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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

An Open Letter to a Friend about Illegal Immigration

Chaos will become the order of the day, because it was too…uncomfortable for us to create and maintain proper order, when we had the chance

Below I’ve copied a recent letter of mine to an old friend, a very solid, intelligent, witty man who long served his community as a physician, as well as doing charitable work, and who’s truly caring and compassionate. My letter was in the context of our discussion about illegal immigration.  I decided to post it because it reflects my thinking about the subject, which is and will be ever more in the news:

Dear Dick,

We were simply educated incorrectly. Politics and religion saturate our lives and negatively affect our thinking.

Like you, I was raised with hope, optimism, a sense of humaneness, fairness, racial equality, etc. It was called/considered a liberal viewpoint.

We end up romanticizing many irresponsible people, some turn out to be criminals. As I may have previously mentioned, in my transition from a directionless life to one of self-responsibility, single parenthood, etc., I did all sorts of low-end jobs like restaurants, car washes, janitorial work, etc. Many of the people I worked with were illegals…and some of the nicest people ever.

But essentially they were indeed also irresponsible, coming here illegally simply as economic refugees. They sought an actually easier way than dealing with the problems created in their own countries by overpopulation, religious delusion, poor education, governmental corruption, etc. They failed to recognize things like refraining from having children unless and until they could actually afford to. And of course they failed to recognize their duty to improve their own life…in their own country.

When people – now hordes of people – who all suffer from such deficiencies, irresponsibility, immaturity, etc., effectively invade a country to attain the comforts they haven’t worked to attain in their own country, it’s a clear recipe for disaster…bleeding, compassionate hearts notwithstanding.

Would we welcome an invading army that was intent on taking over all that we had attained? Sure, the illegals may not have that intention…but the effect is much the same, though different in form for the most part. Of course we see that for many it’s the same intent. And in our dreamy, dopey rush to multiculturalism/diversity for its own sake – having nothing to do with standards of quality, contribution, etc. – now openly hostile elements (La Raza, etc.) gain a quick foothold.

We lack a few things, such as honest self-reflection whereby we analyze and carefully examine our own deepest motives, conditioning and, of course…liberal guilt. We want to feel good about being humane, unlike those nasty right-wingers. The difference turns out to be that the hierarchies of the Democrats love the open borders in order to gain more voters and the Republicans, strangely enough, also supports it for cheap labor.

Neither side really gives a damn about humaneness, compassion, self-responsibility, etc.

We also lack an understanding of how life really works. There actually is a discernible order to to life when we take the time to observe it, to observe nature. Things progress in certain orderly ways, whether observing microorganisms, insects, plants, animals, etc. One of the things that nature doesn’t do is overpopulate, flood areas with life forms in imbalanced and unbalancing ways. Should such a thing start to occur, should disorder arise, nature balances it out.

People are different. We created religion and politics, which violate the natural order, create divisiveness, struggles for advantage, strife, wars, wars and more wars. And through overpopulation, various imbalances occur which, supported and promoted by the religions and politics, lead many to violate the territory, rights, space, etc., of others. Hence illegal immigration, the conditioned response to which for the liberal-left leaning, is to get all teary-eyed, righteously “humane” and…suicidally stupid.

We do effectively look down on the (economic) illegals, as unfortunate, inept “children”, for whom we must have false compassion…at the clear, inevitable cost of the breakdown of what many hardworking people have suffered to create.

So is there no “heartless” answer?

Of course there is but it will be emotionally uncomfortable for many who see themselves as champions of the poor and downtrodden, etc. That answer is to offer assistance to the countries and peoples, in the form of education in their own countries, as to how to set up a system through which they can rightfully attain the goals that they define and set for themselves.

Education, at the invitation of those who aspire to have what they perceive that we have and that they desire. Certainly, whatever elements of the system that they wish to retain, or eliminate, are up to them.

Unfortunately, we’ve passed the point of no return in terms of the effect of our own causes. The pendulums are swinging back, in many cases quite wildly, and our country will eventually have the civil wars, long predicted by those who actually understand cause and effect and who’ve tried to warn us, largely to no avail.

For coming attractions, we can watch what’s happening in Europe too.

To truly do good may look very different from dogooder-ism, it may require great patience and also be uncomfortable as we have to stand back watch, attempt to advise, guide, etc., in the midst of certainly real pain and suffering. Real compassion doesn’t mean that we won’t agonize, feel frustrated, tempted to something, anything to stop…our discomfort and feeling of helplessness. Rational self-interest – such as will allow us to assist with real help in time – must prevail.

That will also require that we flush the delusional, destructive religious and political “thinking” out of our systems…which will be a very tall order for many. And it must be done eventually, even as we recognize that certain things are now inevitable and indeed past the point of no return.

Real leadership – as we’ve pointed our for some time – will not come from the top down. It actually doesn’t matter who becomes president, the agenda is set for more destruction and the real powers behind the screen are dedicated to their own equally delusional, very dead-end outcome. Unfortunately we’re riding on the same bus that they are.

And don’t expect that all those “poor people” we thought we were so compassionately saving and rescuing are going to rush to save us as things break down. Chaos will become the order of the day, in no small part because it was too…uncomfortable for us to create and maintain proper order, when we had the chance.



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Ron Watson

Brilliantly and lucidly expressed. Always admire your courage, wit and clarity by which you educate others. Keep being the clarion call to those who sleep.
Your friend, Ron

Sheila Clark

Excellent letter Michael and so very true. I’ve been spreading Billy’s information about the 14,000 + sleeper cells in Europe, soon to be coming to a town/city near you, me and everyone.

Carolyn Snyder

You are essentially right in your observations of the effect of largely uneducated and unhappy immigrants on the established populations of the world. I will digress for a bit. Back when WW II ended, Europe was in a situation where most of the economy had been destroyed and whole populations were starving and unemployed. It was thought at that time that creating an integrated coal and steel community between France and Germany would not only help to re-create a working economy but also that economic ties between the two countries would prevent future conflict. A few years later it was decided that it would be good to add other countries to this union, and so the European Economic Community was created. For a while this economic union seemed to benefit everybody, that is until countries with a lower overall economic output and populations who were, let’s say less “industrious” were added to the mix.

The EEC allowed for the free transfer of goods and workers across borders. What happened as a result is that you ended up with huge ghettos of foreign workers in every German city (I’ll talk about Germany since that’s the country I’m familiar with). . . . ghettos which were not dissimilar to the Jewish ghettos of former times, in the sense that the people who lived in those ghettos didn’t really mingle with the indigenous (einheimisch) population. They took the jobs that the indigenous people didn’t really want to do, however thereby also increasing the unemployment rate among the indigenous population. A German housekeeper was replaced by a Yugoslavian housekeeper who worked for half the salary! This happened everywhere, because these people from relatively impoverished countries were used to working for a lower wage than the Germans/French/Swiss. . . . .

The same thing happens in America, where every year tens of thousands of migrants come into the country to do labor (farm or industrial) which no American wants to do (at least not for the wage these migrants are being paid). So who’s at fault? If the Americans don’t want Hispanics in their country, they should be paying their own people a fair and living wage to do these jobs! And IMO there’s something to be said for the idea that capitalism creates a society where there are extremely wealthy upper classes and extremely poor lower classes. These class divisions then create conflict and ultimately war. . . . as Karl Marx correctly surmised. So, removing the migrants and illegal immigrants isn’t going to solve anything, as long as the big-time capitalist pigs are in charge of the economy. And electing one of the biggest capitalist pigs into the presidency is not going to solve the problem either! Whatever Trump trumps about his plans for America, just remember that he’s one of the richest men in America and when he gets into office he’s not going to be a champion for the poor and downtrodden American worker. Putting up a wall against Mexico will be expensive and won’t solve the illegal migrant problem. . . . why they’ll just arrive by boat instead!

Just a few thoughts for the day. . . . . Keep up the good work, you are a brave soul!

Norman DeCindis

Great read Michael.

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs –

Oscar Lemus

The times are indeed changing rapidly, at this rate, the civil wars here in the u.s will indeed have a high chance of occurring at the least next 5+ years

Terry Carch

Terrific essay MH. I think this was one of your very best. Time to do away with religion and politics since all religions and politics make everything on Earth worse. We need to star thinking alternativies if we want to avoid civil wars and WW3 etc. This vast cosmic universe(s) wasn`t made for such stupid ideas such as religons, poilitics,corporations, militarism. We need to learn to become much more spiritual and learn all we can about the laws of Creation etc if we want to travel to the stars soon.

todd markus

anyone interested in combating illegal immigration through the legal system should look at websites and

Robert Dawson

I thought that this was an excellently constructed observation and argument on the disadvantages of illegal immigration and have shared it with my many friends in the UK.

matt lee

Hi Michael
How have you been.
I don’t think we have an immigration problem.
What is illegal immigration anyway truly.
Where we do have a problem is regionalism, compartmentalisation of earth through extreme materialism and divisionalism.
Why if Creation created all the wonders of the universe and a freewill for mankind to be aware of himself through his consciousness and selfconsciousness can’t he also roam free as a bird on earth where he was born.
One earth one mankind within one universe so shouldn’t the whole universe be his domain to seek, find, discover, learn, search, experience, share, receive, give, be and to go anywhere as he pleases without being so chained by economic concerns that in the grand scheme of things is so trivial.
I am sure that the Timars and the Plejaren don’t reject any race of people compatible with their level of development on economic grounds to their home soil.
And certainly I don’t think they have any countries like here on earth where everything is divided by an imaginary lines and on racial grounds.
Is it because we judge and value things predominantly based on economics and materialistic grounds that we throw around words such as irresponsibility and lack of accountability on illegal immigrants when really the root cause lies with certain groups of people taking away these people’s rights and freedom through oppression, suppression, repression, depression, and dominion over them to find out for themselves what they are.
We have earth as the true home of earthlings.
Earth before countries and its non negotiable.
What should be the norm is for us to share our individual and collective achievements globally not regionally.
I would love all of us to think universely and not just globally but I guess being stuck between an imaginary line we will remain like the tadpole where our domain both spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and mentally doesn’t extend beyond our tight confined space of creek.

Carolyn Snyder

The whole universal love issue is a problem for me too. What about the people who just aren’t lovable? The whole unconditional love phenomenon, so common among the “new age” group is leading to problems: what to do with hoards of demanding, not-so-nice people who want to live with us? We are supposed to love and accept everybody unconditionally. We are told that if we don’t do this, we are akin to “Nazis” or fascist dictators, who set boundaries and limits to who’s acceptable and who isn’t. The reason Germany has to accept all these illegal migrants/refugees from everywhere, is really because in the past German governments set boundaries as to who was acceptable to be “German”. There doesn’t seem to be any middle ground here either. As soon as you start erecting barriers to immigrants (legal or illegal) someone’s going to have a dispute with you.

todd markus

well put Mr. Horn. Anyway I thought Billy has said that multiculturalism is nothing more than the death of a main culture and should never be accepted because it would be against creations law. The creation wants all cultures to survive until the end. People and different cultures are supposed to help each other out and be kind but they are not to mix, I beleive this is what I read sometime back in the CR.

matt lee

hey Michael for the sake of the argument I destroyed their home first does it then give me some special previledges to prevent them from doing the same to me?

Sheila Clark

Where ya been matt?

Andrew Grimshaw

I think Matt has been over at want to know, learning how sex when not having sex can raise one’s consciousness to that of a starchild reptilian Venusian. ROFPMSLOL!

matt lee

oh give me some slack Andrew I am half way there.
Btw try rolling on ice laughing next time as you might have second thoughts about the p***ing part.

Andrew Grimshaw

Hey Matt
I am genuinely joyful to see you back, I was a tad worried we had lost you to the bunk over there. I saw your link on the figu forum. I looked around on that site too in the past, and whilst I found the secrets of suppression, valuable; I had to run a mile when I came across the likes of the following:
wanttoknow info/inspiration/sacredsexuality

matt lee

Thanks Andrew good to see a Grimshaw Still kicking about here and none the gimmer

matt lee

hi Sheila how are ya
oh i was busy stirring the pot elsewhere but its good to be back in this pot doing the same to Michael
How have things been in your neck of the woods?

Sheila Clark

Haha of course you were. Well glad you’re back. As of yesterday 1,438,250 acres of forests have burned and no end in sight.

matt lee

Good to see you gals and guys again.
Holly shimolly I thought the giant hole above the North Pole and Antarctica/Australia was bad.
Oh now I get it Sheila you guys are running out of water up there like here in OZ.

Philip Brandel

Glad to hear you got back to Australia Matt… wondered how long you would stay in Korea…. you close enough ever to run into any of the FIGU friendly folk down there?

matt lee

hi Philip how are you.
To answer your question no not yet this country is smaller than the US and Canada but its still a big sunburnt country.
Maybe the plejaren have other ideas for Australia and waiting for those consciousness revolutionaries to come who will make more of an impact to society in the future than the current crop of people who are just laying the groundwork I guess hence the very very separated few in number.

Bruce Lulla

MH — what did your old friend say in response to your words?

Sheila Clark

I guess they would both help if the plan was suicide. That’s probably why our liberal government is wanting to get the assisted dying bill passed ASAP. And religions well, we know from the contact reports that when the going gets tough, the religious will off themselves.

matt lee

this is exactly what my devout catholic uncle said to me when he told me to come to his church I figured why argue with the religious when its not going to get anyway and seeing as he believed his own statement to be true I agreed with him out of familial respect but threw a spanner at the end of my agreement saying that ‘I heard that there is no god for how else could all the prayers by millions of people go unanswered’

Darcy Wade Carlile

I really hope the people of Earth try to realise the monstrous world overpopulation catastrophe is the cause of all these myriad problems we face in the world today. I think that this is the correct thought to send out and I hope it goes viral into the world of thoughts out there.

Darcy Wade Carlile

P.S. I actually wish this thought goes viral in the worst form possible and also feel this self defense is being an optimistic approach to decipher the true value from the truth that has been erroneously donated to suicide belief donors of false teachings in past dead peoples beliefs and darkness thoughts that create the pollution of the Earth today in the ever forwarding present time.

Darcy Wade Carlile

I know we all depend on each other too… no matter what gang we are in belief of in the material world and other worldly BEING.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Including bionic cyborgs like Steve Austin the 6 Million Dollar Man.

Terry Carch

Hey Darcy, Why not put the overpopulation warning on You Tube so more people will get the message that we should not be breeding like cats,dogs,rabbits, etc,etc,etc.

Terry Carch

MH,I think your friend is “VERY VERY DEAD WRONG!” It`s high time to stop preaching politics,relogions etc. You need to tell him what Billy has taught you and the rest of us about the very dangers that politics and religions does to people, turn people into slaves,drugs people, and makes people subservient to the authority of religion,politis and so on as kings and queens did during the Middle Ages when kings and queens had vassals and cers to serve them as if they were slaves etc. Unfortunately this is still going on in this day and age(the rich 1% against the poor99%) etc. Call it brain washing!

Laura Boyd

At the end of ‘The Price is Right’, Drew Carey says, “Please be sure to spay and neuter your pets and help control the pet population.” Well, what should also be said is ‘Please spay or neuter yourself to help control the human population.’ In our little family, we did this. Point being, it’s blatantly obvious that whilest it is sad to see all these refugees dying in the Mediterranean, it IS a really disheartening form of population reduction. It really bugs me that I have to keep telling people that too much human population results in more wars, less resources, less jobs, more strife, etc. Hopefully, they listen..

Matt Knight

Religious women do procreate much more than women who are not religious. That is why tight immigration laws are so important for non religious countries.

Due to their beliefs, religious women will not be killing as many foetuses, as harsh as that sounds, and so will not experience the possible conscious and unconscious effects of that to the same extent as Western women. Few women can, or, will take the less-travelled path and remain childfree. That can only lead to the annihilation of non-religious women.

Our current policies around abortion means that religious mothers have more opportunities for peace and so to come into their femininity, so, Western women have to deal with the consequences of extreme liberalism and open-door policies, as Western men do faced with the more potent masculine immigrant male.

Why is the 21st day not known about, or, adhered to by abortion laws, especially as scientists recognise that the 21st day after conception is the time that the nervous system “kicks in” and the heartbeat starts 3 or 4 days later, but, a woman can abort for weeks after that in the West? The result is the misery we have today.

Matt Knight

Of course, but, when time has passed for the other methods, or, the women did not know, burst condoms, irregular periods (if using rhythm), or, many other factors, or, they had sex with their partner and had no protection and the mood took them and they wanted to abort, the law gives them the wrong information and the effects on the psyche must that of when anyone kills a human being – according to the information from Billy?

Sheila Clark

There’s also Plan B aka the morning after pill which makes the uterus inhospitable for life to start.

Matt Knight

That’s true. Women without such easy access to the pill will not suffer the effects of the pill though, and the sex will not always be therefore based on intercourse as religious women do not have babies at a rate of one per year, but, western women have got so addicted to dildos that sex seems incomplete without penetration and whatever the effects of the pill may be, I would bet not good and hardly recognised. Big pharma hardly has a good track record.

There are also those that took the wrong pill cause they were drunk, tired, not paying attention, were travelling abroad, where the man did not ejaculate but sperm was released and where they did not realise, where ejaculate entered the woman whilst drunk after sober, protected, sex and where the last few days waiting for the next period to arrive is crucial in terms of the 21 days.

Yes, this must be a rare thing, but, I still think the completely incorrect abortion advice and laws can cause devastating effects that are not recognised. Just my opinion.

Matt Knight

Done a bit more research on abortion.

Most birth defects are not detected until at least the second half of the first trimester of pregnancy (6-12 weeks).

That’s 3 weeks after spirit form enters the foetus (21 days), according to Billy.

We are, therefore, already well into a programme of Eugenics and the clinical and cold promotion of unrecognised murder, with its undetected effects on the psyche of women, in order to disregard, in our own offspring, the devastating effects of Big Pharma and Big Oil and climate change and we do it through abortion laws and through clinical, professional-looking, programmes. For example…

“Diagnostic test
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)Chorionic villus sampling. Doctors can use this test to look at cells in the placenta. CVS can be done between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.”

“Medication abortion (also referred to as medical abortion) is the termination of pregnancy with use of medications alone rather than surgery. Mifepristone, an antiprogestin, is approved for use in the United States, in combination with misoprostol, for the termination of pregnancies up to 70 days of gestation. First-trimester medication abortion beyond 70 days is associated with a lower efficacy and requires in-hospital supervision.”

The British Medical Journal (highly respected in the UK) has the following figures…
“A small but important proportion of abortions are performed for serious maternal medical conditions or fetal indications. Most terminations for fetal anomaly occur during the second (trimester)…”

“Worldwide, just under half of all pregnancies are unintended
and half of these end in abortion. The reasons women
give for choosing abortion over adoption or parenthood are
complex. Common themes include an understanding of the
responsibilities of parenthood, financial constraints, and lack
of partner support. Teenagers, economically disadvantaged
women, and those who did not suspect they were pregnant or
who face barriers to services are more likely to undergo abortion
in the second trimester.”

Wikipedia has this to add…
“Approximately 205 million pregnancies occur each year worldwide. Over a third are unintended and about a fifth end in induced abortion.[10][20] Most abortions result from unintended pregnancies.[21][22] In the United Kingdom, 1 to 2% of abortions are done due to genetic problems in the fetus.!

That means that roughly 820,000 abortions are done after the 21st day of pregnacy each year as genetic problems cannot be detected until around 70 days into gestation. The figure could be much, much, higher in reality.

Terry Carch

Why is that the Catholic church insist on women having more children and not control the number of children they want to have when the Catholic church believes in not abstaining and saying bring forth and multiply. This doesn`t make any sence to me. This to me is like a dog or cat or even a ribbit have a littler of say 6 t0 12 etc. Where is the logic in this Cathoilic belief of the more the plenty?

Matt Knight

It’s all about control Terry – and the subjugation of women.

Our thinking and feelings and experiences are powerful and so controlling these will always be the modus operandi of any group lusting for power over others. Personally, I think this is why our scientific understanding (let alone the added info from Billy) has not informed abortion laws in the West and why the information was written out of religious texts too.

It’s harsh, I know, but, I’ve given this some thought and can only work backwards from reality. I observe alot of cruelty from both women towards men and vice versa, but, in the case of women, they are not given the information in regards to abortion and so cannot be blamed, but, will still feel the effects.

Only, religious systems and political ideas can be blamed for this shortcoming in abortion law. I look forward to a time when our laws come into line with the spiritual teaching.

Sheila Clark

I think abortion should be a decision made by the doctor and patient. We have no abortion “laws” in Canada and no political party will touch the subject. I’ve personally never had an abortion but do know women who have. Are they murderers? Of course they are and will have to live with that fact for the rest of their lives. But I never hold that against them because we are all human and all make mistakes. I don’t feel it’s up to politicians to make these choices for them. And don’t forget how religions think abortions are a sin and you’re supposed to burn in hell and all that jazz.
Also keep in mind Matt, that when the worldwide birthstop comes into effect there will be lots of abortions.

Andrew Grimshaw

There should be less need for abortions in Canada now after: Canada’s top court rules all non-penetrative sex acts involving animals are legal
www rt com/news/346036-canada-bestiality-court-ruling/
Sicko central.

Matt Knight

Hi Sheila/Michael,

The point is that we do not need the 21 days SF information to make rational laws around abortion, as scientists already figured out that the nervous system kicks-in around that time and the heart beats in the following days.

The current system of assisted, but, largely, unknown murder is currently implemented through a decision that is made between patients and doctors in the West, but, my view is, that this that could be lulling women away from their true power (in the guise of giving it to them) and also be the reason why many women I have met appear to work against life, other women and become attracted to strict forms of Islam and Christianity. It could be compensation for the psychic terror brought on irrational and, wholly unacknowledged and devastating abortion laws.

Sheila Clark

I appreciate your humour Andrew. Yes that’s some pretty sick stuff and for it to become law makes me wonder what kind of twisted minds our supreme court has. Why would a court even want to protect their bestiality buddies in the first place? The law should have been on the side of the abused animal.

Sheila Clark

Hi Matt, people just love to make laws for others, don’t they? I don’t have the same experience as you Matt. None of the women I know who have had one abortion (because one was enough to recognize their mistake) ever turned to Islam nor went hard core with Christianity. None are anti-women either and most went on to have a live birth and became loving mothers. So perhaps those attributes are actually due to having abortion laws?