cooperate with other nations because they believe they need to fix all themselfs,wile in reality the US is controlled by that WW criminel group what i call the zionist group( but probly has a difrent name !)
We the people need to finish them off also,and thats a bit harder then killing some isis brainwashed criminal physco idiots


I sense a brain aneurysm coming on for a certain arm-chair internet research expert over this latest IRON CLAD, STUNNING, SCIENTIFIC PROOF

my sixth sense sees him hard at work, the wheels turning, head nearly exploding …… will a post emerge from all this, or just ….. silence?

developing …..


Yea, but, how wide, deep, long, climate, temperature, toilet flushes, moonlight position, axial disturbances, retrograde forces, or other things that Billy didn’t mention that Mahesh is going to focus on? If he carries on like that then I’m going to expect him to obtain the blueprints to S4 and post them on the internet since he feels like the Plejaran’s are here to spoon feed Earth Humanity making what Billy is doing appear to be “easy”.

Shawn Bineau

Unfortunately, there isn’t any level of proof these deniers could see that will move them to change their beliefs. And the others that are agenda driven, i.e., paid, they will continue their path that helps keep them in their comfort zone. I think nothing, short of a truly shocking and life changing event that effects them personally, can help them.

And help is what they need.

Ideas that make people think along different lines are desperately needed for our civilization to survive. We can continue to beat stupid/agenda-driven/religious people over the head, but it’s not gonna necessarily help….unfortunately.

Human beings are totally programmable. But you have to be able to reset them once you change their software.

Michael mines for the last of those who wish to see, but will they?

William Colvard

I opened my eyes around about 5 years or so…. . I. Have a peaceful resolve inside….because of the proved information….Time and time again, It is Clear as Crystal … that He is the Real Deal…


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