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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Regarding Internet Anonymity

Human beings not even worthy of their own names  attack the character of others

Years ago, a friend of mine who was a theatrical director pointed out an interesting thing that is of an even greater magnitude of relevance and importance now. He noted that actors and other live performers run the risk of failure, shame, embarrassment and ridicule every time they do their work, something that most other people rarely experience, and certainly not as a de facto hazard of their daily jobs.

Of course I know these risks all too well as a lecturer and even more so since I’ve recently revived my other career as a singer-songwriter.

While it’s basically unknown to the digital generation, expressing one’s opinion in a letter to the editor, in a newspaper column, etc., also required that the person use…their real name. This is true throughout history.

While it’s also true that a small number of people may have used pseudonyms, it was generally regarded as not only bad form but as pure cowardice to hide behind any kind of anonymity while attacking real people whose names of course were known.

The internet today has helped to breed, allow and even extol cowardice to levels that would have been unimaginable in the past. Such adolescent behavior has fostered an epidemic of intellectual and moral, characterless impotence.

Those who give up their own names, willingly give up their own birthright; they are already bio-chipped, the actual mutilation and control will be a mere formality.

The Excuses

There is a variety of excuses offered, perhaps a couple of which have merit. If someone has a legitimate concern for their safety, which they think would be compromised by posting their real name, photo, etc., then certainly they shouldn’t participate and risk any harm. So long as that is their priority, which of course is reasonable, then at least as far as this blog is concerned they won’t be able to post here. Certainly they’re free to read and derive whatever value they can from it.

The lamest excuses have to do with wanting to be anonymous to the powers that be…who for a long time already have had plenty of access to people’s identities, information, etc., as Billy Meier revealed even before Edward Snowden. It isn’t any protection against government snooping, etc., and actually could be more dangerous if one conducts most of their life online anonymously, because if something happens to them in real life all of their online “friends” may have no way of knowing, helping, etc.

People who take the time and trouble to be real with each other will be way ahead…as the time fulfills.

The anonymous attackers who’ve chosen to not be true human beings, to not matter, to be insignificant casualties of their own careless causality, are cowards who try to hide from others what they can’t escape in themselves. They are sowing what they will reap as deliberate deniers and defamers of the truth.

Sometimes a person will attack the Meier case and use their real name, later probably wishing they hadn’t. Pseudo-scientist Stuart Robbins has been shown to be painfully inaccurate and dead wrong in all his attacks on Meier, having failed to debunk the Jupiter-Io information, as well as information about asteroid Apophis, which NASA is now effectively showing to be correct.

Verifiable Identities Here, Please

I’ve been very busy over the last few weeks with interviews and presentations in Canada and Northern California, etc., in addition to the other things that I do on a regular basis. As such I’ve been not so much moderating the forum as giving blank check approval to comments so as to keep the conversations available to the participants.

However, it has resulted in an unfortunate and excessive amount of disinformation and distraction that is intended to take the conversation away from the topics and, most importantly, from the Meier material and quite specifically the spiritual teaching.

This blog is going to change in as much that I will no longer allow anonymous posting, but only from people whose identities are verifiable. I recommend that you read this information from Dyson Devine, which will help to underscore the reason for and necessity of taking these steps, in case it isn’t clear already.

Obviously the content of those who do post using their true identity will be scrutinized as well. I’m not going to post submissions with all sorts of references to the occult, channeling, conspiracies, unsubstantiated claims about other UFO contact cases and material that isn’t relevant to the topic at hand.

I indulged our friend Astro-Tony for over a year to substantiate his claims about astrology and when that proved less than impressive we received abusive comments, death threats/wishes, etc., from him. There were others, usually with unverifiable identities, who popped up periodically with impotent attacks on the Meier case, as if it was just some sport to defame a person and their character.

It needs to be made clear that I won’t censor a comment just because it disagrees with me. But comments about Meier “hoaxing” his evidence, prophetic information, etc., aren’t going to be posted…unless they contain actual, verifiable substantiation.

This may take a little while to implement effectively so please bear with me.


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focus on the spiritual teachings


sounds sensible to me, I don’t think some realize how much time you do spend on this, given all that you do.


Hello Michael.

Well done. I think your dead on here and on the right track. Keep up the good work.

James. I mean Dubhaltagh




Which is ironic is that the people who deny and mock the case today must sooner or later make the most important decision of their life.And then may not be much options left.


You really talk my language Mait. Good to hear from you, the regular greeting from me.

Pate I mean mait maet meit mhate mate meat pal.

pastiche shoehorn

Sorry Michael, I’ll use my real name from now on, which is pastiche (but I do like Pâté mate), that is my name, so dont wear it out, please, I am from somewhere exotic sounding like nepal for example, thats a cool name, and I honour and utmost respect your4efforts as salaam alaikum.

pastiche shoehorn

Well, ha, you are perhaps right michael, your sincerity provides you great esteem, I live in the country where the pasticcio was first grown, you know the tasteful nut, I wonder if you might identify it with me, from all those countries in our world, as a fun evening exercise around the base of the shoe?

pastiche shoehorn

we’ll have to open that one out to the audience I think michael 🙂



Actually i missed your point! Could you write me the essay about it?(; Thanks in advance.


Michael Horn :)

Sounds like a good idea. You have to watch out for these imposters!

Antony E.


Hey Mike,

Will there be new snippets from the new Die art zu Leben from Dyson?

If it is ok with you folks, maybe have them as the basis of some blogs directly rather than replies to blog themselves? I find it hard to navigate when a blog goes for over 200 responses and would like to have separate searchable index here on your blog if at all possible.



Interesting snippet. Like the others that have been shared on this site thus far, it is missing the “how,” which is not very helpful besides bringing forth resonance (the intuitiveness) of truth. I look forward to reading the book when it becomes available to see if there is anything else new that can help my own family to take this into practice when others have not succeeded — or is the experiential suffering the only alternative to many as have suggested by many others before. 🙂

Terry Carch

Hey MH I like using just Terry due to the fact that nowadays most people would rather just use their first name and leave out their last name, it`s more casual/informal that way. Nowadays names are becoming more unusal,exotic and unique. I like the idea because being a human being and not a clone makes us humans unique. No two human beings are exacly alike even identical twins even though they share the same DNA,their sprits are both very different.

Terry Carch

P.S. That`s what the Star Trek genera taught me as a human being. We human beings treasure our own uniqueness. That`s why I like exotic unusual names. Besides it`s more cosmic too.:)))


Thankyou Michael:)))


Hi Michael,

Kal Korph was in the news lately… did you see that? Evidently some other problem he has gotten himself into. Nice blog… missed you this weekend will catch up with you next time you’re in the Bay Area. There are many that are our friends… who also do this (hide behind a pseudonym) and I feel it is cowardly… There are some awesome foes of the truth and maybe that’s why, after all… Billy has had… what? twenty two attacks on his life? for merely telling the truth? There are many who do not want you to know it… and feel powerful hiding it… while actually it can be a criminal offense like an accomplice with monsantoco claiming it’s okay to use a vaccine which has mercury in it and that it is save and won’t cause autism… or the oil companies surprising the very safe technology of geothermal being an alternative to electrical generation, yet eventually… cause and effect… or to use another term by someone who was dishonest with his findings… Darwinism… and the origin of the species, they will filter out of the genetic “soup”. Hopefully all is well with you and espousing the truth does not get you into hot water…

Salome ; Greetings in peace and wisdom.

PS> Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a$$holes.

Randy Arena (unfortunately, my real name)

Philip Brandel

A great blog topic!
And one that has so much merit in those whom live a life of delusional fantasy, foremost within themselves. As this seems to be a part of the need to be something someone is not, anything to be what one really is. Great way for many to escape mentally whom they really are, partially cowards whom cannot even find the courage/will to be whom they are! Whilst thinking that they are important enough to have to hide and not understand that they are already a prisoner, created by others but solidified and sentenced by oneself. How long will the imprisonment be for?
For a few years went by the ‘call name’, nowsdatym. It seemed in this that it was a formality to bring out some thought of what one thought rather than what and whom one really was. A continuation of the phantasmagoria that rules the day!
What can be found in a real name? Is it not the being of what ones being recognizes. The beginning of trying to sink the inner and outer world together? Crazy non the less the level of disrespect we give to ourselves let alone each other and to me at least it very much stems within. and is associated with this lack of giving one the due respect to be whom they ‘really’ are.

Melissa B

Real names are much better! People hide behind these screen names too often and that’s why over half of everything you read on the internet is hogwash! If people actually had to take accountability for their words, we might have a more truthful society. Good work Michael!

Alan Dilts

Thank you for your tireless work. Heeding the spiritual teaching has been life changing and the greatest gift I have received. My self-worth has increased tenfold.

my thanks and love


MH, this blog is mainly about internet trolls but you didn’t mention trolls in it. Maybe you should have.


Hi Michael,

Well done, it needed to be said. This will keep your blog from being inundated with rubbish (never mind the fantastic waste of time).

Now we can get back to business.


D (colorado_dirk on forums but moved to NZ, so am a misnomer now, ugh)

Michael Basal


As I have stated many times prior, THANK YOU for your tireless work.

And, I fully concur, understand and fully agree with this. I read much of the SB too. I have noted in the 12 recomendations, elsewhere, that of them, several emphasize “truth” strongly. I have long been a seeker of truth, been sidetracked many times, duped a few but never the less resumed course in pursuit of it. I am learning!

Thank you again.


The Judas-lineage Matthew

The vast majority of people practising “astrology”, “numerology”, etc, do not even understand the symbols involved, let alone have they scientifically tested out the efficacy of their method. In order to develop a true astrology or numerology, one must not only get to the bottom of the meaning of symbols, but also test the formulæ by the empirico-deductive method, refining and modifying as needed. Almost all “astrologers”, “numerologers” and the like on this planet, excepting a few obscure ones in India, etc, simply choose to believe in what someone else did a hundred or hundreds of years ago, without understanding or developing it. UFO-skeptics, as well, generally just start with a prejudgment and an authoritative belief, not an open mind, and have simply developed excellent falsification-techniques, “debate” skills, a certain psychopathic paranoia about “hoaxers”, etc. There is little truth to be found in either of these sorts.