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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Regarding Internet Anonymity

Human beings not even worthy of their own names  attack the character of others

Years ago, a friend of mine who was a theatrical director pointed out an interesting thing that is of an even greater magnitude of relevance and importance now. He noted that actors and other live performers run the risk of failure, shame, embarrassment and ridicule every time they do their work, something that most other people rarely experience, and certainly not as a de facto hazard of their daily jobs.

Of course I know these risks all too well as a lecturer and even more so since I’ve recently revived my other career as a singer-songwriter.

While it’s basically unknown to the digital generation, expressing one’s opinion in a letter to the editor, in a newspaper column, etc., also required that the person use…their real name. This is true throughout history.

While it’s also true that a small number of people may have used pseudonyms, it was generally regarded as not only bad form but as pure cowardice to hide behind any kind of anonymity while attacking real people whose names of course were known.

The internet today has helped to breed, allow and even extol cowardice to levels that would have been unimaginable in the past. Such adolescent behavior has fostered an epidemic of intellectual and moral, characterless impotence.

Those who give up their own names, willingly give up their own birthright; they are already bio-chipped, the actual mutilation and control will be a mere formality.

The Excuses

There is a variety of excuses offered, perhaps a couple of which have merit. If someone has a legitimate concern for their safety, which they think would be compromised by posting their real name, photo, etc., then certainly they shouldn’t participate and risk any harm. So long as that is their priority, which of course is reasonable, then at least as far as this blog is concerned they won’t be able to post here. Certainly they’re free to read and derive whatever value they can from it.

The lamest excuses have to do with wanting to be anonymous to the powers that be…who for a long time already have had plenty of access to people’s identities, information, etc., as Billy Meier revealed even before Edward Snowden. It isn’t any protection against government snooping, etc., and actually could be more dangerous if one conducts most of their life online anonymously, because if something happens to them in real life all of their online “friends” may have no way of knowing, helping, etc.

People who take the time and trouble to be real with each other will be way ahead…as the time fulfills.

The anonymous attackers who’ve chosen to not be true human beings, to not matter, to be insignificant casualties of their own careless causality, are cowards who try to hide from others what they can’t escape in themselves. They are sowing what they will reap as deliberate deniers and defamers of the truth.

Sometimes a person will attack the Meier case and use their real name, later probably wishing they hadn’t. Pseudo-scientist Stuart Robbins has been shown to be painfully inaccurate and dead wrong in all his attacks on Meier, having failed to debunk the Jupiter-Io information, as well as information about asteroid Apophis, which NASA is now effectively showing to be correct.

Verifiable Identities Here, Please

I’ve been very busy over the last few weeks with interviews and presentations in Canada and Northern California, etc., in addition to the other things that I do on a regular basis. As such I’ve been not so much moderating the forum as giving blank check approval to comments so as to keep the conversations available to the participants.

However, it has resulted in an unfortunate and excessive amount of disinformation and distraction that is intended to take the conversation away from the topics and, most importantly, from the Meier material and quite specifically the spiritual teaching.

This blog is going to change in as much that I will no longer allow anonymous posting, but only from people whose identities are verifiable. I recommend that you read this information from Dyson Devine, which will help to underscore the reason for and necessity of taking these steps, in case it isn’t clear already.

Obviously the content of those who do post using their true identity will be scrutinized as well. I’m not going to post submissions with all sorts of references to the occult, channeling, conspiracies, unsubstantiated claims about other UFO contact cases and material that isn’t relevant to the topic at hand.

I indulged our friend Astro-Tony for over a year to substantiate his claims about astrology and when that proved less than impressive we received abusive comments, death threats/wishes, etc., from him. There were others, usually with unverifiable identities, who popped up periodically with impotent attacks on the Meier case, as if it was just some sport to defame a person and their character.

It needs to be made clear that I won’t censor a comment just because it disagrees with me. But comments about Meier “hoaxing” his evidence, prophetic information, etc., aren’t going to be posted…unless they contain actual, verifiable substantiation.

This may take a little while to implement effectively so please bear with me.


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Eric Foster

I think many people are not that concerned about government and the spy agencies knowing what they do online. The major worry for alot of people is their jobs, reputations etc.. knowing the fact that every time you look for work, the employer will run your name through every search engine to know more about you, therefore posting on “controversial” sites/forums/blogs can cost you a job, especially if you have a unique and rare name that traces only to you. It is easy and even beneficial to use your real name if you are self employed, own a business etc but if you work in a position where you are constantly under scrutiny, it is wise to use caution.
In an ideal world we should be able to voice our opinnion with our own names and faces and suffer the consequences or reap the rewards for it. I also think anonymity online has its benefits, it breakdowns the barriers of information and gives a voice for those who can not do it with their real identities. It unites people behind common causes, both negative and positive.
If one looks at the list of troll tehniques I posted earlier, it is easy to grasp the motives of a commentator, anonymity or not, and discern wheter the purpose is to cause strive or actually contribute to the topic at hand in a neutral positive, problem solving and information adding manner. The internet has given us the opportunity to use anonymity and as it is the case with us earth people, we have not learned to use it for our collective benefit. I am all for using real identities here and everywhere else when possible but the main focus should be on the content.
On another topic, Turkey is collapsing before our eyes, internally and under the pressure from IS and kurdish separatists. They have not been able to agree on coalition government after the elections. In the Henoch prophecies it is said that Russia will invade Turkey. As a Nato member and now being over run by the same radicals they supported and give free access to fight the Kurds and the Syrian army are now turning their focus north to Turkey, Europe and Russia. The Nato article 5 could be used to expand the war drastically.

Eric Foster

I hear you. There is no abnormal anymore and we have become a “liberal” culture to the extreme, after internet and youtube the barriers disappeared. My point in general is to use caution and to be all around careful in sharing private information. There are alot of people who would like speak up but can not.

Carolyn Snyder

You are entirely right about the need to hide one’s identity for the sake of preserving one’s employment. I’m not sure what will happen to me either if the person I work for types my name into a Google search engine, since if I do use my last name, every post I have put here will be visible. . . . . Anyway, I already made that decision last spring or sometime around there, so I guess it doesn’t matter anymore (as the song goes). . . . .

Philip Brandel

It seems all to often that people also hide plainly for the reason of being cowards, scared, and or afraid of what their fellow delusional ‘humans’ will ‘think’! And being brain washed into thinking that they will loose everything by being whom they really are. Which in many cases could not be farther from the truth! All to often people are more than happy to be ‘truthful’ to themselves, with close friends and acquaintances, yet fall by the wayside when it comes to putting their thoughts into actions within the real world. What is more important in life anyways?
Maybe this is just an observation and one I also must tackle on a daily basis. When do we allow the inner and outer worlds to align and not care what others may think or want. Though obviously this goes into the personal realm and not trying to bring down multi billion dollar, multi national conglomerate corporations, and their crony’s.
What does one have to loose in being themselves and isn’t it in the end a benefit for the individual? Yet, ones again for those willing to ‘dive into it’ isn’t it almost a basic necessity to do this as one is, by ones real name. Not as some fantasy that their family and friends can only further laugh at and ridicule within the absurdity that has been created by naming oneself ‘big daddy grey’? Almost and in no short way this ‘community’ of ufologist is partially in the crapper and ridiculed because of the shallow, soft, afraid, self imprisoned bunch whom soil the field for profit of anything but what the mass of degenerates wants in the first place. Crazy world when being oneself by name is considered dangerous and ‘bad for business’! Yet, have to remember what planet we call home:)

Carolyn Snyder

Work is a strong motivator. . . . .

Philip Brandel

Especially if one works at a church:) Interesting twist as I can barely stand to go into the enormous lies they represent…. but hey, to each their own. For me at least, this also hasn’t all come to be overnight. It took many baby steps also for me to finally break free and not care what others think on the outside(nor inside). I may not get the exposure as many here and or look for it but living free is something that I have always had brewing within me.
I could not imagine trying to find real truthful meaning within the spiritual teachings whilst working at a church…. make it a lot harder though church work I guess is/could be just another droll, monotonous job, well, to me at least I know it would as it has no other true purpose.


I agree with you MH. We must stand up for what we believe as in our princilples. to me this is survival and NOT what Darwin would have believe. We NEED to stick up to and for what we believe no matter what others think and believe so be it!

Daniel Zumon

Hey Terry, that is worthwhile time-value checking 🙂 about Charles Darwin, there were to be fair to him some quite substantial contributions to humanity made in the name of real knowledge, progress and to the modern formation of humanity, most agree that the scientific community and much of the general public were led to accepting evolution as a fact of life by mostly his work as the precursor, despite the fraudulent activities which let him down specifically on carving the ape bones to boost a books notoriety and the evolutionary movement having only an indirect relation to his writings, and sometimes even went directly against his express comments.

And everything will be checked before it is adopted.

You’re welcome to study these subjects if you wish: Common descent in evolutionary biology, speciation, taxonomy etc. But consciousness evolution as taught by BEAM is probably the most valuable, as you say 🙂


P.S.” I`ll stick to my phasers no matter what anyone says and does and be damned for who and what we really are not of this world. The cabals and shills be damned!”


Michael et al,

In anonymously publishing Common Sense in 1775, was Thomas Paine embodying cowardice?

Writing under a pseudonym is part and parcel of some of the format’s greatest attributes – an ability to speak of the most controversial, taboo, personally risky, politically incorrect, heretical and power group threatening matters to large audiences without necessarily or immediately sacrificing social, financial and career energy systems.

Michael, you ask for those interested in actively participating in the discussion of Mr. Meier’s highly controversial case to fall on their swords with every comment, holding up your own highly public visibility as the standard. Yet your situtation is entirely different.

You’ve chosen advocacy of Mr. Meier’s case and claims as your lifestyle, as your apparently primary means of generating income, and your near to sole purpose. When you receive criticism and attacks, you gain a net benefit both to your position’s propagation and financial circumstance, whereas others who don’t have such a stake in Mr. Meier are set to potentially lose by even a loose association.

You cannot overcome the frustration and challenge of your chosen path by laying the onus on your audience.


Philip Brandel

WM though I think Michael did a more than ample job explaining things to you it seems I cant resist saying a little as well.
This crap you have written above is exactly why this world is partially in the situation it is. Written like a true stock holder to some big fancy company that has nothing to loose in destroying everything, including the truth! Fall on the sword? More like stab thy neighbor in the back with it, whilst cowardly running away pointing at the guy casually jogging by. How is change towards the better ever going to come to be while we think of everything and everyone but ourselves and the ‘truth’ we belong to, no matter where it may come from! Seems so many are so happy and have so much to hide from while our world is destroyed and the most degenerate of the bunch run our planet into the ground, unopposed by these shallow, afraid, delusional cowards whom cant even be themselves let alone come together and make the correct changes individually….. together. Seems it is within our leaders a reflection of our societies as a hole. Scared, afraid, soft, materialistic, delusional, profit oriented, cowards to anything but what the ‘share holders’ want. Where, oh where is the real human in this equation? We have seen the number…. the glimpse of reality of the situation we find ourselves in. Now it seems we need to start to see the humans behind it… the individuals and their real selves, names and all.


WM, well said! You’ve clearly stumped people, because they’ve retreated into name-calling mode again.

Philip Brandel

Stumped? More like tired of the same old BS…. Guess some will fall on the sword while others will plainly see their reflection in it, for what it is no matter whom may say it, as a real, verifiable person!
Speaking of cowards and anonymous know it all’s…. why not let the moshe out of the bag? To scared? Or can’t stand on two feet being for or against the case. Who cares anyways, its all just a bunch of hog wash anyways, right? Or do you secretly have more invested in all this than will admit troll of the mosh.


MH has indicated that he won’t publish my opinions on Billy Meier. However, in a previous comment, I was unambiguous.

In your comment about me being invested in the Meier case, are you suggesting that I’m on the payroll of the Men in Black who falsified Meier’s photos?

Philip Brandel

I guess you are right there mosh…. You come here ambiguous in my opinion in all things but your stance on Billy Meier’s photos and evidence. Clear as day there!!! And to stick with the theme of this blog post, I just think you are a typical internet coward. Not in as much as what you think of information we ALL can asses rather equally this day and age. It seems to go beyond the norm of what most people would wish to ‘put themselves out into’ than bickering over pictures, dates. In this, coming to a place like Michael’s site, claiming the things you do at its most requires(or should) that one is at least whom they say they are! Maybe you are just some bored pastor, living in his/her moms basement. Just sick and tired of people bashing ‘god’ and there is no way on gods green earth this can be real, or tolerated. Let alone what all the other people around you would think if they knew what and whom you were writing with. A little to taboo maybe in its basic form? Why does the troll of the mosh have to patrol? Or is he really Mahesh…
In a weird way it is as if we are stumped together there mosh. If information such as Billy Meiers connects all things humanity should be striving for within many spheres of our world…. why oh why do we focus on the fodder, whilst not being brave enough to be whom we are… here? Does it really matter in the end whom is saying it correctly, rather that they are? Is one dense enough to think that Meier is being followed blindly… wait, don’t answer that one:)
Don’t worry, if you wish you will get to know who I am as I really could care less. Maybe that is the problem… in reality you just don’t care at all one way or another! I know it is hard to reply as this is Michael’s blog and he has given you ample space to have your say…. as much as it isn’t shared by many of us here.
A real, verifiable name will suffice.
Philip Brandel, 33 years old, Minneapolis Minnesota, If on Facebook, as I have looked you up ones when you did give a last name(though to many choices). My picture is of my daughter and me and I am holding one of my nieces.



Not sure if those are truly your initials, but I suspect they are. If MH would be so kind to forward me your reply privately if not publically, that would help my study… 🙂

At this point, another quote may be relevant to this entire thread:

“He who knows others is clever;
He who knows himself has discernment.”
– LT

Carolyn Snyder

I guess maybe FIGU wants to know who’s posting on this Blog after all. . . . .

Carolyn Snyder

I’ll be willing to wager that Billy and his team are following your Blog!

Billy Wilson

Michael, Thank You for having the wisdom to ask us to use our real names, I have done so here and on the Figu site from day one. From working with computers and electronics since 1974 I can tell everyone that a fake name does not create a unbreakable mask, that is a illusion. What it does do is stop everyone from making a connection that is real in any from. As for Dyson, I made his mistake and willing paid the price, but after watching a stranger being handcuffed and being mistreated for events I sit into motion reminded me that is not going to be a easy change for this nation, and one that it will not be able to endure. Most if not all of it’s heros are actors, professional liars by trade. I do not choose this path, my name is Billy Jack Wilson, I live in Asheville, North Carolina (,+Asheville,+NC+28804/@35.630494,-82.607676,43m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x88598ba71d223c7d:0xa7ef73e18695c17c!6m1!1e1 ) this is my home which I cleared with my own hands. And for those not wanting to use their names please read (
Billy Wilson

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Mike, can you give me advice on how the 3rd principle can be attained if oneself is falling from a cliff, or experiencing the future San Francisco super earthquake?

Billy Wilson

Darcy Wade Carlile, Thank you for reading my post and being open to expanding an reinforcing your knowledge. Michael did not bring up the Seven Principles for the Aspiring One, I did. It would be great if enough people wanted to workout how these wonderful gems can be applied in realworld situations. Maybe Michael would find this subject would warrant opening part of his blog to it. I mint for it to be used within the confines of this line of thought patterns set-up by Michael. We have to work hard to change our relationships to each other an how to control our thoughts in the moment.The answer to your question is explained in my reference. My question is what did you let happen within your thoughts? I battle with my sub-conscious everyday,my life time of wrong programing is proving to be a tough nut to crack and hard for me to reprogram..
Best Wishes to you.
Billy Wilson



Do you or anyone know who “Ben Blijleven” is beside facebook? Checked facebook and google only very limited information shows up. His five translations on futureofmankind all showed up in March 2015.

I’m curious as to his linguistic background. 🙂


Ah, what of the more important question — is he fluent in both English and Swiss German?



How do YOU battle your subconscious, if you care to share?

Billy Wilson

(1)The Psyche by Billy Meier
(4) Mediation and concentration exercises
Just a search on the futureofmankind website for the word subconscious will have you reading for weeks, plus great stuff can be found here on Michael’s search engine. Remember the phases ,hear no evil, see no evil, feel no. evil or sticks and stones can hurt you but words never will, Wrong answer the material subconscious does not filter nor rest. But this is really off topic about who we are and whether or not we want stay anonymous.
Peace to you and yours
Billy Wilson


Since we are deviating from topic, I’ll continue over at the Questions and Answers thread….


Hey Darcy,What`s the 3rd principle? Never heard of the 3rd princilple?

Shawn Bineau

I had the third principal when I transferred to another school for the second time. It didn’t seem that spiritual at all. I must of overlooked the value this could of had for me, but again I was busy being trained for distraction by paying attention.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The 3rd principle I am guessing is talking about every day life and not about special situations in life.

Piyali Ganguly

There goes Sheila (Justsayno) again ranting on here too about Eddie, just because she had a not very good experience with a couple of them…generalizing like this and bad mouthing someone behind their back, goes completely against the Spiritual Teaching. You know nothing about Eddie, so quit bad mouthing him. You do not know anything about why Eddie can or cannot be a Figu member…that depends on him based on his own personal reasons, which has nothing to do with your sorry misinformed description of Free Masons. So please do not use a Figu links to try and tell everyone here why Eddie cannot become a Figu Passive Member!

Thank you Matthew for sharing the Q&A about the Free Mason. Hopefully Sheila will have a better understanding and stop clobbering Eddie, who is not even here to say something on his own behalf everytime she attacks him at every opportunity she gets.

“there will be certain individuals among the great number of Freemasons who are living for their own selfish objects and are striving for goals that are sinister and not for the good of humankind. But this claim may also matter with all groups of people within religions, political parties, sects, etc. etc. The Freemasons are really a harmless organizations.”

Eddie is not the selfish kind Sheila, so get off your high horse!

“There are many people who are searching for conspiracy where there is none. And such people may also be found among the readers of this forum” – are you one of them Sheila?


In case you’re unclear on the concept Piyali, Eddie cannot have a passive membership into FIGU unless he gives up his Freemason membership. He claims he will never give up his Freemason membership. Do you understand?

Carolyn Snyder

I guess the same would apply to me who is a member of the Roman Catholic church.

Matthew Deagle

Carolyn, if you read German I recommend the book “Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens”, wherein Billy compares Catholic cathecisms to the spirit-teaching/Geisteslehre.

Matthew Deagle

Even if you don’t read German I recommend buying it and translating it word-for-word by yourself with the help of a dictionary.

Carolyn Snyder

Billy’s membership requirements are stringent. . . . You must not belong to any religious or quasi-religious organization, even if for whatever reason this is where your work has taken you. He requires that people give up all religious beliefs and affiliations and adhere only to the “spiritual teachings”. With this he excludes some people who may be helpful to him, even though they call themselves Christians or Masons or. . . . whatever.

Piyali Ganguly

Dear Michael, with regard to your post based on: “Some comments on Dyson’s post” posted on July 26, 2015 at 4:25 pm., I just want to say, thank you, that was very well thought out an written. I concur with your thoughts about first being an example before judging others harshly. I am also very opposed to people insulting another behind their back, no matter what. Have a beautiful day. 🙂 Salome.

Piyali Ganguly

Oh wow, beautiful song and once I again I do agree with you. I have many challenges myself, but those behaviors I strongly oppose to, I practice myself, because I had to learn them the hard way too. 🙂 I am by no means perfect, it is perhaps why I have gradually simmered down over the years from being explosive in the past. 🙂 Yes, I agree with your words and I love the song. 🙂

Piyali Ganguly

Indeed. 🙂

Piyali Ganguly

Are you a Passive Member Sheila? I am. And who told you he cannot be a Passive Member? Did Billy or a Core Group member? Clarify it for me if you want me to understand, or I will for you when I visit the Center next year again! Please clarify if you want me to understand, instead of misusing Figu Bulletins this way to justify your erroneous opinions!


If you were actually following along you would have seen that Eddie was waiting for his passive membership to be approved. Later on he said he would never give up his Freemason membership. He is not a passive member. Do you really need to bother Billy about this?

Piyali Ganguly

Oh yes, when you and people like you spread vicious lies about another human being, assassinate their character behind their back based on poor understanding, based on your distorted assumptions, it is worth asking Billy or a core group member in the know how. Your explanation here defies logic. This comment of yours is so shallow, I don’t even know what to think about it, so I quit. I do not know who you are and have no desire to engage with you further.

Piyali Ganguly

And Sheila, which part of Matthew’s post did you not understand? Ignoring even the Q&A he posted with regard to the Free Masons are you? Continuing on with your insults are you?

Wow, your kind of mind is beyond my comprehension and one that would be wise for me to ignore. If I’d known you are throwing the same insults here in this forum at others like you were doing at our Figu English Forum, I would have refrained from commenting to Michael’s blog in this forum in the first place, and just written to him privately. Your posts are so ignorant I cannot believe I have to read them again!


In that Q & A Matthew posted it also claims the same “conspiracy” associated with chemtrails. Do you see how many people on the English FIGU forum that keep posting about chemtrails? One is even a moderator. So Billy’s answer should be heeded and not another word should be spoken about it right? So why are they still talking about it then? I really don’t care what you think about me. Because you know I’m going to ask you again, dId you ever figure out the correct translation of “hur”?
Really Matthew is that all you’ve got? A threat of a lawsuit? Bring it on unless, of course you’re not man enough.


1) Yes and they’re wrong. 2) No, because I have first-hand experience of the subject and Billy’s information confirms what I and many others, mainly those with first-hand experience, already know. 3) Because they don’t know 4) You never asked 5) No 6) Maybe if you stopped barking up the wrong tree, you’d see the funny side.

Sheila Clark

Matthew, the first paragraph was in response to Piyali’s post and numbers 1 to 4 are for her. In response to you – I was using the chemtrails as an example. I do know for a fact that the insurance (specifically hail) companies were spraying silver iodide around here because I used to be in the insurance biz. # 4 because Piyali claims that Dyson’s translation of “hur” is incorrect although she has never been able to come up with a better translation.
Only in America do people sue for hurt feelings. And a big reason why so many Americans are unable to speak their mind. Funny that’s always the first thing that people like you say, Matthew Deagle when someone hurts your feelings. Are you related to Bill Deagle?

Piyali Ganguly

My dear Sheila, in response to your same old tiresome question to me, and by the way the correct spelling is “hure”, I had already given you my answer at the Figu English forum. Did you not read it? If you haven’t, go back and read it. Do the hard work. Find our for yourself.

There is a reason why I did not accept Dyson’s translation, and that reason was, it was a comment based on a translation without the German original verse from OM Cannon, a comment that did not read well.

Dyson, however, very kindly came to the Figu Forum, after apparently receiving complaints about me that I was supposedly insulting his character, which was never the case, and gave me the German original cannon, with a very nice message, so I could have a better understanding. For this I thank him always, very sincerely.

While Sheila, you are stuck on the word “hure” , I wanted to know in what context was the word used and why. And I was not going to say “Yes” to Dyson’s translation blindly without understanding it myself. This goes for all translations, including of others that I read and study and think about.

I had and have no quarrel with Dyson at all, I simply did not agree with his comment, which has nothing to do with who he is as a human being. But I found myself getting really frustrated and irritated with Sheila and a couple others and then like school children they run to Dyson complaining about me. Really!

Since then I have discussed this cannon with other long time Passive members, and I have my own understanding of the content, both of which is nothing close to what you think or what Dyson had implied.

Now are you calling me a “hure” repeatedly, by asking me repeatedly what this specific word means Sheila? Why are you so hung up on it? You do not care what others think…of course you don’t, because you have very little caring and regard for yourself and hence about others. You don’t care about the mud being thrown at you, and you stoop to the same level yourself. We have a Chief Minister in the State of West Bengal, India, much like you. She does not give a damn about what anyone thinks about her and she herself says and does whatever she pleases and has unleashed a reign of terror in that State. She is one angry woman, much like you. Wow! And we are supposed to have a peaceful relation in this way? I feel very sorry for you Sheila. Do you read the Figu material, because if you do, you would know that there is a fine line between speaking the honest truth without sugar coating and being downright rude and insulting. Do you know the difference? You crossed it with me and others and that’s a shame.

I hope Michael will allow this response to you, because I need to know your reason and please do not give what I think about Dyson’s translation as an excuse!

Friends, this woman came at me, when I did not accept Dyson’s remark on this word “Hure”, which he had posted years ago in the Figu English Forum, without giving the German original. As someone, who is new compared to him, with regard to the Meier Material, I was going through the archives there for my own study purposes and came upon Dyson’s comments which was very unseemly and irresponsibly written. I did not know where his comments were coming from. I do not know who Dyson is, but I know that in the past I was very grateful to read his translations, hence I was shocked at his comment based on, what I was later told, a Cannon in the OM book, which in translation it reads about women who put on makeup are whores, putting it in the simplest of terms. However, it’s comprehension is not as simple at all and not so literal. The Plajaren women also use makeup in their own way. No Sheila, I will not give you the source from where I know this, do the work yourself.

I had then proceeded to give my own example in the Figu English Forum, as someone who enjoys make up and that I was the only one with it at the Semjase-Silver-Star Center the first time I was there. Actually there were a couple other ladies who had their lips colored. Nothing was wrong with it. I come from a culture where women like to put on makeup and I will apply makeup till the end of my days! No one there, not Billy, not the Core Group members, not the other Passive Members, treated me disrespectfully, if anything they were very warm, welcoming and loving. Sheila, then began to come after me in earnest with her twisted mind. She can have her own opinions about it, but when she becomes unnecessarily insulting based on her own sorry interpretations and understanding, she takes it to a whole new level. This is dangerous, esp. if someone who is new goes to her for any explanation with regard to the Meier Material, he/she would receive a very distorted and misunderstood version. Disgusting as I find her words and actions, I can only laugh and shake my head and let it go. Some people are just like that.

I realized that what the cannon means and what Sheila and some others may understand, are not the same at all.

Translations are one thing, but comprehending it’s meaning are an entirely different matter, for nothing is literal. I can write much about this, but I will not give Sheila anymore satisfaction.

One can read the best translations in the world and still not have the meaning clear to him or her at all. There are many layers to Billy’s writings and it is all about studying it, contemplating it, comprehending it and applying it, at the level each of us are at, for our own benefit and growth. To take a verse or an article from the Figu material and the Spiritual Teaching and throw it at someone to insult them or humiliate them, personally or in public, is beyond pale and completely going against the laws of Creation. What she is doing is causing “Ausartung” and I for one, after this response, which I took the time to write, will no longer engage in.

Michael, you have once again allowed Sheila her comment at me, so please allow this response from me to her. She needs to know from me. I do not know if she is a Passive Member, whether she studies the Figu/Meier materials and the Spiritual Teaching herself or not. But if she does, she is a very sorry example to me, one I have no more desire to know or communicate with. Thank you.

Matthew Deagle

That is not Matthew Deagle (me), but a different Matthew (Matthew Knight I believe). And I have never sued anyone. And, however, yes, I am related to Bill Deagle (he is my father), and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. He sells some of the highest quality vitamins available in the USA, which interestingly have the correct proportions according to Ptaah. Even for his religious and New Age tendencies (not uncommon in California, mind you), he does after all have a medical degree and, as I said, is in some ways closer to the truth than your average doctor.


“The Plajaren women also use makeup in their own way.”

That doesn’t sound correct.

Matthew Deagle

As I said, my dad may be in some ways eccentric (although actually pretty normal for California), but he does have a degree in biochemistry and a medical degree, and you can confirm the validity of his vitamin-formulas by deferring to the contact-notes. Also, although he is somewhat indiscriminate with his radio-show, he has had some people on there that do need to be heard, e.g. interestingly he has Dyson’s hero Michael Hoffman on pretty often. But yeah, because I upset Dyson 9 years ago that means it is all a conspiracy and I am an evil Jew that puts baby-blood in my matzos, etc, etc. Give me a break, paranoids.